Qboomers are wining elections2024 president will be a qboomer

Qboomers are wining elections2024 president will be a qboomer

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>>272338244I'd think a guy who couldn't even face a primary would no better than to lecture anyone on how the GOP can stay relevant

>>272338244It's a strange fucking world where my own mother sends my fall of the cabal and talks about Holla Forums and I have to pretend like I haven't been on it since forever. Luckily though, I'm redpilling her and my father on the good the Nazis did. That's my only gripe with Q is forcing the Nazis in what is clearly the JWO.

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>>272338244>QboomersDoes this term refer to people who believe that the wikileaks Podesta emails were about a pedophile ring and there is a faction of the US intelligence service working with Trump to take down the rings?Hasn't this been proven as fact already? Are shills really succeeding in convincing people that these irrefutable things are false?

Flake is a cunt

>>272338574Nah I just thought it sounded funny

>>272338244If the GOP wants to be relevant political force in the future, it cannon endorse globalists, faggots and other fake, big business, open borders cuckservative morons.

>>272338244Got it. There's video of flake fuck killing a Haitian kid.


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>>272338244Good old Jeff "cocksucking faggot who sucks dicks, and eats cum, and licks shit off dicks and takes dicks up the ass" Flake, I had forgotten he even existed

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>>272338244>talking about relevant political force>Jeff Flake

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>>272338574The problem with the Q movement is that most of the people that follow act as cult members. I have no doubt some of the elites are into that sort of thing, but they like Trump is the second coming and that in my God fearing eyes is a giant warning sign.

>>272338244If Trump wins a Rainbow Table will cuck Q.If Biden wins a Rainbow Table will cuck Q.

>People still believe QAnon was an thing and not a shot in the dark. I hope this is liquidated.

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>>272338488>Q doesn't say Nazis were goodBecause if you say that to the majority of the millions that are open to most other redpills, they will shut down. This is how the world is. This is why Holla Forums never succeeded in redpilling the populace like Q did. Holla Forums doesn't understand tact and that's fine, but that autistic-based shortcoming is what kept Holla Forums from triggering the awakening in the way Q did.It's the same as being upset that a politician got elected but they only agree with you on 95% of things. Uncompromising purism is always a failure in the real world. Real progress always requires compromise.

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>>272338244Establishment absolutely shitting itself.Check out this article on CNN. (Sorry i'm too lazy to archive it)cnn.com/2020/08/12/politics/marjorie-taylor-greene-qanon-georgia-donald-trump/index.html

>>272339018In this post-Epstein world that wouldn't surprise me.

haha Jeff fucking Flake? Universally despised and rejected Jeff fucking Flake? Who gives a fuck what he thinks? hahahahahahahahahahaha

>>272338488Blessed digits

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>>272338641he is, but he's right on this one

Current president already is a Qboomer.

>>272340026>Or you can just leave the Nazis out of itThat also works user...

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>>272340208how did it all turn out in the end

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>>272338244Q mentions Flake as controlled opposition

>>272338641>Flake is a cuntHes also a Mormon, so there you go. See what I just did there?

>>272338244They do realize that literally no one outside of political spheres knows anything about Q?

>>272340208Holy shit, I didn't even realizeHeil Hitler! Gott mit Uns!

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>>272338244Jeff Flake is actually right, but probably not for the reasons he thinks.


>>272340284No, it really can't, not while the kikes are the primary people in charge of the deep state. Because the counter to everything evil the kikes do is>BUT THE HOLOCAUST75 years of worldwide brainwashing and conditioning worked. You have to be able to dance in order to criticize the powers that be without getting shut down by the brainwashed masses. Again: this is how the world is. I wish it weren't, and you wish it weren't. But it is. We have to deal with it as it is and not as we wished it were if we want to fight and win.

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>>272340317Pretty bad for the Nazis since the Rothschilds were paying off the Americans and the English to go to war against Germany. Germany only wanted reunification, but the creation of the Reichmark and outlawing of monetary interest pissed the jews off really badly. Even Patton said they fought the wrong enemy.

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>>272340317pretty good

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>>272339765They claim to think for themselves but their two main slogans are "Where We Go One We Go All" and "Trust the plan" lmao

>>272339765Most people that follow Q keep their thought and opinions fairly quiet, just like most Trump supporters.

>>272338574There is a lot of overlap between Q and Pizzagate, but Q is a far broader "conspiracy theory" in that it explores all angles of the global Intelligence Criminal Empire.

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>>272340614>>272338488>14>88God I'm on a ROLL tonight! SEIG HEIL!!

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>>272338244Hes right. You asshole boomets have flooded hotlines with your conspiracies. You litterally fell for a psyop that makes you look like the left falling for Russian boogeymen. The sad part is white men make up the largest percentage of people who travel abroad to have sex with kids and the largest percentage of people who view amd make child porn. Hold up a mirror.

>>272340945>The sad part is white men make up the largest percentage of people who travel abroad to have sex with kids and the largest percentage of people who view amd make child porn.(((white))) men

>>272340040Don't forget, Q made people docile and just sit around when they could be out running for elected office. Fucking Q

>>272340422>Q is gay>Flake is gayerThese kinds of "disagreements" are cringe.>>272338244Why was this posted, OP?>Slide threadSuck a dick, OP.

