How does Holla Forums feel about hanging up movie posters in your house? Should it be limited to a bedroom...

How does Holla Forums feel about hanging up movie posters in your house? Should it be limited to a bedroom? Is it tacky to frame them and put them up in a living room?

I'd been thinking about doing it since some years back I was at my older brother's place, and noticed he had a framed poster of Walk the Line put up as a center piece in his living room, had a light set above it so it was the only thing lit in the room at night as well.

I planned to put up a wall of framed posters of some of my favorite films -precisely the ones with really good posters, though- probably in the living room, or maybe down a hallway. Rocketeer is my first choice, and then probably Robocop, Akira, Seven Samurai, Redline, The Nightmare Before Christmas, the Winter Soldier shield poster, and the original Clash of the Titans.

What do you think? Would that be tacky? Is it a gender thing? My brother thinks it sounds cool, evidently his wife made him take his down though. My ex-girlfriend thought the idea was really tacky though.



You put up paintings on the walls, not fucking pleb popcorn posters. It's like you want to announce to anyone who visits that you're retarded.


Are you 12?


Do what you want with your space. If you're stupid enough to live with or marry a woman make sure you have your own clearly defined space for your own shit.

I speak from experience, I had a very excellent collection of erotic wall scrolls my ex made me get rid of… guess which one would have lasted longer if I had kept them?


There there, user, we just want you to contain your spaghetti. Put some real art on your walls and enjoy films as they're meant to be enjoyed. Don't let your hobbies define who you are because people find that sad and depressing. Also please don't wear any merchandise with film related prints on them.

smfh tbqh fam

You telling me these aren't beautiful works of art?



Don't let contrarian assholes determine what you like.

Contrarian assholes? I'm not sure what you're getting at. Movie posters aren't works of art, they're promotional material sometimes put together by artists. They're not something you decorate your wall with unless you're a kid.

It's none of your fucking business what he wants to put on his walls, unless he's smearing literal excrement that affects your adjacent apartment by virtue of the smell.

Our personal space is our own - you are contrarian by virtue of insisting that he comply with your norms, and an asshole for thinking a breakfast at tiffany's poster that sells for about $9,000 US is art, while rocketeer is not.

Plebian redditor post of the day.


50 years from now OP will be raking in the dough from his poster collection while you are still wondering why that garbage felt painting you bought of a rose on a black background is worthless.

Seems pretty popular for home theaters. If you plan to watch a lot of movies in the room they're framed in, I think it's fine.

Yeah, thanks for making my point for me. That's completely tasteless.

Absolutely disgusting

do show us a pic of your living room then


Pretty weird, to be honest. I've always thought the fetishization of posters is a thing that really speak about the underlying repulsiveness of American hyperconsumerism. You're literally glorifying an advertisement, you realize that right? It's like that part in Demolition Man where they start singing along to century-old commercial jingles.


Demolition Man was a very prophetic film in many ways.

This is SOOOOO much better for decorating your apartment my friend… reject consumerism, reject individuality, only when you are as boring and lame as every other suicidal fetishist can you truly be accepted!

Your posts reek of kike, user.
I guess it might just be that you're American and thus without culture so unless you cover your walls with advertisements you have nothing.

it must be the shittiest job in the world to constantly find an angle to throw jews or niggers into a conversation where they dont belong.

Rocketeer has a nice poster indeed, but it's incredibly tacky to hang movie posters in walls just because. I suppose if you're a cinephile you could do and place them in your home theatre room. It still talks about your culture, though, like said, but I suppose if you're a white man you could do it. After all, white cis male men have no culture, so you can't do stuff like paintings that glorify your culture and traditions.

Are you retarded?

