Good! Forced LGBT pandering isn't working. SJWs are assmad.
Good! Forced LGBT pandering isn't working. SJWs are assmad
exactly as it should be.
And why should it? It's unnatural and abnormal. And no matter how they try to dress it up and present it to the audience, deep down inside everyone feels uncomfortable with it.
That's 6 times higher than the actual occurrence of LGBT individuals in real life, and it's not good enough for them?
Begging for representation has to be the bottom of the barrel for these "civil rights" movements. Make your own movies you niggers. Nothing is stopping you.
when are they not assmad?
But then no one is going to watch their shitty movie. They rather star wars do it and force their bullshit everywhere they can. Why do you think they are considered cancer? They will not stop trying to grow until you kill them.
Wow that's higher than their actual percentage of 2-3%
whatever happened to realistic interpretation?
They wouldn't be satisfied even if all couples were sexual deviants, the culture of victimhood demands that you're being wronged somehow.
The normalisation of violence worked, eventually this collective pozzing will too.
it's not about getting more minorities in the media. it's about removing whites.
This is something that is very easy to observe to be true, just ask yourself when you last heard an "progressive" push for more whites in Indian, Chinese, Japanese or say Iranian cinema? It's oddly always "too many white people" in films made in nations with a white majorities that needs changing.
It's hardly surprising.
SJW's bitch and moan for certain changes and then bitch and moan more when those changes are made. To top it off they generally don't even support what they demanded changed with their wallets. Even when they do support it it's the bare minimum (e.g. watching a film once) which simply cannot compare to the amount of money generated by the autists and more aware normalfags you've upset with the pandering.
It's unprofitable and at the end of the day money makes the world go round.
Don't forget the BBC is now asking for your parent's background (including education and employment) to exclude those deemed too privileged. There's no such thing as 'positive' discrimination because someone always has to lose out due to factors beyond their control.
In a completely unrelated note North Korea has a similar system favouring those whose grandparents were factory workers and fucking you up for life if they owned property…
Racism is racism no matter how you twist and turn it and you can't indulge in it while at the same time denouncing it. The situation in Europe is absurd at this point, it's a demographic and cultural suicide.
SJW's and leftys work from the conclusion they want to the argument. The arguments need not be consistent with this process.
You should be more careful with terminology. Eastern Europe (slavs) is better in this regard than the USA, for example (which frankly isn't far behind the UK or France).
SJWs*, no need for the apostrophe.
Greengrocer's apostrophe strikes again.
Violence is a natural part of the human experience.
Think 300,000 years ago.
You're probably going to fight the tribe closest to you, for resources and vaginas and whatnot. At some point anyway.
You're never going to see two dudes sucking each others dicks.
You might need to fight some nigger to protect your family, friends and possessions. You never need to take a dick up the asshole or scissor with your galpal.
When muh nigger and wommyn in Ster Wers.
Fuck off, >>>Holla Forums. This doesn't harm you, so why should you be regulating people's natural and healthy sex lives? Go jerk off to your Drumpf idol.
Eventually you're going to spam your gb2/pol/ shit so many times that nobody pays any attention to you anymore.
BWAHAHAHAHA get a load of this assblasted faggot
>>>Holla Forums
If I had more time and money, I would try to produce a non-pozzed Star Wars VII with local actors. I guarantee that the production would be what the fans want and that if it were in the place of Cuck Wars it would've raked in way more money. Because studios these days would take the loss of profits just to push the SJW agenda. They wish it had the money a non-pozzed production could vacuum. But their agenda is more important than the money. People don't want to watch Cuck Wars. They want to watch Star Wars.
The sooner people start making movies better than the official studio releases and dodge the copyright, the faster the kike agenda falls apart. I would do it myself but I didn't put my resources into film production. Maybe I should have. Being a rogue filmmaker sounds fucking amazing these days.
Pick one.
violence is normal, and is the cornerstone of all civilization. At some point unruly members of a community must be coerced/removed and violence is the only way to do it
pic related
the only movie with tranny jokes i've seen recently in a movie was in the ridiculous six
the article is about ramping it up even more, not that it isn't working
Why do 'LGBT' people need 'representation'?
I bawled my eyes out in the last Rocky movie because I'm a massive faggot. Somehow I managed to feel emotion from this film despite most of the characters not being white.
