What are Holla Forums's immutable signs that she likes you?
What are Holla Forums's immutable signs that she likes you?
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>>275847155When you're the dude she's fucking while some other cuck sends her the money.
Literally custom equipped, manufactured, artisan crafted, formed by nature, smithed, created and consecrated for black cock. Genuinely and literally the perfect little black cock taking nymphlet I’ve ever seen. Imagine her underdeveloped, freckled little chicken legs forced wide for the pulsating mass of coal that will ingratiate itself into her, morph and twist her innocence into bestial lust, her Snow White supple pussy swallowing that black steaming rod whole and clinging to it like a bitch in heat as some hulking ebony mastiff mates and deflowers her. Imagine her little face, so innocent, cursing and screaming for a harder pummelling and rutting from her tribal dominator, as his thick black mass erupts it’s primal seed into her crimson pure white genetic womb, staining that perfect little lineage, forever marking generations of delicate white lily flowers with steaming ape spunk, imagine her sweating and screaming as those child like blonde hips birth a half black child, forever staking the black man’s claim to her lineage.
>>275847155>asking a bunch of incels for advice in this sectorAre you re- *spots flag* yep, you're retarded
>>275847155If she wants to spend time with you and she doesn't spend that time talking about herself.
Her dick gets hard when you sit on her lap
When she likes spending time with you and is open to your advances
>>275847155she doesn't, and never will. she will always want nigger dick because youre too much of a manlet to do anything about it
>>275847155Hand gesture.tone in voice changing frequently.touching of the hair.general wellcoming expression on face just something you either have or need to read about user consider getting books that study this not a book a woman has written about bloody tampon art tapestry.
>>275847890can't relate. 6'4 pure bavarian phenotype here
>>275847155Hair flip, if you look at her amd she flips her hair like behind here ear or out of here face she is attractes to you.
>>275847275Vivid, where is your book?
>>275847155When she demands to get pregnant. There's no proof of liking you before that. Girls play mind games and words and signals can mean just about anything. Put your dick in it and cum in her pussy. If she keeps it, she likes you.
When your dick is in her
>>275847155When she grabs hold of your pelvis during the rape and helps with the thrusting while having a look of guilt and excitement in her eyes just before you smash her noggin with a hammer.
>>275847155>>275847155Touches you.
>>275847155Generally, she'll make things easy for you and will chase you a bit. Anything short of this is not worth your time.
>>275847155>What are Holla Forums's immutable signs that she likes you?She brings liquor to the date. You are guaranteed to get laid.
>>275847155At the end she asks me to order her again next time i call the escort agency.
Wait until she takes a shit, then stick your finger in her poop. If it's warm, it means she's nearby or something.
>>275847533ThisShow bump
>>275847155She doesn't scream and run away.
>>275847155Are you new?Even if a bitch sucks you off it doesn't mean she even likes you.They're whores.
>>275847155She does a 360 and walks away.
Texting you out of nowhere just to see how you're doing and make small talk
>>275848766But if you do a 360 you are turning in a complete cir...>oh yeah, 4chan...
You rant about niggers, commies, jews, and trannies and she doesn't get upset.
>>275847155>Strong eye contact>She laughs at your half-assed jokes even when they are not very funny to anyone else and you're not even trying to be funny>She texts you and calls you frequently>She conveniently runs into you only by coincidence...needless to say, there are lots of "coincidental" run-ins>She remembers details about conversations you've had with her in the past>She wants you to put it in: "I'd love hang out some time. Do you like [X] show? We should watch that together! I'd be fun"
>>275848523Lmao I think that’s how you track bears or something
>>275848280>helps with the thrusting while having a look of guilt and excitement in her eyes just before you smash her noggin with a hammer.well that escalated quickly.
>>275847224I have one lined up for that but I'm probably not gonna because I have a girl and worry about whore diseases I'd give her. I'm kinda over the whole bull thing anyway. Just kinda nice to know I could.
>>275849558Newfag detected
>>275847155I can tell if a girl likes me by looking at her feet. If they are behind her ears, she really, really likes me.
>>275847533>>275848647hell is destructive !
>>275847155She stays, even after you remove the gag and handcuffs.
>>275847155Laughs at your jokes. But not one of those meek feigned laughs to humor. It should be apparent if a girl is into your because she will just keep heartily laughing at your jokes. If you can get a girl to laugh, you can get a girl to cum
>>275847155When I see a girl positively beaming when I'm talking to her
>>275852343>Lmao I think that’s how you track bears or somethingDid OP specify the girl has to be human?