Remove the capeshit ones

Do it OP. If it resonates with you it's art. I feel art is an expression of something beautiful . But why stop there. Take that Rocketeer poster for instance. It was inspired by the cubists and futurists. Display what you like but remember there's a lot more art and illustration out there for you to discover.

except dont. it's your taste.

i am not kidding when i say dont let anyone else define your own personal space

do what you want with your own walls. fuck the haters, they are too busy sitting on a cucking stool to see the error of their ways

Nice post again, Fredo

you're smart

i'll begrudgingly agree with that but is it any less tacky to have your den decorated as if it were a bar? i have a pool table dart board neon signs and shit like that in my personal space to reflect who i am and where i want to be,

it's no different. it's my space and i'll do what i want to with it



Who the FUCK are you people, browsing a site where the board for Holla Forums and Holla Forums are nearly the same stats, and only Holla Forums and Holla Forums and designated shitting boards do better -

who the FUCK are you people to come along and shit on a guy for having a taste that differs from yours?

You're not fucking artists or art critics but you seem to think you have every right to criticise his choice of what he wants to put up in HIS OWN FUCKING HOUSE

bullshit, even if you are a female… women are way more accepting of a quirky interesting guy who has any kind of interest, might even be a goddamned disgusting slob who leaves a halloween pumpkin to rot under a cardboard box,

women love anything that they can change

guaranteed the movie poster fag will get more pussy than you, in the short term, until he bends to the demands of the retarded woman who insists he normalize

they're fine but they better be damn nice looking posters

not crap like the last pic

Put them in a nice frame and don't go overboard. 2 or 3 is fine in a personal theater is fine

the last pic is pretty bad, too much junk. that's a hoarder episode.

you dont cram that shit on the wall, no matter what your art fetish. you need some negative space

no doubt. I'm not a dyke

This is the kind of "Everything is worth discussing, stop shitting on me for having shit taste" normalfag shit that has done irreparable damage to imageboards. Elitism is what keeps a community strong and full of worthy discussion. Fuck off to Reddit if you think otherwise.


i always wonder what you people are talking about when you say shit like "go to reddit"

i have never browsed reddit past a few secods at a time, it doesnt even host images,

its a fucking linkfest of garbage where nobody can actually talk without actively advertising another site

how you became familiar with that format is not my concern - why you think i would ever use that format, is just dumb. i am actually presenting arguments in favor of pop culture as art and instead of confronting my truth you are dismissing me with a site i would never use

user, please tell me you aren't serious.

Would you fuck off and let OP speak for himself you faggot? He's asking our opinion and feedback on posters, and we're giving him answers. He's the one asking about his "personal space", not you. If he didn't want our feedback he wouldn't make the thread.

If he likes the capeshit posters, let him say so. You're not his fucking mother.

Because your opinions certainly fit the hivemind of those dwelling on reddit.

And this is beauty of places like this, there are no rules to how to engage in a discussion. After all it is not about convincing other people, it's about your arguments have the same weight than other arguments and people are free to side with you, or in this case encourage you to go back where your assertions will be more valued.

you have every right to judge someone on being invited to their personal space, to criticise their choice of decoration

you have no right to criticise if you're not invited.

outside of the bedroom = sperg

just like said

You could put a movie poster on your wall but why do it when you could put actual art that would be far more interesting and add a lot more to the room?

so, nobody remembers the starving artist commercials of the late 90's

you are literally putting shit up on your walls, simultaneously telling OP that his choices are incorrect

I can criticize whatever I want to criticize, you from tumblr or something? I suppose I can't tell a fattie to shape up either according to you.

I don't live in burgerland.

what qualifies as actual art though? you could literally filter your social life by who like your retarded nephew's fingerpainting over a movie that you enjoyed so much that you bought a promo poster

pic related is among the top results for "flipping a house" "art staging"

That you don't get it is blindingly obvious. Reddit is full of faggots who try to present everything as being equally worthy and get super assravaged when they are rightly told that this is not so. Your screeching about us not having the "right" to call his taste shit is prototypical Reddit. I only encourage to go among those who you will fit in with.

you certainly can. and i can certainly disagree

So when OP asks us what we think of movie posters and hanging them up, it's wrong?

