Taking lithium and actually feel great

First day. Saw a thread on lithium on /pol not to long ago in which I became aware it did not need a doctors prescription. I feel less anxious/suicidey. Would recommend to any Anons that are in schizo mode. But it’s only been a day and I’m not a doctor so do your own research.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Take kratom faggots

Supposedly lots of countries have natural hot springs which have naturally occurring lithium deposits. People say visiting them improves physical and mental well being.

>>272335154low dose lithium orotate is super healthy for the brain of already healthy people, increases the effectiveness/efficiency of nerve insulation, allows for clearer thinkinga real nootropic everyone should try, works even better with magnesium supplementation

>>272335753If you're going for nerve insulation gains throw in some Lion's Mane.It's supposed to help with that too.

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>>272335154I felt nothing with it

I will try the lithium lion's-mane niacin magnesium psilocybin sunlight stack

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>>272335154Taking stuff that can affect my behavior/mind scares me.

Based. Lithium orotate is great. It’s widely used in nootropics community It’s a micro dose of lithium and helps stabilize you a lot as well as improve your brain function


psycheducation.org/treatment/mood-stabilizers/the-big-three-for-bipolar-depression/lithium/lithium-orotate/Suggest anyone read this. Has a ton of information on benefits


>>272336446Then don't eat food because every food you eat has a different effect on your brain.

>>272335904oh yea lots of stuff helps with synthesis of the insulation, as you point out lions mane is one, b12 and fish oil omega-3 are two other big oneslithium helps the synth only slightly, it's actually changing the properties of existing insulation making it work better, so it's effects happen almost immediately from the first dose whereas that other stuff takes a few weeks to really kick in for the nerve health(although they do reduce inflammation right away which helps a little of everything)

where to buy in rusia? cant i just open and eat something from a battery?


I’m afraid you may be retarded

>There is no medical mental illness test. Unlike medical disease, there are no scientific tests to verify the medical existence of any psychiatric disorder. Despite trying to prove mental disorders are due to imbalances or genetic factors, psychiatry has failed to prove even one mental disorder is due to a faulty or “imbalanced” brain.psychrights.org/http://antipsychiatry.org/http://www.szasz.com/http://www.breggin.org/https://www.madinamerica.com/>Antidepressants and the Placebo Effect by Kirsch et alarchive.is/lx8mk>Kirsch et al.'s calculations are correctarchive.is/QdDLx>The replication crisis hits psychiatry: No candidate genes for depressionarchive.is/T9FIQ>Anti-Psychotics Shrink the Brainarchive.is/EVdG9>Connecticut Patient Has Been Shocked 500 Times in 5 Yearsarchive.is/D4N4E>Kids are getting sent to psych units under the Baker Act in record numbersarchive.is/dOCdw>The Terrible, Awful Truth About SSIarchive.is/rWdez>Questions surround patient's death in psychiatric hospitalarchive.is/UMONa>Their kids died on the psych ward. They were far from alone.archive.is/dvwVk>Antidepressant use creates physical dependencearchive.is/QSS46>SSRIs Associated with Increased Risk for Violent Crimearchive.vn/8AmNN>Is Depression a Disease?: A Debateszasz.com/isdepressionadiseasetranscript.pdf-Diagnostic materials: Diagnose yourself!>DSM-5archive.org/details/DSM5Eng>Checklist of Schizotypic Signsconservancy.umn.edu/bitstream/handle/11299/151571/PR-73-5.pdf>MMPI; Used by US Govt.ohiofamilyrights.com/docs/MMPI_scoring.html>How to score MMPIcognitivedynamics.blogspot.com/2019/12/how-to-interpret-mmpi-2-scores-do-it-yourself.htmlIf they were real brain diseases, they would be treated by a neurologist. Psychiatry is handmaiden to the state.

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>>272336957I bet you guys have some springs or wells that have lithium in them, if you can't just buy the pills.


Lithium is a horribly dangerous thing to take. In wrong doses, which are very easy to go up on, it can kill you or induce severe psychological damage that cannot be undone. This is why lithium is rarely ever used by psychiatrists unless it is the only medication available. Usually only used to treat schizophrenia. Don’t promote this user. You are being wreckless and could get someone hurt.

People often think there's some magic cure for depression when in reality you're depressed for a reason. You either need more exercise, are vitamin D deficient, or need a hobby or a combo of the three. Medication is never going to solve your problems.