>>275849558If you do a 360 you'll be facing the opposite way you began to spin you double nigger
>>275851653yeah this is pretty much the comprehensive truth. lots of smiles, laughs, and enthusiasm.
>immutable signsno such thing
>>275848396This. Everytime this. Toss a blanket in the bed of your truck first though, dont want stains on the bedliner.
>>275853086I think that guy meant hairy gay men.
>>275849259I hate that shit. Bitch i have hobbies.
>>275852664What I'd give to flood this bimbo's womb just once.
>>275851653>I'd be funFreudian slip?
>>275853597It's a pain but you know shit's fucked when she stops.
>>275852784She only stays because you said "stay"
>>275852784She loves having dinner with you. It's a chance to get out of the closet for a bit.
>>275853120Newfag and a fucking leaf, ffs
>>275847155All women are your first child. Why care what they think?
If she's laughing at your jokes up ahead and just around the corner she'll be sucking on your dick.
>>275847155If she says yes to you buying her tea.
>>275847155If you ask her out and she says yes.All this "looking for signs" and hints crap is for children in gradeschool. It's a waste of time.
>>275856431She can be all over you on a good day and ghost you on a bad day.
>>275847155I want to rub my BPC all over her face.
>>275853750If you play like the previous 100+ men don't matter, it's almost like she is a virgin. Just wear a pud collar.
>>275847260Fucking keked
>>275853753>Freudian slip?Sometimes those are unfortunate. Like one time my ex-wife and I were having breakfast. I meant to say "Honey, would you please pass the butter?" But instead I said "You bitch! You've ruined my life!"
>>275847155She doesn't wince when you mention this anonymous board you go on sometimes.
>>275847155If you are in a group and she keeps looking at you whenever something funny happens, you are the most important person in the room to them. They want to see your reaction more than they want to think about themselves.
You could beat her and she'll find it hot
>>275856431Giving actual, practical advice?Ok, boomer.
So i've had problems with reliably getting my packages delivered to my house so I got a UPS store mailbox. I go there once a week and I get help from this really cute girl pretty often.When I come in she calls me by my name and seems to like talking to me more than most employees who recognize me. Even when I am getting help from another employee she stops and says something to me.I think I want to ask her out for drinks after work or something. Any pro tips?I have only ever gotten a date once before so any thoughts on how to proceed would be appreciated. I likely will see her tomorrow when I pick up my vacuum chamber and drill bits.
>>275847155Prolonged eye contact. Prolonged touching. Legs wide apart and thrusting her vulva at you.
>>275847155When she doesn't call the cops and you know your good to go another round.
>>275849558I implore you to browse this board in an undetectable fashion for a greater amount of time
>>275847533Yea that makes sense
If she eats the bowl of eggs.
>>275847155What does it mean when a girl gets super close to you and flirts with you but then casually mentions she has a boyfriend? Is she trying to make me jealous or does she just think I'm a simp?
>>275857961Absolutely built for BPC.
>>275858322She is fucking with you, she needs you as a self-esteem boost but has absolutely no interest in you.
>>275847260>flat>no ass
>>275847155Permitted vaginal penetration
>>275848342So much this. If she makes physical contact with you on propose when it wasn't necessary for the conversation, it's a huge sign. Just go ahead and ask her out at that point. If she is attentive and excited during the date just go all in and ask to start a relationship.
>>275847155Her feminine penis is rock hard.
>>275858322it means her "bf" is a cuck and she'd probably fuck you with no strings attached. faggot.
>>275858450>Imagine liking ass.It's all about the vagina, which is built for my BPC.
>>275858127Chat it up with her a bit as usual, then when the moment arises (she's invested in the convo) ask if she has a number. Wait until the next day to message and ask if she wants to come with you somewhere. Don't be a fag and respond immediately to her; also only write short sentences.
>>275858322>>275858440>>275858608Could be anyone on the spectrum between these two.
>>275858440That's what I'm afraid of, I'm not used to getting female attention.
>>275847155Blushing and giggling at your lame jokes are tells.
She gets a boner when you cuddle.
>>275848165This chad fucks
>>275858498I accidentally touched some girl's ass and she didn't complain or give me a dirty look. She wants me. I can tell.
>>275858754Sounds good.
