reddit: the movie
Reddit: the movie
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would have been a much better movie if bencicio del mamma mia pizzaria was the MC or if emily blunt was virtuous enough to let benicio del santa maria augustina spladoodle her thinkin' noodle all over the walls.
the part where she's like "WUUUHT THA FUCKG R WE DOING HEREE" after a couple of spics got mowed down was the essence of Reddit
and the whole CIA reveal was very melodramatic and gay, blunt doing her slack-jaw routine and everyone being artificially btfo, and CIA man was trying to pull some deep-stater shit by saying the USA doesn't expect to stop drugs just control them, as if that is some kind of revelation
very melodramatic and very gay
a careful viewer would see the accurate depiction of Mexico as a shithole as more reason to BUILD THE WALL. That probably went over Reddit's head though.
Fuck off pol
bravo, circlejerker
eh I thought it had the right amount of melodrama, I was just annoyed at how 2 career FBI agents suddenly turned into "omg why is US gov doing stuff" antifa faggots as soon as they get attached to a CIA op. unrealistic
Define Reddit.
high quality
best place on earf :^)
I liked the movie but the bitch had no idea what to do or what to think its like she was lost 24/7
So, typical Western woman?
Fury Road >>>> Cuckario
That was the point. She was just there so the CIA operation would be "official" through a loophole so what they were doing wasn't technically illegal.
Well golly gee!
Tbh shes a rule cuck if you think about it.
It was an ok movie, of course it pulled its punches and never actually condemns CIA involvement with the cartels, or the old classic "guns for drugs" deal we have been consistently making since Iran/contra at least..
also the rant from the field agent is a lot less impressive when you know to what extent Sinaloa and friends are actually infiltrated. they cant lift a finger without US intelligence knowing about it, also we aremd them to the fucking teeth-
the movie claims that
but it never admits that we control this extraordinary enemy, and could easily take them out if we actually wanted to.
people that say this movie is about incompetent women are missing the point, it could have easily worked with a man as the main character as wellalthough it was a nice touch tbh lal
The extraordinary enemy isn't the Cartels, it's spics in general. How can you fight against a race so parasitic?
If the US/Mexican border was a fucking border and not a source of votes for Democrats then letting the Cartels chimp out in Mexico would be no one's problem.
It comes more naturally to women though.
I hate niggers as much as the next guy, but that does not make police brutality automatically kewl. Hard working Americans my ass, the police have become a paramilitary force brutalizing the general population and you little cuck bitches cheer them on for it.
I just loved how his OG faced collapsed when he got pepper spray in the face.
Niggers always wonder why the police treats them like niggers. Well, the video is the answer.
How about not antagonizing the police? Or pointing weapons at them, or trying to steal their guns, or running when they tell you to stop? Why is common sense such a foreign concept to niggers?
Police has now become animal control, and if you've ever seen primates in the wild you'd know you need big guns to stop a raging gorilla.
I just loved how his OG faced collapsed when the got pepper spray in the face.
Niggers always wonder why the police treats them like niggers. Well, the video is the answer.
How about not antagonizing the police? Or pointing weapons at them, or trying to steal their guns, or running when they tell you to stop?
Police has now become animal control, and if you've ever seen primates in the wild you'd know you need big guns to stop a raging gorilla.
being mad at someone is not illegal. yelling at a cop is not illegal. this is not fucking nazi germany
niggers gonna nig but the cops shouldnt be fucking beating people until they actually, legally, deserve it
Puh-leez suburbanite white boi, the mexicans arent some super spheshul race of savages, everything about US-mexican fubar can be explained using actual realpolitik, not bullshit rhetoric and what essentially amounts to superstition
mexico is fucked because of socalled neoliberal "free trade", probably the biggest misnomer in recent history. Clinton fucked us and them good with NAFTA, but it goes back way further than that-
I will grant you that there is something inherently schizophrenic about mexican culture, considering they are this strange breed of equal parts proud/self-hating rape babies of spaniards, but its simplistic and false to boil down this mess to genetics
the dirty little secret is that the US economy is deeply reliant on mexico being a shithole that can supply cheap labor and drugs
this hurts america just as much if not more in the long run, I dont want to go full spectrum water-filter-seedman here but it really does boild down to a globalist plot: undermine sovereign economies, remove borders, centralize governments and slowly gain control
the drug angle is ultimately a way to fund black ops, US government is inherently corrupt but there is still at least a hint of accountability, you cant fucking declare your most recent assassination attempt or coup to congress, you need some way to pay for it off the books:
thats where narco mercenaries and these guns for drugs trades come in, like i said its nothing new classic MO since 50s at least
anyhow im ranting here, i dont fucking care if you hate spics, depending on where you live its understandable, but dont be a goddamned fool and think they are somehow a defining factor in all this, when ultimately you guys are once again being played by kikes.
