He talks a good game some times but the election season proves he's just a generic Faux News GOP shill.Look at this video for example. The same old forced gormless facial expression, fake outrage 'omg kamala harris could be running the country!!' to rile up his sheep audience into voting for team red like good little drones.It's all so very transparent. There is nothing 'based and redpilled' about voting for the Republican party or the Democratic party. They are the UNIPARTY. Whoever you vote for the same thing gets in. This is something that used to be common knowledge here before 2016 fucked it all up and set everyone back to square one.youtube.com
Anyone else finished with Tucker Carlson these days?
Other urls found in this thread:
>>272342960go to bed kid
This tactic wont work Biden shillBiden wants to send niggers to the suburbs. That's all you need to know to know Trump is a better choice.
>>272342960dilate. here's your (You).
Was finished with him back in the 2000s when he shilled for Iraq. btw his daddy is a CIA glow nigger.
>>272342960>1 post by this ID
>>272342960If you are an American its got to be nice to have some intelligent, successful, charismatic and funny white man fighting for the rights of your people on prime time. Its fucked up how america got down the drain this fucking hard. Fuck, i live in a third world shit-hole and its painful to see the first world trying to be like the third world.
>>272342960Yeah, he's copying out of the old paleocon playbook. Criticize the GOP constantly until election season and then endorse the Republicans. Completely useless strategy if you actually intend to change the republican party.
>>272343119>Biden shillExactly the kind of stupid reply I mentioned. You didn't read this part of my post.> There is nothing 'based and redpilled' about voting for the Republican party or the Democratic party. They are the UNIPARTY. Whoever you vote for the same thing gets in. This is something that used to be common knowledge here before 2016 fucked it all up and set everyone back to square one.You cannot deny this fact. If you vote for either of these puppets you are part of the problem.Tucker loses any 'anti establishment' credibility he ever had by making generic propaganda videos like the one I linked.
>>272342960If biden wins tuckers ratings will double
Tucker is ramping it up. Dropped mega red pills on Terrorist Marxist running the funding wing of BLM and the fentanyl content in George Floyd's blood being a lethal dose>The kike overlords will remove him within the year
lost some of his edge after his based writer got fired but still better than hannity or anyone else on fox
>>272343393It's the same thing that other supposedly 'anti establishment' people do. Noam Chomsky for example coming out every 4 years to say 'vote for the lesser of two evils'. This has been going on for years and years and look where it's got everyone.Apparently everyone is incapable of realizing that voting for the 'lesser evil' isn't working.
>>272343430>meme flag niggerkill yourself, you dirty ape
>>272342960eat a dick faggot. tucker believes everything i did 15 years ago. now im a fascist.
>>272342960The only way tucker could be more based is if he had a dog named blondie. Dil8 tranny. And sage
>>272343430Trump is not a Republican, just ask John "cuck" Kasik and Mitt "muhconscience" Romney
>>272342960You forgot to whinge and cry about the jooz oppressing you with their meanie-head racism, fucking faggot.
>>272343330The GOP strategy is currently attacking Biden for being harsh on crime back in the 90s. Maybe this is one of Kushner's amazing ideas. In any case it just proves how stupid this circus has become.>>272343553Not an argument.
>>272343119Suburban whites should be forced to live with niggers. They say they support BLM and things like that, so it's time for them to stop virtue signalling and start bearing the costs of the shitlib policies they want to impose on everyone else.
i was done with him when his Nazi incel top writer was outed. i mean, have we ever heard Tucker speak for himself? I just realized he was a total corporate puppet who just read a teleprompter.
>>272342960Nice try Salonstill voting Trump
>>272342960I hear you. He's a civnat multiculturalist who can barley and reluctantly bring himself to identify with whites or give them any credit. Talks about western civilization being our birthright then says shit like all americans of all races when theres really only one race that cares about preserving western civilization. He's also said identity politics is bad even though that's how democracy works and narutal law and order. Hes a talking head. Nothing more.
>>272343647you have no argument to exist
>>272343612>Trump is not a RepublicanThat was a 2016 line, these days he routinely brags about having 95% approval in the GOP.If 95% of the GOP loves him and he is a Republican POTUS then I'd say that makes him a Republican. He only had a hostile congress back when Bannon and co were on board.
>>272343684Only the Washinton suburb megaCucks
>>272343126I think you meant (him)
>>272343647Republicans can't campaign on their actual platform of flooding the country with cheap labor for the chamber of commerce while printing trillions more dollars to give to the top 1%. So they have to use these fake culture war issues and gotchas
You're right, I am Hanging with Hawkins now. Howie Hawkins 2020!
