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Ready to start!!
Bretty doesn't like to load so much so fair warning.
Suptv has the 'best' shitposting.
There's something seriously wrong with these people.
And here at 10:15, quality stream and good shitposting
Good morrow, friends and foes. Cannot make the live thread tonight. Friends wanna watch the WWE PPV.
Until next week.
The state of /GoT/ is good!
Karstarks and Greyjoys will appear tonight.
youll be missed dubs king wish you came here more for comfy posting
I wanna nut inside Lyanna
Damn, frogfu looking fine.
not even watching these fucking shit streams. Let me know when these sites actually work
This episode is already three times better than the previous.
Is that a fucking elf?
/got/'s new waifu
Children of the Forest.
Why does it look completely different?
Roose and his wife and newborn son dies
Jon Snow is resurrected.
Hey so does the Three-Eyed Crow too.
lmao that little cunt
This episode is awesome.
Fantastic so far
More development than in entire S5
Zombie Mountain is a big guy
The High Sparrow did nothing wrong.
This, he has another strong scene right now, what the hell was he doing in S5?
Getting rode by smirkfu.
Being cucked.
More like Westeros Ted Cruz.
Fucking how is he like Bernie Sanders?
No, it belongs to the Seven.
every stream seems to be unwatchably laggy right now
Shit, dragons looking legit spooky now
He's a holier than thou jewish communist.
Okay fair enough.
Going by the thread they seem to be ahead of live TV by a good minute or two though.
Close the chat.
fucking lord
They're are hitting Maisie again! :o
Sparrow: Bernie
Dany: Hillary
Jon Snow: Merkle
Stannis: Ron Paul
Euron: Trump
Renly: Rubio
Tommen: Cruz
Prove me wrong.
Who put those chains on the dragons in the first place? How the fuck do you manage something like that?
Tyrion is a Targaryen bastard confirmed.
No one cares, haha.
Yeah but has anyone even tried it before? Dany just pets them and when they misbehave she sobs. Tyrion said they're very inteligent and can recognize good intent.
Come on m8, not even the most ardent liberal faggot thinks Trump is as crazy as Euron.
Balon, yeah, that's more reasonable. I could totally see him saying MAKE THE IRON ISLES GREAT AGAIN
Wouldn't Trump be a Lannister?
Half those make no sense.
How do dragons know the common tongue if nobody talks to them.
.Yeah but has anyone even tried it before? Dany just pets them and when they misbehave she sobs. Tyrion said they're very intelligent and can recognize good intent.
Honestly even dogs can detect intent. Body language is very hard to disguise humans are just fucking retarded when it comes to reading it.
Euron isn't crazy
Which ones?
fuck off to reddit
I don't need the north, all I need is
Ramsey edginess level over 9000 achieved
Man, betrayals happen so often and people react with no surprise.
Anyone with two brain cells can link the birth of a new, non-bastard heir and the death of Bolton.
Fucking dumb. Killing the woman and child too just ends any doubt.
Ramsay is Luca Blight confirmed
holy fuck what a edgelord.
He looks like Bernie. retard
Ramsay isn't a complete fool.
Didn't save Bolton, didn't save Joeffry etc etc.
Jon Snow was right.
Stannis stands a chance.
Nobody pays attention to Euron.
Tommen isn't popular nor a religious zealot nor the zodiac killer.
Hell, Balon should have won, he is the last king standing after all.
Now that's just impractical architecture.
Seriously who builds shit like that?
Oh well he is dead now
This guy they cast as Euron is terrible.
Well, Ramsey wasn't naive enough to do it in front of his army, was he? They'll figure out easily, but won't care. He isn't a fool, he knew what he could do in his position.
None of them were sadistic torturers though, if you don't count cats. None of them was nearing the Ramsay level of fear.
That was clearly the Damphair, dude.
oOOf she is back to her hot form.
I bet you love ASOIAF then :)
Shit I forgot his name.
theon actor is best actor
He could easily have kept her alive and owing him a favour. Everyone will know how he did it (violently, with fucking dogs). D&D won't be consistent but people would react the same.
