I have recently been feeling myself searching for God a lot more. I was raised Catholic and plan on going back to church. I have some Greek orthodox and Russian orthodox churches near me, as well as Catholic churches. Is orthodox the way to go? Modern Catholicism seems like it's been subverted in ways, what do you think?
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>>275845501no. the bible makes sense if you read it in a calvinist judaizing way, but it doesn't make sense in eastern orthodox or roman catholic ways. if you know church history you'll understand that the nazarene religion was and is the religion of the bible, and christianity was invented with the ecumenical councils. don't throw the bible away for those false religions, user.
need to get saved 1st user before anythingyoutu.be
>>275845501>>>/x/not political, christnigger. take your desert cult larping to 8kun
>>275845501Try them all. See which one you like best.
>>275845501>I have recently been feeling myself searching for God a lot more.Well, you won't find him in the temple of the Semitic bible Jew god Yahweh (יהוה) from the Middle East, oh no!Godan ( God or ᚷᛟᛞ ) is the name of the chief god among many others in the polytheistic Germanic pantheon. God is not a title, it is the Lombardic ( shortened ) name of the Aryan pagan god Godan, or more commonly, Wodan. God is named after the Germanic god Wodan ( ᚹᛟᛞᚨᚾ ) and the Norse chief god, Odinn.
>>275845906Do this.It will help you grow as a person. I did it when I went to a Baptist seminary and now I'm torn between Catholic and Orthodox. Usually attend non-denominational. Married a Catholic, but she has since grown severely pissed at the Catholic Church for their corruption.
>>275845501Not politics! Sage this shit!
>>275846302>live an entire life of sin. murder, rape, destroy, deny God, be a huge degenerate >one second before you die you fold your hands and say "I BELIEVE IN JESUS!">go straight to heavenProtestantism is so fucking retarded its not even funny.
>>275845501I have been there. I got chrismated about 7 years ago.
>>275845501Orthodox have apostolic succession and valid sacraments, but the Catholic Church is the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church.Having one or two based orthodox priests but staying in schism due to pride isn’t worth it. Find a good catholic parish with a good priest, even if it’s FSSP, ordinariate, or eastern rite.
>>275846179gods not real and religions are comforting poisoness lies for ignorant people.
>>275845501The problem I have with orthodox is that they devorsed themselves from the Church. Jesus established the church on Peter. These guys strayed away from the seat our god laid out for us.
>>275847687Read about our lady of good success. Mary predicted the church being in shambles at the middle of the 20th century. Everything she said became true. The evil within our church will be rooted out soon.
>>275848439>but the Catholic Church is the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic churchThere is no actual basis for this claim, just as there is no actual, valid reason for the Pope to be Primus inter Pares. If anything, Orthodoxy represents the true church because it has remained unchanged. Roman Carholic history begins with the Great Schism, not Peter.
>>275845501SSPX is good, Catholic, not schismatic. Try there. Or FSSP parish, but SSPX is the way to go.One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. The One True Church, outside of which there is no salvation.That said, just don’t go Prot. I’d rather you be a schismatic Ortho than and schismatic, heretic, and retarded Prot
>>275848133>t. has never read the Bibleyou cant just say it and not believe itthe whole point is that you have to fully and honestly have faith in Christ as Lord and believe it without an ounce of doubt at allshithead protestant churches will not tell you that you are correct but it doesnt invalidate that Christ's redemption is available to us even without works
orthodox is definitely the way to go. I'm Greek Orthodox and I am so glad I was not raised catholic (went to catholic middle and high school). Some orthodoxy points are >pope is fallible >no purgatory > the original churchand for a bonus, beautiful hymns and prayers, Pascha is something you have to experience
>>275850749anon how do you dress when going to a normal orthodox church (not greek, im not greek lol)im presbyterian by birth so im used to just wearing a dress shirt and pants
>>275850000There are other catholic rites too that still reconize the pope if you're not into the filioque or priest celebacy or whatever gripes people have with Catholics. The only thing is the man in Rome is your pope.
