This guy is smug and passive aggressive as fuck

This guy is smug and passive aggressive as fuck

Passive Aggressiveness is the woman's/millennial's go-to reaction when confronted with opinions they don't like because they're literally deathly afraid of actual confrontation

passive aggressive = microagression

t. SJW

I used to like him until he decided to throw vidya enthusiasts under a bus for cheap laughs during gamergate.


Some of his physical comedy is decent, but that's all I'll give him. He's made an entire career off being a passive-aggressive bitch.


Fuck off back to your hugbox, gaymergoy.

>>>Holla Forums

Here we go again, everybody reply, this guy works too hard posting this shit in every thread for us to not derail it.

The conflict aversion thing, I don't see it.

What they are is a good little army of militant faggots who hate exactly what the media tells them to hate.

His worst crime is not being funny at all.

Hahaha this is delicious, fuck you kike


Holla Forums is salty right now because all their back up boards got nuked.

Colbert is god-tier and knows more about tolkien than you

Gamergate is good in concept, god awful in execution.

he hasn't been funny since strangers with candy. the report was basically every strawman of a neo-con to ever appear in a op-ed section.

you say that as if it means something.

harvey birdman attorney at law was funny, but he was barely on that show anyway.

They avoid one on one conversation and debates with people they disagree with like the plague because when they're actually confronted by someone without their army of fellow groupthink faggots to back them up they fall apart literally every time.

You want to see him at his absolute worst, watch his interview with Bill Maher. He stops just short of *tibs bedora :DDDD* and cuts to commercial when Maher points out how fucked up "moderate" Muslims are.

Did something go down, or was it just dead boards being deleted or some shit?

Some user was able to take control of all their boards and made then unusable.

Does he actually out smug Bill Maher in that interview? Is such a thing possible?

Maher is not smug at all in the interview, but he is slightly more smug than Maher usually is. Maher is more concerned about Islam and annoyed because Stephen constantly ruins the setups to his jokes. Stephen really acted like a child tbh, I was never really a fan and I was still disappointed in him.

well that explains the uptick in political shitposting.

I think I'd rather pound heated nails through my dick

is that an invitation?

also steven cuckbert is a cathloic.



And he never fucking shuts up about it.

Colbert is Irish Catholic you retard.

in the 11 years of my watching the steven cuckservitive show, i never once heard him mention it.

I don't think we are watching the same thing…

Kimmel ftw

its possible. after all i would hate to be accosiated in any way with a faggot who uses ellipses in conversation.

idk. i wasnt it religiously. there were probably 2-3 years in the middle of there where i didnt watch it at all.

idk, seemed pretty standard for steven cuckbert, rattling the guest, keeping them off kilter. seemed to work tbh, which was pretty funny to see consdering how smarmy bill is on his own show. maybe he's a lot more comfortable with a writing team to back him up?
bill didnt seem to interested in bantz either, and just really wanted to have his serious discussion, and got noticably flustered about it.

*i didnt watch it religiously.

He kept trying to set up jokes, but Stevie kept interrupting him. Maher usually doesn't do one-liners, he usually has some setup before the punchline, but Steve barely let him get a word in. Also, he was visibly pissed how the show (probably more the producers than Colbert) cut him off about Islam.

thats steve's whole stchick.

i can definately see that.

I see the conflict aversion regularly on twitter and other social media.

If you disagree with many liberals then a go to reaction for them is to ignore what you said and then claim you said something completely different for which they have a response for. They have a great deal of difficulty understanding that some people simply disagree with them so they have to reframe everything to fit what they're comfortable confronting.

It's part of why the main way you have to deal with these people is to simply not respond to their reframing. For example, Trump has talked about the criminals coming over the border and so there's a great need to seal up the border to keep those criminals out. A way a liberal may reframe this is to imply Trump is being racist towards Mexicans and ask him to disavow his bigotry towards the Mexican and Hispanic communities. To handle this, Trump simply continues speaking on the issues of the criminals coming over and the problems the unsealed border has caused. This confuses many liberals as they're not used to this whole idea of people ignoring their attempt to reframe conversations.

you just described every leftist comedian

Just look at Monty Python.

you can't really be a leftist and do great comedy anymore though. you know, since the political left has gone off the deep end and became the joke.

sam kineson and the guy from fraiser.

there is rarely any humor to be had when a democrat is in the white house, because its politicially incorrect/ roblematic, etc.

I wonder if that's why some faggot has been going into literally every thread regardless of relevance and shitposting about Holla Forums.

almost like he's playing a satirical character or something

Just be honest. You don't like him because he's a leftist ass hired to propagandize leftist causes by a multi billion dollar corporation. Speak the truth. The truth itself exposes that the leftists are the bitches of the "bourgeois", and that they're really against the working class man.

he stopped being funny when his siter ran for office

up until then i enjoyed his schtick

after then, just another paid shill


Were they just Holla Forums but under a different name, or were they originally dedicated to something else the later co-opted by them? I ask because I seem to remember Holla Forums planning to "rally" the smaller boards on Holla Forums to revolt against the bigger boards, like the way communists used to rally the Proletariat against the Bourgeoisie(their words, not mine.)