I too love science... (fresh OC)

i too love science... (fresh OC)

Attached: nothing personal kid.jpg (1528x5168, 1.53M)

Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: Basedest Pepe.jpg (20x20, 788)

>>272349980Holy mother of bumps

>>272349980nice work, OP. thanks for not being a faggot. nice jab at the jews there too.

>>272349980fucking hate being a phonefag cant even read it

Attached: F91CCA01-4520-40AB-82ED-82B35A0346BC.png (882x758, 15.1K)

>>272349980I've said this for a long time. Humanity is obviously misclassified compared to any other genus because of political reasons. It's obvious there are several species of humans.

>>272349980The right can't meme

>>272351185chink go back to eating cats


all humans are the same. natural selection doesn't apply to humans. everyone in this image has exactly the same cognitive ability. if you disagree you are a racist.

Attached: pygmies.jpg (800x1223, 242.96K)

>>272350945At least learn to be a faggot properly. Open in new tab. Delete m in url. Replace end of url with .png

>>272349980based, saved

>>272351295whoa now, calm downthats clearly a gook

>>272350945>>272351547leave it as jpg. That only works when it's posted as png but replaces it for mobile. Ill stick to my desktop

>>272351422Didn't they find pygmies have 60IQ or something?

>>272351547>>272351725thanks anons


Attached: Chinese vs Caucasian brain.jpg (648x1050, 172.38K)

>>272351725>>272351565>>272351422>>272350945>>272350862>>272350497added one last stage to really drive in the point

Attached: nothing personal kid 2.jpg (1488x5824, 1.92M)

>>272349980based, good read anonwould recommend putting links to sources next time just in case of faggots who ask even though they can search it up themselves

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>>272350118He tiny.

>>272349980An excellent attempt ausfag, 9/10proofreading would have done you well though. Your dialectic breaks down at the end with run-on sentences, poor punctuation, and many noticeable typos.

>>272352988Did not meant to be called Sage.

>>272350945It’s not because you’re a phonefag, it’s because you’re a brainlet.

>>272349980>>272352893Are we leftist comic makers now?Why are there so many fucking wordsMemes have 10-30 words max. Leave the long-winded diatribes to books

>>272349980Based, here's some equally fresh OC

Attached: 1579552387491.jpg (878x2048, 244.01K)

>>272349980Good work. Over the last 5 years I've CRIMSONPILLED myself about this. Now I can spot Erectus DNA admixture in people from a mile offAnother great pill for normies isSub Saharan Africans have between 2-19% archaic admixture from an extinct missing link that branched off from us over 1 million years ago.That is massive. Up to 19% DNA from subhuman?For Asians and Europeans it's only up to 4% caveman admixture.When I see nogs and half nogs now I can see the ancient beast in themExplains the crimeThe lack of impulse control. They are literally one fifth ooga booga

>>272349980>right wing memesfixed it for you

Attached: 25234532.jpg (1528x889, 260.47K)

Made an OC too

Attached: chink cope.png (2180x1484, 734.31K)

>>272353700>>>Holla Forums

>>272353939Not really. It's meant for leftists who don't understand immigration


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>>272353939shut up reddit

>>272354109Dude you're a German. You don't need Stalin to tell you to dislike kikes and their puppets.

>>272349980Science could put all jews in mental hospitals, there are many ways to avoid all the pilpul, drama and mafia-style tactics and get a diagnostic for their mental illnesses (psychopathy and sociopathy being the most frequent).Methods include behavioral analysis (facial expression, stare, body language, tone of speech, microexpressions...), brain scans (harder to use because the imbecile must be convinced to visit a hospital), evaluation of life history and habits (including the way they speak, activities they waste most time on, ...).Normies are trash and will never cooperate with something like this, but it's possible. Everything has a decent solution if you think about it, the obstacle is always stupid normie scum and the sociopaths/psychopaths they worship.

>>272353700Too long and autistic but pretty much accurate.

>>272354553No, but people either disregard Hegel and Strasser or call Marx on jewry "taqiya".

Attached: marx on jewry.png (1280x720, 173.83K)

>>272354723Normie idiots and their masters also blocked accurate lie detectors, the end of fiscal paradises, tracking money laundry via gov't data, basic bitch data mining for crime fighting, preventive healthcare and evaluation of ongoing medical treatments (and practitioners) or any other simple solution to keep track of sociopaths/psychopaths.It's hard to fight crime when everybody is either retarded or an accomplice and have a fetish for crazy criminal leeches.