I agree, its sad to see all these fucking mooks cheering on the police, which in urban areas have essentially become the biggest gang in town.
interesting how in small towns its not nearly as bad, probably because the popo there is at least under the illusion of accountability
Punisher has actually had a few runs dealing with police brutality…he usually doesnt kill them but hes..not exactly a fan lets put it that way
unrelated but i was watching Saul recently and realized despite his age and lack of fitness, mike plays a better frank castle type character than bernthal did
Let's play a number's game libcuck.
50% of New York City is white, the other 50% is niggers and spics, and there's a negligible number of others, yet spics and niggers account for 98% of all gun related crimes.
If you ever wonder why the police act like they do you only need to look in the mirror. It was your kind that spearheaded the Civil Rights movements, it was your kind that championed the 1965 Immigration act.
You are the parasites that destroyed America. The police are merely living in your world, trying to get home at the end of the day while being forced to tolerate your savage pets and their behavior.
Niggers understand only one language, and that is violence.
So like niggers.
No, my smelly beaner friend, everything comes down to genetics.
You heard it here folks, corporations need Mexican drugs to make a buck.
Sure you don't, and you just vomited this whole post that can be summarized as "blame whitey" because you obviously are above it all.
I love this argument, i see it again and again, you are subconsciously saying that niggers and spics are superhumans, its deep seated fear and yes an element of cuckery is there as well. I guess its not really your fault, you are only exposed to voyeuristic episodes through the internet, and then you have fucking talking heads on both sides spewing their worthless coopted, controlled opposition "opinions"
in the mean time there is little actual analysis, because all sides of the political spectrum in the west have been yoked with blinders.
inside the US violent crime has actually decreased, being a LEO is not a very dangerous job statistically, a roofer will laugh at a cop when he tries to get all dramatic about his jerb.
you can argue that niggers have gotten more A-social but that still doesnt merit the vicious response we are seeing, never mind what can only be described as militarization: the police have become hard to distinguish from the military(ok thats not entirely true, if you look a little closer you can still definitely tell loll)
If you would watch anything other than TYT you would see that the bacon kills plenty of fucking poor white people as well, it just doesnt get reported because you cant use it to stir up shit.
I wish disenfranchised whites had even a little bit of the solidarity the nigras or the mexicans demonstrate, regardless of whether or not it is misplaced.
first of all im not a libcuck whatever the fuck that means in your puny mind
cops should not shoot until shot at. PERIOD. they knew the fucking job when they picked it. TO PROTECT AND SERVE
spouting off harlem and bed sty figures from 1978 does not strengthen your argument that cops are not jackbooted nazi thugs, when a nigger gets his leg broken over a fucking tomato he PAID FOR
escalate violence against the citizenry under the guise of maintaining order, while at the same time escalating attacks against orderly citizens, and you will be met with violent opposition.
And that's how I know you're a leftist cuckold. I bet you also believe police should shoot at limbs instead of targeting central mass to "disarm" the innocent youf.
You pull a gun at someone, or refuse to put down your gun, you will get shot.
Pick related you mentally ill Marxist.
And source (that directly quotes the NYPD police report)
>In addition to these four major categories, the NYPD report revealed, nonwhites were responsible for 83 percent of all felony sex crimes, 98 percent of all shootings, 91 percent of all firearm arrests, 93 percent of all grand larcenies, 88 percent of all drug arrests, 84 percent of all stolen property crimes, 88 percent of all misdemeanor sex crimes, 89 percent of all misdemeanor assaults, 84 percent of all petit Larcenies, and 80 percent of all misdemeanor criminal mischief.
Niggers and spics are not orderly citizens. They are wild animals.
I'm pro-police, retard. My point was that it's a little silly to complain about cops taking it too far and then to post Frank Castle of all people.
If you think police are more dangerous than actual gangs, then I encourage you to look into groups like the crips/bloods, latin kings, even the mafia.
Police corruption is a serious problem, but you shouldn't assume that all cops are dirty, and remember that even if an officer is on the take, they're still human. Police do what they do because they want to help and protect people, not because they want to shoot niggers out of spite.
You don't know what you're talking about, I'm sorry. The reason cops say HANDS UP is so that they don't get guns pulled on them. If they're pointing a gun at you and tell you to freeze, there's a very small window before they'll open fire if you don't do it because otherwise they risk dying themselves. Police are not and should not be under any obligation to be murdered by criminals liberals made them give the benefit of the doubt.
