"Excuse me, sir. You aren't wearing a mask and you have to leave right now!"Wat do?
"Excuse me, sir. You aren't wearing a mask and you have to leave right now!"Wat do?
Other urls found in this thread:
>>272322619Are you familiar with the Americans with Disabilities Act?
Wait in the parking lot all day and watch the entrance, then follow him out to his car after his shift and beat the shit out of him.
Move to Mongolia.
>>272322619>Go home>Instacart
as a superior black male, I will POUND TO DEATH anyone that dares to question or annoy me
>>272322764"Why yes sir I am, and if you can't provide proof of said disability i'm going to again have to ask you to put on a mask or leave"
>>272322619Start masturbating vigorously
>>272323245Then you're not familiar, you don't have to provide proof and they can't ask you what your disability is
>>272322619Leave and go elsewhere because:1. Im not fighting about maaeaaeaasks with some nigger who works min wage2. Making masks your political issue is fake and gay. Call me when the anti maskers start naming jews. Until then fuck you and your retarded cause.
Wear the hecking mask you bigot.
>>272323179Nah, the only the thing you’ll be pounding is bars in the local state penitentiary.
>>272322619Guess I'll leave then.
>>272323408The kikes and their media are literally the ones pushing masks. It's the jews, always the jews. Anything so forced and hysteric can be directly traced back to jews.
>>272322619Fucking don't be a dick it's his place of employment and he has to enforce the rules, gtfo nigger and take a shower too.
>>272322619snuff and walk off at a fast pace [this does spook people]
>>272322619Im wearing the new invisa-mask. Apologize!
Sorry, I can't wear one for medical reasons. >My medical reasons are that this state's mask order strongly urges us not to wear medical grade masks and studies show that cloth masks are minimally effective at best and may be counterproductive, but that's none of your business.
>>272322619>"Excuse me, sir. You aren't wearing a mask and you have to leave right now!"I have Tourette's Syndrome and if you don't get the fuck out of my way, I feel a string of "CUNT SHIT WHORE FUCK PISS MOTHERFUCKER" words coming your way, my friend.Do you really want to trigger my Tourette's and cause a scene?
Why are you getting so close to me, I don't have a mask on, why are you putting yourself in supposed danger by getting near me
>>272323361>>272323361Really? Show me where it says that.
>>272322619I leave and let Reggie restock my groceries.
Make the .44 on my hip more noticeable.
>>272322766>Wait in the parking lot all day and watch the entrance, then follow him out to his car after his shift and beat the shit out of him.If I did that I would wear a mask on my own not to play along to some phony virus but to obscure my identity from the badge niggers. I know several college aged kids, I thought were good kids who also know the virus is fake but are only wearing the masks so they can shoplift. But I did finally get me an 8K TV from them really cheap too. This attack on small business will not be forgotten.
>>272322619>OK>*leave nigger store and go to white people store where they don't force me to wear a mask*
>>272322619Say "my mistake" and leave, because I am not white trash or a nig.
>>272322764>>272323361Reasonable accommodation doesn't mean letting you put other customers' health at risk. It means giving you the website and telling you to go home and order online. And if you're THAT disabled to where you somehow can't handle having a paper mask over your mouth for ten minutes then you obviously shouldn't be there in the first place.
>>272322619>turn around>pull down pants>spread buttcheeks open real wide>unleashthepowerofthesun.gif>spew a 50/50 mix of liquid/solid shit all over this mask nazis face>"HOWS THAT MASK HOLDIN UP NOW FUCKFACE?!?!">"DO YOU FEEL PROTECTED NOW?!?!">grocery store worker gets shit in his mouth EVEN THO he is wearing a mask>he immediately realized everything in his life is a lie>covid is a conspiracy >bush did 9/11>obama is a lizard>he goes home and logs onto Holla Forums>makes a shitty thread about grocery store workers asking customers to leave for not wearing masks>once again, OP is a giant fucking faggot
>>272322619No problem, friend.
>>272322764I'm sorry, did you lose your handler?
