>4 covid patients discovered>instant lockdown of citywhy cant your leader be as prompt as ours?

>4 covid patients discovered>instant lockdown of citywhy cant your leader be as prompt as ours?

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>>272338273For once, OP is not a faggot. Wish our leader(s) were as based as yours.

>>272338273>why cant your leader be as prompt as ours?because foreign governments replaced our real elected leader with a literal cheeto

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>>272338273Because liberals flip their shit and cry racism whenever we lockdown borders. I'd post the tweet screencaps but fuck you.

>>272338273Made for BPC. (Big Pajeet Cock)

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>>272338273Is that young Yacinda? Damn.

>>272338492>but fuck youcmon i wanna see

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>>272338273The communists were threatening a second impeachment over early travel restrictions and were themselves encouraging parades and theater outings as late as March 9th.

>>272338273And it's not a big deal, bit of time off work, getting paid to stay home. Go back eventually and carry on.

>>272338273Fuck all of you fagsAs you wouldn’t want to take her undies off and slowly pry her ass apart and just stare at her moist anus. Fucking gay cunts

>>272338273An island of mostly healthy white people and some abos. If I were your government I’d have a spitting contest to see who can spit the furthest into someone’s mouth. Offer a cash prize and all the abbos will join in. They’re pathetic non European genes won’t be able to handle the novel virus and boom. No more abbos. Thank me later.

>>272338273Yeah great work faggots, I'm now stuck on my arse losing 3500 a week because some boongas had a snot nose, but at least that horse-faced, gun-grabbing commie transvestite is stunning and brave.Fucking kill yourself.

>>272338597Here, have one. That's as far as I'll (You)

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>>272338809I for sure would do that. She has to wear the hijab thought and slightly moan the names of the dead of the mosque massacre if I’m going to be able to nut in mummies bum.

Feels good not being in an authoritarian leftist shithole where the government can quarantine people against their will

>>272338273She's playing politics with your livelihood. Jacinda now has a vested interest in maintain her "woman who beat covid" persona that the media created around her, which, of course, was created a a sub-plot in the 2020 US Presidential election narrative. Nice country you have there. I'd suggest you overthrow it, but she took your guns first, didn't she?

>>272338492>waaah da librulsfuck off mate the only reason the borders aren't slammed shut to deal with the epidemic is because western governments can't cope without drinking gallons of chinese, israeli, and saudi cum and taking it up the ass from foreign speculators

>>272339098she didnt take shit no one fell for thatnow people just have duns scattered somewhere in their back yard

>>272338922>>272338748>>272338273you trust a living real life wojakwe tell gates to fuck offkek cucks

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When are we going to exclusively quarantine a certain group of (((people))) to protect them from the virus?

>>272339098as opposed to governments gambling with their people's health because muh gdp must go up

>>272338519>big pajeet cock>big

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>>272338273states rights is why op

>>272339169No it's literally because of liberal obstruction. Biden unironically wants to tear down Trump's wall and allow open borders with Mexico. You can't close borders that don't exist.joebiden.com/immigration


When covid first arrived liberals were like hug a chinese person, go out more. Go to China town etc. Open borders from China.


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I'm sick of seeing her stupid fucking face, you live on a couple of islands in the middle of fucking nowhere that is the size of the UK with only 5 million god damn people living on it.It shouldn't be that difficult to shut down international travel and quarantine everyone who there is basically only two ways in and out, air or sea.


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>>272339522last i checked the republicans have a majority wherever it countsdon't blame others for your failures



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>>272338273How many times are you going to post this weak ass shill thread, faggot?

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>>272339634New Zealand would utterly destroy the US in a ground war.

>>272338273Today is Dab On Anzac Day.

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they dont want the mass graves to be discovered

>>272339795I'd hit it.

>>272339726Just because you don't understand how state and federal laws apply in the US doesn't make you "right" in your ignorants.

>>272339726>Wherever it countsObviously you don't understand how our government works because governors were the ones calling the shots for COVID-19 response in their states, and the ones with both the worst responses and most economic destruction cause by their responses are liberal shitholes. New York and California were the biggest causes of the virus taking hold here in the first place.

>>272340160and you are an expert on the us aren't you? vancouver huang

>>272340160>HURRR THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT CAN'T STOP INTERNATIONAL TRAVELreally? pretty sure there was a ban on people entering from the UK

>>272340160>ignorantslol ignorance

>>272339293Have you look in mirror lately?

