When will we have space ships like this?

When will we have space ships like this?

In the year 2000 probably.

Never. Stop falling for fiction.

We could easily have one now, but it would need a conventional ship to put it there anyway.


When will we have space ships like this?

Looks more like satellite than a ship. But whatever, Lockheed is already developing a truck sized Fusion generator, so futuristic space crafts that can travel to mars in 15 minutes are going to be real soon.

That shit couldn't possibly fly.

Those are some ugly ships.

If by "soon" you mean the year 2100 at the earliest, then yeah, soon

When Trump is elected President.

When you stop wasting money on foreign aid for 3rd world countries, Israel and welfare niggers.

We could have already be colonizing Mars if the US hadn't shat trillions down the drain trying to make 12% of their population human for the past century.

Fuck off, >>>Holla Forums.

I prefer this

Must have been made by Asians.

Must be Singaporeans, then.

When will we have space ships like this?

When will we have space ships like this?

I bet you prefer giant balls and a thin cock user.

Wew, nigger. I'm voting for Trump myself but you best be joking when you think electing Trump will mean Israel gets less aid. Also, how does electing some dude for 8 years max = breaking the light barrier.

That looks…kinda nice, actually. What's that building for anyway?

Best ship cummin thru

never. overpopulating the planet with useless subhumans is far more important.

When we decide to send this into space.

I can live with that.

We're already up here, faggot. Now go cry more at your shrine of (((Carl Sagan))).


Ready to convert heathen ayylmaos.

Where is the diversity?

He's pretty clearly an Holla Forums shitstirrer


I-have-no-worldview-and-am-spritually-dead-inside-because-I'm-a-hyper-secularized-narccissist-so-all-I-can-do-is-slap-basic-shapes-onto-a-building-like-a-child Architecture.

wew lad

Christcucks, please.

When we get rid of niggers and jews.

what do you expect from a religion that ingrains a persecution complex with the teachings?



It's a German/Canadian co-production

but are any of those other space ships powered by drug abuse?

I want to ride in a Martian gunship.


john flynt pls go

guns/projectile weapons/exploding weapons in space is the stupidest fucking concept ever invented.

And don't even get me started on spaceships that fly as if they're in the air instead of orbit

Fuck George Lucas is an idiot

he fucking said israel should be paying us.

I dunno, maybe diverting all that useless foreign aid towards research and education???

oh and check mein trips of truth..

Holy shit Holla Forumstards are stupid. I don't give a shit though since you'll get him in office.


When James Cameron starts making good films again. So never.


When was the last time James Cameron actually directed a legitimately good movie? 1984?

I was going to check them for you, but now you fucked everything up.

Whenever /pol stops shitposting on the internet and RWDS in real life.


That was Michael Radford, not sure how you got them confused.

By 1984, I mean The Terminator.

Titanic was pretty good

Interesting, i can see some connections but im not sure its fully analogous. Other than the fear of a powerful militaristic entity the metaphore breaks down pretty quickly

(Im joking)


Visually. Jim is a great visual effect director but a crappy writer.


Only berniecucks call him that.

I thought Terminator 2 was great (pls no bully) but it was also the film where James Cameron's bullshit started to emerge.

i liked it too. even t3 was pretty good even though most people hated it. the fourth one and the sarah connor chronicles is to me where the franchise turned to shit


Yep, just take a look at what actual space ships look like, just think about how hostile an environment space really is. It's not a fun place to be, and space ships will always be designed for function not for aesthetics.

That looks like an alien spaceship crashed into an ancient building.

I disliked ABATAP but I did really like the spaceship. It's probably the most realistic depiction of a deep-space/interstellar ship I've ever seen in a movie.