Sony's damage control on the cisbusters

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That's funny.

And here's jewy.

They're doing precicley what was predicted.
People don't dislike it because it simply looks like utter shit,m but because evil white CIS males must release trheir misogynistic hate upon it.

Almost like clockwork.

The asshurt is going to be incredible when it flops in theaters.

Repeat a lie long enough and it becomes the truth apparently. Surely it can't be the terrible trailer and horrible marketing that people are losing confidence in the movie.

You see all this upfront in that Empire UK June article where they readily display that all the hate for this movie is because it doesn't have a Venkman but a Venkwoman. A lot of twitter troll examples used as an argument for misogyny.

They have a lot of projects tied to this movies success. The Tatum/Pratt movie, another live action movie, animated feature and a global ghostbusters to boot. Better guilt trip and blame it on the fans if this doesn't succeed.

Sony is losing money hard, if this flops they will be in a real deep shit.

Why is your reaction image an advertisement, you kike?

Pretty sure that only the Video Game division of Sony is still profitable right now.

Reminds me of when sega made that sonic wiiu game and the american studios had to downsize to focus on iphon games.

I wouldn't feel bad if similar happens to sony's terrible movie jew division.

I do feel bad for japs. They see this shit and can't really do anything.

Brianna wu and Anita sarkeesian cameos when?

did you miss it?


He's quoting straight from the article there. Open the link. Open your eyes.

AHAHAHAHA! They covered up all the stars with a giant gross-looking Slimer and the only name shown in Dan Aykroyd! They're really scared to show people what they created!

Good. Let it be a lesson to studios.

Why don't they just sell their film division? Clearly Sony's hope of becoming the fourth major multimedia conglomerate is not going to happen. Why keep all this excess baggage when the only things making you money are Playstation and David Bowie?

They now have one of the worst studio manager in all of goylywood running the movie division - Tom Rothman, who was fired from Fox just recently for being a major failure. So expect nothing but worst possible decisions from Sony in years to come.

Considering that they're already in the tank, there probably won't be many more years to come, especially if this guy is as bad as you say.


I hate that the movie stars women, and I am absolutely a misogynyst.
That said, the movie would still look like shit if it starred male actors, and that the prospect of remaking Ghostbusters at all is enough to be pissed off about.

The movie is hated since it was announced was an all-female ghostbusters team.

Japs killed Sonic.

nigga, you cannot use the exact same bait twice, need to change it up a bit ;^)


not really, the latest games were western made


they do that everytime
it never works
and then people hate it even more



Yep, those feminists, always losing…

It isn't a bait. The movie's announcement caused a shitstorm.

Yes really, the first batch of shitty Sonic games were japanese.

well then they didn't kill it if there was a second batch, isn't it faggot?

too late fam, try next time, just change the bait a bit ;^)

Aren't the dimps making the good sonic games? i remember the japanese ones being good.

wow rude

Gotta mix it up if you want them (You)'s.

Good, but it will take more efforts to kill them.

I hope they wasted ton of money on this shit already, especially on marketing campaign.

These people are a goldmine of unintentional hilarity.



When I was reading the article, I didn't look at the author's name. I guessed it was some chick writing based on the tone and style. When I hit "Who hates Adele?!", it all but sealed the deal. But then I scrolled back up, and finally saw it.


Any 3D Sonic is bullshit.

No one cares Holla Forumsedditor.

We've seen the e-mails. We know what Sony did to Reitman. We get to sit here and laugh at Sony be burned down by a fire of their own making, along with the probable death of the careers of people like Paul Feig. No amount of deflection or damage control can save this film.

Change the record shill.


Just for that I went and disliked the trailer.

The writer is such a tumblr-feminist, it hurts. Any bad thing that happens to women is fucking misogyny.

Some other movies don't have as many women and are not as hated!

59% of bad pop is made by women, 41% by men - this deviation is misogynistic!

errr - what? Care to digress?

Good, that guy is a total fag.

I saw this shit happen with the Devil May Cry reboot.

For the non gamers here, what happened was, some hacks decided to reboot something beloved, the media bitched about people not liking the game, blamed it on something trivial ("You don't like it because they changed the protagonists hair" being the equivalent to "You don't like it because it stars women), and the trailers got huge amount of dislikes.

I'll spoil the ending. The game flopped, as will this (This movie will still get good reviews though. Fuck them, profits matter more).

They pushed Reitman to the sidelines following Harold's death. Pascal hired Paul Feige to do the movie and he only agreed to do it if it was his way without having to connect with the previous movies i.e. rebooting the whole thing.

They don't care about profit anymore - only the agenda is more important. But since Sony is down in the gutter, they will probably rethink that.

Sony's been in the gutter for a while, but they just don't seem to give a fuck. I've been convinced the last year or two that the agenda matters more than money to these companies. Disney wouldn't risk so much money with diversifying Star Wars if they weren't fully committed. They wouldn't double down on it after complaining about toy sales if money meant more to them.

Brownie points for when it comes bailout time.

Disney just makes so much money now they don't even have to give a shit. We can gloat all they want how Force Awakens didn't manage to top Avatar or Titanic, but the fact still stands that TFA made a shitload of money, they don't have to worry about putting feminist shit in movies and normalfags are just going to throw them money everytime. Stop this ride I want to get off.

It's a perfectly valid reason to hate it.

Heres a storyboard of the new movie.

I think Sony's tv division was already spun off away from the rest of the company some years back. The film division may get the same treatment if it continues burning money. Then Sony will just have videogames.


Um, guys, did I miss a ghostbusters related mass shooting or something?

Media needs to burn.

Now post the lasagna one.

