Satanic agenda

Seems like this is the philosophy now: there's no evil, so you don't need prison, reinvent meaning of words, create new defintion of what is provable science and politicians should just get your vote automatically because of this new paradigm

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Other urls found in this thread:

>>272318756Cool opinion. You should keep it.

>>272318756nothing I hate more than these new age luciferin millennials.

>>272318936It's not my opinion, I am saying this is what is apparently happening and it's wrong


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>>272318756Why do you assume prisons are necessary? At the very least, why do you think we need so many? Prison doesn't make you less evil. Compassion and learning does.

>>272319576these freemasons have no imagination. same old tired symbols over and over

>>272318756it's just a nice sounding way of alleviating oneself from any personal responsibility. It's maximum tier cope and naivety.

>>272320223What else do you expect from simplified esoterics? xaxaxaxaxa!

>>272320223That's like saying those english have no imagination at all, same old tired letters over and over.

>>272319838I believe reform is possible and a reality because some people find their education and God in prison when they have to time reflect upon their crimes, but I don't suggest we need a lot of prisons or that they always change a person. However, if you are a serial killer who will continue to kill if not incarcerated then there should be that place necessarily. Some people cannot be reformed

>>272319838Prison is for the people who have done shit bad enough they don't deserve compassion and education paid for by the very people they harmedIf you kill/hurt someone why should we show you compassion? you didnt show it to the one you killeddrug crimes and minor shit, should be punished with community serviceviolent offenses should be jail/execution if its bad enough

>>272318756Is she being philosophical or did I just read about the Concept of Light? Either way, how is this woman making a high IQ post, do you think she copied it from somewhere?

>>272321043Prisons are paid for by the victim's taxes. In many cases it would just be cheaper to reeducation than house and feed someone for several decades.

Bengalfuel slaps, yo.


>>272320738Yeah, i think most people would agree with keeping serial killers locked up but that's the extreme example. Most people are in prison for non violent crimes.

>>272318756>darkness is the absence of lightYeah, and? Cold is the absence of warmth, death is the absence of life, and evil is the absence of good. Evil being the 'absence of good' doesn't make evil any less real. All it means is that evil only exists because people choose to let it through their actions, they choose to turn away from good on purpose.

>>272321505There are a bunch of these on her (?) twitter, I am not sure what you call this belief

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>>272321858>most people would agree with keeping serial killers locked upWhat's wrong with killing them? >overpopulation >cost of keeping them>danger of keeping them

>>272322229Probably virtue signalling. Oh look at me, I'm so deep, like Billie Ellish's lyrics.

>>272322229Charlie Manson was more poignant that guy knew his esoteric shit. this person is just some bottom of the barrel jack handy

>>272318756So... could I punch her in the throat and still be all good?

>>272318756While they are correct on the "darkness is merely an absence of light" part, they forgot that evil IS darkness, and good is light. Evil is an absence of good.

Okay, don't know how I missed this one. This is insanity? Or Satanic?

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>>272318756Moral relativity is a Jewish theory.

>>272323135ever wonder what happens to kids who grow up in cults like the Finders. they probably look like this

>>272323135Dem titties.

>>272323135Samson Option.


>>272323568Satan is a woman. This exact nonsense is how they drive women to do the batshit insane shit we are seeing today. This message is from Satan to women, not men.

>>272322411Because people can change and murder is evil. I thought you were a Christian. Only God can judge.

>>272318756well she's unironically correct. there is only light but she and your post are completely and utterly wrong about the interpretation of this new paradigm.

>>272321043and what if they don't do community service?

>>272324861I'd love if you would elaborate a bit and explain how I am wrong so I can learn

>>272319838Prison isn't about making people less evil, it's about locking evil away so society can function you dumbfuck.


>>272325683>>272318756>Sorry, meant bpbf

>>272325564Prison was initially to hold people until trial, where they would be either released, sentenced to death, or sent to do hard labor. Unfortunately someone figured out how to make prison into a business, because of the almost non-existent pay for their labor. Fix that, and prisons will become non-existent, oh, and bring back executions for murder, violent crime and pedophilia.

>>272325776>>272325683>>272325776fpbp>must have drank too mutsj

>>272325922>oh, and bring back executions for murder, violent crime and pedophiliaMy only problem with this is that do you REALLY want the kiked justice system to be able to legally kill dissenters? When it's so easy to incriminate people? But then again, if that's kiked, well everything is kiked, which is, I guess why we are here.

