Voting twice in an election even to ''test'' if fraud is possible is illegal.Trump is literally telling his supporters to break the law.
Voting twice in an election even to ''test'' if fraud is possible is illegal...
>>275842376Kill yourself incel
>>275842499Do you think daddy Trump will pardon you for electoral fraud?
>>275842376lolbased trump
>>275842376Still voting Trump. Twice. Cope.
>>275842376based. Welcome to the lawless country you wished so hard for.
>>275842569It's your own partys fault for pushing mail in voting tranny
He said go check if your vote counted and only vote if it didn't. That's not voting twice 0+1=1.
>>275842376Wow you watch CNN you’re so well informed. You as a person.....that’ll be a yikes from me glhf
>>275842376>two scoops>two votesDeal with it.
Laws don't apply to the US government, why should they apply to the citizens?
>>275843161nope>“Let them send it in and let them go vote,” Trump said in an interview with WECT-TV in Wilmington, North Carolina, on Wednesday when asked about the security of mail-in votes. “And if the system is as good as they say it is then obviously they won’t be able to vote” in person.
>>275843639So basically he is asking his voters to safecheck the security of mail voting. Good.
>>275844651Nope, he is telling his voters to break the law.
>>275843639So you're admitting mail in voting is just as flawed as trump has been claiming the whole time? Just how dumb are you morons
>>275844781Nope, trying to vote twice is still illegal idiot.
>>275844862nice try idiot Obama said its impossible to cheat the US presidential election
>>275844987Sure, but trying to is still illegal. What don't you understand retard
>>275842376>says>suggests>story cant even keep it’s lies straight within literal inches of itselfHmm I wonder what words actually came put of his mouth...?
>>275845080It means we have actual felons burning down entire cities right now and nobody's doing shit about it and nobody gives a fuck even if trump told everyone to vote for him 5000 times go fucking kill yourself
>>275842376Still Voting Trump, Twice!
>>275842376If the mail in voting system is secure they should just turn you away when you go to vote in person.
>>275842376>Trump is literally telling his supporters to break the law.Good, perhaps they’ll follow orange man’s instructions, become convicted felons & lose their right to vote :)
>>275842376Why would he need to cheat? He has lots of support and his opponent is on the cusp of death
>>275842376>lefty politician says some stupid shit>gets buried, and if confronted is hand waved as a joke>right politician says some stupid shit>headlines for days, and flaggots like you spam it everywhere you, likely for money
>>275846277>>right politician says some stupid shitHe is telling people to commit a felony
>>275845632how can it work that way. if you vote in person then your mail-in ballot would be disregarded.
>go and pull a gun on the bank teller. If the system is as secure as they say, they will just turn you away!
>>275846409He's telling people to go ensure their vote counted.
>>275847254No, what he said for people to do is a felony. This isn't a matter of opinion.
>>275842376Oh look, the lugenpresse misrepresenting what was said... again.
>>275842376The narrative is now all about voter fraud.Branding my young friend.
>>275842376LMAO I loves me sum Trump.
>>275842376Donald Trump believes the rules should apply to everybody but himself—he’s a narcissist.
>>275842376Yea but under the democrat system, it would be impossible right? I think that is what he is getting at. It is easily doable.
>>275842376Vote early, vote often is the Chicago way
>>275847332checked and saged
>>275845080How is going to the polls to confirm if your mailed ballot was received trying p vote twice?
>>275847332All they have to say is I did not vote by mail.If the system is as rock solid as you say it will be easily proved whether they did or didn't.It isn't.
>>275848007see >>275845556
>>275847332Were you born stupid or did you have to work at it?
>>275847794Voter fraud is impossible with mail in ballots.
>>275842376Imagine Trump winning in a landslide on election night, but Dems refuse to concede because "the mail-in vote goyim." Then the mail-in vote wins Trump more states. Anyone have that website for New York mail in voting handy?
>>275842376That's not what he told people to do.
>>275846277Trump gets headlines worldwide for everything he says or does or does not do. I'm so sick of it they are obsessed with him it is insane especially considering we're not even on the same fucking continent.
>>275847332lol no he didn't retard. there is a ballot checker that gets updated in real time as ballots arrive, prior to votes being counted. he said if by election day your ballot has not been checked in, you are still eligible to vote in person. at which point the registrar is immediately updated and the mail in ballot is nullified>pic unrelated
>>275843639Kill democrats
>>275848225Yes it fucking is, you people will defend absolutely everything this retard
>two votes
>>275848343The system is secure. This is a nothingburger. Righht?
Based Trump playing the media again and getting them to point out that mail-in voting system is NOT fucking secure.