>>272338273jesus christ its almost over, don't even ask about our "leader"


>>272338273Why does this pic of her make my pp go hard?

>>272340273>>272340310Not at all, I do however, know that you have a constitution and a bill of rights. each defining the power of the state and the federal government.

>>272338273>destroy the economy because 4 people caught a coldThis and other great ideas brought to you by big government. Don't forget to pick up that can, citizen.

>>2723385199/10 thighsshe's not bad either

>>272339380Cope. White women want well-educated Pajeets who make six figures. We're out-jewing the jews. Just look at America's spelling bee winners.

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>>272340003No wonder they fuck sheep.

>>272341371She looks so much cuter with a little modesty.

>>272338273Forced quarantine. Cool authoritarian idol fag.

>>272341873you're a libertarian?

>>272342275No. I just think it’ll lead to people not bother with getting tested.

I need a skelly mommy gf

>>272338273Imagine being a chink lmao. Kill yourself faggot

>>272338273>Socially Democratic progressive Republican feministI have never seen a politician pander that hard. How dumb do you have to be to elect someone with such a schizophrenic ideology?

Shocked when I found out she was Mormon

>>272338273Fuck off back to R*ddit so you can get your instructions.

>>272343448burger can't think

>>272338809Based. I can smell her

I live in rural Christ Church, where a Democrat hasn't won my county since Lyndon B. Johnson. As I was driving to the local Klan meeting, I saw nothing but Biden signs lining the burning crosses. In fact, my family and neighbors have started referring to Joe Biden as "Jim Crow Joe" because they're convinced he's in their corner. I want Trump to win, but this isn't looking good.

>>272338273>prolonging the inevitableenjoy your fucked economy in 2021 lads


Enjoy the gun ban, NZ!

>>272338273>Making rash decisions that surely won't have any consequences. And even if they do, I'm expect to consequence because I've got a gaping axe wound between my legs.

>>272339877>New Zealand would utterly destroy the US in a ground war.Ol' Bruce is shitposting again!

>>272343899>N-no there's no contradictions here! It's consistent I SWEARChecked. kys fag.

>>272344420What's the contradiction?

>>272344420point out the contradictions then

>>272344375exempt, not expect. god dammit I should be asleep

>>272344525>>272344554>Republic>DemocracyPick one, retards LMAO

>>272344917A republic (Latin: res publica, meaning "public affair") is a form of government in which the country is considered a "public matter", not the private concern or property of the rulers. The primary positions of power within a republic are attained, through democracy, or a mix thereof, rather than being unalterably occupied. It has become the opposing form of government to a monarchy and has therefore no monarch as head of state.[1][2][3]

>>272338273Fuck off with that bullshit

>>272338273If she had just closed the borders there would be zero cases. Why doesnt your leader love your country like ours loves this one?

>>272345033>This understanding of a republic as a distinct form of government from a liberal democracy is one of the main theses of the Cambridge School of historical analysis.Idiot lmao

>>272338273We have constitutional rights, you don't.... haha

>>272338273I fucking wish.My hospital has at least 30 infected staff in the past two weeks, and they're idea is that they need to bump business up more.Fucking Jews should never have been allowed to own hospitals as corporations.

>>272345278Stop being such an antisemite and keep chopping off kids cockends like a good goy!!!

We kiwis are fighting back against your bigoted orange Cheeto-In-Chief:stuff.co.nz/dominion-post/news/wellington/122408020/wellington-company-penalised-by-twitter-for-poking-fun-at-donald-trump>Don't poke fun at the Don: It is a lesson learned the hard - and bemusing - way by a Wellington company penalised by Twitter for doing just that.>EightyOne executive creative director Chris Bleackley was the brains behind the "Trumbers" twitter campaign that came with its own typeface and had one purpose: to poke fun at US President on social media platform Twitter.So now my boss' company is being flooded by hatemail and bogus reviews for standing up to Drumpfty. Your hate will never win.

>>272338273Does your leader get called racist for every little thing he does? Does your leader get impeached over made up nonsense when the impeachers know they will never make it stick? No? Are you a dumb Kiwi niggerfaggot? Yes? Ok, die now please

>>272338273because your a shit little island that produces nothing but scaffolders and fucked use of the english language, fuck you and jandals. they are thongs motherfucker

>>272340109With a cricket bat, yeah.

