How are you holding up Holla Forums?

How are you handling the political landscape right now? What’ll you have to drink?Remember to keep it political.

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Other urls found in this thread:'Jew

>>272337986Just fine. Got the life benefit from my grandfather's passing recently. It'll sit in savings until this whole virus thing blows over.

>>272337986Riding the tiger I guess. Trying to say positive in this insane world. It gets hard sometimes but I'm getting better at it. What are you up to op? It's been a few days since the last thread.

>>272338233Glad to hear my dude. Sorry to hear about your grandfather, I treasure mine.>>272339043Positivity is hey amongst all the demoralization campaigns. I’ve been good, jannies banned me for a few days because of one of these threads. From what I can tell we need them more then ever. Another user makes them too. Getting married soon, I have to say that’s really helped to keep me positive and focused.

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>>272338233Put that shit in crypto Cash is dead nigger

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>>272337986hello gents

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>>272339863Hello my dude. What’s on your mind and what’ll you have to drink? How’s Australian politics these days?

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>>272337986>Political landscapeI'm almost fully under the black pill>how are you holding upMy fiance of 7 years decided to leave me 3 days ago. I'm pretty jaded at this point user.

>>272340349>American ryeIs this any good? I like Wild Turkey 101 when I can find it, but it's bourbon.

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>>272339674I can't buy Yuengling with crypto

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>>272337986Sometimes I wanna fucking kill myself. I just sit here waiting for war, waiting for a collapse, anything. And all I ever wanted was to play with my fucking dog. I'm tired, man. I'm sick of this shit. The thing that sickens me the most , down to the very center of my being, is seeing what it's doing to the women. And they don't even care. They're having fun right now, what the fuck is this world coming to, man.I'll have a bud, I guess. I drink 3 and I'm ready to fucking puke

>>'Jew flu' is a criminal virus not medical one.Political in a sense that there is no such a thing pure lie and humanity go along with it .Do you have 'mate' ? to drink

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>>272339504Glad to hear that. These threads and Sig really seem like the only thing left that is good consistently. Shills keep gettings worse. Good luck on your marriage. >>272340445I'm sorry to hear that friend. What happened?

>be bartender>hate drunk peopleI can't stand bartenders. Sorry, just though of that when I saw that op pic.

>>272340349i'm having some coke and a cigar. do you partake?

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>>272337986I'll take a curly and black shot (half jewish cum and half nigger cum) sometimes goes by "ill have a trump"

Evening gents, just having a whisky while I watch my newborn and browse. Been a few days since I've been on, dam break yet?

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>>272337986 a lot people are being redpilled and the XFL is coming back (again)...groovy i guessalso a glass of orange juice

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>>272337986Nigger fatigue user!

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>>272340884it's a long story user. I loved her, but I also started to see the relationship break apart at the seams with all of her decisions and actions. I did everything I could to keep the relationship going, but she did not side with me, and instead sided with her parents. It sucks that I don't feel nearly as devastated as I should feel, because deep inside me I somehow knew that it was only a matter of time before something had to give.But life goes on. That's the mantra that's kept me going through all of this, that and God.

>>272340840Cool pic bro, but you're ignoring that viruses don't just float around the air on their own, the virus travels in body fluids.Now post a pic of a glob of spit next to the mask fibers.

Ehh I live in a rust belt city where we still have oblivious democrats that can’t comprehend reality anymore,I am in a service industry so I have to smile and agree to all their horse shit political comments. I honestly feel bad for them >pic related.

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Not good, bartendanon. None of my hobbies seem to interest me anymore and things just seem pointless. I get more and more frustrated quicker at little things like co-workers asking me simple questions.I don't know if I need a vacation, or to stop reading Holla Forums, or what. I just know that shit sucks right now, personally and globally.

Smoking a shit ton of weed over here

>>272337986Hey barkeep, just a glass of tonic water mixed with whiskey and olives for me. I went full name the Jew on my parents and now my relationship with the family is in shambles. Dad doesn't want to hear me explain myself. Shit sucks.

