the BBC truly living up to it's name.

Other urls found in this thread:


So progressive xD

(Rule Britannia plays sadly in the distance)

The fuck is that supposed to be?

Please tell me that's not british royalty…



Could this be the next level of BBCuckoldry?

Does this mean it's okay for me to make a movie depicting Africans as white people in loincloths being oppressed by the black British Empire?

The new BBC show "Hollow Crown".

it's about Margaret of Anjou who was the Queen of England.

and White


I'm not white and even I think it's stupid, she looks so out of place.

who's the genius who thought this was a good idea?


No. It's:

Fucking shameless.

It's like (((they))) do it on purpose just to test us

Big Black Cunt


Quality British programming!


No, you fucking moron.

spain was ruled by french cadet royal houses after the caliphate conquered it, due to the fall of the carolingian houses a few decades earlier. they were exactly as you described

what on earth is your point? are you one of those niggers who got anal-pained about witcher 3 because >MUH MOORS?

my point is that it's not far fetched to portray a mudblood as an english kings consort. historically inaccurate? yes - but you assholes are screaming reverse racism where it doesnt exist

and italians are half niggers already



1. What part of this is supposed to be the queen of ENGLAND don't you understand?
2. Brown Muslims did not invade Europe and just stop dressing as they did in their own culture and then all of the sudden start wearing Christian garb and surround themselves with European tastes. Who does that? Who invades another country in order to adopt their culture, especially Muslims who consider that blasphemous. You invade a country and import your own culture exactly as the Muslims are doing today.

You're full of shit. Muslims were not parading around LARPing as white Europeans. And this bitch isn't a brown Muslim. She's full on black. The only blacks I know of in French history is this nigger in pic related. And like I said before, this is about the
not France. And there were no black queens of France either.

Isn't your time on the computer up at the retirement home?

nobody is screaming reverse racism because reverse racism doesnt exist. thats a nonsense statement. im sorry some shitposting on a dead as fuck site bothers you so much that you interpret it as assholes screaming, when it is in reality, little more than words on a screen.

anyway things that are theoretically feasible and things that likely to occur are on opposite ends of the spectrum

your thinking of Sicilians.


oh my god you are so fucking ignorant,

this takes place nearly 800 years after the muslim invasion of spain. look at southern europeans today and tell me there arent any brown people.

the english crown at the time was still dependent on the church

the english king CHOOSES HIS FUCKING CONSORT - just as the choice of queen margaret of anjou led to the war of the roses, the choice of a mulatto was readily available among other european royalty.

i already said it was historically inaccurate but dont act like its fucking impossible


but why should it be this technically feasible choice over any other? why not have her be yellow (jaundice,) or blue (argyria,) or unnaturally white (albanism, vitigillo)? why not have her be a leper, or a cripple, or an amputee? why doesnt she have scurvy, or dentures?


Because it's 1415! I mean COME ON

weak bait

butthurt stormweenie detected

I liked Richard II and Henry IV so much for fucks sake, why did The Hollow Crown get pozzed?

I agree with this user:

Do fuck off.


its run by a Jew


And the consorts of Spain were all white too:

keep rationalizing, Cuck faggot


Try harder next time >>>/tumblr/




A Frenchwoman played by a nigger.

Not just a nigger, they got the ugliest, most monkey looking nigger too.
Fuck, the ghostbusters chick is hotter.

This is the future of Europe, isn't it?

They didn't travel by ferries back then you dumb cucked faggot. It was more than 10 minutes away, and you're more fucking retarded for actually thinking British royalty would intermingle with some random Spaniards.



we used to think that they would simply abolish our heritage and erase it from history

but something even worse is happening: they're appropriating it as their own, and when no one is around anymore capable of telling the difference, Niggers will then have been Kangz

how do you go from this

like this

The Jews are drunk with power.

and this

and this.

Do you think they'll make Adolf Hitler black?

