Ex-Trans Here, Pol/ Saved my Life

I was full time Trans, Hormones, Boobs, you name it. Came here to see what the fuss was all about and started to question everything. My conscious was never right with my Transition, suicidal thoughts of guilt/self hate, and perverted sex life, so as I read more, I found out about Meds that Helped, successfully detranstioned, and for the first time in my life feel whole.Still voting trump as well

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Other urls found in this thread:


kill yourself

>>272345484fpbp /thread

>>272345365Transgenderism can also be cured with a rope and gravity faggot

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>>272345484nah, im happy now, and if i can help at least one person detransition then its all worth it. You're just mad about their being a cure. Cope

>>272345365welcome back

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>>272345365Wow imagine that. Sinning and obeying Satan makes you sad. DUH!

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>>272345569we all end up in the same pine box leaf

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>>272345365So what did you take?

>>272345639Do you still have a penis or did you split it?

This study was on 1 person. I wish it works but it would have to be replicated at least in a group of people



>>272345647having to climb a step for each of my sins to enter the great afterlife puts me in a real horror desu

>>272345732still have it, thankfully.


>>272345365do you still have your balls n peen

trannies should be gassed with jews and black and brown eu invaders. the list is longer but thats a start

>>272346052yes I do, but sadly also a B-Cup I have to hide

>>272346338what if I apologize and ask for a second chance? Is there no redemption?

>>272345834Pimozide>This medication is used to reduce uncontrolled movements (motor tics) or outbursts of words/sounds (vocal tics) caused by Tourette syndrome. Pimozide is a medication that works by decreasing the activity of a natural substance (dopamine) in the brain.>Pimozide should not be used for mild symptoms. It should only be used if symptoms cause severe problems in everyday life and other medicines or treatments have not been effective.This lends some credence to the idea that body dysphoria/trans urges come from screwed up dopamine receptors. Too much porn, trauma, and over-active brain activity can do a number on your body and mind. Has there been any studies that specifically look into serotonin and dopamine receptors in trans pepole? This actually could be big if all it takes to stop gender dysphoria is a dopamine suppressant or similar drug. It would also create a rush to see if homosexuality can be cured with similiar therapy.Imagine, a world where the whole spectrum of LGBTQ+ can actually be cured and experience life as normal human beings again.

>>272345889Ok Kayla

>>272345365There is still hope for you OP spread the red pill.deus vult

>>272345365What meds? Have a friend who is considering HRT and I am trying to convince them to not do it.

>>272345889Ever fuck a post-op person OP? What are these delusional inner circles like? See any trends in the daily habits of these groups, like occult worship, odd clubs, and other high profile groups.

>>272346388Gynecomastia surgery bro. It's expensive but worth it(I paid around $4,000 for mine). Had a hormone problem as a kid, got bitch tits. Got them cut out before college. Just keep /fit/ and you'll look like a normal dude.

>>272346553>This lends some credence to the idea that body dysphoria/trans urges come from screwed up dopamine receptors. Too much porn, trauma, and over-active brain activity can do a number on your body and mind.all of those things only hastened the lifestyle for me. I was also molested as a kid by an uncle, and that fucked me up for life as well, so all of those things combined...being trans is a cursemot sure about the serotonin/dopamine receptors studies, but detransioning is growing:www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/world/2019/october/a-tidal-wave-of-transgender-regret-for-hundreds-of-people-they-dont-feel-better-for-it

>>272346553Pimozide does nothing for actual gender dysphoria. Because the very concept of gender dysphoria is that you have a female brain in a male body. The problem is that the US definition of gender dysphoria is the same as drag queens and because there's profit to be made from chopping cocks, selling estrogen etc, the US jumped on this shit like they did with mass prescribing ritalin and other drugs to kids. There's legitimate GD cases out there but they sure as hell aren't as simple as being told by a psychologist that you have a feminine brain pattern due to liking cocks.

it is important to keep in mind that you never did "trans" into the opposite gender. you were born a male, suffered a mental illness that manifested as affecting the looks and mannerisms of the opposite sex, and then you overcame this (good for you).I just write this because I find it really silly reading people refer to themselves as "mtftm", as if they actually were the opposite sex at one point.

>>272346426Read Romans and the New Testament in general if you haven’t. Salvation is for everyone who has faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

>>272346651its called pimozide, but good luck trying to find a therapist who will cooperate, they've been all programmed to play along with your mental illness and transition you. I lucked out though

>>272345365Good luck user. Thank christ you found out the truth before you did far more harm to your body

>>272345365It works for you OP but not the more extreme cases; your gender dysphoria was less than many others if what you say is true--if you say you're cured.

>>272346711>Ever fuck a post-op person OP?no, i was usually the bottom and men only or other trans>See any trends in the daily habits of these groups, like occult worship, odd clubs, and other high profile groups.just how fast all the SJW stuff blew up. I liked it better when we were all closeted and had our secret realms, now its too nuts.