>>272337124Lithium orotate is 5mgLithium at pharma doses is 1000mg+Read the research on this. It’s a micro dose it dosent even raise your lithium levels. It may sound abstract to you but read the literature before you write it off Google lithium orotate


>>272335154>1 post by this I.D.jew trying to market his multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical to make you a docile, braindead faggot I recommend next time you just kill yourself here's some actual advice to whites that might be reading this faggot jew threadif you're anxious and depressed lift some fucking weights and get off the computer, go outside, stop playing video gamesmake healthy changes to your life. if you're too mentally weak for that and want to dope yourself up with jew chemicals go ahead. keep playing video games and watching jew entertainment too. hope you do a fucking flip in the end

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>>272337124it's regularly used to treat things like bipolar as well. It's a mood regulator so for a lot of people that feel like shit it'll make them feel better. I'm disinclined to believe on how dangerous it is, if it was legitimately dangerous like you espouse it to be it probably wouldn't be FDA approved for over the counter

>>272337371Lithium orotate cost 5 dollars for 2 months worth online. There is no money to be made on this. You are entirely incorrect Do research


>>272337257here's another ideakill yourself, you urbanite fucking bitchdoubt you've seen actual greenery and nature in over a decade of your life, your concrete dwelling city faggotno wonder you need to artifically keep yourself from blowing your brains out with jew chemicals

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>>272337124braindead idiot, total bullshitfor decades lithiuim was the only psych drug, the most widely used, and the negative effects from excessive dosages are easily reversed by administering common table saltgo shill for mind control psych drugs somewhere else

i got an old powerbankgonna open it up now

>>272337225Vitamin D did more for me than all of the antidepressants I was ever on.

>>272337459breaking your fucking faggot jew skull costs me even lessholy fuck there's a lot of jews that want to put lithium in our water supplies right nowthis thread is full of marketers

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>>272337542So instead of researching anything at all you just jump to random insults. I’ve been researching nootropics for over a decade at this point. They are effective to maximize your potential mentally and performance. They are good tools. If you don’t want to use that’s perfectly fine but learn about what things are and read about them if you want to form an opinion

>>272336446Quit being a pussy and drop LSD.

>>272336388criminally unchecked and based

>>272337225this guy gets it

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>>272336388Fuck yes.I ordered lion's mane supplement back in early covid and it never fucking arrived.

>>272335154You assume the natural state of being, especially in current times is that you should feel great.>feel greatMaybe ponder this assumption?What would you do if you thought no one should feel great about the current state of affairs.

>>272337048My father’s brain went to mush on antipsychotics. I kept telling him not to take them because I knew about the studies, but he said they “make it better.”After five years on them he’s had three strokes and now does not speak in complete sentences. He was in his 70s already and he had been on antidepressants ever since roastie mom divorced him 25 years ago.


>>272337055theres some black shit in my powerbank is that lithium??how should i take it

>>272337676you need some lithium you schizo

>>272335438Kratom works great. Love it

>>272336446your state of mind right now is not peak you

>>272337578>Be me>Warn anons not to take dangerous psych drug>shill for mind control psych drugs

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>>272337719you're a kike that wants to put lithium in my drinking water I genuinely hope your entire family gets raped. I hope your mother, your father get ass raped by niggersI hope that if you ever have little kike faggot children of your own that they get anally raped by niggers as wellI hope you get divorced when your wife realises you're a weasel and leaves you for an even wealthier jew than youyou deserve every moment of suffering you get in this life

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>>272337999Trips of truth, Kratom is great but tolerance goes up so fast

>>272335438Yeah get addicted to a pseudo-opiate. Great idea. That shit will fuck your world up with extensive use if you decide to quit. Have fun with years of post acute withdrawal syndrome, hopefully you have a trust fund because you’ll be too suicidal to work for a while.

>>272338086It's ok bud. Tomorrow will be a better day. Take out all those angry feelings on your favorite Sumatran sun bathing forum.

>>272337124My chink ex girlfriend was prescribed lithium and xanax and some other shit. She was a fucking psycho

>>272337371>>272337542>>272337676This based Aussie cunt is the only sane person in this thread

>>272338139t. Zoomer who hasn’t seen how fucked it isYou’ll be spending hundreds a month to feel normal after a while. Want to quit? Have fun with the longest mental withdrawals of anything ever.

>>272337984>>272338221you can't handle the fact that I can survive naturally without lithium and have much larger muscles and more testosterone than you you're scared of my absolute massive form and muscles that you want to drug my water supply to make me a docile consumer gamer you're scared that's why you jews do what you do

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>>272336760Lithium:Increases GABA (like ethanol, barbiturates, benzos and so on)Increases Serotonin (like SSRIs)Decreases Dopamine/GlutamateIt's a useful substance, but it can be toxic, especially if you have liver issues.

if you want a potent antidepressant try LSD, ools patent expired, oops one dose every 36 days, oops a years supply costs only $2.5 .VERBOTTEN !