Fear still only takes you so far. Bolton was right, mad dogs don't win shit long-term.
>Davos just asks Melisandre to bring Jon back to life for no fucking reason
Neither will Ramsay, but for the current purpose, it sufficed.
They don't have the body.
Because Stannis Burned Shireen.
>implying Davos wouldn't go get the fucking body
I rather suspect you need the body and need it in a good state.
All of his powers revolve around death, ageing or are proven party tricks faked with potions…
AND this
Look up
I doubt it's in a useable condition. Jon had been dead under a day and frozen for most of that.
I swear to god, if he comes back and she doesn't even have to do any blood magic, I will shit an whole brick.
The body is also going to be either unfindable or taken by the Boltons. Just impractical. And you'd have to transport it etc etc.
Neither did Thoros
Thoros brought back Beric on a battlefield. It doesn't get any bloodier than that.
Firegod bullshit isn't black magic.
What are you talking about? Yeah it is. Blood magic is the only real form of magic humans can do in this series.
Pretty clearly is. The rest of it was stated to be faked with potions if you remember.
Lol what?
Didn't D&D say Melly doesn't bring Jon back?
Yeah. Are you expecting this shit to make sense? Leeches work, burning witches work, dead fetuses work, what the fuck ever, man.
Random chanting?
No, that doesn't work.
B-but D&D told us he was dead!
What about the other 5 times he did it?
It was a coma, obviously.
Or they'll pull some bullshit with onion-nigger becoming a convert.
No, you guys. "Only death can pay for life." Someone has to die for the resurrection to work. It worked for Beric because he died right before the resurrection. It's a loophole basically.
Where the fuck do you think Beric kept dying, nigger?
In a jail? No, he gets shanked on a battlefield. I think Gregor alone kills him 3 times.
This show is fucking horrible.
Aeron, but HBO said it's a generic priest. Not Aeron. There's a high chance there won't be Victarion
Plot twist, it was him that brought Jon back.
Thoros of mhyr had 0 faith and the resurrection was a bargain for faith.
weren't they a bunch of road stalking bandits at the point?
What about the Sandor fight? The only blood there was Berric's wound, Jon's body had many wounds with dried and frozen blood. As you said, it doesn't have to have any logic. Maybe it was Shireen's burning that paid for Jon's life.
They were road stalking bandits almost immediately after Ned got his head chopped off, which was about a week or two after Ned sent them to bring the Mountain to justice, so… I guess, technically?
Second quote meant for →
Maybe the real problem here is that the scene was boring.
How do you make bringing someone back to life boring?
I certainly was't bored. Your opinion, man.
Which makes the red woman a red herring. Sounds like the type of plot twist they'd pull though it does seem rather too heavy on the foreshadowing instead of ass-pull ex machina as per usual.
At least Thoros of Mir explained that he can't keep doing it and that every time he does it becomes less effective. At least Berric fucking died when he revived Lady Stark. Fuck this show.
He's back
Reminder Shireen's death paid for Jon's life.
Thanks, Stannis!
Thought she died for not having a storm.
missed the ep where da download at
Theon's actor should have played Jon Snow.
Seriously, Alfie Allen could do more than just a monotone gasp after being resurrected.
Well, Melly did it on the first time, and also sacrificied a child before. That sure provides some bonus points.
Shireen's death paid for a sunny, clear afternoon with a minimal chance of icy showers.
Missed the first half with lag. Same question.
Spoonfeed me pls :^|
But that's not implied in the show at all.
You're basically pulling that out of your ass so it makes sense after the fact.
It's leeches 2.0, I bet you believe they killed the kings too.
torrents up on kickass
So she stored mana for later?
Do you need everything spelled out for you? It makes perfect sense. Do we need GRRM's level of "subtlety"?
I'm not saying the leeches killed those kings, but I am saying that the fact that they all died within a book of them burning is totally not a clue.
Exactly :)
How does it make sense? Shireen was burned days ago. How long does Mel get to hold onto all that magic?