>>272345365Would you ever shrink yourself and enjoy the big women?

>>272347131>your gender dysphoria was less than many others if what you say is true--it was really bad, so bad that i went through all the hormones, painfil electrolysis, lost friends/family for it, etc. Once I transitioned though it did not complete my and felt fake and weighed heavy on my conscience.

>>272346860>I was also molested as a kid by an uncleA common story among many LGBTQ+. I'm sorry that happened to you, and furious that "advocates" conveniently ignore the abuse that many people like you have been through.>that fucked me up for lifeDon't EVER say that about yourself. Yes, you were in a bad place but you are not fucked for life.I was born underweight to drug addict parents, had fucked up manboobs as a kid, ADHD, and was a NEET growing up. I had to deal with each and every little thing but the struggle made it worth while. I'm proud of every mistake, bruise, fuck-up, and painful story, because I'm stronger as a man now. Everything that comes after what I've been through, will be hard but easier to deal with because of what I've gone through.Hold your head up high! You've survived this long and you'll beat each and every one of your demons. Just take them on one at a time. The fact that you've found something that worked for being trans where hundreds of "scientists" couldn't figure it out? That's a fucking miracle in and of itself.There needs to be more studies on this, you should be talking to ex-trans people and spreading the world among Christian doctors and de-trans advocates. If there is a possibility this can work, it should be used. Too many trans people kill themselves, and many of them are wonderful people who have been tortured and sucked into a sick and perverted ideology.Help your brothers and sisters. Fight for them! I'll damn sure donate to any cause, if you start one.

>>272345365Are you sterile now?

>>272346898kys kike

>>272347498>The fact that you've found something that worked for being trans where hundreds of "scientists" couldn't figure it out? That's a fucking miracle in and of itself.agreed, thanks for the perspective and reminder. I really lucked out>There needs to be more studies on this, you should be talking to ex-trans people and spreading the world among Christian doctors and de-trans advocates. If there is a possibility this can work, it should be used. Too many trans people kill themselves, and many of them are wonderful people who have been tortured and sucked into a sick and perverted ideology.Yeah I want to help, mostly online and to help spread the word. Detransitioning is growing

>>272347498I agreed with you until you said too many trannies are killing themselves, not enough are dying.

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>>272345837hamplanet detected

>>272347815probably, only one way to find out, get a gf and try it

I'm really glad that I'm not mentally ill and recognize my feminization fetish as the fetish it is.

>>272345365Welcome back

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>>272347858>kys kikejust detransition honey, its worth it. By the time you're 30, no one will want you except as a degenerate sex object

>>272345365Good on you. Glad somebody actually decided that playing along with symptoms is not the correct treatment.

>>272348071thanks fren

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>>272345365>govt gayray

>gives med to a retarded downs syndrome man who thinks theyre trans>their trans thoughts go awayI'm a 130 iq tranny go kys faggot, nothing works if you have a bad case of gender dysphoria, except for hormones.

>>272347248so you just a normal fag again?

>>272347960You can go to a doctor to do a sperm count and measure hormone levels.

>>272345365Good job. Here, have my favorite copypasta.Reminder that trannies are just cultists. If people were allowed to live as their true selves, as either tomboys or femboys, they would be healthy and happy. Unfortunately, sometimes they get groomed into thinking they have problems that don't exist and that it can only be "treated" with drugs and bodily mutilation. But in reality, no one is ever happy when they "transition". It's just a meme that ruins lives. The tranny fad needs to die and people need to start accepting and loving themselves for who they really are. Natural traps and tomboys who don't get tricked into taking damaging hormones or getting heinous surgeries are always a million times happier and more attractive than these tranny abominations. If you support or enable trannies in any way, you are not a good person. You are part of the problem. Trannies are an active death cult that recruits through bullying, gaslighting and harassment. They go out of their way to make people feel uncomfortable with their true selves so that they feel more dependent upon the tranny cult and its backhanded encouragement. If you have any love for tomboys or androgynous men, or if you just don't like seeing people get hurt, it's your job to speak out against trannyism and point out the damage it causes. It's not a real sexuality. It's not a real identity. It's not even a real mental illness. It's simply a dangerous fad started by fetishists and enabled by politically obsessed sycophants, and it needs to be stopped before more people ruin their bodies and their lives.

Wow OP amazing story that's not a LARP. A thread died for this

>>272347911They're still people. And unfortunately, those who commit suicide can't give their life to someone who really deserves to live.So we fight for everyone. The alternative is being a monster. And while I may be mean on occasion, I'm not a monster. I've had friends who were straight end their own lives because of crippling depression or because they had a relationship end in a nasty way. One kid in school did it because his dad would beat the shit out of him almost every day and the school didn't give a shit because he came from a poor redneck family. I miss him. A lot. He was a cool kid, and tried not to let the fact that he came from poor trash get him down. We never made fun of him for it but, we didn't "pity" him either. He was just a bro to us.