>>272338086You're right

>>272335438you dumb niggers are bumping a 1post by id slide

>>272338086>hope your mother, your father get ass raped by niggers120% Holla Forumslove you guy

>>272338433Lithium at micro doses can not impact your liver. That’s pharma doses Lithium orotate 5mg Lithium pharma doses 1000mg+ its over 200x less.Also lowering glutamate is good it’s excitatory and causes many problems for people. Gaba counters it and improves your mental well being

>>272338445And do what? Figure out some truth I already know because I’m not a low iq mongoloid and can actually self critique without psychedelics? Being a normalfag must be weird.


>>272335154>supplement electrolyte>charge stabilisesI do it with zincMuch cheaper

>>272338703no, besides the lore, LSD is a ridiculously strong actual antidepressant.>t. nigger

>>272338646It's useful, especially if you have problems with those neurotransmitters.It'll make you calmer, happier, and also less "up", at any amount that has effect.I can see why it helps bipolar quite well.

>>272337371It must be nice, being able to cope with every single problem in your life, by just telling yourself the problem will go away if you just lift weights and don't touch your penis for a week or two.

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>>272338445Try ketamine or special k. Really gets the mind going

>>272338646>>272338784this fucking kike I swear to fuckif anything this thread should demonstrate to everyone how much the jews and their marketers want to drug your water supplyask yourself what fucking world do you live in where your jewish handlers are trying to drug the population with anti-depressants and even send their marketers onto the internet to market drugging yourself to you as a good thing this kike just wants you to drug yourself and be complacent and docile.look he's even copying and pasting his palm card reading lines from a fucking notepad file

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>>272339002It is nice, actuallyweak minded faggot. go do more drugs worthless insect

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>>272338901Yeah, you must be a nigger if you require psychs to understand some deeper reality.

>>272336876Omega 3 supplements show no perceived benefit -- you must actually eat the fish to utilise the omega 3 effectively.

>>272338086Imagine if this caveman was around today. He'd fuck some shit up.

>>272339011they're the same thing, I've tried all sorts of plants and shit and gave up on the hobby after deliriants, some things came over from "the other side" that i don't want to see again , true story.

>>272335154Go bald and sterile annon

>>272338419 Why don't they put vitamin C in the water supply? Don't they care about children?

>>272338412Maybe you’re just retarded or a weak faggot because I’ve used it on and off for 3 years and have never had any problems when I stop

>>272335154So... are you like a backup battery now?

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>>272339108the nigger us you you fuckin invalidif I meant I'm a nigger I'd write "t. nigger"not ">t. nigger"that means YOU'RE the fucking nigger and it checked out in the end

>>272339017pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30066063Lithium is not a drug. It’s a micronutrient in your system. That’s why food has it like tomatoes and nuts to get your daily adequate intake. This is the same as folate or magnesium zrtlab.com/blog/archive/lithium-medication-or-micronutrient/

it's quite expensive over here


>>272337124what a mong

>>272339002The sad thing is I can tell by your response you've never done either of those things.But by all means, go buy something to fix your self.

>>272337371Holy fuxk. Thank you. This entire thread is a glownigger psyop against schizo incels.

>>272339549Yup, your brain is fried from psychs. Good goy. Did you learn some esoteric knowledge during your trip and then forget it all when you were sober? Damn bro, that’s deep.

>>272337776thisonce you take a psychedelic you learn more about yourself, sometimes too much, but its fuckin amazing

>>272337914Great read, thanks for posting user

>>272335154Go bald and sterile user

>>272335154I have real lithium, and the other day I got seratonin syndrome and realized we are just rotting away, and all these words and beliefs don't mean a thing. Nothing matters at all except reproduction and your own happiness. A bunch of humans thinking they figured out the meaning of life and happiness yelling at other humans who think the same thing and saying they're right, the others are wrong. What a silly fucking life. No matter what words you use or what order they are in they will evaporate into nothing before your life has ended, and while people may respect your opinion deep down their own opinion will always be the only thing that matters. You will never truly live your own life, and will always be a product of your society. You have the illusion of choice, but what choices do you really have? Cheeseburger or burrito. Toyota or Honda. Apartment or house. School or no school. Work or be homeless. Fuck buttholes or pussies. In the end the only real choice is whether you want to live or die, and if you want to live follow the rest of society. Listen to another human that is just as confused and misguided as you tell you how it's supposed to be. Listen to the sounds other humans recorded because it sounds "cool". Watch other humans play pretend as grown adults on your TV. Mash your disgusting genitals into another human and pop another human out. Use substances that alter your perception so you feel better about living. Eat the other creatures populating the planet while also keeping them as companions. Imagine that there is another species somewhere in the universe as lost and confused as us. Do everything you can to prevent the inevitable such as eating healthy, working out, and all that shit. In the end all that matters is death and our lives are solely for making the upper class of society and the world's life easier. We are the ox pulling the wagon, the cow giving its meat and milk, and the dog protecting its owner.