>>275858127You should try to drill her bits and let her vacuum your chamber
>>275847533Ah you beat me to it.>>275858874
>>275858450Don’t care she hates niggers
- Laughing at most things you say even if you know they are dumb jokes- Undoes her hair or plays with it. If she suddenly does a ponytail she's being decisive and maybe distant, or colder/stricter- Touching- Finding excuses or circumstances for you and her to be alone together. Your's or her place / car, someplace outside.- She talks about stuff that she wouldn't normally. Stuff that makes her vulnerable or insecure.>>275851653
This is satire but it's still true:nbc.com
>>275849641This shit. If you show your political power level and she doesn't back up, she's really interested in you.
>>275858322>>275858440>>275858608So which fucking one is it? I was under the impression they did that because they want to fuck you and then they push off the responsibility and liability/guilt if they do because they said they had one and you still pursued or something. Also women value men that have a lot of attention from women and are retarded and think men behave the same way so its their way so showing a guy "look I have value because I have a boyfriend and people desire me" even though men don't operate that way.
>>275847155She watches Peter Schweitzer filmsnypost.com
her ass it at a higher elevation than her face ;)youtu.be
>>275848342>>275858498>>275858842Huge autist here, I'm not good at picking up signs, but I think I've experienced this kind of female behavior before. Were they just being nice or do women really not dislike me as much as I think?
>>275858834>I'm not used to getting female attention.Just walk up to her carrying some wire, a pair of pliers and something to gag her with. You'll get her attention. Guaranteed.
>>275847260And she hates niggers because she's got 4 nigglets the fathers abandoned.
>>275858127Note this, asking out people while they're working can sometimes annoy them, for various reasons. There are a lot of positions that interact with people all day long and have to appear friendly for their work to be done. Try to be subtle and good luck!
>>275859306They can want to fuck you, be acting like they want to fuck you to test how you react, or be trying to feed their ego.Just go for it and disregard if you find resistance.
>>275848342>Initiating physical contact with you when it isn't nesccesary.I asked my last girl out after she pressed her titties into me while we were stood in a queue.
>>275859480>Do women really not dislike me as much as I think?Yes. Also believing otherwise is a negative feedback loop.
>>275858440>>275858608The true duality of man
>>275859640They crave the BPC
>>275847155For me I'd have to see how she acted after getting to know her a bit, I've never had women be fully repulsed by me at first sight so. Depends really. mMy question is, is she even worth it? Looking like that prolly not but I don't want to marginalize even tho I don't like nigz and trannies. Shits too convoluted to assume anything anymore so I sit in the hanged man's position, idle yet productive
>>275858996Fine kek sir
>>275859192>- Laughing at most things you say even if you know they are dumb jokesDefinitely>- Undoes her hair or plays with it. If she suddenly does a ponytail she's being decisive and maybe distant, or colder/stricterBullshit. Might as well ask her what her zodiac sign is.>- TouchingThis is a huge positive sign.>- Finding excuses or circumstances for you and her to be alone together. Your's or her place / car, someplace outside.This is pretty good. If your in a group and they just happen to sit next to you any chance they get.>- She talks about stuff that she wouldn't normally. Stuff that makes her vulnerable or insecure.If shes fawning over you then there is no way to know what she does normally. Just think about how retarded you act in front of your crushes.
>>275859306My guy friends that I asked about it didn't really know what to tell me either other than to just ask her for her number and see what happens. I've never even been on a date before so all of this is new to me. I haven't even been able to find the right time to ask for her number yet.
>>275858943>I accidentally touched some girl's ass and she didn't complain or give me a dirty look.Were you wiping it?
>>275859306I mean... don't listen to anyone on this board for advice on how to talk to a woman. Posting her is self-prooving for an inability to do that. That said, a woman feels about her looks the way a man feels about his strength and skill. Male attention to them is the same thing as like lifting a very heavy thing or doing a skateboard trick in front of a bunch of people. Also, evolutionarily, mating is a higher risk thing for women and so they are looking for a partner that is so into them that they would stick around and listen to them talk and raise kids and shit. Attraction is attractive, within reason.
>>275860024Imagine being this oblivious to interacting with women.
>>275847260Some young dudes gonna luck out with a par based chick. Why didn't I have that when I was younger? Nothing but green haired dikes and weirdies for me .
>>275859640Just be entirely oblivious to any subtleties and watch her brain go nuts
I want to know pol since I'm autisticDid this girl like me?>be young guy in office job>have older blonde milf sit in cubicle in front of mine>whenever she gets up she'd touch my shoulder>she would cook food from home and bring some to me to eat at lunch>gave me a ride to work one day when she found me walking down the street(i used to live walking distance from that job)>but every now and then she'd talk about her boyfriend in a positive wayso did she like me? she would playfully touch me and cooked me food but seemed to have good relations with her bf so I never tried anything
>>275859494Built for my BPC, 100%
>>275847275Try hard man, she said she doesn't like spear chuckers cope
>>275860112I don't have to imagine it user, I've been living it.