>>272347248Would you ever shrink yourself and enjoy the big women?

>>272347497Your testimony doesn't represent other trans people. You're making the common mistake of abandoning one extreme and falling into its opposite extreme.The truth is some people live better lives when they transition, and some don't, like yourself, but it depends on many factors that no one, not even science can truly detect, because people are different in so many ways--physically, mentally, emotionally, and they have different experiences in their formative years that shape the way their body and mind works--it's complicated; the truth is that the future will continue to have people successfully transitioning and successfully detransitioning, because the reality is humans are complex creatures where one solution doesn't help everyone, like you and so many people mistakenly believe.

>>272345365youre preaching to the choir my friend, we all know why people are trans, we all know they are weak willed spineless collectivists , we all know they are mentally ill soulless sexual freaks, we all know they are suggestible easy manipulated sheep, we all know they are void of responsibility, victim filled , predominantly white deviants who are un-able to reconcile with something within themselves.we all know.

>>272347960You should find out. As long as you can't proliferate this profound mental illness to some poor child you're alright in my book. If you aren't sterile please get a vasectomy.

>>272348368feminization tips for a non-trans?

>>272348368lol Philip is that you?

>>272348869Tweeze and wear light makeup

>>272348368>I'm a 130 iq tranny go kys faggot, nothing works if you have a bad case of gender dysphoria, except for hormones.you're so far deep down the cognitive dissonance hole, and the high IQ - sociopathy, so nothing anyone says will ever be good enough, and you god-disso continues trucking down the dark alleys of degenerate behavior because of course its time to get wreck by BBC and also start incorporating drugs use cause it feels better. You will be ded internally 0-60 to real quick. For me I was at least willing to try and it helped me

>>272349100I am not so good at the light makeup part. I have a heavy hand. Only wear it in the bedroom but I want it to look good! And tweeze? Like my eyebrows?

>>272348368There's no such thing as gender dysphoria. It's been debunked.

>>272347498GrossGross post.

>>272348869Stay thin, learn how to apply makeup and grow your hair out. Avoid HRT and estrogen at ALL COSTS. It's pure ugly poison. It causes acne, wrinkles and early aging. It'll also make you fat as fuck.

This is incorrect. As someone that lived through 1996 I can unequivocally tell you that the advent of the internet and internet chat relay meant that you could be a girl on the internet.The aspect of being able to role play whatever you want; in an environment that everyone implicitly believed was accurate and factual... is practically indescribable.People really would believe that you were a girl and would engage you as such. It made being able to 'develop' that type of personality possible for many individuals.

>>272348849>You should find out. As long as you can't proliferate this profound mental illness to some poor child you're alright in my book.thats what scares me honestly, I wouldnt wish this trans curse on anyone. I just wouldnt to be a normal gut, and then had to deal with a mental illness that all the docs say is fine as long as you take these shots and start acting like a girl


It's a shame it's too late to fuck you in the ass.

>>272345365Do you think porno played a large role? I ask because EVERY child molester or drag queen you hear started out as "just being gay" and eventually they needed are harder taboo to break to get the same fix, or amount of dopamine to their brain. It makes sense considering how decades ago, older, sexually active men used to look down porno and call it "fag training" there does seem to be much truth to it when looked at in that light.

>>272348486Kill yourself tranny.

>>272349296>272348368Oh, this is just fetish shit for me and the wife and any man she decides to pull in for me. I ain't trying to feminize as a lifestyle.

>>272345365the greatest whitepill

>>272345639Try to contact Benjamin Boyce. Get interviewed by him. He's one of the liberal cucks who realized the modern left is completely insane and has been cataloging it, detransition is one of the subjects he is into.

>>272349214Get a fucking grip man, what the fuck are you doing

>>272349413>Do you think porno played a large role?1000000% yes, when I saw tran pron for the first time, I immediately would identify that the trans was me, and would project myself into the actress. That started to grow stronger, magnify as I beat off to thoughts of myself like that, I think there is some occult stuff going on too because you empower what you think about with sexual energy, and that from that point on it completely encompassed all my future goals to be a trans and experience trans sex

>>272349423I'm not a tranny. I just lived long enough--but mostly paid careful attention to the signs--to see the pattern that one day you'll see too. Trans people are here to stay because they existed for thousands of years, but were mostlt not identified.

>>272345365Stop taking your meds.

>>272349668>insane people have always been aroundduhthat's not a good thing

we gonna make it senpai

>>272349635Getting my rocks off (or not, as Mistress chooses). Got a problem with it?

