Anyone Else See This Masterpiece This Week?
why specifically this week?
Why is every word capitalized?
maybe its jaideienen>?
But how can his shitpost be real if our eyes aren't real?
Alien/Aliens are plebtier. Aliens 3 was the masterpiece in the franchise let's not mentioned Resurrection.
Joss Whedon is a genius, Alien resurrection was a masterpiece he was just persecuted by the studios
The AVP games are really good and fun
The assembly cut of Alien 3 is honestly the best of the series.
The first film was a monster flick executed almost perfectly with high production values and many talented people involved, it wasn't very ambitious but for what it was it was amazing, much like Star Wars was a pulpy sci-fi serial made by competent people with a budget.
Aliens was a terrible sequel and a pure action film but it had memes, feminism and parody of militarism so the plebs loved it.
Alien 3 attempted to tackle more intelligent and interesting themes and the version not fucked up by the producers is a genuinely very good film.
Alien Resurrection was a mess, didn't fit into the series and even on its own it was all over the place. Lesbian androids, cloning, cringe dialogue… it was like one of those crappy French comics where the artist decided that having a writer wasn't necessary so they just make up some incoherent plot to justify drawing what they think looks cool.
Alien 3 literally fucked up everything
Joss Whedon is a hack and a cuck
What did Alien 3 fuck up? The happy ending in Aliens?
if you were looking for a horror movie like the first one,yes.
otherwise its an enjoyable and watchable action movie which is actually hard to pull off, even back then.
but the fact you think Alien 3 is anything other than completely unwatchable is already extremely telling that you're a complete and utter retard
you're trying way too hard, guyse
Hard to pull off back then? Nah. Maybe if you're the kind of sjw or cuck who complains about the lack of women or niggers in older movies.
Aliens is a well-made film, but a shoddy sequel. One xenomorph is better than ten.
A solid watchable action movie is EXTREMELY difficult to pull off. They're extremely finicky and need to be balanced well, otherwise they become too corny, too serious, too violent, etc. Even putting the greatest action star in the world in a movie doesn't guarantee its success.
And one xenomorph is better than ten in the context of a horror movie, but not an action movie where things need to fight and die. You're still unable to grasp the fundamental difference between the kinds of movies that Alien and Aliens are, bolstering the idea held by many in this thread that you are profoundly retarded
No, I get the differences between Alien and Aliens, but turning a great horror film into a sci-fi action romp was the wrong thing to do.
Also, it's a fucking action movie. You don't watch them for plot or character, you watch them for action.
That's like trying to follow the fucking WWE storyline.
shit taste confirmed
The preacher nig-nog who went down fighting the xenomorph hand to hand while talking mad shit was the only good part of Aliens 3.
Charles Dance was good in it, Ripley had an actual character arc, the alien was more than just a weird bug and represented the devil, the convicts were much better than the generic stooges of aliens… There were many good things in Alien 3.
Someone stop this talentless nigger.
Alien 3 is a metaphor for HIV/AIDS
Ripley gets pozzed right after Aliens and go on to pozz an entire penal colony before jumping into molten metal because Americans want to capture it and spread it to Africa?
I haven't seen a single film by Niggerkamp that I liked. I have much higher hopes for the new Alien film by Ridley.
it's cancer if you ask me
and no, not metaphorically
hey, the sixth sense was one of the best movies ever! he's a great filmmaker
who is neil blomkamp
his name sounds familiar but i don't reacall where i heard it
He was doing production work for a new Alien film a while ago that had some good concept art.
a3 is the worst of the entire series though, dont know why you got such a shittaste?
District 9, Elysium, Chappie
You mean Resident Evil -tier Aliens-fanfic?
oh shit
now i remember why i didn't like him to the point of erasing him from my memories
How about you explain why?
Was Elysium good? I remember thinking I wanted to see it from the trailer, but never got around to it - and Chappie and District 9 were pretty awesome.
It was commie agenda pushing anti-white movie #549353490589 so no, it was shit.
It was okay for singular scenes. Not very captivating overall. I was actually disappointed at the script during the movie. So much lost potential. To me it felt a bit uneasy, like a cynic pretending to be naive sarcastically. I can understand where
is coming from, especially with the ending where they just conquer the citadel of the rich and pretend everything is fine now, but he's going full-retard about it. It wasn't any more anti-white than Fury Road was anti-male.
