Biden BTFO
Other urls found in this thread:
>>272325788Fucking lol.
>>272325952Thank god I look nothing like that...
>>272325788>shitposting is now presidentially endorsed I FUCKING LOVE THIS TIMELINE.
>>272325788god, even if u dont like trump, his trolling is epic.
>>272326344Hahaha. Nobody cares shareblue. Your seethe is showing.
>posting a screenshot of a videoyour thread is shit OPnext time at least bother making a webm
> hairs turn blonde in the sunTOPKEK
He keeps tweeting that guy's stuff but hasn't retweeted the best
>>272325788I love kids jumping on my lap
>>272325788I thought the video was funny and then I read the absolute SEEEEEEEETHE in the replies
>>272326344Shit boi libtards b seethin ever since he chose Kamala Harris
this is shaping up to be a banner fucking year lol.
>>272326581Happy faggot?
>>272326344So Trump has Jewish freinds whats the big deal?
>>272325788I fucking lol'd irl
>>272325788Lol. That’s funny. That Biden guy has senile dementia and is a sex offender.
>>272325788This is absolutely outstanding
>>272325788Even the memes are overwrought and tired this go around. This is what happens when you try to resurrect 2016 instead of doing anything new.
>>272325788Libshits are so petty, they're trying to contact Eddy Grant to get the tweet removed for music copyright violations. Holy shit.
>I love kids jumping on my lapI am convinced Biden is acting like this on purpose.
>>272325788my fucking sides
>>272327103The video needed niggers pumping the cart for biden to be more accurate.
>>272327636just perfect
>>272325788lmao based drumpf
Yea, Biden is fucking over.
>>272327858that was when i lost it, i was smirking but then that popped up and i couldn't take it
>>272327337Literal leftist shills BTFO!
>>272327103Kike all goyim?
>>272325788my fucking sides holy shit
>>272325788I love Trump. He is hilarious.
>>272327999Checked and keked.
>>272327103This needs sound or makes no senseIt's a bit boomerish too with the corny 'Biden train' failling apart national lampoonish font at the end. 6/10 because your POTUS actually tweeted this
>>272327790> socialism induced death syndrome
>>272328589well, your PM is a soiboi faggot. Eat a dick, leaf.
Did everyone notice Biden’s little rail car had a liscence plate that said “YOUR HAIR SMELLS GREAT”>>Perfect trolling 10/10
>>272327103No, because the Biden hairy-legs audio over the top of the song Electric Avenue is what makes that video so good
>>272328589see >>272329094It has biden rambling on about the kids playing with the hair on his legs and ends with Biden saying 'i like kids jumping on my lap'
Damn I thought they were going to bring in a tow truck and drag that lone car in the parking lot so it could look like Biden was driving it.
>>272325788jesus, what ever happened to trump's 2016 election team
>>272325952lol this has to be a professional meme because its too spot on
>>272327858I lol'd irl at thatI wonder where she is today, anyone know her name?
>>272327858Can anyone tell what the green sign says?
>>272327858top based
>>272328931Forgot pic! Also does Trump mean for us to do a little digging in the railroad station named after creepy joe?
>>272329550I always thought it was a guy
>>272329660>>Your hair smells terrific I had 1 job
>>272325952I wish I looked like that
>>272325788Ok but does Trump have an argument of any kind on why we should re elect him after he has failed to MAGA
>>272325788>This man has his fingers on the nuclear launch button
>>272325788I lasted about 3 mins reading the normie liberal comments and wanted to kill myself..Twitter is the worst.
>>272325788TRUST THE PLAN!
"STOP USING OUR SONG DRUMPF!!!!" in 3...2...1...
>>272329550I wonder how she feels knowing that she was in a meme that the president tweeted.
>>272329928You pass most of your policies 2nd term once you're re-elected with nothing to lose
>>272329550She is a right wing crisis actor. Here she is protesting against wearing masks
>>272329956And it's beautiful
>>272326338Cant stand any of these fuckers in office, but yes... his trolling is King Shit. Next 3 months will be like Mike Tyson in his prime in the ring beating up a downs kid in a wheelchair.
>>272325788checked and kekdthis is tomo news tier shitposting
>>272325788I was half expecting Xavier Renegade Angel to show up and serve up some truth bombs.
the pool audio is good. should have included his other fuck ups>the "uh"s he said over and over during a CNN interview>the "you ain't black" thing>asking a black CNN reporter if he was tested for cocaine use during an interviewreally pile it on and let people either know or be reminded of all the insane shit he has spouted off.