Every minute spent with the sneks sure was precious wasn't it D&D?
This was actually a pretty good episode but in comparison the first was pretty much a gigantic waste of time.
Also I'm glad qt manlet is back.
Checked there. Not getting anything. Is it under a different name?
Get in here boys, we start in
It the most powerful sacrifice she could have made.
first thing that comes up if you search got and organize by time
I webm'd the preview for episode three.
Looks like the Tower of Joy flashback is next episode.
Thank you for having a non shit stream
I know your feel Same with Stannis
Agreed, fantastic episode in my opinion, and makes the first one much worse retrospectivelly.
And with that I leave you tonight, dear friends of /got/! Goodnight :)
Whose fighting at the start?
Fuck I meant at the end.
So that was Victarion that killed Balon?
Doesn't he have his own red priestess who resurrected him as well?
The three headed dragon is Victarion, Tyrion and Jon?
Ser Alliser has not seen yet the army of the White Walkers, I think he will die along with Olly defending the Wall against them and they predictably will fail
So Aliser Throne was right and the Night's Watch just got enriched by the migrants? Seriously? Jon is supposed to be the good guy?
Tommen was good though, and I would like the scene Jaime had with the Sparrow if it was, you know, actually Jaime on screen. Good job on his actor.
They have 3 groups to alternatively outrange then pander too user.
1. Tumblr/SJWs/Half of the Critics. Upset them with tits/rape for the publicity and please them later with sneks and mary-sue Targaryen.
2. Shitposters and Edgy Kids. They (including 'us' on Holla Forums) like the tits, rape, violence and will never be pleased with the writing. Dangle just enough fun shit to keep them watching.
3. Pseudo-intellectuals/Reddit/Other Half of Critics. These people claim to need 'deep' plots (i.e. random twists and adult themes) though they enjoy the violence and titties as much as anyone else. You keep them happy with the overly dramatic monologues (often about childhoods) and plots they can try and guess at in advance. Basic high-school tier foreshadowing is good also.
You've also got people who don't fit into any of these groups looking to kill time with a tv show that has a fairly high budget, reasonable acting quality and a passable plot. They'll watch whatever everyone else is.
Sons of the Harpy confirmed as Free Cities masters' 20 good men?
ToJ flashback, Ned's crew vs Kingsguard
So the 'present' is that other Stark kid I assume?
Your point? From his perspective he's done everything right, Jon is traitorous little shit that wants to flood the North with migrants and destroy the Night's Watch.
If they don't play up how much of a piece of shit Jon really is, which they obviously wont, this show is a joke.
What a surprise, D&D fucking butchered Jon's storylines.
Honestly, they've butchered all of the protagonists' storylines. How can you fuck up the most important ones?
Victarion apparently is not going to appear. HBO cut him from the Greyjoy family tree
Unless everyone's deaf I'm sure they heard the dogs and the screaming.
Not to mention seeing her going in.
Or cleaning up the mess.
But they're just gonna let him keep running things even though he just blatantly murdered their lord and his wife.
I guess Ramsay is a pretty scary dude or something.
It's ridiculous, the show version of Jon is Gary Stu who can do no wrong and everyone loves him, anyone who dislikes him is an evil meanie. Even death can't stop this faggot.
Fuck, this episode pissed me off.
I don't think they know he's dead.
Like anyone under their control gives a fuck.
It's so over the top cartoonish-tier of villany it's stupid. One of the worst parts of the show.
pretty gud episode tbqh fams
Book Ramsay:
A psychopath with poor weapons training. His father has him under tight surveillance and has bought off all his 'friends.' Roose has Ramsay set up as a fall guy if anything goes wrong.
Show Ramsay:
Hannibal Lector with twenty good men. Able to kill awesome characters with amazing ease.
Kudos to fat Walda for going out with dignity though.
It embraced the fact it's become a soap-opera with swords I suppose.
Now if they can just get more titties again we'll be good. Smirkfu going shame-walk would be fine.
