Why is Jewlywood pushing her when there are actually attractive and pleasant tools to use?
Why is she popular?
I'll tell you what you're attracted to goyim.
Fuck off, >>>Holla Forums
I won't call this ugly
I'll pass
I'm disgusted by all of these bigots trying to mask their misogyny. It's bad enough she isn't (and will never be) paid as much as her male counterparts. SMH it's 2016 people, c'mon.
decent try there john
But males are physically stronger and don't get incapacitated for a year to plop out a crying shitball.
Seems fair to me.
why do women think people don't notice? I see this shit all the time and it's hilarious.
Across the board, the sexual market values are changing and now actresses are becoming increasingly ugly.
Actresses were never 10's though because you still had to find girls that could act.. but it's even worse now as they can't act and are all plain as fuck.
Holla Forums has the highest damn standards. She's pretty good looking. Holla Forums just labels basically any chick ugly.
Although, her personality is fucking awful. She's terrible. Just not ugly. Better looking than anything any of us on a Kazakh graffiti posting board will end up with
nigger pls, your taste is shit and your standards are pretty fucking low if you consider this good looking
ikr, she is the embodiment of a strong empowered women yet she sits on the sideline financially and too an extent fame wise too.
I hope she gets a rebound soon.
It's too difficult to separate her vapid personality from her looks at this point. She was decent around the time of Winter's Bone, but 1k nude photos, constant media shilling for years, and opening her yap too much made her repulsive.
I can practically smell that from behind my monitor.
Can you describe the smell to us?
Don't be afraid to go into great detail.
My guess?
She's willing to suck fat, old Jewish dick.
Hollywood managed just fine in the 40s and 50s.
No, my dear white knight, we call ugly people ugly.
She's ugly, and fat.
This. Someone mentioned in a very old Holla Forums thread that she's Harvey Weinstein's cocksleave and that she gets extra special treatment because she's a soulless cunt.
Fishy with a strong hint of testicles.
The least the Jews could do was fuck some pretty ones.
Great! Now, imagine that she squats down over your face, exposing her entrances to you up close, slowly lowering herself down on your face. Before long she is grinding her crack against your face, letting you smell her straight from the source. By accident she lets one rip, and in the process a small spray of diarrhea is ejaculated from her cloaca.
Queue the beta whiteknight projecting his insecurities.
she's quirky and relatable and just like
Queue the beta whiteknight projecting his insecurities.
Queue the beta whiteknight projecting his insecurities.
I wouldn't be surprise if she took a picture of herself taking a shit.
Que the guy writing three times.
I've seen ugly, m8. She ain't. Better than most of the chicks guys NEETs on this site would get anyway
it's CUE
Pisses me off too, m8. One guy spelled it "que" for fuck's sake. That's pronounced "kay" and means "wut" in spanish.
Listen cuck, I know you're trying to look like the enlightened nu-man by trying to defend your butt ugly maid of honor, but she's not good looking. There's uglier women sure, but when compared to the average Hollywood whore, she's bottom tier and you don't need to bed a dozen women to see that.
Please go back to tumblr where you can fawn over subpar quirky women.
ugly as sin and no ass at all
I liked her more when I was ignorant and in bliss
Before I knew she slept with a different guy every week and likes to get facials then laugh at how much cum is on her face while drunk or high
Pathetic fucking whore
Why are you behind your monitor? Shouldn't you be in front of it?
Aren't those facial pics fake? Or another person?
Bitch is into anal sex.
Bitchs nasty
What the fuck is on her face and hands in the second pic? Do bitches still use that beauty mask peel off shit?
jew semen
She is kinda cute, but with all her pics out there and what not.. she is kinda cute at best.
Then thats if she has the perfect house wife attitude which she does not, she is trashy and so disgusting. So SJW its a massive turnoff.
Honestly the best thing that can happen next in her career that she dies.
how is having standards a bad thing again?
because jlaw is mediocre in the looks department and has an absolute shitcunt personality, which pushes her toward the ugly zone.
But I want to watch her grow old and wither, becoming another bitter, dried up whore picking increasingly more humiliating roles as she gets older.
Fine, then I will.
She's ugly.
Niggers, you're retarded. She's average, maybe a bit more, maybe a bit less. But that doesn't qualify as ugly, not in comparison to most women you'll ever meet.
As for Hollywood pushing her, I constantly forget where she's even playing in. If it takes longer than two minutes for me to come up with a reason why I should care about a famous person, then I don't care about them.
Wait, she played in Winter's Bone? That movie was awesome!
Fair enough, but ragefapping at how ugly she is is still kinda pathetic, and sadly, that's what a lot of Holla Forums does.
Her acting is so bland and flat. Why does she keep getting bigger rolls.