>>272341126>Q is keeping people from running for officeProve that. Protip: you can't. If people want to run for office not only is Q not stopping them, but anti-Q bullshit like yours is part of what holds them back.

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>>272341119Go ahead....look up the stats. Also Barr will never prosecute anyone from the Epstein case. I dont care about your crypto kike Trump.

>>272341385>prove me rightThat's your responsibility, faggot. Considering how Jews dominate the legal porn industry, I'm calling bullshit on your claim they don't also dominate child porn production. The guy whose name became synonymous with CP for years was Richard Goldberg.>en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Goldberg>Also Barr will never prosecute anyone from the Epstein case. I dont care about your crypto kike Trump.Boring demoralization shit from last year. Ghislaine Maxwell is in prison, dipshit.

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>>272340945>Hes right. You asshole boomets have flooded hotlines with your conspiracies. You litterally fell for a psyop that makes you look like the left falling for Russian boogeymen. The sad part is white men make up the largest percentage of people who travel abroad to have sex with kids and the largest percentage of people who view amd make child porn. Hold up a mirror.goddamn this is the most jewish post I've read on Holla Forums in a very long time

>>272338375He was an embarrassment to my state.

>>272338244What does Jeff Flake know about having a future, his career is over>>272338574yes, the jews who say pizzagate is fake say Q is fake

>>272340026You are absolutely right, user. Yours is a hard lesson to be learned.

>>272340026Jews and nazis can both be bad at the same time

>>272338244My mom and uncle are obsessed with Qanon. Can confirm.


There’s like 20 more running too

>>272338244that's their base

>Jeff Flake

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>>272338244In October, President Trump will hijack Kamala Harris for his running mate.She loves prosecuting people and she's going to love putting pedos from Hollywood and Politics in jail. LolNo shade on Pence, but he's done his job.

>Jeff FlakeI hate Mormons

"if the GOP wants to be relevant"Jeff Flake is an absolute moron.There are two paths for the GOP to have future presidential victories.1) convince a huge pile of white democrats that they need to become racially aware whites, and then become the "its ok to be white party"or2) convince a huge pile of hispanics to do a complete 180 on all of their policy preferences, ideas about government, and voting habits.White Americans have vote for the Republican presidential candidate in _every single election since they started tracking that data. That goes back to BEFORE REAGAN. 40+ YEARS.The ONLY reason there have been ANY Democrat presidents in your lifetime is because of NON WHITES.The entire leftist strategy was to get more NON WHITE VOTERS because they cannot win on the white vote alone.I have not talked to ANYONE who has any strategy for how we get hispanic people to start voting republican. Pew research has looked at the problem over and over. Hispanics in America want 3rd world government, and they vote accordingly.The only path forward for the GOP is unashamedly being the party of white survival. The ferals are attacking white suburbia. White identity is rising.We have to resolve this with as few white deaths as possible, but our largest domestic enemy are self-hating white liberals...

>>272349416Where does Flake get off on giving political advice to the GOP ? He didn't run for reelection because his approval rating was like 8%.

>>272349638Cool stormfront larp

>>272338244Yeah I think we will do just fine without Flake and his neocohen cock sucking.

>>272338244even europeans know that JEFF FLAKE is a weak faggot that got literally killed by Trump

>>272341310I mean what have Qchads really done?>kill a mob boss>crash a train >Redpill 10s of millions >push people to run for office >Infiltrate police forces >take state jobs >storm CNN holywood They've literally done nothing of significance

>>272338244Really makes you think

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>>272338244hmm I remember when they said the exact same thing about birthers

>>272340317americans are guilty that we have now this global faggotry 80years later! You should have just sided with the Fuhrer

>>272349661>Where does Flake get off on giving political advice to the GOP ?about the same place Kasich gets to speak at the convention.DNC money.

>>272338244imagine being jeff flake and talking about being relevant

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>>272350036>americans are guilty that we have now this global faggotry 80years later! You should have just sided with the FuhrerThis. Many of us wanted to avoid the war. Nazi party was not hated in USA prior to 1941. Many Americans were Germans; German was still spoken in USA also.But then the stupid fuhrer declared war _on us_. Nonchalantly, even.He had to know that FDR wanted the war badly. He had to know that America was already under heavy Jewish control.WTF was he thinking?What we were supposed to do?USA never should have fought Germany in WW2. I think Hitler could have avoided it if he were smarter.

>>272338244Trump is the only true human being that will save us from the Jews (proof=they are all seething). Don't let them demoralize you.

>>272349836>Cool stormfront larpNot an argument.

>>272350401>But then the stupid fuhrer declared war _on us_.>Nonchalantly, even.I agree it was a mistake, albeit probably minor as FDR would have found some bullshit reason for it regardless

>>272349888Fucking checked and kek'd. Though that mob boss killing was, to me at least, obviously a glownigger cleaning up an intelligence asset and using the opportunity to smear Q. Nothing Q has ever said would incite someone to kill a member of the fucking mafia.