>>275851485Collard shirt and jeans is the minimum. White shirts with tie and khakis/slacks is what I see most of. Dress shirt and pants is just fine, it's not a runway
>>275851952ok thank you. been thinking about going to an ortho church for a while but theres not one super close (probably 30 ish minutes) and i'd be going alone
Priests allowed to marry is also a great plus for orthodoxy. No pedo fucks, every bishop, priest, deacon ive ever seen has had a heart of gold
>>275845501Do not abandon the Church. EVER.Seek a Latin Mass parish and be a part of it.
>>275845501Russian Orthodoxy is run by the KGB, Greek Orthodoxy is a meme but at least not run by the KGB. Catholicism has been subverted to the max and Protestantism was always cancer.
>>275852205Some catholic priests can marry outside the Latin rite.
>>275848133one lie sends you to hell for eternity
>>275852477still doesn't account for the MULTIPLE priests and cardinals which have molested thousands of young men over the last 200 years, with the pope not even condemning them or even bringing it up
>>275845501Am Catholic. My priest is the man. Hates communism, hates how good men let their guards down and allowed evil to enter the church (says the homosexual molesting priests came about because of the 60-70's free love nothing wrong with being gay horseshit), loves guns, and enjoys talking about aliens/UFOs with me. He married my wife and I this year. Basically, you just have to find a redpilled priest. It wouldn't surprise me if he was one of the Catholic posters on Holla Forums.
Find an SSPV, SSPX or FSSP parish and go to that. Novus ordo is just another protestant sect.
>>275852880>blah blah lies slander false witness blah blaj hate Catholics jew meme
The modern church has been subverted in many ways, but its still the church found by Christ 2000 years ago. Flaws and all, Christ said to St Peter "You are [pebble] and upon you I will build my church"
>>275854769Novus ordo is no way to escape the evils of the worldLatin rite or stay homeOrthodox is also based af and will probably just join them
>>275850749>Not on terms of doctrine while teaching ex-cathedra>Nothing stained will enter heaven, multiple NDE confirm it>Original minus the apostolic princeI like the hymns though, the latins do have beautiful hymns too
Islam is the way to go.
>>275849668I hope to help, and to also bring reunion among all those who kneel to Christ that are in schism.We will be one again.
>>275850749The music is superior.I am SO sick of Churches with shitty bands. Honestly it offends me as a shitty musician.
>>275846179Burn with luther fag
>>275857572>I’m a real Christian, I swear!
>>275845501>Modern Catholicism seems like it's been subverted in ways>>275847687>but she has since grown severely pissed at the Catholic Church for their corruption.That only makes it more interesting for me, fighting against literal demons trying to subvert God's Church, it's a plus for me honestly
>>275856983No, die along with your moon god when Jesus returns.
>>275845501Ukrainian greek Catholicism. You get orthodox optics without going to hell for not being Catholic.
>>275857819I suspect that you will find that when Jesus rips the heretical crosses off of your churches, it will be you that burns when Jesus returns.
>>275856983Islam is so dull in terms of spirituality and metaphysics it's not even funny, and it's morality is truly the work of a depraved man inspired by demons, nothing but a Christian heresy that devolved into a primitive carnal cult.
>>275857707I am not even sure what that means chang.If you are suggesting that the Church that Jesus started is somehow not Christian because some g*rman cuck wanted to start trouble then you my dear leaf are nothing but retarded.
>>275852880He does condemn it and bring it up, but those men are faggot infiltrators who need to be burned at the stake.I'm not technically Catholic, but I think any Catholic here would agree.
>>275858229I’m suggesting that you should take a moment and think before you charismatically damn a brother in Christ to Hell
>>275845501Raised Lutheran and am now “Catholic” (marriage, family, stuck in my pozzed Parish for a lot of reasons...).Catholicism is much like protestantism, it depends on the parish and the Pastor. Some are good, faithful servants of Christ. A lot are garbage.I know nothing of Orthodoxy as it doesn’t really factor in my geography. My experience of Eastern Catholicism is that, it’s probably better than the local “Latin” Rite, but it’s depressing (no one but grey hairs in attendance, Liturgy is mumbling, bumbling at best, etc.).My advice: find a good TLM in your area. In lieu of that, find a faithless NO mass. If you can’t find either... good luck. Best wishes, brother.
