Should the world's oldest profession be universally legalized?

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no these threads are garbage stop posting this shit

>>272329898All women are prostitutes.


>>272329898more of OP's pics

If we accept the fact that prostitution will exist no matter what, the best course of action is to legalize it, tax it, and restrict it to certain parts of town. That way the transaction remains relatively clean and safe for both parties, the government gains another revenue stream, and you don't have this happening in and around areas you don't want it to.

Will never happen, the pussy control is the only way women can manipulate men.

>>272329898>poo-in-loo whoresIf you're white, they pay you

>>272329898>Should the world's oldest profession be universally legalized?All relationships are, to a degree, prostitution.

>>272331767This is literally true. Especially rich poo milfs.

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Almost got married to one that I knew for 6+ years. Trust me- they are absolutely crazy, money-grubbing bitches with zero morals.

>>272332600You're not too bright are you?

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>>272329898OP is a leftist faggot.Prostitution goes hand in hand with drug dealing, the mafia, spreading HIV, human trafficking and infidelity.Have you ever considered how much a prostitute costs the taxpayer?Paying no tax, taking money from the legal economy, spreading disease- it quickly adds up.Prostitution also makes young women/gay men/transvestites/children into commodities and they will be targeted and groomed by pimps to a much greater extent.I know pimps, and they spend most of their time stalking venerable young women.There is also the issue of social inequality between decent young women who have to work hard to pay bills, and girls who spend three days a week on their backs and post fake glamorous lives on instagram.Lock them all up

>>272332600This>>272333247You dun goofed, leafbro. You just described all women everywhere since the dawn of time, money, and the concept of morality.

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>>272329898Making it illegal just amplifies the misery. One reason I am not fully on board with USA right is that it obviously goes against their "muh, Jesus" agenda.

>>272333464>this post is the truthProstitution is one of the worst problems we have. It exacerbates other crimes (gangland, drugs, child grooming) and if you knew anything about how it really works, you'd be screaming for right wing death squads.

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>>272333464You're a fucking retard. These problems exist largely because prostitution is criminalized, forcing it underground and encouraging crime syndicates to form. Just like Prohibition, another attempt by idiots like you to ban something you deemed "degeneracy" and ended up causing more problems than you solve.

>>272334117Man SWIM used to manage a nightclub and has seen some shit.So every nightclub will be someone's "turf"- it doesn't matter if you tell them to go away they don't.Then if you throw prostitutes out of your nightclub you get gangs vandalizing your premises, prostitution is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars to them so you bet they are going to assault your patrons and break your windows.Then you have police on your back about the prostitutes, they can't get any pocket money from the gangs but because you have a physical premises they start demanding money from you.You either pay them for protection- or you pay them to turn a blind eye.Either way you're going to have to grease cops.Then you have the risk of trafficked women, honeypots, child sex abuse, abductions of women, reprisal attacks, turf wars.You can't just tell them all to fuck off because you're in bed with them- the police will blame you and close your place, or the mafia will shoot you.Most owners side with the mafia because they have more manpower and you can actually make some money as opposed to constantly loosing it.There are senior police who are getting paid by big syndicates, and they refuse protection to nightclubs universally on the basis that "we should pay for it ourselves" but in reality they want to make us dependent on dirty cops/the mob.Core issues:Men will pay $5 for a beer or $300 for a girl- and after buying the girl she can be sold againCommunity doesn't see the issue as a priorityDirty cops

>>272334638The temperance movement was 100% women, in fact the suffragettes were the exact same women and they were pushing for the 18th and 19th amendment together. The 21st amendment corrected only half of the error.

>>272334638This is the ad-nausea response of leftist faggots who've never even hired a prostitute.You think making something legal means there are no criminals.selling alcohol is legal- did that clean up the liquor industry or is half of it still owned by the mob?gambling is legal- did that clean up the gambling industry or is it still owned by the mob?No, these industries never legitimized- they just grew unchecked in scale and individual communities lost their power to say "no".While prostitution is illegal, small venerable community can self-police- individuals just call the cops whenever they see a prostitute.If a man is seeing a prostitute behind his wifes back she can call the cops.Does it go underground? No, in small communities they actually stamp it out. I'm talking Indian reserves, rural areas with immigrant workers, isolated coastal communities.If it's legalized communities will loose the power to protect their women and their societies.You think like marijuana that criminals will not want to be involved if profits fall?No, they are already invested in this industry and they will try to protect their profits.Work girls harder, assault and rape freelance prostitutes, lean more heavily on drugs and extortion.They find freelance girls in their area and send their men to pose as clients and rape them- what can the freelance girls do?They are forced to work for the mob and get a pimp.Then suddenly they are seeing more customers than they need or want to, being payed in drugs, doing things they never signed up for.The industry makes more money as it gets bigger, and because wealthy people won't tough it the mob will always dominateDon't you get it, you can de-criminalize the women but you can't de-criminalize the mafia

>>272336080>owned by the mobGot to call bullshit here. Organized crime ended up with a foothold in industries like liquor and gambling directly because they were delegitimized. The mob wasn't even competing with them beforehand. They were restricted mostly to protection rackets and strong arm stuff.