>>275848495>The system is secureDoesn't matter. Even trying to vote twice is illegal
>>275842376Who gives a shit. Fuck your "democracy". It's a failed system and trying to get your opponents to respect it when you never have is a transparent ploy.
>>275844710Only a Democrat can be this intellectually dishonest
>>275848573then better fix the system, retard. That is Trump's point.
>>275848573voting and illegal are the prime components of a democrat smoothie in a normal election year.
>>275842376Lmao is he fucking wrong?
>>275842376What’s the point of holding yourself to civility when your ideological opponents pride themselves on breaking every rule?
>>275842376>Voting twice in an election even to ''test'' if fraud is possible is illegal.Dozens of his supporters were hospitalized when he told them to use "internal disinfectant," which they took to mean "drink bleach."Look for scores of trumptards to be arrested for voter fraud. They really are that stupid.
>>275848573You can't vote twice so there's no way to even attempt it.
>>275849308>You can't vote twice so there's no way to even attempt it.Of course you can.Don't talk on subjects you know nothing about, dumbass. You end up looking stupid.
>>275842376He's suggesting that the whole idea is fucking retarded, and it's working flawlessly because idiots like you who "see no problem" with the mail-in voting are jumping on him for suggesting how he could ALSO abuse the system.
>>275849450No our elections are secure just like in Oregon, Washington, and California where the majority of votes by mail.The system is perfect.
>>275849490Is this another ploy like delay the election? 4d chess?
>>275842376Based. And after that we’ll vote for his third term.
>>275842376Just a reminder: All of these lying press members have names, families, and addresses. If they steal this election, people are probably going to start paying them all a visit.
>>275848339>>275848339>he said if by election day your ballot has not been checked in, you are still eligible to vote in personNo he fucking didn't. Why would you lie on the internet?>"They will vote and then they are going to have to check their vote by going to the poll and voting that way because if it tabulates then they won't be able to do that, so, let them send it in and let them go vote."Shill smarter, not harder.
>>275850111They'd partially be visiting the wrong parties, but it would be a start.
Whats interesting to me is that the left always says "Call your followers off" or "X is sending is followers to do this". It really shows how they view people. They dont think you are capable of independant thought or responsibility and truly see their followers as mindless slaves who will do whatever they wish
>>275850133Trump bot confirmed
>>275842376how is it fraud if you're just testing the strength of the system?
>>275851429>how is it fraud if you're just testing the strength of the system?How is it breaking and entering if you were just testing the strength of the alarm system?JFC.
>>275851338It's a shunt in his head though Trump cultists are in denial. Pic related, he also had a bruise from being on an IV drip>>275851429>Rob a bank>Get caught>Hurrr I was just testing the strength of the system
>>275845556He didn't actually say vote twice. Not at all. Did you even watch the video? It is not a crime to visit a polling place to verify if you can vote or not, after you cast your mail-in ballot. How is that even a crime in your world? Name me statute saying vising your polling station is a crime. You can't.
>>275852369>They will vote and then they are going to have to check their vote by going to the poll and voting that wayShut up coping idiot
>>275852531You have absolutely no proof of that. Are you really that retarded to think Trump supporters are just going to vote twice? Watch the video again. He never said vote twice. Show me a transcript where he says it. Are you one of those faggots who thinks minorities don't have IDs too and don't need one to vote?
>>275853050That is literally a quote straight from the video, what are you even talking about retard
>>275842376I know this is likely a troll thread (so good work) but I'd like to take this moment to point out that the Left and their media lackeys failing to delineate between Trump's wit/sarcasm and Trump being serious is almost directly responsible for him being elected President of the United States.So tl;dr keep up the whining and incomprehension - 4 more years
>Biden with bruise on left hand!Biden is under medical care for dementia. He has a bruise on his left hand during the Kenosha Community Gathering. A nurse on twitter stated the he is probable receiving Aducanumab which is an experimental drug to treat dementia. The Democrats are trying to get him through the election. Wow!Twitter @Q_Stewardess watch the video and read all comments.
>>275853171There is no quote saying that at all, faggot. Show me transcript with the quote or suck a bag of donkey dicks. You know he didn't say it because you're completely misrepresenting his words. If mail-in ballots aren't secure, why can't people vote in person then to protect the integrity of the election? What prevents Dems from voting twice?If you send in your mail-in ballot, you shouldn't be able to vote again if you show up to the polls right? Or am I wrong and the current system you support allows this? If it does, why? Fuck off already.
>>275849450This from from the gaping anus that just flat out lied about Trump supporters drinking bleach.
>>275842376He overestimated your intelligence clearly, or are you being slimy and effete as usual?