Not sure what to make of that.
you see what you want to see
it's a cautionary tale
ok that's the one with the floating sky islands owned by the super rich
yeah now i remember why i didnt actually pay money to see it in the theater, matt damon starring in that role was too much discord for my brain to handle after shelling out $20
(i always buy the ticket plus equal concessions, to support the theater - dont judge me)
These two gentlemen are spinning in their graves
yes and even if you ignore the hamfisted lefty nonsense it's still just a really bad movie with an incredibly bad screenplay and subpar acting
I honestly could not figure out wtf Prometheus was about. As a standalone movie it was pretty good. But as far as how it tied into the franchise, it left me scratching my head.
Also, it was about four years ago so wtf has been happening since then
although, in all seriousness, the only thing that made prometheus good as a standalone movie was michael fassbender
pick one
there was a robot pointing out how retarded everyone was. to me, that saved the movie from forgettable garbage to worth watching once.
yes, but then it was never actually explained why the robot guy did anything in the movie so even his actions ended up being completely nonsensical.
thats seriously a huge flaw in prometheus, it assumes there will be a sequel
Aliens killed the fear of this unknown monster. Instead it became a shitty video-game-boss you just pump lead into until it dies.
Alien is a good movie. Aliens is like Terminator 2 but in space.
district 9 is his best.
imo elysium is his worst.
chappie is decent, could be better.
Is this the Holla Forums equvivalent of the feminists Bechdel test?
They did the right thing when they changed the genre for the sequel from horror to action.
it's important to remember that neither Alien3 or Aliens are very good films
but not as important as remembering that that was a troll post
Aliens vs Predator is underrated. It's got more horror than Aliens and I think its reputation is tarnished because of the sequel, which truthfully wasn't that bad either except that a dark filter was put over everything so you can never tell whats going on.
which makes it kinda shit as a standalone movie
i didnt feel like i got robbed when i exited to the right. maybe my standards need adjustment
not really, if you watch a movie in the theater, the sensory overload is more likely to distract your brain from the shitty screenplay. this is pretty much what made Bravo Nolan's career possible.
the sensory overload is kind of what i pay for though
i could easily download it the day after it comes out, if i were even remotely interested.
i support local theaters especially second run theaters by actually going there and buying snacks
Chappie is by far his worst movie because the narrative is a mess.
That being said, Blomkamp needs to stop directing and just be an effects supervisor or something. As shit as his movies are thematically, his visuals are spot on, and he makes beautiful movies, they're just generally fucking terrible
District 9 had a solid narrative. I agree his subsequent works have not lived up.
it wasnt the best movie ever but chappie wasnt that bad
the fuck is covenant?
Ridley's upcoming Prometheus sequel
Alright Holla Forums, time to settle this. Who's the superior qt? Lambert or Ferro?
I'd be Ferro's co-pilot any day of the week.
Also, didn't they make Lambert a mtf transexual in Aliens?
how the fuck does this guy rank it if it hasn't come out yet?
He's probably a Ridley fanboy, a tard, or both.
Excuse me?
If you read through Lambert's file during inquest scene, I think it says that Lambert was born male.
he acknowledges that the first in a trilogy is garbage and expects much better
Judging from how the suits fucked over prometheus im actually surprised it came out mediocre.
Found a screencap of the file.
That's from the wiki. I'm going to have to check it out for myself though. If this is true… I don't even know anymore. Or care. The actress is still qt.
Huh, neat.
the actor was initially supposed to be male, then at the last second they casted a woman for the role, that's why she has a male name
i guess in aliens they saw she had a male name and tried to fix that
AVP was actually scary for me since I'm mildly claustrophobic. I think the movie catches too much flak because the second one was shit.
Isn’t there a deleted scene with some sexual tension between Lambert or Ripley, or am I remembering wrong here?
Have we really come so far that now it's cool to hate on Aliens? When will the rampant contrarianism end?
Is Predator 2 any good?
it was quite literally 2 generations ago
stop letting it happen
It was OK. It didn’t have the gritty fight for survival against an unstoppable enemy in the middle of nowhere that the first one had, and I think that is the main reason people don’t like it. It tried something new and it didn’t go over well with audiences.
I’d take it over Predators.