They keep whining about how they need a character that has their particular condition, so that they may relate to them.
From this, are they saying they have *never* related to any character in any book they have ever read?
That they honestly have *never* read or seen anything outside the niche envelope of LGBT fiction/autobiography, in which a character's plight provoked any sympathetic emotional response…?
Based off their own arguments/demands, I can only assume this is true.
In which case, the problem lies within them and their utter lack of empathy/stunted emotional development/autism.
The cinema industry is obliged to do *nothing*!
For *anyone*.
The article is about them ramping it up and it's not working
Homofag here. This is what pisses me off the most. The suggestion that I'm so misanthropic that I'm incapable of relating to anyone but other gay men is deeply insulting and it paints me and my fellow faggots as a bunch of narcissists that need to fag everything up in order to feel satisfied.
I'd rather see no more gays in anything than have a forced diversity quota in everything.
soon movies will have to have hundreds of characters in them to feed the demands of every possible group on earth. It's the only way to obtain true equality.
They're going to be confusing as shit.
"Representation" is an expression of narcissism. They want to see themselves in everything (but just like when you're looking in a mirror, it's enough that the reflection simply looks like you).
Some years ago there was an SJW game developer who was not satisfied with his "representation" (MtF) until he made an RPG Maker game about his life starring himself.
lol that is probably the most asinine thing i've ever heard
who is your target audience at that point? one guy, who fucking MADE the game so he knows all the intracacies already?
dubs of /thread
The correct term is "cocksucker faggot" and please return to >>>/lgbt/ and never comeback you cucksucker faggot
and they won't see them. Because if there are n characters representing n groups. There will be always a tumblr faggot bitching that there are according to him n-1 groups and he is not represented there.
Holla Forums - Identity Politics
The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
They do make their own movies. Gay and lesbian movies are a genre unto themselves. But they're leftists, so they're totalitarian. 100% of all movies could be full of nothing but gay characters and they will still pretend they're being oppressed by evil right wing Christians and are not being represented enough.
Meanwhile almost one third of the planet is Christian and 75% of the US is Christian, yet there's barely any Christians depicted in Hollywood media at all unless it's a negative stereotype.
Christians make their own movies. Christian and religious movies are a genre unto themselves. But they’re right-wing, so they’re totalitarian. 100% of all movies could be full of nothing but Christian characters, and they will still pretend they're being oppressed by everyone else, and aren’t being represented enough.
Every LGBT film flopped. People don't want the agenda forced down their throat.
They don't want equality. They want superiority.
Christians actually are under-represented in the media, according to the stats. LGBT people are not.
Guess they should make more Christian themed movies then.
What part of Christians are 75% yet aren't even represented by Hollywood 1% yet gays are only like 3.4% but are represented 17.5% don't you understand?
I didn't comment on that, mate.
I pointed out people complaining about the lack of christian themed movies instead of actually doing something about it themselves.
What part of that didn't you grasp?
you dont need to comment on that. that's bait.
i'm 40 years old and still remember the AG efforts to convert me from catholicism to born again
all of that shit is retarded - and plays upon the worst of human condition
the worst part by far is that they have infiltrated the catholic church to the degree that we now hold our palms up to pray rather than folded
As usual, their true intent can be gleaned from the wording.
Or to put it another way "Yes, technically we've stuffed a shitload more fags into your media, BUT FOR SOME STRANGE REASON THESE THINGS AREN'T PROFITABLE, AND WE WANT MONEY! IF YOU'RE NOT GIVING US MONEY, YOU'RE A BIGOT and this is very troubling…"
As insufferable as some can certainly be, christians don't need the media they consume to tell them that they're okay, they aren't mentally ill, and that they are normally functioning members of society
The reason you give a shit is because Rocky is an underdog who made it big and then you see his life fall apart and he's back to being some washed up no body. Rocky steals that film more than "I'm a pro boxer because my Dad was one" dindu.
I love the fucking image in that article. it looks way funnier than it should be
anyways, i think that this isn't lgbt anymore but l & t because those two are the whiniest of the bunch surprisingly, considering all the shrieking fags out there
why does that sound like the plot to rocky v, but with a nigger taking the place of that other guy
Never watched it, but Rocky steals that film and then they throw it all away for a poorly filmed fight that sounds like a football match. It's a fight that looks worse than the training fights too