1) If paganism would be such a strong defense against Judaism, and Christianity is, according to you, a form of Judaism, why did the Christians "subvert" every single pagan religion in such short order?2) If Christianity is in fact, a tool of Jewish subversion, why are all the efforts of the Jews bent towards the destruction of Christianity and its moral foundations?
Two Questions for Pagans
And I guess a bonus question would be: How are you guys NOT a bunch of LARPing reactionaries?
>>276110334>why are all the efforts of the Jews bent towards the destruction of Christianity and its moral foundations?this is Christfags favorite fantasy, no one cares about your dumbass religion, really bro
>>276110334Two Questions for Christcucks1)Why did you mass convert Sub Saharan savages?2)Why did jews have human rights in your nations?And I guess a bonus question would be:How are you guys NOT a bunch of LARPING weirdos stuck in the 12th century?
>>276110824>memeflagget out dirty Jew
>>276110889Keep seething christ bitch, Zuba needs his toes sucked
>>276110334>1) If paganism would be such a strong defense against Judaism, and Christianity is, according to you, a form of Judaism, why did the Christians "subvert" every single pagan religion in such short order?the same reason islam and commies were successful they were bloody murderers >2) If Christianity is in fact, a tool of Jewish subversion, why are all the efforts of the Jews bent towards the destruction of Christianity and its moral foundations?because islam and commies are more to their liking
>>2761108331) because God commanded it2) for most of human history they didn'tits not a LARP when you're illegally going to Mass with the knowledge that getting caught will end with the force of Law brought against you
>>276110532paganism has always been a LARPthe bards made up stories, and if people liked them they were recorded and spread as far as superstition (ancestor ghosts still being around, etc), christianity is no better
>>2761103341) Why did the Christians "subvert" every single pagan religion in such short order?Christianity is a fear-based religion that teaches people that they will be tormented in a "lake of fire" forever if they do not worship Rabbi Yeshua and live a life of weakness, obedience, and submission. Fear is a very strong emotion.The Romans, who had always been virile, clear headed and practical, who had conquered the world, now gradually turned into limp jellyfish, into pacifist milksops. Their once clear and practical minds turned from the real world to a fantasy world of spooks in the skies. Instead of taking care of their responsibilities in the real world, the only world in which man has ever been known to live, their concern now turned to "saving souls" — their own and others from a fiery "hereafter". Whereas they had been extremely proficient in building a superior civilization and a better world, they now abandoned all this and a mad frenzy about spooks in the skies preoccupied their minds. Mass insanity set in, and the Jews had done it all with their ultimate weapon — selling the Romans on a suicidal religion.
>>276111019>they were bloody murderersthey weren't, Christians were martyred for decades>islam and commies are more to their likingsoooo Christianity IS in fact a strong bastion standing against Judaism???
>>276111051>1) because God commanded itGod commanded you to convert stupid monkeys? Yh no this is cope the actual real christcucks in the Levant didnt even think of mass converting the subhumans in Africa try again you nigger loving cuck>2) for most of human history they didn'tWhich is why they controlled the banks am I right?
>>276110334Paganism never left and never will. It's the sacred wisdom of all Life-based religions. All semitic religion will be lost in the Kali Yuga like other "isms" on modern times.
>>276111279>Christianity is a fear-based religionright, because Pagans weren't afraid of being skinned alive and hung upside down from a tree
>>276111279>Christianity is a fear-based religion that teaches people that they will be tormented in a "lake of fire" forever if they do not worship Rabbi Yeshua and live a life of weakness, obedience, and submission. Fear is a very strong emotion.So gibs muh dat the religion what a fucking joke
>>276110334>2) If Christianity is in fact, a tool of Jewish subversion, why are all the efforts of the Jews bent towards the destruction of Christianity and its moral foundations?The jews do not hate your magic carpenter.If they did, there wouldn't be over 300,000 churches in the US, all exempt from federal, state, and local taxes.There wouldn't be over 30,000 private christian schools in the US, also tax-exempt.There wouldn't be dozens of televangelists on network TV and countless, big budget, Hollywood films all glorifying your Rabbi Yeshua.The Jew, Marcus Eli Ravage, proudly boasts how they (the Jews) have imposed christianity onto the white man in order to weaken him and unhinge his mind. He states:"We have put a clog upon your progress. We have imposed upon you an alien book and an alien faith which you cannot digest, which is at cross-purposes with your native spirit, which keeps you everlastingly ill-at-ease, and which you lack the spirit to either reject or accept in full."