It was pretty decent. The urban setting worked far better than I thought it would.
never understood the hate on P2
i think it's at least watchable
I want an AvP movie that isn't shit and has Colonial Marines. Is that too much to ask?
0/10 b8 Holla Forums
Best cinematography
Best atmosphere
No gimicky sci-fi shit that looks ancient even a decade later
Best version of the xenomorph, the dog kind
Ripley's stupid character going full retard and dying with bald headed with chest-burster in molten metal.
The plot? Boring, sure, but serviceable. The lack of action? A detriment, sure, but more fitting the tone. Shitty weapons and retarded plans for dealing with the xenos? A problem, okay, but again serviceable to the tension.
Aliens 3 is basically the first movie, with the gloss and cleanness stripped away revealing the truth underneath. Even Ripley's facade that reached its peak in Aliens is stripped away to reveal the shaved headed bitch underneath.
Aliens 3 is the best in the franchise for all those reasons. Aliens is popcorn fun, and I enjoy it every now and then still. Alien is a good science fiction horror movie, and I enjoyed it a few times. Aliens 3 is a masterpiece. I can't really be bothered to rewatch it much, but I only ever needed to see it once.
Sure Aliens 3 ruins the ending to the second movie, but that in itself is perfect. There never needed to be a new Alien movie to begin with. It should have been done, or at least her storyline in the franchise needed to be done. Yet money was sought, but what was delivered instead was a more artistically relevant and less consumable to the general public. I believe this work of art called Alien 3 was designed to kill the franchise off. First by not satisfying public demand and second by literally killing Ripley in such a way that she couldn't be brought back. Resurrection basically cheated that though, which is unfortunate.
Alien 3 is a good movie for what it is. You just have to appreciate it instead of just wanting more space marines.
What I mean by trying to kill it off is that it was the best way to give the movie meaning. Another loose end for the continuing adventures of Ripley was never going to produce anything but tired weak knock-offs of the blockbuster Aliens.
This is why Alien 3 went in the direction it did. Artistic integrity by those working on it at the expense of the studio's profits.
If only more movies would do this, valuing artistic integrity over shitting out sequel after sequel.
i thought it was a good movie, it coulda been better, yeah, but it was good.
It was a shitty Gunnm ripoff with Matt Damon instead of my cyborg-fu.
Alien makes me wish I could be a space trucker.
It's okay. It's not terrible like the first one but it's almost a different movie.
It was a pointless rehash of the first, only with worse characters, story and effects.
It tries to recapture the horror atmosphere of the first one, but fails miserably. Dan O’Bannon is on record stating that Cameron did the right thing when he changed the genre from horror to action in the sequel; doing another horror story with a single alien is a cheap, unoriginal tactic by the studio to cash in on the franchise.
To me Alien 3 and the later additions to the franchise killed the impact of the first trying to make the xenomorph scary again. It is the Alien equivalent of the The Force Awakens.
Lambert is a 10/10 qt.
Yeah no. I wouldn't even describe Resurrection that way. Prometheus is very similar to TFA in many ways though, both were incoherent soft remakes that completely failed to recapture what was good about the originals.
Alien 3 did try to make the alien more intimidating but it wasn't a remake, it had a very different tone and made the alien intimidating not by the same means as the first film but by making it into something else. Alien 3 was more about the convicts' and Ripley's inner struggle than the beast itself, which in my opinion made the film superior to the first in many ways.
Prometheus was originally a straight up Alien prequel, taking place on the same planet that they find the derelict on in Alien and the ending would have directly lead into to that film. For some reason that script was scrapped and handed to Lindelof to be rewritten into something even worse at some point because being derivative and unoriginal was not enough, it had to be a senseless mess too.
Sleep dealer was a better elysium.
