What are some movies that feature guns and military and that kind of thing, that get it right...

what are some movies that feature guns and military and that kind of thing, that get it right? like proper gun sounds and no unnecessary cocking of the pistol and proper military tactics and shit


If you see a nigger, pull the trigger: The Movie

John Wick

that's pretty much it, hollywood can't into guns for shit

The essence of operator.

none of these are right. the way of the gun is frequently cited by /k/ommandos as being somewhat realistic with accuracy, power and ammo counts.

top kek answer though, you get upvotes

Master and Commander though they decided change the sound of the cannons hitting from real cannon impacts to make shit more impressive.

Still great sound work all around and it isn't terrible at the era's tactics.

Waterloo fucking built the battlefield and simply couldn't be done nowadays as nobody has access to 15,000 underpaid Soviet troops for the battles.

Sharpe is reasonable though I suppose not 100% realistic. Technically a series but it plays like a bunch of movies anyway.

Most of the classic war films don't have any glaring errors.

John "recoil, what's that?" wick



They didn't even try to hide it either.


Sergio Leone's Clint Eastwood movies probably. They weren't high budget, but Sergey tried to keep the guns accurate to the era the movies were set. Except for the obvious switching between cartridge converted and percussion cap revolvers in The Good Bad and Ugly, I think they weren't much exaggregation.


Uh, Leone was famous for making his guns sound like cannons and his cannons sound like explosions. Not accurate at all. Spaghetti westerns were always hyper stylized.

I don't know, I've shot a colt dragoon once and it sounded so loud like a cannon. Maybe that's just how old guns acted.

How about this?

Does Tropa de Elite do it right? I feel they did, but could be wrong as I am not a /k/ommando by any stretch.

top pleb

Lol, cumskin so triggered.

Not really military, but Heat did firearms really well.

Now now nignog, don't make me shove this bayonet where you won't like it!

As I would expect of you fellows.

we were red coats n sheeiittt


That's a jigaboo stereotype and even you know that, come on now. Apply yourself.