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>>272345834>Aussies cure trannies in the 80s Welcome cunts

>>272349742>that's not a good thingeveryone on earth is various degrees of insane, this fucked up world makes it so

>>272349742sissy fembois make my dick diamondsmy dick being diamonds is a good thingergo crazy people are a good thing

>>272349742What's good? Social issues not being addressed? The western world has embraced transgender people, wake up or maybe you're insane, because you're unable to accept the truth. Welcome to reality--it hurts.

>>272346553Dude, if you actually read the study they never called this legitimate gender dysphoria. The abstract calls it doubtful and the full study talks about pseudo-gender dysphoric symptoms. The guy had schizophrenia and that's why a drug for schizophrenia helped.

>>272348430yepmost people at some point do thought experiments about the opposite sexmost people are not happy with their own bodiesit's also not hard to push some confused people down the wrong paths, particularly in all the ways you mentioned

>>272345365don't fucking marry and have a family. Find solace as who you are as a man and embrace the bachelor life. Even the potential of that ever reoccurring is an abominable chance no wife nor child should ever ever deal with in their father.

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>>272350011>The western world has embraced transgender peopleto be honest, its mostly fear based. People accepted me because its what the Hive mind is supposed to do, but behind closed doors and when they think we cant hear them, its a completely different story

>>272345365You made the right choice.

>>272345365what meds u fucking jew

>>272350177pimozide 2mg daily

>>272345365I'm happy for you, OP.Holla Forums is maybe the only place on earth that promotes self-improvement by telling you to kill yourself.

>>272350156Keep telling yourself that, till you can't when your near future is a world that embraces trans people.

>>272349668>Trans people are here to stay because they existed for thousands of yearsNo, they didn't. This is a complete and utter lie. Trannies are a modern fad, and they will die out very soon. It's not legitimate in any way. You do not have a history. You aren't valid.

>>272345706Our bodies do, sure. Our spirits have very different fates, however. You know this deep down. Also:>21 posts by this IDKYS attention whore

>>272345365You're still a fag I bet.


>>272350361yeah, this idiots think that catamites and enuchs for degenerate paedophile aristocrats, and gay uncles who never marry=historic troon. lol

This board doesn't recognize that there are other cures than a bullet.

>>272346938Amen!Christ will forgive a sinner if you have faith, love and abide by Him when you repent.

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>>272350472>Our bodies do, sure. Our spirits have very different fates, however. You know this deep down.yeah unfortunately as fucked as this world is, im convinced so is the afterlife, filled with elites which force you to incarnate and then get molested by a family member so you spend you whole life fucked in the head with trans curse.>>272350501>You're still a fag I bet.no, I find women attractive and was with a few while trans, mostly because they were curious.

>>272350660and they knew their place. There was no pronoun bullshit, no "im a girl" delusion

>>272349645>I think there is some occult stuff going on too because you empower what you think about with sexual energyCongratulations user, you solved the puzzleequip.org/article/the-cult-of-cybele/>Cybele, also known as the Great Mother, was worshiped through much of the Hellenistic world. She undoubtedly began as a goddess of nature. Her early worship included orgiastic ceremonies in which her frenzied male worshipers were led to castrate themselves, following which they became “Galli” or eunuch-priests of the goddess. Cybele eventually came to be viewed as the Mother of all gods and the mistress of all life.

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>>272349426You're fine, then. Just work on makeup application and style choices. Really all you need is to stay thin unless you have a specific issue.

>>272350739oh absolutely. But they ain't men either. They're fuckholes. Meat.

>>272350660>Sissy fembois have always existed though.i feel sorry for that femboi, thats how it starts, and then continues accelerating from there. A curse

>>272346426Everyone here has been jewed transformer user. It could be porn, booze, drugs, permavirginity or any combination of the dozens of weapons the yid uses against the goyim.

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>>272345365Hey glad to hear it, man. You made my day.

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>>272350660tranies without tits aren't serous. into the trash it goes.

>>272350660Yeah, and femboys of all types hate trannies with a burning passion. Femboys and traps and the absolute antithesis of trannies. They're polar opposites.

>>272350798well, I think the thinness is the biggest thing to work on then. Wifey usually does the makeup anyway. She knows how she likes it.



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>>272350725>im convinced so is the afterlifeI believe you: you're convinced. That should worry the fuck out of you. You're literally someone who was about to chop their own cock off, and who is admitting this publicly. Your opinion is shit because your brain is fundamentally fucked up. Everything you believe: you should believe the complete opposite, to bring you closer to reality.The first will be last, and the last will be first.


that THING in the picture is just soooo gross

>>272345365Trump is a fag and so are you.

>>272350895Post pics I bet you're cute

>>272345365Good. Wish you all the best.

>>272345639I support your message.

>>272350895Most femboys are smart enough not to fall for the tranny meme. They're usually very comfortable with who they are and never feel the need to destroy themselves. Only suckers who get nabbed by the cult end up destroying themselves.