>>272329814>I always thought it was a guyDoes it really even matter?
I voted for Trump for him to be the Shitposter-in-Chiefdespite all the heartached he has given me, I love Donald J Trump
>>272326344>rub shoulders at party == guiltyStill voting Trump.
electric boogaloo predictive programming
>>272329985Oh you know damn well tomorrow morning that the headlines will be "Trump has video removed from Twitter for ILLEGALLY using copyrighted music in fake video made by well known alt right nazi conspiracy theorist!"
>>272326766>>272327198>>272327275>>272327337>>272327753>social media posts by literally who and unsourced “documents”Meanwhile, from the man himself.
>>272330702you're a pedophile
>>272330932so what faggot, niggers tongue your anus
>those repliesForget that he's president for a moment and fully appreciate how many lulz those bring him as a troll. I consider getting a dozen faggots posting butthurt virtue signaling paragraphs on social media a great day. He's shoveling so much salt that after his second term is over he could spend the rest of his life reading through them. As a U.S. citizen I'm disappointed in him as a president but as a troll he has my utmost respect. I'm going to ironically vote for him just for that, nation be damned.
>>272325788im in fucking tears, there's never been anything so good in Politics
>>272325788>libtard status: seething
>>272325788this gives me 2016 vibes
>>272325788How long until a copyright takedown for the song?
>>272325788Xavier: Renegade Angel type
>>272329630Elevation:Sea Level
>>272328589/pol/ does not allow sound webms, you fucking retarded leaf.
>>272325788BASEDRemember MAGA CREW, Democrats are the REAL Racists and Kamala put Black men in prison, which as we know, is not cool and racist.MAGA!
>>272332050I can't explain it maybe it's your tone of writing or the fact that you repeat that same garbage over and over but I seriously can feel you seethe in anger just reading that low energy shit, cry more faggot
Actually I just watched the video. Not gonna lie, it's top tier video shitpoasting
>>272331235He's a much better candidate than he is a president.
>>272332050She fucked black men in more ways than one!
>>272325788First Trump tweet that made me literally lol. The raging liberals in the comments posting anti-train memes is very sad.
>>272325788Implying Biden can work that handcart by himself without keeling over and dying in less than 5 minutes...
>>272329967Just endure for now, it will all be so worth it when he wins reelection.
>>272329550hopefully she committed sudoku
Is this the Trump campaign official thread? I’ve never seen such a high concentration of shilling in my life. Something must have them spooked.
>>272325788kek looks like some chink news clip
>>272333222Yeah your mental illness is rather spooky
>>272333361What’s Trump HQ like right now? Is it a madhouse like I’m imagining?
>>272327150Yeah, he has many Jewish friends.
>>272325788lmfao that's awesome
>>272333532Wall to wall strippers and a mountain of blow.
Holy shit this is hilariousAnd the saltOh the salt
>>272325788good shit
>>272325952>when you realize amazon turk meme flags posting "miga" is literally the left's entire cyber strategy for 2020lol
>>272325952And this is you, meme flag
>ahh>uhhh>let me just>*SNIFFFFFFFFF*
>>272334438This looks like tribal warpaint. It is that one red faced injun pic superimposed innit?
>>272325788Seriously bro???!!?!!
>>272335444Haha leftists are so fucking dead
>>272335444Fuck drunk Eric Clapton....
>>272325952How did you get a picture of me user?
>>272335444mass cock in your mouth mr tiedrich
>>272329550>sheMaybe being genderless is how you defeat facial recognition?
>>272335444You hear that desperation in his voice?
>>272325788lol cuz America's doing so great. 165,000 dead and counting. GO GO GO I got 200,000 by end of Sep in my office pool.
>>272326344Great argument, still voting Trump.
>>272335444Hey, has anybody seen Jeff Tiedrich?
they should have had kamala riding the train with weed smokers begging to be released in the windows
>>272333751Embarrassing manchildren.
>>272336715They’re trying to run the campaign like it’s 2016 still and it isn’t working, lol
>>272327507Their comments demonstrate their entire approach is to simply say Trump is losing. Every argument will simply be countered with "you're losing!"
>>272335444I love how their best argument is that this video didn't have the production values of a marvel film. Not one peep on all the comments arguing against the premise that Biden is incompetent.
>>272325952nervous memeflag?