>>272322619Since I live in a non-cucked county where our sheriff made a statement that said "Do not call us for non-mask wearers, we will not respond or charge/ticket anyone for non-compliance", I think I'd just stick around and tell that nigger to fuck himself.
>>272323929>This attack on small business will not be forgotten.Amen. Hurt these corporations where it fucking hurts. They have insurance? Let's see how much their insurance covers when a good chunk of their sales go away because people can't afford shit.
>>272323906>get just drunk enough to pass out and so I can sleep while still having a can for the morning shakes
Let me go get something from my truck......
>>272322619Unzip my dick, do a 360 a walk the fuck out.Fuck masks, and the brain-dead retards that wear them.
>>272322619Respect his right to refuse me service and take my money elsewhere. Any other answer is unamerican
>>272323867Good luck finding ammo for it when SHTF
>>272322619Excuse me sir, you are a nigger and have to go back now.
>>272324141That will be what work camps and debtors prisons will be for, poornigger.
>>272322619How is it that I have yet to see a bane mask?
>>272324040Hi rabbi! Nice pilpul
>>272324325If you've gone through that much ammo you've probably dropped some faggot with a 9mm you can steal
>>272322619Push off, cunt!
>>272322619Tonight on CNN, a retard named Reggie died when an irate customer one punched him and broke his neck. Reggie is the 6 millionth covid death this week...
How did this place turn into a bootlicking competition? Masks are just the govt dabbing on people proving that you're their bitch, simple as.
>>272322766>attacking grunts and not the policy makersIt's like retarded niggerfaggots attacking police instead of politicians.
>>272324519It's still a bordering boutique gun territory, just use 357 bro.
>>272322764>Are you familiar with the Americans with Disabilities Act?I sure am!Per Title III Technical Assistance Manual Covering Public Accommodations and Commercial Facilities:>A public accommodation may exclude an individual with a disability from participation in an activity, if that individual’s participation would result in a direct threat to the health or safety of others.” (III-3.8000 Direct threat- ada.gov
>>272322619>smile>point to own ears>mumble some incoherent gibberish with a deaf speech impediment >continue doing what I want
>>272324040>1 post oy veyGee wiz, rabi, watcha doin'?
>>272324040only works if they offer that service for free which no one can because its very labor intensive.cvs policy is literally to help you get your shit faster and leave. no maskers are about to become the masters
>>272324667Implying Hitler 2.0 won't dab on civil liberties
>>272323293I approve this S tier message!
>>272324048i did this once. it worked but it wasnt worth it
Leave in an orderly and civil fashion. I'm no nigger.
>>272322619>right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happinessLiberty
>>272324726Easiest target for ancoms and niggers to lash out at since politicians are so well guarded.
>>272324667This country literally started with rebellion. Where's the fucking counterculture? You really expect me to believe a government that regularly bombs mideast contries is doing this because it cares about human life? How gullible can a person be?
>>272324743Good luck finding ammo for it when SHTF
>>272324743Just saying the "muh ammo" argument is bullshit. If you've shot 100 rounds without dying there better be a few dead bodies to loot
>>272323408Pretty based ngl. How can we associate antimask with antisemitism?
>>272322619Amerisharts are retarded, you leave imbecile!!!
>>272322619I have the solution to end conflict between non-maskers and mask-nazis in shopping stores, masks made from mesh material, MESH MASK.>"F*ck off, I am wearing a mask"
>>272324453>Telling you why pretending to have a disability doesn't magically make you exempt from store policies is "pilpul"I don't think you know what that word means.
>>272322619leave storeget maskreturn to store wearing maskpinch a loaf on the leafy greens in producewipe ass with maskleave store
>>272325020Make people, even "poor" people, unreasonably comfortable and these things will happen. My only comfort is that all these weak faggots will die off in the real happening which is coming
I haven’t worn a mask a single time and literally not a single person has said a word to me. Not employees, not other people. Ain’t no thing.
>>272323245Just google those, print them out on thick paper, and laminate them. Some wagie at the supermarket isn't going to know any better.
