Kraut/pol/ - Comfy Morning Edition
Stapf grad aus der Dusche. Früh wach, Christcodierer.
>>272347422Immer doch. Bin ja kein NEET.
>>272347651>bin ja kein NEET>shitposting in a meetingLiving the life.
>>272347702Exactly. Also the task for this day is negligible.Only have to update some extensions for a project.
>>272347916>replying to emails>watching Mad MenBeen up since 3am. Now is recoup-y and comfy time. >Only have to update some extensions for a project.NEETs would be seething if they weren't still asleep.
>>272348360To be honest I don't make much where I work but I also don't have to work much most of the time. Flexible work times are also great.
>>272348671You wanna work in Japan or Portugal? Someone just forwarded a job listing kek>To be honest I don't make much where I workIs it an issue? If you still live at home or in a non-expensive city, not that bad. I make a pretty penny (also significantly older than you), but I don't spend much. I just really like money.
>>272349072I only have to pay my gas, food, dumphone contract and car insurance. I'm pretty well off considering how little I earn. I'll probably also get the house which I'm living in with my parents.So life's going rather well.
>>272349072>You wanna work in Japan or Portugal? Someone just forwarded a job listing kekGoodness no
>>272349410Portugal is comfy. 20% flat tax rate, cheaper cost of living, swimswimg go sploosh.>So life's going rather well.Nice to hear. Happy with your diet/fasting?
>>272349907>Portugal is comfy. 20% flat tax rate, cheaper cost of living, swimswimg go sploosh.I'd never learn Portuguese though. I'd rather stay where I belong.>Happy with your diet/fasting?Pretty good. Down ~9 kg so far. Switched to 6 day fast, 1 day feast routine. I always eat on Saturdays now.
>>272350133>I'd never learn Portuguese though. I'd rather stay where I belong.No need to. I'm not talking about moving there permanently. You can stay in a place for a year or more, move back when you feel like it. You're German, world's your oyster. >Pretty good. Down ~9 kg so far. Switched to 6 day fast, 1 day feast routine. I always eat on Saturdays now.Damn, congrats. What's your goal? How much more to go? Rooting for you.
>>272350370My fat ass is currently at 112, I'm aiming for somewhere around 65. Once reached I'll start working out again.
>>272350517At this rate, you'll turn Adonis by winter.
>>272351262Well more like skinnydonis.I still retained some muscle from when I was working out back then. But considering I still have to fast for quite a while I'll probably lose the definition I have. Also need to see how my long term fasting plan works out since I can't keep doing this till I lost all my weight or I'll deplete my vitamins and minerals completely. I'm probably looking at 3 weeks of fasting and then 1 week of refeeding and repeating the process. I hope that works out.
>>272351734Sounds like a plan. You know, you can still work out. Just avoid anything that will put pressure on your joints. Pull-up bar and a couple of weights would be a good start. >cmon, post something extreme already
>>272351995>>cmon, post something extreme alreadykek>You know, you can still work outYeah but it'd exhaust me quite a bit and all I get is muscle retention not growth. At the moment I'm almost dead just from sitting around and thinking a little for my job.
>>272352221>At the moment I'm almost dead just from sitting around and thinking a little for my job.Gotcha. Yeah, you know how you are. Best to not overdo it and exhaust yourself into quitting. >>272352335Morning. May your coffee be hot and your oatmeal soaked.
>>272352465Drinking earl grey and fasting but thanks fren.>>272352820Oi.
Can't be that much longer until they're going for Substanzsteuern. Tax revenue this year should be down significantly. >Für das Gesamtjahr kalkuliert die Behörde nach Angaben von Finanzvorstand Christiane Schönefeld aktuell mit einem Defizit von bis zu 30 Milliarden Euroepochtimes.de
>>272353640>earl grey>in the morning
is it that time of the day again?
>>272353640>picReally resonates with me
>>272354230yeah, the time when no filter is needed. when bread is populated with mentally stable KrautanonsHeil, Sombra!
>>272354128I was wide awake at 3 AM doing dialectics on the core of christianity. Give me a break.>>272353921>epochtimes.dePls don't.That aside, yes there will be MASSIVE tax hikes, but not because they actually need money. It's all about keeping the masses in thralldom.>>272354230Coom or coffee?
>>272354517>since 0300oh well... then this qualifies as afternoon for you... still, very entartete :D
>>272354517>doing dialectics on the core of christianity
>>272352335>>272354128>>272354230Moin moin btw ...