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>>272335438Yup I even kicked weed cause of kratom

>>272335154Your dick will fall off.

>>272339687what a fucking monkey this kike, dudes, do we explain him anything, or do we not no, fuck him>>272339687hey you, negroid kike, fuck and kill yourself kek

>>272339434Maybe you never went hard with it. Shit is poison. May as well tell non addicts to use adderall because it makes you a better worker/student regularly. Kratom is literally just shittier opiates with a longer and more horrible long term withdrawal if you get addicted. You should unironically be shilling oxys instead. At least they would die or use them “responsibly.” Kratom is like the alcohol of opiates. You’ll not overdose but you’ll kill yourself slowly and your mind will deteriorate. If you quit you’ll be fucked for a super long time. But I guess I’m different. I was taking 50g a day.

>>272339853>t. kidas of yet

>>272338419why are you having a tantrum about an essential mineral and why are you obsessed with looking at muscular men?

>>272339895You come off as really fucking stupid.

>>272339853Lol your one gay depressed faggot.The purpose in life is to entertain god. That's it. This is God's video game.

>>272337371This shit right here is the answer.

>>272335637Hot Springs have beneficial effects which are entirely separate from the mineral content of the water.

>>272337999Kratom made my hair fall out. I liked the effect though.

>>272339853Moral relativism and nihilism everyone. The ultimate consoomer trained well by the kike.

Ffs go outside instead...

>>272340083no i don't , it's all in your mind.

>>272337579Don’t do it Ivan, drink some mineralochka instead.

>>272340132It’s literally a pseudo-opiate. It didn’t make your hair fall out.

>>272340092shut up you perverted leaf

>>272338419Actually lithium is in some foods. We have less of it then in the past due to over farmed soil

>>272340409the term is opioid


>>272340517can't expect a /fit/mong to know anything in his red mist other than that hard, melon-like male buttocks make him horny but fapping ruins your gains brah

>>272337604Tbh I recommend all my fellow sad boys to get their blood work done once a year. See your vitamin deficiencies and fix the problem before going on any big pharma or pseudoscience drugs.

>>272340534Okay whatever dude it fills the mu-opioid receptors. Fuck off to reddit.

>>272340534pretty sure it's opiate in US parlance, wiseass 2 bit nigger

>>272338433Lithium increases cortisol levels. It’s the road to dependency and suicide.

>>272340714lmao you've been done

>>272338433>>272338646The pharma stuff is the low absorbing lithium carbonate. So they have to give high doses in the blood to get enough into your brain to have an effect so it is close to toxic levels so they monitor your blood. Lithium oratate absorbes very well and only low doses are needed to get in to the brain.

>>272335154that sounds GREAT!holy cow lets just forcibly medicate EVERYBODY!m.youtube.com/watch?v=JVmitnrWN7g$$$$$$

>>272340092An invisible man in the sky made by humans. Your response is pathetic cause i already told you how you would respond.

>>272340669the faggotry, honestly dude get your asshole checked for gay aids

grc.com/health/research/Lithium/Lithium-The_Essential_Brain_Nutrient.pdfFound this shows why lithium is essential in our diet. Going to read it looks interesting

>>272339853Youve been contacted by a demon. Good luck with that.

>>272340714haha what a junkie

>>272340887>i-i'm straightyeah okit's opioid btw>Kratom has opioid properties and some stimulant-like effects.[5][6]

>>272340853Lithium orotate dosent cost any money It’s 5 dollars for 2 months worth It literally cost less than Tylenol there’s no money to be gained in this Its mainly popular in nootropics communities doctors never give this. It’s a micro dose as opposed to full dose docs give 5mg vs 1000mg

placebo effect. keep a journal and track your feelings as time passes by and the new change feelings wear off. Report back in a few weeks. Also, not politics.

>>272340897I’ll check it out


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>>272340409I had a similar effect. Found some other people on a forum who also experienced hair thinning and hair loss from kratom usage but the addicts believe it’s 100% perfect and got bootyblasted if someone reported any negative side effect. It’s fine if I take it every now and then but the moment I start using it daily for weeks my hair just weakens falls out. Grows right back once I quit for a while.