>>272334638This is what legalization looks likeIn Amsterdam the trade was legalized and very rapidlyA. hundreds of regular businesses and homes were converted into brothelsB. the city became a "sex tourism" hotspot with millions of foreign men coming for sexC. the mafia rapidly rose in prominence off the huge profits- among other reasons simply because they could invest all their drug money into legal prostitution which they were already running D. the mafia bought the local government with this moneyE. suddenly the demand for prostitutes couldn't be met, and the mafia started bringing thousands of illegal migrants, abducted girls and drug addicts from outside EuropeF. with all this legal prostitution, the web of pedophiles, human traffickers and drug dealers will never be unwoundIf you walk into Amsterdam the girls won't say where they are from- if immigration checked a girls papers that officer would be shot.If you take a photo the mafia will throw your camera into the river. If you investigate privately you will be badly beaten and/or raped.You just don't understand.

>>272336080>You think like marijuana that criminals will not want to be involved if profits fall?I can literally walk across the street and down one block, right now and buy any of a variety of marijuana products, including shatter, wax, and edibles, 100% legally, and with less hassle than buying a juul cartridge. The people who work there are friendly, the premises is secure, and there are no criminal elements loitering there. I can't say the same thing about the liquor store.

>>272336729Firstly I would point out that regardless of why the mafia initially had a foothold- legalization did not clean up the industries.The mafia has a foothold in prostitution, and at this point in time legalization would be disastrous.The mafia will always have a major interest in prostitution becauseA. it's a cash business, it's very easy for them to launder drug money through prostitutes. Even illegal they would prefer to be "caught" running girls and deny their involvement with drugs.B. It ties in with illegal money lending, girls with debts can be pimped out; or families with debts can have their daughters/wives pimped out.C It ties with the drug trade, people who pay for prostitutes also pay for drugs, prostitutes can be paid in drugs, prostitutes make good drug couriers.You will never get the mafia out of the industry, and legalizing what they already do will allow them to vastly expand in scale and social influence

>>272336744Okay, this is believable but don't draw a parallel to marijuana. Its legalization in California hasn't done anything but make the product better and the price as affordable as tobacco. There is no violence over its sale.

>>272330592You think your moms and grandmoms are prostitutes? Fucked up, bro.

>>272336885cute but somebody just got shot and killed in a dispensary in OaklandBe careful out there

>>272337469>OaklandOur precious 6%You can't really blame the drug for that one.

Go to Oakland CA and see the numerous female juvenile prostitutes that have been "Gorilla Pimped" by the local criminal element. IT will make you sick, angry and want to really hurt those who take away the children's innocence. It was so bad that the US government (not the local police) put video cameras up to collect evidence for human smuggling for purposes of prostitution prosecution. Why you say...Because the local DA cannot charge the multitude of criminals that intimidate their victims.Fucking disgusting!

>>272336744lol there are real men and pedophiles in Amsterdam? yeah right, I'd have to see it to believe itsame with america and sex trafficking hysteria, all there is are boring ass gentlemen clubs with flabby old hags no bones about itwait - I did find a 50 year old asian in a hotel the other week but that was the only attractive ad

>>272329898Yes. But the cops cant catch you anymore with the advent of the internet. You can text hoes directly and have them show up at your house. The only way you can get caught is to troll public places and end up picking up an undercover cop

>>272329898Just what we need. More degeneracy!

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>>272337758oh wow yeah gorilla pimps huh?intimidating their "victims" huh? lol is this on the street or somethingsounds pretty fake to me!I bet those "juveniles" are old as fuck and blown out druggie bitches!

>>272329898Asian massage parlors are already basically legalized prostiution with almost zero risk

>>272329898Dope, is this your personal photo user? I know this is Tijuana. From what it looks like its either Hotel Rio or Hotel Cascadas. You got any more?

what do you guys think of the use of sexual surrogates? its 'medically assisted' prostitution in a sense depending on the true nature of the client.

>>272336885Yea it's more secure for the dumbass consumer.Wouldn't it be great to make all the illegal things you want to do legal so it would be safer for you.What if human trafficking was legal, would gangs stop doing it?It's a message you have been given and an image your have beet presented by groups with vested interest.You have never seen the "back of house".Marijuana and prostitution are not the same and many principles do not apply.Your local shops are going to become part of syndicates, you're getting stand-over and administrative corruption, but mainly you're allowing established criminal organizations to plow their dirty money into drugsInitially you will see local gangs get fat and lazy- but the increased value of the trade will bring fierce outside competition

>>272331425LoL you think those women will let you tax their cunt? Gtfo

>>272337213>You will never get the mafia out of the industrySure you will, as soon as it stops being profitable for them. If prostitution was legalized, you'd see a million opportunistic firms spring up over night. People making bank now from it would put up a fight (there would be plenty of turf war bullshit), but there would be too much of it to control. Eventually you'd see corporate players and concerns that are too big to fail start to dominate the market, and the mob would have to bow out. They'd be relegated to the truly illegal sex trade (underaged whores and rape dungeons, shit like that). It isn't that different from what's going on right now in the States with marijuana. The cat is out of the bag, man. The cartels can't compete with that shit. That's why they're ramping up meth and heroin.