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>>272338375Yes but he and his ilk have done a lot to turn Arizona about 50,000 votes more Democratic and that's the real thing that matters.


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>>272350773>I agree it was a mistake, albeit probably minor as FDR would have found some bullshit reason for it regardlessWithout UK, USA would not have been in war.How does Hitler fight UK to a stalemate/peace before Dec 1941?- lean on turkey to get access to turkish/soviet border. - lean on spain to get access to attack Gibraltar and take it from the British- invade USSR via turkey, go directly for oil production, which is concentrated in the south of USSR- 90% of USSR oil is in this tiny region; powers entire USSR war machine- entire volume of USA lend lease to USSR is smaller than amount of oil USSR gets from its own oil fields per year.- If germany captures USSR oil fields early:-- USSR crippled-- Germany supercharged; germany was low on fuel for the entire conflict-- USSR is either defeated or forced to stalematemeanwhile, Germany uses spanish access to occupy gibraltar, and therefore controls naval access to the mediterranean. Royal Navy cannot do anything inside the med. Axis has freedom to move troops/material between europe and africa with impunity. Allied forces in Africa are much harder to resupplyWith Hitler having neutralized USSR, hes fighting a single front war against UK, and USA hasn't joined yet.From position of strength, Hitler talks UK into brokered peace. USA never enters the picture.If Japan still attacks USA, Hitler denounces Japan to avoid war with USA. Germany and Europe are secure.

>>272338574In an effort to fight "right-wing disinformation", Shareblue generates and focus-group tests these retarded buzzwords in their MemeLab(tm), then spams them all over the board day and night:>Qboomer Qtard Qfag Qoomer Qushner Qult Take Your Meds, Schizo>Zion Don MIGA Zognald Juju Cum>etc. etc.Of course, OP is a rare example of an organic poster using one of these terms, but 9 times out of 10, it'll be a shill.

>>272338244Who the fuck is Jeff Fake?

Q never posted any evidence. You faggots got trolles hard and have hard time to admit it.

>>272352493>Translated: I am unintelligent, new, and unable to understand duality of meaning. Why was Cicidia 3301 was used prior to Trump.

>>272352493My folder of Q proofs says otherwise, but you wouldn't acknowledge any of them anyway if you're shilling like this.

>>272338244Shouldn't this terrify most conservatives, if the GOP becomes overrun by Qanon believers, their support among independents (Which they rely on to win) will crash harder than the missiles into the WTC

>>272353572dump some of it

govtrack.us/congress/members/jeff_flake/400134https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/congress-trump-score/jeff-flake/Ill leave these here , let his votes speak for him

>>272353949Okay, kiss this thread goodbye.

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>>272353673Nah. Support will fall, but niggers always fuck up enough to make it close. They are literally the anchor around the dnc's neck. When all the red boomers are dead, then shit gets interesting.

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>>272338244who tf is jef flake?

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>>272338244>it cannot endorse those who embrace conspiracy theoriesLike Mormons

>>272339032is that supposed to be mueller? WEW LAD

>>272350202He's a mailman's son. If you don't believe him just ask him.Cincinnati.com.Former Ohio Gov. John Kasich will speak at Democratic National ConventionIf Trump promised to purge the right of these flakes and deadwood, I'd swallow my vomit and vote for him.Have you ever seen this guy eat? He makes Pauly Shore look like a debutante at the cotillion.

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>>272349961they're fucking terrified

>>272339765fuck off concern troll, that shit works with retards like Redditors, but will only get you (you)'s and mockery here.

>>272354605where does Q post? Ive never seen threads in here directly from Q, only reposts.


>>272353572I've been through most of them most likely. There is simply no evidence in the true meaning of the word simply things that can be true if you want to believe them but no evidence.

>>272340026Most important post in the thread. Learn this lesson little niggers.Also someone should screen cap this.

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>>272356259Q posted here only for a little over a month. In Dec 2017 he went to 4x2chan. That got taken down in August of last year. Since then he's been at (8)kun dot top. If you want to just read his posts and not deal with the mess that the general threads are, the following aggregate sites are best:>qmap dot pub>qanon dot pub

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>>272356584cool, thanks

>>272339765Yeah and the other problem are the endless promises and cryptic bullshit Messages which basically confirms it’s a pro-Trump psy-op. They just took the stuff discussed on Holla Forums and turned it into a LARP where sealed inditements™ are going to be unsealed any day now. If something happens it will be like a thunderbolt on a clear day.

Jeff Flake is a flake and can fuck off back to his pedo ranch

>>272356925im not a qoomer but i find it interesting. 99% of the time travel trump shit is made up by boomers on twitter and FB

>>272338244Q-user is a gay faggot larper, used to distract autists from the real issues they could be solving

>>272351822It's Shareblue, It's the fucking Jews, it's the Chinese, it's Russians, it's someone always shilling our "movement" it just can never be that maybe someone did think for themselves and Q just wasn't what they were looking for.

>>272357350Such as...?

A Qmer?

>>272338574Only thing I've heard the Durham report deal with is the election shenanigans, so if there's any evidence of a global pedo cabal beyond bill clinton and prince andrew I haven't seen it