Jew Oliver regularly featured on Youtube

Why is this a thing?

This is literally being forced on to the internet, it's like a forced meme.

Other urls found in this thread:



Youtube is owned by Google, Google is in league with the government, propaganda is real.

Because it's [CURRENT YEAR], duh. 😂

I at least find solace in the fact that none of the videos get more than about 2 million views which is pathetic for featured videos.

Because it's the (((CURRENT YEAR))) goy, the propaganda must be pushed!







Youtube is run by a Jewish woman. This also explains why it's gone down the drain in the last two years, it was when she took over.



Why do you want censorship, OP? Don't you love capitalism?

Massive corporations that force narratives on folks who browse popular sites is not capitalism, it's propaganda, plain and simple. It's a method that is embraced by socialism, communism and related ideologies. I'm sick of you leftyfaggots that think just because a company is successful, everything they do is related to capitalism.

Yeah, HBO, Youtube, Hollywood studios, they're not capitalist at all. Capitalist companies don't like making propaganda. Nope, they hate it.

You missed the point.

Capitalism != propaganda

If a pro-capitalist company utilizes propaganda it doesn't mean that propaganda is universally applied to capitalism. I'm just saying that ideologies and methods shouldn't be intermixed like they regularly are when leftycucks speak out.

why do you even bother trying to educate pol when they label you "leftycuck" no matter what you do

like you are literally Uncle Tom

I'm not, i'm trying to educate the left. I stopped browsing Holla Forums ages ago because I am not a rulecuck faggot.

Wait…guys…what year is it?


You're the reason it's a thing, fuckwit.

See and then kill yourself.



I've thought about emailing them for a block function on recommended videos because of this. They push him ridiculously hard.



b-but the Bolsheviks were about peace and understanding, they did nothing wrong.

I don't even watch his shit or anything political on youtube or even remotely related to his content, yet for some reason at least one of his videos always shows up in my recommendations.

He's more news-oriented than other hosts of his format and doesnt have stupid guests and retarded bands, but still, he isn't the current year man for nothing.

Just ignore his stuff about politics and social issues and he's fine.

I forgot this is a co-opted political board now.

You have to go back.

No you have to go back.

Whatever ideology you are, i dont care. I just wnat to talk about shitty movies and subtly banepost without retards bringijg politics into everyrhing.




This tbh.

There's thousands of other sites that openly cater to leftists, but oh no someone expressed a non-kosher opinion, I better call them a stormweenie.

please stop this meme

That's what neo Holla Forumsacks usually label whites that are faggots so they can claim they're not true members of their ideal master race. And before anyone calls me a Holla Forums shill or libcuck, I am neither. Its time for Holla Forumsacks to stop thinking of whites as the master race and realize they're responsible for the majority of libcuck faggotry in the western world alongside chinks.

we'll stop once reality halts its shenanigans