>>272324819>only works if they offer that service for free No such requirement, fuck off. Handicapped people don't get free delivery just because they can't walk.
>>272325036Just load .38 special in it bro
>>272324048Best response yet
>>272324325Only need one round
>>272322619Imagine arguing with a wagie about "muh rights".
>>272322619Round up all your tough-guy fellow Second Amendment Advocates and go in there with guns and show them who the boss is you tiny penis warrior!
>>272323780Google it you lazy fuck
>>272325244you're so cool. holy fuck. so based.
>>272322619Masks among the general population are about as effective as people covering their mouths when they sneeze cough or yawn. Most people aren’t wearing masks that make proper seals to their face, the masks with unfiltered respirators aren’t effective against Covid, and the most important thing about masks is that there are sanitation requirements that only medical professionals know about. Remember when Covid first struck and all of your friends on social media who took 3 months of classes at community college to become registered nurses gave everyone shit for not demonstrating proper use of PPI? Well guess what, people didn’t start proper use of PPI, those brain surgeon nurse friends of yours just shifted the argument from “You are all stupid and I’m the only one who knows how to properly use masks and gloves” to “if you don’t use masks and gloves you are murdering senior citizens”.The mask has to seal to your face to be truly effective. Once it’s on your face you can’t touch it, else you need to sanitize your hands. Surgical and one-time use masks are used one time then discarded. Reusable and washable masks need to be washed and sanitized after each use. We all know that NOBODY even knows about these sanitary procedures nor would anybody be bothered to employ them if they did.With that being said I wear a mask everywhere because I don’t feel like I need to prove myself correct in some power level revealing sperg rant to every normie walking in the store. I need groceries and if they require clown shoes to enter then I’m going to don my clown shoes and get my damn groceries.
>>272322619Laugh and continue shopping
>>272322826>Select all images with cars>meme flag>all capsSo are they using Bots or Chinese children?>>272322619I make them get a manager to tell me.
Pull shirt over face. Canada sucks
>walk into store wearing mask>get past wagecuck standing at door>take off mask>roam store freely >wagie spots me asking to put my mask on>"Jawohl, teil von mir">wagie has no idea what to say or do>Continue walking and getting what I needIf they follow and continue to say something, just act oblivious or say some other random shit in german that makes no sense while nodding your head. It confuses the fuck out of them and they really can't and don't do shit.
>>272325157Splitting hairs to discern a deeper meaning of the Talmud with the sophistication of their argumentation.
>>272324833Civil liberties are great and all but I take real exception when gov't does shit like this just to prove they own you. A little enlightened despotism never hurt anyone
>>272325596That sounds a lot more like what you're doing.
>>272323052Kirkland household master race via Instacart checking in
>>272325553Fucking based.
>>272325312cripples can sue you out of business if you dont spend money to get cripple compliant. stores have 3 choicesallow no maskadd infrastructure to accommodate no maskorder staff to accommodate no mask at no extra charge. anything else risk ADA violation. (most choose option 3 because its cheaper but it doesnt work if people fake being crippled)
Went to Walmart today with headphones on and didn't make eye contact with any employees. I could see one cuck mouthing something but just kept on walking.
I wear a mask though.But if its a place I don't care about like Spirit Halloween or JC Penny I'll pretend not to speak English. Hit 'em with some of that Italian, so it sounds close to Spanish but if the off chance they speak Spanish you can feign ignorance.
>>272325198You posted cringe bro.
>>272325654The government isn’t doing this as some conspiracy to prove they own you. It’s the democrats and their media allies trying to disrupt the election. They already successfully locked their candidate in a basement to spare him the exhaustion of having to physically campaign across the country, they’re now going to try to cancel the debates (or at least fix them so it’s done via satellite where they can feed him answers/retorts live), and they’re trying to institute mail in ballots because they know they can fix the results (or at least that mail in votes tend to favor democrats for a variety of reasons, not limited to expanding their own voter base).
>>272322619HURRRDATRRRRBURRRRRRRD> acts retarded and walks past
Por que?
>>272322619Tell him "I have a medical condition" and continue shopping.
