What the hell is this thing outside of LA's beaches

what the hell is this thing outside of LA's beaches

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>>272337813Its the sea you fucking retard

>>272337813Continental shelf

What is the sea floor?

>>272337813Entrance to submarine tunnels

>>272337813looks like a really big toilet bowl.

>>272337813Underwater Tactical Staging Base (UTSB) for the upcoming California militia. Tik tok Drumpfkins. You may be able to steal the election, but we won't give up without a fight.

>>272337925no shit you fucking idiot

>>272337813Its called water. Its generally an annoyance.

>>272337813It’s called the continental shelf. The lines going through are called canyons which are caused by underwater rock slides.

>>272337813alien spaceship, I mean, OBVIOUSLY. Don't tell me you thought it was something boring like a platform or shelf.

>>272337813It's your meds

old volcano. just the middle part is left. you see them on land heaps.

>>272337813Half an ocean avocado

You need to shift your gaze to the west and south. San Clemente Island. Dude. That place is off the charts weird.

>>272337813Conning tower

>>272337813It's whatever was causing The Bloop

>>272338058you'll give up without a fight if Trump just says fine Californians can just fuck kids then, it's what leftist really want, it's literally their end game

-1.512437, -174.794325

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>>272337813that part of the ocean got a cancer from being so close to la

The buried ancient body of a celestial being that landed on earth millions of years ago

>>272338341>San Clemente Island.Maybe you'd like to give us A detail. not even some details, just one for starters..

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>>272338883Best Answer La's Sins are affecting the surrounding Nature next to it.

>>272337925>>272337990We know it's a sea but what do you see?

>>272339230Is this some sort of riddle?

>>272337813tic tac landing pad

>>272338580Artifacts from incomplete mapping


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>>272338098:( But muh waifu

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Is there a sub base at seal beach? Or at Long beach port?

>>272338580Something about this image gave me shivers...

>>272337813That's the entrance to the secret submarine base in utah

>>272337813It's a seamount.Like many seamounts, it was an island during the last glacial maximum.Would be interesting to check for palaeontological or archaeological purposea.


>>272337813there's a part of the sea outside san diego called the cortes bank 100 miles out where 100 ft waves break... youtube.com/watch?v=Lz97moE41Xo

>>272337813>>272337965It probably used to be an island.




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>>272337925its actually ocean, fuck off lmao

>>272337813obviously an undersea base

>>272340216good song

>>272337813Your mom

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>>272339076Chinese nationals have been caught trafficking white children there on their way to China for human experimentation.China has been kidnapping and enslaving white children for some time now. Story is just now breaking.

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>>272337813This ass

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>>272337813I know this is a joke cause "muh penis" but we are autists.look at this, all this was likely not under water at one point between the last glacial maximus and now.

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>>272340683It’s a volcano ready to erupt straight into downtown LA Thank god im only like under 10 miles away WakeUp and sm-smell the ashEs mister free man

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>>272340758Source?I will unironically pray every night for the complete and utter glassing and genocide of chinks if true

>>272339733They found the giants on an island near by there, catalina:syvnews.com/entertainment/people/truth-or-myth-were-giants-bones-found-on-santa-catalina-island/article_8904b966-b8ac-5d7a-bca5-b7523eb9dd2b.html

>>272337813I see a squid creature

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>>272340991state.gov/reports/2019-trafficking-in-persons-report-2/china/>Australian media first reported news on child trafficking in December 2014, claiming that China is the largest market for child trafficking with about 70,000 children being abducted every year for illegal adoption or forced labour. The reports were widely cited inside China.They started with Asians but have moved on to whites. White is the color of good there, very good luck, Chinese fetishize white. Since there are more Chinese men, and they can't get girlfriends even if it's 50/50, they have taken to trafficking first Asian, then Eastern European, and now American girls.

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>>272339309What kind of runway is that in china?

Holy shit, some water just flew over my house!!

This is now a weird shit on google maps thread.

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>>272339306ok glower

>>272339530It's okay user, that's just your schizophrenia. Ready take your meds? I'll tuck you into bed right after mmkay?

