The reason we are losing is because if the roles were reversed black America would be up in arms. Fuck optics fuck glowies and fuck jannies. There comes a time when you have to stand for something.
Let's march
Watch for news from Brampton, Ontario coming in the next few days
>>272347278>glowing green ID
>>272347278>this one tragic anecdotal homicide validates all my racist nonsense conspiracy theories about white genocideok take meds
>>272347370No it's not about that it's about speaking up and letting your voices be heard. But of course I will be called glownigger etc.
Not a bad idea>>272347370Weakling
>>272347278This is being spammed all over this board. Listen.....white people do not protest, riot, or stand up with enough force to change anything. Try harder.....I'm sure they will turn out by the millions and protest black on white crime in Pretendland. White people in some african countries have a cautionary tale and whites don't appear to care. I am surrounded by self loathing whites in my area. When BLM or Antifa shows up my neighborhood, I will direct them to their houses. It's time for some people learn a valuable lesson.
>>272347278I'll join the march if any were to happen in WA
>>272347443Glowniggers say glownigger to control you through fear
>>272347518I miss little Donnie posting.
This. Fuck maggot cuck faggots I’m sick of this shit. >inb4 muh suburbs This was a fucking WHITE CHILD.
>>272347278Talk about assembling a march on the gofundme , twitter, fb, all the platforms where people are talking about it. anons aren't going to show up for a 4chan march faggot
>>272347278I'm not afraid of getting doxxed, already have been. Of course we can't have a centralized march full of 4chan spergs, but at least spread this story and others like it to your normie friends.
>>272347352Screencapped in the event of a happening
>>272347819Good idea, I don't have social media though
>>272347278This im with you
>>272347730It was a child. Race makes no difference when the victim is a defenseless child.
I am going to make a poster of this case and the mother who was shot for saying all lives matter and others like it. Link all the ones you have. I will be downtown in my city this weekend charges be damned.
>>272348100what city
kek do it and watch other white people look at you in disgust. Whites deserve it. They are the race of ultimate individualists, who are about to realize what happens to individualists when faced with collectivists (or even a just collective of people joined by their hatred of you). Nobody hates whites more than other whites. If you "protest" or do anything, the jews won't have to lift a finger. Other whites will destroy you for it.Don't be fooled by the support you get for this type of shit on here. You are speaking to the ~5 - maybe 10% at most - who actually agree with you about this.The rest are le radical centrists who can see (((both sides))) of the argument:>I mean, it's pretty unfair how white men are turned down for lower-qualified counterparts due to race alone>but it's also unfair that they have huwhite-male privilege so I guess it evens outOr full-blown anti-white-male leftists.You can destroy your life defending whites if you like, but nobody is going to thank you for it. Especially not other whites.
>>272347278>national mediaIt's CHRISTIAN CAPITALISTIC PRIVATE media ok retard! USA has no national media.
>>272347278Hello, redditor.The nigger chimpouts weren't organic.The only reason why this story is not getting publicity and the blowblack is because they don't want it to.
>>272348215Willing to accept that risk, it has to begin somewhere.
>>272348293>USA has no national media.You're glowing faggot, google Operation Paperclip
>>272347278am i the first one to do this?
>>272347278when are you fucks actually going to start doing something? like seriously. kill some nogs or something. anything. fuck. i want the fun to start already.
>>272348326Not sure what makes me a redditor but I don't care abbout the accusation. Glownigger, redditor, not huwhite like me, all D&C
>>272347278One drop rule, this is black on black
>>272347370At what point became the "anecdotal" wrongdoings of a couple of "tragic" police encounters "systemic"? And would an equal amount of "ancdotal tragic" homicides comitted by blacks against whites become, well systemic is not the right word, maybe some user can help a retard out wit de eluquendz
>>272347352Do it make the internet proud.
>>272348377Operation politicians selling national property and bending over for money, handing over everything to Jewish bosses in private market.
>>272348400Extremely based idea. We should push this
>>272347278It's not front-page news because it wasn't a cop. If a random white guy shot a random black kid it might not get national media either, if it was just a spat between neighbors.MORAL OF THE STORY: Don't live near niggers.
>>272348400Post it on Plebbit!
