Why does Vaush hate Abby?

Why does Vaush hate Abby?

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>>272346257Because he's a degenerate

>>272346257>giving a shit what a fat neckbeard soi degenerate thinks

>>272346257Probably because no one can defeat him in a debate - not even Destiny.

>>272346257Link the video it's late at night where I'm ar and I have shit to do Tomorrow, give me entertainment

Who cares about this bird beak nosed kike

>>272346257>>272346375This. Vaush is a degenerate who hates the Nordic and Aryan peoples. He hates Abby because he knows the future of the Aryan race will come from Judaic wombs. It’s just biology.

>>272346496Shut up lol

>>272346257I will fist fight vash if he disrespects our queen

>>272346257Did she have a jaw job. Seems like

>>272346643her chin is completely off

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>>272346845Or . . . she's holding her head slightly tilted for a microsecond . . .

>>272346845She's in the middle of chin wiggling if it was a regular picture it would be symmetrical


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marxists inherently worship ugliness weakness and disorder

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>>272346845She has some fucked up issue with her mouth, watch the right side of her mouth in this vid youtube.com/watch?v=zR6VMxuw3bQ

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>>272347401Bells palsy maybe

>>272347371Unironic Satanism and they don't even realize it

>>272347401>the face isn't perfectly symmetrical!what kind of autistic faggot are you? were you eating crayons in the 1st grade?

>>272347401Knees are too sharp, huh bro

>>272346845God she's cute...

Conservative women are fucking retarded and weird. Conservative men i can at least understand, you have your place middelish in the hierarchy and dont mind taking it up the ass now and then to keep it. But conservative women want to give up their rights and lose power for... reasons...?

>>272346257streamable.com/i6m4e8watch this fat fucking loser in action

>>272346845>>272347401Try it with yourself. Most faces are terribly asymmetrical. It is a sign of health and good breeding if you are symmetrical, but most of us aren't so blessed. >tfw discovering you don't look like what you you see in the mirror

>>272347799>give up their rightsoh no, they can't be a disgusting cum dumpster whore anymore

>>272347686honestly the chin isnt the worst feature on her face

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>>272346845>user figures out for the first time that faces aren't exactly symmetrical

>>272346375hes an antisemite

>>272347793I want to fuck her in the vagina

>>272347575Yea idk, Natalia dormer also has a weird mouth thing but hers is hot. Abby just looks fucking weird.

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>>272347726Have you seen her nose? Thing is so hooked you can cut carpet with it, even her husband dogs her out. I saw one video (the only one that was posted here) and he gestures "hook nose" to her and she becomes sad.I'm guessing he didn't want to be in her stupid video and was pissed.

>>272346845>>272347401>>272347894Hey guys, your virginity is showing. She's conventionally attractive in every way.

>>272347812i hope this fat fuck gets cancer

>>272347726>>272347686>>272347839>NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOT MY JEWISH PRINCESSThere is not being symmetrical, and then there is having a fucked up mouth like Abby. Fucking simps are a disgrace.

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>>272348087>husbandUh, she's a lesbian.

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>>272348137What about jewish beaks is attractive?

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>>272348340I want Abby Shapiro to charge me interest

>>272347686he's from lookism.neti agree that abby posters are lame but lookism retards are just worse

>>272348340Yes very attractive. When we're 69ing that kike beak will tickle my anus for extra pleasure.

>>272347109Him having an ugly girlfriend makes him more likeable to be honest. You can't envy or judge him for his material things (yes you heard right, men see bitches as material goods. It is what it is).. only for his intellect. So yeah, I don't hate Vaush. He's a cool guy.

>>272348800Absolute waste if numbers, delet.

>>272348340>wicked witch of the chest

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>>272346257Because to a sped like Vaush, Abigail Shapiro represents peak white supremacy>"white">rich>rich family>political connections>conservative>religious>>272348800You have to be 18 or above to post here.

>>272348800Adding to this.. it also proves he's not shallow, he's got substance, integrity. He fell in love with that woman for who she is on the inside.Can people say the same thing about the average Holla Forumstard? NopeCan they say the same for a normie, absolutely NOT.

Out of topic but can I still hate Jews if I’m .50% Jewish

>>272349210>He fell in love with that woman for who she is on the inside.>insideWell he sure had a lot to look through

>e celeb shit

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>>272346257all I want is to sniff her hair

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>>272349210>Adding to this.. it also proves he's not shallow, he's got substance, integrity. He fell in love with that woman for who she is on the inside.>Can people say the same thing about the average Holla Forumstard? Nope>Can they say the same for a normie, absolutely NOT.Nothing about him is admirable. Hes a fat fuck who hates whites and is disgusting because he wont take care of himself.What a gross "man"


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>>272347894Inshallah behold that shnozz

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>>272349210>his girlfriend is fucking horrific looking so you know he actually carea about herlmao. user thats pretty savage.

>>272349447Seriously though, the majority of Holla Forums are lunk heads. Brainwashed, coddled lame brains. Everything is based on appearance. Everything including politics You're all rejected normie tier. You're shallow but also severely twisted though a lifetime of carrying a sense of entitlement

>>272348800>only for his intellect. just because you're a retard doesn't suddenly make this guy a genius for spouting typical leftist rhetoric

>>272346257Because Vaush wants to carpet bomb Israel. That's why he was banned from twitch after all.

