did she deserve it?
Did she deserve it?
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can i get a quick run down
Species traitor whore lusted for big whale cock
>>272330819Oh shit, she did what now?
>>272330689>>272330819Status: Toll paid
>>272330689jumped in a fish tank with one of the most intelligent and brutal animals on that planet that migrates between multiple continents and is now pissed off it's been put in a relative broom closet. yep, deserved it.
>>272330689Yeah, fuck aqua-niggers
>>272330689Damn, imagine having an orca in captivity like that and not taking the opportunity to fucking kill it.
>>272331621Orcas are the nigbulls of the sea
>>272330780yo those birds are nutty. they're basically "flight-less" eagles that CAN fly, and grow up to 4-ft tall
>>272332437Ididn't know that htey killed other big whales. they cooperate really well. they also bite in huge chunks out of that minke whale's back.
>>272330689>did she deserve it?I think the whale that killed had already killed two other people before her. Lol
>>272334305they are brilliant creatures and they are brutal, i've watched them in the bay torture seals slowly to deathyoutu.be
>>272330780A killer whale named Tilikum killed a trainer called Dawn Brancheau at Seaworld back in 2010. The incident was a reason why the documentary "Blackfish" was made in 2013. Seaworld got so much bad PR about captive orcas and OSHA issues that they eventually had to announce that they'll quit their orca shows and their breeding program.>>272332097I don't think that's a fair statement. They're predators and they have to kill their food, and there are stories about them toying with their prey, yet despite this there have been surprisingly few situations where an orca attacked a human. Four people have died in a killer whale attack over the years, and Tilikum was involved in three of those deaths. Also, all of them involved captive animals. The wild animals seem to leave us alone, which seems odd since they've been known to kill seals and bigger whales. Like for example, see this:youtube.com
>>272332097Why do you use cuckhold terminology..talk about nigger dicks..niggers fucking white women..and project this kind of thing onto animals?? YOU GAY RETARD
>>272335372Have some respect for orca whales
>>272334679>video ends so we don't really know it's fatefeels good man. my hopes are that it just went from ice flow to ice flow and made it to land eventually.
>>272335079I think they are smart enough to realize if they fuck with us we will hunt them down
>>272335372Imagine posting this fucking streetshitter and expecting someone to agree with you.
>>272335079Fucking humans. Just shut yer holes and help the seal.
>>272336029it's nature, why interfere? that fat little fuck's pretty damn cute though.
>>272336206his terrified face was heartbreaking. seals are literally sea puppies and imagining my dog looking terrified being hunted by predators is soulcrushing. I love my dog.
to claim that the deep state, permanent state, whatever you wanna call it doesn't exist is room temperature IQ level niggerdom to believe that there isn't an incestuous rotating pit of degenerate hebraic nonsense going on between elected positions, the media, lobbying, corporations, and they are all conspiring to further their own individual and collective wealth and influence is to almost literally claim that people like john bolton and mitt romney do not exist.
>>272336206>it's nature, why interfere?Because it's right.
>>272335079I would’ve pushed the seal out and let nature take its course.
>>272334679Glad to see seal bro survive to the end - maybe we will survive 2020 after all
>>272335079>Why don't they try to tip the boat or jump onto it to grab the sealit makes me wonder if it's because a boat is literally the most lethal thing to an orca, other than poisoning from starvation (their fat is full of toxins from the environment and when they starve the toxins are released and the are poisoned, google "peanut head orca")they're highly intelligent, i wonder if it's a fear of the boat because they know what boats can do with their hulls and motors, idk
>>272337040So you're willing to feed yourself to whales. Please do.
>>272335079>it's called "killer whale">turns out it kills people tooNobody could have seen this coming.
>>272337452I'm pretty sure it's just they know humans will retaliate.
>>272337544Is that supposed to be an argument?
>>272330819Now were talking!
>>272332437Would a 50 BMG kill them?
>>272332097I would have no problem if theSavage jap.fishing industry was given the green light to go after orcas. These fucks are spolied and entitled. Even a great white shark knows to avoid humans when shit turns south. No but not these terrorists. They fuck up fishing lines, other beautiful animals like humpback whales, great whites, and whale sharks. They effectively cleared out the air jaws shows of South Africa. They should be hunted and culled to respectable numbers to where they keep their distances and learn to fear mankind.
>>272336494Based, nature should fear its better.
>>272338152Don't post snacks.