>>275858450>Muh bundas
>>275859306There isn't enough to go off of man. You are reading into that interaction to much. If she has a boyfriend, then she has a boyfriend.
>>275860024Ok. Here's so no bullshit advice. Go turn on the shower to the coldest setting you can. So cold that you flinch.Now stand there until you stop flinching. I garuntee when you get out you won't flinch when the time comes to ask her out.
>>275857294Big peach Cock?
>>275860379>Now stand there*Stand under the cold water
>>275858319Based old fag
>>275860454Big Pajeet Cock
>>275860344Just because there is a goalie doesn't mean you can't score bro.
>>275860344But I don't know if she actually does. I looked up her normiebook and it says she's single but the last time she posted anything was in January.
She only charges you for an hour in her room when you spent an hour and 15 mins. Or she let's you moderate her chat!
>>275858322You might as be a simpopotomus
>>275847155Nobody likes us, we're Nazis, fuck off with your gay normie questions
>>275858450Flat is justice.
>>275848037Lmao. Almost every girl and woman even milfs do this when i pass them on street.
>>275859850Banal Public Commentary?Baby Penis Coping?Bizarre Pajeet Customs?You’ll have to be more specific.
>>275852343nice job getting the joke, now head on back to redd1t
>>275859031>Don’t care she hates niggers
>>275860619If you're dumb enough to show girls your power level, in Sweden of all places, you deserve to be left out of the gene pool
>>275860239Why are you spamming this shit all over the board?
>>275860536It doesn't matter. It. Truly. Does. Not. Matter.
>>275860525I like peach better
>>275860228Did she bring food to the office and you were included? Or did she make YOU food? Does she make food for other people? Does she touch other peoples shoulders? I have met some pretty touchy people.If she talks about a boyfriend then why are you wasting time thinking about her.
>>275860828All you have to do is say you voted from Trump and 50% will flip shit.
>>275860228She might want to fuck you, but she is probably just playing around. Just some harmless fun bro until you act on it and get #MeToo’d
>>275860745Bollywood Pooing Corporation
>>275860344I mean I get what the other guy was saying though. Women will flirt and then mention their boyfriend after flirting for some reason. What I'm experiencing is definitely flirting in some of these scenarios. If she just says I have a boyfriend then it doesn't necessarily mean anything but I also notice it a lot directly after flirting so its like some kind of mental gymnastics to justify money branching or something.
>>275849558Newfag. Lurk moar.Also, you must be 18+ to post here.
>>275860536You have to find a way to hang out with her in a group. Gather more intel.
>>275860963She's def playing with him and prolly bored of her current boyfriend , she doesn't wanna leave him but needs to know she's still wanted. Would bet this on a nut , only however if I was to know details and we remain anonymous so I keep my nut he should drop her , I suggest if he feels the relationship is not fair and her parasitic behavior makes him feel that way drop her, it's best for both of you
>>275847155she gets a boner
>>275860745>>275861064Big Pajeet Cock
>>275859306It depends how handsome you are. If you are a chad tier looking person its more likely she wants to fuck you. It's also likely if she is known to sleep around and be unfaithful.If you are more on the ugly or unpopular side and she is popular or really attractive then she is probably messing with you/. Also likely if she is a bitch.Source:I was bullied in HS by many girls and they always used to mess with me. Very handsome but unpopular and weird.
>>275860828I was speaking from an American perspective. Nazis turn chicks on here as the ultimate bad boys. Now KYS and enjoy life :)
>>275860076>don't listen to anyone on this board for advice on how to talk to a woman.Proceeds to give advice. Genuine autist detected.
>>275860929I'm sure he'll gas em anyday now
>>275860228>Office>Older lady. That is a hard no-go. In most scenarios the cost of getting shot down is some hard feelings. You get fired from your entry level job for sexual harrassment? It's not worth the risk.