>>272354831Can't read this captcha font.


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>>272355204Seriously, this guy is a fake whistleblower and (((Trump))) won't do anything, but if you weren't so retarded lots of possibilities open:stopnakedshortselling.org/2020/06/100-trillion-stolen-by-wall-street-recoverable-robert-steeles-open-letter-to-the-president/https://stopnakedshortselling.org/2020/05/release-president-trump-briefed-on-nsa-capabilities-against-financial-crime/https://stopnakedshortselling.org/2020/05/release-president-trump-urged-to-create-dod-doj-task-force-on-financial-crime/https://stopnakedshortselling.org/2020/05/larry-smith-open-letter-to-president-donald-trump/And I didn't even mention the suppressed technology (real ones, not typical nonsense jews repeat everywhere), coherent solutions for politics, economics, education, healthcare, crime or anything else that could be implemented if normie idiots weren't demented.

>>272349980Are Italians white?

>>272353280brainlet pls go

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>>272349980>bottom text Didn’t read.

>>272355870And who asked you anything lol

>>272351111Different breeds but not species since different races can have kids and the definition of different species is that they can't mate and produce offspring, or offspring that can reproduce.

>>272355773Some bitch told me that humanity can't progress any further or have any sort of stability nowadays because they aren't fit for doing such thing anymore. The only real limit to what can be done is the subhumanity of normies and their almost sexual fixation for insane useless idiots.It's a hard problem to solve (maybe impossible), because you went too far into your dementia, can't distinguish reality from fiction anymore (only parroting what your masters say), despite being extremely stupid, you are arrogant, and it isn't a matter of education or information because you don't have the capacity to understand what is necessary.And as a side effect, mentally ill criminals can do whatever they want.

>>272356133not breeds or species, we different subspecies

>>272354831Just out of curiosity:Are you a Marxist? If so, why?

>>272355593Fair enough tovarisch.>Let us consider the actual, worldly Jew – not the Sabbath Jew, as Bauer does, but the everyday Jew. Let us not look for the secret of the Jew in his religion, but let us look for the secret of his religion in the real Jew. What is the secular basis of Judaism? Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money. Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other god may exist. Money degrades all the gods of man – and turns them into commodities…. The bill of exchange is the real god of the Jew. His god is only an illusory bill of exchange…. The chimerical nationality of the Jew is the nationality of the merchant, of the man of money in general.[...] The Jew has emancipated himself in a Jewish manner, not only because he has acquired financial power, but also because, through him and also apart from him, money has become a world power and the practical Jewish spirit has become the practical spirit of the Christian nations. The Jews have emancipated themselves insofar as the Christians have become Jews. [...] In the final analysis, the emancipation of the Jews is the emancipation of mankind from Judaism.Yes, "merchant" originates from Marx.

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>>272354831Marx was only one attempt among various others at solving the social and labor question. He didn't invent Socialism, and his view on class struggle based history instead of different races struggling to survive and prosper were wrong, and dialectical materialism is garbage that divides things along subjective lines. Class is important as is an answer to the social and labor question, but Marxism is not the way.

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>>272356144I hope this is going to be read by a real person, I know only filthy jews and their yes-man post here besides one or other reply.

>>272356346>Yes, "merchant" originates from Marx.Oh is that where Shakespeare got it from

>>272356306I'm a hegelian first and foremost, but in consequence I'm also a marxist (orthodox type that rejects post-modernity, globohomo, gender theory and so and so forth, all the ideology).>>272356472>hitlerismPls go.>>272356544>shakespeare>actual dialecticsYou know perfectly well what I mean. I didn't say he invented the word.

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>>272349980Nice essay, faggot. The right really can't meme.

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>>272356346So he said a bunch of compliments for the jews, called the regular christian the new jew (but not our (((glorious leaders))) ), called white competitivity a bad thing, and said nothing about the jew worshiping satan and being the root of almost all organied evil in the world. What did you try to say, exactly?

bro you made a meme as cringe as benshapiro youtube titles

>>272356346He makes a good observation, however aside from his end goal and other points I disagree with, it doesn't matter all that much since we don't need Marx (who was Jewish himself) to tell us why Jews are bad (unless "us" is a retarded commie who doesn't get it yet) and anti semitic writings alone. But his egalitarian end goal of total equality would still be a win for the Jew permanently. Marx, as noted by bakunin, hung around other kikes as well.