>>272325547okay. if you're genuine, i'll do my best to help. imagine you're alone in the middle of nowhere. it's cold. it's dark. you're lost, alone, and confused but you know you can not survive in this environment. suddenly, up ahead, through a clearing, you see light. it's small and faint but you begin to walk towards it because you're naturally drawn to it. as you approach you realize it's a fire and before you know it you're practically running toward it. as you get closer you begin to feel it's warmth. you curl up by the fire. and it brings you peace. once well fed and well rested by your magic fire, you may decide to venture out into the wilderness again. you can choose to take some of your fire with you to new places. or leave the fire and only go as far as you can see it. one day, you don't realize it and you venture too far. you lose sight of your fire. you're lost again. you have no warmth. no light source. nothing to guide you. you quickly begin to become very aware of the cold again. you quickly begin to become very aware of the darkness all around you and that you're lost in the middle of nowhere. you've lost your light. you're lost, alone, and confused but you know you can not survive in this environment. suddenly, up ahead, through a clearing, you see light.

>>272325922again, how do you force someone to do hard labor?

>>272327051How do you ask someone to take ayahuasca with the tribe elders?you just make it part of the culture is all you do

"The devil's finest trick is to persuade you that he does not exist."

>>272327051social cohesion is completely workable given the right circumstances.It would be fair to say drugs have been one of the greatest influencers of culture since time immemorial.

>>272326921I was being genuine and what you said makes perfect sense. Perhaps my interpretation of what this musical artist is saying is not Satanic. I admit I don't comprehend it all. It's different than what I am exposed to as philosophy, so possibly it is my ignorance that produced a negative reaction

>>272327226oh so you're not a serious person? got it.>>272327362so let me get this straight, you're going to abolish prisons and either a: release them, b: execute them, or c: force a person to do hard labor by drugging them? this is your genius plan?

>>272319174This they are absolute cringe. Tie them up to the tree and put honey on them and as the predator who finds them first eats them, say:There is no predator. Only absence of danger.

>>272327783How on earth did you extrapolate that from what I said?

>>272318756Luciferian agenda.

>>272326795This faggot again. Always the same response. YES, DEATH PENALTY FOR PEDOPHILES. ESPECIALLY ABC FAGGOTS LIKE YOU.

>>272327783First of all.Which percentage of crime occurs under the influence of alcohol?Which percentage of crime occurs due the illegality of drugs?Which drugs have been found to heal conditions such as PTSDWhich drugs have been found to incur more crime? What is the reasoning these drugs incur more crime?

>>272327933I'm not sure if you are any less cringe for being reading it so literally, and responding facetiously to the point of inanity. Most belief systems sound silly when interpreting them like an asshat. Not saying i understand or agree with those quotes in the tweets but I am open to it

>>272327783Which conditions within society promote violence?

>>272318756it's basically the 70s all over again

>>272323135>satanicnah, satanic is like heavy metal rockers who wear studs. it's for show.this is luciferian- believing in self enlightenment, becoming your own god, creating your own reality

>>272328305I'm legit not sure what you're talking about, but what I do know is that the people you want to decide who lives and who dies, doesn't has your best interests in mind, it'd be nice if we didn't have a kiked justice system, but alas...

>>272318756This isn't new. Just Rousseauian bullshit denying the existence of evil. Yawn.

>>272318756The fuck are you talking about you esoteric sounding nigger? Take your meds schizo sage and off topic

>>272318756Wtf is talking about

>>272318756>"There is no source of evil."This right here is some dangerous shit to believe. There IS a source of evil, the only true source of evil on this planet, and it goes by many different names, such as Cowardice, Malevolence, Greed, Violence, Lust, and Indifference.Nothing else in Creation can manifest evil, be it mineral, vegetable, or animal. And because only a Human can truly manifest evil, it's important to understand how YOU can be evil, how you can be a monster...only then can you truly become Good.

>>272327626it's cool, man. most of these people take things to retarded extremes.>>272328125well apparently you were not the original person i thought you were as i glanced through the thread. i still don't understand how you expect social cohesion to force people into hard labor without significant punishment. also not sure what you drugs have to do with it, but you're welcome to explain.>>272328377>Which percentage of crime occurs under the influence of alcohol?i don't know. it's irrelevant to this argument>Which percentage of crime occurs due the illegality of drugs?i don't know. it's irrelevant to this argument.>Which drugs have been found to heal conditions such as PTSDi don't know. it's irrelevant to this argument.>Which drugs have been found to incur more crime? i don't know. it's irrelevant to this argument.>What is the reasoning these drugs incur more crime?i don't know. it's irrelevant to this argument.i asked you a simple question. how are you going to force hard labor?>>272328525>Which conditions within society promote violence?i don't know. it's irrelevant to this argument.i asked you a simple question. how are you going to force hard labor?