>>272350896>Everyone here has been jewed transformer user.thanks robocopbro, thats what I figured, everyone is fucked in various ways

>>272345365Honestly. Good for you user. Glad you crawled your way out of the cesspool before it could take your manhood. We will be seeing a full rebellion against trans lead by Eunics in the next, oh 10 to 20 years. Children of parents who treated their gentials like the latest fashionable purse of pet.

>>272345365what happend to your boobs?

>>272350660Eeeugh someone get him in the bath and throw away the stupid sex toys, pretty males always look better when they're not dressed like retards. A dress shirt and slacks, even a fucking hoody not this sissy cancer

>>272350979>I believe you: you're convinced. That should worry the fuck out of you.what worries me more is that a soul is given life in a hellish earth where murderers, rapists, pedos, wars, death, and evil elites all occur globally and daily. We already in a form of hell but convince ourselves otherwise>You're literally someone who was about to chop their own cock off, and who is admitting this publicly. Your opinion is shit because your brain is fundamentally fucked up.wrong, each opinion should be upheld on its own merit, not ad hom attacks>Everything you believe: you should believe the complete opposite, to bring you closer to reality.im not sure which approximation has the best statistics with successfully figuring it all out, id say the buddhists though

>>272351025i was cute, but dont want to doxx myself, plus dont want to revisit

>>272351332>what happend to your boobs?still have B-Cups, I just hide them with a chest compression tank top and baggy tshirts, but if the wind blows hard, Im usually fucked

>>272351461If you were on hormones then you weren't cute. Tranny gut is disgusting, as are tranny moobs. HRT is actual ogre serum.

>>272350361You're wrong. Google the history of transgender people in the past, and read ad much as you can as you lie to yourself it's *all* bullshit because you're close-minded. Go on, look it up--properly educate yourself.>>272350620You too. Do some research--properly educate yourself.

>>272351574i already passed without the hormones, once I started them, everything changed and made me much more passable, also you get addicted to those estrogen shots and witnessing the change, its like a high

>>272351461just block your eyes out then.>>272351368I highly disagree

>>272351680It actually makes you less passable. HRT causes accelerated aging, a fat gut, wrinkles and acne. It's literally the fastest way to make yourself ugly as sin. It's even worse than smoking. Glad you were smart enough to stop taking that shit, but don't pretend that it had benefits. It didn't. There are objectively no benefits. It's nothing bug placebo and lies meant to gaslight you.

>>272345569Rope costs money while gravity via a 10th floor window is free.

>>272351740>just block your eyes out then.no, the point is not to give in the attention seeking and confirmation from stranger. I had all that, and refusing this request is also a major hurdle that shows me I am so much better. Just 2 years ago I would have posted gifs and attention seeking bullshit, now i have peace and see all the tricks

>>272351587You're not valid. Femboys and catamites existed, trannies did not. You don't have a history. And you don't have a future. The tranny fad will die because your ideology is inherently false.

>>272351816>HRT causes accelerated aging, a fat gut, wrinkles and acne. It's literally the fastest way to make yourself ugly as sin. It's even worse than smoking. Glad you were smart enough to stop taking that shit, but don't pretend that it had benefits.none of that happened to me, and all the comments, extra attention I got, the glow my skin had, I turned heads so much more when on the hormones. I even noticed in my female cousins and friends that on certain days when they were ovulating, they would have this heavenly glow and look mesmerizingly attractive compared to normal. Im guessing those effects are for post 30/40 trans

>>272351740>tfw you're fully mentally gay but still prefer cuteness>only choices are faggot bears or sissy fuccboisnot based, sticking with 2D

>>272351926The fact that you still have pictures you /could/ share though...

>>272345365Congrats, bro. Glad you made it, keep going. It takes courage to admit when you're wrong, even moreso when you'd fallen to such depths. Now it's time to bury your past and embrace the future. God bless.

>>272352137>The fact that you still have pictures you /could/ share though...haha, so slick, always probing huh? I tossed all my pics except the "sent" folder in my email from like 3 years ago, still havent purged those yet.

>>272352130Yeah, none of that happened. HRT objectively doesn't do that. You're either lying or you're delusional and can't separate fact from placebo. Why are you trying to gaslight people if you're giving up the tranny life?And yes, all of that did happen to you. EVERY tranny becomes an ugly fat slob after being on HRT for at least a year.

>>272352137Yeah op is fake and gay. Tits or it didn't happen.

>>272346388Tits or gtfo

>>272345365I was good friends for a long time with a VERY masculine guy, but lost touch when he moved away for work. After a few years he contacted me on Facebook... only he had changed his name to a girl name and claimed he was a woman. One of the most masculine-looking young men I had ever seen, now pretending to be a girl... just WHY. The worst part about it was “she” was fully brainwashed by a pack of “friends” and just wasn’t the same person, at all. Politics this, gender that... This shit REALLY changes people. We all change as we grow older, but its like his life spark who made him him had been snuffed out. I have never known another person in my life to become so completely and utterly changed. It seems like a point of no return. I don’t know how the hell you got out of it.