They wish.

hitler was jewish

Nice meme.


They already did

Ala, (The Black Gestapo)^^^

It's an Okay Movie; it's on YouTube.. Enjoy

Whattare you talkingbout you filth

It already was pozzed in the first series. Remember the Duke of York in Henry V?

The moors fucked all your ancestors wives after conquering them Luigi. Must be why you greasy dagos were so incompetent when we needed you.

found the nigger italian

this is a painting of mohammed c. 490

Holy shit


*smacks lips*


*gets coronated*


*signs Magna Carta*


*grants Knighthood*


*fondles orb and scepter*


*beheads peasant*


*starts war with France*


*declares Crusade*



That's a painting of an Andalusi emir retard


The Yuan dynasty were Mongols who adopted Han Chinese culture after conquering them, but that's not relevant to what's being discussed and everything else you said is right.


This is a right load of old shit, in't it lads?

Keep telling yourself everything is fine, boyo.

Are you excited yet Holla Forums ?

Jesus Fuck, I just looked it up, he's supposed to be Sir Bedivere. This world is insane.

so why did they cast some mexican cleaning lady for the part?


pretty gay bruh

This is madness!

Until you like it

why live?

What are they even trying to achieve by casting a black woman as Margaret of Anjou?

to make the cast more diverse obviously

dont try to read too much into it lest you fall into a Holla Forumshole you can't get out of

Again though, why?

because BBC is publically funded, and the legislators of britain have determined that in order to recieve public funding you must abide by some certain policies


Also, out of all the characters to pozz up they chose the queen.

It has nothing to do with the fact the BBC is a den of pedophile leftists, right?

You aren't making this any clearer.

i dont have enough space to explain socialism and social progressive policy in britain, you'll have to trust me

Trust you on what?

Jews and hatred of the white majority.

blaming the jews for leftist policies in europe is like blaming niggers for the atlantic slave trade

So, spot on?

You do know that it was niggers themselves that sold other niggers into slavery, right?

Why is BBC so pozzed?

It's been a little while since I've seen that one thrown around.
Or maybe I haven't been paying attention.

Nice double dubs.

It's funny how cuck shills like to call anyone who doesn't want the west to become Africa 2.0 stormfronters. As if wanting white people to exist is the same thing as wanting to gas Jews.

t. Tyrone Muhammad Ahtunowhiho Gonzales the American mutt

I actually don't give much of a shit about that. What I do hate are shitty rewrites of existing lore, be it fiction or history, and casting minorities or "oppressed" actors to shield themselves from any form of criticism.
If they want to inject identity politics, why not create their own stuff? The issue with this type of stunt, is that they basically invalidate the existing lore by pushing the narrative that the past material was not inclusive enough, racist, misogynist and what not. The historical truth or the quality of the story is entirely irrelevant at this point.

Everybody say it with me



top kek


Besides, Spain and England were never friends nor allies to begin with.

The only english king who married a spaniard was Henry the 8th as I'm aware of.

And because he was a fucking depraved cuck he killed her to marry another bitch to have a son.

No, my dear libcuck.

Now back to your ballpit.

who bought the slaves? who made the children of slaves, slaves? who invented chattel slavery and the idea that the entire race is subservient to the superior white race?

before you accuse anyone of historical ignorance you should put down mein kampf for a moment and read guns, germs and steel.

I know you are baiting, but you know that slavery had nothing to do with race, right?

Besides, muslims and africans were more about slavery than any white country. And white countries didn't castrate their slaves.

you are confusing the millenia old tradition of slavery as a social caste with american chattel slavery.

That's just the icing on the cake.
In order to push their marxistic bullshit they will "diversify" anything they can get their hands on. Bonus points if it's related to european history.

Arabs, other niggers, whites. Pretty much everyone. But you self-loathing cucks only ever blame whitey.

Ever wonder where all the nigger slaves bought by the Arabs went? Why is there no nigger minority in Arab countries despite centuries of slave trade?