>>272318756>BengalfuelJust going to leave a couple screenshots relevant to this thread...

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>>272329560Hard labor in the age of robots?yeah ok bro

>>272329560I found this and I'm open that I am completely wrong in my interpretation of the tweet-quotes. Very interesting and exciting to consider

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>>272324265Satan is masculine but he's excellent at using women to further his goals and has been doing so since Genesis. Man tells Woman to do something and she trusts him and they cooperate and love God, then Satan perverts Woman's mind with ((words)) and gets her to turn on God. tale as old as time

>>272329934The post number for this thread is in my previous post, don't know if anything ever came of it and I haven't seen any videos from it, but it wouldn't suprise me if these posts had a lot of truth to them.

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>>272325564That's false. Prison is for reform. People change and it's evil to take away someone's freedom permanently for mistake earlier in their life however I'm willing to make exceptions for a particularly heinous crimes like terrorist attacks.

>>272330242Wow, it mentions Dua Lipa and she has been known to have weird sex parties and show eyes wide shut stuff in her

>>272330242>>272329039Satanism and luciferianism are practically the same thing, as their core tenets are a rejection of God or the concept of a cosmic source of good, and a belief that instead the individual is God and that they should strive towards being so.All left hand path bullshit.

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>>272322229>the natural state of being is blissful loveI can only imagine this is some sort of massive cope for people too soft to live in reality.

>>272330142I'd nitpick a couple of things on that .jpg but yes, it has the general idea correct. this change in my own thinking and direction in my philosophy has lead to a much better feeling in my every day life. don't get me wrong, there are many hippie retards who take everything too far and too seriously.

>>272330268>Prison is for reformIs that what they tell you normies?>People change and it's evil to take away someone's freedom permanently for mistake earlier in their lifeEvil is subjective, from my point of view it's evil to play russian roulette with the potential next victim of of a robber, of a drug user of a drunk driver.

>>272331695>it's evil to play russian roulette with the potential next victim of of a robber, of a drug user of a drunk driverI agree with DJ Faveladinho over here.

>>272332299>>272331695Why do you assume everyone in jail would commit a crime again? And why are you ignoring the social costs of splitting up families and paying Billions of dollars tax paper money a year to hold these people indefinitely? It's better for society if these people reintegrate.

>>272333095>Why do you assume everyone in jail would commit a crime again?I don't, but the risk is more than enough.>why are you ignoring the social costs of splitting up families and paying Billions of dollars tax paper money a year to hold these people indefinitelyFirst off they can contribute to society inside prisons, secondly the victims of violent crimes are most often their families.>reintegrateYou don't get to make a gamble with other people's lives.


>>272319174>go to the light user>love and light anonI fucking hate the liberal light cult

>>272334023Is it not one and the same as Jesus? I am trying to be open-minded:Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. Jesus again claims to be Light of the World in John 9:5, during the miracle of healing the blind at birth, saying: When I am in the world, I am the Light of the World.

>>272324265Satan is a snart bro

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>>272330722Ironically it is very possible that God's plan for mankind is somekind of godlike status, or at least more responsibility over creation.The fact we are being tested within the framework of freewill and temptation seems to suggest that we are being groomed for positions of responsibility.


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>>272319174Millennials are 30 is that new age

>>272329546As if you've never seen a dolphin murder rape before or a dog have gay anal sex.

>>272329039This is a good distinction

>>272323135More words relating to Jesus' teachings pertaining:I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.