Disagreeing with or criticizing a woman is now considered violence and on the level of rape. The fact that you're even asking, shows that you're a shitlord of the highest degree and have a mountain of unchecked privilege. Agents are currently on their way.

Trumpdrone Holla Forumsedditor tears are delicious.

I'll do you one better.

If you've got it, post it, I need it for my collection.

You fags suck at insulting people.

I have them all saved.

Why do the Japs allow themselves to be jewed out like that? Sony need to bring the Shoah.

Is this going to be the new Moonoverjune

the fuck is this shit?


It givbes me a boner

Actually, It's because it's so fucked up I couldn't not save it and share it on here

How dare they defile mah flowahfu

One a scale of yes to seek help, how bad is it that I genuinely thought there was a film called Cisbusters and didn't make the connection to Ghostbusters?

This one isn't too bad, all things considered.

I've seem post worst.


lol shut up Holla Forumsedditor

This entire thing is a perfect encapsulation of SJW and feminist self victimization bullshit.

Most people would have just ignored this movie, said it's lame and moved on like any other given remake of the past 2 decades.

Instead, they came out swinging with the "Ha! Take THIS stupid gross boys! This is our thing now, U MAD??" market campaign, and the director acting like a total douche.

Then, when people pushed back to the uppity snotty attitudes THEY initiated, they moan their usual buzzwords, misogyny etc etc.

It's been a glorious trainwreck to watch, can't wait for the negative reviews and eventual bombing at the box office.

There won't be any negative reviews. Or, if there will be, they'll be begrudging negative reviews that'll say shit like 'It's a shame because this movie was such a positive step towards diversity' or some shit like they did for Fantastic Flop.

SJWs are going to double down on this shit film until the end of time, and use it as 'evidence' to prop up their victimisation bullshit.


Who are you quoting?


I forgot a screenshot that makes the first pic make sense.



nah, fant4stick pushed hard the whole nigger adoption thing too and sjws were all like DIS MOBIE IS HATED CUZ NIGGER ADOPTION before it came out as well. But then it did come out and got destroyed because it's undefendable. From what we've seen this shit is undefendable as well. With capeshit at least normalfags are distracted by loud noises and xplosions so they can say they liked it. This has nothing.

This seems a little bit better put together than Fantastic Flop and it seems to be actively pandering to SJWs with most of its jokes and all female cast (Michael B in Fantastic Flop was nepotism more than anything).

I predict it'll be like those Tumblr comics Marvel puts out. The comic book press praise them up and down for being well written or whatever but readers fucking hate them and sales are generally poor enough to reflect that. We'll see something similar here. The film will get good reviews, all the critics will swear up and down that it's a funny and smart movie (some of the less pozzed critics will point out it's shit) but no one will see it, the people who do see it won't like it and you'll see the kind of disconnect between the press and the consumers that one usually only sees in Video Games.

I don't think it will get good reviews. It's gonna be like 65% on rotten kikematoes and everyone in the cancer media will be talking how "divisive" the movie is. The sjw defense squad will hence forth always say that it got bashed because Muh Soggy Knee and everyone else will just forget this existed like all other shill reboots in a week.

Basically what happened with Batman versus Superman, only replace "It was made for comics fans u don't get it" for "It was made for stronk wummyn u don't get it".

I honestly think there's enough cuck nerds who will go see this to prove what great liberals they are.

It could honestly go either way depending on how shit the movie is, by which I mean how shit it looks.

If it looks as shit as Fantastic Flop, not even the critics will try to defend it.

If it looks passable, ie if there are no glaring flaws in cinematography or the special effects, the critics will probably try to double down, give it good reviews and complain that audiences 'just don't get it'.

There's also an issue how many cucktics will Sony buy. Don't forget that this movie is everything to them, they are losing money big time.

They can't afford them. Amazing Spider-Man 2 should've told you that.

I don't think they even tried with ASM, they thought capeshit just prints money. Now they learned the lesson and gonna shill hard.

I just hope the cisbusters make a few trips to hospitals again.

The entire premise of this film is marketing. I don't even give a fuck that it stars women, I would gladly watch an all-female cast as long as I was interested in the premise of the film, but this is a cynical and soulless cash-grab based on nostalgia and identity politics.

I'm betting the entire project was pitched to some money-grubbing talent-less suit with those exact phrases.

It's a shit movie precisely because it only starts women in an IP primarily aimed at men.

It's like making Sex in the City, only that now all the main characters are Chad Thundercock's cousins, and then wondering why women (the target demographic) aren't buying it.


Yeah definitely aimed at men… if you consider men children.

Male children then.

And since that is the case this shitpile is even worse, because they're hard at work marketing it at anyone but said children.

On top of that, they cast a landwhale as an action flick star. It doesn't work unless you want to be ironic like the Spanish "Torrente" saga where you're supposed to have disdain for the main guy.

I won't watch it but I didn't bother to watch the original Ghostbusters either, looks childish and what they did to Huey was despicable. They have no respect for anything else than making some bucks.

Exactly. As a kid you'd want to see big guys fighting ghosts. The modern equivalent of Arnie or Bruce Willis.

And this creature, whatever it might be.

I'm not too interested in the movie either, but I'm hoarding popcorn for the shitstorm when it bombs like nothing has bombed before.

And this is what the modern Western entrainment industry doesn't seem to get.

Forgive me for putting my Holla Forumsirgin cap on for a moment, but you have Call of Duty developers putting in female player characters for no good reason except that feminists where whining about it, even through the male target demographic could give less of a shit and the cunts aren't playing Call of Duty and never will.

You'll never see a shounen anime pander to girls, or a shoujo one to guys, you'll never see a seinen target younger viewers, etc. There's something to be said for focused niches pandering to the people that matter, unlike the Western blockbuster mentality where they cram in so much shit, bloat the budget past any point of sanity, and then have to whitewash and "broaden" the concept to include as many people as possible.