But this is true. Humans are superior to niggers. It's why they've been slaves since the dawn of time and whites have dominated the world.

Boy, try to post that on Holla Forums, you'll have a marvelous time! We made it a community sport to prove the faggot wrong.

Americans, yet having a shitty slavery way and not even close to great Greece and Roman slavery systems, enslaved whites too. You know, the Irish. And the people who captured the slaves in africa where other africans dealing with enemy tribes.

you are clearly arguing against your own internal congizance of what you expect me to say, based on less than three sentences. i have no interest in you

>>>Holla Forums


well, ignoring historical facts is a hallmark of leftism

arabs and jews. arabs bought mainly females as sex slaves and a few male niggers to be eunuchs. jewish merchants bought mainly males to ship them to the new world and sell them into indentured servitude. fun fact: the first legit slave owner in the americas was a nigger who used to be an indentured servant.

probably the first human civilization fuck knows how many thousands of years ago

holy fucking strawman

yep, lefty through and through. also if you're gonna name drop a book, you should probably avoid pop science shit

Not even Holla Forums but that book is a joke from a scholarship level. Full of bias and shoddy methodology. You should be embarrassed to have suggested it.

why are you still talking? i can't hear you over my leftist gay orgy - later we're getting together for drinks to discuss the agenda to destroy everything straight white males love while we convince people to dye their hair, wear stupid looking glasses, and cut off their testicles

yes i have heard mein kampf is pretty bad

shameful display m8

Gotta love how you are being ironic but that's exactly what leftists do, they just don't state it.

Once again not Holla Forums. They are just as bad when it comes to letting what they want to see color their reasoning and "research". Gun, Germs, and Steel is not a sound book from any objective scholastic level. I would recommend some better works but I fear you are too upset right now to listen. Just look into it and reads some of the critiques of Diamond from other researchers when you calm down and have the time. There are much better works dealing with the issues.

trust me, i am not upset at some baiting mouthbreather on a cambodian finger painting bbs

please do recommend, i enjoy reading about history from any perspective that fits my preconcieved notions of what is tolerable and intolerable

Try "Why the West Rules—For Now: The Patterns of History, and What They Reveal About the Future by Ian Morris". He goes over similar ground as Diamond but his research is more rigorous and less leading into the paths he personally wishes it to go.

Oh, another white guilt academic whining that the ebil whitey is oppressing the noble savages.

Let me give you a prediction of the future. The world won't be ruled by Africa, or India, or the Middle East mudshits, it will be dominated by East Asians, and they'll make all the subhumans wish whitey was back in control.

The West will either be destroyed under the onslaught of the "refugee" hordes or see a resurgence in jingoism and hardline nationalism.

And there will be millions of dead niggers in Africa once the humanitarian aid infrastructure goes to shit.

cool thanks. Diamond's work is basically a refutation of century old ideas like geographic determinism - I don't necessarily agree or subscribe to his every notion. I read and enjoyed Ayn Rand as well. It would be nice if more smarter people would post here instead of preteen retarded pretend stormfags with no point and no message to convey.

Are you mentally challenged or something? Environmental determinism is exactly the idea the kike champions. Niggers aren't a racial failure because they have IQ lower than that of a gorilla, they're the ass end of humanity because Africa is poor in resources and geographically disadvantageous to progress.

Otherwise they're just like us.

No surprise you somehow managed to fish out another mentally ill moron, this time the paragon of neocons and cuckservatives.

Unlike you. Lacking basic understanding of history, not knowing what the author you supposedly read was talking about, crying ad hominem at anyone calling you a retard and on and on it goes.

Niggers are inferior. Live with it.

And remember folks, niggers are just like us and deserve the same rights and freedoms!

That is exactly what Morris predicts will happen.

i still cant hear you over the sound of me and my gay butt buddies ripping the fabric of society

And I didn't even need a fucking doctorate. Where do I get my think-tank paycheck?