If you get shot by a cop because you were reaching into your pockets or jacket, or you decided to start moving towards them after they told you not to, it's your own fault.
you cant fucking talk about immigration without talking about globalization ye small-minded, strategically inept cunt
cry me a fucking river you sad, stockholm syndrome cuck. some facts, i hope you dont get triggered you effeminate little yapper:
being a cop is a shit job but its not that fucking dangerous faggot, you dont need to suck them off and toss that salad like the little civvy pussy you are
you pulled it out of your ass didnt you faggot?
You, like so many others, are talking about symptoms, as opposed to the actual problem, and you are booty blasted because i said something that doesnt fit into one of your comfy little mental containers
shut up you fucking simpleton nigger. the people that made all of this possible have no allegiance to any nation or racemaybe the tribe but even thats debatable
no, when you aim a gun you better intend to kill what you're aiming at.
will you please pull your fat stupid head out of hswollen anus for one minute and stop pigeonholing people into convenient boxes to fit your own self-administered propaganda? i am not a leftist or a liberal.
i am armed, i carry every day and i will make no distinction between a man in a ski mask attempting to commit a violent crime against me and a man in uniform.
wow you really are fucking retarded, drain that water out of your melon son
you need spics to pick your fields and work in your meat packing plants, and you need niggers in cages to make equipment, 100% of helmets, ammo belts etc, and a whole bunch of other shit.
it was two seperate things I was talking about you fucking mook, none of this has to do with "Blame whitey" stop thinking about this like its a fucking baseball game, you got dicked just as bad as the spics if not worse, time will prove me even more right than i already am.
im a kraut by the way faggot, hilarious that some mixed breed ginger potato nigger is calling me a spicsorry irish i love u guise just bantz
Considering that nigger are overrepresented in virtually all crime statistics across the nation - to the point that 3% of the total US population (mače niggers of appropriate age) commit 50% of all murders.
And yet, pic related happens. Cops treats niggers with kid gloves, yet niggers, being niggers, still manage to kill themselves. It's actually an amazing achievement when you think about it.
Kike funded and leftists championed cancer meant to weaken the West and dilute national identity.
I guess official police statistics are racist? Either that or your reading comprehension is at the same level as your writing, in which case it comes as no surprise to me that you can't understand statistical data.
>>In addition to these four major categories, the NYPD report revealed, nonwhites were responsible for 83 percent of all felony sex crimes, 98 percent of all shootings, 91 percent of all firearm arrests, 93 percent of all grand larcenies, 88 percent of all drug arrests, 84 percent of all stolen property crimes, 88 percent of all misdemeanor sex crimes, 89 percent of all misdemeanor assaults, 84 percent of all petit Larcenies, and 80 percent of all misdemeanor criminal mischief.
It's awesome to watch what happens when leftists finally get confronted with reality and have no more excuses to blame the police for all the dead youths on their way to church.
Back to Mexico with you, wetback.
Look at you, you actually spent 5 minutes googling about guns and came up with this gem.
Police do actually intend to kill you when they pull the gun at you, it's why it is in your best interest to follow their orders and not make any sudden movements. Why do leftists and niggers find this hard to grasp? Is it because you are born stupid?
Yes, you are. I can smell the stupidity.
Look, everyone, we have ourselves an internet tough guy. He's gonna fight the popo in the name of Saint Mike and Saint Trayvon.
pfft…point taken but you dont know shit about gangs muchacho, none of those guys mean shit anymore, even piru bloods are a fucking joke, its the kind of thing some monkeyass rapper associates with
the biggest gangs left are mostly underlings of the cartels(the various sur prison sets, ms13 as well from what i heard they were greenlit and now whats left does cartel bidding)
crips basically dont exist anymore outside of drunken niggers standing around in front of their dilapidated houses, latin kings barely coordinate nationally, never mind internationally, small time bangers in the grand scheme of things
I honestly dont know if ndrangeta or the like operates in the US, seems like a market not worth expanding into, theyve got plenty to do here in euroop
fact of the matter is the biggest gangs are subsidized, they cooperate with US intelligence on the upper echelons, they are on a look away list much like 911 hijackers. this goes for mexicunts and HA in the us, and the best example for europe would be albanian siptar scum.
the main players stateside are the cartels, and hells angels who have a similar albeit not nearly as well documented relationship to the deep-state
i cant fucking make heads or tails out of these stats you salty mixed breed, not nec denying them but why in the fuck is there always a rubrik underneath with numbers like this:
93.4% identity unknown, 92% identity unknown…
also notice that depsite all your alarmism and all the other noises you are making with your massive, unkempt vagina, the vast majority of victims are also nonwhite, i.e they are merrily slaughtering each other, i.e no fucking shit sherlock do you want a fucking cookie or something for being a master sleuth?
my point is still that all of this shit is a symptom of far greater, deeply parasitic problems, but you dont want to talk about that shit because you are a mongoloid that can just barely see the hand in front of his face
i think the sad reality is that you are just fascinated with niggers, maybe you secretly want to be one
Just kill yourself you illiterate cretin.