Take panties out of my pocket, wear it like a mask and walk past him.
>>272326014I seriously doubt anyone will take your line of thinking here seriously enough to actually have a lawyer fight for disabled rights to not wear a mask. Mostly because everyone already knows you're faking it and even the worst asthma patient can wear one just fine. Before this virus in fact people used to buy face masks for HELPING with asthma.
>>272322619Tell them I have a medical condition and my doctor says I don't need a mask. Threaten legal action if they try to stop me
We now live in an era where walking into a bank without wearing a mask is prohibited.
>>272326233Pruane is that you?
>>272322619*kuch *kuch
>>272322619how did I get here?
>>272322826> It's just a mask> It's just an optional vaccine> It's just a mandatory vaccine> It's just bugs, you don't have to eat them> It's just bugs, you have to eat them> It's just a mandatory chip in your body> It's just us asking why you left your house
>>272322619lay down on floor, violently shit ejaculate piss throwup and flail around
You must forgive me, Jamal. My lungs were very badly damaged by a mustard gas attack in Iraq when I was destabilizing the region for Israel.
>>272326453What would Chris Chan do?
>>272322619Do a 1080 and snowboard away
>mask wearing feltcher approaches me>I run deep into store, not saying a word>hide in the childrens book isle>slip several copies of "Mein Kampf" into the shelves>floor it out of the Walmart as fast as I fucking can!
>>272322619Is there a particular personality type that takes a job as a mask nazi or do these people just hate themselves all day?
Screw my money, you have rules
>>272326630Based namefag
>>272326447its not worth the risk. primarily because almost everyone knows this virus isnt dangerous. 999 out of 1000 managers will help you get your shit and get the fuck out ASAP.
"It's against the law to wear a mask this heavily armed and nothing left to lose"
>>272325020Libs still think it's 1960 and they are still the counter culture, even though there isn't a single institution left controlled by republicans.
>>272322619ignore unless physically confronted. if physically confronted, just absolutely twist their head off. like put them in a headlock and try to do a backflip(i can't, but i'll try if i'm using their neck as support)
>>272326014ADA has already made statements disavowing this movement."The [freedom to breathe] cards are really completely bogus," said Kathy Gips with the New England Americans with Disabilities Act. "Unfortunately, we do seem to have a battle in this country between people who believe in wearing masks and people who feel like it's their right not to wear a mask. I think people are really abusing the Americans with Disabilities Act, by pretending to have a disability.">It's unclear how many cards are in circulation, but the New England ADA Center says it's received one report of it being used at a business in Worcester.>The card encourages individuals to call the Department of Justice to report any violations of the ADA and states that organizations and businesses in violation of the ADA could face "steep penalties," including fines of up to $150,000.>It also warns that the Freedom to Breathe Agency will take further action against any businesses denying entry to people who won't wear masks.>"I think it's unconscionable that people are using the Americans with Disabilities Act and falsely proclaiming information about fines and the Department of Justice being involved, none of which is accurate," Gips said.
>>272324158Found the redditor.
>>272322619simple, you just wear your mask in the most ineffective, fucked up way possible, and pretend to be stupid if they give you grief for it.>leave nose exposed>pull down under chin entirely>etcall you have to do is adjust it if confronted, then walk to another aisle and pull it down again. they don't have the resources or the interest in harassing customers to that level.if enough people did this everybody could see what a charade the whole thing is. as it is, tons of employees barely cover their mouth/nose. the left should be screaming bloody murder, but of course they don't - because it's not about any medical necessity, it's pure control.
>>272322619this wouldn't happen to me, they'd try to kick me out for being naked and I'd explain that I'm not naked because I'm wearing a mask and a pair of thongs.
>>272326057Walmart has a rule that they can't ask people to wear masks.
>>272322766Based and redpilled
I’m shocked we’re not hearing screaming from the people that think an ID is a poll tax and cash free stores discriminate against poor people because they are less likely to have a checking account. I will gladly wear a mask if you provide one for me, otherwise you are asking me to spend money to shop.
