What race were the ancient egyptians and where did this “egyptians were black” propaganda come from?

what race were the ancient egyptians and where did this “egyptians were black” propaganda come from?

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>>272350698I like that pic,

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>>272350698they were americans


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>>272350698Women would never go back in time, they'd all go forward.

>>272351001only a fool doesn't go forward in time.

>>272351117There are some mysteries in history I'd like to solve.

>>272351218but user, don’t you mean hysteries?

>>272351302nigga stfu

>>272351537*meant for>>272350850

>>272350698Fuck off Optimates REEEEEE

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>>272351753I lost.

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>>272350698They were the same race as they are today, middle eastern caucasians, genetic tests have proven this.


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The Solutrean theory is interesting. Egyptians had ties to Atlantis, didn't they?

>>272350698Its time for some critical thinking OP. Think about everything you know about niggers thanks to Holla Forums. Now ask yourself if you honestly think negroes on twitter are a credible source regarding ancient history?

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>>272350698Maybe because they had dark skin

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i heard somewhere that they were mf liek macedonian greeks or some shit

>>272353251liek the mf pharaohs or some shit


>>272353245leave a wall for years and it will eventually turn brown and shit

>>272350698Imagine being white and not going back in time to assassinate Abraham, the absolute state.

>>272350698Black people think only black people live in Africa, so they must've been black. Even though the the Berbers are aboriginal to Africa and have always lived there. Egyptians weren't white, but were 100% Caucasoid, or at least mostly. So in terms of race (depending on how you define it) were similar to Europeans, as are Arabs and Berbers.

>>272350698Caucasian. Their hair was caucasoid, their bone structure was Caucasoid, they had frequent naturally blonde and red hair. However the Sphinx and Great Pyramid and much of the stuff attributed to dynastic egyptians was not built by them but was just re inhabited by anatolians/near easterners who moved into the nile valley and attempted to learn from the ruins of the prior cycle of civilization

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Cleopatra was Macedonian

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>>272353726Hatshetsut looks so happy.

>>272352894To them it happened what will happen to you, they got soft and their slave niggers slaughtered them. That’s why Egyptians are all niggers now.

>>272354037you are literally retarded it's not even funny.

>>272350698Egypt is in Africa therefore Egyptians were black. That's where it came from.

>>272354163Shut the fuck up nigger get off my board

they want to steal our history

>>272353245>Be Egyptian>Have three colors of paint>Paint everything brown>Think it doesn't matter because everyone knows what you mean>Have vision of the future>Kill self because niggers are dumb as fuckShheeeeeiiiiiiit. The pharoahs was niggas and sheiiiit.

>>272354345literal retard.

>>272350698Skin colour is almost entirely connected to the local climate.It's often said that ancient Egypt was more mild 5000 years ago, that there was more rainfall and vegetation.This also makes sense, you don't start a civilization in the middle of a dried up wasteland.So it makes sense to assume that Egyptians were likely white, though probably with a med tint.

>>272351753What if we took an army and killed the Romans using automatic weapons and prevented them from killing Jesus and thus fulfilling the prophecy? The Jews would probably still find a way to kill him but if we killed the Jews too then what?

>>272350698revisionist history

>>272354385>have white paint>be to stupid to mix a bit of brown into the white for a lighter shade of brown to imply whitenessWE

>>272350957We were aristocrats along with other attributes.

>>272354385another thing, they painted the 'white' egyptians brown. if you look at other paintings done in those times, they painted actual black people pitch black, and the whites in brown.

>>272350698The ancient egyptians were neolithic farmers mostly by DNAThey were white if you consider like, I dunno, Cypriots to be white.

Ramses the 2nd (exodus pharoah) was Assyrian, the previous dynasty was Caucasian (the shepherd kings)Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were also CaucasianThe Egyptians themselves were Egyptian, not even sure what that is honestly

>>272354991sounds like how the greeks used to do it too.

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>>272350698according to the japanese...*smacks lips*>WE

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>>272354029>if you only knew how good things areShe must have died with a heart lighter than a feather

>>272355161Naw dude they were black the whole time!

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>>272350698Go to a museum with some Egyptian artifacts and you will see that this is not an easy question to answer. In a couple of thousand years of history, different groups ruled and had contact with them. Despite what some people want to tell you, they were perfectly capable of painting people white btw. The truth is that it's quite a bit more complicated than them having been white or black, concepts that would were mostly meaningless at the time. Egyptians were Egyptians and are neither modern black or white people.

>>272353245You know that white people get tan, right?