Nerds mad as fuck tho lel
I suppose D&D want Ramsay to become Joffrey 2: Electric Boogaloo
Also do you think the gift Ramsay will receive next episode is the famous Lord Wyman Manderly Secret Meat Pie?
No, it's Rickon Stark.
Dubs of sorry bro She confesses and become a Septa
But he heard about them from the fifty or so rangers that Jon brought back, which the show will never resolve to say why he still did it.
I was disappointed the Night's Watch surrendered. Fuck guys, you're an eight thousand year old order. Have some goddamn dignity.
The other Stark boy was hiding out in the castle of one of the three houses Ramsay mentioned as sufficient to hold the North alone. Ramsay needs a stark etc etc.
Really? Well that only leaves fat-Targaryen and she's not doing any nude scenes anyway.
Maybe he's the reason Jon is forced to go to Winterfell instead of fake Sansa in the books. This is when Ramsay taunts Jon with the line "Winterfell is mine, come and see"
Northern house dislikes or hates him.
I can't believe how fucking bad this show has become. I can't fucking believe it. I seriously fucking hope none of you guys still think this show is good. I really hope GRRM gets the next book out this goddamn year.
The synopsis for the entire season has already been leaked. Ramsay kills Rickon in front of Jon for more shock value. This show is getting so boring.
Do you know how badly this bodes for the rest of the Ironborn storyline?
What the fuck are they gonna do without Victarion? I hear Asha is supposed to replace his function, but it's not the fucking same unless she gets paranoid about monkeys laughing at her like an autist, and there's no goddamn way she will.
Do you have the sauce of the leaks?
No, but I'm sure one of the anons here does.
Thoros never used a sacrifice either. It was a totally random event for him too, he was just doing a prayer over his dead friend and it worked. The whole 'it needs a sacrifice' thing was never true for red priest resurrection.
To be fair they might have meant a 'we were all in the toilet at the time' type of thing where the community refuses to rat anyone out.
Not going to defend poor writing but it's not hard to believe he planned that out in advance with him.
Rest of your points are spot on though.
So they need to sacrifice a little girl to lift a fucking snowstorm but bringing someone back FROM THE FUCKING DEAD all you need is some scissors, cold water and a prayer?
Didn't that other guy innawoods bring back his friend with just a prayer?
No, it's just the fact that Dany and Jon are Mary Sues, they aren't allowed to die, neither is Tyrion.
Bro, we don't, but your arguments and discussion is better and entertaining that the endless waves of shitposting made by the fucking maisiefags.
A man can dream can't he?
Why was it so important to get Davos and 3 mooks out of that room?
Thanks bro
Are they just going to sanic through all the main plot points now that they don't have to follow any books or Gurm's glacial autistic pace?
Aside from them avoiding explaining how or who burned Dany's ships and Roose being too naive with Ramsay, most of that shit is due to come up or is likely to happen in the books.
Sure a couple things are retarded, but the books are retarded too. The difference is now the goddamn plot is FINALLY moving forward.
That's all thoros did.
Changing a weather pattern is pretty fucking complicated. Don't undersell affecting several
Thousand square miles of climate, especially when some magical force is already making it colder.
It needs… something! Anything!
Please, god, at least when I think of Thoros bringing Beric back, I get the image of this poor, fat old drunk weeping over the body of his last friend in a wrecked battlefield, appealing to the last tatters of his faith out of habit.
It's not super different, but it just feels much more weighty, you know?
Mel literally just chanted in a dark room while the same music that's always played for her droned on.
Just give me more, man.
The problem isn't that this shit is retarded, it's that it's presented in a retarded way. You can tell the dumbest story in the world in a great way if you want to. D & D clearly just don't give a shit anymore and just want to get back to their real lives.
I seriously hope you don't actually think the books are anywhere near as retarded as the show.
Yeah, this is exactly how I feel. Mel's resurrection felt so fucking worthless and effortless.
Exactly, the presentation was shit. It was just people casually standing in a room while a woman talks in a different language and gives him a hair cut.