>>272352219thanks fren, im trying and have the benefit of the doubt that at least I try something instead of just giving in to what I always viewed in myself was an mental illness

>>272352264>>272352248Leaf called you fake and gay. Gonna take that?

>>272352311op is a lying sack.

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>>272345484i laughed so hard at this being first post i nearly died when laughing turned to coughing fit. >>272345365if you are those things, do not rely on Holla Forums to boost your ego for improving yourself. just not how it works here.

>>272352259>You're either lying or you're delusional and can't separate fact from placebo.you're crazy, how would you even know unless you tried it? Whats your story, did you buy some fake online peanut oil and not notce any of the effects?>And yes, all of that did happen to you. EVERY tranny becomes an ugly fat slob after being on HRT for at least a year.yes you're right, all of them are non-passable and the hormones never ever work lol

>>272351982Elagabalus, a ROMAN EMPEROR.>The emperor reportedly wore makeup and wigs, preferred to be called a lady and not a lord, and offered vast sums to any physician who could provide him with a vagina.There's more examples through out history. They existed back then, and they exist now in greater numbers. Get use to the pain of dissapointment, because the future isn't going to be what you hopelessly wish for.

>>272352501That's been proven fake. He wasn't a tranny.

>>272345365Good for you.

>>272352311yeah that sux, my story is similar except I had more of soccer player lean body and had a ton of friends in high school, everyone wanted to be around me and I started a big crew of like 30 friends where we throw the dopest parties and got the hottest girl in High School, and yet still fucking cursed with trans feelings. I would have married her and had awesome kids if it wasnt for this curse

>>272345837Only the blood of Jesus can cleanse you of your sins.

>>272352332>Leaf called you fake and gay. Gonna take that?Leafs, shouldnt talk

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>>272352725Op, is still fake and gay. None of the shit you've said makes sense. Fuck off and die.

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>>272352499I know because I've been around enough people before and after they chose to fuck their lives up. It has no positive effects. Everyone who takes hormones gets really fucking ugly. The fact that you're here trying to astroturf for a harmful, purely negative drug proves to me that you're full of shit. You're the same as every other gaslighting cultist. You're the same shithead who tells kids that taking HRT will make their eyes bigger and their feet smaller and turn them into an anime. Fucking kill yourself, you despicable liar.

>>272352872you're clearly a trans in denial

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>>272352872You're completely right. OP is full of shit and not sincere about detransitioning. He's literally trying to groom people in this very thread and turn them into trannies.

>>272352573web.archive.org/web/20070717204538/http://www.symposion.com/ijt/benjamin/appendix_c.htmCan you read? Educate yourself.

>>272352950There's no such thing as an egg, and there's no such thing as trans in denial. "Trans" is not a real sexuality and it's not a real identity. It's a fad.

>>272352950Yeah things are bad here.

>>272352330'Mental illness' is a catch all term. Whether or not you suffer from mental illness, you fell for the lies of modernity, same as anyone else. You've had a harder awakening than most and you should wear it on your sleeve (while not making your sole identity).I never fell that far, but I can empathize. Lately I spend my days working on my interior life, kicking out any old friends who would drag me down with drugs, booze, alcohol, violence, consumerism and degenerate bullshit. Naturally very few are left. I would imagine it's difficult for you to grab a hold onto something that sticks now, too. I've very slowly found new company who are compatible with my intelligence and newly discovered moral values. You'll get things working, just give it plenty of time.

>>272352912>I know because I've been around enough people before and after they chose to fuck their lives up.if you're around ugly ass non passing boomers, of course it wont do shit, but for people who already are close to passing, its a subtle effect but is still potent. Im actually being honest about my meds helping me to detransition and about hormones having an effect, but idagf what you think anyway now that im free

>>272353038I'm extremely educated on history, and Roman history specifically. It was common practice to spread vulgar lies about prior Emperors so that the new Emperor would look good by comparison. Elagabalus was not a tranny and he didn't want a vagina. This is historic fact. You're just a liar.

>>272348437/pol/ shits on single mothers but they are far superior to abusive fathers.Applies to whites only.

>>272351406>each opinion should be upheld on its own meritYes. And your opinion has no merit whatsoever, because it is the result of a faulty brain. The same one that convinced you to chop your dick off. I know you're slow, dipshit, but fuck.>id say the buddhists thoughOf course you would, because you're an indoctrinated liberal dipshit who is just going off the "good vibes" version of Buddhism you dumbfucks fake in the West. You don't know shit about any real religion because you're a mentally ill subhuman degenerate.

>>272345365Testosterone I'm guessing.