It's how you end up with all Hollywood movies being the same gray blob.

kek, pic related
kek, I'm with you on that
Had to look up what the terms meant, not an /a/ guy. That said, you're pretty much on point.
It's the same that happens with modern political parties. They become "catch all" piles of shit, so you don't identify with any of them and don't even bother to vote. With movies, people don't bother to go to the cinema. Add the politically correct stuff that's on almost every movie and you have the recipe for bland worthless stuff. I'm glad there's still directors like Nicolas Winding Refn who are willing to push some boundaries. I think it's very telling that the best movies nowadays tend to be the ones that go to Cannes instead of the Oscars. Back in the day you could trust the Oscars and watch a winner movie without being disappointed by it, and Cannes tended to be full of pretentious stuff with "art cinema" being their excuse. Nowadays, pretentiousness is an Oscars thing, they award movies like Birdman. And mainstream flicks are shittier than ever. "Shitty" films from the 80s were exploitation cinema, and while it's cheesy it was damn enjoyable. Now we have this absolute trash and critics praise it. I want to get off this ride.

I just realized I compared this stinking pile of shit to Birdman. Birdman is shit but the comparison is insulting even for Birdman.

The question now is if Hollywood has enough IPs to burn through before the next generation of gullible idiots comes along and they can start the cycle anew.

And considering that they seem completely incapable of actually making good movies anymore and just rely on hype and massive marketing campaigns my guess is that they're bound to experience a bad crash sooner or later.

I think you missed the other thread friend.

Here you go.

Look at this similar but clearly misogynistic news site.

Objectively reporting the situation an not accusing the patriarchy in a blind assmad rage.

Michael Kennedy? More like Cis Scum. M i rite?

They did that, it's called Entourage

I thought it was a show about faggots.


Chad Thundercock isn't gay.

I wouldn't say Ghostbusters was primarily aimed at men or women. It's a family movie, it's supposed to appeal to everyone. Yeah the original Ghostbusters were all men. Did we care? No. Why? Because the selling point wasn't that they were all men, it's selling point was that it was three of the funniest comedic actors of the 1980s doing a movie where they hunt ghosts.

The problem with this film isn't that it features all women, it's that they try to get up your ass about it. Most of the cast have clearly been chosen to make some political statement, particularly that ape, rather than for their comedic ability.

I rest my case.

Important note: this comic is about the dude being more into it than the girl and she admits as much.

it'll do well, it's gotten incredibly high profile publicity

dude I like ghostbusters but it is literally a movie where a slob and his buddies start a businessand he wins the girl. the only female characters are a girlfriend and secretary…


What's your point?

They are really desperate to hold onto that "misogyny" angle aren't they?

I guess we'll see soon enough if they can hook enough of the tools they are going for. Hopefully this gets that bitch in charge of Sony at the moment removed from her position if it flops.

Women aren't funny and never will be.

speaking to the choir.

Now just direct that at the idiot trying to make a social statement with a comedy about ghost hunting.

Ayy lmao. They are re-releasing the original movie this summer.

They're expecting people will either confuse two with cisbusters using the exact same logo or just go see it in a pity binge.

Were you born in the 21st century, kid?

How about putting it in terms non-autists will understand?

oy vey that's no progressive enough

no you're not faggot



Then you won't.

How about you fuck off to reddit you normalfag?


yeah okay, they called you from



Negros are smart
Races do not exist
Sex is a social construct
Islam is the religion of peace
Did I miss something?

I take it you don't remember the Robocop cartoon.

It worked with star wars.

no, that was racism

this time it's the opposite

They fired her last year.


but that was post-release

this movie isn't out for another two months and the preemptive strikes are already hurting it

on top of that, you're talking about fucking star wars. the name alone guarantees sales.

Despite what the feminists have told you, it is possible for women to enjoy a movie that doesn't focus on women.

i fail to see the problem here, it's a realistic example of american business.

the men do all the work, the women just finger themselves and talk on the phone.

Ah yes, this is totally the first movie in the history of man that stars stronk wymmin. This must be why its disliked

ur just mansplainin

It was my privilege

cis scum

God help me, I can't tell what it is.

There were a lot of things revealed in the North Korean e-mail leaks.
>Pascal, the ultimate example of a "This is what kids like, right?" producer, had some ideas for how to do the movie, with brilliant ideas like having Seth Rogen as the star and producer and Evan Goldberg with him, basically Superbad goes Ghostbusting
>Pascal eventually settled on making Bridesmaids goes Ghostbusting because she's an idiot convinced there is huge demand out there for genderbent versions of beloved classics, and wants more women in leading roles in any movie, regardless of whether they fit

Sony, Pascal and Feig deserve everything that is coming their way.

It's the collapse of Western civilisation.

it was mostly a male


is there any sauce on this? i've seen everything else (and tbh i bet superbusters wouldn't be as bad as this will be) but not this.



Not if we fire up the ovens again.

What did he mean by this?

I'm glad it didn't work out, fucking kikes from the producer to his intended cast. I will never forgive how he kiked Huey Lewis.

Pascal is already fired mate. Now it's Rothman - the guy who was fired from Fox and latched on at Sony. He was responsible for Fant4stick and Wolverine Origins.

Hey some women are able to pull off great comedy.

Sometimes I feel a little sorry for the poor bastards that have to write articles like this. Imagine having an assignment thrown to you by your boss

Talk about being asked to polish a turd. It must even worse having to try and shill it on 4chan or Holla Forums. At least on reddit, the SRS types will back you up and report anyone who's too mean to you, but on 4chan or here you're just repeatedly putting yourself up for humiliation. You're so pathetic even us fat losers look at you like something on the bottom of our shoe.