>>275858229where can I get one of those rake/gatherer things? I have a score to settle with some canadians.
>>275845501Catholic Orthodoxy (actual fidelity to the faith) is your answer. To prove it, it is the only Christian religion that has stayed true to Jesus' perscription of monogamous marriage. Any "church" that changes/perverts it in anyway is a sign showing that that church is not Christ's true bride. Even the "Orthodox" churches that aren't in submission to time aren't orthodox in the view of marriage, it has changed many a time with then.
>>275848133Jesus preached repentance. Sinners can't enter heaven. "Go and sin no more" not "lmao as long as you felt saved once just go ahead and get out of hell free faggots"
>>275857926Volume 8, Book 73, Number 224-225:224 Allah's Apostle said, "The most awful name in Allah's sight on the Day of Resurrection, will be (that of) a man calling himself MALIK AL-AMLAK (THE KING OF KINGS)."No the cross is not heresy stupid mudslime its the Symbol of Christianity the same of you filthy devil religions star and moon representing your moon god.
>>275859400Submission to Rome*
>>275858508Only Catholics are Christian. Jesus Christ founded one church and only one church on Saint Peter. Protestants aren't Christians or anyone's brothers in Christ.Protestants hate and attack the church that Jesus Christ founded because they hate God and serve Satan.
>>275858508Who the man responsible for the death of 15 million+ Christians and his followers.
>>275859686Yeah, I remember you from the last thread. The militant sophist who sees fit to judge his fellow man’s standing with God. I’ll pass on you this time, thanks
>>275859738Certainly not the user who was spitefully told to burn for eternity
>>275845501The Bible is more important than what Church you go to. It is your source of truth and the best way to get to know Jesus.
>>275859686Dont you think the vicar of christ is a bit heretical and infallibility as a but heretical?
>>275859832Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus was a thing over a millenia before your knock off larp cult existed. You're not a Christian and you deny Christ. You can't win against a perfectly logical argument based on truth so you must run away like your father the devil.
>>275859905If you are of a protestant denomination then you are not Christian. Protestants attack real Christians more then mudslimes how can you call these people Christian let alone brothers.
>>275859946Oh ya, I remember reading "only through reading the bible can you know christ" and "church isn't all that important nor is tradition"
>>275860122>>275860170Do you not see your own self-righteousness?
>>275845501As long as you accept the Lord and put your wholehearted faith in him, you will be saved
>>275859958Cope, you can't refute the argument so you instead beg a question but I'll humour you. >it's heresy How could it be? Jesus Christ founded a church on Peter and made him the authority. Without authority you can have no dogma and without dogma you can have no heresy. You literally have to have an authority for heresy to be a thing. Protestants either borrow their beliefs from Catholicism or make them up themselves. There are 30k flavours of Protestantism, and most of them disagree. Does that sound logical?Of course not it's retarded. There is unity in truth, there is division in falsehood. That is why the Catholic Church is one while heretics are uncountable. There are an infinite amount of lies but only one truth.
>>275851485If I were you, I would find out what time the church service starts out at, and then show up half an hour early, not to attend service but to observe how they look as they enter it. If the church services start at different times, you can observe both in a single day.My folks made us wear a suit and tie and I believe church is that important for you to look your best. Not, I make more money than you best or I'm higher class than you best but I got dressed appropriately and humbly to enter the house of God and be part of a Christian community. I didn't appreciate it back then or know it either but what the 'modern' world is suffering from today, whether you're black or white, is being part of a healthy and encouraging community. The image shows mostly older people but you would dress similarly. Dark or black suit, white shirt, tie, black shoes. You can't go wrong with that combination.Some Greek churches also have English services after their Greek service. Good luck user.