>>276110833>1)Why did you mass convert Sub Saharan savages?the spiritual is greater than the physical all humans are ultimately "psyches" (the greek word for "soul")you cannot force someone to convert / believe you can however enslave (/"imprison") them and "teach them" until they willingly convert >2)Why did jews have human rights in your nations?same reason but jews are not saved without christ (despite what some denominations will have you believe)
>>276111501>The jews do not hate your magic carpenter.i dont know m8, is illegal for me to go to Mass rn
>>276110532>Pagans are LARPers
>>276111815ALL pagans are LARPersSOME Christians are LARPers
I'd prefer based, awesome Christianity over odd ball Paganism any day. But I don't see it. I see Christian's trying to get Whites back into a burning building but not much else. Build something worthwhile for the here and now, or piss off with your promises in the afterlife. He who shows up wins.
>>276111685>the spiritual is greater than the physicalTranslation:RACE DOESNT MATTER OF COURSE YOU CAN RAPE MY WIFE TYRONE SO LONG AS YOU ARE CHRISTIAN LIKE ME HURR DURR>>276111738Kikes hating kikes is just normal jew behavior dumbass.
>>276111296>they weren't what about the baltic crusades>soooo Christianity IS in fact a strong bastion standing against Judaism???no, christianity teaches people to tolerate the oppressor and do nothing but pray it's cucked at it's core the reason globalists today pretend to be satanists is exactly because it radicalizes christians to do pray more and more and do less and less
>>276110334>1) If paganism would be such a strong defense against Judaism, It isn't, inherently. However, unlike Christianity, it allows for one.>and Christianity is, according to you, a form of Judaism,There's no "according to" about it; Christianity is literally a Jewish schism.>why did the Christians "subvert" every single pagan religion in such short order?The "why" is because they sought power and wealth the "how" is lies, bribery and murder with very little "subversion" except when necessary; where they had to power to do so they banned all non-Christian religious practices (except, of course, Judaism) on pain of death and where they didn't they worked their way into positions of influence, lied about Christian doctrine to foster its acceptance and then when they had the power did as I mentioned earlier. This was an established and condoned practice known as Interpretatio Christiania.>2) If Christianity is in fact, a tool of Jewish subversion, why are all the efforts of the Jews bent towards the destruction of Christianity and its moral foundations?This statement is wildly incorrect; many aspects of Christian culture cause headaches for Jews but the fact that Christians have a fundamentally Abrahamic weltanschauung is the bedrock of the current triumph of world Jewry. See pic related.
>>276111931>Kikes hating kikes is just normal jew behavior dumbass.not at all!Jews have THE STRONGEST in-group bias of any religious or ethnic group IN THE WORLDIt would be VERY abnormal for Jews to hate Jews
>>276111859Paganism is right just cope with it. All ancient philosophers were pagan. You associate paganism - an eclectic set of beliefs and unified ancient wisdom since time immemorial, with weird rituals when the mere act of acquiring knowledge of the divine and impersonal forces of nature make you a pagan. Are Hindus larping as well? If so how are you not larping?
>>276112197>Jews have THE STRONGEST in-group bias of any religious or ethnic group IN THE WORLDSo jew on jew murder doesnt exist?
>>276112022>the "how" is lies, bribery and murder with very little "subversion" except when necessarylol so paganism is so weak and so feckless that it doesn't even need to be subverted to fall???That's pathetic
>>276112345it is a very rare thing
>>276110334If Christianity is such a strong defense against Judaism, why did the jews "subvert" every single Christian religion in such short order?2 its served its purpose and compeletly universalized all aspects of our civilization and its now being discarded. Think about this it took Christians hundreds of years to wipe out paganism in northern europe it took jews about 60 to severely cripple Christianity the west.
>>276111931>OF COURSE YOU CAN RAPE MY WIFE TYRONErape is "punishable" by you having to marry your victim but christianity teaches only 1 husband and 1 wife, as adam and eve the penalty for adultery is death but not brought about by humans, but by godbut god will forgive all your sins, if you are a christian so basically yeshowever there are denominations and teachings that can be interpreted to be against mixing (back in the old testament, when it was jewish paganism)
>>276112197>not at allYou're confusing harmony and solidarity; Jews endlessly fight and bicker with each other but they set aside their differences when threatened by gentiles.>>276112439>Christniggers in charge of reading comprehension
The biggest question for christcucks:Why are we being invaded by hoards of black and browns christians?
>>276110334>1) If paganism would be such a strong defense against Judaism, and Christianity is, according to you, a form of Judaism, why did the Christians "subvert" every single pagan religion in such short order?Define short order. I wouldn't classify more than 300 years as short order.>If Christianity is in fact, a tool of Jewish subversion, why are all the efforts of the Jews bent towards the destruction of Christianity and its moral foundations?Both are true.
>>276112550>very rareSee Israel>>276112654So you are a religion of cucks
>>276112022>the "how"
>>276110334Paganism is Christianity with extra stepsEverywhere and always, the myths change, the stories stay the same.
>hands over banks to jews>has the audacity to wonder why they are so hated
>>276112916Forgot pic
>>276112916Shut up retard there are no prophets in pagan faiths.