>>272343430They were uniparty until 2016 u cock sucking homofag. We are literally moving towards facism and your chimpouts and rioting are only accelerating it. So thanks i guess
>>272343430Biden shills have been larping as right wing encouraging abstaining from voting or voting Joe for "accelerationism" for months on here. Dont think we dont know your game kike meme flag.
>>272342960Id rather watch him than those cum guzzlers on CNN
>>272343070OP is a faggot and lil’ AOC is a cute! A CUTE. :3
>>272343995The white professional class, who inhabit middle and upper middle class suburbs, are majority Democrat. And the ones who are conservative are Romney tier conservatives. Niggers should be shipped directly into the wealthiest suburbs.
>>272343841Ad hominem.>>272343643>You forgot to whinge and cry about the jooz Where did you get any of that in my post?>>272344145>. We are literally moving towards facismLel, absolute bullshit. For better or worse Trump is an extremely weak President, regardless of the leftist hysteria about him. Bush sent in federal troops to hassle rioters back in the day for example after a short amount of time and they were extremely tough on them too. By your logic America was 'moving towards facism' back then.Trump is realistically the GOP version of Carter in terms of what he's done. The only difference is the media controls the mind, so the hysterics about him plays both sides.>>272344203I've been pointing out that voting is a meme for years and years. Anyone who didn't figure this out a long time ago is a lost cause.Trump doesn't need to achieve anything because he knows his base worship him. If he thought he might get voted out then he'd feel the pressure to deliver more, in theory.
>>272342960Hes controlled opposition. CIA + Old money family. Hes Anderson Cooper but for the right. Both are Mockingbirds
Still voting Trump
>>272342960>'omg kamala harris could be running the country!!'That’s a very real concern with 77 year-old Sundowner Joe, and anyone with half a brain knew his VP pick would be significant for that reason as soon as he became the Democrat frontrunner
OP's using a fag flag to hide his Israeli IP. Tucker routinely criticizes Republicans for shitting on their own constituents. Suggesting that criticism of Kamala Harris is tantamount to shilling for Republicans is itself low-grsde shilling.
>>272342960>gormlessHi lefty shill
>>272344463Were bushed hands tied with an upcoming election and insanely hostile media? U think trumps gonna let that shit fly after nov 3? Lel
I mean the show is entertaining but fix news is garbage, you cannot trust ANY of the msm. Tucker doesn't even write the things he says, he's just a talking head, and they wouldn't even back up their writer they ditched for wrong think.
>>272342960>gormlessHow much college debt are you in for that degree you use to write online opinion articles for free? Or are you up to 2 cents per word? I bet you wear retarded huge “smart” glasses and are an unfuckable fatass, too.
Tucker is an enemy agent, his goal is to make every right-winger look like a dumb fuck Neo-Nazi and scare away moderates.
>>272344463>Trump is realistically the GOP version of Carter in terms of what he's done.I agree with this, the issue is, no only the media, but the year upon year of ideology pressure from all posible places and the mediocre way of government coming from the Obama times, basically made weak candidates an standard now days, even Ted Cruz used to be in the weak side of the GOP, now seems as a really strong figure.this -maybe- adds more sense to the "good time makes weak people"
>>272342960As he should. Shit may not make a big difference, but I'd rather have things incrementally heading toward my end goal.
>>272344860Well he was a Republican so yes, the media didn't like him.>U think trumps gonna let that shit fly after nov 3? LelYes. Trump is a blowhard. He will tweet 'law and order' 200000 times.
>>272343210Why do faggots post this at the beginning of a thread? Is it supposed to be funny?
>>272342960>before 2016 fucked it all up and set everyone back to square one.Holla Forums was just nazi cunts venting impotently until Trump. Then all the apolitical poors got tricked into thinking Trump was a real person and a licence to be a douche. So the HALF of burgers who never voted started to care about politics, which is probably a good thing, but holy shit, look at the dumb cunts vote for tax breaks for the rich as they get their society looted by the same rich people.Now the nazis all look gay and weird, the public will vote red or blue and feel like it matters.
>>272342960KeK. No
>>272342960die you ignorant commie faggot. communism isn't happening, either legally repelled via the normal means or with blood and fire, the communist tumor will be excised.
Tucker tha god!!
>>272345576You are naive dipshit.