>>275860336No there is ONE true Church that was founded by Jesus Christ himself not a german man in the 16th century. Do you not see your ignorance? I would gladly accept any protestant with open arms into the one true Church.
>>275860520I agree, make sure you pray, and are baptized properly. Actions are the result of true commitment.
>>275860336It isn't self righteous to speak the truth and humble yourself before Jesus Christ. I am nobody and a sinner. Jesus Christ is God and founded his church on Saint Peter, I submit myself to Jesus Christ. On the other hand you're the self-righteous one, you think you are the authority and know better than Jesus Christ.
>>275860767>>275860767>>275860612Is there not one Catholic in this thread who will rebuke his brother? Is this the fruit of the one, true, holy church? Damning men to hell? Clever sophist arguments?
only choice is Orthodox
>>275860857You call me the spawn of Satan? Claim my damnation is assured? Preach of your perfect logic?
Orthodox user here married to Catholcuck. All our kids are Orthodox. I’ve attended Catholic mass a few times. It’s so stale and boring. If you didn’t tell me I was in a Catholic Church, Is think I was in a Protestant Church. Orthodoxy literally means the right way to praise God. It is conservative and based AF. Degeneracy is not tolerated. Zero fucks are given about virtue signaling. They despise globalism. Majority of priests are married with kids. Orthodox mass is second to none. If you find a traditional Byzantine style church with good acoustics and hardcore hymn singers you think you’re in heaven.
>>275860895Cope. Catholics are united in our love and service of the Lord Jesus Christ. Your Protestant cults are divided as the armies of satan must be. We love each other and serve Our Lord Jesus Christ. You despise each other because you serve Satan by serving yourself. There was nothing like your cult for 1500 years after the resurrection and founding of the church. You inherently believe you know better than Jesus Christ.Ergo you're not a Christian. Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus. There is no salvation outside of the Catholic Church. Become Catholic and come to know Christ or perish with the rest of the fallen world.
>>275860895Once again leaf protestants are not real Christians even if they believe it themselves it is a sad truth for you to swallow I see. If you are not Christian why should I pretend that you are would that not be heresy?
>>275860612Authority is not the question. Im personally orthodox but i don’t find the representative of christ nor infallibility of the one appointed known as the pope to be particularly compelling. I understand that authority is necessarily essential to prevent further fragmentation among the church but it should not mean that the leader is infallible
>>275861305>>275861344Neither of have any idea of my standing with God, at this point, I’m only concerned to see if any of your Catholic brothers will rebuke you. God bless you both
>>275845501Read the new gospelA COURSE IN MIRACLESpublic domain version.Jesus explains psychology- projection and denial. God is real but NOTW, God didnt make this world people blame him but we are doing it to ourselves. For example, we werent chased out of the garden of eden, we ran out, with Jesus chasing after us to bring us back to heaven, sadly you will have to die here before returning to the Father
>>275845501No church is good, hypocrites who arrive like vultures in time of weakness.If your looking for god just go outside and open your eyes, look at the trees, rivers and wild life.All religion and any form of worship is a scam to gather sheep, unlock your earthly and tribal side to find god.- Your fren
>>275860982Yes but it isn't my logic. It's just logic. How can your cult that is derived from my religion 1500 years or more after Jesus Christ founded my religion be more correct than my religion?Especially when you claim my religion is wrong, it is absurd.
>>275860895Any Catholic Christian on 4chan including me, is not truly committed. There is only one way to convert people to the true faith, and that is through prayer and penance. I know that I fail to keep chaste to the faith and fufill duties of a good Catholic. Pray for me plz.
>>275854943Not an excuse, it should be zero
>>275859510Allah alone is king. Calling oneself king of kings is blasphemous and implies kingship over Allah.You Christcucks celebrate pagan holidays, associate partners with Allah, and worship graven images of your own creation. You will go to hell.
>>275861881He'll isn't real, but if you literal islam fags want to submit face down and ass up than go right ahead.