>>275850133>>275851338the absolute state of mentally ill trannies>so let them send it in, and let them go vote. And if the system is as good as they say it is, then they obviously won’t be able to votebecause if the electronic ballot registration confirms the ballot as it should in real time, the ballot will have already been nullified or vice-versa. you absolutely retarded braindead corporate legacy media faggots
>>275854426>so let them send it in, and let them go voteand that is illegal. absolute state of you trying to twist Trumps retarded statement into something not retarded.
>>275844862>trying to vote twice is still illegal idiot.Wrong. We get in the Dem plan on "losing" a bunch of mail in R votes and your mad that Trump is tipping people off to this.
>>275842376>nooooooooo, you can't heckin' make sure your votearino counts!!! you have to trust the government!!! they wouldn't lie to the american people!!! drumpf is a fucking liar and this is literally wrongarino!!!
>>275842569There's no such thing as election fraud. Leftists guaranteed me its never happened, nor is it possible
>>275843639>>275844781It's called 4D chess. He has Democrats now criticizing the thing they've been pushing for months
>>275854570>hurr durr voting in person nullifying a mail in ballot is illegalnot if the system works like its supposed to it isn't you dumbfuck
>>275842376If the President says to do it it is not illegal.
>>275853929>There is no quote saying that at all, faggot>"They will vote and then they are going to have to check their vote by going to the poll and voting that way because if it tabulates then they won't be able to do that, so, let them send it in and let them go vote."It's in the fucking video. What is wrong with you?>>275854675>>trying to vote twice is still illegal idiot.>>Wrong.WTF does a hue know about North Carolina law? Not wrong, you dipshit.
>>275842376And here's why it's a good thing....
>>275855254>If a voter tries to check in who has already voted, they will be prevented from voting a regular ballot.This wouldn’t be an issue to begin with if the system in place works. Which I presume you vehemently support. Fucking retard.
>>275856341>This wouldn’t be an issue to begin with if the system in place works. Which I presume you vehemently support. Fucking retard.Listen Achmed, mail-in ballots franked on election day are valid. How the fuck is that ballot going to be tabulated when the polls open that very same day? Stick to the Quran, musselman.
>>275851617Paid shills, where do I apply? I'd love to pick up some extra cash trolling message boards.
>>275855254if my state sends me a ballot. i'm voting twice!
>>275842376Trump is getting more based.
vote early, vote often
>>275843639He's telling us how the scheme works. He wants people to vote for him using the same method Democrats use to cheat.
When do mail in ballots get sent out in Florida? Asking for my friend.
>>275856714If the mail arrives late then it would be moot eitherway. It wouldn’t be counted if everything is in order.
>>275846443You honestly think they’re keeping track like that? Hah
>>275845495sabrina lynn for the degenerates
>>275842376He didn't say to vote twice. He said to vote by mail, then go in person amd see if they captured your vote. If they don't have a record of your vote, then you should vote in person, because they must have lost your other vote. You are only voting once because the other vote was lost.
>>275842376>16 posts by this IDAbsolutely seething.
>>275859653I'll post all day long faggot
>>275842376>Trump: if you vote by mail you can't vote in person so test>Trump: if you vote in person they didn't get your mail ballot so it's a good job you went in personPlease explain where he advocates fraud.
>>275859562>He didn't say to vote twice. He said to vote by mail, then go in person amd see if they captured your voteHe didn't fucking say that.>"They will vote and then they are going to have to check their vote by going to the poll and voting that way because if it tabulates then they won't be able to do that, so, let them send it in and let them go vote."
>>275859395Bless you user. Bless you.
>>275860038>In the 2016 elections for U.S. House of Representatives, Dowless worked for Todd Johnson in the Republican Party primary electionIs literally everything Republicans claim dems do projection?
>>275859742Until your shift is over and another discord tranny takes your place. Sage.
>>275859742Nice cognitive dissonance>>275854570>>275854997how much do you get paid for these threads, or do you do make them for free?
>>275842376I don't care. I'm going to vote as many times as possible to make sure my vote counts.
>>275860242>Saging a thread that is already on page 1You ain't the brightest
>>275848867Is the system broken, or did you hear this from Trump?
>>275842376Still voting Trump twice
This is all one big nothing burger. Voter fraud is impossible.
>>275842939My cat got a mail ballot and he will also be voting Trump. Just once, I don't think they'll let him on the polling station.
>>275842376>low energy baitDo you fools ever get tired of all the wasted effort? sage
>>275860038>He didn’t fucking say that.Gaslighting retard, who would’ve thunk. It’s blaringly obvious that to facilitate mail-in voting security like tabulated votes should’ve been present in the first place. Are you implying they work or not?
>>275842376>breaking the lawSo? He can do whatever the fuck he wants he has control of the senate. The law means nothing for the GOP.
>>275861656>Gaslighting retard, who would’ve thunk.He is correct and you are wrong. Trump first said in North Carolina to vote by mail and then go vote in person.He posted your screenshot then later, probably because he realized what he said first was very illegal.