>>272337452they eat what they're taught to eat and nothing outside of it, you can google to see this as there orcas everywhere and depending on their location what they eat and how they hunt changesso your actually the safest you could be in the ocean with orcas because everything else doesn't go near them,so until a group learns they can eat them and then teaches it to future generations we're fine, and even if that were to happen humans would just exterminate that group so it wouldn't make it to all of them
>>272338328You would need to strafe the whale with at least one A-10 Thunderbolt
>>272337945this would be much better if the eyes were just black hollows. the googly eyes makes it goofy.
>>272338022exactly. I'm hugging my pupper right now.
>>272338328The last firearm I'm aware of that was used on a what was a .577 Tyrannosaur, I don't know how that compares to .50 BMG desuen.wikipedia.org
>>272338970you're right, the orcas in puget sound, the SRKW pod or w/e, eat exclusively salmon almost, and at that almost exclusively chinook salmon transient killer whales in the ocean are marine mammal predators
>>272335079>>272335619THIS. I live in mtn. lion country, and you never see them, but they kill stuff all the time. It's like a we have a deal; don't fuck with us, and we wont fuck with you. Any that didn't understand that, were kill off. I'm SURE the Orcas have seen us Whale hunting, and what we can do.
>>272330689Built for the BPC
>>272335926>mercury nigger tier motorsWTF? Mercury 2-stroke is God tier.
>>272339736yeah if they're smart enough to understand how to use actual strategy and teamwork for killing, then they know we have strategies for killing as well, and fear it.
>>272330689do white women really fuck black dolphins?
>>272340088No but they do fuck Pajeets.
>>272337590As the poster mentioned, its extremely rare.Only two orcas have ever been recorded to attack humans, and both were captive.There are a lot of reports of wild orcas avoiding humans when they are vulnerable (like surfers), and sometimes even assisting vessels or individuals in distress like dolphins.
There are actually 10 sub-species of orca and their behavior varies widely. Some are like big cows and others vicious like wolves.roaring.earth
>>272340023jesus christ, 2 stroke mercs, evinrude, and johnson are the only thigns that have ever stranded me.i go exclusively yamaha 4 stroke or honda 4 stroke when i have outboards
>>272340023>using a two stroke engine at seaNobody is talking about your 18ft aluminum jon you use for fishing in a lake on the weekends.we are talking about big boy real boats that travel on the ocean.
>>272340252It's amazing how most people think Great White Sharks are the reigning king of oceanic life when the Orca is one of the most intelligent animals on the entire planet (humans included in conversation). Orca's and Dolphins are literal psychopaths that can swim.
>>272336411They are messy loud fuckers, but so is a pack of wild dogs. They really are the doge of the sea. I live in a surf town, and their are recounts of seals helping surfers, like zerg rushing a shark hunting a guy or keeping them from drowning.
>>272340252>like dolphinsOrcas are dolphins, the biggest of the family.
>>272335948The street shitter is that poster
>whales are so smart>whales are kings of oceanic life>bwcfucking blowhole niggers get sniprekt. nuke the whales crabwar now
>>272339110Thank God for our 2nd Amendment so I can buy recreational A-10s for Whale hunting.
i like sperm whales, they have like real life godzilla fights with squid on the bottom of the ocean and their brains weigh like 8 kilos
>>272341111BBBBBBBRRRRRRRRT checked
>>272335079>>272339736oh don't get excitedcompared to other mammals, humans have very high toxicity and low body fat, and as a result we taste like absolute shit
>>272341106when i whale dies and falls to the bottom, commonly hagfish swarm the carcass and coat it with their slime, really fuckin thick too. they do it to jew everything else and eliminate odor trails that would attract more scavengers
>>272332437Yet there has never been a wild killer whale attack on any humans
>>272337632It could think boats and humans are separate animals, or that humans are baby boats because humans always come off of boats.
>>272341412>that imagethanks user I didn't want to sleep tonight anyway
>>272341412>low body fat
>>272332097Naw.Orcas are smart.
>>272336029One is a leaf.
>>272341398>jumps in with nothing to distance himself>no 6 and 6 once grabbedasking for it
>>272330819that is just too much for any human
>>272341674Average seals are at the same body % as an obese human at 25% or higher, but they go up to like 40%.Plus as apex predators, we accumulate the most bad crap. There's a reason you don't eat predators. That's the real reason sharks spit humans back out, we taste awful. "Mistaken identity" really means "tasted worse than it looked".
>>272336411Based and pupper pilled.My Dachshund gets this terrified if he doesn't get a belly rub anytime your hands are free.
>>272341579yep, don't mean you don't get a little scared when these things bump your hull to fuck with you
>>272330689She deserves BIG ORCA COCK.
>>272341398Holy shit, fucking niggers man.