But they also kill a large number of whites. And any white person is worth a thousand of them.
Yes, Jews and Marxists. I'm glad you agree.
yeah i fucking saw it now, my bad
yes you are gods gift to mankind
lets just round up shall we, the browns are responsible for 100% of crime.
your arguments and your entire stance are still shit, they lead to NOTHING. what are you going to do? round them all up and gas them? its not going to happen, and you wouldnt be here shouting about it if you actually had the stones to act on your supposed convictions
you need to figure out what lead to things being the way they are, and if you think you can put all of this on genetics you are a goddamned fool of the worst order, your arent a special fucking snowflake, you cant fucking base your identity on what others have built, what are you some kind of fucking commie?
the only way you fucking mutts can solve your problems is if you return to an isolationist stance, start heavily investing in actual manufacturing, industry and infrastructure, and get rid of all the corrupt traitorous cunts that are embedded in your fucked up political system.
Israel controls US foreign policy, kike bankers control your "economy", and you are frothing at the mouth over a bunch of spics and niggers shooting each other, a problem you have probably never been confronted with personally
you are a shortsighted fool is what im saying, wake up and smell the shit avalanche that is coming, if you really cared about the well being of your countrymen you would pull your head out of your ass and look at the big picture
This is why Holla Forums is cancer and must be excised from Holla Forums.
No need to feel shame you rode the short bus to school.
Actually, we are, pic related. Admittedly, this is no great achievement when you're competing with black and brown subhumans.
You know what? I'm actually starting to believe you. You are just the right kind of cucked idiot to be a kraut leftist.
That's not what the data is saying stupid. They are responsible for the majority of crimes, and also overrepresented compared to their percentage of the total population.
Unlike you I actually deal in facts.
They lead to much. An understanding that the problem is racial, not socio-economic, as leftist like you love to claim, and that Western countries would have minimal crime and violence if it weren't for the bestial aliens.
I'm all for deportation back to their natural habitat, or mandatory neutering so they can't breed anymore.
The difference between humans and animals is the ability to plan ahead and understand cause and consequence. Most whites are aware that shooting a few niggers dead is going to achieve nothing other than see you land in jail. They breed like cockroaches, following r-selection, and soon a few more niggers will take their place.
Breivik had the right idea when he gunned down all those socialist brats. Masterfully executed and he basically crippled the left in Norway by exterminating their future leadership.
By 2050 the US will be minority white. California is already minority white. So, please, cuck, stop embarrassing yourself further.
Each and every claim you've made has been debunked by me, and you've embarrassed yourself further by calling into question hard facts without even bothering to check their validity. You're the imbecile here.
I haven't seen this movie but I want you cuckstains out out out.
see, what the fuck is this? what does that even mean? you must be awfully familiar with this "essence of reddit".
I love watching normalfag cucks like this sperg out.
Look at this assmad ledditor.
pol can be fucking retarded, dogmatic, and infantile, easily enough to hold a candle to some of the shittiest third-wave feminist holes on the internet..
they arent wrong about everything however, you should be able to say anything no matter how "shocking", and the revisionism and downright censorship we have seen in general discourse for decades now is what has pushed so many people to the hard "right"
what we need is more syncretism, people willing to shed all these fucking names and terms and teams and actually look at reality
lol its almost like a nigger taking credit for the pyramids, none of that has anything to do with you, faggot, what have you accomplished that gives you the fucking chutzpah to include yourself on a graph of HUMAN ACCOMPLISHMENT, you cheeky fookin cunt?
the audacity is astounding, its alarmingly delusional.
throwing a bunch of different ethnicities into a pot and thinking everyone is going to magically get along is beyond naive obviously, it takes serious fucking effort to keep things in line when you are dealing with radical..diversity(case in point yugoslavia, russia)
if you seriously think your problems would be magically solved by racial purity however you are a fucking idiot, and you are completely disregarding the top down problems that have fuck all to do with race. In fact racial tension helps massively in propagating said mechanisms, its the perfect scapegoat to keep idiots busy with side issues.
what do i mean by this?
most obvious example: your fucking banking system is a scam of the worst order, it boggles the mind when you attempt to comprehend it.
bank of international settlements in 2014 estimated that global derivatives are valued at about 1.5 QUADRILLION dollars.. wat is that a thousand trillions?? global GDP is like 60 trillion tops, thats a fucking snowball nuclear time bomb of pure gambling debt that is going to blow up in your fucking face, its pure kikery on a level that is almost as hard to understand as the scope of the universe, it will make the 08 crash look like a fart in the air conditioning.