I liked prometheus, check out the fan edit if you haven't yet and the engineer translation. I'm looking forward to covenant
lindelof should have his hand chopped off and a restriction to stay at least 2 km away from any keyboard
come on man, if you know anything about the business you know you cant blame damon
it's ALL scott;s fault
As far as i understand prometheus lore only regards alien and none of the sequels
prometheus was fucking unintelligible man
the very movie, as awesome as the visuals were, assumes there will be a second
it the height of hubris
i don't know what you didn't understand? The deacon being born is the only hard part to grasp because of all crap pulled in the sequels. Covenant is meant to bridge the divide between prometheus and alien. the crashed engineer on the planet in alien is not the same as the ship that crashed in prometheus as the engineer was still in the jockey seat in the alien where in prometheus the engineer died giving birth to the deacon after the crash. The sequels have rightfully been ignored in making prometheus.
not only that, but it's an unacceptably shit excuse for a badly written, nonsensical movie to claim that "it will be explained in the next onel". someone should've told Lindelof that he wasn't writing a TV show. also why would anyone be interested in part two of the absolute shitshow Prometheus was?
do you not understand that with Prometheus, there are no sequels? It's the fucking origin story. The only thing that saved it from eternal limbo was the android character
What lore? The movie was just bad fanfiction about the space jockey. Alien: Engineers was a movie that took great pleasure in ruining the mystery of Alien. You know that cool giant corpse that the sequels never ruined? They were the creator of all life on earth and the aliens were their biological weapon and they're all really just bald versions of Ryan Gosling with a bad case of roidrage.
No one asked for this. Let us hope Ridley dies before he can desecrate the memory of Alien even further.
covenant better be as good as you claim because the audience will not stomach another "fuck you" in the franchise
It's interesting that the movie ruined alien for you as the very moral issue the movie tried to explore is "the triviality of having a benign creator". Also didn't the avp series kind of demystify the aliens as a reproducable bio-weapon, hell even alien hinted at the fact the space jockeys were using the aliens as weapons kept inert under the blue mist in the cargo hold when they first encounter the eggs.
just no
Prometheus TRIED and FAILED to do that. No matter what the aging Ridley Scott says, the franchise experienced a huge punch in the balls with that movie. It didn't ruin anything for me but it certainly made me think twice about seeing a film in a theater.
I bet you thought he was mysterious and enigmatic instead of a giant cop-out
the fact that he was a giant copout is what saved it in my eyes, noomi rapace was useless as was every other character after they landed
nothing saved prometheus, it's just a shit movie
It didn't ruin Alien for me but if you watch it before Alien it will be ruined for you. It's much like the Star Wars prequels, they're completely unesessary and showed things that were better left to the imagination. I wonder if Covenant will feature Ripley as a baby and explain why she was so good at kicking alien butt because that would fit right in there.
AvP was a shitty spin-off so that doesn't count.
He was more or less the same android from alien and the had the same intentions as weyland in alien 3, i liked prometheus because i enjoy the weyland story and honestly enjoy the human origin aspect of it.
Ripley and noomi rapace won't be in Covenant but i think david (fassbender) is coming back.
Avp was cool as fuck, thoroughly enjoyed both installments
but how? he was literally "it's an android, ain't gotta explain shit". I mean Fassbender made him look pretty cool but all his convoluted shit that only served to drive the plot toward the inevitable alien reveal was atrocious.
good thing this was never established within the Prometheus movie, the supposed origin story.
you know, i enjoyed jason x too but that doesnt make it a good movie nor worthy of the praise heaped upon any idiots wet dream in lieue of plot
grasping at straws really
Jason X is probably the most fun of the whole series, followed by VII.
One of the most consistent aspects across the entire series is the android being made by weyland but after the events of alien it is recalled and replaced with the can do no wrong android that we got in aliens and alien ressurection. I am not saying they are literally the same android, simply that weylands initial androids the ones seen in prometheus and alien had a purpose to preserve alien species for the company.
haven't seen it, I'll check it out
what i think convenant will do is say the planet in prometheus was a base for harvesting/producing the necessary ingredients to stock the engineer's ships with the bio-weapons we see on board the ship in alien. The movie will follow the story of how an engineer ship was loaded up with facehugger eggs and how it crashed on the planet we see in alien. A part if not most of the movie will take place on the engineer ship heading for earth and the human characters will eventually sabotage it leaving it for ripley to discover in alien. But atleast we get another movie.
preserve what species? the alien was created during their visit on the planet in a chain of events so incredible that there's simply no way anyone could've planned for it, save for the hacks who wrote the screenplay.
giant fucking copout, but you're right
at least we get another movie
Do I need to remind you all again?
good point david had no way of knowing that the goo he spiked noomi's partner with to make her preggers with the alien.