Loras death means the Faith will not have a proper champion to fight Ser Robert Strong on Cersei's trial by combat which means IT'S FUCKING CONFIRMED, GET HYPE
Totes legit mang.
Any leaks and insider info posted on chinese cartoon forums are always real.
Jon won't come back until episode 5 and Roose will be flayed.
To be fair parts of those leaks are clearly wrong. I suppose they could be someone hearing the details second hand or reading an old draft etc and joining the dots up themselves but still.
Oh I almost forgot,
Or they just read the ultimate leaks: The books.
Do you think that D & D care that the pacing of this season is totally different than the pacing of every other season? Do you think they care that this series wont stand the test of time?
I don't know what books you've been reading user but the vast, vast majority of those leaks aren't in them either.
Maybe the leaks are the giveaways from GRRM to D&D to write the series. Apart some bullshit, up to this episode the death toll is accurate
There are things that happen in stories so that the characters become more mature. Growing up. Giving them mistakes to learn from if they're too wet behind the ears.
jesus fucking christ
Wait, in the show?
It's Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse faggotry all over again
That's more a problem of presentation than the underlying magic.
It makes no sense for Davos to want Mel to do anything except die. She got his best friend killed, and killed the sweet girl who taught him to read.
Mel should have spent the last two episodes treated like shit and a fraud, and she should have been horrified by what she had done.
It would have worked better if Mel went to Jon on her own, late at night, and tried desperately to do it just to convince herself she wasn't a total fuck up.
She leaves the room in tears after yelling at the fireplace that she was a fraud, and then Jon sits up when she's gone.
Lost actually does stand the test of time, if you go back and watch the whole thing at once, it's incredibly well put together.
That argument would work if Dany hadn't just been making the same mistakes again and again.
All she does is apply a child's morality to complicated political situations which then blow up in her face. It got her husband killed, it got her fleet burnt, it got that old Kingsguard fucker whose name I cannot remember killed etc etc.
She hasn't grown shit all. She's simply walked around in a desert and wasted two massive armies on fuck all.
Woah nelly, hold up there. Stop coming up with good ideas, D & D don't wanna hear that shit.
Like Oboingo
That whole Ransey killing his step mother scene was 3 times longer than it needed to be.
If anyone gets uppity Ramsay will just go shirtless with dual daggers again.
When will we see him do a slow motion backflip?
What I don't get is why Davos wants Jon brought back to life.
I mean, yeah, I get they're both good guys and Davos really feels for Jon, but… why? When did he ever think Mel could do that? It just doesn't feel right for him to come to her about… Jon.
Nigga u dope?
How did she not realize she was going to feed the puppies?
See, at least that would be nice if at the end of the day, she realizes "hey, I fucked up, maybe I'm not too good at this ruling thing and I need to burn everyone to set things straight", but she doesn't, so she just comes off as a retard.
I can stand warmonger Dany way more than I can retard Dany.
Jacob was a shit tier character.
Made me like the smoke monster.
I didn't say it was a story I liked, but it is a cohesive whole. Tonally the show ties together very nicely. The craft was great, the story itself just wasn't one I'm interested in because I'm not a very spiritual person.
He was supposed to be a shitty person, that was sort of the point. That a human deity would still have human weaknesses.
I have to say D&D fanfic is making the characters to behave in ways they normally (and consistently with their personalities) will never do.
That started with Stannis demise Unless GRRM books render the same hack conclusion I don't think Stannis would sacrifice Princess Shireen Baratheon.
no they didnt.
LOST is only ok if you watch one of the fan edits that puts it in chronological order. It takes away all the mystery and turns the show from a bizarre drama into a Greek play-reminiscent cosmic farce.
Human weakness is one thing, fucking up everything is another.
I mean, how the fuck did he think pissing off a man who devoted his life to him would not result in said man losing his shit when he pushed him over the edge. What kind of person just kills a mans wife just to encourage him to go back to the island?
He;s a piece of shit, not a flawed messiah. Fuck him, I'm glad he died.
I have faith that GRRM can do better than Brienne magically zooming in on Stannis after he loses a battle he personally fought and chopping his head off.