i never said anything was equally worthy. i said you do what you want with your space

Art has a point and a form. A vast majority of movie posters lack this and are just stuff.

piling on like this is not a big fucking market - is absolutely wrong

there are positives and negatives

for one movie posters all over your living room make you seem like - obsessed

for two collecting them and displaying the best only is not distasteful at all

if you are not a cunt who pollutes your basement with star wars toys of every possible origin, you might end up choosing the ones that are actually worth the effort of collection

its no different from collecting postage stamps 200 years ago

i would argue that fanhood also has a point and a form

I'm not going to say you can't. Ultimately I can't decide what a person puts up on their wall. I just expect people to put up something with a value on to its own not needing to be related to something outside of it.

Then again obviously this would devalue some works of art that depict great moments or people.

I any case art should hold its own power.

Agreed. If we're going to disagree over value then let's talk about that, rather than the wholesale idea that movie posters are too tacky.

The problem with movie posters I have to suggest then is that they are not an expression. A movie poster is an advertisement that a fan could understand as the embodiment of the film. Watching a films is an experience that cannot be understood through the poster. So to a person that has not seen or did not like the original film the poster holds little or no value.

A good painting or photo holds its own value and does not require any externals to be worth while.


most people cannot afford normal art for the simple reason that even the most destitute of artists need to sell at a certain price point, to recoup the cost of hanging, materials and most of all, time.

i have no respect for those shows where the guy or girl is like "just buy a few cans of spray paint, drop some sticks over a canvas and call it ART!

to me, movie promos are far better as a vehicle for telling new visitors who you actually are

I'd say it depends on the movie. Old hand-drawn posters, like Casablanca or as more recent as Struzan, definitely tell a story within themselves, not requiring an external source, that just gives it a narrative to follow.

Of course, it has to be a hand-drawn poster, photoshop shit doesn't work.

Oh, I meant to write "heads everywhere" Struzan.

What is and isn't art isn't subjective, look at this piece. I've considered picking it up off of eBay for a long time. It's like 30 bucks. "I rarely like abstract art, but the colors here are really nice" I thought.

But then I inspected the auction one day when I was considering picking it up, and I realized it wasn't a single piece, it was one of hundreds, and I thought that leaves two options. Either they're all copies of the same piece or someone just throws random paints at canvases hundreds of times. If it's the latter, who's to say I'll like the random design I get? If it's the former, is it being copied by machine, or am I just getting a print? Either way the whole idea of manufactured art really soured me on the idea of picking it up.

Now look at these other pictures. First girl who moved in with me, she and my mother rarely agreed on anything, but they both had the same horrible idea for the kitchen "What of we gave it a theme of cute, fat Italians chefs?" I thought they were the tackiest thing ever, and yet I just rolled my eyes and let them jointly fill my kitchen with this shit. My girlfriend would pick them up when we went out shopping, and when my mother would stop by to visit she'd always bring one as a gift. Fat italian chef paintings, salt shakers, chalk board, cookie jar, knife and towel holders. How is that classy, but some posters or action figures or whatever tacky?

It would be irresponsible to say that a movie poster could not be a legitimate piece of art. I feel it safe to say however that a vast majority are not and have no intention of being art.

I have a general rule of art that you have to be lead as you look at it. That you don't just scan but follow a certain path whether you know it or not. If a movie poster could lead me than I'd call it art.

That first piece is pretty bad abstract art. It has okay balance yet with all its energy it has no movement or real structure. It borders on a mess.

I feel the same, especially when it comes down to what I put on my walls. Maybe it makes me too egotistical but I would rather not pretend to be anyone else in front of new people

You didn't answer my question fucktard.

fine. you want me to answer?

yes it's wrong.

i'm coming at this from the perspective of someone who has already trashed all my favorite shit to live with a bitch for about 7 years while she did nothing but complain about me

yes, it's wrong to ascribe your own taste to someone else. if you disagree with his choice you should be supporting him with better suggestions rather than undercutting him with "faggot"

but why?