Unless you missed the part where he learnt the alien language on the way to the planet and the part in the cave where he won't share what the writing on the wall says which could say put demon semon in drink and have guy fuck girl.
I bet the writing also said the engineer would be an antagonistic dick for no reason other than to end up on the human space ship so the face hugger could fug him to create the alien.
if anything, it shows that the writers started out with "we need the alien, how do we get to it" and then wrote the entire movie backwards which resulted in this convoluted mess.
the translation of the conversation between weyland and the engineer is something like weyland says 'you created us and i created this perfect android we are both gods' engineer is like nah your a cunt and your android is shit watch i can rip its head off and further more you're all faggots, i have a mission to finish. Then the humans arrogantly destroy his ship and he survives so he comes out for a little sex with noomi but the sly bitch sicks her hanger baby on him and we get the deacon which is not a xenomorph.
I've read a script leak, it is going to be about colonists who encounter the ship that Noomi and David took crashed with Noomi long ded inside he wreckage.
so instead of being fascinated by his creation, the engineer decides to act like a stupid, impulsive faggot with a double digit IQ. it's the "plot happens because everyone's retarded" trope taken to the next level, which is terrible writing.
just stop with the "it's not alien wink wink" bullshit already.
Didnt he know some weird shit would happen and he was just curious what would happen if he let someone ingest the goo?
In the original script it was a regular xenomorph, the "deacon" stuff is just an quick rewrite from Lindelof to make it a standalone film rather than a prequel because the top producers told them to distance the film from the original Alien.
They wanted an alien movie without an alien, reading up on what the fuck happened behind the scenes is depressing.
Is there a leaked script out yet? Link please?
It was just a summary of an early script IIRC.
it's not alien and they did a good job with the script
I took that to mean they didn't want a alien vs human ala Alien. Not that they didn't want any aliens in prometheus. They wanted to make a movie that just about the suspense of a group being hunted by aliens.
thats the mystery, he could have learnt exactly what the goo is and what purpose it had, he already had all of humanities knowledge everything he encountered on the trip to the planet was new to him as it was to the humans except he had the ability to understand what the cabe was all about and read the alien language
We aren't exactly privy to the intentions of the engineer just because you associate iq with compassion and a desire to understand what might be to the engineers just a simple robot doesn't make them aggressive dicks it makes them more intriguing. Maybe they have seeded humans before on other planets and they already understand what we are. I definitely think the engineer thinks the robot is dumb and that humans are more or less worthless.
that wasn't* just about
I like the premise and the story but it's no less of a ham fisted way of getting to where Alien starts
Lindelof, is that you?
The events make more sense in the original script. I still think it was a retarded idea to do a prequel in the first place because it's a very fanfictiony way of doing things. I would have liked to see an original film from Ridley with many of the same elements instead. Thing is that Prometheus is both and it sucks hard because of that. It doesn't work as a prequel since they rewrote everything to not be related to Alien but it doesn't work as a standalone film either because it relies so heavily on Alien and with the changes to the script it's just a mess.
I guess we'll just have to wait for Covenant
which is pretty funny considering the entire plot was written around the damn thing. why the fuck would they think they could rewrite the script after removing the central element,? top kek
alright m8, whatever
no, I associate the IQ of a race capable of creating intelligent life with the scientific curiosity that comes with it, as in if your creations show up on your doorstep with their own creation, you don't just attack them like a savage without even attempting to study them.
or maybe not, this was never established so it's irrelevant
so humans basically ventured through deep space following the clues their creators left them, which at least implies the engineers' intention to be contacted one day. and then the guy just takes a look at them and thinks "eh, worthless shits, space travel is no big deal, better kill them". I mean what the fuck does "worthless" even mean in this context? doesn't their ability to have found the engineer prove their worthiness? if not, what the fuck was even the point of leaving the star map in the first place?
It's gonna be great.
The idea of there being 2 groups of engineers (good and bad) like Enki and Enlil, good Angels, fallen angels isn't a big stretch.
Why the star-map leads to the "bad engineers" is a bit of a mystery though.
What's strange to me is the what he does after.
"Oh hey, I'm about 2000 years late, but I still got a job to go to earth and release these weapons…. It's not like there could be a change in plans or anything. Nope. Straight back to work bro. No time for a morning coffee or anything."