>>272345365>>272345834>a gender dysphoric patient>A patientOh so n=1 then? Nice study.

>>272353204Read the entire link, or are you afraid?

>>272353189You're objectively wrong. HRT has no positive effect and no "feminizing" effect whatsoever. It literally just makes you fat, age faster and depressed. Every person who ever goes on hormones gets uglier. Even attractive, passing guys become disgusting slobs after taking hormones. Stop gaslighting people and stop lying. If you were sincere and were the person you say you are you'd be pointing out how HRT does NOTHING except fuck your brain up and make you fat and droopy.

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>>272345365Please tell me that’s you Rich Bitch...

>>272353144>I would imagine it's difficult for you to grab a hold onto something that sticks now, too. I've very slowly found new company who are compatible with my intelligence and newly discovered moral values. You'll get things working, just give it plenty of time.still have some few based family members left, based dog, finding new hobbies, reading pol book recommendations like evola, studying different spiritual paths, going to Uni for Pharmacist, time alone has actually been good for me as well

>>272345365So what are the magic meds ? Need to put them in the water supply .

>>272345365You deserve the rope.

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>>272353332>Yes. And your opinion has no merit whatsoever, because it is the result of a faulty brain.my brain was faulty because of trauma and believing programming. Its not faulty with logic like 2 + 2 = 4>The same one that convinced you to chop your dick off. I know you're slow, dipshit, but fuck.i never went that far dipshit>Of course you would, because you're an indoctrinated liberal dipshit who is just going off the "good vibes" version of Buddhism you dumbfucks fake in the West.Im voting trump and I dont know what ideology I am anymore, I want to find some alt, but im still still studying. Buddhsim only because I dont ever want to come back here again, and I have had a few OBE experiences. I dont care about good vibes, I care about transcending >You don't know shit about any real religion because you're a mentally ill subhuman degenerate.your hatred towards me shows you are also mentally ill. I dont hate you because I see you are also, if you just let go and sip some tea, everything returns to calm

>>272353371>Oh so n=1 then? Nice study.i dont care, I was willing to try anything and everything, and went through like 12 other drugs til I found out about pimozide

>>272345365good for you, keep the good work and take care of yourself.

>>272353454>You're objectively wrong.yes you're right, nice larp jpeg, bought fake online shit

>>272345365Can someone explain what the meds were?

>>272353954pimozide 2mg daily

>>272353948At least you could admit that you're just larping. Now just stop trying to groom kids into taking harmful drugs with no benefit whatsoever.

>>272353476Guenon is great, too. Don't neglect him! And most importantly try not to fall for the latent Nietszcheanism of Evola. I love Evola, but at some point one needs to move beyond his distaste for anything remotely sentimental or plebeian. Guenon understood this better, which is why he spoke more positively (or neutrally, if you prefer) regarding the religious institutions of the West. To discount such traditions when they hold both a regular initiatic form and heritage, in additional to massive institutional bodies which can aid the psycho-spiritual development of any earnest acolyte, IMO far exceeds any criticisms of 'novelty', 'sentimentality', 'mystical-devotional femininity' etc. which Evola and other crypto-Nietszcheans might throw towards them.Cheers!

>>272353814>my brain was faulty because of trauma and believing programming. Its not faulty with logic like 2 + 2 = 4It's still faulty, and the matter at hand is not a matter of simple logic. It's a matter of wisdom, which comes from the soul. You relinquished your soul to the Devil, subhuman degenerate, and thus have no wisdom.>i never went that far dipshitI never said that you did, dipshit.>Im voting trumpLike I said: you're an idiot subhuman Jewslave.>your hatred towards me shows you are also mentally illI don't hate you. I don't feel anything about you. I oppose evil without giving in to hatred. You are objectively evil and stupid. I am merely observing these objective facts because they're relevant. They might even be useful to you, in helping you realize that you're still a deeply evil, attention-seeking subhuman.You think you fit in here but you don't. You've just adapted yourself to the caricature of this place that your former-fellow subhumans instilled in your defective brain.

>>272354079>At least you could admit that you're just larping.im not, im legit ex-trans, would post before/after/after pics, but dont wanna doxx plus about to crash>Now just stop trying to groom kids into taking harmful drugs with no benefit whatsoever.those who still have a grain of sand of conscience left, will see this thread a seed will be planted, but the rest are disconnected from that and will go through with the curse no matter what I say here. They will have to learn to hard way like I did

>>272346898hahaha what a gay fag.


>>272354239>They will have to learn to hard way like I didNo one has to learn that way if you simply stop lying to them. Stop the cycles of abuse. Don't tell them the same lies you were told. Hormones can't make your feet smaller. Stop being fucking ridiculous.