Where is the line drawn between “pagan” and “non-pagan” beliefs? It’s all the same under the hood
>>276113128well, yes, they're all cults
>>276113042Of course there were, but they were called diviners and sages and oracles
>>276110334Traditional Catholicism has strong elements of paganism in it, derp
>>276112574>why did the jews "subvert" every single Christian religion in such short orderthe "new age" stuff is the only serious paganism that exist, and it's already subverted
>>276113042There can be prophets in paganism and there were some in past, and their prophecies where correct. Hitler is both an avatar and a prophet, sun and lightning.
>>276113244No there werent there are no prophets in Pagan faiths thats why the faiths are not all that hyped on believers.
>>276113244and druids and shamans and witches
>>276113262>durr youre just as subverted as we are I will agree that new age hippy bullshit is absolute kikery but theres plenty of pagan groups that entire eschew that bs
>>276113477same with christian groups
>>276113128The line is drawn between Judaism and its offshots and everything else. The line was drawn by Jews and therefore it makes absolutely no sense to speak about Judaism being pagan or whatever since by definition this is a contradiction.
>>276110334>1) If paganism would be such a strong defense against Judaism, and Christianity is, according to you, a form of Judaism, why did the Christians "subvert" every single pagan religion in such short order?Subversion at first then ruthlessly putting people to the sword, even other christians, if they didn't agree with their sect of christianity.>2) If Christianity is in fact, a tool of Jewish subversion, why are all the efforts of the Jews bent towards the destruction of Christianity and its moral foundations?>"jewish sect 1 attacked and killed jewish sect 2, isn't it obvious that jewish sect 2 is absolute truth when jewish sect 1 attacks it?? if it were false, why would jewish sect 1 attack jewish sect 2? pagans confirmed to be the real jews"
>>2761103341. Early Christians were so intimidated by Pagan knowledge that they spent centuries burning and destroying the ancient world, from Alexandria, to Rome, to the very existence of most classical literature in a time when most men were illiterate. This process repeated again in the Americas in the 1500s, with the deliberate destruction of nearly the entire Aztec corpus of written records. This pattern of fanatical destruction of competing ideas only has two parallels in history - the reign of Akhenaten in Egypt where he tried to force monotheism on a resisting population and failed, and leftism since Marx. Polytheism is much more stable over the long run since differences of spiritual personality collect into complementary cults of different gods, rather than mutually contradictory interpretations of one god that must be resolved with physical force. Medieval Christianity saw a rebirth of soft polytheism with saints, angels, demons, and other things another religion would call lesser gods, as well as making great strides in philosophy and science, but Protestant autistic insistence on sola scriptuta set that back a good 300 years.2. Christianity is close enough to Judaism that Jews can blend in. They will willingly wear a cross to blend in with their enemies, even the hakencreuz of the Third Reich... but they won't ever wear a truly pagan symbol like the sonnenrad, Thor's hammer, or the Eye of Ra. Why do you think that is?
the uncensored bible is based"Thou shalt not suffer a witch [jew] to live" -Exod 22:18apholt.com
>christianity is based because paganism is trash!The eternal christcuck cope. Both are trashy, but at least paganism doesn't worship jews. Christians subverted pagans because slave morality is like corn syrup to the minds of midwits. It's not going away. I have no doubt that christianity will continue to invade its way into Korea and China. And Korea will turn more and more jew-like by the second. Meanwhile, based Japs who btfo christian missionaries will stay NATTY-HOMO (with the help of their token Catholics who also keep the Jews out, Catholics can be based on occasion)
If Holla Forumstard christfags truly believe that 99% of christians aren't real christians, then I'm going to keep blaming christians until you fags give me a name to call fake christians. Constraint: I have to like the name lel
>>276114144>SINGING ANCIENT KIKE SONGS IN CHURCH IS BASED>>276114373The only real christcucks are the ones in the middle east, white christcucks are mentally ill lunatics who turned this reformed Judaism into KEK ME THE RELIGION.
>tfw found out gf is a self proclaimed pagan and practicing wiccan>she wants to start a covenwhat do?
>>276114373the clueless
>>276110334all are stupid faggots.
>>276114614leave her
deaf people argue about ancient texts about music. infinite degenerates.
>>276114614Make her read Miguel Serrano
>>276110334Why do you worship a jew? Why do you follow jewish mythology?
>>276114914I think shes just going through a dumb phase and she's very impressionable.>>276115123wiki looks based.
>>276111451Do you follow European faiths portumano? Greco-Roman?
>>276115368Esoteric Hitlerism will expand your mind like nothing else user
>>276110334How does the christian world view evangelicals?
>>276111019>Islam and Communism are more their likingIslam hates Judaism because Israel oppresses them. Leftists hate it because it's an inherently supremacist ideology. Neither of those groups are really in cohorts with Jews.
>>276115564The quintessential (((christcuck))).
>>276115479Yep Greco-Roman paganism, also into Rodnovery and Esoteric Hitlerism
>>276115819Dangerously based