>>272340709I would be willing to bet that 90% of men with depression would be cured if they were safely and medically given test to counteract jew chemicals in plastics/the water/where the fuck ever. Wanna know something funny though? They say a “normal” range is from 200-1000. Yes, x-5x range is all normal for a hormone that is essential for a healthy male. If you needed any more evidence of men being completely disposable look no further than how they handle the male sex hormone of test. You’re a 12 year old tranny in Canada? Shoot her up with test! You’re a 14 year old slut who wants to fuck without a condom? Give her the female sex hormone for free! Awww you’re depressed because of literal poisoning of your endocrine system from birth? Sorry goy but your male sex hormone is a controlled substance and you need less than 200 mg/dL to get that. Sucks to suck :(. Yeah totally not a conspiracy at all. It’s just a coincidence that test levels used to be 1000 and now 201 is considered normal.

>>272339853I hope this is a pasta.

>>272341105as the dose, so the poison

>>272340788Am I wrong?

>>272335154Stop coming here and you'll feel less anxious/suicidal

>>272340233I guess. You're the one that has "faith" in kike structure. Thinking everybody cares what you have to say. Consumed by your own thoughts and how others think of you, or if they do. Ironic.

>>272341105You won’t find a single death or any of those problems with lithium orotate on any reports. That’s lithium at pharma doses 1000mg not 5mg.Go look it up.It’s like eating 50 Calories vs eathing 10000 calories

>>272341105>some pastel colored cartoon dogshit featuring a fat nigger MC says it's bad for youThis means it's 100% a good idea to take a shitload of it. Like having shills in a Holla Forums thread. Toxic Psychosis probably means 'getting redpilled on the jewish question'.

>>272340957Demons aren't real gook.

>>272341022>dude it’s not aryan it’s indo-european!Literally same thing faggot. Semantics are for redditors.

Free lithium water in manitou springs co and Ashland or. Tastes like shit but I noticed a difference drinking it.

>>272337257It's not worth a fuck if your lithium level is not in the therapeutic range.

>>272341321Yeah, right...

>>272341144find your father>>272341344>"pseudo-opiate"you've done yourself

>>272339107Based crackhead posting is my favourite

you guys are retards if you don't realize this thread is chinks trying to get everyone to talk about lithium so they can sell more of their raw/bulk lithium and bottles of capsules

>>272341374Studies disagree. It shows benefits at micro doses. I’ve posted a TON ITT that you can at yourself if you want. This is the same as gaba supplements don’t actually raise gaba in your brain but still have a positive mental effect. There’s more than 1 indictator that a supp can help you thru

Try Librium it will make you feel like a million bucks.


>>272341238Youre unironically coming off as a retard who had his first existential crisis. You’re the arrogant one who thinks you know anything at all. Probably fucking 16 years old. You think you’re the first person to feel like this ever or even come to philosophical conclusions based on your assumptions? Arrogant little fag.

>>272335154lithium is a mood stabilizerare you bipolar? what's wrong with you?

Do any of you use stamets 7? It's a blend of a bunch of different mushrooms including lion's mane. I have some but never used it long-term so I have zero knowledge of any benefits gained.

>>272335154Lefties are shilling lithium. Warning DO NOT take lithium. That shit lowers your ability to identify threats and makes you more agreeable. There's a reason people have been shilling for governments to put that shit in the water

>>272341573Forgot pic

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>>272341426How many upvotes do you have on reddit?

>>272341571lithium is a nutrient just like scores of other metals

>>272337314>healthandwellnessalerts.berkeley.edu/topics/can-low-dose-lithium-supplements-help-preserve-your-memory/thanks bro



>>272340859Yeah Well, heh, you see, I knew you would respond like that too. Heh. Trolled.If your legitmately an atheist, then youre more retarded than someone who follows organized religion.

>>272335154TRUMP WILL WIN !!! VOTE TRUMP!!! youtu.be/8fwtUZWrBiY

>>272335154 You took one today?

>>272337048BUMP, antipsychiatry site has a very good 15 part essay which proves that "mental illness" isnt real

start taking zinc and magnesium



>>272335154>only been a daymmmmmmmmm big thinks

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>>272341832some people think they're receiving alien transmissions straight into their head, louder and more frightening than anything you could possibly imagine. are they mentally well?some people see & feel insects crawling all over the room and their bodies. are they mentally well?


>>272341568No, I don't. I just find it funny some kike who buys into everything he's sold is talking down to me. You think anybody that you know really gives a shit what you think or have to say? That you will even be a memory after your death? You're nothing more than a rotting piece of fruit on the ground that can speak.


>>272337579Beware, it contains fire. Apparently.

>>272335154It’s basically benzo. They used to use it ween alcoholics off so they don’t die from seizures. I’m sure it’s safe.

>>272341808I couldn't say how or why we are here. I have no idea, but I don't think single cell organisms see us looking down at them under a microscope either.

>>272340006Maybe you’re right considering you can buy Kratom at most smoke shops and people might assume it poses no risk at all. I’ve had problems with alcohol and the xans in the past so I wasn’t about to get addicted to kratom. 50g a day, though, that’s insane.