>>272322619Hold up pic related in the air and we good. Nigger-hero-worker sucks me off.
>mask wearing feltcher approaches me>I run deep into store, not saying a word>lose him in the childrens book section>slip several copies of Mein Kampf into the shelves>floor it out of Walmart as fast as possible
I demanded to be provided with a mask if mandatory, and promptly was so.
>>272322826Wear goggles, you covid-eyed freak.
>>272323906I will never be able to write one of these hilarious green texts. It's not in me.
>>272327130How does your wife's boyfriend feel about that?
>>272326825>its not worth the risk. primarily because almost everyone knows this virus isnt dangerous.Most of us here don't think it's dangerous but plenty of normalfags in real life do.>999 out of 1000 managers will help you get your shit and get the fuck out ASAP.It depends where you are. In my town I have started regularly seeing agitated anti-mask boomers getting thrown out of CVS and convenience stores. Many have been black women for whatever reason.
>>272327069Based and aboriginalpilled
>>272322619>Dad refuses to wear a mask>goes to the store, doesn't stop at all if any of the store employees attempt to say anything to him>is very short with people at restaurants if he gets up from the table to avoid wearing a mask>nobody can stop himMy dad's name is Chad too.
>>272326685they missed out on the sorosbucks but still want to support the marxist agenda
>>272327105They have before
>>272322619Let me introduce you to my friends, Smith and Wesson.
>>272322619"I have a prohibited medical condition." Hasn't failed me yet.
>>272322619"I've had some serious gas and while I've been looking over the shelves I farted bad multiple times, my bad though, I'm fine with buying it and maybe kinda disinfecting it a little for a real reason, hey why are you touching my cart bro? you want my fart food? dude i farted on that hamburger"
>>272325068>>272323408You’re doing it wrong. Show normies a pic of some Nazi in a mask, point out the KKK stuff about masks, which were previously illegal in some places. Associate masks with the stuff normies are programmed to hate
>>272327478They changed, to many non cucked heroes forced their hand. Sissy boys walked around with fag rags, men, like myself, let them know how we feel about it and they caved because most men are weak these days.
i got a doctors note saying i don't have to.
>>272327541Does Israel have a nuclear weapons program?
>>272327430>lolthey dont care, theyve lost any logical arguements against it. theyre just pushing authority or pandering to it. depending on who says it, store owners sucks authority dick? pushes. worker doing what job told them to? pandering
>>272326685Americans, or at least the people who inhabit this country are so debauched, insecure, complacent, and live in such a destitute mental state that what I honestly believe to be the majority simply blindly follow orders thinking nothing of the technocrats which impose their will on said population. What kind of country have we fucking become... & people wonder why I'm not a nationalist. Look around you kooks, these people cannot be saved, and will fight you if you try to champion what your version their interests is. The wagies just do it because they are told to, and either have no gumption, or are too lazy to risk getting fired and looking for another job for saying they will not preform mask nazi duties.
>>272322619Pull his mask off and give him a hug. Then baptize him in a nearby river. Then disciple him in the ways of the Lord.
>>272327719That would be illegal.
>>272327719Why don't you tell me? You won't even show flag yid.
>>272326922if they feel that way about it they should demand the repeal of the absurdly unconstitutional ADA. until then law is law and you cant make me wear a mask. let me shop or fetch my shit for free. your choice.
>>272322619Damn, is that my Kroger?!Reggie, I just can't...I'm sorry man.
>>272322764You would rather be known as a retard then wear a mask for 10 min at a time?
>>272327320Don’t have a wife so I wouldn’t know.
>>272327710Did they come out and say this or have you just noticed?
>>272322619I like masks. I now play this game where I whisper something in a group like "penis" and then people start looking at each other like "who the fuck said that?"
>>272322619My mask is made of a special material that can't be seen by homos
>>272327660>not pissing on your groceries to mark them as yoursBeta sóy boy detected
>>272322764I can tell you're retarded but you still need a mask.
>>272325475>tl;dr masks are bulshit
>>272322619no other choice i see but to go Buck on this nigga and break him off .