>>272355133>The Egyptians themselves were Egyptian, not even sure what that is honestlyThe oldest pharaohs were basically Anatolian genetically, closer to semite near easterners but caucasoid still.nature.com/articles/ncomms15694>Here we present 90 mitochondrial genomes as well as genome-wide data sets from three individuals obtained from Egyptian mummies. The samples recovered from Middle Egypt span around 1,300 years of ancient Egyptian history from the New Kingdom to the Roman Period. Our analyses reveal that ancient Egyptians shared more ancestry with Near Easterners than present-day Egyptians, who received additional sub-Saharan admixture in more recent times. The only comprehnsive DNA study on a large number of mummys from long period of time found them to be closely related to the people of Anatolia

>>272350698This is a pathetic cartoon. The real white man section should be the white guy talking to a 10th dimensional spark of hypersentient light, and being taught by his great grandson to the 20th power how to accelerate evolution so that we can become gods.

they were berbersnot subsaharan

>>272354721Somehow get Jesus to become Roman Emperor.

>>272353825the Ptolmics were apart of Alexander's kingdom; not exactly the native population but yeah, kinda close ethnically

>>272350698>where did this “egyptians were black” propaganda come from?because they were in africa, dont you see? everything in africa is and always has been black. you are an uneducated bigot if you even attempt to think otherwise

>>272356232honestly, real question. where did the other major races even come from? (ie Mongoloids, Negroids, and Caucasoids)? I feel like our ancestors came from different planets

>>272353245>dark skin=niggerwhy niggers are retardedare indians nigger?are japanese okinawan niggers?is chim chim charu chimney cleaner a nigger too?captcha is baloons nigger, nigger

>>272353245Live outdoors in Africa your whole life and you’ll be pretty brown skinned. Even being outdoors for one season in the south of England turns you nut-brown.

>>272356173Turn Jesus into being like Mohammed. Fuck no.

>>272350698"X is black" comes from Jews. Blacks are animals like deer or bears. They never created any part of human life.The ancient egyptians were 100% caucasian. they were caramel-skinned, dark, arabic causcaians. No niggers were ever involved in original egypt. They were in egypt for a short period and failed horribly as you would expect from retarded apes.

>>272356354They say (or at least said) Caucasoids are mixed with neanderthals but they also claimed both neanderthals and homosapiens were nogs so really no one actually fucking knows its just a shit show of scientific and Historic theories.

The early dynasties were white and egypt was started by Atlantean seafarers. after 4000 years niggers took over and egypt fell. So did Rome and now the USA.

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>>272350698WE ARE KINGS

>>272350698They looked the same as the Saudis and the Nubians. Stop with your stupidty the DNA is already there to prove that.Neolithic Europeans + Western Asian cultures.

>>272356354 Rhodensians became niggers. Denosovians became Chinks. H. Heidelbergensis became the white man.

>>272350698They looked roughly the same as they look now, it's possible that some pharaohs were more northern-looking, there's also a Nubian and Greek dynasty.

>>272354721Kill the jews, Romans did nothing wrong, Pontius Pilate was just trying to keep peace in recently rebelled city.

>>272350933checked and kek'd

>>272350698>what race were the ancient egyptiansThe Egyptians are still around today. They aren't black.

>>272352770burgers btfo

>>272350698Have you ever wondered why the ancient egyptian pharaohs married their sisters? By their account; It was to preserve the essence of the gods. I could not understand what it could've been until the dna results came back from the oldest of pharoahs. They had White DNA. It was faint, but noticeable. By the time of the pharaohs, fewer and fewer people were being born with the divine essence of the gods. White DNA is the divine essence of the gods. Only white men can create such marvelous civilization.

>>272356354Divergent evolution over 10s of thousands of years, plus a touch of admixture with various other early hominids (neanderthals, denisovans, etc.), though that played a much less important role than simple divergent evolution (isolation in unique environments + time). It's thought that the ancestors of Europeans and East Asians diverged roughly 40-50,000 years ago, much earlier for sub-Saharan Africans; potentially 100,000+ years ago.

>>272354991A ton of families of different ethnicities neighboring each other ruled over ancient Egypt, lots of outsider marriages for political alliances (also to fuck & have non-retarded children since most brother-sister rulership was political in nature) etc. Here are the funerary statues of prince Rahotep & his wife Nofret. He's clearly depicted as brown, while she's much lighter in skin tone. They knew what they were painting & how they were painting it.

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>>272350933chuckled and checked


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>>272357720Yeah, they looked like Rami Malek, who could totally pass for Southern Euro.

>>272354029Other photos not so much.

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>>272357720This is complete bullshit.youtube.com/watch?v=DCgqntbYXgohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAPco9KiHMIhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UomZ5qSXu8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BddqGHAjx9Mhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4je9yGuV3-Qhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybtaj5ozgoIhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qHoB-JhOSwhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2RO0Q9FSTshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duXOBDxfu9whttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZRJIRPCPNchttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7AwBUw3Nq0https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1xzASymPhohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8V2VTcmkoP4https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gx0fqBt2yB0https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlhMkyR5cnEhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7231U6MQrEhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tN3ptA3r50https://www.flickr.com/photos/rafaelgomez/albums/72157633238716612https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:1987_in_Egypt>>272358729The vast majority of Egyptians are darker than he is.