>>272341398i was trained that jumping in is a huge no no, but, if you do jump in, you must have a billy club lanyarded to your ass so you can knock that faggot out
>>272341412Fuck i'm decensitized. Face made me kek.
okay this board is pro seal and anti orca nowfuck those whale niggersshould of bbq'd Willy's ass if we knew he'd be out with his goon buddies hunting poor lil seals
>>272343529whale is pretty good desu senpai
Didn’t an user fuck a dolphin and made a greentext out of his story?
>>272340424>>272340652pls no bully, I'm a lakefag, and 2-stroke Merc V6 make my pepe hard.
>>272344451there's actually a video of it, haven't seen it in years
>>272344622jackin off with mercs is fine, i just use my boats for work so i only put the best shit on them if you're shekel short and you're not in dangerous water, it's not that bad desu
She didn’t want to fuck a mullato, so tilliCUM killed her. This is why race mixing is a mistake and be avoided.
>>272338328Only if it was on the surface. You cannot shoot through water
>>272341398>Help nigger>Get drowned by nigger>Extrapolate to nation levelEquals all white countries
>>272341398I literally can float in a perfect standing position with my arms crossed just by controlling my breathing and I can do it for as long as I want.
>>272345235well that's because you're not a nigger and you don't panic whenever you're 10 feet away from your EBT card
>>272330819What will become of her three wiglets?
>>272344955You can kill someone with a pistol who’s under water like 6 feet under. However, high velocity rounds like 556 or even a larger round like a 50 call breaks your almost breaks up in contact.
>>272330689Who you really talking about?
>>272345394Dead mans float. A secret of the white man.
>>272335372You sound like an inside out Irishman
>>272344742I guess I might be retarded, since I really haven't looked into newer outboards in 20 years. The 90's 2-stroke Mercs are neither cheap, nor shitty.
>>272346270i think it was when they started releasing the optimax shit, fuckin trash
>>272337651It's quite a strong argument at that. If you think it's so great for other animals to be ripped and torn to pieces "because it's natural", you need to remember you're made of meat also and should expect the same.
>>272346993>thisBless you user, agreed.
>>272340303No orca is like a cow.
>>272335079You're telling me it killed 2 ppl before this and they didn't take any action?
>>272330780TF is this bird?
>>272341644its not real dont worry
>>272330780Why hasn't this bird been cancelled yet?
>>272346270Carbed 96 200hp with 1700hours here, smoky POS on startup from time to time from the oil injection system, light and reliable though.
>>272334305They kill baby blue whales, just for the tongue. Those mother blue whale will battle an entire pod, to keep them from drowning the baby blue whale. It happens on the CA coast often. It’s fierce, they’re named killers for good reason.
>>272346270Blew up my 86 evinrude last year. Bought the new proxs in 115 its worth twice what the fucking boat is. Been a good motor so far.
>>272339736>I'm SURE the Orcas have seen us Whale hunting, and what we can do.Of course they have. There are even orcas who would work with whalers to kill other whales. One whale from the pod would go to the whaling boats and let them know where to go (the whalers called this one "old Tom" if you want to google this later) while the rest of the pod would herd the other whales (pilot whales I think, but IDK) toward the whalers and keep them at the surface so the whalers could kill them. The whalers would harvest what they wanted from the whales and toss the rest back into the sea, which the orcas happily ate.People underestimate orca intelligence. If they had thumbs they would be running this planet.
>>272330689>Swim with killer whale>Get killed>Act surprised
>>272349262Never knew this, but makes sense. Like Crows guiding Wolfs to prey. Very cool. Orcas seem to be very Wolf-like.
>>272330689Killer Whales they're a Apex Predatora Apex PredatorApex PredatorAPEX PREDATOR
>>272338152That guy is tempting with fate for when the whale explodes on him
>>272349750>That guy is tempting with fate for when the whale explodes on himNow you know how Melania feels every night.
>>272349856Has anyone ever had sex with your lifetime female leader? I can't imagine how embarrassing it must be to be German these days.
>trap and torture intelligent apex predator>allow people to swim with these animalsAnyone stupid enough to get close to any apex predator deserves whatever happens to them
>>272350166Trump's tits may be bigger, but Merkel's titties are nicer.
>>272341632Animals aren't that dumb, user.
>>272347984The Secretary Bird. Have you ever been to the San Diego Zoo and seen one next to the Lion Exhibit and Elephants?There really cool.
>>272350310Can you please attack world jewery again, or just fuck off. Do we need to poke you with a stick or something?
>>272347325I think whales were actually most closely related to hooved animals when they lived on land
>>272350715>Can you please attack world jewery againNo.
