/mzg/ mozilla general

Or should we call it /mdng/?Practically everyone at mozilla working for MDN or dev tools was fired. 1) MDN is the best and only JavaScript/browser/css/html reference 2) Everyone maintaining it was fired suddenly3) ANYONE CAN EDIT ITA user could edit in “A letter from the CEO” and then just start referring to “IQ studies” and mention that all future editors will require video verification for “proof of light skin and thus high IQ ” and Odds are good it would survive at least 8-12 hours.Pretty funny right? I wonder if someone will.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>>>/g/Also Mozilla being pozzed has been known for a long while and it sucks massive dick because they make the only good truly FOSS browser, Chrome is about to completely destroy the browser market and soon it'll make no sense not to use it.Read up on ungoogled-chromium, normally I shill for Firefox but Mozilla has proven they're not capable of leading it and I'm not smart enough to suggest a superior alternative to web-browsing not based on Chrome. I'm hopeful that in the future Chromium is forced to remove their binary blobs and become truly FOSS.

>>272339568Didn't they donate a few million to BLM in 2016? Guess they should have kept it.


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Pretty sad that they didn’t use the headline of “Firedfox”.

>>272340370Looks like he's looting the palace before it falls

>>272340370Same thing is happening at my current company in a smaller scale.Shares prices are dropping, but the shareholders board approved a 100% increase in gratifications.

>>272340370communism for thee but not for me

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>>272342532its quite amusing that Mozilla, a non-profit, lays off its entire core and security team to focus on increasing its revenue

>>272340370WOW SO PROGRESSIVEat least she's not an evil homophobe white male

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Now that Firefox is dead what do I use? I liked using brave and opera for awhile

>>272343200They've seen that the writing is on the wall and are pilfering as much as they can before it all goes belly up. if you're smart you'll start looking for another job, but good luck getting one in this modern day nightmare world.

blog.mozilla.org/blog/2020/08/11/changing-world-changing-mozilla/> we are fighting racism!> oh btw we are cutting 250 jobs to focus on our values

>>272339887Firefox has been pozzed for a while but Chromium still reports to the mothership. Either we need to create a new privacy and ad free browser or abandon this shit hole called the web. phones ruined it allowing the idiots on who now censor everything.

>>272346807I'll join the dev team. What should we call it?

>>272344936really cute kitty :)


>>272340370I don't get this. How does a non-profit opensource company make money? It defies logic.

>>272347157that's just a fork of a fork with gab malware baked in

While I am sort of sad, I gave up long ago.Individuals just can't compete any more, small companies can't compete, nobody can compete.Google works for Isreal, the US and the communist Chinese government and you better be a good goy online

>>272346128>firefox deadMost users are using old versions anyway. It's not like the internet is getting rid of html 5 for a long time anyway. This is actually good news for actual users because it means less gay shit and updates need to be necessary shit.

>>272347272google supports them so they don't get hit with antitrust laws and in exchange mozilla makes google the default search enginesame with yandex in russia, etc

>>272339568firefox sucks ass2020 and no good language translate option?

>>272347433>default search engineso they're basically in the advertising game like everyone else on the internet

>>272346894Ranjesh Browser

>>272339568I like Firefox. And I find MDN super useful. But the Mozilla "Changing World" blogpost is godawful blather.

excellent browser. if only it was was still 1998

>>272346038>Javascript>Netscape>FirefoxEich made more contributions to the world than every cocksucking faggot who ever lived combined.I'm glad the company and browser went to absolute dogshit after he left. Get woke go broke is inevitable if you're patient enough.

>>272347783>Bobs Toolbar

>>272339568Where is the link faggot? Where is the quote about IQ in link FAGGOT? DROP DEAD! STOP DAYDREAMING!

Wokefox rekt. Go woke go broke.

>>272347293kek thisI hate the look of new firefox

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>>272347804It's just to cover up a major layoff

>>272347947people would rather have the nice man enslave them, than the asshole who breaks their chains.

>>272346807Make it hard to use again, like terminals. Think of it like an IQ test

>>272339568>firefoxwho? didn't everyone with sense move to waterfox back when ff was 32x?