>>272348334>Willing to accept that risk, it has to begin somewhere.It's a "risk" in the same way that shooting yourself in the head is a "risk."White men don't give a shit, and they won't give a shit as long as they remain this comfortable. They have food on the table, niggerball on the tv, and 33 year old roasties ready to "settle down" with them after they are done banging the chads. None of them give a shit about this white kid being killed, because it doesn't affect them at all.In fact, the reason the jews were so easily able to convince our white boomer parents to take the (non-jewish) economic power away from white men and give it to women and niggers is because our boomer dads didn't want to have to compete with younger white men later on when they are older. They are selfish pieces of shit who couldn't give a fuck about you or some random white kid that gets murdered.You organize any "marches" you will just destroy your own life, and nobody will care.
>>272348400Make it a police officer and you'll literally have riots and mass looting within 24 hours
>>272348868Trayvon? Could be Obongos son you know...?
>>272349054You are correct I'm afraid. I would have thought with there being so many disenfranchised dropped out of society young men that someone would just say fuck it I am lone wolfing this shit. I guess the opiate of the masses distract from the anger and absurdity of it all, or there's not as many neet supremacists as the internet would have you believe.
>Step 1Create a Facebook event page>Step 2Choose a strategic location where the march matters, or whatever you think can pull the most people in>Step 3Invite your normie friends and encourage them to invite their friends to the designated location >Step 4Provide some basic refreshments like water bottles, megaphone if possible>OptionalContact the local news if you expect a decent turnout. They covered a very small (like a dozen people) internet privacy protest myself and a few others attended so it's always possible. By getting media attention this can become a movement
>>272347352cangen will be dissapointeddon't make a fucking mess, it's not gonna change anythingwe need to wait and solve these problems as a group
>>272348400very good idea, push it on nigger twitter, get it circulated
>>272349430When I was younger (in my early 20s, I'm 33 for reference) I used to feel the same way as you.Then I dipped my toe in the same water you are saying you want to dive into, and got burned pretty hard. Swallowed this blackpill about whites, then realized that the only way to beat the system is to not take part in it.Now I live in Asia, married to an Asian qt and have gorgeous little hapas, and live a damn good life.But the biggest win is that I no longer pay taxes into the west so that niggers can feed their 10th child, or roasties can get another subsidized abortion.
>>272348536Confessing that you're retarded is the first step to self-awareness and shedding your racial bias, fren
>>272347278His fate will be decided by 12 jurors in Raleigh, North CarolinaIf the system is broken, and he gets away with this, then it's a reason to be upset. Lets at least give American justice a chance.
>>272347278what's the real reason he was shot? this black guy seemed to be a friend of the family.
>>272350509the system is proven broken when a nigger feels empowered to end a white life for any reason
>>272347969Tamir Rice
>>272347969>Race makes no differenceJews like you will be the first to hang on the day of the rope.
>>272350442Quite so, but an answer to my question would help me to shed my racial bias faster.
>>272350942>running around with a bb gun painted black to look realTamir Rice was innocent, he was a kid. His parents are soley responsible for his death, they caused his death by allowing him to leave the home with something that looks like a real gun
>>272350942James Bulger
>>272347352pic related, not to say I don't hope you do.
>>272351179It is unfair to judge an entire group of people based on the actions of its most evil.
>>272351382It's amazing the only example they have of a black child "dying to racism" clearly leaves out the fact he was walking around in public with a BB gun painted specifically to look like a real gunAir guns have an indicator that they aren't real, someone in his family (or who ever gave him the gun) deliberately made it look realHe didn't deserve to die, he's a kid who didn't know what the consequences of carrying around something that looks like a deadly weapon isThe only "racism" in that siutation is the leftists who blame the police instead of his parents, because appearntly they think black people aren't able to take responsibility for their actionsHm, just like every other name they bring up when they mention BLM
>>272347278Time to march .
>>272351028>American>Nazi saluteYeah that’s about right
>>272351535Yet blacks still bring up slaveryNot to mention they judge an entire group based on the actions of its most evil, and leave out the fact the SAME GROUP is the ones who put a stop to itDon't get mad when we return the favour.
>>272351644>nazi saluteand just like that, the kike shows how he believes litterally everything revolves around himIt's not the nazi salute, its the roman saluteI bet you think the swastica is a nazi symbol, retard.
>>272351644You have this salutes in your schools up to 1941, aren't you?
>>272351535>most evilAnon the nigger in op isn't an exception. He's the rule. Niggers are animals they aren't people. No excuses based on stuff from centuries ago or lies by jew professors or cope by civnat faggots will change objective facts. Niggers are not human they are not equal.