Yeah, it actually is less tacky than a bar. Still, if it floats your boat…

I'd go for a more conservative approach to interior decoration, though. But if I were a guest, I'd judge your decoration harsherly (is that right?). But if you manage to pull it off, kudos to you.

It's not classy, it's tacky too.

nobody expects any different

you can judge all you want

nobody expects any different

you can judge all you want, you're still my guest for the rose bowl, and you will still go home wishing your wife would let you have such an amazing man cave

unnecessary display of materialism
if I see one of those in someones room it demonstrates to me how shallow of a person they are
the only meaningful thing you can hang on your walls are pictures that you or a close friend have taken themselves tbh

that's fair criticism - that's what im asking about

so you have no other fun hobbies whatsoever?

Well, I can still play with my wife's husband toys, so I'm still one step ahead of you.

It's something you're going to hang on your wall and look at every day of your life until you take it down. My sister buys anime wall scrolls, they're like 40 to 80 bucks plus shipping, it's a waste of money that could be spent doing things meaningful or beneficial to your life. If you want to surround yourself with pictures of movies for some reason, I can't say I understand it. If you want to show others how much of a fan you are of some movie, maybe watch more than once, learn about it discuss it with them. There's no reason to show yourself how much of a fan you are by wasting money on a poster unless you're just that low.

they're only verboten because you have given up your own control over you own life

What purpose does a poster in your bedroom serve?

for whatever reason your sister is still "allowed" to buy wall scrolls but you are not

does it matter? if the subject were something different would you change your mind?

A poster already has a purpose, it's literally an advertisement. You are hanging an advertisement in your bedroom to remind yourself "gee I liked that show so much I spent money on a picture to hang in my room" or to advertise to your close friends that you liked the show, but there are better ways to do that without spending money on it. A picture of a place you've been to that's meaningful to you is a lot more special and sentimental than a product that people you've never met have made and sold to you.

some media you just like.

who are you to judge whether i should or shouldn't have a DKR poster in my own personal space?

i can tell you get invited to lot of parties

You're hanging an advertisement like I said it's a display of materialism. Unless the batman has some emotional value to you like being a motivator or something than it has meaning. I guess if you don't understand my point you haven't taken enough redpills.

You're a fucking low class pleb if you are hanging movie posters in your house instead of actual art or meaningful things.
Also you're a goddamn normie tbh

yeah most people dont give a shit

but you do


guess what bro? you dont step up to the plate you dont hit a single

Hanging posters on your wall reveals what kind of person you are. It's actually helpful to me I guess. If you don't think people are constantly judging you you're wrong. I wouldn't waste my time talking to a retard that hangs advertisements in his own personal space tbh, what a waste of time.

You probably have shit taste in movies anyway tbh

is that so?

Well, this is a thread where OP was asking, begging for judgement. It's pointless to whine that "boo hoo hoo, you're nobody to judge me!"
Of course I am not in any position of higher morality, I'm just a piece of meat like you, but I will still judge you, and really really poorly, as it's 2016 as fuck to hang them.

is it totally beyond your comprehension that a guy at work just wants to include you? just because you're part of his team?

Why would you decorate your house for other people to like? You are going to be spending the majority of your time there, so why not make it enjoyable for yourself?

stop making sense

It's that kind of marxist thinking that would lead a person to put advertisements for a product in his personal space.

you dont. but that goes the other way too

who the fuck are you to tell someone what they cant enjoy?

I agree with you, I don't know where I implied that in my post.