>>272327895The geographic location option isn't there for some reason matey! ARGH!
I would reach in my pocket and put my mask on because I'd wear it in public all the time if I could, so I can hide my attitude.
>>272322619Pull off his mask, put it on, and yell at him to leave for not having a mask.
>>272328709>Gets sick from his maskOy vey!
>>272327662>maeaeaaaaasks are the ReAl nAtzEEFuck off I'm a national socialist and I'm not going to defame and use the honest German heroes who bravely fought world jewry just so I can go get a fucking made in chinkland product without a mask on.
>>272329129>when jews tell me things, I believe them. Every time.
>>272329129>Screeching in Hebrew
>>272322619No. The manager said it was ok. Bye, have a good day.
Here we have to pay like 80 bucks as a fine if we're caught without a muzzle. I hate this country.
>>272322619I would yellHE HAS THE VIRUSand then watch how the stupid mob destroys him
>>272322619I’m sorry, I’m def and can only read lips.
>>272329296>>272329349The holocaust didn't happened but when I look at your filthy kind I do wonder how. The German people truly were too soft on you schlomo.
>>272322619this happened the other day. i just kept walking. got my milk, and went to go pay for it. they approached me again at the self-checkout saying i needed to leave. i just told them i was already paying for my stuff and continued to ignore them. then i left. seriously, what are they going to do? they aren't going to physically prevent you from shopping
>>2723295141000 here and 90 days in jail, but cops won't enforce it. Why won't they enforce it? Because it's not a law; there's no statute to point to.
>>272322619I actually feel so bad for the people who have to do this job. Imagine fearing for your life each time you have to do your job while making minimum range.
>>272322619Go to walmart, they don't care.
>>272330271Because people might punch them in the face for being petty tyrants, right?
>>272330117The irony.
>>272330502It's like they're shoving dildos up their asses and then talking about how much they hate faggots.
>>272326998This is what I do. I wear a bandanna around my neck. No one has even stopped me.
>>272331519Then take off the stupid muzzle.
>>272322619put on my "Rooting for the Virus" mask
>>272324325>mag dump 9mm on minorityNigger tells his story on CNN then sues you>poorly placed shot with a 44 magNig bleeds out or dies quickly of complications due to large hole, might survive with deformity like missing leg or shoulder
>>272323704But if everyone did wear them most likely 30% of potential spreading will disappear, that's a good deal. Wear them faggots.
ill wear it if they provide it, but its not mandated in my county anymore so fuck em
>>272324762big brain move
Walmart—at least, in states that aren't completely cucked by Democrat politics—does NOT require masks for customers, despite stating that it does. door greeters ask you if you have a mask if you aren't wearing one and if you say you don't have one, they tell you where you can buy one inside. you don't have to.
>>272323638Nah fuck you faggot. Not gonna flight the slave defending his retard master. I will tell him to fuck off as I’m not a kind master and escalate as necessary until the final hammer drops if need be
>>272323929Lmao that tv has gps u dumb nigger. And now your on a list
>>272331639>due to large holeIts not just .44 caliber stoppin powah but the fact that magnum revolvers have fuck tons of gun powder behind them
>>272322764I guess mental retard--nah put on a mask idiot.
>>272322766You wouldn't do shit pussy
>>272322619I'm sorry Reggie but you're a nigger and I don't listen to niggers.
>>272322619Get your eyes checked, you stupid nigger.
>>272322619Watching these promask retards get triggered is the highlight of this whole pandemic. Can’t wait until their entire bloodlines are wiped after taking the 72 vaccines wild bill has for them and their families to sterilize this trash out of the gene pool.
>>272322619Good Sir, you must be blind, as you can see i am indeed wearing a mask. But fear not, for a sack of gold i will cure your eyes in a swift and mostly painless manner. In fact you shall never be plagued by bad vision ever again.
It's fine. My rabbit's foot will protect me just fine.