>>272342483pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3718672/Here’s the study on that where lithium orotate helped alcoholics quit drinking

>>272341543Anon, can you suggest a stack? You seem knowledgeable.

>>272339853damn bro i felt that

>>272341022>it's opioid btwen.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opiateanything else ? oh you're a fag eh what a pity>>272341321theres worse things out there than demons, but the demons are real alright.>>272341344you're kinda worthless. just shut up>>272341568phew , exactly what I'm saying>>272342483>benzo safebenzos kill when cut abruptly, not alcohol, you mixed them up.

>>272335904I tried the Stamets liquid extract of Lion's Mane along with Pregneolone; ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3274763/ and Astaxanthan a very potent antioxidant which crosses the BBB to protect new cell growth in the brain.. I am not thrilled about supplementing a heavy metal like Lithium

>>272338163Sounds more like marijuana. Kratom is good for you and definitely not an opiate

>>272342688Alcohol does too, If you go hard enough long enough. You’re just not smart.

>>272340083Says you, you horrendous faggot. You and the Australian chink I have done nothing but shitpost and names call like a bunch of women the whole thread. The only drugs you idiot seem to enjoy is roids, fuck off.

>>272341745>(((Joe Cohen))) CEONo fucking thanks.

>>272342652reddit.com/r/StackAdvice/newhttps://www.reddit.com/r/Nootropics/newTons of good information on these 2 reddits to build your own stack. It’s going to be entirely personal for yourself and what your needs and goals are. Also these website are good for research examine.com/supplements/https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/index

>>272342688Opiate is a term classically used in pharmacology to mean a drug derived from opium. Opioid, a more modern term, is used to designate all substances, both natural and synthetic, that bind to opioid receptors in the brain (including antagonists).[1]notice that kratom is not derived from opium you massive brainlet spastic

>>272335154Those little midget thumbs lol!!!!!

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>>272341558Nope. I am on a small island in Shimanoseki.

>>272342779never heard such thing kids not allowed on 4chinz btw neither are jew, now go to your mommy

Yeah take dope instead of learning self control...... Kikes got you didnt they

Why dont you just smoke weed?

>>272342941>notice that kratom is not derived from opium you massive brainlet spasticidk i dont do heroinlike substance you petty fucking pedantic negroid quasi jew. go find a dildo and gratify your poz negroid gay ass

>>272342973Well at least my dad’s not gay. So there we have it.

>>272337969Lick it, Yuri. The tickling sensation on your tongue will confirm the lithium absorption.

>>272337225or you have all that shit straight and the looming doom of the west and descent into globohomo madness is what’s got you depressed

>>272342971hope Godzilla reks it>>272343234pretty sure he is, just like ur mother

>>272343186i've got you on the ropes

>>272339233Why would that be necessary?

>>272335154>Take this great supplement, anons!>I am totally not a snake-oil-slinging Jew!

>>272342545Earth life is not an apt comparison It's more like: The characters in a simulation dont know someone is watching them.

>>272337776What if you never come back down?

>>272339687(((you))) don't belong herescram, glowie


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>>272339853To be fair, you have to have a high intellect to get Rick and Morty....

>>272335154Smoke weed or synthetic weed. Everything else gay.

>>272335154Saint johns wort is better and zero side effects or prescription.

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>>272335154>unironically ingesting toxic metals that go into batteriesyou, are a fucking faggot retard. come over and clean my toilet or something and put yourself to good use. you're clearly not doing anything for anyone here. fucking literal retard. do you drink motor oil too?

>>272335154>>272335438>>272335753>>272336599skip the drug addiction phase and jump straight to kys

>>272343359you're just a poz ass fag full of aids >>272343626as if he'll go away on his own, you must actually torture the kikes here to put their alien garbage tier posting in remission.

>>272336446Lithium literally whont do any if that, it's a salt.... how do I know? I'm very VERY bipolar with mania and I'm prescribed to it, all it does IF you have a chemical imbalance is well balance it out BUT if you're taking it because you're retarded and think it will give you a boost well then your throwing your money down the drain

>>272343868it's a nutrient you fucking spastic

>>272338419Ok Saxton Hale lmao.

poast regiment>50 mcg Vitamin D3>30 mg Zinc>350 mg Magnesium>600 mg Ashwaganda>3000 mg Maca >2mg Copper

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>>272335154>lithiumThis looks like a wonderful way to deal with side effects... for me I think more airflow might be my cure... >.

>>272343971what are you, a battery ? you goddamn paki jew>>272343945>I'm very VERY bipolarmuch champion , so wow !