Watching movies is enjoyable. Spending money on a picture to hang on your wall to remind yourself how much you enjoyed that thing is pointless to me and anyone with a brain. Also you have two parts of a house, the personal part and the guest part. If you have a special movie room and lots of people to invite over, then the posters might be a conversation starter. Hanging your own personal space with advertisements is sad and shallow, and I've already explained why.

you dont get to pick what your buddy does with his personal space

I don't pick buddies who put movie posters in their bedrooms.

i can picture it right now, a man who is already on the edge invites a bunch of work buddies over and they will just NOT SHUT UP about his choice of house decoration

you're role at that point, is to just nod your head and say thanks for the hors d'oeuvres

Thing is, the guy was saying "Who are you to judge me?". My answer is: "Does that matter?"
If there is some God, some soul, or not, or if we reduce to thinking about ourselves as "just meat", there isn't any reason to whine about you not having the higher "moral" (moral in the sense that my opinion is worth more than his) ground. My belief is that I'm the same as him, but that's just anecdotical. Thing is, we're anons for that very reason: so our "moral" standing is inconsequential, so it's fucking pointless to ask you who you are to judge. I could be anyone to judge, it's not the fucking point.

There's also the implication that reducing oneself to materialism, or something close to it, means that one shouldn't be a huge faggot, and I disagree, as one should really strive to be the best he can be, including correctitude in social behaviour. Of course, I'm not one to impose it on them, as much as I'm not one to force OP to decorate his house as I would, but society would work quite better if people stopped themselves for a moment and thought about their lot in life.

Also, it's rather scathing to tell me I'm a marxist, I take that as an insult.

I think that there's more to liking movies than just enjoyment. Movies are art, and just like other forms of art, it triggers some kind of intellectual and emotional response. However, movies often take upwards of two hours to take in entirely. Posters can serve as a kind of shorthand to elicit the memories of the experience of watching a particularly meaningful movies, much like a photo of an event from a person's past would do.

That is, of course, predicated on the idea that people choose particularly insightful films to use posters from. It's also perfectly fine to criticize someone's attachment to a relatively shallow movie, like say, Winter Soldier.

I have no problem whatsoever with intellectual or emotional.

this entire fucking website is absolutely polluted with conservative propaganda before the conversation even started. There is no intellectual or emotional when it all depends on the five remaining regular users who have learned to ignore eachother.

Yeah so I guess if some movie had an emotional impact on you then you can maybe justify spending money on a picture to hang in your bedroom, like if batman was a motivation to keep fit, then hanging a poster of him in your exercise room might be okay, if you aren't motivated by actual body builders. I doubt most people have actually been emotionally effected by movies, and if they are then hanging posters on your wall reveals to me what kind of person you are, that a movie changed your way of thinking. If there are a lot of posters then it really reveals to me what kind of person they are. If their room is full of posters and wall scrolls and plastic figures and body pillows, I get the picture. Keep being materialistic fucking goys.

no you're getting it wrong again

you decide what you want in your fucking living room


full stop


conservatives are actually this retarded

I'm just telling you that there are people out there, like me, who have souls beyond movies and we are going to judge you like I am right now, for spending money, that could have been spent on better food or better living or a vacation, on an advertisement for a product to hang in your bedroom. It's going to happen, I'm warning you, maybe you'll understand later in life why these things matter.

That was just another way of saying "had an emotional or intellectual impact"

I believe that there are differences between hanging up movie posters and surrounding oneself with random medium-related paraphernalia. One shows attachment to a specific product of the medium, while the other is an attachment to the medium itself or the culture surrounding it.

dude what are you doing? i was playing a role you were supposed to berate me for it

Here we come to the true source of your anger. You are upset that this isn't one of your soft highly liberal places where no one would dare take someone to task for being a mindless drone who would pay for the privilege of advertising superhero movies in his own living room.

The same argument could be made for 'regular' art.
Beside all of those things are just for the enjoyment of the one purchasing them, one could function as a substitute for another.