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>>272334507This is my takeaway too

>>272334507>>272335073Or the suggestion being that we are responsible over our own creation *right now* and there is no test

The real redpill is that this doesn't *necessarily* have anything to do with 'satanism', at that it's just an example of the matriarchy we live in.Because you might ask 'well if they claim 'evil' doesn't exist, why are racialists treated as inherently evil?' - except this isn't exactly right. It's not that you are treated as 'evil', this would actually be a blessing in comparison to the reality, which is that you are treated as braindead at best, and mentally ill at worst.What makes this so much worse is that if you are treated as 'evil', you are at least left with some kind of agency, at the very least that doing evil is part of your unchangeable nature. But when you are treated as mentally ill, you have absolutely zero self-agency, the implication is that you don't even know what you're doing. You are not even given the dignity of being killed in an attempt to vanquish you as an 'evil' individual. You are left alive and any amount of *actual* evil can be committed against you - social ostracising/'struggle sessions', brainwashing, drugging etc. - not as an act of 'necessary' violence, but as a ostensible 'act of love and care' for you.This is the difference between 'authoritarian' patriarchy and 'totalitarian' matriarchy.Even the commie Slavoj Zizek has a metaphor he repeats all the time on this point, except he uses the phrases 'traditional father' and 'postmodern neoliberal father';It is Sunday afternoon and your father wants you to visit your Grandmother.Traditional father says "I don't care how you feel about it, it is your duty to visit your grandmother, and be polite to her".The postmodern father says "You know how much your grandmother loves you, but nonetheless, I'm not forcing you to visit her. You should only visit her if you freely decide to do it."As Zizek puts it, within the apparent free choice of the latter is a much stronger order; not only must you visit your grandmother, but you must WANT and LOVE to visit her.

>>272337400>t is Sunday afternoon and your father wants you to visit your Grandmother.Traditional father says "I don't care how you feel about it, it is your duty to visit your grandmother, and be polite to her".The postmodern father says "You know how much your grandmother loves you, but nonetheless, I'm not forcing you to visit her. You should only visit her if you freely decide to do it."As Zizek puts it, within the apparent free choice of the latter is a much stronger order; not only must you visit your grandmother, but you must WANT and LOVE to visit her.Or just realize you have the choice not to visit your grandmother, and therefore *if* you want to have a relationship with her it will be built on a real desire for one rather than being forced to. It is healthier

>>272337400>It is Sunday afternoon and your father wants you to visit your Grandmother.>Traditional father says "I don't care how you feel about it, it is your duty to visit your grandmother, and be polite to her".>The postmodern father says "You know how much your grandmother loves you, but nonetheless, I'm not forcing you to visit her. You should only visit her if you freely decide to do it.">As Zizek puts it, within the apparent free choice of the latter is a much stronger order; not only must you visit your grandmother, but you must WANT and LOVE to visit her.Or just realize you have the choice not to visit your grandmother, and therefore *if* you want to have a relationship with her it will be built on a real desire for one rather than being forced to. It is healthier

>>272318756CS Lewis talked about this in Mere Christianity when he talked about Dualism.>the moment you say that, you are putting into the universe a third thing in addition to the two Powers: some law or standard or rule of good which one of the powers conforms to and the other fails to conform to. But since the two powers are judged by this standard, then this standard, or the Being who made this standard, is farther back and higher up than either of them, and He will be the real God. In fact, what we meant by calling them good and bad turns out to be that one of them is in a right relation to the real ultimate God and the other in a wrong relation to a nice visual narration of this.

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>>272318756The darkness is the absence of light, yes. However that means that we must seek God and His will - not out own.

>>272338590>>272338664I don't think you understood the metaphor m8. Not visiting your grandmother in the first example is a simple rebellion against a traditionally understood authority, and you will be punished and treated as a rebellious, but still cognisant, child.Not visiting your grandmother in the second example may not even bring with it a physical punishment, but you will forever be seen as an unloving individual - or metaphorically, evil or not cognisant.

>>272339727But who cares how you will be seen for not visiting granny? It's your life

>>272339058Love C.S. LewisAbolition of Man is great

>>272334673Do you seriously not know what new age means

>>272318756Found this, as I understand it now this musical artist is two people, a girl and a guy. He talks here about a spiritual occurence. Kind of clears up what is going on in the tweet. Very

>>272318756OMG the New Normal is amazeballs!

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>>272318756That’s how the AntiChrist takes away your declaring that there is no such thing as sin. When a person puts their FAITH in the LIE that they evolved, they are *free to do what they will. Evolution claims it made you I.E it’s your Creator/God It takes Gods throne to n a persons life.

>>272339997Are you actually retarded or just pretending to be? It's a metaphor to explain my point, what part do you not understand? IRL if you don't 'visit your granny' i.e. openly support neoliberalism without any resistance, you can have your rights to modern freedoms (incl. basic comforts like visiting establishments/riding taxis/being able to communicate with friend and family through social media, or even virtual essentials like owning a bank account/renting etc.) taken away from you, you can have your kids taken away from you, you can be 'cancelled' which itself can make you forever socially ostracised and unemployable, you can be legally punished, imprisoned, or even sectioned and drugged for your 'mental illness', or straight up suicided.All of these things have happened before, and will only increase in the future.If you truly don't see how any of this is significant, you live a sheltered, or otherwise far too comfortable, and welfare-funded,

>>272334472why does he's always depicted with such thicc thighs. Stop tempting me.