>>272337040Just jump in the water
>>272341632>mind blown
>>272331052Orcas are incredibly basedIn my idea world there would be no humans and all land would be ruled by elephants, all oceans by orcas
>>272350772They family is called Cetancodontamorpha and includes whales, dolphins, hippos, entelodonts and Andrewsarchus
>>272350803So you all gave up, like Hitler.
>>272351090>So you all gave up, like Hitler.No, Cuckdolf Shitler blew his brains out. I'm still alive.
>>272350981Deal, but we get to eat the cows, like God intended.
>>272350310Yes, I'm ready to pledge my allegiance to the fourth reich
>>272341412nigger soup, uma delicia!
>>272351476Good. I love submissive foreigners.
>>272330689>ywn tickle her feet in her water socksday of the water rope for orcas when
>>272335079>Since they're long-lived and pretty smart, I think some of the older wild orcas still remember the days when people used to capture pods and steal the babies into Seaworld, and I think they've warned their offspring not to mess with us.elephants also have been proven to fear not just humans--but the languages and music of specific cultures--enough to have organized, timed movements when they think that those groups are near.They have become so good that some herds have learned our human borders and will immediately slow their pace from a march to a disorganized walk as soon as they cross invisible, manmade borders in the savannah.
>>272351158Show me the proof he did. I’ll wait.
>>272352093>I’ll wait.That's what most incels are very good at.
>>272350803you were raped so many times by Russians those 10 years after Hitler, you developed a Stockholm syndrome, a fetish for invaders. that's why your country is a communist shithole and you lost your identity and culture.
>>272352151>you were raped so many times by RussiansGrandma said it tickled :^)
>>272350803Schlomo, please get the fuck out to Nigeria or Zimbabwe.
>>272352274You're the Shlomo here. Nice try, Shlomo.
>>272352093Show me proof he didn't? I'll wait?
>>272352303The kikery in you is too obvious.
>>272352459Nice pilpul, Shlomo.
>>272345394I kek'd
>>272330689Yes. She should have been at home raising children.
>>272352274>>272352303>>272352459>>272352511this is like the spiderman meme but with jews
>>272350981And all streets by shit
>>272350803>10 years without Hitler, Germans and migrants
>>272350803Now you know what a fiat currency can accomplish. However look at Germany's debt. Look all all Jew colonized western country's debt. In the end Poland will still be free when Germany is a shitkin plantation run by Jews. Never underestimate the power of usury to destroy nations and peoples.
>>272350310Built for BBC.
>>272353226Nice looking lake. can you swim in it?
>>272353052Seriously why don't we have a Jew pointing at Jew meme?
>>272341632Keep in mind the primary way the sense the world is via sonar: they know boats aren't anything like them, but they know we basically are. Their language may well be sophisticated enough that they pass on history as an oral tradition: they might tell their children how thousands of years ago we were doing little more than floating around on logs pushing ourselves along the surface with flat sticks like shitty flippers, and then recalling the whole history of naval technology escalation but from their point of view.
>>272353453It's Soča, you can drink it.finestayslovenia.com
>>272348297you could say that it is a (((protected))) species, pic related
>>272352210How did they measure that?
>>272350981Kill yourself, you are a traitor at its basest form you filthy currynigger, god I hope you and your family are loaded into a mass grave
>>272335079>Also, all of them involved captive animals.this. as far as I know, no wild orca has ever killed a human. captivity fucks them up. wild orcas also don't get droopy dorsal fins.the only thing I've read as far as why they don't kill humans, is that they haven't been taught to do so by their parents, so they don't regard us as food.
>>272353824>It is one of the most beautiful and cleanest rivers in EuropeMy Cali beach town with an average price of $1,000,000(US) for a starter home, $3,000,000+ for anything "nice", dumps sewage on the main beach and we have junky needles everywhere. People shitting, living, and dying in bushes.
>>272346270>Not buying a Honda outboardNot gonna make it.
>>272354720Crowded places are never good. You can progress technology all you want, if there's no nature, no own territory, no land to grow anything then it will turn out bad, except for those who meet all the technology & city standards and never forget that.
>>272350803Damn your immigrants built that? Our immigrants in USA build taco trucks and tent cities
>>272337040don't let the haters get you down. orcas are amazing, intelligent creatures. seals are food.
>>272355169>orcas are amazing, intelligent creatures. seals are food.T. Loves niggers too
>>272354851>Not buying vintageNot gonna make it.
>>272347940he was an expensive, rare acquisition that was probably viewed as a very expensive asset by the company.Its not as simple as going all cincinatti zoo on him
>>272330780I wonder how its cloaca smells like