>>272337775But they actually have reason to believe he’s losing. You know, evidence.It’s not just about saying words.
pretty funny manngl
>>272338382Why would he be? This thread is the epitome of Trump shills scared out of their minds.They’re going to come after all you when he loses, I hope you know.
>>272335444Ch-checked. It’s a bot account, by the way. How else do you think it automatically gets to be the top reply on all of Trump’s tweets?
>>272325788>Trump can turn on meme magic like flipping a switchHe's gonna fucking win lads
>>272338387Then why still come here pissed off user. Why still come here.
>>272338387>You know, evidence.Proof?
>>272338561>Thread full of everyone having a good time>DIS THREAD IZ FULL OV SCURRED DURMPF SHILLZ?
>>272338561They’re going to swipe your children off the street corner one day and put them into international sex rings. Pedos will sacrifice them to Moloch after the Satanic ritual abuse and Frazzledrip torture.Shit will be mad cash (literally).
>>272325788Kek Pedo Biden btfo
>>272339199It’s blatantly a shill thread from the campaign because they’re losing badly.It ain’t 2016 anymore, sorry.
>>272338561>Trump shills scared out of their minds.Says the CCP shill. Xi is shaking in his leather pants, isn't he?
>>272339176Polling.>inb4 polling is never right cope
>>272325788Good shit
Have to vote for him, but man what he could have been if he wasn't an Israel loving cuck
>>272339229Stop samefaging, r/sino, Chang.
>>272325952Still voting trump
>>272338921So I can disrupt the thread and shit on you.
>>272325788hey, donnie, hows that covid natural disaster management going?oh, you're not the President?okay, nvm - keep posting your tweets for teens
>>272339325The only shill here is you. Again everyone but you is having fun and isn't scared. Especially after Copmala is now Bidens vp.>>272339437Polling is never right. Cope.
>>272339437>Polling.Show polls, and breakdown of political affiliation of persons polled. How did that 98% chance of Hilldawg winning workout, Wang?
>>272339234Biden poppin a benzo
>>272325788Trump is back brosTime to win an election
>>272325952Wow this meme is very problematic. It would be a shame if your lefty friends found out that you posted this here...
>>272339675>Again everyone but you is having fun and isn't scared.That’s exactly the impression you want to give, yes. Trying to recapture that 2016 magic? Not going to happen.You guys are spamming this board way too much recently. I can only imagine why.
>>272339550CCP shill point #8. Good Chang, Xi will be proud. LONG LIVE CHINER!
>>272339437>He's losing in the MSM polls with over two months to go so it's overThe fuck is the point of talking about any of this if no further evidence is required.Get the fuck off Holla Forums smoothbrain. Nobody wants you here. Nobody's buying your demoralization.
>>272339851>You guys are spamming this board way too much recently.Says the shill from chink plebbit.
>>272325952All them (you)'sFirst postOnly needed an imageTop Notch Lad.
>>272339675>>Polling is never right. Cope.Then why does the Trump campaign conduct internal polling?My guess is that the internal polling isn’t very good either.
>>272339694She won the popular vote just like it predicted. Biden is far ahead of that though.You can look up the polls yourself. None of them have Trump doing very well... which explains the limp-dick shilling.
>>272339976>>He's losing in the MSM polls with over two months to go so it's overNo incumbent this far down in the polls at this time has ever won re-election.
>>272329550Patton Oswalt
>>272325788KAGA TRAIN 2020
>>272339851>You guys are spamming this board way too much recently. I can only imagine why.Nice projection.>>272340010You're a fucking retard and not worth anymore of my time if you think that internal polling and national polling are the same.
>>272328290We need a system worth standing for.
>>272325788Holy based how will Joe ever recover
>>272340133>She won the popular vote just like it predicted. Biden is far ahead of that though.Show those polls, and the breakdown, then, Zao.
>>272340133>She won the popular voteWho the fuck cares if she won the popular vote? That's not how the president is even elected. Maybe if people understood the game they'd win more. Fucking retard simps, you should have all been aborted with a crooked coat hanger.
>>272340341>You're a fucking retard and not worth anymore of my time if you think that internal polling and national polling are the same.Trump should release his internal polling like the Democrats did last month. Don’t you think?
>>272340133>She won the popular voteYou mean the popular vote that counted illegal votes from California?
>>272340388You have never heard Tuckers actual thoughts. He is litteraly just a corporate puppet.
>>272340688While that’s true, winning the electoral college becomes increasingly difficult the higher the national polling is. It just goes to show that polling does show the trend of things very well. Trump barely eked out a victory last time... and that was against the more despised Clinton. Things are different now.