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>>272341423that bitch is literally built like barbie? What they fuck are they doing with genes n shieet over there in china? spooky.

>>272337813Its Hawaii, nigger

>>272342015the continent of britain?

>>272337813see those holes in the side of the toilet bowl? Thats where my people live.

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>>272342265hey you watch robert sepehr videos too?my man!

>>272340914>muh peniswhat are you talking about. got dick on the brain, faggot?

>>272342605The island on the map called brasil. now 1k ft. under water.

>>272337813UFO base. They fly in and out all the time.

>>272338341>>272340758>>272340991>>272341423>>272342357oh fuck off you drooling morons. if you actually lifted your fat fucking fingers you'd see what really goes on there. they have a bar called the fucking salty crab you dumb fucks cnic.navy.mil/regions/cnrsw/installations/navbase_coronado/about/installations/naval_auxillary_landing_field_san_clemente_island.html

I'm more interested in those deep sea canyons.

>>272337925kek based

>>272342357leg extension surgery

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>>272338058Tick tock**You fucking moron.


>>272342839This thread is about China's trafficking of children

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>>272342888We dumped nuclear waste in those, 3k feet deep

>>272342801sea goes up sea goes down its what happens mate


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>>272340758Also north koreans and south east asians. They are locust

>>272343228Do the same experiment in a vacuum chamber...


>>272343124I mean how they formed. Some of those canyons are thousands of miles long and thousands of feet deep. How did they form? Jewgle earth has been slowly updating the bottom of the ocean with higher resolution images, take a look around at the sea floor and try to think of how they formed that far beneath the surface of the ocean.

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>>272342357>>272342905literal dark age tier surgery but it works pretty well, doctors cut your bones, and then rig these fucking things to your limb and slowly crank the screws to stretch your limb out as the new bone grows in the gaps

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>>272343375dont need to do i, the video is enough proof for me also you couldnt do that in a vacuum chamber because you would die wouldnt you, think about it


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>>272337813It’s an ancient underwater alien monument of the elephant man’s penis

gentlemen if you will

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>>272342265want a random redpill?those continental shelves used to be above landalso Tolkien knew about it, being a mason, and wrote about it allegorically

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>>272338058Underground facilities are too risky because of the san andreas fault being along the entire west coast. So I don't think so.

>>272343228That's because when the balloon releases its trapped gas there is no exothermic expansion like there is in a rocket. You're working with multiple forces in spess motors, instead of just poot poot air force with the balloon delfation.

OP's mum

>>272343228rockets produce forward thrust because they have a specialized conical nozzle that directs all the force of the ignited fuel out the ass end under high pressure, the pressure of the fuel burning and pushing its way out of the cone produces the force, this is vastly different than a compressed air reaction under normal atmospheric conditions

>>272342265Doing research on the sea sediments of the area, AMA

>>272343956>>272344130dont care virgins use all the big words you want the earths still flat

>>272339076You have to fly to work there.

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>>272338058>hoping biden is electedHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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>>272337813CA is bottom pre-op.It's a trap.

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>>272344422Janet airlines?

>>272344227youtu.be/9WI_XNJenQg we figured out that you can increase or decrease the effects of rocket propulsion depending on how you vent the gasses back in the 40s' it's easy shit manthe earth is a convex hollow cylinder retard

>>272337813A dipping sauce container

>>272343228>pinching the straw

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>>272344197What?Pelagic snow, accretionary wedges, turbidites and whale shit?


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>>272344470It’s called the Buddy Holly Express.

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>>272343790Indeed, dogerland? You know Joeseph Smith was a Mason.... Makes you wonder if he actually got his information from the. I think his whole family was actually mason, his brothers name was hyrum.

>>272337813Its a merchant


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>>272344757i dont think youre getting a whole lot of work done

>>272337990Guess you can call that deep thinking?

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>>272344909Shut up.

>>272344872And you would be wrong as a football bat.

>>272340856Not gonna lie but I want to fuck some elephant ass

>>272344909Learn some english you fucking spick-scum, carlos motherfucker.