There's that documentary (Empire of Dust) of the Chinese conquest of Africa and what they're doing, which is awesome to watch. Especially that one scene where the Chinese interviewer starts telling the nigger how badly they've fucked up since whitey left (and left them all that modern infrastructure) and the nigger is stammering and mumbling dindu nuffin.

What? No refutations to anything I wrote, no counter argument? Just passive-aggressive whining?

How non-stereotypical for a leftist!

I don't need to, you already scripted the conversation in your own head and aren't listening anyway.

Besides it's easier for me to type half sentences while you sperg out behind the keyboard, gaze up at your nazi flag, and masterfully type your dissertation to refute a point nobody made with a glimmer of hope in your eye for the Fourth Reich's quickening

fucking kek, might as well put on a tripcode while you're at it

nigger please, i am an expert in linguistic analysis on laotian crayon drawing chat rooms and have determined with 103.2% probability that

are all samefagging.

But my dear cuck, we don't argue each other to be convinced and converted. Both of us know that will never happen since what I really want is to put you and your family in the oven.

We're arguing to convince the moderates and fence sitters, and let me tell you, you're doing a shit job of it.

Yeah, it's easier for you to shitpost. Everyone knows that all leftists have going for them is shouting RACIST at people here like it's reddit and anyone gives a shit.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised you're too ignorant to know what samefagging means.

straight out of the tripfag playbook

If there are any people sitting on the proverbial fence about niggers being inferior species seperate to homo sapiens, and jews being the cause of all the worlds problems, the best argument I can possibly put forth is to let you make the case against yourself.


The fact you're this assravaged about it means I'm doing something right.

At least when they did it with Guinevere, she was a fictional character - albeit an important fixture of national culture.

It may be a Shakespeare play, but it was an retelling of real history, and Margaret of Anjou is a real historical figure.

This is the Marshal of Finland 2.0.

You're doing it again.

Actually your fence sitting common man who is angry and dissatisfied often responds well to fiery rhetoric castigating outside groups for his miseries. If it didn't work then our history as a species would be far different. The growing rise in hard right nationalism in mainland W. Europe(one of the most generally left leaning areas in the world) should be ample proof of that.

you should go back and read your own posts, m8


It works so well because we are right. Jews and leftists have destroyed, and are destroying, the West from within.

The apathetic average Joe didn't care, but since his Jewish overlords saw fit to bring Africa to his doorstep, he's suddenly very motivated and afraid.

The hard right isn't winning because they scream the loudest. They're winning because what they say is the truth. If that were not the case they wouldn't be growing in power despite a multi-billion propaganda machine and decades of leftist indoctrination working against them.

You should be thanking your Jihadist foes every night. They keep up their dark ages nonsense long enough and you might just get the civil war in Europe you long for. I hope you are prepared for how hard the elites are going to bring down the hammer. They would love nothing more than a excuse to start trimming what they think of as the expendable useless eaters.

There's an example of what I was talking about. I told people IRL letting in all these animals was going to end up bad. They called me a racist and a bigot, they told me it's the CURRENT YEAR. They were oddly taciturn after Paris.

Thing is, I want none of this. Bring the clock back to 2009 and I was a moderate liberal that believed in the good of all, equality, the evils of racism, the whole shebang.

Then leftists really started messing with my shit and down the rabbit hole I went.

I don't want a race war, I don't want violence and chaos in the streets, I just want to be able to enjoy my shit in peace without some Marxist cumstain fucking up my escapism with his ideological jizz, but since I'm well aware they'll never stop unless you put a bullet in them, here we are.

Thing is, governments and ideologies come and go. I have no illusions about what kind of society the hard right will usher if put into power, but I don't care because it's preferable to Ahmed and Jamal shitting in our genepool and all of Europe ending like Byzantium.

