How will you react if Trump loses in November?

Will you brush it off? Will it hurt you? Does it make a difference either way? It's not like Trump has accomplished much anyways even when he had a Republican House and Senate.

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Other urls found in this thread:

this chick is so stunning i see her on fox but only noticed her gimpy eye yesterday, fucked me up


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>>272344296I'd be overjoyed, this board would go back to not being a reddit refugee shithole.

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>>272344296I’ll be disappointed but life goes on, what else is there to it?

>>272344465who is she? she looks like she has nice tits.>>272344296It will hurt me, because they will effectively make it illegal to be a white conservative gun owner in this country, and it will have to lead to civil war since all conservatives will move to places that don't enforce those unconstitutional laws and will end up breaking off from rest of the country and the left won't have that.


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>>272344296hard on. ['s harrrrd].

if he loses there will be a coup by the military headed by Q

>>272344296Exactly how the left will react when he wins.

>>272344296My response is >>272344655pic related...just tightened up a 1/5 of this

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>>272344296My NEETbux and unemployment will probably increase.Trunp served his purpose. He was elected by the American people immediately after Obama. That alone speaks volumes about what a nigger America thought he was.

>>272344764This. Trump ruined 4chan.

>>272344296Gamers will rise up.

>>272344764Even for a shill you're fucking stupid. Holla Forums was always shit and it always will be shit. Stick around and you'll understand, newfag.

>>272344789Sandra Smith? She's no Dagen tho.

>>272345104>t. 2016 nu/pol/

>>272345018Yeah. I mean the meme magic in 2016 was hilarious as fuck, but my impression then was that we were all just doing it for the luls. I left here after the elections and was pretty surprised about all the Trump worship when I came back recently. Hes been a do nothing, shit tier President desu

>>272345103SERIOUSLY...if gamers across ALL games got together on a Discord or other VOIP...we could plot the destruction of the US with almost NO NSA or FBI interference...Discord servers are awesome for hiding

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>>272344296Id be glad, bantz here will significantly improve>>272344764This

With surprise?

>>272344296Seems so unlikely, especially after the VP pick, I haven't given it much thought

>>272344296He won't

>>272344296your poll will get the /pol treatment, and will be of zero statistical worth.u still haven't learned about this? stunning. dim, but stunning in its total size of the confusion about Trump, a man who most voted for since they didn't like the competition, Clinton.Things are looking pretty typical over at the DNC>THEY'RE ALREADY WRITING THEIR OWN VICTORY SPEECHES !it's all over, again. kek

>>272345302>Discord servers are awesome for hidingYes, I hope you and all your cringy friends get together on Discord and supply the feds with lots of evidence that will lock your gay asses away forever

>>272345416I understand /pol the the pressure relief for the people.Almost no government people see it(except the NSA guy who monitors all my post{You deserve a beer bro])...but you feel better saying it.

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>>272344296>How will you react in November if giant rocks fall out of the sky and huge cracks appear in the earth's surface?What is the point of your idiotic hypothetical question?

>>272344296at the very least, not chimping out every weekend for 4 years straight

>>272345508Shhh...we want these script kiddys gone...stop slowing my roll bro

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>>272344296I'll finger my gay butt hole to the poster of Hillary Clinton on my bedroom wall.

>>272344296so its treason, then?

>>272345302Being as you're not an American I think you're safe.

Even though I’m voting for Trump no matter what, I’ll likely make even more money if slow-Joe-and-that-ho were to win.

Personally I will not care. Trump's incompetence has been more aggravating than entertaining. Trump of 2016 election was great but every single day of Trump's presidency has been stupid

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>>272344296I will be glad when he loses. Trump is a cope that makes whites complacent.

>>272344296Get ready to fight I guess.

>>272344296Good question Still voting Trump

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>>272344296Watch millions of liberals slowly realise they are not getting anything beyond legalization of pedophelia and more poverty?

Will be sad, but also happy that the Dems can then be blamed for the coming collapse

>>272344296I’ll play Good Ol’ Rebel all day

>>272344296I'll be upset knowing that the country will burn sooner due to democrats looking the other way when pantifa and the nig nogs loot and destroy property.

>>272345018He ruined a lot more than that. It was very unironic and funny but he's making crazy people go nuts.

>>272344296Do you think she titfucks and sucks the tip during? Asking for a friend.

>>272345203Dagen has my balls singing when ever she speaks.

>>272346730This is happening now, under Trump, anywhere other than a federal building.

>>272344296Have you seen who he's running against?

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>>272346730That's what Trump's doing. Democrats will just tell their prosecutors to follow the law and all of the antifa will be put in prison.

>>272344296I'll complain, but usually accept election results, even if I don't like them. I mean, I'll still try to work against DNC globohomo, but once a president is in, it's not in the states interest to remove them since it makes the country look unstable. Better to grin and bear it, and prepare for the next election.

