Why are Turks and Arabs (and niggers and spics too I guess) on average more aggressive than whites...

Why are Turks and Arabs (and niggers and spics too I guess) on average more aggressive than whites?Is it true they have the warrior gene?

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>>272347805why his head so tiny

>>272347805Because they weren't Christian. Christianity is a dysgenic breeding program that selects for bugman traits like passivity. Hundreds of years under Christian society destroys a population.

>>272347889Looks like a sea of thieves character.

>>272347805If true then they would rule the world. Oh wait they don't.

But they’re only 5’5.

>>272347805Whites with warrior genes been wiped out by two world wars.

Medulla Oblongata and normal variation of their Amygdala and pituitary glands.Those brain organs don't control or concern the cerebral cortex therefore [don't matter without peaceful coexistence].

>>272347889His head may be tiny but look how wide the neck of the first dude is. As wide as his head.

No.Technology, Food, Culture.Modern technology weakens men and the first world man is not as active in part because things are changing so fast and also the western white man was/is demonized. Our history is not told.Fuck Turks.

>>272347805We are hotheads

>>272347972Yeah fuck those disgusting Christians who win every war they're involved with Arabs. Nice try kike.

>>272348145Stfu mutt

>>272347805because their parents are niggers and beat them exactly the same as niggers, they beat their mothers violently in front of them.Now you know. Seriously you didn't know why they are subhuman? My friend is neighbours with one and every day and night the wife gets beaten in front of the kids and they never shut the fuck up

>>272347805There stupid and unable to think straight

>>272347805I believe the scientific explanation is that the sissyboi gene is more prevalent in whitoids than other races


>>272348202/threadonce every shit in sandnigger land gets an iphone, internet, fast food and countless venues of entertainment for 24/7 they'll become 'weak' as well.

Lack of foresight.

>>272347805Low Iq subhumans must be the roach DNA

>>272347805Muslim Mentality is different than Christian Mentality.Islam says that if you get hit you have to hit back.Christianity says if you get hit turn the other cheek.

>>272348431No it isnt. This is as dumb as the warrior gene. There just tends to be an inverse corollary between IQ and aggression. Apes are aggressive and yet there is nothing remarkable about them.

>>272349093No nigger. Christianity was never about pacifism.

>>272347805Slavs still are to a greater extent, and so too are lower class western Europeans and Americans (though often offset by drugs/alcohol/unhealthy diet in the latter case). The problem is for a middle class Western male nowaday, aggression is pretty much drummed out of you from infancy by mothers and catlady teachers. That combined with sedentary living and the fact modern is basically the perfect vacuum for male self-esteem. The modern male persistently doubts himself, and this is an area where being high IQ and overly introspective can be a hindrance. Aggressive males always have a brash confidence. It's not exclusive to whites either, Asians, particularly the Japanese are badly effected, and in a cosmopolitan city like Istanbul you'll find plenty of Turkish bugmen. The Turks and Arabs in the west mostly live in ghettos though, and ghetto societies value toughness.

>>272347805niggers and spics dont win wars. not very warrior like

>>272349180>Apes are aggressive and yet there is nothing remarkable about them.Not as aggressive as niggers. Unlike niggers they also rarely murder each other.

>>272347805cumskins have low T when compared to other races like blacks hence the lack of aggression and low birth rates

>>272347972I believe more correct answer would be that established Christianity drank Cultural Marxist kool-aid faster than other institutions.

>>272347805I was raised as a Muslim, however now I believe that Islam is a cult religion. Nevertheless, motherfuckers can bring the Muzzie temper back in me. I’m always nice and respectful to people and I certainly expect the same from others towards myself. If you give me crap, I’ll stand up to you.

i'll take on the guys on the left and roght while the middle can watch my hole get wrecked.

Unironically because they re more emotional. They have less restraint on impulse and society expects less of them, so allows for their tantrums.

>>272347805Arabs used to view Europeans the same way we view them today. In other words, as brutes. Study the Crusades. The Muslims of that period certainly didn't think Europeans were weak or lacking in some "warrior gene". Technology & contemporary culture has made Whites soft. Arabs, Turks etc.. are more old school. Hell, Saudi Arabia has only recently allowed women to drive cars. They didn't abolish slavery until 1962 (And it was tolerated for years after that while being technically illegal).

Muslims don't drink Alcohol and are circumcised as teens. Their ancestors have been marrying their cousins for 1000 years.Their prophet is a literal pedophile and they prey by hitting their heads on the floor which has been proven to cause brain damage that leads to aggression.

>>272347805False. They aren't more agressive. They are more driven by emotions (lower IQ), that's why they appear louder, harsher. The real agressive people are asians (chinese, japanese exmpl.) and whites.

>>272347805>popcorn muscles>neck beards to hide recessed NIGGER jaws

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>>272349745Depends on what ape we are talking about.

>>272347805The way a person behaves and develops depends a lot on their environment.In modern times, MENA people live in or near worn-torn regions so their hypermasculinity comes naturally.Same with any group of people on Earth. Once things get better they will become weak like a modern western man

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>>272350411no way, Arabs/Persian/Turks started conquering the world waaaay before Europeans.As in for Asians the only outliner are Mongols

>>272350411t. Hungarianflag checks out, half mongol half european

that dude is above average size.

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>>272347805Because whites were the first to pollute their water with mind numbing chemicals that make their people feckless. Originally whites were the most aggressive and dominate cultures in the world. Coming down from their northern homes ever so often to dominate and culturally enrich their southern inferiors. Once city life became the norm whites fell subject to the cultural sink and let jews rule over them.