>>272337925Fucking kek

>>272344197Based. Find anything interesting you can talk about?Any artifacts yet?Have you been able to date the last time the sediment was above water?

>>272341423When will they learn?

>>272337813Holy shit did you even zoom in on it?

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>>272340216based cortez

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>>272340061thanks user.

>>272337813Google Earth artifact meant to throw off 4chan from finding the real Fuklantis.

>>272343515If you think a vacuum cleaner and a vacuum chamber void of atmosphere are the same thing you're actually 67IQ at most.

>>272343258You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar. Here here

>>272340179I was a rich booming metropolis enriched by diversity and where communism had fully blossomed, until it plunged into the ocean due to climate change. RIP Utopia

>>272337813Your mom


>>272346073how do you know its not prove its not

prove its not without going to google and repeating what someone else says it is

>>272337925>seaman you 3rd world fuckers are stupid

streissland, offshore hub of the anglosohere, and the shimmering pearl of the pacific

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>>272338166I was legitimately going to ask how an underwater ayy base would look like.

What is geology

>>272345488I CAN'T TAKE THIS SHIT NO MORE!!!!! LET ME OUT!!! LET ME OUT!!!!!!!

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>>272337813Harvey Weinstein's underwater dungeon

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>>272343705Pretty cool experiment, the most interesting part is the fata morgana.


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>>272337813That's where the deepwater jews from hollywood are.

>>272337813the fupa

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>>272346930Look, John. Your country is a shit hole now. I know you like to pretend its 1950's and you're reading your Jewish owned newspaper while watching some Jewish television. You have wealth, you're white and all your neighbors are the same as you. Educated, white people. Good values and unwavering nationalism. But those days are gone. And believe me, I know how bad you must feel. I've been living in that hell for all my existence. You have niggers roaming the streets, littering, stopping traffic, leeching off of your taxes, devaluing your property... I know all of that, John. But you're probably a nigger and you live in some shit town in El paso. So go fuck yourself.

>>272337813It's where its deepens, underwater cliffs and mountains if you will.

>>272337813Nemo's seamen laboratory for advanced transhuman species.

>>272337813sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0967064517301856Here is some info

>>272348506I read the abstract. Could be a landing base.

>>272339230A sailor went to sea sea sea to see what she could see see see but all that she could see see see was a spic yelling sí sí sí in the bottom of the deep blue sea sea sea

>>272347562>>272347635>>272347692Okay, now this is epic.

>>272337813The cortes bank!youtube.com/watch?v=1Wupzl0BqkM

somewhat relatedyoutu.be/sCYdLZn_dZw

>>272337813you're making our country look stupid, stop

>>272350473Your making us look stupid faggot. Read the thread retard, there is actual science on this. I'm going to find out where you live and give you a sign.

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>>272342905Ronan Farrow had that done.

one of the secret submarine tunnels that transverse the nation underground

>>272352090probably this actually

>>272338166and/or the launchpad for said craft:huffpost.com/entry/malibu-underwater-alien-base_n_5493186

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>>272337813the ocean?

>>272337813There are mountains under the ocean you fucking nonce

>>272337813Covid-19. Put your mask & goggles on if you want to live.

>>272337813A I believe experts call it "water".

This one is off the west coast of Africa. It's been scrubbed from gøogle maps. What could ((they)) be hiding?

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>>272347063>I was legitimately going to ask how an underwater ayy base would look like.Kinda like this

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>>272344422Checked & how is that prop flexing that much?

>>272353489>ITS BEEN SCRUBBBBBBEEEEEDDDDDDits called dredging bro. that's a mining operation.

>>272337813>1 post by IDHow do you guys keep falling for itSage

>>272347562>>272347635what.... the fuck

>>272354254ikr>sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0967064517301856This is called the "Sycamore Knoll" btw.

>>272355042>sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0967064517301856didnt understand a word of that, but im going with ancient cilvilizationlooks mind blowing though seriously

>>272342768Randal Carlson, look into him

>>272354171falling for what

>>272343228Don't they use different types of rockets to get off of earth and then to travel in space though?

>>272337965This, it’s part of the continental margin


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