And I can buy Stannis burning Shireen, but… not like that. For a fucking snowstorm, really nigger? There's a perfectly good prophecy right there that says murder the person you love most for a magic sword.
Come on, D&D.
BTW, the gift for ramsay in the E3 trailer was stannis's corpse, flayed.
They just made him look like a fucking retard.
please, requesting the torrent
I've never actually watched a fan edit for anything. Wouldn't a fan edit of Lost ruin the pacing?
He should have won. War of 5 kings, 4 of them dead, and he was the last one standing
please, requesting the torrent
… Tommen was still king though.
Balon is really stupid, man. This isn't really up for dispute.
Yeah, lots of people make the same mistakes again and again.
It's because they think that some factors that shouldn't have been there came in the way of a good decision rather than the decision itself being bad, so they do it again.
Or maybe they just haven't seen the consequences yet so they do the mistake again.
Tommen couldn't handle christfags, balon could have struck at any moment and probably would have won.
please, requesting the torrent
Yes they do, Even Desmond thought he was in a different dimension when Widmore put him in the dynamo thing and tried to convince Jack about it when the Man in Black was to remove the Island's butt plug. It was Until Jack opened the coffin in the Church that he realized he was in the purgatory waiting for the rest of the Oceanic fucks to die to finally move on
That was a ending only a lazy fuck who run out of ideas could pull out of his overrated ass.
There's probably, no exaggeration, a hundred sparrows for every ironborn.
In the books it will probably be a literal 'the throne costs this' moment, like to take King's Landing. Stannis will have to choose between his family and his right to rule, and he will choose the latter only to come to ruin.
Stannis foresaw a man burning on a throne and he knows it's him.
D&D didn't like that and wanted to just get rid of Stannis so Jon could beat Ramsay in a battle.
please, requesting the torrent
Just wait the fuck up, it will be released shortly
Would you tap that?
No, go watch Chronologically Lost. Watching it in order is better than watching the original way. It gives you a very different perspective on the whole thing. Instead of being confused as shit like the main characters, you know what's going on and why, and everyone's motivation is a lot clearer. It also makes all the good/evil shit much more obviously murky. You get to see how these two pricks playing their games absolutely fucking ruins people's lives and they don't care at all. It's amazing how shitty and irresponsible Jacob is, but the whole time he's putting on because he needs to hide the fact that he has no idea what he's doing. Also, because of how it all plays out, the alternate universe purgatory thing suddenly looks like it's Jack's dying dream, making all of it totally pointless and Jack only slightly less of a pathetic rube than Locke.
Oh yea
Joffery was king during the war of 5 kings.
Do you think The Man in Black did nothing wrong?
Jew Jew Abrahms, watch him? Drink some clorox, filth.
Yeah, and he got replaced. He's still the king. The other 3 are presumed dead.
Balon is just a retard.
Fuck yeah I'd tap dat tree nigress for her sweet sweet syrup.
Sure I'd stretch her out, no problem.
Talk about unsatisfying endings. I hope that leak is wrong.
No, he's stupid and fucks up a lot but at least he can think for himself unlike Jacob.
The Ironborn would probably still win, assuming the show is consistent with the books and they were well armored and could fuck shit up.
However, show ironbabbys can't handle dogs and a shirtless bastard, so yea, they probably would lose, badly.
Even Jar Jar left the series after season 2
She looks like she belongs on Star trek.
Nigger what? There's only one armored ironborn, and he's cut from the show.
Looking for a torrent now.
Fucking wat mate?
No, the Ironborn can't attack King's Landing.
The Lannisters have a giant fucking army, as do the Tyrells. There's no way they could march across Westeros.
And yet you are posting in a got thread, dumbshit. LOST was in the same league.
Here you go.
Sweet deal, thank you man!
The Iron Isles are the least populous region next to Dorne.
The Sparrows have been swelling in numbers from the ravages of war for 4 books. From shit ass peasants to landed knights, people are taking the faith seriously.