>>272338149>>272331425Its better for the hooker to be able to screen clients in the open and hire legit security rather than have it all underground


>>272338105prostitution itself can provide therapeutic value that comes from intimacy.

>>272338452uhhhh there are no underage whores and rape dungeons anywhereeven the mafia can't contend with female empowerment and simp armyyou are deluuuuusionalll...

>>272337802Everything is there.The "legal" area just acts like a hub where everything can be hidden.Half the girls are illegal, drugs are everywhere- they run a very tight ship and the dirty stuff happens elsewhere (like two blocks down)>>272337823Police are more than capable of suppressing prostitution.It's just that unlike drug crime they have nothing to physically seize to help fund this operation.You literally just send one undercover cop after another.You demand Tinder and dating apps implement filters to curb illegal activity or you ban them outrightYou start charging whores with tax evasion, all of them. >>272337964This.But did you know that those women need visas to work there?And that there are major syndicates involved in making sure those girls get visas, and that not so many come as to push the price down? These are often the same syndicates in Asia responsible for human trafficking and child prostitution.Boomers did this.


>>272329898no because then every girl would be corrupted

>>272338830idk the ones at my local parlor are all MILFs

>>272337313>there is no violence over its saleNiggers routinely rob dispensaries, half the dispensaries in Long Beach have man-traps (a set of electronic double doors) to hold customers going in and out. Violence around this industry has absolutely increased since they legalized it.

>>272331425just sell your daughter now you moron>>272333638>Making it illegal just amplifies the miseryand why shouldn't it be miserable?isn't it better for society that such behavior has a penalty attached to reduce it?do you want your daughter becoming a whore?

>>272338759garbage people who can't attract a mate do not deserve intimacy

>>272338452You've got your head inthe sand faggot>Sure you will, as soon as it stops being profitable for themThe industry doesn't become less profitable if it's legal. Unlike weed there is a relatively finite source of prostitutes.First they form a cartel and start attacking anyone selling girls under the agreed cartel price, then they double the number of girls they run to make the same money- drawing prostitutes from other states.You really think that large scale business will take over the industry? It's not worth anyone with legal investments being associated with it, and it's not worth going up against he mob on a personal level. A mega-corporation could muscle out the mob; except someone has to physically stand in front of the door and that person will get shot at.Like the Oil trade, mega corporations would have to fork out huge sums for private security- employing a lot of the mob in the process. When the legal business is littered with the same criminals, you have a very real risk of major crime.And where there's easy money there is extortion- these legal businesses would have to pay off the mafia not to trash their premises or hire security who in turn pay the mafia (as is more usual). Either way the mafia continues to growYou cannot "legitimize" these businesses, we call them "degenerate" for a reason- because they degenerate the people involved and will always lead to bigger issues

>>272339320Sometimes a nigga just wants to bust a nut inside a 9/10-10/10 whore and suck on her DD tits. Swear an average guy will get the chance to attract two bimbos to do a threesome at the bar.

>>272339079What do you want me to say, you have a small wallet or aren't a good shopper.>>272339131It's only going to get worse, one state blatantly violating federal law put them on a collision course with neighboring states.The mafias of those states are going to be allowed to raid California and run back to safety forever, that's what fueled banditry in frontier towns- the lack of uniform enforcement of the law and regions exploiting each other commercially.Soon California will start to see cartels and syndicates of a much larger scale>>272339320based


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I dont see why not. It would be force women to become better partners instead of bar/tinder tier trash. I've been to my fair share of escorts and they're always pleasant and nice. I was even feeling ballsy one time and got a black chick. Said she doesn't get to much action and always appreciates a handsome white mans company. She started giving me blowjobs and anal on the dl for free. Relationships are beyond me, I have no idea how they work or how people can stick together for years. But sometimes you just want to fuck something besides your hand or fleshlight and thats that.

>>272339486>The industry doesn't become less profitable if it's legal.You're absolutely right. It becomes more profitable. It becomes so profitable that a bunch of people step in to try their hand at it, even investment firms. Organized crime is terrifying, but it isn't so powerful that it can afford to send thugs to every cathouse in a country like the US, or risk the inevitable backlash that comes from the exposure of dead, non-compliant hookers and business owners on the front page. Fuck, man, do you know anything about whoring? Do you know how many rinky-dink pimps and their stable of 3 whole women exist in America? Why isn't the mafia doing anything to them? Answer: because they can't or it isn't worth it. Legalize prostitution, and any mob-owned aspects will quickly shrink in the face of overwhelming competition until they find their equilibrium (like snuff films and child trafficking). That's just common sense. Whatever though. I don't really care. Prostitution is fucking degenerate.

>>272329898Yes. Prostitution is trad and redpilled, and it should be the only legal profession for females.

no prostitutes are fucking nasty

Legalized no, decriminalized yes

>>272337345They were. They just had a higher price range. Well, except my mom. She was fucking stupid.