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>>272338233>THIS is white privilege

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>>272341346the masks are embedded with a toxic agent that people are inhaling at 1,000x the rate of any particulate viral matter.that was the whole point, create a panic and then sell everything chinese masks impregnated with carcinogenic agents that will cause everything to develop cancer in 5-10 years.that's when the party really starts, and the first waves of chink shock troops hit our shores. pretty hard to fight when you're laid up in a hospital bed undergoing chemotherapy.

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>>272340756Welcome to the blackpill, it's going to suck for some time. I'll be honest, there are only 3 outcomes of it, short suicide, long drawn out suicide, or a mindset change. Got nearly to the rope myself. Anyhow now is really just the waiting room to something even worse so I guess that's where Sig and whatnot comes in. Don't know if this helps but I just want you to know others have felt this pain. And don't worry about the women as the law of cause and effect will work its self out either with them dead or miserable depending on how quickly society collapsed. Stay strong.

>>272337986wish americans on this board would take responsibility for their miga problem, by this point theyre just squeezing their eyes shut and pretending they arent everywhere, though we al see other country has an entire colony of normie politician supporters, just burgers.and its making the use of this board annoying af

>>272341537that sounds rough bro, sorry your family is still dad had a giant biography of Hitler in his bookcase when I was 5 years old, and I'm 30 now. we talk shop all the time, my mom is redpilled too but she never used to be. just keep at it, give them concrete examples they can't refute. they'll come around.

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>>272337986Depends on the day. I either shutoff the rage bait or dive in face first into depression and anger. I’ll pour myself some bourbon from my flask if thats alright with you.

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>>272337986No worries, Gin and tonic.

Good, finally people are realizing the dangers of the left wing.Im soon to become a Uni Student, I plan to work my ass out to bring back the old values and restore upstanding honor to my country. Perhaps one day, Ill be able to restore my beloved mexico to the former glory, and earn the respect of many other countries. No longer will I let our blood and soil be spit on, taken by foreigners, or disgraced as a third world country. Together, we can march to a brighter future.

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>>272341410Stop looking at porn and stop jerking off. Start praying to God. Go in nature. Find a woman to love, you’ll be good brother.

>>272342036wow thats so based my based spic friend? 1488 ameri fellow muttnigger?

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>>272341337Sorry to hear that user. I've lost many family members to some bad choices but that's not the same feeling I guess. People have free will and their negative choices have more impact then they can see. Hope you find peace soon, but the grieving process takes time too. >>272341410Pol does feed the hedonic treadmill if you know what that is. I find not using it as much will bring the spark back into hobbies. But even then you just have dull depressed days and that's something we have to live with I guess.

>>272342036Don’t listen to that cunt. Keep riding th3 tiger brother.

>>272340451Try this outstanding Canadian whiskey. Super smooth.>>272340756Find a focus for your energy user. Find something to live for.>>272340884Thanks user. We will never meet, but we all need a place to shoot the shit and speak our mind.>>272341164What are you smoking?>>272341228Congrats on the kid user. They don’t want you to do that.>>272341410They are trying to demoralize you. Build the future you want to live in.

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>>272337986I’m always a mix of white and blackpilled. Recently I realised I shouldn’t get into politics. I still want to improve my country so after I’m done studying I might join the police.

>>272342372We ride the tiger with honor, duty, and conviction. We will restore our tarnished honor!The time has come to finally rekindle the flame of our empire

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Taking it all one day at a time. Not doing great, although having seen a lot worse. My bf wants to break up over difference in politics. He's a complete libtard while I'm obviously to the far right of him. I kind of regret ever revealing my power level, user.

>>272342176No, not a nigger. And no, not American.A proud Italo-mexican who wishes to restore his country’s honor

>>272342602are you a faggot or a woman?

>>272337986I'll take a whiskey with a few cubes of ice if you got it. Buffalo trace?>>272341537My dad is coming to visit me this labor day weekend, he always talks politics, and he's always been a far right conservative. I'm hesitant to name drop (((them))) if he brings up politics and the current state of society. How did it all start? Kind of sounds like it was a conversation that got heated.

>>272342036And how the fuck are you gonna do all that shit? btw the left is far from finished,morena will win at least 9 states next year.