>>272341546Don't presume to know what kind of life I've lived just because I am not enslaved and in agreement with your view of the world. You're behaving in accordance with what you say is the problem. No need to insult me

>>272327051>how do you force a prisoner to do hard labordamnit why are you so people so fucking stupid? Horse, Deputy, Gun. repeat every 50 feet down the chain gang. someone doesn't want to work, you beat the fuck out of them. they still don't want to work, okay execution handed down by a judge for not fulfilling your sentence. firing squad or the chair. simple enough for ya, fucking Einstein?

>>272333371>You don't get to make a gamble with other people's lives.You don't get to take away people's freedom based on what you 'think' they might do. Can't wait until someone finds 4chan on your browser history and determine that you 'might' commit a right-wing terror attack. We'll just have to put you in jail. It's not worth the risk. You don't get to make a gamble with other people's lives.

>>272334870Context user.It has to do with a parallel use of the word god for the purpose of showing the power and thereby the responsibility of certain positions on earth.

>>272323135Either this >>272323407 or unmedicated schizophrenia, take your pick

>>272334870In this psalm, God is declared to be the great Judge of all the earth. He is contrasted with the earthly judges who "judge unjustly, and accept the persons of the wicked". They are the ones who are called gods. A god is one who is exalted and powerful. He makes decisions in the lives of others. These powerful men were gods (not God) because of their power, but because of their unjust judgment they will "die like men, and fall like one of the princes". Their power will not keep them from death or from their own judgment.

>>272342289>It has to do with a parallel use of the word god for the purpose of showing the power and thereby the responsibility of certain positions on earthWord salad

>>272341761Even Satan never skips his squats

>>272318756ya dude, jewish philosophy has been mainstream for a couple hundred years now.

>>272341877The point is that you're coming off as if you're illiterate, and it's like the meaning of the metaphor went right over your head. You're taking it too literal.I was only using the Zizek quote as an example to explain the difference between authoritarianism and totalitarianism, between masculine and feminine authority and power structure.

>>272342812Okay, I understand now

>>272342551Wrong, elohim different contexts means different things. Why are you being purposefully disingenuous? It would take you not even five minutes worth of research to know this fact.

>>272342085>You don't get to take away people's freedom based on what you 'think' they might doYou're right, which is why it only happens AFTER they already proved themselves untrustworthy.>and determine that you 'might' commit a right-wing terror attackSpeech is not the same as action. If you can't argue, don't post.

>Christfags on top.>Western civilisation goes to shitPerhaps it is time we did let another god or gods have the top spot. I vote Izanagi and Kami worship.Christanity has proven to breed weakness.

>>272343004I just mean the sentence was not articulate

>>272343221I doubt that, seems to me that you just don't like what I had to say.

>>272343221Do you know why gods in that verse isn't capitalized?Do you know why it is always capitalized when referring to the one true God?Figure that out and you'll have properly done your research.

>>272343724I sincerely was unable to comprehend your sentence. There is no puntcuation so I'm not sure what you're saying, it comes across as a salad of words

>>272343973The rulers of this earth (Men, Judges, Religious Leaders, etc) were like gods unto the masses. That's literally the context of the verse you posted above, user.You can find endless commentary by well established theologians regarding it with only a clicks of your keyboard.Why haven't you even tried to look into this?

>>272344415I see what you're saying. I'm not sure why you've made the presumption that the tweet was not in reference to this, and are therefore drawing a contrast between the verse and the tweet's quote. Why are you not researching the quote in the tweet? Just because two different quotes use the words 'gods' does not mean they are meaning the same thing, or not. We'd have to know the context of the tweet as well, in order to know. But I felt it was of interest that a verse contained similar words and presented it out of curiousity. No need to be condescending about what I have or not have no looked into

>>272330208Then why is every drawing of her depicted with tits?

>>272345022>No need to be condescending about what I have or not have no looked intoWhen you post images like >>272330142 It's clear to anyone who's actually read the Bible that you either a liar or worse, a fool, which I'm not saying you are.

>>272318756find some random wannabe drugged fucked hippy cultist with a youtube chan.claim it is what all people think now.