>>272337932You have no idea how bad things really are, fren.

>>272339809>Soon California will start to see cartels and syndicates of a much larger scaleWe have cartels and syndicates on basically the largest scale possible. They just don't give a shit about weed. You can buy feminized autoflowering gorilla glue seeds, and grow plants in your apartment to your heart's content. I mean, your investment in equipment is some pickle buckets, an aquarium air pump, and some chink LED grow lights Amazon.

>>272329898>Should the world's oldest profession be universally legalizedi thought soldiery was already legal?

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>>272337880I banged a Tori from Target once. Literally. She didn't have glasses though.

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>>272340124Augustine and Aquinas both supported prostitution, because it's the lesser evil in comparison to masturbation. Because it's unrealistic that nobody will masturbate, it's better for those who have the urge to buy a prostitute instead.

>>272341219>it's better for those who have the urge to buy a prostitute instead.>Paying a prostitute 15 times a dayThat's a no from me.

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>>272339320Most people who get prostitutes are normal and average attractiveness. They just don't want to go through the annoyance of having to talk to a woman and pretend to be interested in her inane personality, potentially for hours spread over several meetings, just to have sex with her. Much easier and more cost effective to just buy a whore and cut all of the irrelevant red tape.

Fuck you op you made me wanna go fuck a hooker again, which is a an addiction for me thanks to the fact that I live in Tijuana.

>>27234144615 times? Come back when you have REAL numbers to show.

>>272341219>supported prostitutiontolerated prostitutionIt's necessary for an ungodly population.However, i wish to live in a godly country with godly people.


>>272329898the oldest profession is actually being a hunter

>>272341647No, they supported it for all countries.

>>272341572I'm 30 man. When you're my age and can go fifteen rounds, get back to me. Itstall downhill after 25. Trust me.

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>>272329898Don’t do it, especially if you’re in the US, this isn’t Europe or South America where you spend only 35 or 50 for an hour with a poor lower class girl, you’ll drop at least 150 for a fatty with big tits. My lowest point was paying $350 for a “girlfriend experience”, she faked it so good it unnerved me and turned the whole Thing off for me. I have avoided the whole thing and started going to church, I’m on the road to recovery from a life of sexual immorality (porn, prostitutes, loose women and hookups) and I’ve been able to create healthy relationships with people. I started going to the gym and taking care of my appearance and also started to realize my own self worth, I used to thing I was too ugly or autistic to attract women normally but that was a lie. If you’re fat then you can fix that, if you’re socially awkward you can also fix that, ugliness is only an issue if you’re legitimately physically deformed. Stop lying to yourselves and better yourselves boys

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>>272341848>churchgoer cuck says everything is better when he walks into a magical buildingShhh. The adults are talking here.

>>272329898It’s legal in Australia and we haven’t had an Incel shooting since It was legalised

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>>272341848Out of curiosity, what did the "girlfriend experience" entail? Was it like dinner and a movie, or just the sex?

>>272340984Oh I'm in the midwest and every woman is a dumb FAT COW that just gives blank standoffish staresThey really should be lined up and rape traffickedEver since I reached enlightenment I realized Ghengis Khan is right and teen pussy really is all that actually matterAliens just try and create "trafficking" hysteria because they don't like people encroaching on their "human resources" haha they make this shit look like child's play if you only knew how cute their slaves were

>>272341848The price would go down if it were legal. And still, $100 is not really bad, considering you need to spend a lot more than that to have sex with an average girl, if you account for time spent with her and cost of the pain and suffering from interacting with an uninteresting borderline retard.

Their slaves are also edible

>>272342116What if your daughter was a whore? would you like that?

>>272342541I’m never having a daughter, aborting if it’s not a male.

>>272341848That's bullshit. Normal cost here is 200 euros/hour and it's not some fat chick but mostly good looking university students from Czech Republic

>>272331425>just legalize it i get what you're saying but people make the same argument for drug and abortion too

>>272341848Where did you waste your money? I got pic related for 400. I don't care about pleasing the girl. She wasn't faking anything either. We went to her room, she gave me a blow job then let me go at it any positions I wanted for like 20 minutes then I came. She asked whether I wanted a massage, proceeded to give me one. Saw me get hard again and gave me another blow job without asking. Kept fucking for another 10 minutes. I told her that I may not come again, but she said "you will come again" then I busted a nut after 10 more minutes. Holy fuck was I tired at the end but felt amazing.

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>>272342073Cope>>272342181She just kisses you, holds you, gives you oral without a condom and basically let’s you do what you want, the one I was with let me cuddle afterwards and just talked to me. Wasn’t until I had an actual relationship that I realized I didn’t ha e to pay for any of it and actually got emotional fulfillment/support. That was before I started to sort myself out in earnest, now I’m abstaining until marriage. It’s a strange but liberating feeling to get your urges under control, you can focus on things and commit to things that truly matter.