Also we have a nationalist party in parliament (FVD) who’s leader had dinner with Jared Taylor. He’s definitely redpilled on race. We will have elections in march 2021. Hopefully we will get a major economic recession due to Corona before that so the party will do even better in the election.

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>>272337986drinking henninger, they changed the pint cans to white for some reason.

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>>272342935First, by becoming an example.Second.. Im not quite sure, but its just starting.Its been only recently since Ive “woken up”

>>272342036>former glory>MexicoNo such thing

>>272343298Then we shall create a new glory.

>>272337986I must say I'm on a slight uptick. Normally I want to burn the world, but I stumbled on a qt virgin who wants marriage then kids.. I'm sure it will eventually fail, but right now in the early stages of barely knowing her, I'm happy. I have hope. I don't care that it's fleeting, sometimes you need to take the small things.I must try and remember this feeling and optimism for later when she's gone/been revealed for the crank she most likely is. It's not the girl.. it's the thought of making family again. It really does soothe me.

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>>272343381Oh and my drink tonight was a $15 bottle of Pinot Noir, I forget from where. I had it with Wieners and Beans. I'm complex.

If you are interested, this is my tactic for dealing with the abyss:Take a few deep breaths in a row. Oxygen is free and this step is important, so no fewer than five. Breathe slowly with a pause at each inhale and exhale. Recognize that each and every breathe is a victory against those who hate you. Breathe a little more. Recognize that levity and laughter are the most powerful weapons at your disposal. All of the world is a comedy, just waiting to be laughed at. Reaching this attitude is not easy, but it is self-maintaining. All of your enemies recoil in horror and pain at the notion that you are unaffected by their efforts to destroy you. The first time you invoke this response with your mood, you will become happier and happier.Give it a shot fren. Its free to try.

I'll have a dirty martini with Tanqueray gin, please. Thanks.Fuck Joe Biden and the dems. Kamala Harris gets a second shot for free and my boy Bernie gets screwed for the third time. It sucks being a Bernout.Trump 2020...I guess.

Extreme nigger fatigue, thankfully my family and friends are all pretty based in that regard. Lost my job from COVID shutdowns, not sure what I'm going to do. Also,>Stella plox

>>272343381so you love someone you barely know? I don't know if I should call you innocent or retarded,probably both.

>>272342756The latter, unfortunately.

>>272343748God no, I may never love again after my ex wife. Not entirely true, I still love my children, will love the new ones.But I'm happy to entertain the possibility of making more children and having a dedicated wife, even if it's only for a period of time.


>>272343373if you're ever elected as a politician then do your part to stop the sewage runoff in northern mexico into the pacific, san diego gave the mexican government millions to build a sewage treatment plant and the money probably just went into the cartels. Cant really get rid of the cartels though because they are CIA assets, they own your country.

>>272343908Just used to larping as a guy on here all these years.

>>272343908She has teh boobirs, user.

>>272342816Show them who's funding BLMIt's been working pretty well for meI've been openly natsoc and it just so (((happens))) that I can find a strong correlation between what's going on now and what I believe about politicsThis is the kryptoniteBe based, my friend

>>272343189Well I will say this before in a few years you get demoralized that political solutions are useless due to your countries circumstances. If you want real change you have to change the culture. How does one change the culture? Well one must change himself and his community and culture will grow and spread from there. There is a part of race and whatnot but that can't be controlled immediately. There is a lot more then that but I would recommend learning about culture creation from history to understand the process. The process is slow but that's how all great things start. Godspeed.

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>>272342602You fucked up. Leave him to his own devices, there are plenty of libtard girls and almost no conservative girlsLet him find out what hes dealing with and go find a man who isn't a weak sack of commie shit for brains

>>272343751On the bright side, you'll likely have an easier time finding a far right guy than any anons here will have finding a far right woman. I dropped the last girl I was dating immediately when she voiced support for BLM.

>>272337986How are you doing bartender?

>>272342063>>272342354>>272342550Thanks anons. I'll try to take what you said to heart. Stay awesome.