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>>272318756Lucifer is literaly light-bringer.

>>272345542I'm just being open-minded and enjoy the different views. You seem to want to fight. The Bible does not teach us to hate each other. We can have civil debate and present varying views without resorting to namecalling

>>272345858>The Bible does not teach us to hate each otherIf a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them."

>>272346383Okay, let's just cherrypick quotes and make things mean whatever we want

>>272346719>Okay, let's just cherrypick quotes and make things mean whatever we wantOkay, i love tha game.

Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.

>>272324265Satan is a tranny

>>272330142this infographic is pretty shitif you actually care, don't use other peoples' infographics - go straight to the source and read for yourself

>>272318756lmfao christfags are the worsthail satan

>>272348079I care and I read for myself, but it is still interesting to see another's interpretation. Some people think the tweet is Satanic, some think it is Christ. I don't know myself what it's about

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>2020>still living in dualistic dichotomiesishygddt

>>272322229xanax and weed abuse.

>>272318756fuckking kikes, satanas is so real like your stupid dumbest kikes asses, you all will burn in hell

>>272348598Look outside the tweet. Do these people live according to Christ's teachings? They don't seem to, they seem like hedonists. People who follow Christ don't speak that way.

>>272351751Which people? How do you know how they live?

>>272318756at least Alice Cooper is pretty cool guy


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>>272323135Belief creates reality. That's actually the answer to the measurement problem in quantum mechanics.It solves quantum mechanics. It makes science a complete theory. It explains psychic and spiritual phenomenon as well as the physical sciences.Currently science is an incomplete theory. It can't explain psychic or spiritual phenomenon so they simply deny the existence.The current scientific worldview is materialism even though the bleed edge scientific breakthroughs refute materialism. The scientific theories to interpret the data into a materialist paradigm are easily disprovable dumpsterfires. So bad the universities won't even teach it.Universities teach fucking genderstudies bullshit. You know how low their standards are and even they won't touch this shit. (the shit they won't touch is the interpretation YOU need to support YOUR worldview)So if you think we live in a physical materialist universe and you think science proves it. You are sadly so fucking far behind where science is at. This is almost 100 years old and most people don't know it.Everything you think you know about how the world works is provable false.As far as this being satanic or luciferian. Jesus talked about belief creating reality.He said if you had belief the size of a mustard seed you could move mountains.When you pray KNOW that it will come true and it will.That right their solves the biggest puzzle in science for our age.Belief creates reality solves the measurement problem.


>>272323135That shit sounds like something Michael Aquino would say.

>>272354147Good stuff

>>272318756>women thinkers

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>>272330268If you're surrounded by dozens of violent men at all times throughout the day that can attack you at any instant, how is that supposed to reform somebody? If anything you'll get worse.

>>272319174Seriously this. Ex turned into a new age "healer" after I left her and now she posts videos of her fingerbanging herself online as "therapy sessions". It makes me sick because she was never like that before. I honestly think she is possessed.

>>272318756If they do not want to align to our system of moral beliefs, then we must impose them by force upon roasties such as this.History belongs to the victor. We must be the winners of this battle.

>>272330142Who ever wrote this didn’t actually read the Bible. It’s like a teenager who skimmed Wikipedia’s notes. Only like 2 things are correct

>>272334507some orthodox christian saints claim that the elect take over the jobs of the fallen angels and of those who fell and became demons. would explain their butthurt and hate towards us

>>272318756> central point of christianity: you are a potential momster and without help from God you'll get corrupted> modern central point: people are good by themselves, just let them shine their lightA 180 degrees turn


>>272357662Everyone has their own interpretation. Always interesting to see how people read

>>272318756Damn, why are lucy worshipers so obsessed with light?

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>>272322997Yeah, we can hunt them down and exterminate them, and its not evil or wrong, no matter how you look at it.

>Darkness is okay, theres no source of evil>Sweet, so about the sonnenrad->NONONONONO EVIL NAZI WERE THE BAD GUYS BUT GOOD BAD GUYS DONT YOU GET IT?At a certain point it seems like esoteric Hitlerism or Nazism is just a few societal shifts away from being the new zeitgeist. The base desires and calls for accepting its premises are there.

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>>272358468Is Lucifers name not "bringer of light?"

>>272359108Yeah, like the sun in the sky, the morning star.

>>272359196Jesus is also called Morning Star

>>272359320Lucifer wants to be Jesus?