>>272346244Checked and based
>>272345576>but I'd rather have things incrementally heading toward my end goal.Has the overton window shifted more to the left or to the right under Trump?>>272345555Ted Cruz seeming strong is a good point, same as how others like Graham do tbqh.I don't know if this is from 'good times' or more like everything being presented as if it's 'extreme' when in previous times people had a more nuanced view on it.Ted Cruz might just be seen as extreme today because he has a few things he doesn't back down on to the media. Immigration is now a polarized issue entirely. Now it's presented as open borders vs slightly less open borders as the two sides.In Manufacturing Consent this is talked about a bit. Very lively debate is allowed but the boundaries of the debate are very limited, this means small differences are seen as big differences so the public are always supporting things moving in the desired direction of the elites.
>>272342960fuckoff kike
>>272342960>meme flagTucker is the most based news reporter to have ever been broadcasted. Fuck you kike
>>272343203your daddy is a Jew, Jew
>>272342960Still pissed because you couldnt get him cancelled, i see.
>>272342960>Brings a new jew on everynight to humiliate >doesn't think twice about playing chimp out footage>only person in media to name Susan Rosenberg and Thousand Currents>highest ratings on cable>actually understands the importance of the biological familyYeah, sage and kys shill.
>>272346607>Tucker is the most based news reporter to have ever been broadcasted.What leads you to that conclusion?
>>272342960"Thanks Tuncker! Ok folks buckle up! Breaking tonight...my new book is out! Go buy it. Now here is a story from 12 hours ago that has been spread across the galaxy. Here is my boomer fuck take on that (15 minutes later) ok lets welcome our guests tonight. Frequent guest number 1 say something...(starts to say something) let me interrupt you frequent guest number 1 that was a good point you were about to make but lets hear from frequent guest number 2. I disagree with the point that frequent guest number 1 almost made. Whoa whoa frequent guest number 2 lets hear from frequent guest number 1 again to hear a response to your response to his response that I cut off. *commercial break* All right folks lets talk to frequent guests number 3-5 and for the 26278th time lets discuss the felonies that the people that will never see a day in jail committed. Ok thanks frequent guests number 3-5 for that. The tocks have been ticked and I predict that soon these traitors will get a hard talking to or a stern letter from our next guest..lets welcome Lindsey Graham. Thanks Sean. Thanks Lindsey. Strong words, letters, powerful stuff Senator. We love the 99% of hard working and honest FBI employees. *commercials* Ok we're back lets welcome frequent black guest #1 and frequent black guest #2 Mr. angry black man I like to call him Leo 2.0. Let me cut the both of you off before the break. Leo, LEO who are you voting for? I'm voting for Donald Trump Sean! Good negro Leo 2.0. Don't forget to buy my book! I don't like to fight but if you don't buy my book I might have to use my kung fu on you. There are only XX days left until the election and I truly believe this is the most important election of our lifetime. Ok let not your heart get blown away with a pistol from suicide for having to live in this shithole country...hello Laura *flirts for 60 seconds to give the boomers something to have racy dreams about* have a great show Laura. Ok thanks Hannity....AWESOME SHOW TONIGHT!"
>>272342960Your attempts are so bad Jew I want to speak to your manager and demand you get demoted or at least lose some of your salary
Not gonna lie, former tuck supporter hereIts hilarious washing this guy crash and burn but in all seriousness no nuclear codes
>>272346666>>272346477>>272346244>>272345888>>272345555>>272345166>>272344766>>272344311FUCK WITH THE TUCK, GET DIGITS BITCH>>272342960
>>272344311weird, manget help
>>272342960Antifa shill thread do not replyPut sage in the options for the meme flag post
>>272346666Kek has blessed the Tuck.
>>272344145>We are literally moving towards facism
>>272347346>Put sage in the options for the meme flag postIf every thread by a memeflag+leafs+israel was auto-saged the board would be cleaned up overnight
>>272342960No. Die.
>>272346486yes, is quite frankly ridiculous to thing that are going to go that far to demonize Trump, the ideological difference between Trump and Biden is not really big , sometimes i even believe that they want Trump to actually win, like reverse psychology or something fucked up.
>>272342960The kikes are kvetching over Tucker over any other right-wing news person. Memeflag kikes too it seems.
>>272345576>incrementally heading toward my end goalHow is the Republican platform any different from the Democrats? They both support LGBTThey both support immigrationThey both support outsourcingThey both support H1bThey both support spreading faggotry to every corner of the globe.What incremental progress towards your end goals have been made?
It's sad. I think we loved Neff, not whoever this guy is.
>>272347811>sometimes i even believe that they want Trump to actually winThey probably do. If someone is really disliked by the establishment then they don't even get negative press, they just get ignored like Ron Paul did.