Take that and remove the ironborn from their ships and you have a recipe for disaster. Maybe they could get lucky and freak the Poor Fellows out so much they break ranks and run, but they're all fucking zealots, so good luck with that.
pretty good tears, lets see if I can get some more
GOT doesn't have Jew Jew Abrahms, King of Cucks, first of his name, Lord of We Wuz Kangz.
stay assblasted
Why backflip when you can teleport?
Jacob pisses me off because he decided to side with the woman who killed his biological mother and stop his brother from being free, to the point of killing him And he inflicted pain on anyone who he lures into the Island. The Man in Black powers was his and only his fault.
If there was Justice in this world, a more accurate scene of Lost could be like this, but with Titus Welliver beating the shit out of Pellegrino's Character.
I thought that the Faith Militant was concentrated only on King's Landing I didn't knew so many people were joining the Sparrows.
The point is moot anyways, since they would have to face the Lannisters AND the Tyrells who are far more numerous than the Poor Fellows and the Ironborn combined.
is there a torrent yet?
The show does a pretty shit job to conveying the damage of the war.
Oh, yeah, it's a matchup that would never happen for sure.
I was just saying, using "Tommen couldn't handle christfags" is a terrible point when the Targaryans with dragons couldn't handle those very same christfags. What is our dragonless boy-king supposed to do here? Cersei fucked him straight in the ass.
Thank fuck I don't take you faggots seriously.
Go back to tumblr.
That you're a fraud and hack. Like the writers and producers of GoT
sweet, thanks
Do you ever think maybe not everyone is obsessed with black dicks and maybe it's just you?
The weird thing about genuine cucks is that they seem to want everyone to be cucks, they constantly spam their shit all over the internet. It's fucking weird. I think cucks are the new gays.
yeah, we're all secretly cucks, that's why we make those memes, we're the real cucks, not you
maybe you're just a pussy?
Apparently you never look at porn sites. For the last year every site has had cuck videos spammed on the front pages.
duh, they're all run by liberal faggots, look at xhamster and the tranny shit
this torrent is shit, faggots are are taking the shit and running, no one is seeding
Sorry, but that's how it goes with Game of Thrones on Sunday nights.
no, no, Holla Forums says its all in your head, that doesn't actually exist, its just your racism
none of that is actually on your monitor, its you.
cut your white balls off and it will all go away
then you'll be allowed to post on Holla Forums lmao
You need to search on hentai sites, you dumb nigger.
Western porn is under jewish monopoly, only japanese porn remains pure and uncorrupted.
I'll never get why faggots use breeding in their porn.
Porn is shit. It truly is.
Holla Forums here. Liberalism is cancer distracting people from class. Idpol is AIDS. Both at once is like having AIDS and cancer together.
Because we evolved to like sex so we'd reproduce more. Actually cumming inside a woman is extra hot (to people who like it) because they know it might get her pregnant, which is what humans evolved to do.
you had one job
Lol, there's a whole season of football to come, not to mention seeing which childish writer gets a toy rocket ship. GRRM is far too busy.
Apparently "breeding" is also a gay porn term. Makes fuck all for sense.
If Holla Forums wasn't just semi-literate manchildren, and actually read Marx, they would know that Marx approved of Capitalism as a great destroyer of all difference.
idpol is politics, but Holla Forums gets everything from wikipedia, so how are they supposed to know any better?
It's probably just all the poor niggers who realized they might be able to make a quick buck doing porn, except they can't into economics and don't realize the market's flooded.
Ramsey is just a little shit who happens to be in-fucking-sane in the books, but it's never implied that he has that kind of pull.
What the fuck is going on.
Hack writing
What the fuck are you even on about, mate? Everything you wrote is pure bullshit.
War turns people into a caricature of christfags.
I don't remember the faith militant being this way in the books, they were zealots, but a lot of their disdain for the upper class was more than justified.
woah we went way past the bump limit
New thread
i really rooted for the boltons doing more evil shit and uniting the north to use them to fight the lannisters… but now why bother they're ruined
nice dog scene dough
What the fuck even is this harry potter bullshit?