>>275858450>giving a shit about things like thatfagis she a virgin?is she smart?is she ethnically similar enough to yourself?these are things that matter, big asses and tits are a sign of stupidity and they bother me because they make her slow in case she needs to run away for some reason
>>275847275One of the better chang pastas
>>275861334Sounds nice .. I'm not a natzi but I bet I might intrigue a native born Sweed girl .. maybe
>>275848280>When she grabs hold of your pelvis during the rape and helps with the thrusting while having a look of guilt and excitement in her eyes just before you smash her noggin with a hammer.I mean its really hard to tell. It could just be dark in that alley and she thinks your her bf or the previous blows to the head confused her>>275848523yeah you really cant tell from this, she could have just been nervous and had to use a toilet and yours was the closest one nearby.>>275852664thats a pretty good indicator, but yeah yo really cant tell maybe shes just from canada is trying to be nice i'd say its best to just keep your wits about you and continue to look for signs
>>275847275Built for CCP
If you're fucking she likes you. If she gets aggravated that you aren't showing her any attention (not any, not enough) she likes you. Most chicks I know and the one I'm with now have a lot of guys after them. It's clear as day when you aren't a cuck. It's just as easy as not being a simp. A chick will be friends with you easily, getting past that is where you need to be a man.
>>275847155Just walk up to a girl look her in the eye and say, “what’s your deal?”. You have to say it kind of like an asshole. She will be taken aback and ask you to explain. Just ask her again. If she responds positively then she likes you.
>>275861494she clearly is genetic inferior and will produce beta manlets
>>275847155I'm not thinking about women, I'm thinking about Meme/culture/race wars.
>>275861375I would argue that was more description than advice, but maybe recognizing that distinction is > Genuine autist
>>275861544You at least need to shave your head though, otherwise she'll laugh at your circumcised Judencock
>>275858917why is this the first time im seeing this
If she lets you fuck her in the ass she likes you
>>275858834Don't be afraid of anything; that's a bad mindset to get into. The fact is that every chick is a person with a life and problems, and if she turns you down, it could be for any of a thousand reasons that have nothing to do with you. Just say thanks anyway and go back to what you were talking about.So next time she chats you up, ask when she gets off work. Tell her you've been thinking of trying [place nearby] for a drink, and ask whether she'd like to meet you there after work. And again, if she says no or flakes and doesn't show up, it's not about you. Say 'next' and move on.
>>275853848Made me laugh for real
>>275861738nah i don't want retard kids, brains matter more than looksif they're smart they can make money and get golddiggers
I was so fucking retarded in highschoolA girl left a message on my voice mail which was just the song "could I be your girl". There was no caller id so I was like shit wrong number I guess, but looking back now there was only one girl it could have been. Which was confirmed when she confessed to me 10 years later when we were both married. At the time she had massive tits and a small waist. But now she has terminal cancerI'm so fucking stupid. I could have gotten a deep meaningful relationship plus huge tits and an easy exit. Fuck my gay brain
>>275860838He's obviously a loser that has never been touched in his special place by a girl. So he thinks he will spam a meme that only losers post.He's only 15 or so; he doesn't get it yet.
>>2758471551) She wastes her time in youThat is all.
>>275861961>But now she has terminal cancerSo you should probably be glad you didn't marry her
>>275861685>Needy whoresno thanks.Some people just like roast beef. As long you are enjoying yourself. You definitely have more sex than me
>>275861868Exactly. Too many guys think women are immaculate and without problems. When they're playing games it's because they're insecure about themselves and don't want to get played. The same way we don't want to get played. If you're straightforward and assertive she will realize that she trusts you. "lets go get drinks at ____, it's a cool place I always hang around". If you get a yes, you're in. If you get a no, just ignore her, she'll be back anyway once you're doing better
>>275861323I've been told I look like Christian Slater from multiple people which is kind of funny and real specific. I have long hair now though
>>275860891i never initiated anything we just sat next to each other but i did think she was hotanyway she only brought me the food and though she was a very talkative person i didn't observe her touching others so frequently
>>275862147It's a chick I grew up with. She was a mess in college but it's just a friends with benefits thing. I know it's degenerate of me and I'm ruining possible family options because of it but it works for now. It's more of my problem than it is hers
>>275847155Doesn't act like a nigger and resist.
>>275859306If there are other signs of attraction, mentioning a boyfriend is usually a shit test to see if you scare easily. Either ignore it and continue as if she said nothing, or play with it like, "Oh yeah? Well, in that case do you have any hot friends I could meet?"Truth is, attractive women are rarely without a boyfriend on some level. There's the one they dumped who would like to get back together, or an orbiter or two who wants to be the boyfriend, or the guy they're currently seeing but are thinking about dumping. They usually don't completely drop the last guy until they have the next guy lined up. If you wait until a chick says she's boyfriend-free, you'll never get anywhere.