>>272347957incremental is the key fucking word dipshit, full blown socialism just doesn't appeal, not to mention libbies crying makes me hard as fuck
>>272348710Answer the question.What incremental progress has been made? What specifically has progressed in our favour?
>>272343393i agree 100%
>>272343358too skinny
>>272342960You're done shill. The Biden-Harris ticket is as neocon as politics gets.
>>272349035Nothing. Voting GOP purely to own the libs. This is a tribal fight between downscale whites (Holla Forums) and upper middle class whites (r*ddit). Every policy position could be switched 180 degrees and we'll still only care about owning the libs.
>>272350989>supporting liberalism>to own liberalsFucking based
>>272343960GOP also loves all of Israel and Saudi Arabia so I assume those countries are now GOP? Sick logic
>>272349035>Pushed back hard against China>Beat ISIS>Tax reform>Regulatory reform>Conservative judgesA tip for you ActBlue faggots: we can see right through the demoralization threads. The only tactic that actually works here is slide threads.
>>272342960>meme flagFuck off kike
>>272349035I consider stopping the full blown implementation of socialism a HUGE step. We are in preservation mode until we get the house back and rinos neutered. I realize thats difficult for you to grasp. When trump runs the table in november you will see our position make monumental strides. He will do one of two things, hell make this motherfucker great again, or hell deliver us to armageddon. I am about 95% on the former, but its a win either way. I am prepared to die, and there is no death more glorious than one in service to Christ. God wins, and I just might get to kill communists on my way out.
>>272344145>literally moving toward fascism No. We aren't.
>>272352094>Pushed back hard against ChinaReally? What good is a trade war with a country you shipped all your manufacturing to? Please explain that to me.>Beat ISISYou mean bombed Russian mercs that were fighting ISIS? You mean bombed Syrians that were fighting ISIS? Under Trump America has essentially been ISIS' airforce. Trump didn't beat shit.>Tax reformHow does that help middle and lower class white America? >Conservative judgesTHAT STILL VOTED FOR LIBERAL POLICIESGood fucking job genius. How does any of this help white America in any way? Where's the wall? Where's the immigration reform? Why is he letting black criminals back onto the streets? Why is he supporting BLM and never shutting the fuck up about how much he's done for blacks? When will he address white America? A tip for you r/The_Donald refugees, we can see that you're deluding yourselves, it was pathetic 2 years ago, now it's just beyond the pale.
>>272352613>full blown implementation of socialismFirst, your country's welfare would be a considered a socialist system. Half your fucking country is socialist, it's only whites that don't have social programs catering to them, and it's whites that are funding socialism for everyone else. There's no danger to them implementing complete socialism, that isn't the goal, and they'll never help whites in any capacity, so that's not happening. >When trump runs the table in november you will see our position make monumental stridesHow can you say that when he's done fuck all for 4 years? How can you still have hope in this? Don't you feel ashamed that you're being misled? I mean at some point you have to realise this is on you. There's an old saying in Tennessee, "fool me once shame on, shame on you, you fool me you can't get fooled again">or hell deliver us to armageddonAnd there it is. Americans can't seem to grasp anything but in terms of Hollywood movies. You're not going to get your big stand off, you're not going to get your Red Dawn ending. You're going to slowly become Brazil and South Africa. It's going to take decades, it's going to be slow, and horrible, and violent, and people are probably not going to do anything about it. Because that's what's happening right now. You need to stop thinking like a boomer
Where are mods? These are obvious slide threads.
>>272342960Tucker is no dummy!: Straight ticket Republican is the perfect solution for this particular electionNo matter what you want to accomplish politically, this is the best way forward
>I’m one of you guys! See my kekistani memeflag? Fuck trump and vote Biden the jews will hate it. Did I mention I hate jews and I am not a Jew? Vote for Biden!It wouldn’t be so bad if the jannies weren’t fucking bought out by the shills. It’s all so tiresome.
>>272342960this is a pro republican and gop board now if you didn't notice, everything has changed in the last 4 years.I only come here once every week or so now, probably will just stop coming entirely soon.
>>272342960>hides flagI see you, Shmuley
>>272342960>He talks a good game some times but the election season proves he's just a generic Faux News GOP shill.He criticizes both republicans and democrats, I don't see how that is a shill. Granted he's republican himself but also anti-cronies and wants world just go back to normal.
>>272343430do you ever catch yourself narrating what you write and then realizing that you're a massive faggot shill?because that's what you are, a massive faggot shillgo kill yourself
>>272342960??????????????????????????retard or shill? show flag
>>272342960Fuck off Hannity, Tuck is /ouranchor/