>>272337986The fact is my own personal life is no worse. I still have the same comforts, if not more. Taking religion more seriously. I want to be sure I go to a better place and my actions during this time don't fuck me. My biggest problem is judging the normies. I want them to go to hell and I don't think that's the right attitude.

>>272344725Oh yeah, drinking Knob Creek 9 that I picked up on sale driving through NV.

For me it was way worse under W. Was ready to give up, thought about moving out but learned only the rich can escape. Now that I'm older I'm glad I stayed anyway. Better to stay here and fight than flee. In fact, I'm more optimistic now than ever. It's been fucked for a long time since the tiny hat tourists were allowed to flood in masses post civil war. Turn of 1900 century can see the change. Hang in there anons, more people than I ever thought are sick of this shit, they are just ignorant and don't know. Once they learn truth they turn, slowly step by step. The war is not televised. WW3 is already here and is an information war. Keep fighting. Spread the memes.

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>>272344448Is there any chance in hell of me either getting through to him eventually or this not breaking us? Nice digits btw

>>272342602What exactly did you say to him? It shouldn’t matter what he thinks when you’re raising the children.

I’m really enjoying Attack on Titan now lads. I recommend all of you to read the manga. The protagonist is literally pic related and seeing half the fandom hate him is so satisfying.I think I was banned for 3 days from /a/ when I posted this image kek.

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Decent enough, shitcoin gains, back in the gym religiously for the first time in a year. Taking a semester off of school to get my life straight. Pretty /comfy/. Stopped drinking on weekdays but usually go for a Paul Hobbs or Caymus

>>272342550>Something to strive forSuggestions?

>>272343587Thanks user, dats nice.

>>272345098I suppose there's a small chance, but from my experience, it generally doesn't get any better. I've learned people are largely trapped in their own ways and won't change their mind. Not sure how well my experiences would apply to your situation though, especially since I'm talking about women versus you talking about a man. You can try it, but I'd advise to be prepared for an eventual break up.

Not sure if I want a fascist or apolitical gf. Will probably try to find a very christian girl who wants at least 3-5 children like me.Unfortunately I’ve never had a stable relationship which is entirely my own fault. I use tinder religiously and probably have an addiction to meet and fuck women. I can like a girl really quickly but I’ve never fallen in love.

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>>272337986Give me glass of bourbon. Neat. With water back.Mind if i light up a joint in here?

>>272346328First step is to drop the tinderjew fren, look for women in places that you would want you future wife to frequent. Good luck.>>272346443Baste

>>272346683*your sheeeit

>>272343587Pic related

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>>272337986Not very well. The constant anti white rhetoric, the knowledge that it will only get worse as boomers die and whites decrease in number, the destruction of our history and monuments. Its really taking a toll on me. I wish I could be a normie again

>>272337986I just want something really BAD to happen to get us out of this holding pattern.>Climate collapse>Aliens>China vs US war goes hotI think climate collapse would be pretty cool to witness desu

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>>272345819A family. A creation. Something that the world will remember when you’re gone after a long life.

>>272337986>walk in, stick quarters in the jukebox, and select this glass on what you got on tap, keep the tip, and thank you.

>>272339504I'm hanging in there but idk if I wanna stay in the game of anymore.ive become very black pulled. I lost alot of friends due to suicide and drug addiction over the last few months and it's the only reason why I don't off myself. The world is fucked and the real shit hasn't even begun and i dont know if I want to stick around for that. But I do know is we can't let these kike bastards win. The normies are beginning to wake up and the kids know it so we must press on and walk forward into the rain.

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pussy bitch thread

>>272337986I want the spics out of my countryI want the nigger in their own sectionsI want to kick in drity chink doors and colonize their womenI want the jews actually in a camp this time and not summer campI esnt the boomers to get the day of the pillow for this spic menace and H1B niggers

>>272346683I probably should. Tinder and random sex can’t be healthy for me. I don’t go to many places besides work, gym and bars/clubs though. My hobbies are basically politics, internet, gaming and my metal detector.