>>275860379Tried this but then she laughed at my shriveled dick and balls, now what?
>>275861442to be fair i was accused of sexual harassment at that same job for talking to a girl my age repeatedly after workthe boss was a total bro who told me to not waste time with thots like that chick but he still had to call me into his office because she complainedbecause of that i never approached any other women at the job but the milf lady came later after the other girl left and she was very touchy and stuff and brought food only for meto this day i wonder if i could have fucked her but was too afraid to do act on anything
>>275861307Before Penetration Cooming. Got it.
>>275859480If she's touching you, she likes you. If she does stuff like punching you in the shoulder, she really likes you. Chicks don't touch guys they find repulsive.
>>275847155That she's hiding a semi
>>275847155>What are Holla Forums's immutable signs that she likes you?She doesn't exist.
>>275853485>truckTypical pedo behaviour.
>dating this girl for 10 months now>we say we love each other all the time>i'm the only person she has ever even held hands with>she says she wants 200 kids and wants to be with me foreverI'm starting to think she likes me bros
>>275862172I don't know how old you are but start taking pride in your looks and accept your handsome. If you do look like an actor start flirting with girls and working out. Sign up for dating sights and just go for it to sharpen skills IRL. time is fleeting
She threatens to call the police instead of doing it first thing when she catches you in the tree outside of her bathroom.
>>275858322She wants you to make her feel like you would try harder than her boyfriend and shes signalling you to do it. Sounds like a self absorbed asshole
>>275847275>Literally custom equipped, manufactured, artisan crafted, formed by nature, smithed, created and consecrated for black cock. Genuinely and literally the perfect little black cock taking nymphlet I’ve ever seen. Imagine her underdeveloped, freckled little chicken legs forced wide for the pulsating mass of coal that will ingratiate itself into her, morph and twist her innocence into bestial lust, her Snow White supple pussy swallowing that black steaming rod whole and clinging to it like a bitch in heat as some hulking ebony mastiff mates and deflowers her. Imagine her little face, so innocent, cursing and screaming for a harder pummelling and rutting from her tribal dominator, as his thick black mass erupts it’s primal seed into her crimson pure white genetic womb, staining that perfect little lineage, forever marking generations of delicate white lily flowers with steaming ape spunk, imagine her sweating and screaming as those child like blonde hips birth a half black child, forever staking the black man’s claim to her lineage.fucking lmfao only a Leaf could write something like this, y'all leafs are a bunch of goddamn weirdos haha
>>275848280>Guilt, excitement, rape, noggin>nogginI laughed so fucking hard.
>>275847155>she likes youDo I have money or status? That would be the only possible way.
You know she likes you when she doesn't notice your jizz her shoes, or when she walks under the tree your in and is texting
>>275847155She can lie about everything. The only sure fire way to see if shes into you: she has sex with you for free. You must make the distinction between free and Free*. Always be critical about what she actually wants.
>>275861577>maybe shes just from canada is trying to be niceOh, fuck you, you really made me laugh out loud! >>275861771You poor bastard.
>>275847155I have an issue were I only think people who are friends are attractive enough to be around for more than a degenerate fuck. makes me sad because women 99 times out of 100 are not friendship material.
>>275863425feels good man
>>275862734Yeah. I've never worked in an office, but I gather that it is boring. There is a Jordan Peterson quote that is like : "Men like to play with things, women like to play with people."
>>275847224criminally underrated post
>>275859968Try noticing the hair thing next time. It's like when you touch your beard nervously, touching your hair etcI've seen girls switch sides of their hair when they see me (excited, trying to appear the best)Unwinding their hair if for some reason they had a a ponytail e.g. after work (relaxed vs professional)Fiddling with the hair nervously is a nervous behaviour, but I've seen them do it playfully as well.It works way better than zodiac signs. If zodiac signs are correct 1/12 times, the hair stuff is correct 8/10 times. It's just not always positive.
You can tell she's into you when she makes a big fuss about your donation and you're only the largest donator by $50
She looks like a zombie.Lol.