>>272339568Hey wrong board

>>272339887>still using firefox after brendan eich was firedcuck

>>272339887Chrome is Google you retarded dumbass. If you going to call Mozilla pozzed and support Chrome then you can only be a street shitter, the problem why pozzing occurs.

whether you like it or not firefox(gecko) is the last independent cross-platform web engine, everything else just furthers google's hegemony over the webits forks are more often than not based on deprecated versions with known vulnerabilities and lacking key improvements

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>>272348352en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waterfox>by Firefox, from which it is forked.>Bing is used as the default search engineLol, it's corporate Firefox. Why the fuck would you use shitty search like Bing?Use for example:sogou.com/https://www.qwant.comhttps://www.startpage.com/All better search engines and less monopoly tied.

>>272347272google pays them just to make sure search bar searches on firefox redirect to google and not something else

>>272350032>you have to use your browser's default search engine are you retarded? you can tell your default search to use whatever service you please if you're not going to set any options you'd might as well use edge

>>272350595It's odd they would support Microsoft, who runs Bing. Very odd indeed, when you call yourself privacy oriented browser, since Microsoft is anything but privacy oriented. Windows 10 writes on disk without you even enabling updates.

>1000 employees>990 trannies writing codes of conduct, anti-racism blog posts, etc.>10 developers barely scraping byfor the software world, this is a tale as old as time now. I still use trannyfox since it has hardware acceleration under wayland (shit's broke right now) but pozilla will continue to run it into the ground until they have .01 marketshare

>>272350875If they are barely surviving writing code then that 100% means they aren't in Jewish favor. Street shitters and niggers will get millions of dollars by ruining programs.

>>272350866See this post from a dev on Leddit: r*ddit.com/r/waterfox/comments/bi6yz4/about_bing_as_default_engine/em3b665/It seems that Waterfox makes money thanks to ads on Bing

>>272351555Well it's like the air is for breathing. All things have a reason. Tor + sites i mentioned it is.

>>272350866Odd? They probably gave it to whoever offered the most kickbacks. If that's all you have on them why worry? It's the most easily-changed feature in the world, you either care enough to set your own search engines when you setup a browser or you don't.

>>272339568They also fired their entire threat management and incident response division. Take that as you will

>>272348561Come home white man

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>>272339887no i dont think so i bet that googles just going to be net nanny their browser will be required and also google never lets you use any of their shit eer this is just a scheme to trick whoever doesnt follow along after they force it; to attempt to persuade them that theyre right of course they wont accept anyone who denies their new religion

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Fork it.>>272352778Die chang.

>>272339887This. They spam shitskin lives matter, faggotry, etc. The creator fled to make Brave long ago. Mozilla is kiked to the hilt

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>>272352495The cave in aka greed never stops.

>>272353521welcome to humanity rusbrochoose the lesser evil and hope for the best

>>272352938>Mozilla dev makes new security oriented browser with decentralized tokens to pay to people you support>somehow ChineseGood one moshe

>>272352778this browser is kinda good but 4chan hates it and gives you the endless captchano doubt the users of it are more based than the average s01b01 so jewgle captcha has learned to view it as an enemy

>>272352778brave for 4chan, chrome 4 work :^)

>>272353598You can use evil, just don't use it all the time and don't lie about it. Some people have everything with same company, that's a bit of a problem. Best is if you don't use their services at all, but it might seen impossible to you.

>>272354044What, Mozilla? I use one fork of one of their products. I could use a different browser, I'm not married to it, I just consider it the best at present. Or did you mean Microsoft? Go soft preach linux somewhere else

>>272347272It has 2 divisions: nonprofit foundation and profit Corporation.

>>272339568Yeah, they started forcing Faceberg and Amazon and other kike big tech companies inside the browser itself out of absolutely nowhere. I've had it with them.

>>272347293Is there a preferred/recommended version to use?

>>272340370Fuck. I've been in the dark about mozilla. Thought they were still on their virtuous path to provide privacy and shit. But that's pozzed as fuck. Low test to steal money like that.

>>272352778Get this spyware tier shit out of here. Firefox is the only real choice unfortunately. Best FF fork is PaleMoon.

>>272353955>braveLiterally a chrome reskin made by poo in the loos that instead of spying for google, cryptomines for the pajeet.Use chromium or ungoogled-chromium branch if you are autistic.

>>272354204Do what you want. I am just exploring and exposing facts.

>>272346038I still cant believe they got away with this. Also, Prop 8 PASSED by vote in California, but was thrown out by judges. I can't believe they got away with that too. FUCK CALIFORNIA AND FAGGOTS.

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>>272354624pale and moonpilledOpera Portable in case ReCaptcha goes fubar

>>272344936that is how capitalism worklosses for society gains for me

>>272354844OH NO NO NO

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>>272346807There are tons of FS browsers that are very usable. Ungoogled Chromium, Waterfox, Brave etc.