>suspended election>by definition jacinda is a dictator

>>272338519grosscurry smelling poo abo monkeys

>>272345266They literally have a chief censor or some garbage. Basically slaves kek.

>>272338273Because it’s just the flu you faggot tranny

>>272338273youtu.be/Z4LtEciQUF8?t=98 youtu.be/igx86PoU7v8?t=1653 youtu.be/igx86PoU7v8?t=1854 youtube.com/watch?v=LGcatieMvfk youtube.com/watch?v=nfA7m7PB9t4

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>>272338273I hope notI don't want an overreacting cunt

>>272345605>get called racistOH NO


>>272338273Fuck off cunt, she's a kike puppet. Very good friends of Bill Gates (Bill also was here in NZ in June of this year) and Hillary Clinton. New Zealand is the guinea pig of the world. This second lockdown is a slippery slope, first it will be wear the masks goyim, then it will be take the vaccination goyim.It's so obvious what she is doing. Let's lockdown the country again and then amazing comrade Jacinda will be hailed as a hero who saved NZ from the COVID hoax and then wins the election. If she gets voted in for the first time (which by the way, you have to understand she was never voted in, Winston Peters stabbed NZ in the back and formed a coalition with her) she will introduce hate speech laws with that fuckwit Andrew Little and then we'll all go to prison for saying faggot & nigger on the internet and also opposing her rule.I warned you fuckheads.

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>>272338978I have been looking for something showing this. People are very quick to forget this part of the corona shit show.

>>272346175>Hate speechCan you bros even deny the Holocaust? You already have a censor... I can't imagine anyone living in NZ can realistically claim freedom of speech even now

>>272339293my governor in New York killed senior citizens on purpose because there is an election coming up.

>>272346175worry notsweden, of all fucking places, will destrot the narrative, and they can't claim shit against itflorida would do too, but no way in a million years are libtards going to admit it

>>272338273She's just built for BKC

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>>272346391We have free speech but even if you say something that might be considered a hot take our retard populace are programmed to call you racist and bigoted. New Zealand has a sheep herd mentality. On the topic of the holohoax, I'm not sure. I'm pretty sure we can deny it without prison sentencing but that won't be for long>>272346459I heard that Sweden were wondering why he had an instant forced lockdown out of nowhere despite only have 4 cases from an "unknown source" lmfao. Didn't Sweden decide to lockdown after 700?


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>>272346958Didn't a University of Canterbury student get kicked out for writing his dissertation criticising the official Holocaust narrative?

>>272339098>american yapping about armed insurrection yet again after his entire country bowed down to suck BLM dickYou guys are so tiresome

>>272347095I haven't heard about it but I wouldn't be surprised bro, you can't publicly deny the holocaust anywhere it seems. You have to also understand Mossad operates here in NZ

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>>272346175It's insane to put the entire city or Orcland into lockdown over a handful of cases like that, they're pushing the limits of credulity.

>>272347233I don't buy it for a second either mate. Usually if they were discovered to have the "virus" they would immediately be transported to managed isolation.

>>272347233>what is exponential growth

>>272338273bucktooth bunny here needs to put her burka back on, stick a dozen carrots in that porthole called a mouth, and close the front hatch.

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>>272338273Anon, your entire country's the size of a bath closet

When will mummy put us in level 4 I don't feel safe and need milkers

>>272347233Forgot to mention that we were already warned months ago due to an insider of the New Zealand government who dropped some breadcrumbs. See pic related:

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>>272347364There are other way's, no ones saying to do nothing Nigel. The entire city of Brisbane was,'t locked down when the three sheboons tried to infect everyone.

>>272338273she actually looks good in this pic, wat do?

>>272347627look at other pics and realise she is a horse with peanut butter in her teeth

>>272338273>New Zealand>4 million people>middle of fucking nowherethat is why they are so "prompt"

>>272345476HahahaFucking wellyfag gets cancel cultured and cries on 4chan about it. Classic.

>>272346958Yes. We have terrible herd morality syndrome, or as most call it 'tall poppy syndrome'. In my entire life there are maybe 4 people I can count who aren't fucking weak gay cunts with feeble minds

cringe conspiracy posters.