By 2050 the majority of the West is predicted to become minority white. Everything else is secondary to preventing that from happening.

you really are clueless

So let me get this straight - you're not a revolutionary who wants to change the actual, IRL world, you're actually just pissed about your comic books and games?

Out of all the books you pick the one that makes you look like a retard.

Not insofar as I believe Dear Leader Hitler was God incarnate, no. The right wing are the ones that are making sense and have the right of it.

Just look at Orban and the Polish leadership. Everyone was screaming bloody murder when they told Merkel to go fuck herself and actually defended their borders from the invading horde, and they were completely vindicated in the end.

When shit like Rotherham keeps on happening, when Paris and Brussels, London, et al are starting to become an everyday occurrence, when the West is getting destroyed from within by the voracious, parasitic hordes of vermin from the Middle East and Africa and our culture is getting ravaged by Jews and Marxist, I wouldn't be human if I didn't start seeing red.

People are angry, but have no outlet, have no freedom to discuss and voice their dissatisfaction. You keep calling someone a Nazi long enough and he'll tell you to go fuck yourself and join the Nazis, if only because he hates you more than he disagrees with them.

That was the instigator, sure, but not the be all, end all of my convictions.

I believe in democracy, I believe in individualism, freedom of speech, I support all of that. I am not a statist shill.

But I also believe that you can only have all of that in a homogenous (white) society.

Short term band-aid while they prepare a long term solution. The elites know that unchecked population growth and resource consumption is unsustainable for very long. Not to mention that the more people there are then the harder the logistics of keeping us under the kind of control they want over us is. We aren't anywhere near space colonization as a solution. They need to chop the global population down immensely. I believe that they are setting up a powder keg on a global level and when the time is right, they are going to set if off. The only sticking point I can see and the main reason why they haven't done it yet is they aren't positive that nobody will get a itchy finger on a big red button or that no radical groups will blunder their way into seizing some facility with biological or chemical weapons.

How do you not already live in one? I have moved about fifteen times in the course of my life and have never once lived in a black, brown, or otherwise neighborhood. I have lived ONLY in a white homogeneous society. In the USA.

Just because you make an effort to avoid multicultural hellholes does not mean you live in a homogeneous society. Whites instinctively retreat to and band together while the brown and black hordes relentlessly chase after them in an effort to secure more gibs.

And since you're obviously not up to speed, you might not be aware that Obama has made sure no community will remain homogeneously human for long. The federal government will be busy reviewing them to determine if they fulfill the new, mandatory diversity quotas, and if they don't they'll unleash Section Ape on them.

Obama making bid to diversify wealthy neighborhoods
Do enjoy your peace and tranquility while it lasts.


i never said i was wealthy

i'd like to see a nigger try to make a decent living in greene county ny

You don't understand leftists speech. "Wealthy" does not mean Bill Gates or Soros, "wealthy" is codeword for "white community".

That's what welfare, Obama phone, EBT card, Section 8, free healthcare, et al are for.

And all paid by you!

I misspoke - EBT cards don't shovel your driveway. There will never be niggers here. They simply couldn't survive the winter even with all the government handouts in the world.

Doesn't matter if niggers want or not, the gubmit has decreed your community is too homogeneous, so they'll ship a bunch of Somalis your way.

You have to understand that the nigger is a weapon, not an entity. It's like unleashing a plague of locusts on your enemy.

Yes Arabs and the ottomans did this to white people as-well or if you consider some of the Romanians and Ukranians white. It was something they called a bloodtax, slavery was nothing new.
Vikings where also on the scheme of trading whites or eastern European to Irish as chattel.

Speaking of Muslims they where the first with the hardcore negro trade also, later the Spanish and Portuguese took over really hardcore, the niggers in the US where lucky to be quite honest, they did not suffer like a Brazilian slave. A Brazilian slave would live at max 4 years, for over-working at the sugar farms
So there where more new negro culture in Brazil than the US, one could almost wonder why and how. The US negro is so about muh slavery and muh oppression where the rest of the world has forgotten about it. The Romanians don't bitch about communism or the bloodtax that the Ottomans had on them.