I know shills are the lowest of the low, but it must be such an empty, depressing life, especially on a no-hope assignment like this.

The fire rises

Thats what you get for being a sellout with no principles.

Yes, women are hilarious, but not intentionally.

I though that was Reitman's idea, at least that's what they say in the video posted above

Oh come on, they are. The thing is many talentless women make it to the screen, just because they're women.
But look at Cameron Diaz's truth serum scene in Knight and Day for example. I was losing my shit watching that.

Yes, quite sad, having such shit taste.

Just for that I now automatically dislike any youtube video with a woman in it

Go to 10:15 in the video

Rewatch the video. It was another exec's idea, (Doug Belgrad), which Pascal said she liked. She then said it didn't matter if they got those two in, if they couldn't also get rid of Reitman

Actually, Pascal was demoted. She is still working at Sony, but Rothman replaced her as executive.


No, Pascal's been outright fired

Did you watch the scene in question or are you talking smack because it's a mindless run off the mill flick and you're too patrician to like pleb films?

I remember watching the movie, but it was such forgettable shlock I can't recall a single thing about it.

Yeah she has her own production company which distributes with Sony.

What can you say really…

Oh I must have misheard.

If Pascal ever makes that, her career will be well and truly over.

I think you're overoptimistic.

Zoe got to talk at the UN, and while I know what a joke the UN is, everyone else pretends it's a prestigious institution.

actually I agree, but it was solid as entertainment. And well, I love Cameron Diaz, even if she sometimes lends herself to trash like Bad Teacher. She can carry a film on charisma alone, in a similar way to Owen Wilson. And Cruise has great charisma too so the movie worked for me.

So fucking what? The Bechdel Test is for autistic feminists, it's not a measure of quality.

She's ugly as fuck.

It was still not funny.

Making a movie isn't the same as getting an opportunity to speak at some circlejerk political organisation.

Firstly if the Quinn movie ever got made, nobody would watch it because only a very small segment of the population actually knows what it would be about. Secondly, if it ever got made, it would get sued to oblivion by Eron and maybe some other people for defamation of character because there's no way that psycho bitch is ever going to give Eron accurate and even-handed treatment.

If Pascal made it, her career would be over.

I think that by now we've established money is not the primary concern (or even a concern) to leftists when shitting out their filth.

Fair point, unless they settled out of court or intimidated him into silence. Not like the guy is that different from Zoe, they share the same political beliefs.

If I could have a buck for every time someone said that about these people…

Its funny how the article starts off by showing numbers that compare it to viral shit that some people hate it because hating it is cool, but even then the vast majority likes it, but then when it arrives at shitbusters and sees that the overwhelming majority just hates it in a non-ironic way they just say its a small minority of misogynists, they don't even consider that the trailer itself makes the movie look like shit and that the crappy sanitized marketing and boring soccer mom-tier jokes are just lame

mfw a re-release of a film from over 30 years ago that everyone's seen 100 times outperforms this piece of shit at the box office.

You know what movie passes the Bechdel test?

Sleeping Beauty.

They still remade it because it wasn't 'feminist' enough.

ISHYGDDT. I bet you like that plastic kikess Scarlett Johansson or something like that.
For you

that was far from a feminist movie

Let's not pretend I like any ugly whore Hollywood is peddling to the masses these days.

The only attribute they need to posses to make it in Hollywood is a willingness to fuck old Jews.

You can't make this shit up

Archie Comics were shit, the SatAm cartoon was cringe and most of the games were bad, with the exception of the second one, which I still enjoy. It's a furry gateway drug, nothing more.

The only good things to come from Sonic are the laughs that can be milked from people like Chris Chan, the Tamers cartoons and that twitter account.

A failing movie studio haemorrhaging money certainly does care when some stupid bitch ex-chairman of theirs blows a huge chunk of their capital to make some niche political circlejerk film that they can't for the life of them sell to the general public.

They talked about getting Scarlett Johansson for this film. Scarlet doesn't come cheap. Pascal might be an insane ideologue but her backers sure as hell aren't. They will want a return on their investment and a film about Quinn just won't give it to them.


user, the likes of Soros shit out million to push leftist ideology.

Bill Gates has dedicated his whole fortune to it.

To pretend they don't have powerful, rich backers is silly.

Yet neither Marvel nor DC do. And they've been bleeding hundreds of millions of dollars of 10+ years.

I meant to reply to not

What a sad, pathetic little man you are.

You're comparing apples and oranges. Contributing to political campaigns and activist groups isn't the same as investing in a film or business enterprise. People who do the latter usually expect to make money. When they don't, it may not mean much to the investors themselves, and their overall net worth (especially if we're talking about people like Gates) but it spells curtains for whoever spearheaded the business enterprise and asked for the money. If Amy Pascal gets people to invest in her film with the promise of making her investors money, and she loses all their money, they don't invest with her any more. That's how business works.

What are you on about?


And why not? Leftists don't care about quality, but pushing the Narrative.

In case you hadn't noticed Hollywood is pretty willing to take hits to their bottom line to push an agenda. TFA is proof enough of this. If they had wanted to go for maximum revenue why not feature a chink in their movie (considering the size of the Chinese market) instead of a nigger (whom the chinks hate)?

People on Holla Forums and Holla Forums keep saying the same shit, but it's never true. Company after company panders to a minuscule demographic of mentally ill tumblr users while alienating the mainstream audience. And all this by design, and they don't give it a stop even when their profit margins suffer.

Name me a bunch of these ideologues that pushed for this kind of shit and got burned for it.