>>272346427>>272352335>>272354230Good morgenings frens
>>272355449Guten Morgen
>>272355483>>272355621Moin. Brain is just starting to form coherent thoughts again.
>>272355729the witcher is a shit game.
>>272355729Sheiiit that's a cute little snek. :D
>>272355383>>272355483>>272355621Henlo.>>272355383I'll probably make a thread about it later on (may or may not contain heavy bait for churchcucks and zionists [probably will]).>>272355729>>272355872Aww.
>>272355978Thx for warning me. Wanna play good cop bad cop maybe? ^^
>>272354517>Pls don't.What's your gripe with them?
>>272355872Snek thinks you are a cute little user^^
>>272346427Fuck Germany
>>272356372Damn I hope so! As there is booping to be done! :D
>>272355978TMW even ISIS fighters stop wearing shemaghs because of this loser
>>272356466Why you taxing our superior Brotaufstrich to hell? :(
>>272356322Falun gong is a jewish inspired sect. I suggest reading between the lines when it comes to western texts on it, and disregard the religious overtones altogether. That's just LARPing.>>272356624I don't think that literal death cultists have a problem with cognitive dissonance.
>>272356614>i...i...i'm gonna booopsnek nakadashi > senat nakadashi
Good morning! Looks like it's not gonna be hot as hell today :)
>>272357005Gotcha. I'm not familiar with Falun Gong. YT started recommending me some of their videos. Better than most of the German media outlets.
>>272346427>>272357291morning. my room is already getting hotter again
>>272357291Hopefully not as bad than yesterday, a coworker had a circulatory collapse and one of our forklift operators nearly broke his neck while beeing retarded, fuck this heat
>>272357275>nakadashi... aaaand I learned something today already. :D
>>272354517Snek is for Cuddles only!
>>272357746shiieeeet. construction site of a friend of mine only works until 12 because of the heat. construction fags are really in a bad spot these days
>>272357891>hot sweaty tight suffocating carnal cuddling
>>272356372>Snek Kisswholesome & saved
>>272356147>Wanna play good cop bad cop maybe? ^^Sure, I'll link the post when I make it. >>272357427They can't afford the obvious lies of our own media. They're like RT in that sense. They always have an agenda, though.>>272357819>only now learning about nakadashiI shouldn't be proud of my coomer past.>>272357891Destroying some NPCs on the Marx issue if anybody is interested: >>272357818
Ich geh gleich schlafen. Viel Spaß beim arbeiten und Steuern zahlen ihr beta cucks.
>>272358128>send linkYes that would be nice. ^^>only nowYou do it all the time but can't ever really name it ... weird. :)
>>272358101Take that one too, sombra fren
>>272357563Pretty nice temperature here right now desu
>>272358020>hot sweaty tight suffocating carnal cuddlingNow is not the Time for fear!That Comes later...
>>272358339>>272358101>>272357891>>272356614>>272356372>>27235587can somebody explain this snekfagging to me?
>>272358339Kek, saved! Yes, snek needs to be maintained at maximum comfy at all times. :D
>>272358599Filters do wonders fren
>>272358599>can somebody explain this snekfagging to me?
>>272358442>la petite mortPost nut clarity can quickly swing into existential dread. ^^
>>272358599I could but I would have to terminate you afterwards. Don't question the functionality of the Wurstfabrik. :3
>>272358954worth it, lets go
>>272358891>Post nut clarity can quickly swing into existential dread. ^^
>>272358599if we dont worship snek, she gets mad = the world would end, so all hail to our glorious leader
>>272358599Very cringe inside joke. Never stops.
>>272358717In this case, a snek filter would filter half the thread
>>272359092Primary logic behind it ... it likely severely confuses all the "data analysts" and glowies here. Hell, I've already seen what appeared like an AI algorithm spam bot using snek pics. :DAlso >>272359202
>>272359405>In this case, a snek filter would filter half the threadAll is as it should be.
>>272358331>You do it all the time but can't ever really name it ... weird. :)Thought about a concept without having the lexic or semantics for it is an interesting topic. There's a link to the "prime" external sense of seeing there, but ironically I'm hazy on it so far.>>272359098You can reach post nut clarity without cooming. I suggest giving it a try.
>>272358717>>272359405You cannot Stop, what is to come!
>>272359444imagine confusing glowies so much that you can't talk about important stuff anymore.sometimes you guys are way too paranoid