It's forced diversity for ugly chicks. We have censorship agencies openly admitting they want to stop people too attractive being in advertisements as it makes people feel bad they can't look as pretty.
It's fucking stupid but welcome to the era we live in.
we don't need to wait long for that
Becasue of that.
Beauty is something that isn't allowed in ther NWO-
Therefore anything that might've been percieved as being actually beautiful, needs to be destroyed and replaced by the opposite.
Post modernism is all about destroying classical notions of beauty and replacing them with filth.
Don't try to pass off your half-assed opinion as fact.
Eat xeno dick you Holla Forums cuckfaggot.
What the fuck are you even talking about? What does Holla Forums have to do with your failure to understand what post-modernism even is? Are you just saying random things?
Oh, I see.
Hey kids can you spot the newfag?
Fuck off you pretentious faggot.
The fact you will be flipping burgers thanks to your liberal arts degree brings me joy.
No you inbred retard, I know what post-modernism is, you don't.
Now go fuck yourself you retarded hebrew cuckfuck.
Go listen to one of Sarcucks ramblings about how good cock tastes.
whoever this is, she is better looking than 90% of actresses in hollywood at the moment
that's because bitches are so interchangeable that you can find hollywood actress-tier pussy literally anywhere
I see the JIDF working overhours today as well.
more like 80%
is this one of those boxxy lookalikes?
She's not an absolutely terrible actress and is decently hot, but about at the level as some of the better looking girls you went to high school with (not THE best) and not really at the same level as Hollywood's most beautiful.
Her awful obnoxious personality completely invalidates any of it though.
Two dubs in a row
Any way double nines, that's what I've been saying. She's not ugly, but she just has a terrible personality.
mk ultra tbh
That's the Mystic costume. I know you don't recognize her in the role because that bitch want to be seen and therefor is always without the blue skin in the movies
Holy shit you are new
She's not hot and not a good actress.
source on the webm?
She's the female version of Chris Pratt.
except chris pratt is funny and genuinely likeable
Charismatic man who people enjoy watching for his comedy timing as well as his strong masculine identity is the same as a bitchy feminist who people leapt off of the moment she came out as a feminist because she is such a cunt to everyone.
She is an utter whore who will do the most disgusting things for the kikes ruling hollywood, and jews like ugly things. They have no concept of beauty, everything they create or promote is ugly.
He can be funny sometimes, but I find his acting and delivery more cringeworthy than funny or enjoyable.
You mean Chris Pratt being Chris Pratt?
I think she's cute, but she's a feminist now, so fuck her. Let her get fat and end up forgotten by everyone.
Smells like JIDF in here. Do you really want more [CURRENT YEAR] diversity actors?
Your daily reminder that JLaw, in collaboration with her Jew handlers in the media, collaborated with the alphabets to destroy 4chan using the false flag known as the Fappening as pretext.
What does his personal life have to do with his acting performance?
Smells like cuckdit in here.
Thank you based JLaw and your kike cohorts for freeing us from moot's empire of hotpocketry!
Unfortunately, we ended up into a midget cripple's/scummmy pigfarmer's empire of hotpocketry instead.
A meme is the French guy or ain't me starts playing and no one can always keep up with the newest shit
She is more a corner stone of Chans. It's like not knowing who burning tires is or moot or snack FFS next time ask politely or google it faggot
No, and don't give a flying fuck about your sperg lore. I'll ask however I want and your job is to answer or shut the fuck up. Deal with it faggot.
Thanks, you too.
Just popping in to point out that you are a massive faggot
This is exactly how a nigger, still reeling from the butthurt of his commie faggot containment ghetto's annihilation, would respond.
If only I knew.
Imagine being Liam Hemsworth in that scene and having to be all like "damn, JLaw, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your fat body and doughy lumpy blubber face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Hemsworth and not only stand around in the rubble while JLaw flaunts her obese body in front of you, the bright sunlight barely concealing her stretchmarks and greasy skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that speech scene. Not only having to tolerate her corpulant fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, JLAW LOOKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her doughy fucking butter face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of blondes and supermodels and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Australia. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her bulbous stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Liam Hemsworth. You're not going to tarnish your acting career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
She was an old cam whore from cuckchan years back. Her name is Velma.
They hope you are distracted by their face enough to not look at their belly.
Or we can all just make irrelevant posts that don't answer any of your questions and then watch as you sperg out because you can't handle deal with it.
*handle/deal with it
Holy shit newfags have never been so funny
Learn to lurk more you retarded cumstain.
Sucking a dick will get you really far in hollywood.
Holy shit.
Stop posting.
yep its 9 am eastern, which means nothing good is coming out of this board for about 12 hours
Because of the character she plays. CGI and makeup helps to mask her hideousness.