That's not what she'll be pitching and you know it.

An example then. Squirrel Girl, the abomination in pic related bombed so fucking hard Marvel decided to cancel the title.

What did Marvel do afterwards? Did they shelve the character for a while? Did they try a new spin? Did they come up with a new idea for a title? No.

They relaunched the same title, with the same writer and artists and called it a day.

He's talking about DC and Marvel investing in things like Fem!Thor, Squirrel Girl, Wonder Woman vs. the mansplainers, and [[Unsolicited opinions on Israel???]] despite comics of this nature all flopping horribly.

However, it's reasonable to assume these people thought this would be a wise business decision. After all, there seemed to be a large demand from the comic reading community for stories like this the fact the writers and artists were dirt cheap didn't hurt either. What they didn't count on was the fact that the people shrieking for change weren't comic fans, but professional whiners who had no intention of buying any comics, with or without their requested changes.

I'd agree with you if this shit hadn't been ongoing for fucking years, and always resulted in the same abysmal sales, core demographic bleedout and graveyard of dead titles and poisoned IPs.

This isn't a new trend by any means, which is why I've concluded that profit is not a primary concern of Marvel and DC, nor of their backers, Disney and WB.

It's more of a long term investment I think.

They want to sell more female superhero toys to girls and are prepared to bleed a little money trying to get a franchise going. The current movie and merchandising revenue seems to completely overshadow any loss their misadventures are causing so they'll just keep trying.

100% this.

In spite of what a lot of hippies and libertarians think, not everyone gives a shit about money.

People who go into entertainment or media want to influence thought. The proof is all around you, when instead of the quick buck they make a pretentious piece of garbage that cost them money. But they don't care. They are buying propaganda in effect.

But then the culture keeps getting more pozzed. The word cis didn't exist 2 years ago, now the normies I know use it.

So, let me get this straight. In order to make money off of girls they're pandering to them with shit that girls have no interest in buying instead of going with what's been proven to sell since Jane Austen decided to step out of the kitchen?

It makes no fucking sense. Why do you people keep inventing these convoluted, braindead explanations for what's been going on.

The Marvel board of directors, and the Disney kike cabal that rams their asses, have the sale records, profit margins, forecast and armies of experts at their beck and call. They know what makes money and what doesn't.

We know for a fact this shit not only doesn't make money, but actively torpedoes their products and chases costumers away.

So why keep doing it for a decade and more?

Faggot marriages were unthinkable back in 2000. Nowadays they are not only legal, but faggots are part of mainstream culture.

Trannies might as well have been yetis 5 years back, nowadays they're poised to be the new gays with experts from all sides illuminating their plight and championing genital mutilation as the only cure, while the MSM sings accolades about how brave and beautiful they are.

It took them 5 years to do this, to make these disgusting freaks of nature an accepted part of society.


They have been priming society for the "slippery slope" since the end of World War 2, and now it's finally starting to bear fruit.

Galactus, squash that fucking Down syndrome squirrel she doesn't have the right to question your grammar over pointless bullshit.

I know all of this. I've read it 100 times before and I believe it's largely true, but I'd rather just talk about Ghostbusters right now.

To get back to what started us down this road, I don't think the world is ready for a Zoe Quinn movie. If they couldn't get Trumbo to be a hit, how could they make this a hit? While money may be a secondary concern, a horrific flop only makes them look stupid and could damage their credibility. Think the SVU episode on a biblical scale.

25-30 years down the line though, when places like Holla Forums have been totally shut down, and no one remembers things well enough to argue against it? It could be a big hit with generation poz, the people who will have been raised their entire lives on tumblr.

I think at that point they won't be bothering with making propaganda anymore, since there won't be any need.



You clearly don't understand what propaganda is.

They won't need propaganda because their goal of destroying the West will have come to fruition. Once the white majority is replaced by a servile underclass of blacks and browns they can act openly.

Because it's fucking Star Wars. Star Wars was going to make big money regardless of who wrote it, who directed it and who starred in it. The prequels made millions, and everyone hated them. For all your claims that the Chinese hate black people, and wouldn't watch a movie with a black person in it, TFA still made over $100 million in China, and more than X-Men: Days of Future Past and Iron Man 3, both of which had the same Chinese actress in them as a way of pandering to the Chinese.

A Zoe Quinn movie, which is how we got onto this topic, is not fucking Star Wars. Not in the same ballpark. Not even the same fucking sport.

You're looking at it. This Ghostbusters is going to be a big titted flop and heads will roll. The studio needs this movie to be a big success and it's not going to be. Already they're shitting themselves because the trailers have been some of the worst received film trailers ever released.

There's also Fantastic Flop. Trank made a big point of getting his buddy Michael B to play a black Johnny Storm. When criticised they doubled down, Michael B gave this usual 'It's the [CURRENT YEAR]' and 'If you don't like it, you're racist' and look at what happened. Fantastic Four as a property is dead in the water. Josh Trank doesn't even have a career any more, in part because of the spectacular failure of that film and in part because of his behaviour during the making of said film.

I swear we must have an influx of newfags, or at least brain damaged anons for whom certain points, no matter often they're repeated, never sink in.

Marvel/Disney and DC/Warners DO NOT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT COMICS. Comic book publication is not the primary focus of their business, they do not get rich publishing comic books. This is down to a combination of publishing in general being in the shitter as well the factors unique to comics which have to do with the Big Two (mostly Marvel) and Image tanking the industry in the late 80s and 90s.

Comics are a write-off. They maintain these wings of their business as an IP farm to keep their properties alive. The parts of the business that actually make them money, the TV shows, Movies, Video Games, Toys and other merchandising, are the parts that they really care about. They're also the parts where Marvel/Disney and DC/Warners wouldn't try this crap, or would at least take pause before trying this crap.