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>>272347805>Is it true they have the warrior gene?They also have the small brain genethe dog rape genethe cannibal genethe halitosis genethe shit in the street geneMonkeys and dogs are also aggressive so they must have the warrior gene too.

>>272352764found the kike

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>>272348266This. Their fathers are psychopaths that they have to worship thanks to their degenerate religion and the mothers are so brainwashed into thinking that it's ok, that there is no one with reason left to raised them as a human being. Execute them all.

>>272351035This.Hard times create strong men.Strong men create good times.Good times create weak men.Weak men create hard times.We have it good, they have it bad.


>>272347805Well specifically to islamic cultures, Mohammad said it was fine to marry your cousin, so cousin marriage has been a constant thing there. Consanguinous marriage produces children prone to defects, genetic disorders, anger, and also children who are on average about 10-15 IQ points lower than the local mean. In some Islamic countries this has been going on for about 40 generations. If you combine that with a version of history that tells them they have literally the perfect society in the form of Islam, and everything they see about the Modern world and at least going back about 5 centuries seems indisputable that Muslim countries are in fact inferior in mulitude of ways, you will get a lot of anger and aggression.

>>272348145Don't fret user, they spread their seed. You forgot their great grandfathers genes are mixed with their own. We good still, just gotta remember to fucking speak outside of Holla Forums

>implyingTurks are a bunch of annoying homos

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>>272351603>that dude is above average sizeFor the person who wrote the post I'm quoting.

>>272347805no, real men of all races are like that. its just jews cucked most whites.


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>>272347805It’s because whites have been pussified by certain (((influences)))

>>272347805Because they don't have roasties pumping their water supply with birth control.

>>272348015/thread.Whites are the most aggressive race. However we temper this with judgment and intelligence, meaning we use our aggression when it is needed and in the rights place. Aggression otherwise becomes counterproductive, when you take on foes stronger than you without first weakening them.

>>272347805My fuckin sides. Dear international space station people, could you please recover my sides from low earth orbit, i laughed so hard at faggot op's post.

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>>272357391Mate, I'll fight any cunt anytime

>>272347805because what you call aggression we call tacky, childish behavior. enjoy your tap out shirt nobody is laughing at you

>>272347805High testosterone

>>272357963i have low t considering benis removal

Theyre not. Its culture. Whites are just brought up in weak cucked hollywood society so theyre a bunch of weak pussies and get upset when they see one who isnt like that but fantasize about BBC all day

>>272347805Unstable psychology which leads to being more imoulsive and destructive.I heard they have the ma01 gene or something like that which makes them more stabby and rapey.

>>272347805They may look intimidating in the pic, but once you now that you can deck them with one swing to the chin, you're good to go.

>>272347805The latter two are aggressive in large part because of their genetics, this much is obvious and several genes for such behavior are already known, such as the defective MAO-A gene prevalent in African populations. Turks and Arabs are, I suspect, aggressive in large part because of their religion and culture. Turks have, as most here know, have almost no step Mongol or Turkic genes left and are indeed a mix mainly of Greek, Anatolian, Armenian and Persian genes.Since neither Greeks nor Armenians are more aggressive than the typical European one might suspect the Turkish behavior is religious and cultural in origin.As for Arabs; since I'm a Swede I've had the joy of seeing a lot of them in my life and AFAIK Christian Arabs and Assyrians aren't very aggressive, but the Muslims are. So to a large degree the same thing seems to apply to the Arabs. Assyrians seem to be more criminal than than Swedes though, because in Södertälje they have an iron grip on organized crime. I have not spent too much time around Christian Arabs or Assyrians so my assessment might very well be incorrect, however one should be careful with unnecessary critique of Christians when far larger problems exist.

>>272358511jealous someone didn't digest the KEKPILL like them

>>272347889All three are manlets, look at their size compared to the pkm and ak also the belt of ammo

>>272347805Inbreeding, the muslim country with the lowest inbreeding is turkey at 30%.Inbreeding makes you agressive, its called retard strenght.


>>272358677Population genetics reveals shared ancestries: DNA links modern Europeans, Middle Easterners to Sub-Saharan Africanssciencedaily.com/releases/2011/05/110524153536.htmGot Human?

Attached: GeneticsChart.jpg (4000x4000, 1020.46K)

>>272347805non-whites have a survival mentality because they aren't pampered and handed everything on a silver platter like whites are.


>>272347805only when in packs. whites are warlike too when they are part of a tribe but something (((happened))) along the way

>>272348015Arabs ruled europe and developed a lot of mathematics.

>>272347805It's the white mans discipline and creativity that creates modern civilization and peace. The beastfolk, on the other hand, are only capable of destruction and parody. This was discussed in detail during Caesars time because the same thing that is happening now was happening then, as it had happened before and since.

>>272357963´Tests show they dont have higher testosterone but actually much higher estrogen. Meaning they are much more emotional and make decisions based on emotions rather than logic. You know, like women.

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>>272358981>make decisions based on emotionsAnd that's why they flip their shit if you badmouth Islam and/or Allah, they simply can't comprehend it. They can't even understand the reason why eating pork was prohibited, it was due to pork rotting away the fastest without preservation, but they really think of it as a divine rule.

That’s not even true for Arabs and Turks. Name 1 great fighter from their region in boxing, kickboxing or mma. Toughest men if we’re talking about combat fighting skills it’s between niggers, spics, crackers and southeast Asians

>>272347805Slightly higher test and lower iq. Like retarded animals really. Also regardless Islam makes them fucking insane too