Why didn't they just say it tasted good in the first place then?
Why didn't they just say it tasted good in the first place then?
Because those wine fags are snooty high holy self important fart sniffers. But based wineguy was fighting the jewish wine cabals by breaking it down barney style so normal decent americans could know what was supposed to taste good.
Wine is a meme, shit-tier alcohol even worse than beer. Beer is shit now due to all the estrogen-infused hops they pile into it now but it at least has a decent taste to go with the unwanted hormonal infusion.
all alcohol is shit.
i mean it's literally shit, the shit of tiny yeast organisms
beer is literally the beverage of plebs
I only drink mead like my viking forefathers
praise oden
He got fired by the Paul Masson people because he said that he doesn't actually drink their wines.
Spirits, Whiskey, Absinthe?
Does mead taste good?
Mix a tablespoon or two of honey with a glass of water, then pour in a shot of vodka. That's pretty much exactly what mead tastes like.
so basically no
not really. i mean it's not gross, but its not very good either. if i'm going to drink something that doesnt taste very good just for alcohol, i'd rather have a shot of good whiskey or rum
But good whiskey does taste good. Bourbon is best though.
i lik beer
Eh, it's an acquired taste. When you haven't touched it in years it just tastes like booze soaked in wood and charcoal. It's got a better punch than other stuff and is tolerable though, so even though I would rather drink some homemade fruit punch or iced tea, the whiskey has an added benefit.
This meme is still alive??
Fuck off to Reddit.
This meme is still alive??
Some beer is nice. There is a fairly wide variety of beers and wines, but the cheapest brands are usually the worst in flavor since it's likely mass produced with inexpensiveness in mind.
Not everything will taste great to you, so you have to try a lot of things to see what it is that strikes you as pleasant. That's expensive though, so a lot of people never really try anything more than the cheapest of drinks and think it's supposed to taste bad cause it has alcohol in it.
Meme power 10/10, well memed my fellow le gentman
Part of me is convinced this is why people drink beer (fucking disgusting) or cider (equally bad but the added sugar helps). Seems people would sooner have a cheaper means to get fucked up, so they chug stuff they don't even like that much till they can throw it down like water.
same here. when i drank a lot, i would drink seagrams because its cheap and mixes well with sprite or 7up and even iced tea. now that i only drink occasionally i'm a bit more discerning. a good oatmeal stout or buttery chardonnay, or top shelf cocktails is way better than drinking any cheap swill
Paul Masson will praise no wine before its time.