>>272340738>Yuengling Based

>>272337986smoking k2 atm. I had some LSD 2 days ago... most intense experience I ever had. I literally couldn't stop moving and smiling. The fuckin ceiling was breathing and the walls were laughing at me. I had fun, but ehh, I'm probably gonna get some DMT, smoke up the rest of my thetic and quit. I'm just stuck at a massive crossroads in life, but due to the world around me, it feels hopeless. It doesnt matter what path I take, I still get shit on.

>>272337986A double shot of Drambuie.Anyway, all the election and Covid BS is really getting tiresome.

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>>272337986A friendly reminder to ask Jesus to save you if you believe that he died for you and rose again.And once saved, always saved. It wouldn't be eternal life if you could lose it.

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>>272337986i'm hanging in there user, thanks for asking. I'm pretty secure in my job unlike most, so i'm grateful for that. My parents are in kinda poor health but that's mostly their own doing and nothing to do with skunky mexican beers. i've no legacy but i guess that's ok, i tried. i gave it hell but it wasn't in the cards. Enjoying wild turkey 101 otr. it's pretty much my best friend at this point. I'm just tired, really tired all the time. Been watching too much alternative historical documentation from the early 20th century and it just makes me sad.

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>>272337986I like these threads. I was just teaching my older brother about SkyKing. He's showing his employees at work. Brother and I did not get along growing up, but after mom passed, we started to learn to be friends. He owns his own company and works hard. Married, with a son and another on the way. I'm proud of my brother. Jameson and coke please, in a pint glass. Make it a double.

>>272347230>I lost alot of friends due to suicide and drug addiction over the last few months and it's the only reason why I don't off myself.fuck man, that's a hard row to sow. I lost a friend of mine recently in an accident. Shit broke my heart, but that's how she goes. i hope you have something that helps you find peace and meaning user. and i'm with ya, these fucking parasites can't win. We've got to be smarter than them and tighter than them. It'll be hard work, but it's possible.

I have always been one to not talk politics with coworkers, family, etc. My close friends I will, but lately it has been especially bad. Every family outing, or every day at work, all I hear about is mask shit, trump shit, or nigger floyd shit. I can hardly even smile and nod anymore, I just want to reveal my power level, but it isn't worth being alienated or losing my job.Glenfidditch 15, neet, please.

>>272337986Pretty badly. Ive always known American politics were a rigged sham but its quickly becoming maddening. The prospect of owning a home or even a new car seems farther away than ever. Even the prospect of a decent job seems far fetched. The other day, I was talking to my 30 year old boomer brother about how I wasnt happy with work becuase they werent giving me very many hours. He proceeded to tell me I sound like a liberal and that I have to earn those hours. I was dumbfounded. Is this really whats in store for Americas youth today? Why go on?Whiskey and coke.

>>272349798you're doing the right thing user. Be cool, go slow. What i've learned, and i'm an old fag, is that it takes forever for us to develop trust in a friendship with people. You throw out things here and there, small things, but they're things that if they're like minded, they'll pick up on quick. I've a friend i started down that road with almost 10 years ago, just in the past 3 years have we both went full power level. We're virtually blood now. Keep trying, they're out there. You just have to seek them out.

>>272349798My job is fucking bonkers on the topic of masks. Every time someone mentions covid I want to start screaming that its a hoax. I literally dont fucking care anymore. Let us move on with our lives.

>>272350123Oh my close friends I have no problems at all with, I have known all of them since I was like 5, and they don't agree with me as much as they are open to talk about shit, we back and forth a lot and settle in the middle, but we all have a mutual respect.

>>272337986Ill just have a jack with cokeIm worried that the propaganda is only going to get worse and that there will be no happening just a slow spiral into madness.

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>>272349960aight so i'm older than your boomer brother and so what i would ask is, "Is this what you want to do?" It sounds like this job is a stepping stone and an opportunity to hopefully jump to something else because it's ran it's course. They don't want to give you more hours and it doesn't sound like you're challenged but you like the money. Is moving on to the next thing in the cards? Change fucking sucks, but that's the only way you move ahead in this game. Not trying to sound like a fucking fortune cookie but be reasonable, but open to the next thing. Nobody's going to give it to you because they like you. They're not against you, they're just out for themselves.