Come back to me when they make a Squirrel Girl movie starring Lena Dunham.

Nobody except SJWs give a shit about GamerGate now and it's been two years. The movie's not going to suddenly sell like hotcakes 20 years down the line when people give even less of a shit and know even less about GamerGate than they do now.

Most of the current crop of SJWs won't have children, either because they don't want to or because they can't because they've mutilated themselves.

The very idea of the movie was stillborn from the beginning.

STEMfag reporting. Cis and trans are actually chemistry terms. They were invented in the early 1800s to describe different isomers. Isomers are the same chemical in different configurations.

Notice in the cis-2-butane the two methyl groups (H3C & CH3 are on the same side of the carbon chain (on top). In the trans-2-butane one methyl is on top and one is on bottom. The double bond in the middle prevents the groups from flipping.
That's where cis and trans come from.

To stay topical cisbusters is going to flop hard. Sony will spew damage control about misogynists. It hasn't worked before for other companies that tried it. It won't work this time.

Butene not butane. Butane doesn't have cis or trans isomers because it only has a single bod which lets the groups on the ends rotate freely so they're not locked into one form or the other.



The mistake Sony made was the ALL female cast. If it had been one stronk womyn showing up the guys and being the center of attention, then plebs would've flocked to it.

Women don't want to do anything, they just want all the attention.

Like Suicide Squad?

Not only am I not going to see this piece of shit but now I am going to watch the fuck out of every other movie that opening weekend

There will be a time where it exists just in the natural institutions such as school and we are close to that point and crossing that point already. By then the propaganda will still exist, but it won't be in entertainment as it is now. You won't have 2 hour movies that you go to a theater to pay to watch. You will have 24 hours of retardedly simple entertainment all the time, and probably while you are even busy doing other things.

It would actually be better for us if we faced this shit fifty or more years ago, because it would be easy to defeat. With technology? Those generations will grow up believing that shit 100% and the "past" will be thought of as always being like that too. That people always acted in X way or believed X thing, and that Y was always wrong etc.

You think your remembering will do a thing if you don't do a thing? If you do you will be a criminal of the highest sort, because in such a society there is no higher sort than hate criminal.

Their mistake was making it a remake and making it all female. People already hate remakes and a remake that tries to get up your ass with its political bullshit was always going to draw enmity from the fanbase, which is why they make these films. Built in audience.

If they'd done like Ghostbusters: The Next Generation you'd probably have fewer complaints.

Don't feel too bad. With shit tier feminists clamoring to take the spotlight whenever they can, it's not too out of the question that eventually, there will be a movie about stronk wimmin taking down the patriarchy.

Meanwhile actual feminists will laugh at them and their shitty fanfiction. It's what they already do with comics.

Come now, user, the time for boogeymen is over. There's no sordid affair going on in the background, Disney just literally makes retarded decisions on occasion. Their cash flow is so impressive, however, thanks to the yearly CGI family flick and merchandise, that they don't have to care about these fuck ups, because smart business always has a safety net prior to trying expansions that can go horribly wrong.

Underrated post. I'm willing to bet the entire comics division of either of these don't even come close to totaling in expense the cost of a single animated movie that gets tossed on streaming (for free or dirt cheap, even).

The irony is amazing.

It's like saying 'America is majority non-white!' because whites are now below 50%. They're still the largest majority in the country. But people use it as justification for their bullshit.

but it's not defamation of Eron Gjoni because the bad guy is Aaron Jonesy or something. ;^)

To illustrate, thusly.



The 'Any resemblance' disclaimer provides scant protection, unfortunately. Especially in this instance where it would be fucking obvious to anyone without severe brain damage who the movie is talking about, because the dirty laundry's been aired in public so frequently.

Would Star Wars have made more or less money without being pozzed?

And I keep saying that money isn't the primary, or secondary, or tertiary motivator here.

Yet shit from comics, especially diversity changes in terms of characters, leak into all of those again and again. Cyborg was a shit character with tokenism written all over it, yet today he's a central figure of the Justice League, specifically because they pushed for it, in movies, cartoons, toys and games.

To whom are they pandering here? To the nigger minority in the US? The leftists one? All the poor, starving niggers in Africa? Why is Cyborg a part of the Justice League? Why was Johnny Storm made into a nigger?

You contradict yourself. You said they take pause before trying that crap, yet both Johnny and Cyborg exist.


It would have made the exact same amount of money

Nobody's talking about motivators. Money is always a consideration. Hollywood routinely sit on prime real estate in the form of unproduced screenplays because they're afraid of risks. They don't want to lose money

You clearly don't know anything about Titans or Cyborg

Because their creative director is a massive fanboy who grew up on 80s Super Friends and New Teen Titans

They didn't create Cyborg specifically for the purpose of being the black Justice Leaguer, and Fantastic Flop wasn't made by Marvel but rather Fox, another point that never seems to sink in with people here no matter how often it's repeated.

[citation needed]

So, TFA features a nigger, a kike spic and a woman as its stars, in an IP primarily popular among white nerds because…?

I didn't know said creative director worked on all the animated shows, games and merchandising. Prolific guy!

You're hilarious. That's exactly why he was elevated to that position.

Same difference. Marvel does the same shit. Heimdall "the whitest of the gods" was made into a nigger for no apparent reason.

But that's just a coincidence goyim :^)

That's generally the job of a creative director, dumbass

So, it's by his will alone that Cyborg, a token nigger, was made one of the big DC stars? I thought WB didn't like taking risks.

Again I ask, to whom are they pandering when they put Cyborg, a nigger, in there?