Food isn't something you buy for solely the enjoyment of it. Last I checked, you die if you don't have it. Your point is valid though.

well, there's not been a decent chicken joint that delivers but you just wait

In my opinion, which is fact, movie posters are not art at all. The movie is art, the poster is an advertisement, which can serve a purpose of being a conversation starter I GUESS, but it's still a waste of money. The best and most meaningful thing you can put on your walls to decorate them are things that actually matter to you that aren't products that have been sold to you, like pictures that you or a friend have made.
All of those things are not just for enjoyment. One can pirate and watch as many movies as you want in this day and age, however one cannot experience vacations at whim, and I believe traveling, or at least going out and experiencing new serves a necessary purpose in a persons life. Purchasing better food or tools for living is also not just for enjoyment, and there are many other things besides those three that have a higher priority than a movie poster.

i dont understand nor do i respect this new idea that you cannot declare your allegiance

Allegiance to a product that was most likely made by a jew in exchange for your cash. Cash is actually your time, blood, sweat and energy in a physically manifestation that you've earned than can be spent on literally anything and you people want to spend in on pictures. The average american goy makes less than 2 million dollars in his entire lifetime, you have limited resources, your life is limited, there are more things to do before death than buy a product.

i cannot laugh harder nor can i make what you say, more retarded

Maybe you can skip that part and realize that the rest of my post has merit outside of the spelling errors.


It seems like you're saying that anything that you can pay money for isn't art. I would disagree if that is your position.
I agree. Art or decoration certainly isn't my or many individuals top priority, but there isn't necessarily a forced choice between your options. Someone could not have the time or money to go on vacation, but the means to acquire the poster to a film that they felt was particularly meaningful to them. At the same time a person could do both of these things, they don't always conflict.

Isn't currency used to purchase products? There may be more important things to do that purchase things, but wouldn't that imply that those things don't cost money?

No you're going to have to spend your life blood on money to buy things like food anyway so spending your life blood on money to buy movie posters is a waste of cash aka life blood.

You could use the same argument for vacations.

i'm in full agreement with you

Vacations are necessary for the life blood to continue (not end itself through stress and depression imo) and have a much better life blood to cost-benefit ratio than a movie poster or a shit ton of movie posters even.

what's the best way to get full sized posters without paying full price for them?

i'm thinking of having them printed at kinkos. i don't know how much it'd cost to print them there yet, but i'm sure whatever it is will be cheaper than ordering them off of ebay or some official site.

Shut up Phil.


reprints are actually stupidly cheap and easy to acquire. you will never get a good deal on a reprint because other people are stupid.

Nah, looks stupid. I'll remember which are my favorite movies, I'll maybe keep a magazine somewhere, or just some images on my hard drive or phone. Most of you have computers, so why not have some wallpaper slideshow of your favorite movies or a scene you really liked, or something artsy to remember it? You can do the same in a phone, you'll see it often and it's easier on your wallet.
And I know a thing or two about tackiness, I love anime, but I'm not really one to hang up anime posters or scrolls all over my room. I only have a calendar and that's it.
It's just that having your walls plastered with movie posters remind me of old people who do the same with religious imagery, pet and family pictures and leaving almost no free space, it just looks cluttered and somewhat of an eyesore. Better to have some family photo albums to keep all those memories, and at the same time not filling your walls with all that clutter.

nobody said you have to.

they are not acceptable room decorations, will scare off pussy

That's not gonna be a problem, mate.

It's not consumerism, because movies aren't consumer products. You can't pirate consumer products. Movie posters are more like album art. Some music albums are definitely worthy of getting put on the wall for their album art.

This was the only film poster I've had in my room, way back when FotR came out.

What are some movie posters that are acceptable decoration and stand on their own merit, as well as representing a patrician movie?


yes because art is beauty for the sake of beauty, not beauty for the sake of selling tickets.

You stick a poster up of "Birth of Nation" for "nostalgia" and your alright with me.

anyone who hangs up a movie poster on their wall should be chemically sterilized

all of that ugly fucking shiet on the bottom ruins any artistic merit the picture of the poster has by turning it into an corporate advertisement rather than just an advertisement for the movie

I used to have a Star Wars poster in my room… Now its just a painful reminder of my life.