>>272351591Can we please stop with this whole fucking “us vs them” mentality. It’s so fucking cringe when people say “mUh lEfTies” as if all leftist are the same in the same way “lefties” label all right leaning people as the same. It ultimately demonizes people and makes communication harder.
>>272348405You first, officer.
>>272348215Not yet, anyway. There's a point when leeches can't keep on being parasites and the system collapses: see zimbabwe, or south africa.True, we need to hit south africa lvl of fucked upness, but those centrists will have to wake up eventually. Good question whether it won't be too late, though
>>272351902> It ultimately demonizes peoplethey spent the last,what, 4 years doing this too us?> makes communication harder.Boohoo, shouldn't have been attacking us and refusing to have open communication for the last few yearsThe time for communication is over, you wouldn't listen to us, we won't listen to youIt is us vs them, they made it that way>>272351644Its amazing how pathetic you fuckers are>Don't dehumanize people! It makes communication harder>Hurr americans are all nazis!Idiot, this is why you lost the right to have a dialogue.
>>272350146>>272347278OP absolutely do not listen to this limp wristed race traitor faggot. He's only trying to make himself feel better for abandoning his home and his race to go spit out halfbreeds. "Waaaah my friends and family are a bunch of nigger apologist bitches and they wouldn't sieg heil with me so all white people are like that!" Neck yourself you scum.OP please do absolutely make posters, be proactive, talk to people in your community, and be smart. Remember that we are smarter, use it to your advantage. I live about an hour away from Wilson, NC and I'll be going to the candlelight vigil tomorrow night (typically tonight).
>>272348405start something then, glowies.
>>272347278Black Lives Matter!!! u mad whyte boi???
>>272352517He's probably gonna listen to me because I make so much more sense than you, and what I say actually lines up with what we can observe (whereas you were probably jerking off as you larp as a le revolutionary).
>>272353460You keep referring to White people as "they" in your first couple of posts, what race are you Moshe? And I'm not LARPing at all faggot, what about being smart, proactive and outspoken in your community is revolutionary? You didn't say a fucking thing that "lines up with what we can observe" you coward. Just a bunch of anti-White bullshit straight from the kike's mouth.
>>272354077Simmer down, bertha. I'm white-skinned, but I don't consider myself a white person because I despise what white society has become. So now I'm not any race. Just a guy who lives in Asia having a happy life. You can destroy yourself if you like. And when you are sitting in that jail cell (probably with a nigger cell-mate), you will most likely blame the jews for other whites imprisoning you. You are too brainwashed to understand that whites are so far gone that the jews don't even need to lift a finger anymore.
>>272347278>Holla Forums won't do nothingLet me say it again for the people in the back>Holla Forums WON'T DO NOTHINGIt has already been proven that these people can murder, rape, steal, and burn down cities and the cucks on Holla Forums run here to talk a big game and do nothing.>THIS HAS HAPPENED BEFORE>COUNTLESS TIMES!!!!!Remember when a girl was killed, her name was Ebba. She wasn't the first, she was one of the hundred of thousands of Europeans who had been raped and/or killed by Muslims in the past 20 years alone. One brave man decided to fight back, to get revenge, TO PUT A STOP TO IT! What did Holla Forums do after he sacrificed everything for his race? They try to shill against him and shit on one of the VERY FEW men who have actually stood up for our race. Imagine fighting for your race, only for your race to drag your name through the mud for it. >Let's recapLeftist/niggers can>Kill>Steal>RapeAnd leftists/niggers will still support and bail them outHowever if a right winger who is completely justified fights for his race then even his so called allies on Holla Forums will waste away shilling against him for good goy points called optics.
>>272354544Nothing I've stated has indicated in any way that I'm encouraging any activity that would result in a jail cell or that I would be stupid enough to get put into one myself. I said be smart and do what you can where you can and encouraged OP to put up posters if he'd like.You, however, have stated that all Whites are lazy cowards who will do nothing to help their own race and even went so far as to say our White fathers all hated us and put us in this situation. You are a demoralizing kike. Your kind put us here, whether you're the pathetic and cowardly "white-skinned" man you claim to be or the sniveling, subversive parasite you're emulating.
>>272347278You can't march amid the covid pandemic. What are you talking about.? Only BLM marches allowed because blacks were enslaved by the jews hundreads of years ago.
>>272352822Rabbi you're not even trying
>>272347370Yeah, because the media constantly screeching about how "muh alt-right nazis" that sit in their homes all day doing nothing but shitposting online is totally far, far worse then shit like Op's postYou are scum and a coward.