Also, you claim Cyborg didn't get the upgrade instead of more established and deserving heroes because he's a nigger, but because he is a decent character seeped in history and fan adoration?

And why not answer all the other questions?

Yeah, you're right. I had it in my head that they were pushing more girls toys but I took a look at their merchandising again and their licensees like Hasbro are doing the exact opposite.

I wouldn't mind an all female cast if they were actual strong, athletic, capable women a la Lara Croft. But they put a tumblr feminist landwhale as an action heroine. It's bullshit. It's like Adam West's Batman all over again, we've overcome that already. It has no place in today's world unless you want to pander to SJWs with "body acceptance" and bullshit like that. Imagine Iron Man starring some fat slob. It just doesn't work. We've seen actors who work out, diet and do everything needed to be the optimal weight for a role. Christian Bale, Dan Stevens and Jared Leto are prime examples. If they need to get anorexic tier for the role, they do it. If they need to get ripped, they do it. If they need to get fat, they do it. Or you can just cast someone that's already the required body type for the role. I don't think it was an accident though, it's most likely political BS. They picked that landwhale because she was a landwhale, not because she was a good actress that happened to be a landwhale.



press play.
repeatedly press 9

Stay ignorant lel.

It's adorable watching the peanut gallery pretend at being athletic.



Let me know when the average male pole vaulter is as good as her. She's an outlier, yes. Elite male pole vaulters do even better than her, yes. But don't pretend she isn't capable or athletic.
The first person to free-climb the Nose Route on the mountain El Capitan in Yosemite was a woman, Lynn Hill.
Pamela Reed has won the Badwater ultramarathon twice. And she was also ever to run 300 miles without sleeping.
Women have also excelled at equestrian sports.
Women have won Nobel prizes for scientific achievement.
You need to differentiate between entitled useless cunts, average women, more capable than average women, and elite women.
I would stand no chance against Ronda Rousey, and there's no shame on that.

I keep trying to get Murphy to put Leslie Jones' face on a gorilla or other ape, doesn't seem to want to do that though.

Winnars are entitled to infinite free faceswaps

meant to say she was the first person ever

Sounds like bullshit propaganda to me. Though I'm sure you believe it just as strongly as if you were there for every mile.

What's supposed to be funny about that?

I seem to have triggered you something fierce.

Women lack the ability to do comedy. He's presenting the video as if it is a woman successfully doing comedy, yet she's doing nothing at all. The humor is in the common knowledge that women are unable to do comedy, yet we still pretend woman comedians are funny when they are not. Therefore the video being presented as humorous, when it is in reality a woman doing nothing is then satire on the concept of woman comedians and woman comedy. It's one of the elephants in the room of the entertainment world that they claim women comedians are funny when in reality they are not, however this cannot be admitted to because it would be considered sexist. The simple fact of the matter is women are not funny. You can laugh at a woman, but never with a woman because women don't know how to tell jokes. There seems to be something intrinsic in the feminine nature that does not allow them to be successfully humorous. Still most of society will pretend they are out of political correctness and sometimes just simple politeness, like when you're laughing at a joke your mother or grandmother has told, but the reality is although they try to tell jokes women just simply are not funny.

At least the first to achieve it in that competition. Maybe it's been done before but there's no previous records.

Part of it is the inability to mock themselves sincerely. A good comedian has to realize that everyone is a piece of shit, including him/her self. They must be able to laugh at themselves. Most people are unable to truly admit, deep down, that they are part of the problem; women seem doubly unable to admit this for reasons I don't understand. It seems they must always take themselves seriously; all criticism directed at them must be phony criticism, for laughs only. Actual criticism sets them off completely.

This, ive said it in another thread but ill say it again. A good comedian doesnt give a fuck about anyones feelings.

Ronda Rousey would get the ever living shit kicked out of her by a competent amateur male MMA fighter in his teens.

If you ever want to troll a comedian the best way is to say they are a hack.

They get assmad like you wouldn't believe.

14, 15, probably not. Late teens, absolutely.

Didn't they forbid the Canadian female Olympic hockey team from competing against teen male teams because they kept destroying them?

It's a meme you dips, the video is unrelated to the post.

There's a difference between not buying into the feminist bullshit and constructing your own bullshit narrative where all women are equally useless.

Some are, some are not. Take this example in the video. Parks and rec is pretty great and it was mostly written by Poehler. It has a lot of shitty parts infested with feminism and fag propaganda but it's pretty funny overall. If you like humor a la The Office, that is.

I agree in part with this. I mean look at how they praise Amy Schumer when all she does is stand there and say dude sex lmao dude dick jokes. This is true for a large number of female "comedians".

Again, depends on the woman. And also humor isn't just about telling jokes. In fact, humor on TV rarely consists of telling jokes, but representing jokes instead.

Bullshit, get out of your basement some time.

Fucking pussies lel

wew lad
Also a mastermind who influenced cinema like few have done with her groundbreaking cinematography. What Riefenstahl did was true kino.

And guess what? She would have never wanted to fuck you.

You sound desperate.

Hey now, I'm not white knighting on an anonymous imageboard on the ass end of the internet.

I'm not white knighting, that was my first post in the thread. You still sound desperate.

It's *possible* for women to be funny, just much less common.

Humor was developed as a defense mechanism when one is inadequate for competition. A member of the tribe would demonstrate a new skill that set him above the others, and the others unable to emulate him would instead try to devalue this new skill by mocking it. A scientist demonstrated how this is linked to the competitive drive and primarily appears in males by riding around his town on a unicycle. Men would crack jokes about him, young boys would try to knock him off, old men would express concern for him.

You know how they say fat chicks are better in bed, ugly chicks try harder, etc? Most women aren't funny because they haven't had to try, they've had no need to develop personality.

