In hindsight, was he really that bad?

In hindsight, was he really that bad?

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Yes, TFA being shit doesn't magically make prequels not shit.

One thing I'll say though, Lucas did have some good, higher ideas, he was just too inept and autistic to execute them.


Based George naming the mouse.

At writing dialogue, picking lead actors, and knowing how to properly utalise CGI, yes.
Not to say JJ is a hell of a lot better at any of those things.


yep, and this led other people to do some great work in the universe he would set up and expand. What interesting elements did the new film introduce compared to the originals or even the prequels? I can't think of one thing.

holy fuck the misogyny is palpable here

He was shit, but at least he wasn't a cuck.

He was a goyim. A goyim who had something successful. He had to be badgered until he gave it up.


No, in comparison to Kike Kike Abrums he was great.

He's a sperg that got extremely lucky. It's no wonder why the prequels turned out shit since he was without any handlers to make the movies great. Still he had better ideas than Cuck Wars could ever imagine.

What about Mara Jade? Zahn based her off of his wife and she is one of the strongest female leads I have seen in Star Wars.

Man I wonder what Corwin is up to these days? I never returned his copy of Final Fantasy 3.

She was on the wrong side of history and was the emperor's cumdump for too long, stronk womyn of mynkind only counts if they murder white men and are edgy.

The prequels were good.

No one cares about your yiddle language Moshe.


There's absolutely nothing wrong with any of those things. Midicholrians are just a way to measure how likely someone is to be force sensitive, it doesn't change the nature of the force at all. The podrace was a really fun sequence and totally original. Jar Jar had an actual arc and was more of a character than Chewbaca ever was. The prequels might not be for everyone, people are allowed the dislike them, but the hate for the movies is nothing but memes and nitpicking.

midichlorians took away the mysticism of the force and made it sciency

podracing was a retarded gimmick that took up half a movie in order to sell toys

jarjar is a vapid, ridiculous slapstick character who only manages to survive through bumbling idiocy and preternatural timing - a writer is allowed ONE freak coincidence per story, not fifty

the worst thing about the prequels is that they turned darth (motherfucking cut off my sons fucking HAND) vader into a crying emo bitch, and they did it for all the little boys who were seeing vader for the first time

i can tell instantly that someone is around half my age or younger when they say the prequels were good… no, they werent… they were made for a pussy generation who is too accustomed to getting a trophy for showing up

Three bland, emotionless, three-hour CGI snorefests. And Jar-Jar. There's a reason "he's the Jar-Jar Binks of x" replaced the term "Poochy".


How can you have ‘the tragedy of Darth Vader’ without showing his emotional side? His breakdown and downfall?

How would you explain force sensitivity being a hereditary trait without something along the lines of the midi-chlorians?

this is a point that people who didnt see the originals first will never understand - vader, and the dark side of the force, was pure evil. evil doesnt need an emotional side. evil is just fucking evil

you dont, and you dont need to explain it unless you're pandering to a gaggle of future fedora tipping athiests

Luke seemed to sense that there was good in Anakin: “I feel the good in you, the conflict.”
I don’t think he would have tried to save his father if he didn’t sense that there was something good in him still, so I can’t agree with your claim.

What does atheists have to do with this?
With the semi-explanations in RotJ it is clear that the ability to connect with the Force is something that can be passed down – this is the reason why the Jedi code forbids romantic relationships.
It makes sense that the Jedi would have some kind of test to measure the younglings – in addition to the test we see Anakin take in TPM.

Vader was clearly not pure evil. At least not after the original movie.

Wow, you really showed me. You're saying Lucas managed to make a trilogy that was suited for the generation that was intended to see it? What a fucking hack, can't believe he had his target audience in mind, only assholes do that. He definitely should've pandered towards the nostalgia crowd, that's what real artists do.

yes. the prequel trilogy was fucking terrible.

user pls

I guess the end of discussion then, right? Nothing more to say.

You can't have seen many films then, user…
It is OK if you don't like Episode II, or any of the other prequels, but that statement is just a load of codswallop

so you're the classical 40 yo living in the basement type, then?

I like him. He considered his own director's vision as the absolute foundation for the goals of his films. He didn't care what the critics and the autistic fanboys said. This is what he made, this is what he likes, and this is how he wanted it to turn out to be. He's a flick director with kino principles of work. That's why Tarkovsky praised him.


No. He actually cared about star wars. It may not have turned out all the good but he at least had the series best intentions.

He probably hates boomers too, whom the original series was made for.

Star wars is just star trek for people with adhd

Star Trek is Star Wars for people with autism.

Apples are just oranges for faggots.