>>275842569I thought you guys didn't like the rule of law?
>>275861656>>He didn’t fucking say that.>Gaslighting retardlolwut. Who's gaslighting here? It's on video, you mong. The tweet was damage control afterwards.
>>275842376Remember when Trump got two scoops of icecream instead of one and the media ran with it for like a week straight?
>>275842376>Trump is literally telling his supporters to break the law.So what? Democrats have actual unconstitutional laws on the books on firearms.Both parties suck, only a moron would vote twice.
>>275842376Trump is based, whats to fear OP. The system works right?
>>275844862Your presidential candidate can’t formulate a sentence and likes to sniff underage girls
>>275862754And I would rather have him than Trump still
>>275862754>Your presidential candidate can’t formulate a sentence and likes to sniff underage girlsPfft. So does yours.
>>275843639>“And if the system is as good as they say it is then obviously they won’t be able to vote” in person.Thanks for literally quoting the part that makes you wrong, and a fucking idiot.
>>275863337That doesn't make me wrong you fucking retard. Go rob a bank, if their security is as good as they say it is then you haven't done anything wrong.
>>275842376Didnt obama tell illegals to vote?
>>275842376any type of mass-scale voter fraud unfounded
>>275849306>all Lefty outlets literally, falsely quoted Trump as saying "Drink bleach!">"Hurf durf it was da supporters fault for misinterpreting what he said!!1"This is some next level cope and mental gymnastics. >“We got to take a break, but if it had been up to the president, though, we would have had more deaths by experimenting on people with bleach, so I’m not sure if we really…” Cooper said, as Urban retorted “No, come on, boo, come on Anderson, you know better, boo.”>“He didn’t want to inject bleach into people? In medical experiments?” a stunned Cooper asked.>“Boo, come on,” Urban said.>“He didn’t David? Am I wrong?” Cooper asked.>“Come on. No he didn’t want to inject bleach in people, no,” Urban said.>“Yes he did. He said we should experiment on people with bleach, with disinfectant inside their bodies. No? Am I the only one who heard that?” Cooper said.Gee, I wonder where they got the idea that Trump *literally* said "drink bleach."?Disingenuous shill, die in a fire.
>mail in voting is supposed to mark you before election day>go in and check if they say no have a vote>have all the excuses in the world to not be charged to do thispretty based and forces integrity.
>>275842376I've already convinced most of my family to vote 2-3 times for him just to "test" the system.
>>275864664>>mail in voting is supposed to mark you before election dayNo it fucking isn't. Mail-in ballots franked on election day are valid. This whole spin narrative is bullshit because of that simple fact.
>>275842376If democrats can,why can't we?
>>275865030>If democrats canProof please
>>275865115>inb4 "BREITBART DOESN'T COUNT!
>>275865535Post a link you tard
>>275865535>>275865636>posted many links >hurf durf spoonfeed me!No.
>>275842376Drumpftards are delusional.
>nah guys just mail your vote in it's super safe>wtf trump is telling people to commit election fraud with mail in voting
>>275865813>>275865813The first thing is, you have included the same story multiple times about Iowa voiding absentee ballots. How exactly is a story about a judge ordering that absentee ballots be resent suggest fraud to you?>Judge Ian Thornhill issued a temporary injunction ordering Linn County Auditor Joel Miller to notify voters in writing that the forms should not have been pre-filled with their information and cannot be processed. Instead, they’ll have to either fill out new requests for absentee ballots or vote on Election Day.This is literally just because they included personal information and they had to be left blank. It's nothing. You also included a story about mail in votes being thrown out for arriving late? So?Some dude voted under his dead mothers name and was caught? And? The fucking fact that he was caught argues the opposite of what you are trying to say retard
>>275842376Literally had an election official say to me that if you vote by mail, you can come in and vote in person and that only the in person would be counted. If election officials are saying you can do it, why can't he?
>>275842376When you go to to vote in person you can sign documents that cancel your mailed vote. No double dipping.
>>275866688>"hey, here's a story about how they caught a criminal! I guess that means we don't have to worry about anymore criminals, I mean they caught one, right?"You're an idiot, or a disingenuous shill. Kill yourself.
Follow the leader jackass.
>>275861919You never thought that. You're just a brainlet.
>>275842376I'm in. I'm going to register fake beaner names to an address where I can collect the ballots and vote my ass off.
>>275846735More like if I withdraw all my money at an ATM, then go to the bank teller and try to withdraw it all again. Of course, the teller knows my account balance is 0, banks are secured. But democracy isnt. That is trumps point and you are too much of s nigger to get it.
>>275842376The only people who vote twice are democrats.