>>272343200Vulture capitalism

>> 272345790She’s got the Karen hairstyle

>>272355027Economy is money. Do you really believe there existed nothing before economy? Economy is measured by private banks. People can create without going through private banks. I can create right now, get wood, nails and make a table.

For me, it's ungoogled-chromiumchromium.woolyss.com/#windows

>>272347157>>272346807>>272352898>>272339887start reading up on Tor boys.

>>272348168>using anything other than ESRshiggy diggyfuck I've wasted so much time here

>>272347272you are retarded. most nonprofits work like that, they can't cash profits but the owners can give themselves and their entire family astronomical salaries + benefits such as cars and even private jets.

>>272354624It's open source, you faggot, how could it be spyware?

Can any other browser that isn't firefucks support my 400+ open tabs?I tried chrome few years ago but it took double the amount of resources than firefox

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>>272355595Did you check the source code? Maybe you will find out something or even find obstacles on your way to simply compile it.

>>272355027yes and?the biggest problem with china is that they are full of chinks and capitalism gave them money and tech and ability to spread over the world under communism they would have potatoes and wooden spears at best and would be contained to their own shitty countrycommunism>capitalism

>>272346038looks like brave is back on the menu boys.brave.com/

>>272355364There's an opportunity cost to making your own table. If you did it because you enjoy it, fine. If you did it because you can sell them to make a living, even better - you're helping yourself and others. If you did it because there's no where you can buy a table, that's bad.

>>272355583smart Jewriej>>272355583its all scam made to fill pockets of the owner or his family/friends

>>272355707Firefox will be breathing hard with 400 open tabs unless you have good GPU and CPU.

>>272346807>phones ruined it allowing the idiots on who now censor everythingthis is correct.


>>272355717I haven't, but countless other people have and deemed it safe. There's literally no way to get away with spying if your code is open source.

>>272355903Economy is when you not just sell, but re-sell. If government invests into long term things that isn't much economy, because their structures of rock, roads and concrete don't collapse and don't get re-sold, they stand for decades, so economy doesn't grows. Unlike American wooden termite houses which need constant fixes every 2 years, that boosts economy.

>>272339887Mozilla has been pozzed for years at this point but they still maintained a good browser.After this shit i'm not so sure anymore.

>>272355997You should probably always download source code and compile it, as oppose to downloading already compiled things. That is if you are concerned about privacy. Then if you are really into this whole privacy thing you should probably check the source code, since don't expect million people are checking for spyware inside of it, normally it's just handful of people and even those work on different things. If you are a real expert with privacy then you should probably not use popular things. There more private things than tor out there, but it's not very known.

>>272350032>>Bing is used as the default search engine>Lol, it's corporate Firefox. Why the fuck would you use shitty search like Bing?Another child left behind.

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>>272355891fuck off shill

>>272339568Brainlet here anons, help me understand what this means, ive been using firefox since forever, its the most comfy browser out there

>>272355595Binary blobs, no idea what the code is doing unless you reverse engineer it. I dont trust google not to spy on me, they treat us like a data farm.

>>272356333Oh look it's Germany, leader of EU, that in 80 years since 4th reich and EU couldn't create a single independent tech company or programming language. The replies you make only prove you are a consoomer.


>>272356070You're confusing "economic metrics" for "economy". Not ever possible transaction is beneficial for society, ie the broken window fallacy. But a transaction that two rational actors both voluntarily take part in generally is (they wouldn't agree to the exchange if they weren't both better off after making the trade). That's why communist central planning usually tanks the economy, the government forces transactions which aren't actually beneficial.So every time the table is resold, the economy and society benefits, as long as there aren't any externalities not being taken into account in the price. This is if course where the government should step in, to make transactions that aren't actually beneficial irrational.

>>272355903Why is it bad? Nothing wrong with self sufficiency. You're still thinking like a Jew.

How is edge

>>272356413go lurk on /g/ for a while

>>272356781There's a difference between choosing to be self sufficient and being unable to do anything else because the economy is shit / doesn't exist.