>>272350269Good shit user, Good shit. Keep'em close, we'll all need each other bigtime one day.

>>272350541>Im worried that the propaganda is only going to get worse...This will absolutely be the case. habeeb it. Take a small comfort in that this is an election year and it's 100x ratcheted up for maximum fear, tibalism and that this is usually how things go. Though i won't lie and say this is a normal election year. We're definitely in new-ish waters. Keep the family close, Keep the friends close.

>>272337986I just want to feel loved. I’ve been such a pathetic failure at life these past couple years, I can tell my parents and relatives are disappointed in me but they pretend it’s okay to my face. Feels like I can’t do anything right and that even God is disgusted with me for what I’ve done. My glock has been looking real friendly these days, just don’t know a way I could pull that off without disappointing them even further.

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>>272337986I’ll have a glass of water this time, as I am just passing through for to sit a couple minutes. I am on my way to where the dreams are.

>>272351258God knew what you would become when He made you. I'm sure He's not disgusted by you because He specifically made you to have the potential that you do. It's up to you to reach that potential though. I get you're unhappy. I've been there. You gotta start living the life you have towards the life you want. Make changes along the way, one step at a time. You can do it, bro.

>>272351258Get rid of you gun user. Have you tried reaching out to your parents? I’ve found that many people I want connected to just needed me to reach out.>>272349321Hold onto your parents user.

>>272351695this right here, good shit.

>>272341589Yeah, he worked hard in life and wanted to be sure those who cared for him in his last days got something for it.

>>272351765will do. Love'em like mad, they're just so fucking obstinate and hard headed. haha

>>272350647>is this what I want to doFuck no. Not for the rest of my days. Its not a bad job to be honest, but I didn't go to college to work with a bunch of kids. Its a very menial job. The thing is, I just started a few weeks ago. When I was offered the job, I was told I would receive more hours than im currently getting. Im upset because im willing to put in the work, yet my job wont give me enough time to put in said work. Now the question is what to do. Do I just accept it and hope for the best, or do I start looking for work elsewhere, turning my back on the company who invested time into me, and who've I've invested time into myself. Considering our current economic and political situations, I dont see a choice but to go along with the status quo. Its better than my last job I guess. Fuck my last job.

>>272337986it's fun watching people get caught up in the noise and not remembering any of the lessons of 2016. when the democrats fall this time the ass hurt is going to be unimaginable. a little impatient for it to all be over but that's about it

>>272351695Thanks bro, I’ve hit a rough patch in my life and I’ve been feeling trapped. I just turned 20 and I look back at the time I’ve already wasted. No real churches in my area, don’t really have any spiritual guidance in my life. I want to get back with God but I don’t even know how. Haven’t gone to church since I was 14 but this last year has shown me how important faith is. >>272351765>get rid of the gun anonI have several at this point user.

>>272340445Hey friend. I can somewhat relate. I never got engaged and we had been apart for a little while, but my woman has now moved on and it seems to have woken in me the acknowledgement that deep down I thought everything was going to work out and the problems would be surpassed and we would have our family and so on. It now feels like everything has gone wrong, that my train has become derailed, and I'm struggling to see the bright side of anything.But there is a bright side, and she was a bitch quite a lot, and I'm sure yours was too. Remember in Job, because of his trust in God, even though his wife was taken away ; it all turned out okay because God gave him a better wife in the end. A better future is out there for us both us friend. Just got to keep positive.You're not alone friend.

>>272352343Don't listen to the fucking leaf about guns. Keep the gun. Buy a bible. You're only 20? Fuck bro, you have plenty of time to fix your problems. Hit the gym, find a trade, get some work in. Things will improve.

>>272352028Understood. So here's what i'll say:If they pulled a bait and switch then you owe them zero loyalty of any amount of time. What all is in writing? Can you hold them accountable according to documented agreements? In lieu of that, If you've respectfully raised the issue with your management and leadership to get what you were told you were going to get out the outset of this employment, but thus far have been stonewalled and/or denied directly, then it's time for you to plan your great escape to something better. It's always easiest to find a job when you have one, regardless of how long you've had it. I'll also say this as a general rule, don't expect your loyalty to your employer to be reciprocated. They pay you and every time you get a check, you two are square. That's how they see it, that's how you need to see it. Don't forget this.