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>>272358592I find it incredible how modern afrocentrists and liberal allies are absolutely INCAPABLE of understanding the very concept of a tanned med skin and of artistic norms. They must unironically think the ancient med was an interracial breeding ground with black males and white females.

>>272358668lmao nigcel cope.

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>>272358668The upper class/royals of egypt were caucasoid anatolian/semites. But egypt was alwasy heavily mixed with a mongrel underclass that ranged from black sudanese type to white libyan type

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>>272354991They did not. There are depictions of Egyptians of all colors. Here is a quick example.

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>>272356354Divergence as a result of living in different environment, accelerated by civilisation and cultures artificially elevating/downgrading social status or relative fertility of some parts of the society.

>>272358860What's more incredible is how retards like you ignore the vast majority of Egyptian artwork which shows ethnic Africans and not mutts(tanned Meds).

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>>272351753I wouldn't save Julius, his death was the catalist for the creation of the Roman Empire. Go back and save Aurelianus or even better, help one of the 5 good emperors disband the praetorians and so prevent them from constantly distabelizing the empire when a not so good emperor (or anyone they didn't like) gets the throne.

>>272358852Everyone ignore this seething nigger. He lives for these threads.

>>272351753>not preventing the death of Aurelianit's like you don't even praise the sun

>>272358926False. The majority of Egyptian rulers were descended from a race coming from Punt, Sudan(Nubia) or the central Sahara. And like Tyrone of today they liked white women, but not that much as Egypt is still a mostly dark civilization. It certainly was 5,000 years ago.

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>>272358852>people changingyes, because of migration.Theres black people in Russia, that doesn't make them Russian.>there was black people in Egypt in the time we've invented photography and videography>this means they were always there, and the original egyptiansI understand, you can't make history so you steal history


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>>272350698american media doesnt let go of the 'you were oppressed slaves' narrative. This has a demoralizing effect on blacks. They want to run from it so they latch onto african history in search of past glories, they see Egypt, its located in africa so its glorious black history now.>>272358592that was also the beauty canon in mediterranean antiquity, pale women, dark men. Men would work outside and be tanned, women would try to avoid the sun, the bible also mentions it. Even in paitings in italy and greece we see that skin disparity between men and women and its not about being different races.

>>272359146Not because of migration but because of intermarriage. The majority of Egypt has always been Egyptian but the genetic composition of the average Egyptian has definitely changed. This is why most of the artwork doesn't resemble the average Egyptian today but instead resembles Saharan nomads who dodged the miscegenation memes.

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>>272359084Stop shitting up these threads you fucking retarded nigger. We know Egyptians had artwork depicting their subhuman nigger slaves. It means nothing. Does someone pay you to fucking monitor this board and ruin all good Egypt threads? I'm not even a regular here and I recognize your bullshit from dozens of past threads.Drink bleach.

>>272359146Also why are you so ignorant? It's common knowledge that Egypt is a black civilization. The Greeks can attest to it.>Strabo visited Egypt and almost all the countries of the Roman empire. He concurs in the theory that the Egyptians and the Colchoi are of the same race but holds that the migrations to Ethiopia and Colchoi had been from Egypt only. 'Egyptians settled in Ethiopia and in Colchoi.' 34 There is no doubt whatever as to Strabo's notion of the Egyptians' race for he seeks elsewhere to explain why the Egyptians are darker than the Hindus, a circumstance which would permit the refutation, if needed, of any attempt at confusing 'the Hindu and Egyptian races'>Aeschylus, —525(F) to —456, tragic poet and creator of Greek tragedy. In The Suppliants, Dañaos, fleeing with his daughters, the Danai'ds, and pursued by his brother Aegyptos with his sons, the Aegyptiads, who seek to wed their cousins by force, climbs a hillock, looks out to sea and describes the Aegyptiads at the oars afar off in these terms: 'I can see the crew with their black limbs and white tunics.'>In one of his minor works, Aristotle attempts, with unexpected naïveté, to establish a correlation between the physical and moral natures of living beings and leaves us evidence on the Egyptian-Ethiopian race which confirms what Herodotus says. According to him, 'Those who are too black are cowards, like for instance, the Egyptians and Ethiopians.'

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>>>272351753no, kill jesus and save the jews so they give us another messiah, also why Poland being so christian suffer the most in ww2? why god was so bad with you? or is it that jewsus is a fake?