>>272341848G-d I fucking hate puritans like you. Sitting there on your high horse judging others. You like to fuck kids idiot? Yea I bet you do. Sick fuck, using your faith as a shield to fuck children. You wanna know where I'm headed once this covid thing settles down? Colombia. I cannot fucking wait to get my ass rimmed by a puta with big fake tits and ass. I'll be taking loads of pics and will upload them on here for your puritan faggot ass.

>>272342788Well thats your problem, going to a prostitute for emotional support.

>>272342667This guy understands


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>>272342680I don’t know what it’s like in Europe or anywhere else in the world outside of SE Asia, I just know that regardless of the cost I wouldn’t do it again>>272342358I honestly was broke my first real relationship but we just wanted each other’s company, I hardly spent money outside of gas going to the beaches or mountains/lakes. I honestly could never go back to prostitutes after that, it would feel unfulfilling and like a waste of money

>>272340793Prostitution will not shrink, and mafia involvement will not shrink.Every crime the mafia commits causes a ripple of fear in the community, they need only attack one prostitute a week to keep them all afraid.When the people are afraid they demand payment, and on the balance of risk most people will pay them a marginal amount, this marginal payment allows them to grow faster than the industry they are standing over.>>272342116>legal in AustraliaIt's still illegal to be a pimp, but the laws are universally floutedIt funds half the criminal organizations in the country, sees tens of thousands of Asian women imported to trash the country and sees students on their backs to get ahead in university.Imagine two young girls in university, one has to work 30 hours a week on top of study- and one works 4 hours as a whore.Now who has more time to study and is that fair?It's immoral to turn humans into commodities >no violenceMate you have no fucking clue.The cops cover up killings regularly as long as the local gangs aren't causing too much public pressure.


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>>272341782Speak for yourself, grandpa.I'm 34 and can go back to back a dozen times. I'm just super lazy so my stamina sucks.

>>272342952>G-dIt’s all so tiresome

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>>272331425This isn’t a good arguement. Though it’s different from prostitution, organized crime and theft will exist no matter what too; does that mean we should legalize it? The answer is no because it’s disruptive to societal norms and the common moral compass.

>>272338019>Hotel CascadasYep.

>>272329898no, adultery should be a capital offense and fornication should be resolved with a shotgun wedding

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Would you be happy with your child being a prostitute, even for a little while?I couldn't. Literally any other non-criminal job I wouldn't mind. If they stack shelves that's fine, as long as they don't do it forever. A lot of dirty jobs that had low status on the past are some of the best career paths - like working in excavating, garbage processing, specialist farming, manufacturing. But a prostitute? How would you feel if your adult child was hooking even for a little while? You know instinctually that it is degrading to their dignity as human beings.Now why would I want to do that somebody else's child? Why would I want to enable somebody else to harm their own dignity?

>>272341210> bragging about fornicationnigger

>>272343002What it boiled down to, it started out as just a physical thing for sure, I starting seeing prostitutes in the military after a particularly rough deployment. I didn’t care about anything or anything and just lived in the now, that kind of life is sustainable in the military but once you return to the real world you find that it most certainly is not sustainable or normal. It’s been I’ve left that part of my life like most of the trash I picked up fighting for the ZOG where it belongs, in the past.

>>272329898marriage is prostitution

>>272343464Organized crime and theft aren't banned because they disrupt societal nroms, they're banned because they cause non-consensual harm

>>272334117you're a fool thinking you can get rid of prostitution. It's the oldest profession for a reason.

the moment you start talking about religion you lose meprostitution does more good for a society than harm, it allows men of low stock to release without committing heinous sexual based crimes.

>>272339152>just sell your daughter now you moronthat's what marriage is dipshit

>>272329898Jewish white slavery is what will happen

>>272342952> I'm going to fuck a disgusting whore in a third-world country> don't judge me

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>>272329898it already is legal. marriage is where the guy pays the whole tab. and gets fukd.oh then divorce at a rate of about 50%.then divorce rape. fucking whores. 100% legal.

>>272344191who I have sex with is of no concern to youwe live in a society where good men are castaside because they aren't chads, what are theysupposed to do? Live a life of inceldom?

>>272329898>paying for A cupsshiggy diggy

The sad fact is that North American women are so fucked up now, they no longer have a clue how to even be whores. Even that bottom tier employment is beyond their capacity to perform well. Women have simply gone to shit.

>>272344386are you demanding a civil right to be tolerated?

>>272344471I chose to breed her because she's petite. Petite, tiny women do it for me. Just man handling them and having them feel my weight on them in missionary is so deliciously hot.

>>272344320this. though I think the divorce rate is actually higher than 50%

>>272343139>but we just wanted each other’s companyThat's because you have mommy issues. Mentally and emotionally healthy men don't want females for company, and generally dislike spending time with them.

>>272344596> breed> prostitute

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>>272344660>Mentally and emotionally healthy men don't want females for company, and generally dislike spending time with them.i like my wife

>>272344728now ask yourself why your wife likes you..

>>272344833because i'm a nice guynow go fuck yourself

>>272344545lol how true

>>272344923nice guys finish last

>>272329898How do you call a prostitute? Asking for a friend? And what and how do you do it with her?