>>275845501Try out a Latin Mass before judging Catholicism
>>275861358Bro you can't see the irony? Orthodoxy lacks authority and has no way to bind Councils. Literally all firmly held orthodox dogmas come from papal approved councils. Since no patriarch has anymore authority than another orthodox can't tell which Councils are binding and have no way to resolve conflict when patriarchs disagree. >>275861515Why would they? I have made sound truthful arguments and repeated church dogma. A Catholic rebuking me for telling you the truth would be in violation of dogmas and would put themselves outside of the church. You haven't answered any of my points. You have only ran away.
>>275861821I agree we should spend less time here. Pray the rosary daily and try your best fren.
catholics are an abomination. christianity is for salvation. do not promote Catholicism
>>275850000Checked, the usual suspects are going after SSPX now
>>275861881>circles around a cube 7 times made by polytheists>kisses black stone>not a paganSince you faggots always argue in bad faith and purposefully misrepresent christians, we will do likewise. You and your ilk will be banished to hell
>>275856983>Islam is the way to goto hell.
>>275862207>Orthodoxy lacks authority and has no way to bind Councils. Literally all firmly held orthodox dogmas come from papal approved councils. >Since no patriarch has anymore authority than another orthodox can't tell which Councils are binding and have no way to resolve conflict when patriarchs disagree.Is there any precedent for this or are you legit pulling things out of your ass?
>>275862464The sspx is a schism done in defiance of Rome.
>>275861830>Catholics have to be perfect. Baptist are free to sin. Go to hell, user. People sin. No church is perfect because of sin. And in the Trad cath orders, Homosexuals are not allowed in. That drops the catholic numbers by 85%.
a good catholic is a bad catholic. god said to love your enemy but to point out their sins. you are worshipping an abomination. worships on sundays worships on easter. the biggest sin will be the mark of the beast mark my words catholics and jesuits alike you all will burn without changing your ways
>>275862140this. Night and day. If I had only a Novus Ordo parish to go to, I wouldn't go. They commit sacrilege, totally against the Council of Trent.
>>275845501You don't have to search for God, he has already found you. Stay out of ALL churches. They have all been subverted and are just money grabs. Find a quiet spot once a day in your home, in your neighborhood, or in nature and pray to God. Pray for guidance and pray to be worthy of God's love and grace. God always answers your prayers, even if sometimes the answer is no.
>>275848996You've seen the retards on pol. They NEED this. They are ignorant as shit
>>275860520>go sin. "Jesus Jesus" is the magic password. That's not loving God at all, user. I honestly don't get protestants and their insistence in saying "Solar Scriptura" and then ignoring all the bits of the Bible that says :"Stop sinning"Protestants are like Lot's wife, looking back on their sins and NOT GIVING IT UP.
>>275863438true like what u say. christianity is the only way . revelations about peace in isreal and the middle east is comming. hope you can survive through this by not allowing the mark on your body.
>>275846179Absolute trash take.
>>275861881>muh church founded by a land pirate and pedophile and tells us to lie and murder people. No thanks.
>>275862892Literally everything I said is true. Did you not know this? All orthodox patriarchs/Bishops have the same level of authority so when they disagree like recently when the patriarchs over Ukraine between Bartholomew and Russian orthodoxy. Also the way they bind Councils is by the subsequent council which itself hasn't been bound yet and once again since all Bishops are equal and some of these Bishops disagree about which Councils are valid, you can never know which Councils are binding. You have no authority and no dogmayoutu.be
>>275863438Many churches are a money grab, but people should know that the reason why The Church originally had accepted money is because it is the the monetary equivalent of Bread, The bread that is to be used for The Holy Mass. And the remainder of the Bread given and not consecrated would be blessed and would circulate back to the Parish and the poor. But because of heavy taxes and the high monetization of value, Churches had to focus more than ever before on maintaining themselves financially, thus it is easier than ever for them to forget the spiritual and worry about the material. Pray for The Church's sheperds, so that they may remember their true duty.