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>>272349980Why do we make fun of leftist memes for being long again?

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>>272349980Despite what pol claims, there's an abvious problem with race classification with humans, because we're all on a continuum. The argument "if there's aqua it doesn't mean green and blue don't 90, exist" is invalid because the problem is precisely to decide where to put aqua, with blue or green.

>>272356622No, night of the long knives was a good thing. Long live the National Socialist Revolution!

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>>272355855We aren't of course.

>>272354831Strasser got what he deserved and Marx's "antisemitism" was a larp.

Attached: leftist_admitting_if_karlmarx_didnt_hide_jewishness_no_communism.jpg (1597x625, 165.95K)

>>272356968Marx is a materialist, he mostly didn't concern himself with religion (ideology/fetishism). Look to Hegel for metaphysics. He's not explicitly antisemitic but he doesn't need to be.>>272357043>(who was Jewish himself)Ethnically/genetically.>egalitarian end goal of total equalityCommon misconception and false (read Hegel).>Marx, as noted by bakunin, hung around other kikes as well.Again ethnically/genetically.>>272357188>pic related

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>>272356133No idea where you get this bullshit from. Lions and tigers are different species, but can crossbreed just fine. Also northern and western European crows, different species, crossbreed just fine. And there is less divergence in genetics and behavior between northern and western crows than between caucasians and niggers.

>>272357161Because ours makes sense and seething, while leftists makes lies and cringe.


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>>272357401Well the problematic jews aren't the religious one, so there's no point with saying marx was an atheist, the majority of jews were and are atheist.


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>>272357540Ligers are problematic with their own offspring, only female can reproduce (with not a male tiger because they're sterile). Probably is the same with wolphines.

>>272357401He should have been. But he is just another kike whom died in disgrace and then became a useful tool for the jews like the good soviet commie he is.

>>272357753Male liger*

>>272357485>shlomo about mosesAlso totally communist theory canon my dude.>>272357339>filenameKill yourself.>>272357411Bakunin was immensely butthurt because Marx destroyed him at party meetings. Plus Bakunin was an anarchist and thus not a communist.Pic related so the NPCs can stop counting off jews.

Attached: soviet jews.png (2500x2500, 2.44M)


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>>272357818Thank you for the info, moshe. You always wants what's best for me :3

>>272357818>filename>Kill yourself.I didn't name it, you dumbass.>Pic related so the NPCs can stop counting off jews.The Bolsheviks were Jewed to the core. How about listing all the Jews in the original Politburo.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Politburo_of_the_Communist_Party_of_the_Soviet_Union

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>>272357401>Ethnically and geneticallyStill makes him Jewish. The fact that he wrote that and yet kikes flock to him shows me your argument doesn't hold much water. >Misconception>Look my meme of Hitler is an argumentOkay, except Hitler wrote about it much more extensively and was objectively right. History vindicates him every day we persist in this doomed timeline. At the end of the day, his version of socialism is one among many and the Austrian fella happened to do it right. >Inb4 pic related is a memeI'll wait for a critic to my previous pic meanwhile.

Attached: hitler-all-you-need-is-love.jpg (1000x610, 135.25K)

>>272349980Omg words words words we get it you think white people are the best

>>272349980i would change the pistol for a nintendo one o a squirtgun


>>272349980Where did the soijak get a gun?

>>272358200Stalin went easy on the Jews too during the purges. They stayed over-represented in key institutions and when the Soviet government collapsed, they were in perfect position to become oligarchs.

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>>272358244Nah, we don't think white people are the best, we are sure of it. Just like we know japs are great when they are not genocidal.

>>272351725Must be in iFaggot. Works fine on my kpop phone

>>272349980Fucking based

>>272353280At least we are smart enough to put some space between paragraphs

>>272358230>Still makes him Jewish.Not ideologically, are you dyslexic?>Hitler wrote about it much more extensively and was objectively right.>mein kampf, an autobiographic novel full of pure ideology>objectively rightNope.>>272358200>bringing up IRON LAZAR of all people to prove jewish infiltration of the sovietsYou have much to learn. Stalin used Kaganovich EXPLICITELY to further anti-kike sentiment.

Attached: stalin on judaism.png (883x475, 97.06K)

>>272358992I tried it on some shitty lg I use to read manga

>>272349980This isn't a meme, it's just a text dump