What it is this shit??
What it is this shit??
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Looks like Power Rangers
They all look like Zed.
Is the black ranger still black and the yellow ranger still asian?
How do the actors breath in that getup?
Also those mouths are fucking horrifying. They practically look like ayy lmaos in that get up.
don't understand the issue here, the power rangers have always tried to look as edgy as possible. look at some of the earlier shit, this is actually decidedly less edgy than a lot of them.
Fuck it, even if they added spikes and chains on them that would be on par with shit they've done before. The show is a big goofy mess and this is no different.
That would be ray-cis
Yellow Ranger, you've filled out…
its like poetry
Oh please, the edgiest it ever got was when they started wearing those pirate costumes.
Also now that I think of it, that wasn't even edgy, it was cutesy and they did it as part of the pirate craze that was hitting japan because of One Piece.
the post apocalyptic one wasn't edgy?
The costumes? Hell no! In fact that series may have been dark for Power Rangersbut it was still campy.
That shit was just silly.
Looks needlessly overcomplicated. That's a big no no when it comes to design.
Transformers ushered in the age of two scrapyards hatefucking each other and everyone thought it was great cinema not to be able to tell what was going on because your optical nerves were getting overloaded.
They made the Transformers look like a bunch of knives smelted together.
way to rip off the mcu for those not iron man suits
the helmets look fine, and that's about all i can say about it. i understand it's meant to be the classic white diamond, but how about you make it actually look fucking white?
If you care about Power Rangers then your life is a barren wasteland.
Those costumes are shit
either overgrown 30+ neckbeard living in the basement or edgy teenager who wasn't around when power rangers was actually entertaining
The latest in a long line of edgy and dark reboots of nostalgic properties that are supposed to appeal to children and instead choose to appeal to their aging original target demographics by being everything that they aren't supposed to be.
Why live?
What's wrong with fansubs?
Is the yellow ranger a how chinkette?
Those are some shitty imbalanced costumes. They need the white belts, gloves, and boots to break all that color up. I'd like to now why all these super hero movies have their costumes done by people who don't know anything about design. Never mind, they're probably all designed by committees who just cobble together popular things.
They've been releasing subbed Super Sentai DVDs, but buying them still gives money to Saban and his kikery.
You know those are villains, right?
sure, the psycho rangers were fucking awesome man.
i just wanted to toss out some edgy suits
I know but villains in PR being edgy isn't anything new. It's that when the Rangers themselves being edgy is the problem.
true. i dunno, dino supercharge has a shit ton of spikes on the suits
Not enough to throw away the camp.
Blue and yellow aren't edgy.
If they were going full edgy all the Power Rangers would have black suits.
Those Power Titties look fine, but everything else is stupid.
Those fucking Tron lines are the worst, fuck Tron lines, I like them but I also hate how overused they are.
Where's the animal symbols? Why make such uncomfortable armor? The old movie did it well, plastic armor with cloth underneath.
And even so, it's fucking Power Rangers, the teenagers with attitude, not an exercise in edgy, moping and brooding.
And the black ranger is of course the aggressive ranger, notice his stance. Nice subliminal messaging Pedowood.
nothing about the Power Rangers' costumes have been edgy, they just look fucking retarded. If costumes like this existed in real life, people would just laugh.
I miss the skirts
Even better, it's a trap,
Come on now, the helmets are the worst fucking part.
Keep in mind they were only there on the toys and the movie costumes, not in the show, so that's the least of that designs problems.
Also, when a fucking fan film looks better than your movie, something is obviously very fucking wrong: imdb.com
Also, I just took a list at the cast and I'm actually baffled.
Holy shit, I'm mad. They race-swapped the characters for literally no fucking reason, without not even making any sense. If they really wanted to have a spic in there, they could just cast one as Jason. Holy shit.
I'm just surprised they didn't make Kimberley a mixed race as a slap to the face, given that she's meant to be the hot girl.
Your naivety is refreshing. She's obviously going to be paired with black Billy for the BBC enthusiasts.
This is going to be something special, and by special I mean extra chromosomes level of special.
The director behind this is South African filmmaker, Dean Israelite
Power Rangers is owned by Haim Saban. Guess what ethnogroup Haim Saban comes from?
I thought it was primarily owned by the Japs, with the english guys just making shitty english adaptations of it with pointless teen drama.
No, Super Sentai is owned by the Japs. Power Rangers is owned by Haim Saban.
Why? In an age where everything has to be dark and edgy, a campy and goofy movie about radical teenagers saving the world would be great.
Ok, I didn't care about most of it (other than Rita looking like Scorpina)
But the green ranger being a chick?
If this is from the "original" group, that's the one fact I find unacceptable.
Fuck off, >>>Holla Forums
And then there's this fag in every thread
While were at it, whatever happened to the Green Ranger?
I agree, a change for a campy, cheesy movie would've been great instead of edgy reboot #356.
Then again, it still would've sucked if they went the campy route, they'd do it a la Mode Whedon or with Reddit/Tumblr-tier humor. Like doing Deadpool Power Rangers, instead of the camp of the original series.
Fuck you're right…
So will the premise be that Rita is going to use the power of the Green Ranger to destroy the Power Rangers and Angel Grove or is she going to be the Green Ranger in this movie?
I hope its the first one.
oh no the power rangers don't look like goofy retarded shit some jap would design how terrible
oh no complexity how dare you have to think for a second in your life
Holla Forums was right again!
>>>Holla Forums
Fuck off, >>>Holla Forums
Holla Forums shill please. Even the worst of Holla Forums doesn't have such shit taste.
King Crimson!?
green ranger started off on his own before joining the team
what the fuck am I watching
Rita was a Green Ranger, then turned evil, new rangers are recruited to stop her
I meant the actor. Whatever became of that guy?
>>>Holla Forums
He showed up in some of the later seasons, but otherwise probably moved onto something better.
Much better than "whaa those goys were mean to me for being a fag" Billy and "fucking died" Trini.
He's an MMA fighter now.
Goes in the same direction as most reboot adaptations of superhero stories. Just add extra layers and suppose armor to make it seem realistic and more complex looking. A simpler design would have sufficed. Just make it out of better material than the show.
Is this the new Iron Man?
Fugg beat me to it.