>>272322766This. Thats what I'm talking about.*slaps that hard ass*
>>272324086I don't think you can call the cops for not wearing a mask in most places. If you enter a business and they require masks they can ask you to leave. At that point it's trespassing. I sincerely hope they show up for trespassing otherwise it's open season in your county.
Act deaf and retarded then continue on Or wait a day come back dress like a sketchy looking homeless person that no one would want to mess with
>>272325475I have the same exact mindset. It's the same shit as putting on a shirt to enter a store.
I do wear a mask though. I have one shot at life to LARP as a cowboy. I'm not turning it away.
>>272323245>what is HIPAA>please give me your name and department so I can commence ADA and HIPAA violation actiobs
>>272322764>>272323361>>272323408>>272323573>>272323704>>272323762>>272323772as a wagie who works at a gas station, I literally couldn't give less of a fuck why you arent wearing it, I don;t care at all, all i care about is that I was told i can be fired if i let people without masks in, and I aint losing my gun money for some stranger . plus, yelling at people is fun, especially the scum that frequents a convenience store for dumb shit like lottery and blunt wraps.
>>272323638>he has to enforce the rules Good, so go arrest the niggers shoplifting in aisle 23
>>272341768die boomer
>>272322619>I am wearing a mask. I identify as masked.
>>272322619>My bad man, I can't believe I forgot it in the car. I'll be right back.
>>272324040I'm not sick Plus the roastie Karens and ssooyyys pushing this nonsense bullshit crapturdery are chockful of STDs and cat and dog parasites.I like asking the hags whether they, like 50 to percent of women in their 40s and 50s, have genital herpes and may be shedding it at this very moment.
>>272324760Except they have to prove there is a threat Since covid is a Pharma psy op they can'tThis is bitch tyranny 101 nothing more. Nannyism and schoolmarmery.
what is superior black male? IQ above 30?
>>272342751take your pills
>>272322619disobey, because i don't want the left to call me a bootlicker
>>272341378No, it is not.Not even close. Line up for that vaccine user.
>>272342394"no prob bro, everyone forgets from time to time."
>>272322766Don't attack wagies, attack the CEOs and shareholders.
>>272322619Bake the cake and wear the mask bigot!
>>272341768I do find it kinda humorous when people use the bandanas, theres even a dude that came in lats week in full cowboy gear with the bandana, it was pretty funny.
>>272322619Oh sorry, I left it in my car, it's not really any inconvenience for me to out a mask on for 20 minutes while I'm in your store, so let me go grab it and come back
>>272322619I would be wearing my self contained respiration suit, as soon as he approaches me I spray him down with Lysol and head towards the toilet paper isle.
>>272322619"Up yours, nigger!"
>>272323151Shove the mask up your ass yOu faggot
Pull out my gun and start blasting
I'm going to do my shopping in a full plague Dr outfit if this goes on much longer
>>272322619Ignore, as hard as it is to do. When it becomes physical, crack them hard enough to leave them crippled for life.
>>272322619I’m protesting for BlackLivesMatter, Sir.
Wear the mask numbnuts!
>>272322619Don't live in a garbage country.
>>272346795I've been wearing a plague doc mask to work for a week now.>>272347494now, that will get you thrown the fuck out of the store
Just say you are working for BLM and preventing you from shopping also means you are against black people and black community. Done
>>272322619shoot with ar15
>>272328056>You would rather be known as a retard then wear a mask for 10 min at a time?Definitely. I work with people with mental retardation these people get a free pass to do anything and have zero responsibilities or consequences for there actions
>>272348960Based & retardpilled
>Oy vey sorry >Put on mask>It has a “JUDE” Star >It falls down because of my nose>Mumble about antisemitismnever fails
I live in rural Kroger, where a Democrat hasn't won my county since Lyndon B. Johnson. As I was driving to the local Klan meeting, I saw nothing but Biden signs lining the burning crosses. In fact, my family and neighbors have started referring to Joe Biden as "Jim Crow Joe" because they're convinced he's in their corner. I want Trump to win, but this isn't looking good.
>>272322619Do a 360 and walk away.
>>272322619Sorry Reggie I was in a rush and totally forgot.
