Pulling a jane fonda

Come on now It's 2016! But in seriousnesswhich celebrity going to pull a jane fonda & visit Isis cause of progressiveness and battling Islamophobia? I'm hoping for Lena Dunham.

more like
pulling a cumskin

Emma Watson.

Sounds like a plot of A interracial porno.

None, at least the women back then did something and not ONLY complain

That would be a gift. But let's hope Jane Fonda does it again with Lena Dunham. Jane Fonda is a blight upon humanity before Lena Dunham was.

So does the JIDF, which explains the habits of their posters.

he's like a STALKER monster

i think even zombified STALKERs are more of a threat

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Aww, look at the triggered cumskin.

Jane Fonda survived.

Anyone who tries to Jan Fonda ISIS is not going to live to tell the tale. Least of all, a woman. Least of women, a massive dyke.


Isis is actually so feminist they practices post abortion with retards who can't fight or work.

There is nothing wrong with eugenics.

That being said, the mudshit gene pool is never gonna fix itself. They're nigger tier.

probably from all the inbreeding arabs do, cumskins on the other hand are great. They built a school for the handicapped in my village

You know what you must do.

Ninjas use guns and kill retards?

This is strangely adorable.

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Will his 76 virgins also be downies?

It's 72 virgins, and said virgins aren't really human - in the sense that they were never born on Earth and went to Heaven in the afterlife. They're called Houri.

Also, not only do you get 72 virgins of unspecified gender (albeit their pedo prophet refereed to them in the feminine) but also "boys of perpetual freshness". Islam is pretty fucking gay.


Where is that in the Quran - I need to make a inforgraphic with that

And there will go round boy-servants of theirs, to serve them, as if they were preserved pearls.
- Quran 52:24

Round about them will serve boys of perpetual freshness.
- Quran 56:17

Why do all Downies look the same?

probably because it fucks with your facial structure in consistent ways. like how fetal alcohol syndrome removes your philtrum.





So are they succubi? Succubi are effeminate male creatures.

Islam is officially /cuteboys/? Now I know why leftists love it.

This makes sense