>>272344152Yo based! Morning >multi >probiotic >Coq10>rhodiolaNight >lions mane >bacopa >calcium + d3 >fish oil

>>272339403Expensive & it breaks down in water over a couple days tops. No point. If it could be prolonged that would actually be great though since we really don't have much of an upper limit to our vit C intake, we just shit out what we don't need easy, but that;s in the case of retardo huge doses.

>>272344152Per day:>1g of southern max II herbal incense (or diablo, depends)>1 multivitamin tab>500 mg Vita CThat's about it. Not much, I know. Vitamins are expensive.


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so now that I've beat you al with experience I'll go to bed and retire, what you will do is up to you, just dont kys yourselves you stupid mongrels, unless you are jews or commies, in that case, die !

I had 7 camomile teabags tonight. I like a couple of bags per cup. They mellow you out, it’s a notable sedative effect.Also got skittles weed that fucking mellows you out, it’s really a good deal more effective than basic bud.

>>272335154>But it’s only been a day and I’m not a doctor. one day is not enough, its probably just placebo. make a journal for like 30 days so you can keep track of how you're feeling, then come back and share results.

>>272344649>make a journalyeah no, journalists are fucking niggers, adios motherfuckers


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One a day men's multivitamin has really been improving my moodHelped me quit smoking weed every day too

>>272339107Catboycami is mad

>>272337257there are benefits even with doses like 0.3mg

>>272344152>1 Burger a day >as much nicotine as I can handle>4-6 beers/ drinks a day>nofap 3-12 day gaps>vitamins once a month>12 hours of sleep a day>pray to God>walk only to obtain beer, food, or swap controllers on the old sony ps4doing better than most of Holla Forums

>>272342956>Those little midget thumbs lol!!!!they are actually really big

>>272337225>are vitamin D deficient>Medication is never going to solve your problems.Maybe we need a thread on curing stupidity.

>>272337371Based truth. Shilling fucking chemical lobotomy, yikes!

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>>272337048Hi guys glad to know you're still here

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>>272335154I heard about a drug similar to lithium called depakote or divalproex sodium.Apparetly it induces child-like learning,so you're more receptive to whatever it is you're studying. It's sort of like lithium in that it's for bi-polar dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2535414/Epilepsy-pill-learning-powers-child-studying-skill-adulthood-easier.html#ixzz3fueTY3Tu

>>272335154>But it’s only been a dayIt stopped boosting my mood after 5 days and I stopped taking it. The true blackpill is that there is no way out.

>>272343536Agreed, but it's a good way to explain it because simulation comes off as conspiracy and scares people away from the topic.

>>272345309Lamotrogine is another epilepsy medicine used for bipolar in that same category if you are interested in researching that

>>272335154I also recommend taking Nordic Fish oils OP, and Vit D3 along with itall good for depression, anxiety, and for good skin too

>>272339853Don't think about it too hard, just eat the bugs user

>>272337371>jew trying to market his multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical to make you a docile, braindead faggot lithium stopped getting used for most psychiatric treatments because of jewish control of the pharmaceutical industry you fucking shitwit.

>>272343301Or maybe that kind of mindset is driving you to madness and changing it and affecting change in your community that you do have power over is a way to overcome your depression in that regard. To each their own.

>>272345449Who are you afraid of scaring away? Fucking literal retards? You seem to be obsessed with "normie shit". Yes, you can see the pedantic bullshit nature of it all, but you are still obsessed with it. That shit doesn't matter and you know it. Just because everyone around you is a dumb faggot, it doesn't have to control you.


>>272339002i wanna lift weights and stop touching my peepee

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>>272346917>stop touching my peepeeCan I touch your peepee instead?

>>272347148r u girl

>>272347220>r u girlWhat a disgusting post, shame on you, you piece of shit.

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>>272335438May as well just skip the middle man and take up heroin.

>>272346917start with lifting weights. twice a week for an hour, scale up from there. better to start small and manageable and you start to enjoy it. you can do it user

>>272338419i'd knock you the fuck out with one punch

>>272335154>Actually falling for the "take your meds" memeIt's like, the laziest troll on all of 4chan. What the fuck is wrong with you?

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>>272346506This. Instead of dealing with the GABA problem with lithium, they jackhammer your hypothalamus with SSRIs. Pair that with birth control, and you have the modern American women.

>>272345450Interesting, never heard of that one until now. Out of all of the bipolar epilepsy meds, it appears lithium has the best reviews out of all them.

>>272346777Well most people I know are basically normies, and having nobody sucks so I have to tone it down sometimes. When I tried to explain simulation to my gf she didn't get it, and just pretended she understood. When I explained it as a microscope she understood perfectly. Too many stupid people in my life

Just listen to this and you'll feel better



>>272335753active vitamine b12, vitamine d3 and copper can be good for sleep/energy/concentration problems

>>272337124shut up pharma shill.you rather make 100,000$ profit making someone fully insane testing 10 different drugs on them.