>>272354185>It's still faulty, and the matter at hand is not a matter of simple logic. It's a matter of wisdom, which comes from the soul. You relinquished your soul to the Devil,wrong, I was always still connected to my soul and its what made me want to reject trans life and detransition. You dont know trauma, its deep in your subconscious and its hard to access and expunge, and all your comments are pure assumptions/speculations, mostly wrong>Like I said: you're an idiot subhuman Jewslave.As are you> I oppose evil without giving in to hatred. You are objectively evil and stupid. you dont even know me personally, yet call me that. I would never call someone that unless I got to know all their intricacies of their character. It makes you shallow>I am merely observing these objective facts because they're relevant.Those are subjective opinions>They might even be useful to you, in helping you realize that you're still a deeply evil, attention-seeking subhuman.more speculation/assumptions>You think you fit in here but you don't.I have never fit in anywhere, so that's an excellent compliment, I love not fitting in> You've just adapted yourself to the caricature of this place that your former-fellow subhumans instilled in your defective brain.this is the only place that at least is brutally honest, and Im here for that, but you're not honest, you're delusional

>>272345365Whats sad is that people expect men and women to have totally different emotions, even though we can all feel a very broad spectrum of stuff.

>>272352725That's a big coin...

>>272354501>No one has to learn that way if you simply stop lying to them. Stop the cycles of abuse. Don't tell them the same lies you were told. Hormones can't make your feet smaller. Stop being fucking ridiculous.holy shit, where the fuck did I ever say it will make your feet smaller, lmfao. Like I said, most will do it anyway. I am one tiny voice in a sea of propaganda. I'll be lucky if one person considers not transitioning, and I'll take that as a small victory

Knew a cute girl that decided to transition to male. Luckily only months into it they realized how much they were fucking up and stopped and started de-transitioning before any real damage was done. Now she's essentially a qtpie tomboy.

>>272354686>wrongNo. Right.>You dont know traumaYou don't know anything about me. You're making things up and attributing them to me to bolster yourself psychologically.>you dont even know me personally, yet call me thatI don't need to know you. You posted a direct admission of your own naked evil, retard. No amount of personal information negates that.>Those are subjective opinionsNo. They're objective facts.I love not fitting inBut what you're missing is that we don't want you here. You know whose opinions have value? People who saw through the tranny propaganda from the beginning and never took hormones. You know whose opinion has no value whatsoever? Yours. Your role is to sit back, shut the fuck up, and in 20 years or so if your residual, naked evil has died down, you can reasonably speak again.>you're delusionalYou're just unable to cope with the level of truth I am sending to you because you think of yourself as rehabilitated. What you're going through seems new and clear to you. But those of us who have been around and saw through your bullshit from the beginning have seen 10,000 half-reformed fudgepackers acting exactly like you.

>>272354829All of you trannies tell the same ridiculous lies. In this very thread you said it would make you glow and look like a woman. Both of those are lies. I've seen you fuckers claim it will make your eyes bigger, that it will make your dick bigger, that it will cure depression. All unbelievable horseshit that is contrary to the truth.

>>272346898>Because the very concept of gender dysphoria is that you have a female brain in a male bodySo the very concept of gender dysphoria is pseudoscience at best and an outright religious belief at worst? Thanks for confirmation, I guess.

>>272346426give me a fucking break tell these shit lords to blow it out their fucking ass.Hell is a modern christian corruption.Hell is an english word. When the bible was translated hell didn't mean a place of eternal torture.Helling a potato meant burying a potato.Words it was translated from include ghenna and hades which is the underworld.Our modern concept of hell comes from dante's inferno.You're telling me the ultimate loving being is going to torture people for eternity. Fuck off dumb asses. FUCK ALL OF YOU. YOU GIVE GOD A BAD NAME.You might as well put santa claus in charge of the holocaust.Fucking idiot christians.

I hope you hit the gym and eats lots of protein, also stop taking meds, faggot. If a larp, you are a moron.

>>272345365stop trolling Kayla

>>272345365Watch this lad:youtube.com/watch?v=qDI-VMydFlMIt’s what the Bible says you have to do to go to heaven.

>>272345889that’s gotta be the point of no return

>>272345365Transgerism is based in epigenetics like all mental health issues. I believe them to be undermethylated. Have you considered seeing a doctor that follows the Walsh Protocol and have your methylation checked?

>>272346553Doesn't smoking weed increase dopamine as well?

>>272346950Physician here. Pimozide is used for body dysmorphic disorder. It works wonders for anorexic patients and steroid abusers. It is not a stretch to say that it would work for other dysmorphic disorders. Just dont quote me on that, saying this publicly could be dangerous for my career.

>>272345639>>272345365Good for you.Now LIVE

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>>272345365okIt is now your duty to expose the whole trans agenda/history as the jewish satanic thing that it is

>>272353371That's 1 more than the amount of people who have successfully changed gender

>>272345365Good for you, user. I'm glad you got your shit together before you mutilated yourself.

>>272345365Congratulations OP.

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