>>272350153Doesn't matter what it is. You're concentrating on how it comes off, like if the shallowness of you pointing that out means anything.Anyway..Is she rich? I don't believe so. The instances of men marrying for money are far less compared to women so chances are it's legit

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>>272348800just cause abby has a jew nose and a off chin doesnt redeem Vaush.that dude is a complete faggot

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>>272346257>>272347401>>272347726>>272348012That is one fuckugly rat.>>272348137>oblivious self-parodyYou’re a desperate uggo with no standards.

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>>272350837Are you a grill?

>>272349790>Hes a fat fuck who hates whitesAww the baby had his fee-fees hurt. Too bad, maybe you should think of all the damage your race has caused, how many civilizations it's destroyed, pookie. Go stick a pacifier in your stupid trap Bradley, this isn't the white privilege hour. The world isn't your property, people are not your slaves.

>>272346257Because she's an ugly, hook-nosed kike.

>>272351016So if he had an attractive wife he'd be redeemed?Kek what piece of trash meatsack you are.

>>272351381If I was I'd be thinking like all of you.. only caring about appearances.

>>272350837This post is choc full of cope

>>272346257He's a neoliberal creationist with an obese gf who got humiliated by Althype

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>>272351609Yep definitely a woman. You seem to be taking a Jamaican bonsledding fan forum awfully seriously user. What makes you so invested in defending Vaush. You wouldn't happen to be personally invested. A donator perhaps? hmmm

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>>272351016is he really 6'1.5?

>>272346455lol this nigga got btfo by Alt Hype and bans anyone who mentions it. Vaush just appeals to idealistic 17 year olds living in their Uppermiddle housing

>>272352174what kind of german uses feet????jew

>>272346257She makes his small penis erect

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stop posting this ugly jew thx

>>272348800What kind of fucking retarded idiot babble is this? You can't hate Vaush because his girlfriend is unattractive? What about the fact that he is a subversive communist traitor?

>>272348339Legit looks like a FTM. Those wide fuckin eyes.


>>272346257because if he gets more youtube views, he can upgrade from a 2080 Ti to a 3080 Ti and whine about capitalism more

>>272349425even if you're a 100% jew you can still hate jews

>>272351357God I want to stroke my shaft against her mucus passages

>>272352767Kek you dolt. Who the fuck do you think you're talking to? Your uncle Jethro? Your magafide daddy laying on the couch? Think again, matter of fact think thrice Cletus

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>>272347401Did she ever have braces/dental issues?My girlfriend had braces during her early teen years and she still contorts her mouth a little when she smiles or laughs because she was teased so badly

>>272347894How come she didn't get the typical sweet 16 nose job other rich jewesses get? I thought it was like a rite of passage for them

>>272353744Also, as you can see in that pic: All men of substance have fat/unattractive women.

>>272346257vaush is an antisemitic who wants to nuke Israel



>>272353744Che Guevara hated niggers. Do you hate niggers?

>>272354283Is it any wonder why the /maga/tards hate him so much?

Imagine caring at all about an eceleb this whole thread should be ashamed kys faggots

>>272354383He didn't hate them, if he did he wouldn't have traveled to the Congo to free them. He wouldn't have freed Cuba

>>272354477Because he's an anti-semitic NAZI reeeeeee

>>272349210M8, it means he's desperate to get his dick wet and that's the best he can do.

>>272354596Che wrote extensively about how worthless niggers were. When he went to the Congo he found out they were retarded.>Given the prevailing lack of discipline, it would have been impossible to use Congolese machine-gunners to defend the base from air attack: they did not know how to handle their weapons and did not want to learn.

>>272353744Che died like a bitch.

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>>272354733He didn't have to go, he wanted to go. His observations on how those units functioned is not his opinions about the entirety of the race or whether or not he hates black people as a whole. They were generalities at best

>>272348800Vaush has an IQ of 105

>>272354868No, he died like a warrior. Your bitch ass country lives like a bitch and will die like one. It's a living hell as it is

>>272354963That's some impressive cope, son.

>>272354963I don't think you're familiar with just how disgusted by blacks he was. He was disgusted by them in Cuba, and then went to the Congo and was disgusted by them again. >The black is indolent and a dreamer; spending his meager wage on frivolity or drink; the European has a tradition of work and saving, which has pursued him as far as this corner of America and drives him to advance himself, even independently of his own individual aspirations.>"We're going to do for blacks exactly what blacks did for the revolution. By which I mean: nothing."He thought niggers were lazy do-nothing freeloaders who didn't lift a finger for socialism when the time came. He was right. And a fool for expecting any differently.

>>272347812I has seen this posted a few times before but never actually clicked on it. Fucking hell, I thought he might have tried a bit of mental gymnastics before dismissing it outright.

>>272348800It's very telling that the only reason you know for disliking a person is envy.I wouldn't expect anything else from a lefty.

>>272346257Everyone hates this abomination.

