Can someone explain why, before Hitler was elected, and was essentially a nobody, he had his own private paramilitary force of 200,000 men (The S.A.), which he used around the country to fight communism and enforce laws, despite holding no public office, and the government and police was just cool with that? We couldn't do that shit even in America today. What cultural laws allowed this to happen back then? Then a few years before Hitler got elected he and the government were working together to have his S.A. do law enforcement-like activities.
Can someone explain why, before Hitler was elected, and was essentially a nobody...
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TLDR: Hitler led a militia of 200,000 men before even rising to power. How da fuk?
>>272345985He traveled around the country holding speeches, and people wanted to support his cause voluntarily.
>>272345867He didn't>Was shot trying to lead a coup>Spent 5 years in prison
>>272346095Yeah but today you would be thrown in prison just for having a militia before it ever got to that size. How was it allowed back then?
>>272345867>Can someone explain why, before Hitler was elected, and was essentially a nobody, he had his own private paramilitary force of 200,000 men (The S.A.) The same reason we're going to have the equivalent quite soon? Just normal people sick of the bullshit, waiting for someone to lead them.
>>272346120This documentary I'm watching says by 1932 Hitler had 400,000 members in The SA.
>>272346170they werent a militia, the SS was a security detail for his personal protection and the SA were security for his gatherings.
>>272346170If you want your own army then go make speeches about peace and make sure you get the right people listening then when you have a million maybe out of that 200k will have guns
>>272346336Yea but the SA existed all the way back to 1920, before Hitler was any kind of official.
>>272345867Hitler won the election because he was very popular.The Nazis has a political presence for a long time, but rapidly rose to power because they had the guts to stop the communist rioters.If only Americans had the courage to do something about communist rioters for themselves, they would not be the laughing stock of the western world right now
>>272346755If we formed a militia in the USA to stop the Antifa rioters right now it would be us who is arrested and sent to prison. I'm not sure how it was different rules back then.
>>272345867If I didn't already know Holla Forums was retarded I would be shocked at how the smoothbrains in this thread so completely and utterly misunderstood and failed to grasp your question.That said I don't know the answer and am just as bewildered as you are.
>>272346882You need to Make It Afraid To ActAct =attack/defendSo you need trump supporter sheeps like Q has
It would be awesome to just go out and form a militia with tens of thousands of members but Glowniggers would start harassing you at just a few dozen members and would get worse as you grew. They would assassinate you before you got to 10,000.
>>272346170It was not allowed by the law, but it didn't bother anyone until it was too late. If they arrested Hitler at that point it would've caused a protest or even a riot.
Any German speakers on? Is the translation of what Hitler is saying in this video at 33:30 to 33:40 correct?:
>>272345867I'm no expert but there had already been an attempt at a communist revolution and there were still millions of communist supporters, naturally many including those with power were scared of the very real possibility of the communists and thus allowed the SA to exist as a counter measure
>>272346882It was the great depression+treaty of Versailles Germany, shit was so bad thousands of men were willing to potentially sacrifice their lives to bring about change. When things are that bad economically in America then you'll finally see mass gatherings like pre WW2. Granted thousands will be arrested first but if someone gets enough support like Hitler had then it won't be physically possible to arrest them all
>>272347399Modern technology has made it so easy for the feds to monitor the public
>>272346267Only 45 minutes, might watch after work. I assume you've watched the greatest story never told?
>>272347766That makes sense. The government's forces were depleted and commies were rising. They needed all the help they could get. Today technology is so insane there's no threat to the government.
>>272348072Yep all 5 hours or however long.
>>272348072But be warned it's one of those "hitler bad" documentaries. I'm just watching it for the remastered footage.
>>272346755Hitler had the massive advantage of an extremely weak and demilitarized government courtesy of the Versailles treaty. Weimar couldn't do shit about commies and natsocs fighting in the streets, that's the opposite of true in the modern USA.
>>272346882It wasn't. They just weren't cowards.
>>272345867>>272346095Hitler was unironically a "golem" for the Prussian military elite with connections to former dictator General Ludendorff (who founded the organization that became the Natsocs) and through him to President (formerly general) Hindenburg. To claim he was "just some random 30yo user who suddenly became a paramilitary leader and dictator after WWI" is retarded as fuck, there was an entire Deep State there backing him up and eventually he kind of reverse-subsumed them into his organization after they built him up and the communist purges in the east gave a new choice to Germans which was Natsocs or Communists and the Germans picked the Natsocs.The modern USA doesn't work like this because there is no Trump 2 working around the clock being built up by Trump to replace Trump in the future. Or maybe there is, who knows? Tucker Carlson? That one guy who shitposts on twitter?But I'm noticing that people on Holla Forums are legit retards who think you just walk out your front door and start ranting about jews and then you're hitler 2, which ignores the decades of buildup of Prussian militarism which evolved into the prototypical culture of warriors that eventually manifested into what we understand as the third reich.
>>272345867We have it. It called blm
>>272348856This explains a lot. I don't know if we will get another chance like that in America.