so explain to me race warrior, what does that have to do with fucking niggers? thats just traditional derivatives by the way, there are a bunch of other kike financial "products"
the military industrial complex, waging wars in the name of greater israel for trillions upon trilliions and funding wahhabis the world over is almost small fries compared to the fucking banksters, but its another catastrophe waiting to happen.
aforementioned free trade, dismantling industry, opening up borders and exploiting wealth and wage differences to undermine sovereign economies is another cornerstone of the world we live in, it also has nothing to do with muds
racial tension, crime, divisiveness all of these things are a nice side benefit to the main kikery, it keeps jackasses like you busy and not focused on the real enemy.
plz tell that to the V-schutz, maybe they will take me off the list of supposed right wing anti-democratic hardliners
I wasnt putting words in your mouth, i was just rounding up to make my point, even if it was 100% (and 92 or whatever is pretty damn close, especially considering there isnt even THAT much crime in NY, 40 murders in dec 2015 big fucking whoop) it still doesnt change what the underlying factors are
hurr deport them to africa? guess what bruh they arent fucking africans, africa has no obligation to take them they probably wouldnt want them, theyve got enough fucking problems as is
you fucking burger boys are going to have to figure out the mess your forefathers left you in that regard.
mexicans is a little different i guess, but i can guarantee you that if it werent for NAFTA and al l the agreements like it that have undermined both US and mexican economies, the problem would be a lot fucking smaller
just…lol. Breivik was an idiot, he did more for the "left" in Norway than the youth party he massacred ever could, we can talk about this again in 10 years. He also copied most of his manifesto from the unabomber, wtf breivik thats just uninspired
you havent debunked anything ive said, stop fingering your own asshole you sack, the only thing I will concede is that the 90+ percent is a lot fucking higher than i expected, i expected majority but not that(i wonder how many of em is puerto ricans, i bet like half of that is fucking knifey puerto ricans)
funny thing about cali or more precisely LA county is that a couple years ago many…varrios were majority black. few short years and they are majority hispanic, looks like one of your.."problems" is solving the other one..
Pretty sure they want the global economy to crash and for billions to die in war and starvation while they hole up and wait it out. They want our population levels down to a nice manageable number so they can swoop in and mold us into a nice compliant slave society that will never have the numbers or will to oppose them.
thats…actually pretty concise and accurate
A child of three could see it. These aren't stupid people. They know that they have built this worldwide interlocking economy on a house of sand whilst steadily making global tensions rise exponentially. They are preparing it to crumble just the way they want it. Faggots are so arrogant and sure of themselves they are literally writing their plans down on giant stone monuments for any and all to see.
blast from the past, I remember the georgia guidestones from some really old alex jones video
Now the seedman is of course 70-80% bullshit but that thing is legit, huge fucking monoliths, very hard to figure out who actually paid for it, the only guy you can kind of tie it to is that global warming fanatic tv executive…
What I find most interesting especially considering user above was already going on about sterilization is WHY is it so important that the population is not too large, we see this trend again and again from the climate bullshit to the wars to bill fucking gates the hobby eugenicist, its something theyve managed to make very mainstream:
We are the problem, everything would be just fucking great if it werent for people, that seems to be the narrative.
Its like you said, a manageable number, although im going to elaborate:
I think theres a point where if you have enough people that are living at a decent standard of living, i.e not only food, shelter, security, but access to information it becomes almost impossible to control them.
weve reached that point already in the west to an extent, look at all these fucking worthless neets, they arent doing jack shit, but if you would debate an intelligent one he could probably rationalise his behavior coherently and consistently, hes had the time and the luxury to be able to come to the conclusion that the game as it is now is fucking fixed.
it might be that there are serious genetic differences between races, ive seen good arguments for and against that statement.
one thing we can say for sure is that we are not all magically compatible with each other, i dont think anyone that is not delusional will deny that.
but we fucking need as many people as possible right now. We are in a race against time. we need to elevate our consciousness faster than these fuckers are capable of crashing this plane with almost no survivors, and the best way to do that is massive investments in real shit, roads, power plants dams trains fucking land bridges the whole shebang. bring up the wages stat, reform the worthless college system, start a competent apprentice program like the germans once had so people can learn actual skills and have a chance at a good life, not fucking gender studies and art history
the Ki..ehh powers that be are afraid of this shit, they know if we git gud and start terraforming and building shit like we are supposed to, we wont even need a revolution: we will shrug these parasites off like a mildly unpleasant nightmare
stay assmad
if you think that is all a revelation, then you're a braindead normie
you mean Kuck, that's what your country is now, a Muslim cum dumpster.
a lie
niggers are in cages because they're niggers, and they don't hardly do shit in prison besides serve time and fuck each other
Germans are so race cucked that even when someone agrees about the Jews, they still engage in nigger-loving
Time to make like Sweden and slurp down some Halal cum, you Kuck faggot
eat a bullet, you fucking pussy, we're on topic here. Don't like it? Fuck off out of the thread.