>>272355063>died like a warrior>surrenders saying that he is worth more alive than dead>gets executed anywaylol


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>>272355106And where does "Hatred" come into play?

>>272346257He hates jews but for all the wrong reasons, and this >>272346375

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>>272355063Also, don't worry. Keep voting for socialists and your country will become Brazil 2.0.

>>272347109>you cannot fast travel with enemies nearby

>>272346845That's years of dick sucking, she must be a pro

>>272355411Your country isn't socialist, it's a prostitute for the west. LOL

>>272346845It’s fine dude, definitely in the upper quarter of attraction. Even models will be slightly asymmetrical if you look close enough.

>>272348800>hides that he's rich off his parents>honestSo Trump is honest?


>>272348800>having an ugly girlfriend makes him more likeablethat land whale isn't just ugly user, shes fucking nicaragua tree troll tier.

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>>272355352Call it what you want. Che's view of blacks would fit in well on Holla Forums. He thought many of the same things we say everyday. Funny, isn't that? How a communist revolutionary icon saw the same thing in niggers, around whom he spent a lot of time, that Holla Forums sees. What are the odds?

>>272355472I bet you think Mandela's rainbow nation is a success story


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>>272346257Because she wouldn't look twice at a smelly fat slob like him.

>>272355063>he died like a warrior.>gibs himself up instead of anhero.lmao

>>272353775Most likely a cleft pallet. She's so out of proportion its not funny.Only good thing about her is when her pic gets posted, the kikes reveal themselves as its the best their tribe has produced.

>>272349210If you care about them, you worry over their health. Ugly is misfortune, fat is a choice.

>>272346375as always, fpbp

>>272355537>>272355366>definitely in the upper quarter of attraction

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How can you people actually discuss this radlib faggot?

>>272346257why does it matter to you?

>>272355472>let me tell you about your country

>>272355588>Call it what you want.No, that's what you're doing. How about calling it what it is or isn't, where does Hatred come into this argument? It doesn't. You feel hatred and you project it on everyone. Just because you feel hatred you think everyone must also be as hateful. Everyone has their opinions of other groups but hatred is not something they throw around like it's in abundance, it holds a place for those who really merit it. It's a strong emotion and your kind is filled with it.

>>272347279What animal is this?

>>272347109Dios Meo!!

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>>272356040I'm just saying, both Che Guevara and I think you're a nigger lover.

>>272356145You hate blacks, if he hated them he wouldn't have risked his neck fighting for them.

>>272355801You live here too go outside and see the creatures out there, being vaguely human shaped is attractive in burgerland.

>>272356211Helping them is how he learned they were retarded though. He grew up a rich kid in Argentina. He didn't know what niggers were until he got up close and realize oh, they really are worthless. You should get your act together.

whats pols obsession with vaush? did he trigger your feelings?

>>272346257He's a commie, he hates himself first and foremost, everyone else follows. Sage

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>>272346257he's gay. all gay men hate woman period

>>272346257Why you're advocating for a kike is more concerning.


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>>272356316I didn't know you were such a great supporter of his. Good to know, a strange type of racist communist

>>272346257Vaush is an unbelievably dishonest actor. His debate with Stefan and Sargon were serious tests of patience.

>>272346257>>272346845>>272347401>>272347894She angles most of her videos/pictures from a lower perspective because it makes it harder for people to spot the massive Jew beak. She's very obviously sensitive about it.

>>272346440This. Imagine being any of these fucking people who posts about this cocksucker on a daily basis. Literally why? Who gives a fuck who he likes or doesn't like? Who gives a fuck about him or his opinion at all? If he dies and is found in a ditch somewhere, then let me know. Until then, talk about something or someone who actually matters.

>>272348339>>272348340>yfw your'll never be her bf.>you hope she dumps him and date you instead.>tfw you like jewish hook nose beaks>she looks at you with disgust because your a goy and a farmer> your race hates hers>she'll see you as another greeco-roman trying to conquer her people again.:/why can't jews let go of old grudges?

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>>272356597I'm not a communist. I'm a fascist. I just know my enemy. You don't even know your ally. You should probably fuck off forever.

>>272348241I'm sure you're a picture-perfect specimen, right? I don't give a shit about the she-kike, but I would bet money you're a perfect example of the pot calling the kettle black.

>>272348800Dude is an extreme fucking faggot and nowhere near as intelligent as he believes himself to be. Such a self-absorbed pile of pig shit with absolutely no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Anyone who thinks this guy is "cool" in any way needs to be executed for being a waste of human life.

>>272348800>You can't envy or judge him for his material things (yes you heard right, men see bitches as material goods. It is what it is).. only for his intellect.It's a good thing he's a dumbass, too.

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>>272348241Post face, incel

>>272346257Leftists are all primadonna, they need to feed their ego. When another leftist like them show up they engage in this woman like competition in which they hate each other.You may noticed how gayS act in a similar way. The truth is gay people are also leftists

>>272346257i dunno why but everytime i see her face i think of ben

gosh i want abby to tongue my anus but with her nose

why the fuck do people still bump threads about vaush?jesus christ who cares about this fat retard