>>272359084lmao the majority of Egyptian rulers were Egyptian that means brown and near Eastern not a stupid niggerGod you're a stupid nigger

>>272359290>Cranial analysis of the Jebel Sahaba fossils found that they shared osteological affinities with a hominid series from Wadi Halfa in Sudan.[8] Additionally, comparison of the limb proportions of the Jebel Sahaba skeletal remains with those of various ancient and recent series indicated that they were most similar in body shape to the examined modern populations from Sub-Saharan Africa (viz. 19th century fossils belonging to the San population, 19th century West Africa fossils, 19th and 20th century Pygmy fossils, and mid-20th century fossils culled from Kenya and Uganda in East Africa). However, the Jebel Sahaba specimens were post-cranially distinct from the Iberomaurusians and other coeval series from North Africa, and they were also morphologically remote from later Nubian skeletal series and from fossils belonging to the Mesolithic Natufian culture of the Levant.[9]>[The Egyptian] samples [of 996 mummies] exhibit morphologically simple, mass-reduced dentitions that are similar to those in populations from greater North Africa (Irish, 1993, 1998a–c, 2000) and, to a lesser extent, western Asia and Europe (Turner, 1985a; Turner and Markowitz, 1990; Roler, 1992; Lipschultz, 1996; Irish, 1998a).>A 2006 bioarchaeological study on the dental morphology of ancient Egyptians in Upper Egypt by Joel Irish found that their dental traits were most similar to those of other Nile Valley populations, with more remote ties with Bronze Age to Christian period Nubians (e.g. A-Group, C-Group, Kerma) and other Afro-Asiatic speaking populations in Northeast Africa (Tigrean)

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phoenicians / canaanites

>>272359084>The majority of Egyptian rulers were descended from a race coming from Punt, Sudan(Nubia) or the central SaharaThey weren't, there was no nubian rules of Egyptian until well after the pyramids were built and Egypt was a set civilization>>272359084>It certainly was 5,000 years ago.Thats funny, you niggers can't even tell us what happened in Africa 500 years ago, you expect us to think you know what happened in Egypt 5000 years ago!Funny you claim that picture is of a "king"Egyptian rulers were ALWAYS depicted with shirts, or atleast some kind of robe, they were never toplesshe was either a slave or a warrior, those are the only ones depicted as shirtless

>>272357720They're definitely not white.

>>272359354Absolutely false.>(Library of History, 3, Greek historian Diodorus Siculus)>But there are also a great many other tribes of the Ethiopians, some of them dwelling in the land lying on both banks of the Nile and on the islands in the river, others inhabiting the neighbouring country of Arabia, and still others residing in the interior of Libya. 2 The majority of them, and especially those who dwell along the river, are black in colour and have flat noses and woolly hair. As for their spirit they are entirely savage and display the nature of a wild beast, not so much, however, in their temper as in their ways of living; for they are squalid all over their bodies, they keep their nails very long like the wild beasts, and are as far removed as possible from human kindness to one another; 3 and speaking as they do with a shrill voice and cultivating none of the practices of civilized life as these are found among the rest of mankind, they present a striking contrast when considered in the light of our own customs." >Apollodorus, first century before our era, Greek philosopher. 'Aegyptos conquered the country of the black-footed ones and called it Egypt after himself.'>Lycinus (describing a young Egyptian): 'This boy is not merely black; he has thick lips and his legs are too thin ... his hair worn in a plait behind shows that he is not a freeman.'>Timolaus: 'But that is a sign of really distinguished birth in Egypt, Lycinus. All freeborn children plait their hair until they reach man-hood. It is the exact opposite of the custom of our ancestors who thought it seemly for old men to secure their hair with a gold brooch to keep it in place.'>A similar description of the Egyptian type of man recurs a few lines later in verse 745. (/) Achilles Tatius of Alexandria. He compares the herdsmen of the Delta to the Ethiopians and explains that they are blackish, like half-castes.>>272359394Are an entirely different people.

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>>272359328That's all after the Nubians took over Egypt though.

>>272350698Egyptians were ruled also by Hyskos arabs, they werent even all egyptians

>>272359470Tell me who's paying you to shill here, nigger

>>272358933>literally stealing the heritage of other nations to somehow save face for your failure of a race while reinforcing the stereotype that niggers are only good for stealing shitkek sure you really were kangz n shieeet

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>>272357230nia cme tzari bratko

cracka they wusnt white. they wus black nigga!

>>272359328>It's common knowledge that Egypt is a black civilization.Maybe common knowledge to people who can't read or write>>272359282>Not because of migration but because of intermarriageHow do you think they were able to intermarry you dumb fuck?? They had to migrate there>This is why most of the artwork doesn't resemble the average Egyptian today but instead resembles Saharan nomads who dodged the miscegenation memes.Another lie from the niggerYeah, this artwork really shows a bunch of niggers, sure does.

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>>272359470Here nigger how you truly were during that time. Goddammnit i cant believe how many fell for the meme.

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>>272354357They've stolen everything else. All that remains is for them to attempt to rewrite history to cure their insecurities. Some of the insane ramblings on here are childish.