So in truth your argument is about the negro having such a bad time as a slave and no other nations where in the same position.

That is a false reality.
I could take Norway as an example, the Danish saw Norwegians for over 400 years as subhumans since Norway was a Danish colony.

The Swedish where even worse they saw the Finnish people as total subhuman and killed and raped these fine white people, and made them learn Swedish.

How dare you mock the poor people of colour

FFS, most of the fags in America that celebrate St Patrick's Day don't seem to realise that he - a white Welshman - was brought to Ireland as a fucking slave.



Niggers don't know there are pictures and footage from WW1


Whitey photoshopped those photos, dawg - just like they had paintings of the historical black Jesus painted over to make him white.


your premise would make sense if her name wasnt mary of anjou. It would be technically feasible (so not really) for there to be A black consort (even though this has never happened,) but it IS impossible for there to have been a consort named mary of anjou.


same here
i wonder how many people here can relate to this


Lel. Shame this wasn't in France.

I will never understand their fascination with Islam while simultaneously shitting on Christianity. I mean, I get that the overriding motivation for all leftists is FUCK YOU DAD!, but has any of them actually read the Qur'an? Have they seen how those that practice the purest form of Islam behave?

I'm not one of those guys that thinks Christianity is any better, since it's a cuck religion at its core (in the literal sense no less, since its Messiah came about through divine cucking), which is why I marvel at the mental gymnastics leftists get up to apologize and justify religious fascists that want them dead.


GCSE pupils to be taught that the nation's earliest inhabitants were Africans who were in Britain before the English
w e w

Muslims are the only ones who hate western civilization as much as they do, so they see them as allies.



Insallah my Semitic brother!

Oh fuck. I'm like that too.

I'm not so much about race but culture, but also I'm fucking tired of having to feel guilty for being 'white'.

And I'm spaniard, so I'm not even white for most europe.

Race is culture.

You're white, and fuck anyone that says otherwise.

Look at all those proud bastions of Aryan superiority like Germany and Sweden, how they're falling over themselves to commit community suicide.

Meanwhile the Slav "untermensch" is securing their borders and building a fence, and telling the savages to stay the fuck out.

The BBC has been doing this shit for a while now. I clearly remember the 2012 summer olympics opening ceremony portraying a history of England that included rich black industrialist.

Fuck, I also feel this

actor should use whiteface 4 role

it's skin pigment u rancid ciscum maggot

They will be the salvation of the white race.

Pretty sure the Government of England is really trying to rewrite all of English history to be multicultural.

Are there any boards on this site that aren't full of threads that devolve into retards who barely understand what they're talking about slinging shit at each other?

Technically /tg/ but that's only because they sling shit that no cares about.


you already posted that

used to be the best board

Before you pretend that there's no genetic component to racial variation in IQ you should kill yourself.

*tips banana*

Anglo history already is multicultural, except that the fucking anglos won.

There were hundreds of different cultures long before the pax romana. They all fucking died, except for a few curiousities in the bloodlines there is nothing left of them.

My bad is pure irish for about 10 generations back, and he's a short wiry black haired cunt who could fuck you up - his muscles are dense as lead, just because he's small doesnt mean he's not strong.

everyone else in my family is like that too, but i got my mother's genes and am 6 foot tall with large fluffy muscles and i couldnt lift nearly half what my dad can

How can there be black people in England during the Dark Ages? This isn't even some fantasy setting, so how the fuck did this happen?




brits are natural cuckolds. they love nothing more than to get humiliated and enslaved by a jew-controlled totalitarian state, niggers and mudpigs.

this is a fitting punishment for waging war against the white race in ww2.

literally jeff mills

then explain what the fuck the reverse of judging someone based on their skin is, and then explain how that would even apply in the context that reverse racism was used you dumb retarded faggot.