>>272349017>I'm noticing that people on Holla Forums are legit retards who think you just walk out your front door and start ranting about jews and then you're hitler 2I was guilty of that. I'm about half-way to learning what really happened now. I always knew somewhere that if someone just started randomly speaking out he would not get anywhere in today's climate.
>>272349017Hitler was originally dirt poor, it took a long time and a lot of work but in a sense it was just some random guy becoming dictator of Europe.
>>272350305He joined the army at 25 years old, so up til 25 he was just a regular guy. In the army maybe he began building some connections, but not many.
>>272345867Reread that then compare to Q[Reconcile]-[Vindex]Welcome to the revolution
>>272345867If I recall correctly, wasn’t Hitler also a glownigger of some kind? That may be the answer, he may have been “untouchable” in that sense.
>>272350836Yeah the army originally sent him to spy on The German Worker's Party and then the official story is he gained a legitimate interest in the party. Who knows what's true there.
>>272345867Yeah it's amazing what happens when the people fully support a leader that works for the best of his people.
>>272345867Socialism is a hell of a drug
>>272345867There is a documentary: "Adolf Hitler greatest story never told". Watch it
Historical researcher user here. Pre-WWII Germany a specialty, amongst others. Post-WWI Weimar Germany was a wild, almost-lawless society. Think the Wild West America. Left-Wing Communist radicals, supported by the Soviets were vying for power with the more traditional units of German society (junker class, Prussians, Catholic Conservatives, the Stahlheim, and later fascists). Street fights, which included open murder and often spilled into apartment buildings and open assassinations, were a daily occurrence. The Weimar government was too splintered to form a strong enough coalition to stop any of this. They were also bogged down by more pressing issues such as paying off the Versailles Treaty debt, rebuilding the nation, and later, the effects of the Great Depression. Young people, and disgruntled veterans of the First World War, did not see much of a future for themselves, so they picked sides. If you're an American reading this, think Crips v. Bloods. Hopeless negros who join one side or the other for protection and turf. They realized that whoever ended up coming up on top, was most likely going to be powerful enough to overwhelm the Weimar Government and eventually take control of the country (they were right).
To the user who said that Hitler got elected, that is false. He was never elected. The NSDAP never received more than 45% of the national vote, and actually LOST seats in the Reichstag, when they called for a new election in '38 (pushed for by Hitler, but advised against by most of the other NSDAP elite). Owing to this disaster, Hitler retired to his flat in Berlin, suicidal, and was going to kill himself. He had written a note and was sitting in his armchair with his WWI service revolver when, unexpectedly, Joseph Goebbels walked in to innocuously meet with him about policy issues. Hitler was sitting alone in the dark. Goebbels recognized what was happening and quickly launched a tirade on Hitler about how the Party needed him, how Germany needed him, and he would be selfish to take himself away from the nation during this moment of need. The rest (Hindenburg, etc.) you already know.
TLDR:Because the Communists were too mobilized for the Weimar Government to stop, and many in the government supported them, they were left unchecked.Hitler, his SA, and other right-wing paramilitary groups had the support of the Germany Army. So they were impossible to shut down, as well.Thus, Hitler went unchecked until he tried to overthrow the government, as the Germans don't take kindly to unlawful procedure. Which is why Hitler then declared to do everything from then on legally, in full accordance with German Law. And he did.
>>272346120It wasn't five years you fucking retard it was a few months
>>272345867>Hitler / SA>Gavin / Proud Boysnothing stopping it from happening again
>>272352018No, don't do this, you will never be the same again.
>>272346755The glowniggers are the problem. You can't form a militia against the leftists because their (((bosses))) are also leftists.
>>272346170>>272345985>>272345867Information moved slower back then. It wasn't possible for someone to just snap a picture of Hitler next to his militia and show it to everybody in 5 seconds. It was hard to verify what was factual and what wasn't.
>>272349115>BLM>Hitler's regimePick one, redditfag. BLM is a Communist front controlled by Jews.
>>272345985He was financed with Sephardi money to fuck ashkenazi Jews in germany
>>272350305>dictator of Europe.Wrong. He wanted to leave the other countries alone. His dictatorship was solely for Germany.
>>272345867The politicos of the United States operate on the principle that there can only be two parties vying for power as a third always detracts from one party or the other. Politics in Germany and many other countries do not play by these rules. There are many parties and political machinations are usually done with coalitions.Look at this article about the German election of 1930 for
>>272354325>No. Don't watch Hitler The Greatest Story Never Told
>>272354577>It was hard to verify what was factual and what wasn't.Cough.
>>272346224Weimar Germany was a failed state.
>>272354941Also, Don't Watch Europa: The Last Battle
>>272345867Hitler was a world war 1 veteran. The veterans communities tend to be tight nit, and back then was one of the best methods of networking. They were also men that loved their country. So building a group of people for a political movement means that it was very necessary to be a veteran and have veteran support. This is why great efforts have been taken in recent history to help break apart the veterans service groups in the US. Granted the boomers being retarded is not helping things either.