>>275862895The Novus Ordo rejects the last 1900 years of church teaching, throws out the Council of Trent. That's heresy. The Pope has committed the sin of dragging his pagan idols into the Church. That too, is heresy. A heretic is not part of the Body of Christ. How to deal with this? FSSP: Obedience but resistance. It was the FSSP that threw the pagan idols into the river. SSPX: Stayed faithful to the Latin Mass. yes, to say the Mass in the vernacular is a mortal sin! they recognize that the current Pope is a heretic. SSPV recognizes that a heretic cannot be Pope, and when Jorge said he didn't believe Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Our God, was true God when on Earth is when Jorge became a heretic. A heretic can NEVER be elected Pope.
>>275845501Try out both. Whichever one gets you closer to Christ should be your choice.
Go to Apollo. Look up Mark Brahmin on Twitter. It's the White man's religion and you don't have to believe in gods or anything.
>>275845501>>275845906Nothing wrong with trying all, though the orthodox faith is unchanged, fighting heresies in millions of dead martyrs preaching the true faith from apostle to modern times. RCC split in 1054, and Prots made up their own shit in 1700's - primarily due to the RCC adding their own nonsense post-ecumenical councils. I don't consider them damned, for only God can do so, but 'faith alone' leads to some poor outcomes and liberalization of the Word of God.Seek, and ye shall find brother.>>275846179I'll pray for your soul, but at least your bot was changed from 'that must be a good thing'>>275847675Here's the heretic I pray for, may you find peace with God, Christ made manifest in the flesh.Leviticus 20: 2 Again, thou shalt say to the children of Israel, Whosoever he be of the children of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn in Israel, that giveth any of his seed unto Molech; he shall surely be put to death: the people of the land shall stone him with stones.Do you worship the old giants still? They do not care for you, and only want to drag more souls to hell with them user.Deuteronomy 3:11 NJKV 11 “For only Og king of Bashan remained of the remnant of the [b]giants. Indeed his bedstead was an iron bedstead. >>275850000Lord bless, though I'm not sure how you square papal 'supremecy over land' when councils were used even at the time of Acts, or Paul rebuking Peter and James going astray. May God judge us all worthy of His salvation.>>275850749Amen
>>275852191>going aloneGo alone :) Just don't 'expect' a big community (right off the bat) and let God guide you and time will allow all things.>>275856983Christ was sinless, and Mohammad was not and was warned in the satanic verses. You are close to the truth, but don't even see you are a weapon of those who say they are jews, but are not jews. 600 AD Talmud in written form - Promulgation of LILITH632 AD Koran1666 AD Shabbetian Messianic Kaballah - 'the world must be in sin'
Modern Roman Catholicism worships pagan idles more than God.
>>275866144are you retarded? The Talmud fucking hates Lilith. Also Shabetai Zebi was excommunicated and is seen as a heretic by Jews today
>>2758652641. Sspx wasn't formed under the current pope, and there were many errors that had happened (both in words and actions) during their first ordinations. It can even be said that their successions of priests may even be illegitimate.2. You should read the Vatican II's writings, and you will see the error isn't with it but the clergy men who "interpret" it not in accordance with tradition. The church still holds and will always hold that the Gregorian signing is the best way to sign, and the Latin Right is the standard.3. The Pope can't change the faith, but he can be a fool, and lose many sheep.4. It is more important than ever to stay with church and nurse her when she is sick, not run.5. Even Peter was named Satan by Jesus, and became Pope and still had errored even after the fact. It is our Job to know our faith and correct him who is in error in all humility.Please listen to Fr. John a Hardon.
>>275868020>Please listen to Fr. John a Hardon.Had me going until this, then I LOLed. Good bait, user.
>>275869059Had you going? What is wrong Fr. John A. Hardon?
>>275869504it's a joke name, like Biggus Dickus or incontinentia buttoxis. John A. Hard-on. I mean, Father Chad Rippinger... now there's a Chad level name and it's a real person.
>>275869911Sorry to disappoint. He is real.m.youtube.com