>>272347981>"she"Is packing cock, they learned from the Michael situation and made him pregnant

>>272345476He should have thought twice about spreading hate speech. Sucks to suck

>>272346958Sweden didn't lock down at all. They ar doing about the same as other European countries, though worse than other Nordics

>>272347542>>272347593well this was obviously a LARP you fell for, because we would have a lot more cases than we currently have if the virus had been circulating since mid june

>population of ~4.6 million and an island countryWhoa, great job sitting on your rock(s).


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>>272351341>because we would have a lot more cases than we currently have if the virus had been circulating since mid juneBrainlet detected. It's obvious there are far more cases, the government is just too slow and/or they already know how fucked we are and aren't going to report the real numbers. You're watching too much news. It's a very fucking likely possibility that there are way more cases than reported, do some fucking thinking.Don't see how it's a larp when the the insider said there will be a second lockdown, and now look - there's a second lockdown.

>>272338519They're an attractive couple. Polcels seething

>>272338519That looks more like Emilia Clarke than Jacinda

>>272352105At the very least, he’s not Jamal.

>>272338479Do you really prefer Doritos?

>>272339877>in a ground warWell it's a good thing those are no longer fought.

>>272338273I hate that evil commie, every day my bloood boild over this turd. locking down everyone over 4 people is fucking stupid.I'm a farmer and O'm losing money from her high taxes and these lock downs.

>>272341260Why yes, I'm not your people. Why yes, people who select for high earnings and outside race are disgenic. Why yes, you're a fokin bull mate.Go back to lurking nigga

>>272350633We know it's you bigots review bombing

>>272352416Fuck off Wellyfag, your distorted and warped view of reality does not apply outside your faggot city.

Because we won them all already, shut up.>at War 93% of the Time – 222 out of 239 YearsUhh can I get a

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>>272352378Hang in there farmer bro, we real NZers are grateful for your very hard work. Unfortunately this commie government wants you gone.

>>272338365Take away all your liberties so 30 old fucks don't die a day in each state. HOW DOES BEING A SCARED FAGGOT FEEL?

>>272338273where did virus came from if country was already locked down?

>>272338273if I were an enemy of nz i would just keep the pot boiling with 4-5 new cases each time truly spastic

Trudeau’s a fucking fruitcake but at least he’s not biologically a female. You have a rib running your circus. Both these leaders are retards but at least it’s not as thoroughly humiliating for me on that front. Unless this bitch is packing a feminine penis...

>>272338273I always thought she was kind of cute.

>>272352038nah, you would have had at least a few self reported cases out in the wild over a 2 month period. possibly a hospitalization of a few oldies as wellbelieve me, i hate this gay shit and jacinda as much as anyone else here, but posting retard conspiracies like that just gives sites like stuff and nzherald more ammo to laugh at you

>>272352038>Don't see how it's a larp when the the insider said there will be a second lockdown, and now look - there's a second lockdown.also>LARPER predicts there will be a second lockdown of a highly infectious disease, woah!no shit. almost every person with any common sense knew this was going to happen again, especially after it was revealed how badly it was being botched at the border

>>272338273I still hate her but praise where praise is due.

>>272352965>retard conspiraciesMost of the links in that thread are stuff and nzherald articles. Put the pieces together you mong, it's pretty obvious what's going on here.> you would have had at least a few self reported cases out in the wild over a 2 month periodThen they would be transported to managed isolation, why lock the whole country down?

>>272353257retarded dude

>>272338365New Zealand has 4.8 million people total and this bitch has almost zero testing or contact tracing. She is a fraud

>>272353487The Labour shill recoils in fear; "I've been found out."

>>272353738no its just a dumb conspiracy, and its not realistic at all. none of those links prove anythingi said i hate jacinda, calling me a labour shill is just making your argument in bad faith

>It's a conspiracy theory to call out massive incompetence and obvious cageynessFuck off, Cormack.

>>272354013the guy im arguing with is claiming labour has been whisking covid cases off the streets and not reporting numbers deliberately for 2 months in order to secretly arm the police as a test lockdown run for some kind of dictatorshipi think thats a conspiracy theory breh,,

Holla Forums defending a hysterical liberal woman for containing a virus in a low population density country with abundant resourcesWow, a new low. Should we praise OP’s mum for wiping down the carrots with bleach too? So stunning and brave and not a sign of over reactive derangement at all, no.