>>272333751>>272337550why not both?
>>272340995>Fucking retard simps, you should have all been aborted with a crooked coat hanger.>While that’s trueKEK
>>272325788We are in for a treat this election... This shit is funny as fuck!
>>272340899Spergs don’t have any inhibition, that’s true.Maybe Barr and Trump can get together to find the strength to finally sip some water, lol. No wonder why they can’t get anything done. WEAK WEAK WEAK
>>272341149You’re not a simp?
>>272325788FUCK YEAH!It’s the return of silly troll Trump, it’s time to get grass roots up in this bitch!
>>272341594prime boomer meme someone post this on their dads facebook
>>272342000That’s definitely relevant to what I’m talking about. Some Chinaman stepdad.Manchildren, like I said.
>>272342257>it’s time to get grass roots up in this bitch!
>>272340133There is no such thing as the popular vote. Nowhere in the Constitution is this invented and so it’s wholly irrelevant. The electoral college is what matters, and she lost.
>>272325788"something wicked" Is that a cheap knockoff of "something aweful" ?
>>272339620I agree... getting a summer cold fucking sucks.
>>272342714The popular vote polling was accurate. It was just two or three states which were off, and Trump barely won those. Wisconsin was less than 1% even.Now states that were never in play before, are. So it might not even come down to two or three close states like that again.
>>272328787Chigur Harris
>>272340995>barely eked out a victory302 electoral votes vs. 227 It's not too late for that coat hanger.
>>272325952post nose lmao
Fucking LOL
>>272342266you fucking mong you know shitand fuck facebook
>>272342000Grandfather cry
>>272329956>nuclear launch is just a button push awayYou should probably look up how this actually works.
>>272343225It's over for Biden. That clown show is meaningless. Before the election there will be indictments. The only fight left is against the DNC voter fraud operations. The last refuge they have is political violence, racism, and suppressing the population with a virus that has a .2 mortality rate.The entire platform is fear and hate. Pathetic.
>>272326344>Lol stupid pizza gate conspiracies!>Now let me explain how Trump is connected to pizzagate
>>272339425>>272339495>>272339548>>272339593>>272339647>>272339698For reference to all of the kike niggerfaggots in this thread.
>>272345178Man... No way this isn't fucking staged. I am believing more and more that Biden is controlled opposition. Seriously this shit is fucking retarded. Wtf.
>>272340851He was goodBut im sure Tucker will be smart enough to rip off Holla Forums as well. sucks he got fired though
>>272331235Member when Hillary wanted Donald Ducks everywhere at Trump rallies because Donald ducks his taxes or some shit, and everybody praised her for being so in touch with memes? That’s what this reminds me of.
>>272325788 What fucking timeline did we end up in
>>272325788Holy shit is this real? They rented an actual campaign train?
>>272325788I still can't believe we're in the timeline of having a shitposter president. It's amazing
oh my fuck it's real i fucking love this man
>>272325788This is so fucking based.I'm really wondering why there are even americans who wants another president?
notice the challenger of peace in the beginning
>>272325788This is now the best timeline
>>272330865>he doesn't knowAnon, lurk for 6 million years before ever posting again, it's embarrassing
>>272330246>>272335467Looks legit
>>272325788I don't get it. Can someone explain?
The amount of butthurt leftists in the replies make me laugh even more.
>>272325952>hey look moshie I posted it again!!!
>>272326338>god, even if u dont like trump, his trolling is epic.I don't get it. What is the joke?
NEW AD, NEW THREAD >>272348568 #>>272348568 #>>272348568 #
>>272348758It's about a scientist and his grandson. Very yummy jokes, but you've got to be smart to get it. The best episode is when the scientist turns himself into a pickle. "Hey Marty, I'm pickled Rick", very, very memeable.
>>272339234Adjusting his dentures
>>272326344>Trump took a picture with Epstein for his instagram when he was asked to>therefore he is guilty
>>272350345he raped a 12 year old girl with epstein you fucking pedo defender
Pretty funny, hope it doesn't get pulled for a copyright violation again because of the music.
>>272325788Are you (the US administration) reducing the money for Medicaid?Instead of shitposting you should focus on this stuff, i skimmed through the comments (1,2 million views) and most of them were about how evil is Trump, none of them knew how it works it real or not, it seems that you don`t want to win because nobody opposed the vid narrative and it was an echo chamber.There`s no need to give views to that vid btw...