>>275863886to paint more of a picture its kind of like thisI have a "deep voice" and I get frequent complimentsThe milf lady said that with my voice and if i was older she made a "whoo" soundthe office was "relaxed" in that during down times the people would just talk about whateverits in these convos that every now and then she'd mention her bf to everyoneI never really initiated conversation with anyoneShe(the milf) would get up to go to the bathroom or get supplies and when she does so she'd touch my shoulder and smileDuring lunch she'd give me some food she cooked from homeShe did ask me one time if i had a girlfriend and I said no but I didn't move the conversation forwardso thats kind of it. i later quit the job and got another onethis was about 3 years ago
>>275860228That's her mama syndrome. He's acting like you're her child. She might be into you sexually as a fantasy maybe. But I wouldn't do it. Real life MILF scenarios in the office do not work like in pornhub. There are unimaginable repercussions...
>>275864042Also this. She also doesn't get upset when you tell her that you're subbed to a couple of her friends (in fact she encourages you). THAT is alpha.
>>275847155if you aren't a lucky top tier male don't bother.I gave up age 14.Remember, being average height means she's always cheating with taller guys.
>>275859480Ask yourself this right now. Do you want a girlfriend or do you want to be single? You have to be confident or people who are just as scared as you are, are never going to initiate.Most people don't automatically dislike you. Meditate on building confidence and make some moves to make some more social interactions.
>>275847155She shows you her cock
>>275860239Big Penis Cock?
>>275864556fuck off jew. we don’t appreciate your propaganda here
>>275861961>I could have gotten a deep meaningful relationship plus huge tits and an easy exit.>an easy exitYou're the cancer. She dodged a bullet with you. Sadly probably other girls haven't.
>>275864516TRUE Alpha is when you locate her and sneak into her house ANNNNDDD she stays asleep after you sniff her hair. Then you know you're good to make the sex.
>>275849558lmfao newfag get out
>>275847155In my experience these are tell-tale signs, though these are from rather forward women:1.) She keeps messaging, and trying to keep a conversation going even after you've tired of it.2.) I don't know if you have a term for this in your country but she keeps trying to "pair up" with you. I.e., she tries to like or says that she likes what you like, tries to convince you that her life goals are the same as yours etc.3.) She laughs at your jokes, no matter how lame they are.4.) Other people notice and tell you, or her girlfriends try to slyly suggest her to you.5.) She throws you compliments out of the blue.And, what's annoying really is once you actually get into a relationship with someone, THAT's the time some women come out with their feelings for you the whole time you were single, really annoying.
Interest in your upcoming plans.Teases you about things you're not particularly sensitive about.Doesn't mind closing on your personal space (or you hers).Innocent touching as part of conversation.The usual.Pro tip: If you aren't sure, then she's not interested.
>>275864845Desires mean nothing.Everyone wants wealth, women and power but reality operates differently.Face it, you were born with better genes- women desire them regardless
>>275864454Dude you are making me feel bad. Was that your last interaction with a woman? You need some help. Build some confidence and break out of your loneliness.
>>275856603Yep sadly
>>275847155she's still there.
She invites you to meet her boyfriend.
>>275860525whgat a loser who has all this stuff saved. Probs some fat brown manlet incel
she doesn't notice you following her
>>275865720no i've had othersmy job following that one had 3 possible women who liked me but again i've been too autistic to do anything about iti really don't know how to approach, i dont really have irl friends and can't make small talki get compliments but can't say anything else except "thank you"there's only one guy i've known who saw eye to eye with mewe had customers and some were niggers who were being uppity and this friend didnt' help them much and when asked why not he said "you know how they are" and he's pretty based overallbesides him i dont have friends
When I was 21 I worked at Tim Hortons and was fat still with my high school girlfriend.A few of my coworkers were at least intrigued by me even then and every girl has their own world >Two different girls request to work with me on the midnight weekend shift>One girl two years older than me, brings me baked goods and we get breakfast after work sometimes>Other girl is 17 and gorgeous, dating a 17 year old half arab commie vegan coworker who literally never fucked her>teach her how to drive stick, watch the sunrise at the beach after work with her, make her break veganism >Another teen girl one time comes up to me and shows me a naked photo of a girl from the shoulders down with the same proportions as her, claims its her best friend and that she showed me the pic for no reason>Black girl tells me about how she fucked the entire local basketball team but she thinks she wants to try out a white guy (I'm half white but look white entirely)>become best friends with a lesbian Bosnian refugee who gets me into cokeI ended up fucking the teenager in my car when she was 19, the lesbian professed her love to me after my wife left and the other girls got fatSomeones gonna fuck these girls
>>275847155built for bbc
>>275862562>nonsense adviceLiterally doing nothing and rotting alone in my parent's house is more productive.Women have guys preselected, always the tallest most attractive ones.
>>275859480Assume they like you but try not to give a fuck either way. That will give you the right mindset for interacting with them.