>>272329898Shilling for Ghislaine

>>272345124It sounds like he hasn't been married long user.

>>272344660I love my mother, if anything I feel like I let her down living the way I’ve done, have you ever considered the possibility that you’re the one that’s got it all wrong? What’s the saying, if everyone around you is an asshole maybe you’re the asshole?

>>272329898nah, that is like the easiest way for COVID to spread bro

>>272345149You don’t, save your money

>>272329898Honestly none of my business. It's happening regardless but I imagine you make this siuation better by fixing other things first.

>>272329898Degenerate, illegal. Saged, Trivago

>>272329898yes. it wuld make this site more bearable too

>>272339152>isn't it better for society that such behavior has a penalty attached to reduce it?Good luck with that, you have to absolutely fuck over all privacy rights and you still won't defeat it.>do you want your daughter becoming a whore?Why would she with decent parents? Some abandoned kid may whore her way through some high education and that's OK with me.

>>272329898If it was legal, do you think fathers would take their lazy NEET sons to lose their virginity, in an effort to straighten them out?

>>272345149Don't listen to the puritan. You'll save way more money and time by going to prostitutes when you want to fuck. Unless you have attachment issue like user, you won't have any issues. Just go online and find listings then send a text to set something up. Easy, you get there and she usually asks you take a shower before proceeding. Just get naked they usually will give you a blow job right away. Don't waste your time talking about your day or asking her questions, as it counts towards your time with her. Then you stick your penis into her inverse penis hole.

>>272345784Some fathers already do that when their son turns 18. To make them into a man. It helps young men realize women shouldn't be placed onto a pedestal.

>>272337802>same with america and sex trafficking hysteria, all there is are boring ass gentlemen clubs with flabby old hags>no bones about it100% find an asian massage parlor open till 11pm, has a neon "open" sign, and provides a table shower in the statesthey will jerk you off and blow you the first time you show up and fuck the second

>>272344032Protection can be consentual.

The only people who oppose legalized prostitution are women or men who are pressured by women to oppose it. Why? Women hate the fact that there's a loophole that will shut down the scam they've been running since time immemorial. Essentially, all women are prostitutes; it's just that most of them trap you in a long term-payment plan with a contract, and if you break that contract, they will rob you blind. Prostitution is a simple way for men to get what they need without the liability of a contract or payment plan, and this rustles women's shit to no end.

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>>272345823Solid advice, thank you.

>>272334638If that's true, why was it banned in the first place? This is my question with all vices that we are supposed to legalise. I like libertarianism, but i have a feeling that if it is taken anywhere near its logical conclusion; we'll be in for a world of hurt.

>>272346200I don't know man. I feel bad for the women who are trapped in prostitution. Even under the best of circumstances, having sex with lots of people fucks your brain up. Not to mention it's not a safe and the prostitutes are easily exploited.

>>272331425Pretty much. It's absolutely ridiculous to try and get rid of prostitution because sex is a basic human desire/need. The government might as well regulate it.

>>272346951You can't save everyone.

>>272336080In my area, gambling is owned by the natives, alcohol is made by hipsters, and marijuana is grown by hippies and sold by early 20s college students. Anywhere near the res you can buy drugs or natives to suck your dick. Only the traditional, conservative natives aren't degenerate filth. You're world view is completely opposite to my region.

>>272342952It’s very dangerous. Do not come.

if it wasn't for prostitutes I'd never have physical contact with a womanis it so much to ask that just for a few minutes I can be with someone that actually wants to be near me, even if she's only pretending for money?

>>272346096umm I've been to close to 100 of those places now...sort of growing out of that for my 30'syuck

>>272329898it already has been

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>>272348621no, ignore all these virgin losersnormal women are too demonic to live together with, you want sex then have sex and leavebeen fucking prostitutes since 19 and won't stopprobably fucked 100+ by now, no, definitely haveit's based

>>272329898Don't protect prostitutes by lawDon't protect abortionists by lawDon't protect trannies by lawLeave them to their own devices, watch them die off. Nothing of value lost, we're richer without them.

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>>272342541If my daughter was a whore id blame it on her whore mother

>>272349037the thai ones in singapore are decentquite enthusiasticbrought up well into whoredombut they aren't sending their prettiest ones are they

>>272337964Is there a way to tell if they actually do this kind of shit? I live in a really small town, no strip clubs, no idea about prostitutes, and I haven't been laid in years. Spending 100-200$ for a quick release sounds pretty good honestly.


>>272329898but it already is where i live, just recently fucked a young german girl was really good and now i dont have to think about sex for atleast another month

>>272349289its half the price or less in southeast asia. keep your powder dry

>>272349280no, but like you say sometimes they're decenti mean 19 yo student who needs money for new iphone 11, i say win winalso planning to move to chiang mai as soon as next year, then i can fuck all the sideline girls from chiang mai uni

>>272349500oh I never met that group of girlstoo technically challenging typing all that stuff on your little asian keyboard apps hahaI like it when the old man points me to a beat up whore haha then I say YOU HAVE ANY MORE FRESH?some big discos in chiang mainice place

>>272341848you're gonna make it>>272342952you are going straight to hell bro

>>272346951part of that exploitation is a lack of legal protectionUp here they need to import women from countries where they speak no english and keep them in cages between shifts. Why go to all this trouble? Because they cant trick locals into becoming prostitutes long enough to make money as a pimp. Every cop is a pimp in Canada.