>>272342998Wow interdasting policy

>>272352524>find a tradeWhat would you do if you were me?

>>272337986Well, I started playing Planetside 2 as a cope. After getting killed around 1300 times I feel a bit better about reality.

>>272337986I'd been doing so much better for months now. Working hard, pulling myself back from some bad shit that was done to me, getting back in shape, and finally starting to feel good again.Then today I found out that boosted unemployment has been being paid to people that have never worked. Junkies, criminals, and other scumbags that have been out there rioting every day have been getting paid a lot of money while I've been working like an idiot. It just snapped something inside me. I've been doing the right thing for years now and it only ever bites me in the ass. I worked really hard to overcome my criminal upbringing, take care of a family that doesn't give a shit about me, and busted my ass through school. And in the end it's all just a joke, because these mongrels are living better than me, and they always will because the whole system is built on fucking people like me over. I just want it all to end.

>>272353039Not one of the guys you are talking to, but if you are lost on what to do, consider a kitchen. The hours fucking suck, the work is hard, you will work with degenerates, but you somehow find a family with them and feeding people is one of the oldest and most fulfilling jobs. Don't get me wrong, I lose my shit in my kitchen every day, but I still love it at the same time. Pay is garbage though, if you have an interest in any other trade you should do that instead, just so you can pay bills.

>>272351258Oh man same. I feel so forgotten. I don't want to die, but I feel that this isnt living. New years eve I loaded it and just sat there looking at it for hours. Same thing on my birthday, and a few other days. My lineage ends with me. Its just a matter of when. I haven't got a clue what love feels like, and I never will. Most of my friends have faded away, they've moved on. Im just here. Existing. I think im at the point where in less afraid of death and more afraid of how my family would feel. They're already probably so ashamed of me. Imagine how ashamed they'd be of my cold, limp corpse. What a fucking embarrassment.

>>272353039trades are great. I suppose it depends on your location but in general electrician and/or telecom are pretty good trades. you can pretty much go anywhere and work.

>>272353188I work in a kitchen right now and I hate working with these retards. I was thinking plumber, HVAC or electrician?

>>272341511degenerate. this was a wholesome thread and you had to interrupt it with your nigger grass

>>272353323just ignore man. it's fine. he'll fall asleep soon enough.

>>272337986Everyone in my country voted right to the point where they have such a strong majority they are practically a dictatorship, but what we actually got was Labour lite, they're literally housing sandnigger immigrants in four star hotels. What's wrong with a fenced off field? What's wrong with sinking thier boats?No no deal brexit that we all want so we can finally fuck the EU out of existence. Lockdown that has now turned the country into an economic shit tip Mandatory masks in shops only just put in place the other week. Fuck niggers fuck jannies fuck kikes but most of all fuck libs pretending to be tory.

>>272341537have the same dad user. have a college professor dad (no hes not jewish) hes bluepilled and “doesnt see race”. i just dont want to bring up politics with him hes a retarded leftoid when it comes to that stuff

>>272353163The best thing to do is just stop comparing yourself on the level of like, pay or status, and instead of character. If you can live at least in semi comfort, and be comfortable with yourself and what you do, then that is really all you need. I agree the unemployement is infuriating, my restaurant reopened in very early may and I have been working with a skeleton crew on overtime every week to feed either assholes on unemployment making more then my cooks, or old fucks retired living in luxury. But at the end of the day, I am out there actually doing something, instead of selfishly milking a federal program. I could have a faked a cough and gotten on unemployment, Instead I kept doing my job. It does feel kind of shitty, but I think both me and you are better off for it.

>>272353463But what're you drinking tho user?

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>>272341769you must be joking. your country is a slave state with no freedom of speech. america is the last developed country on earth with somewhat conservative politicians. you people cant even own guns

>>272352675Unfortunately a specific hour amount was never put into writing. We merely verbally discussed that most employees are part time, but I would be given as close to a full work week as possible. Getting half a work week now. Very disappointing. I guess I'll give them my best. In the meantime, the search continues. It never really ends does it?