>>272346882Different time, different country, less technology.back then, unemployed men gathered in the town square.People got their news at newsstands and pubs. It was boots on the ground.America is too big, too vast, too fractured and individual.
>>272355049Weimar America is a failed state.
>>272346170you do know that Hitler wrote Mein Kampf in prison right? Or are you an absolute retard.
>>272346755Checked and confirmed: it's helicopter time.
>>272346095>his causeIt was Germany's cause, the cause of his people. He was just a mouthpiece for what the majority of his folk were feeling, including the police/military and other public officials. Try that shit now in the US and you'd be surprised how many would follow. You need succinct rhetoric though not convoluted with all this schizophrenic bullshit. You need to speak only truth.
>>272345867He was a banker's son and used as a frontman for a fake uprising.
I mean for fucks sake. How do you retards not know about the Beer Hall Putsch in 1923. He was convicted of Treason and sentenced to 5 years in prison. He got out after 9 months because the Judge was enamored by him, and the publicity his trial gained gave him a massive boost through being in the national spotlight.So many fucking retards spouting absolute bullshit.
>>272354708BLM would be more like the communist militia, commies would sabotage other parties' meetings and that's why SA was created to provide security. Formally they were gymnastics group of the party or something and they didn't use guns to be considered paramilitary. Even the SS started as SaalSchutz to guard meetings.
>>272356256No, his father was a customs inspector in Austria at Braunau am Inn. A low level one at that, because he did not have a degree.
>>272346882This is the part where you realize that American freedom is a lie and that, in general, people in the past had far more freedom from their government than we do today, as long as they were citizens. You can go through history and find brief moments of authoritarianism, and they stand out as massively alien to the world around them. In general, the state was almost purely focused on warfare, so anything that didn’t affect war readiness was permissible. In the 1800s you have the state expanding to take care of things like universal education, pensions, and labor protection, at the same time as entire populations are receiving the rights of citizens. Still, that was reflected in higher taxes, not this kind of stifling totalitarianism. Almost the entirety of the post war system exists explicitly to prevent anyone from doing what Hitler did. If it seems incomprehensible that he could, that’s because his government didn’t exist for the explicit purpose of stopping him.
The SA was never meant to be a private militia or an "army", thats all bolshevik and allied propaganda, it was actually set up as a mass movement for national socialism, think of BLM and their party being the Democrats.
>>272357172Hitler WAS arrested for TREASON in 1923. For fucks sake.
>>272357355And released after less than a year, what’s your point?
>>272357439and why was he released so early?Because his arguments though legally weak resonated with the Judge, and the people.
>>272357330>continuedgo read Mein Kampf, Hitlers literally lays out his intentions for the SA, being that they box and practice Jujutsu not to pick up arms and fight the government.
>>272357524And if a white nationalist got arrested today for... anything, let alone something like the putsch, do you think that would happen? You seem convinced that knowing Hitler was imprisoned is some secret information, calm down.
>>272345867>enforce lawsSa was committing crimes left and right. They were literally street thugs.
>>272345867Hitler was a Jew. All part of providing an excuse to give them Israel. Houdini my niggas, misdirection and faggotry
>>272357694I was the first person in this thread to even mention the putsch. In a topic be a faggot OP who can't fathom how Hitler got his message out, when his Trial for Treason is what got the word out nation wide.So, how about Clive Bundy?
>>272354577this sounds inherently self contradictory
>>272346170i dunno there's a whole bunch of people that openly call themselves a violent revolutionary army and they don't get thrown in prison or really face any consequences
>>272356874this. I read an old finnish newspaper article of hitler from 1936 and it was talking about how commies have always been same kind of faggots. It mentioned 200 commies would come and disturb the meeting and 50 or so SA BVLLS would make them run so hitler could continue his speech.History is literally repeating itself, having been digging through old newspapers archives i can say with confidence that usa niggers have been always niggering, enough to be featured in news a hundred of years ago in finland, and commies have been commies ever since jews invented them. At least every week there would be a mention on papers how commies are causing uprest. They've merely changed name to antifa and blm. If you think we are in the worst era of faggotry right now just wait, it will get much worse and nobody will do anything until it does.
>>272345867with his jewish connections, of course
>>272347855well we are going down that path
>>272355049Our countries are far, far worse than the Weimar ever could be.The deceitful comfort is insidious.
>>272345867>Can someone explain why, before Hitler was elected, and was essentially a nobody, he had his own private paramilitary force of 200,000 men (The S.A.), which he used around the country to fight communism and enforce laws, despite holding no public office, and the government and police was just cool with that?
>>272345867>>272345985He had what is called tacit approval from the government, until he became it. This is what we need. Once Chauvin walks, cops will feel free. They cant make a zimmerman out of all of us or a Chauvin out of every cop. THAT is when we will start seeing dividends.
>>272345867Massive unemployment and an entire generation of war veterans
>>272351552sauce? He was unemployed bc he refused to join commie worker unions and army was abolished.
>>272358273It's gonna keep happening as long as the jews can keep jewing.