>>272353994>believe me, i hate this gay shit and jacinda as much as anyone else here, but posting retard conspiracies like that just gives sites like stuff and nzherald more ammo to laugh at youYou are either a Labour shill posing as a moderate or an actual fucking retarded moderate>calling me a labour shill is just making your argument in bad faithI'm guessing the latter

>>272338809That is one of the most disgusting things I've read

>>272338273literally built for BBC

>>272339877I can believe this, the americans would invade, realise how shitty NZ is and go home.

>>272338273lol try 17 new cases now.Enjoy your run on toilet paper, rice, and flour over a stupid cough dumb new zealand bitches.

>>272354389so just to be clearyour position is: jacinda let out her infected friend. NZ has been infected for 2 months and despite having no increase in deaths or sickness, labour has been kidnapping people and transporting them to iso facilities, then suppressing news of the infectionlabour has also somehow armed the police and is doing some kind of dictatorship style takeover with a planned lockdown is this correct?

>>272352512If NZ was big enough to flyover, you'd be a flyover shithole compared to the shining beacon of progress that is Wellington. I think I'll have a nice onions latte outside Te Papa tomorrow and watch the beautiful harbour views. Try not to step in a cowpat Jayden.


>>272353994>>272354269>muh conspiracy>claims to hate JacindaDo they pay you at all or do you do it for free?>some kind of dictatorshipYeah okay I'm thinking this is bait. It's obvious this whole thing smells of a communist take over cunt. Remember how there was a mass shooting and then all of a sudden gun laws were rushed through without any sort of democratic process? A disarmed population is a communists wet dream.You're a fucking idiot and it's obvious you're a Labour shill. You're exactly the type of brain dead New Zealander I am talking about - the type that doesn't question anything or thinks that anything that has valid evidence for it is a "retarded conspiracy.">but posting retard conspiracies like that just gives sites like stuff and nzherald more ammo to laugh at youWhy would I give a fuck about nzherald or stuff thinks? They're Jew controlled media that report nothing but lies for yourself, who easily soak it up and believe it.

>>272338273I'm worried that coronavirus is distracting us from global warming

To be announced tomorrow, the source was a breach of quarantine an incoming arrival at a hotel.Authorities knew about this last week but thought they could get away with it hoping this person wouldn't infect anyone.But to cover themselves, they began the whole everyone start buying your masks.Also, residents at the Kingswood rest home in Morrinsville Waikato have symptoms after a confirmed case visited their last week. The government is refusing to confirm this but we have to wait for the PMs briefing at 1pm tomorrow. Too bad if you're in that town and want guidance or assistance

>>272338273Califag here and I'm happy that for once, JUST ONCE someone has faggier policy decrees than us.


Fuck you faggot Kiwi I hope your irrelevant island gets hit by a earthquake and then a tsunami

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>>272339098Dude you're explaining reality to a country of hobbits that think redditt is reliable. Kiwis are so far beyond stupid it's hard to believe they can walk and talk at the same time.

>>272352677Filthy American container goods.

>>272354760Nice bait, be sure to paint another fag flag on your roads

>>272354833the police still havent been armed, by the waymaybe that anonymous 4chan larp post isnt as reliable as you think

>>272354312and here we have an user with a head on their sholders.preach user. man we need it so bad, so many epic retards on our goverment I bet other goverments are cringing right now at her.If you ever need a PM to embarrass the entire country its Jacinda Ardern.her whole speech was cringe and teeth grindingas a framer I'm already paying 75,000NZD in taxs in a single year.fuck her, that's 3 times what i paid last year.

>>272354979as an aussie mate thats been to new zogland plenty i can confirm this cunt

>>272338273>4 patients>in a city with population of over 1.6 millionI don't know how you don't see a problem?

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>>272338273>have island country with no meme-flu>5 pajeets get infected from overseas>don't quarantine the pajeets>half quarantine everyone else>tens of thousands of people instead of 5>goys don't get to work or move about freely>can still go coofing on each-other at the store tho>"flatten the curve" slow spread theory>plan is for the pajeets to infect everyone... only slowly>instead>of>just>fucking>quarantining>the>five>fucking>pajeets

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>>272355345nothese are coconuts that havent been overseas that are infected, and theyve been running around infecting others for at least 10 days now. theyve now infected 13 others and no one knows the original source its highly likely they met up with someone who broke out of an actual quarantine facility though

>>272338273Because we aren't a totalitarian shithole straight out of 1984.Yet.

>>272338273Is that the best thing to do though? Also, it’s now 13 +1...

