Who is the most annoying Modern Family character?

Who is the most annoying Modern Family character?

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It's clearly the fucking fag you fucking fag
I've only seen ten seconds of that chick's tits and even I know this

do people actually watch this show?

i can't see al bundy being anything other than al bundy.


I once had to live around plebs
it was a dark time


But I like all of them

All of them.

For similar reasons, I could never enjoy Futurama.

At least the fags occasionally would say something funny. The dad is a complete cuck.

Had to find out why it was so bad first hand.

This faggot ignores his wife being hit on, felt up, and kissed for the duration of an episode. Top Cuck

I tried to force myself to watch this shit but about 90% of it is so bland or irritating it was an active effort. I really don't know what people see in it. Only episode that was of value was the one with the clown, but that's simply because clown phobias are incredibly hilarious to me.

I've seen more episodes than I'd like to admit (not my choice)

the Vegas one is probably my favorite

Manny is pretty annoying, but most of the characters are annoying in their own ways.

My mum tries to insist that it's up there with Frasier and Seinfeld and shit. She never seems to believe me when I say that it's absolute shit.

I don't think I have ever once laughed out loud at this show? I've seen quite a few episodes now too. Is it actually trying to be a comedy?

the godfather scene was pretty good

it's better if you see the whole episode leading up to it, and not on a shaky potatocam youtube upload

I first saw him in Dawn of the dead? Day of the dead?
The one with the nigger cop and the mall.
When ever I see him I think about his scene pounding the shit out of the ass of the whore in that movie.

I first saw him in Dawn of the dead? Day of the dead?
The one with the nigger cop and the mall.
When ever I see him I think about his scene pounding the shit out of the ass of the whore in that movie while her micro titties were somehow bouncing out of her bra.
It's weird seeing him as a cuck.
Sort of like how the first time I saw that bald dude in the farmers commercial as a gay prison nazi in Oz.

Hotwheels get your cripple dick out of the ethernet port.

was he a voice actor on futurama?

Only in your dreams, prag.

Keep denying Gunzuel. We know who raped your ass.

This, it's about maintaining dominance. Nothing says you are worthless in the prison hierarchy quite like being some alpha's fucktoy.


haha, le memes XD

Stop getting butthurt over dumb shit, it'll lower your blood pressure.

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