>>272348132 Obviously life is a futile endeavour. That's some basic bitch shit. If that is a fact that is constantly present in your mind. You should be able to behave like a real life troll. As that realization of that is a blessing. Just dont do evil shit. Because god will have a lot of gratification punishing you

>>272347705>GABAcan be regulated by diet. lots of people would be healthier and feel better on a ketogenic diet. and if this and >>272349460 won't help, you need a real doctor.

>>272337676I believe you man. Those evil sneaky jews are always up to no good. Even thinking a jew is trying to sell this makes me never want to try it now. No good kikes they want everyone to fuck niggers.

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supplement stacks anyone?>8mg sulforaphane (glucoraphanin+myrosinase complex)>50-500mg niacin (start low to help with flushing), may switch to NMN when there's more human trials>750mg TMG (trimethylglycine) >vit k2 (mk-7)>3000 IU vit D3before sleep>50mg zinc>1g metformin every other (non workout) day>500mcg melatonin>125mg magnesium taurate

>>272352543oh and 500mg trans resveratrol & 150mg pterostilbene

okay i need help. I'm not a schizo but I'm very depressed, anxious, and i fucking hate people. What should I take?

>frmr lithicarb taker>go easy on the dosage as it can be toxic.


>>272342745Wonderful bate. I wish I had .png for it.

>>272339318What was it, details? Please this info is important for me: I had the same experience but I totally forgot and I want to remember

>>272353118reddit.com/r/StackAdvice/newhttps://www.reddit.com/r/Nootropics/newTons of good information on these 2 reddits to build your own stack. It’s going to be entirely personal for yourself and what your needs and goals are. >Also these website are good for research >examine.com/supplements/>https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/index

>>272335438kratom makes me puke :( maybe im drinking too much. not from the taste, i can pound it fine, but like hour or two later im projective vomiting

>>272345499>Fish oils OP, and Vit D3 along with iti'll look into this>>272339853I can relate, I feel disconnected with the world. You seem to have it worse than me in your mental state of mind. look into yoga/meditation or finding a hobby or interest. yoga and meditation is designed to make you forget about the world. mathematics/geometry/music might be something that improves your mindset. >>272341105thanks for that, i googled some and i'm perplexed as doctors write perscriptions for 1800mg of lithuim and i'm only taking 5mg. i'm avoiding speaking to doctors about mental health b/c it's a money scheme and I don't want to tell them anything>>272341276perhaps that is the explanation.



>>272335154>It is marketed as a dietary supplement, though only barely researched between 1973–1986 to treat certain medical conditions, such as alcoholism and Alzheimer's disease.Kek, fucking hobo feeling great.

>>272338163I dont understand this nonsense. Ive used kratom for years and never had issues for it. Ill use it for like 3-7 days then just have no desire and stop for anywhere between a few days and a few months. Same goes for weed. I dont get how people have a problem with any of those two substances.

>>272335154sounds like a bayer psyop

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>>272354496You're taking too much I think the opiates give you nausea

>>272337797Grow your own, it's not that hard.

>>272339853Lol>Illusion of choiceThia faggot thinks we have free will..... What a stupid teenage whore like view of life, better kys before its too late fag

>>272335154lol, taking shit like this is no different than seeing your hallway of the house on fire and closing your bedroom door and going back to sleep. Yes, for few min it'll look like there is no fire, but eventually your bedroom will be on fire too

>>272339108He never once mentioned any of the deeper meaning memes, u fucking mong.

>>272339108LSD can allow access to the underlying infernal, demonic reality typically called the "subconscious" or "unconscious". I certainly wouldn't call it an enlightening experience in the true sense of the word, but it can help with certain psychological "disorders".

>>272337797>>272356050first try ended in failuredoing second tryimgur.com/a/i9sx6YD

>>272335438kratom is fucking useless. tried it, felt absolutely fucking nothing.>>272336873this is very spot on, doubly so if you consume some obvious psychoactives like caffeine.>>272337225just to add to this, I've also heard depression may be linked to inflammation, as well as gut issues.>>272337776this. a couple weeks ago I felt rather depressed and was feeling suicidal at times. I randomly decided to drop 2 tabs that I've been keeping since the beggining of the year. After the trip (large part of which was somewhat unpleasant) I've been feeling way, way better. I wasn't expecting that at all.

>>272352543>metforminhow is your muscle building/strength gains going on nowadays compared to non-metformin days ?If you take it on non-workout days, how will your muscles grow since rest days are for muscle growth?

>>272335438I did up to about 25-30 grams of that shit and it still did nothing, I felt a bit weird but nothing major and definitely not a good feeling