New Ghost Busters Movie Remake Trailer

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webm that shit nigger

Some shitty youtuber whoring his stuff

a little dissappointed the guy who made the video didnt use the ending scene from Halloween 3






Anyone else really disappointed that the new remade version of the theme sounds damn good but literally everything else about the film looks too shit to justify it?

I admit I thought the music was pretty catchy. A shame it was wasted on such a shit reboot.

I haven't watched the video yet, butit's not that awful dj remix like theyused in the other trailer, is it? That's so fucking 90s.

Watch it again.

I know you're not supposed to judge a book by it's cover, but I ain't clicking that shit nigga



this is the only Ghostbusters Theme remix worth acknowledging.

Neil might be a massive la-la homoman but he can do a pretty good remix.



Hasn't the alien franchise already suffered enough.

This is the phase where they ruin everything you remotely liked in pop culture.