Feminism, niggers and spics? PURE COINCIDENCE, you just need to worry about the (hang on a second, let me assume my Libercuckian voice, Rand Paul!) """"""The Military Industrial Complex"""""""", and your "Banks", and the "NSA", and let me go on down the list of Cuckservative touchstones for more emotional stupidity.
Let us be thankful that the fetid, rotting corpse of Germany is finally being flushed down the toilet. Good Riddance, you Kuck faggots.
God bless natural selection, getting rid of all the cucked populations of whites in the West. Hopefully the few whites still not craving nigger dick survive the coming shitstorm.
and lets get another thing straight, Kuck-pro, with all your Eurocuck bitch about how burgers are just so mongrelized literally and figuratively and can't possibly be considered part of the "whtite race"
you are no more German than I am, your language is now rendered just as meaningless as English, you are not living in Europe. All of post-war, post-1945 "Europe" is nothing more than a proxy, a bitch of America, and you've been so bitched by Americanism so hard and so long that you Eurocucks have now made it your mission to out-mongrelize the already mongrelizing-pros of America, to out-Americanize Americanism by accepting every shitskin and every faggot and piece of garbage and detritus into your women's pussies. You should be embarrassed to call yourself the same name that once belonged to men like Nietzsche, Martin Heidegger, Holderlin, Hegel, Leibniz, Beethoven and so on down the honor roll of *Real* Germans.
I don't get it
that's because you're stupid
the idea is that redditors are fanciful egalitarians, to the point that the idea of a woman being incapable of comprehending the first thing you wrote, as in their mind, a woman is just as capabaple as a man in all respects.
you talk like a fag and your shits all retarded. your priorities are all wrong. why should i, in the general sense, be more worried about my money when jamal and the boys have me outgunned, and have eyes on my daughter?
wew lad
Kaiser Wilhelm?
no Frederick the great. goddam pic wont post.
no this guy. goddamn pic didnt post
Well done, op, you won today.
And I'm sure Michael Brown getting shot after beating Darren Wilson and trying to take his gun is "muh police brutality" in your eyes too.
Good goy, have a shekel. Fucking pathetic.
You have to go back, Carlos. And you will pay for the wall.
No we fucking don't. Whites can do those jobs just fine, Mohammad.
What, is Germanistan slacking on giving you "refugees" reading lessons? kek
Are facts getting in the way of your feelings? Poor little leftist.
Top fucking cuck.
lol what a gay
So there's nothing wrong with movie, just redditors who don't get it
why dont you watch it and find out for yourself, instead of pestering daddy?
but really i already answered this question see the second post in this thread.
No way OP, Reddit the Movie is pic related
I wonder why the guy who keeps trying to force the cumskin meme on /n/ doesn't try his luck here.
He'd be far more successful.
endchan Holla Forums is slow af tbh. and none of my niche boards had enough incentivisation to move. i do browse Holla Forums over there though, since /svidya/ is now super duper dead.
God damn that's accurate.
The only other thing you need is a self-driving car for them to circle jerk about
says the fucking couch potato office nigger that has never done any actual manual labor in his life
you faggot, you outed yourself simply by saying "whites CAN do those jobs just fine"
if you knew what you were talking about you would know that no one in his right mind would fucking want to do migrant farm work, its literally backbreaking labor, you are wrecked with 35, at least construction workers get some semblance of danger pay.
a deeply agricultural society is always reliant on outside labor, its a shitty fucking job you relegate to the lowest of the low.
this is why manufacturing and industry is so fucking important, its the only way to really gain economic sovereignty, and you have been going precisely in the wrong direction for generations now
Im really fucking throwing pearls to the swines here arent I, you suburbanite cunt
just barely hiding your incompetence, idiocy, and lack of a coherent understanding of the world behind a random assortment of maymes arent you, nigger?
its literally just ad homs at this point because i probably know more good and bad things about your country than you ever will.
can you even fucking read you mongoloid? its you fucking retards that keep wanting to talk about niggers, im trying to talk about the underlying issues here but all your deep-seated fears and sexual leanings just keep bubbling to the goddamned surface
shut the fuck up nigger, you know fucking nothing about what i am doing or not doing, you think im fucking happy with being an Anglo vassal state you fucking burger boy?
your establishment are the ones that made all this possible, and you will fucking pay for your incompetence and the crimes the people you have let in to power have comitted.
I get no satisfaction from that because you are all going to suffer, but its the reality: the JewSA is in rapid decline, trump will probably get screwed out of a shot at the presidency, and its gonna be downhill from there, while we slowly exorcise the anglo demon that has posessed us, repair relations with the east and rebuild our industrial base.