>>272344296it makes no difference to me who winsif anything I'd be relieved if the democrats win just to stop hearing about trump every 5 seconds. tiiiired of it.also I don't see life being too different with a democrat win - everybody talks a good game during elections but after they win it's just business as usual, whoring out to lobbyists. maybe a few social laws will be enacted here and there but nothing that wouldn't have happened anyway, +/- 2 years.democrats seem very happy about mail in voting so I presume they've rigged it to fuck and back. plus they have the demographic wind at their back. I was surprised when trump won 2016 but I'll be utterly fucking shocked if he wins 2020. if they played fair his chance is at least 50%, but obviously they don't play fair, so it's much much less.

>>272344465>this chick is so stunning i see her on fox but only noticed her gimpy eye yesterdayLook on the bright side. When she is giving you a blowjob she can still look you in the eye with one of hers while she zeros in on licking around the head with her other eye. Never be dismissive of that kind of talent.

>>272344296I'd just shrug it off and move on.

>>272344296I'd go for a mommy gf is she looked like this!

>>272344296I mean, we only voted for Trump just to piss them all off. We got our bang for our buck already. I'd be happy with another 4 years, but it'd be gravy at this point.

>>272347540>Democrats will just tell their prosecutors to follow the law and all of the antifa will be put in prison.this. it's all temporary agitation. all the core democrats care about is power and money and sex, like any politician. it's not in their interest to have an unstable country, long-term. they are only encouraging this shit because it's yet another distraction for trump and his administration to have to deal with / potentially make mistakes with.all the more reason to let them win, because if trump wins again it's going to be endless rioting, more supreme court drama, blah blah. another 4 years of quagmire. UNLESS trump & co have the balls to involve the military, which would be great but I just don't see it.inb4>oh so you should just let people throw tantrums and get their way?until better strategies are discovered, sure. we haven't figured out how to deal with the left effectively, and they control almost every institution at this point. short of a military coup nobody seems to have any workable ideas. shitposting on 4chan while losing access to every other major platform? yeah, SUPER effective

>>272345300OK Chang

>>272344296Melania is BIDEN her time. ;-P

>>272344296I'll go meh, life goes on. You can't let things like this run your life.

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>>272344465I'd gimp the shit out of her eye

>>272344296You ought to worry (or not) what will happen when the liberal left loses again. They are not going to accept losing and the Chicago/Portland will look like small potatoes.

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Maybe this place can cease being an echo chamber for conservatism and have some diversity of thought and view again, or at least be able to discuss political topics without only one single worldview being acceptable. Holla Forums has always been pretty shit, but the Trump era is truly the worst fucking hellscape of anti-intellectualism. It's basically become >>>/x/ lite. It's also going to be very satisfying to see the reaction of the die-hard Trumpies on this board if he loses, the denial of reality, retreat to conspiracies and the moving of goalposts to defend donnie will be pretty fun to watch. The truth of the matter is the Trumptards here have become WAY too invested in Trumpism as a political identity. You have people that have made their entire personalities based around Trump and their adoration and affection for this "owning the libs" mentality of hyper contrarianism and lack of critical thinking skills. I'm just so tired of it, I'm tired of this retarded ass cult of personality here with Trump, I don't even care about conservatism in general. Fine, if people what to be conservative, by all means go right ahead, but do it in a non-retarded, non-cult like manner for fuck sake. Why the fuck did people decide to get so emotionally invested in this fucking douchebag? I'll just never understand it, truly. I listen to this retard speak every day at his retarded press briefings and am stunned that anyone can have any level of affection or admiration towards this narcissistic, bumbling douchebag. It's the kind of shit that happens when you're eternally stuck at the developmental level of a middle-school child, never truly progressing into adulthood or adult mannerisms or thinking skills. People look at this same orange fucking douche and see a brilliant master troll or something, not the low IQ, dunning-kruger, incompetent moron that knows about 100 words mostly tremendous and witch hunt. By the way, still voting for biden.

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>>272344296I'll keep resetting the timeline until I get the result I want

The left will be emboldened for being on the right side of history. They will immediately start putting anybody that can't recite the 99 genders but a microaggression ain't one into gulags.

>>272346730It's funny, because you Trumphats can't seem to realize that it's happening under Trump's watch, under his administration, yet you're still blaming Democrats for everything happening under Trump. I mean you're whining and crying about looting and Riots and saying it's going to be like that under Democrats when it's like that under Trump right fucking now you stupid twat. How fucking dense are you Trumptards?

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Nothing. I am sure if Trumps loses there will be no abnormalities in the voting. No oh we found 350k votes from butt fuck no where Wisconsin in a van that sunk in a pond. We have to count them! Nope. It will all be above board. I will accept the results, Agent.

>>272344296>Will you brush it off? Will it hurt you? Does it make a difference either way?Yes, no and no. The best part about living in the first world an not being American is the ability to watch this shit show happen right in-front of you, but still be not directly involved in how it plays out. Super comfy.

>>272344296It wont even be close ,camel will be handing out BJs like it new years eve.

