

Ferrel wasn't just considering it like his agent claims, he was going to produce it.

Would have been pretty funny to see that doddering retard Reagan get the treatment he so richly deserved. It is sickening that he is lionized when he was a economic and social nightmare for Clapistan.

Is this your best bait?


We're at the crossroads user. This is the time when our history will be dragged through the Jewish muck and we have to fight it.

It would have just been There's Something About Mary if they made the whole movie about hurting that disabled guy.


Don't think this is a new one



not really, I'm a right winger and I would've loved to see Ferrel actually go through with this only to crash and burn and drag leftkikes with him.

reagancucks triggered as fuck

It's kind of sad how cucked they have become.


Yes, all true, all true

You gotta out Jew the Jew to have any success in this world.

Actually yeah, it would be like the Hollywood Liberal crowning achievement, where the jokes are so bad it makes Adam Sandler look like Shakespeare.

But instead of being funny because the movie is funny, it's funny because this is what the writers and director believe is comedy.

Like some sort of cautionary tale.

What a fucking pussy.
He couldn't even stick to it?

Actors only hold political opinions when it will get them money

What a baby, coulda been hilarious.

Holla Forums cries like SJWs when their tender bitch feelings are hurt by someone picking on a dead politician.

Good decision. Don't know why the cunt would think this would be a good idea.

Holla Forums is against liberal propaganda.

Oh Holla Forums, always the eternal joke.

Oy vey Moishe, our propaganda is hated by the goyim!

Don't you have a Sanders suicide pact to uphold?

It's just in poor taste, honestly.

oh boy, you thought people on the wrong side of history were human beings too, didn't you?

On paper it sounds like a good concept, but imagine if someone made some satirical comedy about all "ebil-republican conspiricies" about Obama being true

It would get attacked for the same reason this is, just by the left instead of the right


hollywood jews are the ones who didn't go through with it

But Reagan being crazy isn't a conspiracy. He was literally out of his mind.

why doesn't he just do the movie making fun of Reagan in another way? There is a lot of material there. You can even go gross and horrible.

Is the movie just not possible without mocking people with dementia?

Someone else should just make it anyway, sounds like it would generate salt.


Thereā€¦there are still people who think there's a different between "left" and "right" in mainstream USA? Whoa.

people dont want to be reminded that the man under whom the soviet union fell was literally a batshit crazy old man with a rot in his brain


Neither are the ones about Obama, but don't listen to me goy, listen to the media

I dunno about her name but she's certainly big.

Liberals make fun of him already, nice try Chaim.

Check your privilege at the door


The Hollywood Jews really need the oven, if only because they have such shit taste.


I say mean things about Sam Hyde just to try and get him to notice me.

Why do liberals hate Regan and his economy?

Reagan had sex with their moms then defeated communism.

nice legs faggot LOL

never skip leg day

He's a conservative who beat them totally and utterly. He won over 80% of the vote, he presided over one of the greatest periods of economic growth in the country's history, he's one of the most popular presidents among conservatives. He dismantled Communism. He was able to convince the USSR with his "star wars" program that the US could not only fire lasers from orbit but had made contact with aliens. They were terrified of him.

And there is nothing a leftist fears more than a white man sure of himself and his achievements.

reaganomics fucked the middle class

He's also responsible for most of today's problems thanks to Iran-Contra

Sam Hyde is a real hero.

Reagan was a cuck. Nixon and JFK are the real deal.