>>272356626If nobody registers your work with private bank account then you aren't part of statistics and you can't possibly be part of economy. In USA they call economy even when you trade money for money or when you sell good atmosphere. Everything that is registered with private account in USA can be economy. Not so much in Socialism, where only production is economy, like building things or making food. That's why USA has such big economy, but at same time you got lots of illegals and need whole planet to produce for you. USA is money printer, a slave driver of this planet. You aren't really a producer. 90% of what USA calls economy wouldn't be called economy in Socialism, but everybody in Socialism owned at least 1 house and free apartment block in city. The economic growth by investing into stocks that fuel ads in big tech doesn't produces anything, that's not economy in terms of production, but at end of the day Google has money to buy things from actual producers, like illegal Mexicans.

>>272356853ultra pozzedseriously the only true private one is Tor

>>272354844>>272355200The only people losing here are the shareholders, since the company is going to shit. I don't know why they approved this and let this happen but in the end they're the ones getting fucked.

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oh no not the godawful, dogshit trannyfox!!!muh open source trannies!!

>>272356970thats firefox lol

>>272356942Again, economic metrics are not the same thing as the economy. Selling a table on Craigslist is economic activity, but it generally is not captured in any metrics.

>>272340370just capitalism in action, nothing to see here.

>>272347433Yandex is literally older than google and runs a whole series of businesses here. The company has a stranglehold on the certain areas of internet and commerce here that even google would be jealous of.

>>272339568Fagzilla has been pozzed for the last 6 years or so after they SJW'd their founder because he donated money to some Christian group that is opposed to Faggots adopting children and molesting them because everyone knows that nearly 70% of all Child Sex Abuse is Same Sex Offenders, IE Faggot Pedophiles... even though they are only 1% (tops) of the population.

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>>272357323Yandex is pretty good at reverse image searches I find.

>>272357130In Socialism/Communism it is said that government builds roads and blocks, because they actually did, since workers were owners, decision makers, therefore government. In capitalism government pretends they build roads, they don't actually build anything, they just manage finances for roads and manage finances for public healthcare. All government in USA does is make contracts, that's not work. They call this management of finances economy, they call sales economy. Socialism is not concerned with sales, they are concerned with work. If you don't sell in USA you produce negative economy. Chinese Socialism doesn't cares if something is used or sold, they invested money, workers built it, then that's done. It doesn't produces negative or positive economy, it's just finished, if you inhabit it or not. Government reached the final state of money spending, they have no loans, so economy can't go into minus. It's Chinese government printing and running banks, they gave money to some workers and they took resourced and built some shit. Just because nobody uses that doesn't means it's negative economy.

>>272356853I use edge, I ditched Google stuff recently and edge is kinda nice, but it will always be Microsoft so you'll have to deal with their privacy shit

>>272339568Mozilla is pozzed - at least since the ousting of Brendan Eich.This was one of the first instances of cancel culture.

>>272347783Bobs and vagine the browser. Not that it makes a difference I suppose since all the other browser manufacturers no doubt use pajeets on H1Bs to code.

>>272356970Ah yes tor where you can't even post on 4chan unless you summon satan and turn off everything that insures your "privacy"

>>272357870like you're not doing that right now


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>>272339568>pic 5 bucks says their replacing them all with diversity hires that won't do a damn thing

>>272357323They should set up shop in the USA, I'd rather have the ruskies overseeing the internet then the fucking jews and niggers at google.

>>272352778too shitty, doesn't work well with captchas, YT and extension issuesuse Links2

>>272354204>Go soft preach linux somewhere elsefool

>>272358302Many Firefox extensions actually gotten worse, not better, as they were updated.

>>272357966What I'm trying to say it's pointless, I'd rather be a tree and hide in a forest

>>272339887Jeff Bezos needs to release the Amazon browser which doesn't release your data to any government or NGO except amazon and only uses it to sell you shit which they'll deliver in 3 hours. Literally not even fucking around that would be way better than whatever obscene zog purpose google microsoft and mozilla have for their shit.

>>272356970If you knew anything about Tor you'd know it's not a replacement for regular day to day browsing and if you're actually using it for normie stuff, you've fucked up. Tor is meant to be used to access only dark web sites in an isolated environment where none of your regular web activity can be correlated with your dark web activity.

>>272359143that, plus it's fucking slow as shit last time i checked

>>272359143>regular day to day browsingbrowse what? fucking normiebook like some kind of faggot?>Tor is meant to be useddid you write it?


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>>272359297based psycho retard who doesn't use the internet for literally anything except terrorist plots, no youtube, no music, no regular wikipedia, no cooking recipes, just shit they don't want the jews to see at the risk of their life

>>272359426oh don't get me wrong i do that shit, i just keep my schizo and acceptable lives separate