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>>272349777> Maybe people will finally listen to my shitty opinions

>>272344296a democrat getting elected might actually slow done some of the insane leftist rhetoric when they realize biden /kamala aren't going to transform the US into a socialist tranny state it will probably lead to them eating themselves like usually

>>272349934Nigger, if I thought you weren't actually a low IQ nigger I'd waste the time destroying this stupid fucking statement. But you are a brainless nog and it's 2 am. I have work in 4 hours. Just know you are one stupid nigger.

>>272350322seething little trump tranny\Dilate.

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>>272344296He is going to win, but even if he doesn't I don't see a way Court Reference 800 Million only thing thats worth a fuck is that we can share information still.Interview - History BookThe Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation by George Carey & Inez

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>>272344296In a woodsOff gridTotal 3%erI will no long seek meaning in how I have lived my life but in the manner of my death.

I bet 5k on Trump winningfree money

>>272344296That's nice. Still Voting Trump, faggot.

>>272345300- Chinese bug slave

>>272351318What do you win?Thinking about it as well

>>272344296>Does it make a difference either way?No. National elections are predetermined well in advance.

>>272351877right now on Bovada Trump is +135 so for a 5k bet, winnings would be 6750 vs 3125 for Biden at -160I actually think those odds will get better for Trump as the media keep pushing Joe and Kamala even harder, so I'm waiting a little longer before I actually place the bet.

I genuinely believed and still believe that Trump was the last chance for the West. That 2016 was the make or break moment, if he lost that then (((they))) would blatantly enact unthinkable laws to prevent any form of nationalism popping up. Trump won and and right-wing movements gained traction in the time following... But Trump didn't make those arrests, he didn't unmask the villains and he didn't go FAR enough. He really needed to be radical, he wasn't.Now the worldwide nationalist movements have lost steam, and the establishment are preparing to sweep off his legacy like nothing and resume consolidating their power.He has to win but really, this election shouldn't have been important if he played his role and we can't be sure that he will do that if given a second term.

>>272344296I wont necessarily be happy, but I'm not gonna be screaming or some shit. Better Trump than Biden I think.

>>272344296he'll probably win but if not, i won't give a shit, i'm nearly done with politics and this fucking board

>>272352475>Unironically believing a fat reality TV star who has family ties to Israel is the savior of the west.JFL.

>>272344296He already lost, so I don't have to wait. He should lose, everyone is better off with him losing

>>272344296He won't.

>>272344296Can't wait

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>>272344296me pic related

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>>272344296He won't lose. We've re-elected him already.


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trump is anointed of god. you watch

I swear i could spit you retards in the faceand you'd say "It's raining"jesus christ...

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>>272344296Poo poo pee pee my big boy diaper

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>>272344296Im not sure, Trump has been a real incompetent fuck for the past 4 months sacrificing our rights in hopes of getting re elected. On the other hand, Biden will just continue the suffering for 4 whole years.

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>>272344764no it wont this board will be outlawed and you will be doxed and go to jail you fucking nazi dipshit.

>>272344296Who’s she?

>>272344296Excuse me miss, my eyes are up here

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>>272344296Im planning to move to Finland. I think they will start preventing escape by the US via virus travel bans or something and come November it will be too late to leave as they ratchet up and prepare the populace for violence on whites

In the unlikely event that Biden wins, 2020 will last four years.

>>272345300Good shill post shill, subtle


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>>272346350heres a good point. liberals will quickly

I'm just sick of the anti-Trump spam and bait threads. They are far worse than anything even remotely close to "Trump worship", which basically stays in the general unless some event happens.The MIGA Trumptard IT'SREALLYOVER threads are just an absolute headache. There are even constant threads complaining about /ptg/. Who fucking cares? No one complains about kraut/pol/, aus/pol/, brit/pol/, /cvg/ and various other event or region related threads. I don't fucking understand how anons say there's "Trump worship" on this board, because for the past year it has been an avalanche of the opposite. They're not even fun shitposting, it's just shit.My reaction will be I fucking hope that either the spam will die out and wait for the inevitable banning and removal of 4chan once dems get into power.

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>>272356687You really shouldn't. Finland is an absolute commie shithole and finns are the most retarded subhumans in scandinavia. Finns have never achieved anything and never will, they're pretty much northern aboriginals. I will never forgive swedes for not genociding finns when they had a chance.

>>272344296Biden is boring as shit, will make America boring as shit and full aids.At least Trump pisses the right people off, that counts for a lot. Even those cucked republican niggers get butt hurt fucking mittens and trucon warmongering fuckwits.

>>272344296Maybe (if we lose) we can run a 3 year long Russia investigation into Biden and his team to undermine his presidency and print lie after lie about him in the media.

>>272344764This site was a reddit refugee shithole the instant that site popped up you newfag

>>272344296Just one thing, he had Speaker Paul "Eddie Munster" Ryan in the canoe, paddling in the opposite direction.Loses the House, Ryan retires Jan.2019 as the scurvy crew was sworn in: "My work is finished here."The last two years have been pure malice from them.

Going to shitpost hard hopefully scaring off all the Trump boomers and faggots that blew in, in 2016 maybe a induce a few an heros otherwise drink and be merry.

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