Star Trek is just Star Wars for Communists & homosexuals

They're two entirely different things, people not realizing this is why so many Star Trek films lack to capture the spirit of the shows. Star Trek is thoughtful science fiction. Star Wars is serialized family soap opera in space with a heavy dose of mythology.

Trek is about exploration, Wars is about families. Two entirely different things. Of course most people miss this because all they see are pretty colors, fantasy technology, and space ships. But they really couldn't be more different if you tried.

Funny how Abrams was given both Star Wars and Star Trek when he understood neither of them. But the masses don't seem to mind, so things aren't going to change. You may as well consider both franchises to be dead and stop paying attention to them, their spirits are already rotting.

The best of Trek isn't about exploration.

Exploration of the human condition and foreign cultures is still exploration.

Explore these nuts, bitch.


No they weren't you autistic contrarian edgelord.

No, he wasn't awful, he just ended up in an unfortunate situation. He's really a visionary when it comes to world-building and establishing the main beats of his stories, it's just he's not that competent when it comes to the nitty gritty and revising and refining his work. He also lacks the awareness to know when he's in over his head and should ask for help. That's exactly why there's such a negative disparity between the OT and the prequels despite nearly two decades he had to refine his craft and process. In the OT he was surrounded by a very high quality cast and crew who seemingly knew when he was in too deep and could push him and his ideas into better directions. By the time Ep I was in production history apparently had forgotten about the crew and regarded Lucas as the sole factor behind the trilogy's exceptional cultural impact. As a result he was given complete and total control over all aspects of the production, even in instances where it was plainly evident that the specialists in his crew were highly doubting his choices. Nobody seemed to be saying shit beyond nervous chuckles and supportive nonsense comments. His choices in the prequels always seemed to communicate to me that he was making an attempt at a much more subtle and complex plot than the OT had been. Trade embargoes, planetary blockades, planetary politics, galactic senates, the entangling of politically vital royalty and spiritual figures, and the introduction of a cloning facility having a direct impact on the economics of warfare all screamed slow burning space opera to me. Almost like he had seen LOGH one too many times and wanted to fold some of his favorite aspects of the genre into his work in the same way that he admired Campbell and integrated so many concepts from The Hero With A Thousand Faces.

Like said I think it's very likely that he had a pile of gold kicking around in his head in the late 90s but because of the combination of his specific shortcomings and the climate surrounding him at the time nobody was willing to stick their neck out and help him strip the dross and forge all that raw ore into something beautiful. A massively missed opportunity if I ever saw one.


You, got roasted harder than a Pamplona bull that has run too close from the butcher shop.


Holla Forums, would yoy play D&D with Lucas?


At least we can hope the new Star Trek show won't be garbage since they're supposedly returning to the original timeline.

In a "sci-fi" movie…yes.

Nothing wrong with that. The prequels are decent. In the large scheme as in the whole saga, they are actually good. Very interesting in seeing the rise of The Empire, how Sidious comes into power, how Anakin becomes Vader. And how all the events lead into the original trilogy.

It's good writing.

Unfortunately the only thing i have a hard time to buy, is Anakin having been a great warrior for the Republic in the Clone Wars, but then again i was never autistic enough to watch a cartoon.

It's dead Jim.


Well fuck. Guess I might as well just kill myself then

You've been missing out, big time. The Clone Wars cartoon as awesome.

Trek has always been like that. Hell Roddenberry even talks about how he wanted mixed crews on tv back in the TOS days and how difficult it was because muh racism. And since then we had a nigger and a woman as commanders so it's nothing new. Unless they want to act like the last 50 years of Star Trek never existed and everything they're doing is "first time" along with the content being "science and sci-fi through the eyes of leftists going full retard" then you might have something going there.

that's not the canon one ;^)

I've always liked Tartakovsky cartoons and this one was great but goddamn were the character designs ugly as shit in this one

Yeah, I know Star Trek has always been like that, but you also know what I mean by diversity and progressiveness. It's going to be the latter and make the shit in other tv shows look tame. Star Trek is going to push CURRENT YEAR into overdrive.

Of yourse they'll do it that way.
Already worked with SW, same shit will happen with ST, with retards that never fucking cared about ST defending the living hell out of it, because Jew Jew told them so.

Fuck off millenial, your concept of logic is just as shit as your generation as a whole. Go boycott a store for not letting mentally ill men use the womens' bathroom.

Did you get lost on your way to reddit?

And look what they consider bad.

Star Trek is propaganda. "Look how good our (fictional) intergalactic communist utopia works in a controlled scripted environment!"

Deviant Art has better art than that. This is supposed to be a professional production? Terrible, who the fuck can stand to watch such poorly made drivel?


