Why the fuck are fictional characters forbidden to commit rape now? There was all that whining about that GoT episode...

Why the fuck are fictional characters forbidden to commit rape now? There was all that whining about that GoT episode, now you've got hipster kids everywhere online bashing at cult classics like High Plains Drifter for "glorifying rape" and Ghostbusters for being a "male empowerment fantasy," in spite the source of all evil taking on a female form just because it wanted to. And to think that rape was almost always used to provoke in the first place, now these fucking directors consider the outrages as "proof it was a mistake."

For fuck sake Holla Forums, tell me when is it ever going to end.

Modern academia thinks that movies, TV, and video games turn people into racist sexists despite having no evidence. Therefore they need to police these dangerous mediums to keep themselves relevant and society safe. It's not going to end until every movie is remade into the current year format of diversity and tolerance.

It's never going to end.

Being prudish became acceptable when they did the liberal thing and suggested you can be both pro and anti sex at the same time.

you need to look at it from a progressive liberal perspective:

Remember the left claiming conservatives wanted to police bedrooms? It was them all along.

Cuckservatives just want to defend Israel and signal to each other who principled they are.

Rape is triggering to the leftists because they know nobody is desperate enough to rape them.

I will never understand how doublethink and duckspeak became the standard in academia, aren't they supposed to be educated?

All the things lolbertarians think will protect them from the left acting like total assholes don't work to do so.

They're so smart, they know better than the redneck racists.

Oh, yes, they are properly brainwashed, no doubt about that.

spooky liberals under your bed, OP?
get a night light.

Considering my prime minister is making pot legal, I might as well actually get one.

japan save us


It happened over a long period. People with bullshit degrees can only teach, and the only people who get bullshit degrees are either retards, or lefties. Lefties become teachers, teach more retards and lefties, who become more left. Repeat ad nauseum.

The rape is like the least bad thing that guy does though.

The newest episode of Outlander showed a Canon Autistic British girl getting gang raped in a Paris back ally.


When it's in shows they like it's ok though. Most of them have rape fantasies and would find it hot if it's the protagonist (whom they project themselves onto) is getting raped instead of the one doing the raping.


Informative dubs of Japanese women getting western feminazis BTFO

who's hand is on the cat?

cause it doesn't look like her's.



I stopped watching after series 1, but doesn't GoT have some fairly gruesome deaths and torture? I don't get how that's fine, but rape is a step too far. Feminists, eh lads?

I don't remember him doing anything else that was quite as brutal. Sure he killed people but pretty much all of them deserved it.

Who let the tumblrina in?

Thing is that she didn't really do anything, except insult him, when he raped her. If he raped her after she sent men to kill him, then maybe it would be more permissible, but he didn't.

The only purpose the rape really served was to demonstrate to the viewer that this stranger is a bad dude

You saw it even in the last episode. All the tumblrtards liked the Dothraki rapists, who were total assholes who had an unfunny ancient comedy routine based on the Spanish Inquisition sketch, because they are all shirtless shitskins.

Silly user, only white males can rape.

That's pretty horrifying how much this shit has affected quality storytelling.

A rapist's.

who, specifically, is stopping you from writing whatever you want to write, or from creating whatever art you want to create?

Because we wouldn't want women getting all aroused in public.

That only happens when a nigger or shitskin is doing it. The thought of a white man touching the traitorous harlots makes their skin crawl.

I don't really understand what your question is OP. Is it that you want the main heroes of the story to be able to rape or just any fictional character in a story.