>>272329898I love how people claim prostitution was the oldest profession when the transaction requires money or something of value collected by another professionalIt is mathematically impossible for prostitution to be the oldest profession because the trade requires other professions to exist beforehand..... fucking dulltard massad post.literally would fuck you with hot irons for being the antithesis of entertainment. Leach fuck in a Matriarchy ya cuck.

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>>272329898Fuck off! Slide thread we got that every day, stupid rabbi!

>>272330004Fpbp Bump

Prostitution provides quick easy pleasure to the horny male. This can distract them from more noble practices such as: Using that money for charity, serving your people or settling down and propagating the white race.

>>272350218Lots of pregnant whores down there in su damerica eh muchacho? That's how I like my goyim, big and juicy. And brown. Jesus would agree.

>>272341210Tell me how. I want to follow in your footsteps.

>>272333464>and they spend most of their time stalking venerable young it possible to learn such powerhow did they master women

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>>272350769Built for big white cock

>>272350832Like most korean women

>>272330004FpbpAnd the men who lie with prostitutes should be shot by firing squad.

>>272331425>>272347151>If we accept the fact that murder, rape, and degeneracy will exist no matter what, the best course of action is to legalize it, tax it, and restrict it to certain parts of town. That way the transaction remains relatively clean and safe for both parties, the government gains another revenue stream, and you don't have this happening in and around areas you don't want it to.That we cannot stop it doesn't mean we should accept it. And looking at moral/social matters from the materialistic perspective of "how much can I profit of of this bad behavior" is exactly the type of thinking Holla Forums would ascribe to Jews.


prohibition works just fine, thats why you guys never legalized alcohol.

>>272329898Ask your mother and sister.

>>272329898Ausfag here: prostitution is legal in my country. I think it's more beneficial because it's regulated and girls have to get tested for STIs regularly. Even though it's outlawed in places like the US, I was still able to buy sex from some website with not much more than a text message. While the cost was advertised, it ended up costing more and the girl tried to sponge more cash out of me. Without regulation, it's much easier to act predatorily, both on the side of the men and the women. Getting STI tested is also non-mandatory, and so people getting infections also increases.Even if you disagree with it morally, people are going to do it anyway. So it might as well be regulated.

>>272329898I would still remain celibate until the day I die, but yes, I think so. It basically is already.

>selling your nude body online or in front of a camera = good>selling yourself in person = OY VEY THIS IS IMMORAL!

>>272329898It's always been legal. Legal prostitution is called marriage.

>>272351756>>272351756These are different tiers of things. Murder, rape and degeneracy don't really have any upsides. Prostitution, however, can. Imagine, if you will, that you are an incel and the only real way to get your sexual/intimate needs met is through hired pussy. There's no real harm being done with prostitution, and any harm that is being done, can be adjusted with regulation.

>>272350210>you can only trade money. You cant trade food for sex duhthe absolute state of this board

>>272336744You literally are posting from a country where prostitution is legalised. How much of what you posted do you see in your neighbourhood on a day-to-day basis?

>>272350769where can i fuck a girl like this please tell me

>>272343464It wouldn't exist in an anarcho-Communist region.

>>272352492Who cares about incels, they can masturbate or buy a sex toy.

>>272339537This. Though in my experience those 10/10s are far and few between.

>>272339809No, that means most asian spas aren't involved in child trafficking. The employees are almost always at least in their 30s.


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>>272349289rub maps on google

>>272343251>Illegal to be a pimpThey just change their name to manager and provide the premises and security.>Imported asiansI accept this is an issue, but at least it's not importing useless Asian men and gives Asian fetishists an outlet>ImmoralI'm a stoic, so I see it as an effective way to combat something else for a lot of people. Morality doesn't really factor into it.>No violenceThe few gang related houses see some friction, but the majority of places are independently owned. Off the top of my head, I can think of a few brothels that have been mysteriously burned down or shot up.I still think it should be regulated though, rather than controlled entirely underground. It's not something you can just stamp out if you try hard enough. The only possibly way is to kill all women, which is absurd. With regulation, you can at least control most of the problems.

>>272329898Typically it's not illegal, but it is illegal to hire one.Again, men are the criminals

>>272352253People murder each other anyway, might as well regulate it, you kill a family member of mine - I kill one of yours - legally speaking.

>>272350387>CharityOh boy you need to do some research on charities my friend>Serving your peopleI do that with my labour, of which I am paid for>propagating the white raceEh, I agree with this one.

>>272329898>Should the world's oldest profession be universally legalized?Yes, selling pussy is women's rights issue.

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>>272329898>Should the world's oldest profession be universally legalized?Absolutely.

>>272354110This argument is retarded and you are retarded for thinking so simplistically.