This nigger really is the typical old man living in the basement.


i don't need to contribute to the fire that's rising within you, user. you're clearly upset about something and i have to assume that there's an autistic factor behind it.

Goon please.


You can't make this shit up.


I can't tell if this is trolling, distilled autism, or a combination of both…


c'mon fam, we know you're better than this. take some ritalin.

I've never hated the prequels ever since I saw them, they have flaws for sure but nothing hateworthy. I'd rather watch the prequel trilogy back to back than site through the dull ANH rehash that is TFA. RLM mocked them for the "so dense" stuff but it does add a lot of visual excitement that's missing from TFA's "purposely limited to 70's effects scope" attempt..

in all seriousness, name a single thing about episode II that even comes close to any sort of redeeming quality.

the entiretity of kamino.

The film noir Jango Fett plot, the cyberpunk Corsucant scenes, the sand people raping Shimi and Anakin slaughtering them, the arena fight, the 50s scif-fi art design, the set up for the clone wars.

There's a lot I enjoyed about that movie.

The music, the practical effects, Christopher Lee, the visuals, Natalie Portman, the fight between Obi-Wan & Jango on Kamino and in space, Anakin’s scene with Shmi, the duel between Anakin, Obi-Wan & Dooku

Hey… come to think of it, I actually like AotC quite a lot!

Implying that those can't coexist. The empire whipped out all knowledge of the force to the point of it being a "ridiculous superstition religion" it make sense that before that people actually studied and tried to understand the force.

Are you spastic? The dark side point was letting yourself be controlled by your emotion.

Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Angers leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. Suffering leads to the dark side

Reddit: The Post

This one is a special blend of Holla Forumstard and ackshually tier neckbeard.

the Sheev can !

I'll take a hundred more prequels with good ideas over any more Episode 7's.

George could have worked if he had people check his ideas. Or if he wrote a second draft for any of the screenplays. Or if he hired a better editors/director to execute his vision.

The Prequels would be easier to fix. Episode 7 is broken from the ground up. The entire premise is flawed.

It's a shame that the dialogue was so cringy, everything else was pretty good.

I'm fairly certain that reddit hates the prequels.

what a commie

Some of the dialogue was cringy, but I think that is somewhat blown out of proportions.
I wasn’t too bothered by it myself – it is a space opera, and in operas characters make large gestures and speak with big words. Not that it excuses dialogue that doesn’t work, but it could explain why George choose to write it in that way.

George talked about how the films could have been silent film, and if one only focused on the visuals and the music by John Williams the viewers would still get the story.

Not really. In his elderly years he wasn't that good anymore but far from terrible and he never used his films as a soapbox.


Let's not forget that he's the one who sold Disney Star Wars in the first place. JJ Abrams wouldn't have had the opportunity to shit up the series if Lucas hadn't sold it to Disney to begin with.

Red Tails

Remind me again what credit George had on Red Tails…

He came up with it. He wrote the story (which usually means he did at least a draft of the screenplay). He produced it. He directed the reshoots. And when it failed he blamed its failure on people being racist.

he should've known better than to exercise total creative authority
literally the hitler of star wars

He's a great story and fiction word weaver but a shit tier director with really bad techniques of conveying that on the big screen.

Question for the anons:
What did he mean by saying that he sold the franchise to "white slavers".

White slavers as in whites slaving other for profit or kikes enslaving white people for schekels and pedo resources?

In the sense that the Atlantic slave trade was run by Jews.

all three of the prequels were more entertaining (though not in the intended way) than force awakens

The prequels were never bad.

It's just people overhype the original trilogy as great cinema when it really isn't.

As a story, the prequels might be the best movies in recent years, especially because of it's one of the few tragedies that really pulls it off well.

Sure there's some duds in the prequels, i for one hate the green-screen effects-fights. Looks way too fake.

But what people criticize the movies for, is just way too ridiculous. The dialogue has always been cheesy as fuck for example. And the Plinkett-review is just horseshit that can be done in exactly the same way for any movie.

The fact that both father and son were strong in it, and the sister a little bit, was just a fluke, a coincidence. The force should never have been considered "hereditary", it ought to have been a thing mystical, acting on its own whims and times.

It's not science fiction you thick faggot, it's fiction painted with science

There was something written about that, look up "Start Trek and the decline of liberalism" or something like that. It's social theory tier but it has a point.

I always thought hereditary thing was just a special case for Luke and Leia. I mean Anakin was literally created by the force right? That would naturally make him unique in more areas than just being strong in the force. So it made sense that he'd be able to pass it on.

I never seen it implied that it counts for everyone.


Only good thing in the podracing scene is Greg Proops.