>>272354860Also one of the friends and family of victims who got the free holiday for the trial in Christchurch tested positive for covid. She came in from Islamabad. Is in quarantine.

>>272338273sunshine pussy

>>272355573That would be best case scenario; if they met someone at lockdown faculty. Then we would know the source. Lockdown will do more damage than good. Acquire immunity. IMO

>>272355854Stop bro. You’re gonna get found. We’re not actually anonymous here.

>>272354860Doesnt take a genius to figure out it was an iso breach. Its literally the only possibilityWhats utterly infuriating is that the govt is taking these lying niggers at their word and saying there are “no known links”Just like how they actually believed those two british whores didnt stop on their car ride... until it came out they didEither stop all flights back into the country or put these facilities under army armed guard and control. You CANNOT trust anyone in the private sector, especially any pajeet, nigger or azn


>>272355068>police aren't armed>therefore it's not trueLet me break it down for you since you obviously can't read. Yes, the general police populace aren't armed. However, the post said that "there is talk now within the ministers and PM's office of arming all police officers." This is a very likely possibility under this government. But you do you mate, keep your head in the sand. And remember what you said, it's just another "retard (((conspiracy)))">>272356151>put these facilities under army armed guard and controlI've got news for you mate, they already are.

>>272346391There was an incident in the 90s where a university student wrote a master's thesis "denying" the Holocaust and his professors gave him a "best thesis of the year" award for it but decided to suppress it to avoid a big outcry. Inevitably it leaked out and they had to act all shocked and apologetic and force him to issue a retraction. So obviously some academics know the official narrative is BS but are too scared to say so. That students name? Joel Hayward.

>>272356151bu bu bu bu the media said it was the freightqueen jacinda would never get this wrong

>>272356522The govt has been sucking blm dick and abolished the police armed patrols just a couple weeks ago. They arent going to be armed mate.

>>272338273Pretty easy locking down a tiny island of beta slaves.

>>272356522The army is only overseeing the entire operationThey are still using private sector pajeets and islanders as staff at the hotels

>>272356861Wrong. The army and police are actively guarding these isolation hotels. They are not "overseeing"

I'm not too into conspiracy theories but it was odd hearing PM and Bloomfield almost preparing population for the second wave with all the advice about getting masks and stuff.

>>272354760Tell me what time and I'll come fucking drown you in the harbour myself you gook cunt

>>272338273because our leaders do the exact opposite what the president says or does. he tried locking us down early but they accused him of racism and encouraged us to celeberate the chinese new year in china town.

>>272357117Exactly, the NZ populace was already groomed and pre-programmed leading up to this. Being told to buy the masks and about a second wave being a case of not if but when.Really activates the almonds.

>>272357048The staff inside and security contractors are private sector, sorry to inform you

>>272338273Why aren't there assassinations yet?

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>>272354760Don't get blown away while you're out

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>>272338273You live on an island, with 3rd world tier infrastructure and the total population of Las Vegas, Nevada. You're irrelevant and an Auzzie rape baby. Too bad St. Tarrant didn't cleanse you instead.

>>27233827310 million died of tuberculosis world wide in 2018.Yet they didn't haul people off to quaranteen concentration camps.What's it like to be so fucking stupid that you can't even see you're being manipulated.

>>272357298I am aware of this, however the army only "overseeing" things is a cop out. They are literally outside these hotels, armed and on guard.


>>272357509Only at some of them, plenty of them are still relying on private security

>>272338273Why does the New Zealand Intelligence agency making so many threads about old horseface here? To what end?

>lockdownyou mean 4 week bender?

>>272338273yeah great, let's say it works and we starve it off for another 2 months, then what? we just live in permanent isolation with zero tourism?This shit is going to get out eventually, it will spread eventually, the healthy will survive, the vulnerable will either ride it out in isolation or die.then it will be over, there will be too many immune people for the virus to spread anywhere effectively.

>>272352416First I've heard of your shit company desu. I'll go drop a review now

>>272353657Bro there's contact tracing everywhere at the moment. When we had weeks of 0 cases it wasn't mandatory but prior to our lvl4 lockdown and just starting today it's become mandatory

suits me. i hate tourists.

>>272354312This. Jacinda appeared to do well because we have a largely compliant populace, amoung a small population and relatively large area per human. Oh and our borders are fucking miles upon miles of ocean