>>272352876can all fucking 3rd worlder shut upi know you don't have money to eat let alone for warm pussy so you want the rest of the world to be miserable as youbut i have a lot of money and i want to enjoy live, and you can't do nothing about it other than shitposting in between masturbation sessionskys

>>272329898>Profession>"I'll let you have sex with me for money"Your gender studies degree doesn't mean shit.

I think prostitutes used to be free they would just toss young girls in the temple for the benefit of society ya know very much honor sacred temple prostitute activate kundalini

>>272329898In the past I would been opposed to this but women selling their bodies for money is actually beneficial for men. >sexual outlet for frustrated, busy, poor or undesirable men >by making it a controlled transaction, men legally shield themselves of false accusations or harassment >simp problem will be tremendously reduced >sites like onlycunts will be reduced significantly >women’s attitudes will change as men really don’t have to put up with their shit for sex >police dealing with less women selling pussy illegally, standards set and women working tested for STDs regularly >less johns and reduced cases in court making room for real crime murder, assaults, etc>tax revenue collected from cunt sales Mind you you’ll still have illegal prostitution that’s just how it is but most standing men will not risk it and would rather pay a premium instead of risking arrest

>>272329898>Should the world's oldest profession be universally despised?ftfy.Yes.

>>272354450You should open a book of anthropology.

>>272354977this, sex and orgasm activates kundalinivirgins, masturbator and semenretainer are locked on first chakra since the sexual chakra is never properly used or activatedno wonder they're such bitter incels

>>272354488Go outside and spit some gum on the street mr. mega-incel.

>>272355615>mr. mega-incel.what a projection poor incel

>>272329898>legalizing the oldest monopolynot until the trustbusters say that sex bots are allowed, if not there is no fair competition and it is just a legalized monopoly.

>>272355751You are surely retarded.Let's hypothetically say you are rich, which is possible given you could be an apartment owner and sell it.Once you do it and leave, you're just a chink to the rest of the world, hated universally and a dicklet. If I go anywhere in the world, I'm just another white male.But why would you think anyone cares about that, especially on a Mongolian smoke signal board? Among conservatives which disregard vanities and materialism? Are you so frustrated at your life that you feel the need to brag on 4chan? Do you have a micro-penis or what?Also considering how low-tier your education seems to be, you're probably making your income by sucking countless dicks daily.You also deserve the title of mega-incel, because you're acting like incels are you brothers and need to defend them furiously, you obviously being one as well.

>>272356227you must be joking thinking i'm gonna read that bitter incelshould i come to your country fuck a young broad that you will marry later?maybe after covid

>>272356227>>272356439and in 20 years i maybe will fuck your daughter cus the rich getting richer and the poor gentleman still shitposting about what other people's do with their genitals kek

>>272329898>prostitution>world's oldest professionwrong. world's oldest profession is war.

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>>272350921I mean not reallylike you can adapt them to it of course but out of the box they have a lot of trouble taking it even with ample lube and patience

>>272329898i'm still going to call you a whore

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>>272356227>If I go anywhere in the world, I'm just another white male.>romanian>whiteYeah right, gypo. If you left Romania it would either be for two reasons: selling your pussy or doing shit tier labour that they don't want to pay polish rates for.

>>272329898No. Instead pay couples to marry and have children. Huge upfront loan, increasing loan forgiveness with each child.

>>272356439>>272356633You have like 10 cm penis, shut the fuck up.

>>272357049another 3rd worlder cretin14cm

>>272356658No it’s Hunting and Gathering, and trade. These came about before prostitution, War came after.

>>272329898I'l in favor of that. Only feminists and people who get laid everyday are not in favor of that. They're mad that people who don't have access to sex eventually can by paying a prostitute.But noooo... Let thousands and thousands men without any way to fuck legally and you wonder why you have high rape stats and people acting like chimpanzee

>>272331425This is kinda like it works here. They are limited to whore houses and you hardly see them outside of a single area in town. I had friends in Italy, and compared to here, it's absolute lunacy. Once night falls, you will have cunts standing around every single somewhat populated street.

>>272329898Of course, you should be gassed just for doubting that fact.

>>272335164>SWIMyou don't belong here, faggot

>>272329898Nope, just build the sexbots and the issue will fix itself.

>>272331425Who cares about their safety? It's just women who don't want to work and men who don't want to work for sex. Let's be rid of them all. Uglyfags will have their robot waifu soon enough.

>>272337213Found the feminist, Jacinda is that you?

>>272330592Thread should have ended here.


YesEntitled bitches are the main reason for "incels".Solve the problem and the entitled bitches will go away or get eaten by cats. It's win for everyone.

>>272329898Yes. Making it illegal in the US was a result of second great awakening lunacy in the northeast. The lunacy that also shat out great ideas like prohibition and abolitionism.

>>272329898I had a dream about this last night. I was unemployed like most people in a desperate floyd-19 world. As i walked the hallways off the complex looking for work i saw that most doors were open with girls waiting, i went into an apartment with two beautiful girls, 10/10 in lingerie, asked how much, 2.85 they said. Dollars? Euros? Shekels they said, i could not believe how cheap they were.