>>272337986I have lost interest in a lot of things I normally enjoy. watching anime girls saying Nigger is the only thing I have left to enjoy.

>>272353309Ah sorry to hear your kitchen isn't working out well, I think any of those would probably be better. Cooking has always been my hobby so I am able to tolerate the dumb shit to do something I have a passion for, and I tend to suggest it because a lot of people down on their luck and without much direction I have seen do very well in the kitchen and find their second start.

>>272337986Hey again, another Irish cream, please. On top of putting off my career for my ex, who is now a major bitch to me as previously mentioned, I feel like the weight of the world is coming down on me. It’s hard to be happy about anything anymore. I try to find solace in the little things, but reality just seems so horrible. Everything I see happening in the outside world is just another step towards further degeneration. It’s like being stuck on a roller coaster to Hell. Hoping to just start a career soon, pay off my student loans and save up some capital. All I have is art, home workouts, and my family. I’ve hooked up with a few tinder sluts after the break up, but I usually never keep contact afterwards, I just feel empty.

>>272353788checked and you're correct, it doesn't. good times, bad times, ebb and flow. I've been working for different companies for 20 years and am doing pretty well, but the game never changes. Employers lie and move to soak up as much work from you as possible for as little pay as possible. We're all trying to maximize our position, it just depends on who's got the leverage at the time. Hang in there user. Start your next job hunt and don't breath a word of it to your employer. If you get a better offer, take it and don't look back.

>>272354014Oh and as pathetic as it may be, seems like Holla Forums is one of the only ways I can cope these days. I actually feel free here. It’s sad, and laughably pathetic.

>>272354107Will do. Thanks senpai.

>>272354141Nah it's not pathetic. it is what it is. I liken it to the clandestine forms of communication of old. secret handshakes, the speakeasy and etc. Sure this is all being monitored by the feds, but if we're not going to commit felonies on here nobody really gives a shit. This is the way it used to be in most/all personal communication. People could speak their minds openly within reason mind you because people there could actually beat your ass. I remember a time before the internet. (yes, i'm that old) People said most all the awful things you see here, just face to face, but nobody gave a shit for the most part. It was better times if i do say so myself, but then again, i might be wearing the rose tinted glasses. Who knows?

>>272347335i didnt ask to be born here user

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>>272354141>seems like Holla Forums is one of the only ways I can cope these daysSame here

>>272342036Based Mexican Hitler.

>>272344167I see you've read Schein. Good stuff.>>272337986Barkeep, I'll take a few fingers of Single Malt over ice. Whatever is good and smoky.

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Weekends almost here, so I am up to slouching through it.

>>272353582I'm glad you're happy and I respect your viewpoint but it doesn't work for me.I'm not happy. I used to find fulfillment in doing for my family but I found out not too long ago they'd just been using me and always resented me for being forced on them when I was a kid (I'm an orphan). To spite me they did some terrible things to me while I was finishing law school and working full time (with them taking almost all of my money) which almost caused me to fail and it broke me for awhile. They explained that they did it and were justified because they had been forced to raise me when I was a kid and because I was always "so dramatic" about everything like school or work or not sleeping for days at a time or having pneumonia. Anyway I'm babbling now. Point is I don't feel happy. Having "character" has done nothing but cause me misery. I used to be a bad person by societal standards. Even back then I financially supported my "family" and was good to them but otherwise I was a really bad guy. And you know what? Back then I felt better, people treated me better, I had more, I was healthier, I got laid way more often, and I at least had a shot at having a full life. Finding this out today was a stupid little thing, but it felt like something just snapped.

im not, just coomed again and here comes the shame.

>>272355954you're parents sound shitty, I know all about that. you tried to love and honor them but that's all you can do. you need to pick up stakes go and elsewhere. America is huge and you can find a place for yourself with a bit of research. you have the character which is more than the vast majority of people. start yourself a family in your new home, plant your roots and have something to strive for. you sound like the type of person who needs purpose. you can find it, it's out there.