>>272326344nice photoshop
>>272327790now THATS trolling
>>272329550>I wonder where she is today,she's living her best life
>>272325788Looks fake af
>>272353772Click on the link and check for yourself
>>272326344>hand on the shoulder chad move, trump is the reason he got drained.
>>272335444>t.DS Maximus
>>272325788Is that fucking Sim Copter?
>>272325952They 've had four years and the best they could do is pay six gorillion dollars to $hareblue to flood /pol with low energy shills
@272325952>has to use a lefty to sell his narrative about right wingerslol
>>272326766Jesus Wayne, this is dumb coming from you.Tell me, when was this board pro-trump? literally during the elections there was constant fighting here between trump-bots, people who rightfully called him a jewish shill and those that were just hoping he wouldnt be a literal jew-puppet who only surrounds himself with jewish supremacists and their pathetic propaganda.Wayne, you are smarter than >herp derp, look at this document that says that calling trump a jewish shill, something he actively prove he is, then it means you are JIDFdont be a typical mutt mongoloid.
>>272355786that's not wayne
That's some good tier posting by Trump
>>272345178He is pulling a George Bush, make them think you're stupid so they wont ask the real questions. That or hes really that senile and retarded.
>>272349452That Biden's campaign is limping along, that he sniffs hair and loves it when children sit in his lap.Its less a joke, and more a funny way of presenting reality.
>>272327337grow up you fucking retard, you dont need to find the shittiest fake excuses so you can keep tonguing that anus. This is your biggest issue; you do not manage to process that people actually have opposing views than you; YOU can ignore all the jew-worship presented by trump family, but for the rest of us, we observe and react to it just to always find some sub 20 iq trump-bot like (((you))) who deflects saying "oh some discord tranny said this, so that means everyone who say anything similar is a tranny"you people are pathetic weakminded faggots who do not belong here. go back to where you came from
>>272326344I wish you well faggot
>>272332747Somebody should shoop in biden and stretch the girl's expression just a tiny bit to make it look "strained".
>>272335444Is this dude posting his own tweets here?Cuz I have no idea who that is.
>>272330246>2 different people at 2 very different times>ITS THE SAME PERSON AND SHE IS A PAID ACTOR, SOURCES; TRUST ME BRO AND THE PLAN, Q LIVESpraying for a open civil war in your nigger-infested 3rd world country.
>>272355977he's senile
>>272335444>>272335799nice get
>>272335444>all of these things that democrat mayors and governors did is your faultWhat did he mean by this?
>>272325788This wad fucking awesome. I literraly cried with laughter when Biden came rolling through.
>>272356164Shut up NorwayChang, you microdick chinsect.There's A shit load of CCP shills using Euro flags, and US too.UKChang: >>268398817, >>272288312, >>272284090, >>272313470, GermanChang: >>269420066, >>269440756SwedeChang: >>269418869, >>269430854, >>268491823, >>272286114, >>272297994, FrenchChang: >>269404298, >>267642654, >>268936645FascistChang: >>269082972NaziChang: >>268129992, >>268410927AmeriChang: >>268927087, >>268609524, >>268502044, >>268118387, >>272283176, >>272284186, >>272295375, >>272297424, >>272298821, >>272316072, >>272316156, >>272316779, FinnChang: >>269374342, >>268891062, >>268782065, >>272316520, BrazilChang: >>268785946SerbChang: >>268725930CroatiaChang: >>272310374ItalyChang: >>268578445BelgiumChang: >>268410524, >>272283539, >>272285377, >>272286458, >>272287110, >>272289516, >>272291772, >>272294889, >>272297227, RomaniaChang: >>268210521BulgariaChang: >>269545542, >>269515766, >>269439347, >>269420978, >>269325203, >>269238235NorwayChang: >>272290278, HungaryChang: >>272310983
>>272345057foda-se mene, está na imagem. Ou precisas que alguem te dê um murro no meio dos olhos crl?
>>272325952migapeeds getting worked into a shoot
>>272325788This meme is fucking stupid and doesn't make sense. Is the Trump train a ghost train because it would have run over Biden if it was real. Actually I think that was the point of the meme; that there is no REAL support behind Trump.
>>272325788>Oh noooooo! Is that an ausschwitz trainerinooo!?!?
>>272357764I hope leftists choose that angle to go after it.
This is kind of lame, because Trump has to post it for himself, there's no brigade of memeers churring these out.
>>272335444>Lefties beg the government to shut down the economy>Proceed to blame TrumpWe live in a society.