"weve" rebuilt a hundred fucking times at this point, its what we do faggot, no boatload of hajis from all the shitty wars you fucking incometent, brainwashed, rascal-riding cunts have started is going to change that. Tide is already turning, when it used to be you would have say a hundred anti-immigration demonstrators and thousands of antifa cunts counter-demonstrating, those numbers have now become equal.
you have no fucking idea the trials and tribulations this nation has been through, you can barely look over your own loaded fucking plate you goddamned diabetic cheeseburger.
this is fucking easy mode for the german people in terms of hardships, bald weht hier ein ganz andra Wind
youve never even had to fight on your own goddamned soil you worthless cud chewing cow, there is little left of what once made merka comparable to us in terms of Tatendrang
I fear the american experiment will be over soon, and that it will attempt to drag us into its gaping maw, but i am still optimistic, people are starting to smell what is really cooking
you need to stick your head in the toilet, and fucking drown yourself son.
The fucking incompetence and stupidity in these few lines leaves me almost speechless, if this is the lowest common denominator you people are fucking doomed.
no they arent you dribbling fucking illiterate mongoloid, i never said that, its all a fucking symtom of much bigger, far more apocalyptic problems that you seem to be incapable of understanding, probably because you are loaded with hormones you mooby little bitch
either you are legit pants on head retarded, or you are a fucking kike that is getting very uncomfortable when the finger starts to swivel in his direction
anyhow, have fun in neo-feudalist merka because thats were its heading, nigger
OP, you are a fucking idiot.
fuck off, shithill
We agree with everything else you said, but you are wrong to simply say cultural and racial issues are symptoms, they're actually the cause, their underlying morality paved the way for the other shit to follow, Jews and Christains used that as battering rams against the moral context of white nations, only after which the parasites came. Anti-Germans can't fathom this because they're raised cradle-to-grave to love niggers, its now in your genetics.
have fun guzzling Muslim cum
No use arguing with them, the spectacle owns them completely.
This is the average American voter.
because if this keeps going you wont have a fucking job beyond temping yourself out like a fucking whore, all manufacturing will be in asia or curryland, you sure as fuck wont have a house you can afford to raise a family in, you wont have access to any information beyond pure propaganda, and even if you do have kids and manage to raise them in a "healthy" environment they will be propagandised to turn against you and everything that is good the moment you are forced to send them to school
as much as it may bother you, worrying about jamal fucking your tubby little cunt of a daughter is a problem that only exists if you actually have some semblance of a life, you fool.
you wont have to worry about it when you are a homeless fucking serf that owes the rest of his years to the bank, hopped up on anti- depressives, struggliong to make it through another day without getting thrown into debtors prison where you will be working for 20cents an hour making helmet liners for the next great war in the name of greater Israel
so yeah, thats why jamal, whom you fuckers seem to think an awful fucking lot about, is not too high on my fucking list of problems
I always have the feeling that the people shouting loudest about niggers never actually had to live too close to niggers.
sure they can be a fucking plague, its hard to deny this, but they are avoidable, ive been to new york, boston, LA, neighborhoods are fucking segregated for the most part, people like to live with their own kind
this is the average Eurocuck
yeah, no shit sherkock, you stupid fuck
yeah, no shit sherlock, you stupid fuck
its hard for you to accept it, being the anti-German cuckold you are, raised on Nigger cum fed to your by Merkel's machine.
come back when you understand what symbolism means, dipshit. "Identity politics" is a great cleansing fire that is going to consume everything.
I was enjoying discussing the global economic quicksand our glorious leaders have placed us in and how they intend to use it to chain us slaves but if you are just going to scream about how much you hate my country then I won't bother continuing. You can sling shit and rehash the petty grudges that they love to use to keep us divided with these entry level Holla Forumsacks who haven't seen the bigger picture yet instead.
i fucking bit my lip right after that because the way I should have phrased it is like this:
Racial tension, state-sanctioned illegal immigration, third wave feminism, all of these problems are intentionally made worse and harnessed by the powers that be because they are known divisive factors, they are the perfect tools for causing strife
case in point illegals, what is the main benefit of illegals if you are a large, multinational corporation?
its very simple, the intent is to strategically undermine collective bargaining, you cant fucking negotiate a decent wage as an indigenous workforce if you have people willing to work for a few bucks an hour with no benefits whatsoever.
same can be said about pushing radical diversity, or this completely masutrbatory new age gender studies bullshit.
its all useful for turning people against each other, people that should be focused on their real enemy, the banks that have yoked the entire nation in broad daylight, and the kikes using you as a tool for their geostrategic goals in the ME
I dont fucking hate the US, the us has done many good things, and many bad.