>>275858917Top notch sir.
>>275862734>the milf lady came later after the other girl left and she was very touchy and stuff and brought food only for meIronically you could have talked to the boss about the milf sexually harassing you, and it probably would have gone nowhere.
>>275866808Indian Penises aren't that small.
>>275866365Well good luck man. I hope you find some friends. I believe in you
>>275866365Frens are better than friends desu. Small talk is for the cuckolded- just do exactly what you’re doing except now you realize their job is to entertain you, not the other way around. Frame control my man. Either you buy into her view, or she buys into yours. Either way a sale is made.
>>275867311I know it might look like it but you having been sucking them since you were 12 really skews your perception.
>>275863013When she tells you to just leave the money on the dresser before you go, then you know she likes you.
>>275861948thus making your bloodline stupid. I was with you until you contradicted your own point
>>275867639I know since I am a dravidian bvll.Go suck Germany's cock to stay in the Eurozone.
>>275847275Faggot ass leafs
>>275863075I'm 30 and haven't had sex in 4 years but I make like 2K a day in crypto. I just kind of got fed up with women and wanted to open a business so I just kind of stopped dealing with them but it kind of sucks. I was living with my last girlfriend who was 6 years younger than me for 3 years and it was amazing for 2.5 of them but I hated her female friends and her emotional stability was all over the place especially towards the end. I've had plenty of sex over the years and have done about everything I could think of but 4 years is a long as fuck dry spell. I don't even masturbate or watch porn I just focus on making money to open a business chain. Its my dream its all I think about.
>>275867645Welcome, realize we're trapped inside a lose-lose damned either way nightmare.Suicide is always justified
>>275858450Rattled bitch
she bothers you
>>275866520You should have fucked that “lesbian”
>>275847155When she messages you despite the fact you ignore her.
>>275847155If you wake up one morning and find shes attached to your cock with her mouth you can pretty much assume she likes you.
>>275868100Mining uses up so much electricity it's almost impossible to profit.
>>275868069It's the opposite, we get gibs just to stay around.
>>275868100>wow 4 years, long dry spellAdult male virgins never crossed your mind huh?
>>275847155If you have to ask, chances are it's already too late for you.
>>275847155Was this chick born in the snow or somethin' ? She looks like a mix between an albino and a yeti.
>>275866520And i'm still a virgin.Really makes me question things.You know, God must enjoy watching people suffer.
>>275847155When she gets mad you stop talking to her or she always smiles when talking to you or seeing you.
>>275869011You can always get an escort.They're on Eros and Listcrawler.
>>275860619speak for yourself, my ex is a dumb leftie but I never suppress my power level and she still talks to me every day, granted we're obviously not fucking anymore. I broke up with a chick before covid, realizing it was a huge mistake
>>275848473Nice LARP but it is a funny thought contemplating if that's ever really happened before...
>>275868477I don't mine. A combination of futures trading and liquidity pooling for market making fees. Mining is viable though. It is energy extensive though. I saw some guy run an entire solar set up to power his BTC rigs and then he sold them off to pay for the loan on the panels. It was insane and legit as fuck
>>275869229it means he wants you to serve him and not be a degenerate pussy chaser
She gives you a 10/10 during your private dick rate video on onlyfans
>>275863998>I've seen girls switch sides of their hair when they see me (excited, trying to appear the best)>Unwinding their hair if for some reason they had a a ponytail e.g. after work (relaxed vs professional)>Fiddling with the hair nervously is a nervous behaviour, but I've seen them do it playfully as well.It's called "preening," Signs of preening are also straightening her clothes; smoothing her dress or skirt. Wanting to look her best at the moment.
>>2758685624 years is a long time though but I guess some guys have never gotten any. I guess I kind of thought that was a massive outlier that a guy is an adult and has never had sex at all. How many out of 100 fit that bill?
Guys I found the solution to getting girls.dailymotion.com
>>275847275You're a country to my disgrace.
>>275847155She wont stop touching your crotch while you play vidya, which makes you die, so out of autistic retribution you headbutt her square in the nose.
>>275869229The point isn't just about being a virgin, but everything associated with this state.Effectively a complete male virgin life package - Autism.No friends.Jobless.Lacking any future whatsoever.
>>275848766Is this a women's rights convention?
>>275868261She was past Tomboy and too far into dyke Plus I would never date someone who does drugs like I do drugs
>>275869231Whites are getting redpilled on a daily basis right now. Keep it up and after a few months of BLM riots she might be worth fucking again