>>272323245You have no authority to solict healthcare information, neither does your manager, security or the police.
>>272322619Reggie, my body is ready
>>272349341It's 180, you fucking degenerate.
Grab my Xbox and a 360 and walk away duh!
>>272322619fuck off nigger.
>>272322764Based and highIQ
>>272322619just put your shirt over your face and you solved the problem its just as effective fag
>>272332405Did you know 76% of statistics are made up?
>>272326517A mask actually is just a fucking mask, stop regurgitating bad arguments
>>272322764>be American >be fat>be disabled>>272323179
>>272326517>nooooo I will not be chipped-posted on iPhone
>>272350051>he cant moonwalk
Suppression against my religion.
>>272322619>Oh, sorry about that>*put on my mask that says NIGGER on it*Based/thread
Say thank you, put my mask on, and stop being such an insecure manchild.
>>272322619My apologies señor, I'll put one on right away. Wouldn't want to breathe the same air as a NIGGER.
>>272322619Cough on some produce and say that you really need to pick up some medicine since you've been feeling bad after that trip to New York the last weekend.
>>272322619I loot the shop for reparation
>>272323361Correct>what is a HIPPIA violation>what is an ADA violationreminder that there is a whole foods store in California going bankfrupt right now because of some retarded masker doing EXACTLY that, and over 100 jobs being lost there as a result.Maskers are anti-scienceMaskers are anti-lawMaskers are no better then Antifa terrorist scum.
>>272332405Wrong. Places with mask mandates have the highest infection rates
>>272322619Im wearing one. It has cloaking tech built in
>>272322764You have a choice to patronize another establishment if you choose not to abide by store rules.
>>272322766Get shot. Die.
>>272323361They can require a doctors note.
>>272322619"Did... did you just ASSUME my mask state?"
>>272322619Deploy strategic fried chicken to distract and go about my business.
>>272323867Get assfucked in prison.
>>272322619Steal his mask and tell him to leave
>>272350051fuck off newfag
>>272323867>proceed to be arrested for basically making a threat and inciting panic>get buttblasted in prison by a big buck nigger for low scale brandishing
>>272322619>not getting groceries deliveredfucking peasant
>>272322619Slowly remove my erect penis, hold eye contact, and cum on his shoes
>falling for the no mask memeWe are trying to wipe out the boomers retard, not you, even if you are a fag, OP. Were you not here for all of the thread watching as the chinks started dying off and shutting down their whole country but not the international flights? Did you miss the deathcruise? Jesus christ how retarded can you be? We are past WW1 battle casualty numbers and there are still niggers on this board acting like it's a hoax because the libtards did everything they could to take advantage of their chinese comrades actions and blame it on Trump. You can meme the boomercide and call it the Chinese virus but wear a mask yourself and stay the fuck away from the plague rats, so you will still be here for the best of all time, first contact war memes. If The Kiaser had used corona on the French lines it would be listed in the Geneva convention.
>>272357650Bro I'm not putting a diaper on my face. They don't even work and it's just the flu anyway. You need a break from TV.
>>272322619>This now a peaceful demonstration>BLM BLM BLM !!protestors dont need to wear mask or if they say anything against you, THEY are racist
>>272357438not even remotely true, last time a mask cuck tried to talk to me I just put my hand on my pistol and stared at him, guess what he backed the fuck off real quick. County sheriff was 10ft away at the door trying to keep joggers from jogging off with tvs, and he saw the whole thing, not one fuck given.
>>272324048I concur. Couldn’t have said it better myself.
Went to some gas station in the ghetto last night and tried to get gas but the the 23 year old clerk with fucking face tattoos tells me he won’t activate my pump unless I go get a mask and come back inside. The fucked up part was this faggot already has my money and knew my pump number so why the fuck did I need to come back inside with a mask
>>272357091which is a HIPPIA violation, unless you live in some literal nigger state you can sue them for all their worth if they demand that.Its the law. You aren't anti-law, are you?
>>272322764You don't have to pretend to be retarded user, everyone already perceives you in that way kek