I lived there for many years, a lot of things are downright fucking better, even just the day to day way people treat each other is more pleasant usually, unless you are in new yawk lol
Honest to god I wish the best on the US, on paper it is "the greatest country in the world" and i say that as basically a hardline german nationalist.
you guys are like us in many ways, you are best when you are taking part in a grand project, building towards some great goal
but look at the shit i have to fucking deal with here, im trying man
Banks are not some tinfoil conspiracy, buffoon, they exist purely to re-allocate the consolidation of capital generated by manufacturing, period, the end. That is all "debt" is, betting on Consolidated Capital. If it wasn't for "debt", no one younger than a baby-boomer would be alive right now.
because of a *moral* belief, not an economic one. They see society's moral shifting to nigger-loving, and they respond accordingly, they are whores, nothing more.
free-market fundamentalism is what caused the dispersion of "manufacturing" as we know it, and that ideology is a belief-system, something people religiously believe in
you weren't together to begin with, Bernie Bro. We have to enact a change in beliefs/morality first before challenging "the powers that be". That is why identity politics is GOOD, it is destroying the liberalism upon which capital has been so dependent. Capital requires the destruction of barriers to consolidate itself, idpol is rekindling those same barriers.
ditch your dumbass platitudes about "division" and other nonsense, Kuck-pro.
Understandable. You have to remember that most of Holla Forums only has one eye open. They see the symptoms of the disease but have misdiagnosed the root cause. The racial aspect is but one well used tool in the toolbox of those who fancy themselves our masters.
If that is what you wish to stay focused on. Crushing the Banker kikes, breaking their control over our minds and economies, and separating the races are not mutually exclusive goals. I will be first in line to send the blackies back to Africa so they can live in mud huts and rape each other but the puppetmasters must have their strings cut first.
You've got the order wrong. To fight the Jew first you need to break the conditioning of the white goyim, and the easiest way to achieve that is by showing them the truth about the niggers.
Once the first, big hurdle is overcome (that race matters) everything else is much easier.
There's also the important fact that we're working against the clock, what with 2050 being the expiration date for the West.
and what is the "root cause"?
the Illuminati?
the root cause is a Moral one, not an economic one, it is one of valuation.
Niggers are not bait, they are the sacred Idol of a religion, and you destroy a religion by destroying its Idols.
To be more precise, the nigger is not the idol, the leftist ideal of the nigger is. By proving said ideal false you bring the whole castle of cards down the kikes' heads.
and i am of the mind that people who do not think niggers are a real problem are the ones who have never had to live around them/work around them/ go to school with them, ie be obligated to be around/interact with them for any significant length of time.
as for why they are avoidable in the north and the west, that is only because the state never forced integration upon them. here in the southeast, all non-"gentrified" areas of the major cities are blacked. i have seen it with my own eyes; my grandmothers neighborhood go from white-picket-fence americana, clean and quiet, to habitat for humanity coming in, building one or two blacked homes, and five years later she cant even sell the home for enough to move out. now helicopters just fly overheard and shine spotlights as a deterrent. cinemas go from well managed, clean, and safe, to places you cant go to at night and a permanent squad car deployed there because there are now daily assaults. stores become disgusting (used diapers in the entryway) understaffed shitholes. i have seen this many times in many places, so do not presume my loathing of niggers comes from an abstract.
ever hear of the term "white flight?" yeah, theyre avoidable, IF you leave when the state pays for them to invade your neighborhood, assuming you can even sell, and IF YOU are willing to move.just make sure you leave the city entirely. unless you can afford to live in the richest gated communities in the area.
at any rate we agree in concept on a lot of things, but you seem to have sperged out because we disagree on the order.
none of this matters if im already dead.
say it better than i can anyway.
Someone good with math and programming could likely come up with an algorithm to calculate correlation between support of leftist policies and a liberal political stance with the percentage of vibrants in their given community.
My bet is that the more enriched a given area is the less enamored the humans are with the nogs.
This is actually the case in Sweden. The (rich) neighborhood where all the famous politicians, journalists, writers and academics championing mass immigration live in is one of the most homogeneously white communities in all of Sweden. The only Ahmeds and Jamals they see are those that deliver them pizza.
Not for long I'm afraid. Obama has put into effect a policy where the federal government will audit communities lacking in diversity to find "invisible" types of racism and then unleash Section 8 upon them. Nobody will be able to escape the nigger anymore.
Detroit is the perfect example. Niggers chimp out and scare all the whites away, and what was once the shining beacon of US industry is now a post apocalypse in miniature.
You're a fucking retard, if you pull a knife on someone they should fucking shoot you until your corpse stops twitching, only a fucking Quaker faggot is going to wait until the knife is in their neck before they realize they should have shot before that eventuality.