The star maps are all human made, it implies early humans were aware of this. It is a mess I'll give you that.
top lel
see, it's already just leading to further plot holes
not strange at all, just shit tier writing. "uh oh, I better get moving so the face hugger can use me to create the not-alien and fulfill the movie's plot!"
but then who gave the info to the early humans and why? sounds like more convoluted bullshit
Elysium had so much wasted potential but overall was ok
District 9 was really good and I really hate that they are planning a sequel because the story don't need one
Crappie was just awful. The only good thing IMO was Yolandi R34 and watching junkie trying to be as normal human being
Ok this is a stretch. The good engineers, angels whatever are at war with bad engineers know they are up shit creek circa 2,000 years ago. They knowing they are fucked visit earth and warn humans that bad engineers are Orchestrating your doom in said star system. The good engineers know that the humans are still to primitive to do shit so they its like a doomsday prophecy and the humans record the star maps in their respective cultures art for later humans to discover. The good engineers go back to the bio-weapons planet and sabotage the operation in the hope humans will eventually reach the planet and make sure they learn the truth/ save themselves whatever.
I couldn't get over die antwood wearing their own merchandise in the movie. Thought chappie was great by the way.
has anyone seen sleep dealer?
how on earth does anyone enjoy avp 2? i stopped watching it a half hour in because i literally could not see what was happening; the screen was so dark i might as well have turned it off.
Yeah, it was Can't See Shit: The Movie. AvP was a masterpiece in comparison because they were able to professionally light scenes in that one.
I agree it's a mess and a stretch.
It helps a little if you're aware of all the sumerian mythology/aaylmao stuff that Lindlehof is ripping off.
The real problem is that with all these aspects, it feels like a 10 hour story crammed into 2 hours.
It really is just annunaki vs alien
Whenever I watch Predator 2 I feel like they dropped the ball hard with the cast.
If they cast Murtaugh they could have cast Riggs, also.
I don't know how I typed that. I meant to say, It's not terrible but it's not as good as the first one. It's almost a different movie.
District 9 heavily implies a sequel-"I will come back for you in 2 years"
Amazing how Hollywood makes sequels for movies that don't need them but passes on movies that set themselves up for sequels.
It's unfortunate because AvP has potential as a successful franchise, they just can't get a competent team to make it.
Prometheus is shit-tier "aliens seeded life on earth" propaganda. They used the Alien franchise in order to sell such a movie that otherwise wouldn't have been watched by very many people.
They didn't want an Alien movie without the Xenomorph, they wanted an artsy propaganda piece about life on earth being seeded/evolved by a smarter race. The Engineer reacting violently was meant to convey how bad we all are without really going into the details. Other more hamfisted movies would have had some big speech about environmentalism and lack of global peace as to why the Engineer wants to kill us.
I'm not wrong, you faggot. For the type of movie that Alien is (a scifi remake of whatever the movie that apocalypse now is a remake of) where a group of people fight one enemy, the film works on showing as little of the creature as possible, and thus making the moments where you see it much better. Having scores of them turns them into cannon fodder and less of a threat. Also, action movies don't need anything besides action, good writing is just a plus.
He stole his brother's remaining lifespan in the JewIuminati human sacrifice of Tony Scott. Expect him to live at least 8 more years.
I'd rather have Cameron kick the bucket.
At the very least Cameron isn't brutally raping any well-beloved franchises to death.
He just wanna make his Avatar sequels that no one asked for.
I liked that Alien 3 managed to have a prominent black character without pozzing the film. Then Prometheus went ahead and pozzed the series anyway but it was nice while it lasted.
i have no doubt he was paid to do it.
the fact is that he fucking went along with it, he's a conformist and therefore a cuck and pile of shit.
i hope his avatard sequels bomb. nobody wants avatar 2-5.
This. He'll do anything if paid enough. He's no better than Ridley.
Avatar sequels are taking too long to come out, its been like 7 years, and for a movie that isn't interesting or have many fans that's a long time. The 3D gimmick craze has worn off by now as well which was the only reason the first one did so well. I guess it takes a long time to do the special effects and such but why anyone would care about avatar in current year is beyond me.
Isnt Disney gonna buy Avatar?
I'd love to see it Alien is probably my favorite, are they having screenings around it's original release? May 25
This. Though I am a bit worried about the chances of it being penis inspection day.
RIP Pete