However, plenty of exceptions exist. There were funny women on Reno 911 and Who's Line Is It Anyway? I find both Maria Bamford and Heather Anne Campbell pretty funny. Here's one of the skits she wrote.

Norm Macdonald said it best (paraphrase): "remember in high school all the times you saw a group of people laughing, and you ran over to see what was so funny…and it was a girl making them all laugh?"


Of course she wouldn't, she rejected GOEBBELS. JOSEPH GOEBBELS, when he was one of the most powerful men in Germany. If he didn't stand a chance, much less I. What bothers me isn't that you demean women, it's that you're as stupid as SJWs and in denial of reality. At this point, I doubt if you are pretending to be retarded and I'm taking the b8.

I'm not sure girls bullying the nerd of the class counts as comedy.

Having PTSD flashbacks, permavirgin?

Not exactly because I was never a victim of them but I remember girls in my class could be the nastiest vilest beings ever. There was one of them who also had her male cousin as a classmate. On his birthday, she riled up the girls to make sure they wouldn't show up to his party. Nasty chick when it comes to personality, but she looked like an angel (she was somewhat of a more innocent looking Emma Watson lookalike, when Harry Potter was booming). It was probably what taught me to not be fooled by looks.

All women are nasty passive agrresive backstabbing bitches, if you dont think so you havent found out how they are backstabbing yet.

Not all of them actually. But I'm attracted to the ones who are. It turns me on. I've met some goody two-shoes but I like the nastiest bitches. So far there's only one that was too nasty even for me and turned me off, She's a super attractive chick from the same college I attend, and there was this pathetic cuck that was obviously drooling for her. Watching her manipulate and use him made me cringe. Like, one time this guy had arrived early to class and had a front row seat. She came over and said "You saved this seat for me, didn't you?" and the cuck got up and went to a shitty one. Absolutely revolting.

So you need a bad pussy?

Because I said women are a joke in terms of athleticism?

Is this what initiated your autistic fit?

I still wish I knew which personality disorder it is she has.

Yeah pretty much.


So many girls do this, one had her complete music "taste" based on how good the band members looked. Shit boggles my mind

You'd have found out that your yandere fetish isn't what you imagined it to be.

wow the japs have a term for everything don't they?
That said I looked it up and it's not my thing, I'm into cold heartless bitches who no one considers sweet except for some of their closest people. The ones with a pretty face but who are distant to or outright mistreat most people. Bitches on high horses.


Only sad things. Unrequited love is kataomoi, but it has a stronger connotation than in english. Edgy teenagers is chuunibyou, not quite the same but it literally means "8th grader sickness" where they have fantasies and act out shit like their japanese animes. They tended to get bullied hard, some hide in their fantasies to escape the bullying and it spirals from there sometimes even to suicide.

To be fair, they do get revenge on him at the very end after he's killed God knows how many women up to that point so I'm sure there are plenty of retards who would argue that in itself makes the movie feminiss.


Its G-d you stupid goyim

Nigger, even if the character is fictional, it's still a name, like Dumbledore, or Bane.


You refer to a deity with a capital.

If you're religious and believe in him, you autistic kike. Do you write superman with a capital s?

Not into comic books but wasnt superman just an alien?

So, it's papa smurf, bane, etc? No, you autist.

What in the fuckin fuck does strong/athletic/capable women have to do with ghostbusters?

It's a story about a group of scientific/autistic friends/dudes working out a way to tap into inter-dimensional reality and capture plasma/electromagnetic ghosts.

That's an idea that exists almost entirely in the male mind only.

But this comic is 100% right, intact is objectively better. Also who the fuck would think it's okay to mutilate their son's penis?

Don't fucking do that,

Well for one, no, I'm not religious. 2ndly, yes because Superman is a name. 3rdly, even if that is true, the English word for God can be used as a noun or a name, and the Christians chose to refer to him as God as there are no other gods in Christianity.


I don't understand how Pascal was allowed to put Fembusters into production but it's still happening.

I don't like lards in my action movies, no matter their sex.

More like another woman given more credit than was due out of pity.

Different circumstances. Ghostbusters is a multi-million dollar franchise. Zoe Quinn is a used up whore who got outed by one of her battered exes.

Jesus man, I just can't deal with that today. Our society is just fucked.

top lel she's demonized all the time

Onslow, put on a shirt when you're posting.

♫I'm gonna make love to you woman, gonna lay you down by the fire♫

Sorry Mrs Bucket.

was chris ever fun, or was it just because i was young? this only depresses me now.



That's 'Bouquet.'



Thanks for outing yourself as a spastic. Yeah GB was all about kick-flips and slo-mo posing.

If anything it would hurt the feminists to be associated with nazis. And no, it's not "rewritten history", Riefenstahl's work was groundbreaking in many senses. She was also a pioneer in the usage of specific equipment, for example she got a special film stock from Agfa, the R-stock, which coupled with a red filter made the sky look black. She innovated in editing and in camera work, using things like aerial takes, or long focus lenses to distort the perspective. She gave the stuff an artistic purpose. Have you seen the jump scene in Olympia? It's pretty surrealistic, with people suspended in the air and impressive camera work. She mastered edition and created things not seen before. Always pushing the limits of what could be done. And her film Das blaue Licht was acclaimed on both sides of the Atlantic, in a time when being a hack wasn't tolerated and much less encouraged like nowadays. A real human being and a real kino heroine.

Nailed it.

Which is the point. passing the Bechdel test tells you fuck all about how the film treats female characters. Debbie Does Dallas passes the Bechdel test. So does fucking Transformers.





You have no idea.

Going to pirate / 10