David Icke

Dude was right about everything. Top to bottom. I didn't used to believe all of what he said but I've done enough of my own research now to understand its all true and verifiable. The Saturn Moon base shit is the only think I cant verify through evidence. I have not read any of his books. I have seen his interviews with Brian Rose. After watching those I became interested in some of the posts here regarding the cult of Abrasaxs. That research journey was truly terrifying. After much of my own research I became convinced there is an alien being(s) that's been running our civilization for tens of thousands of years. It only just dawned on me today that David has been talking about the aliens but referring to them as reptilian race of shape shifters which sounds insane when you say it like that. I honestly blocked out the reptilian shit when I first heard it, thought it was an allegory to capitalism or some shit, it isn't. I originally just focused on everything else he had to say at the beginning but now I see this man was years ahead of me research wise. Can anyone post shit related to the moon/saturn theory he has?

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Other urls found in this thread:


saturn rings are a defense technology wich was copied by the Archons to lock down human beings inside sarcophaguses on the moon base. we are irrevocably doomed.

IDK, but mistaking Jews for blood sucking reptilian parasites is pretty understandable.


>>272317340Interesting. Of course we are doomed. We are only free in our minds. What is the source of your info? Book? Link?

>>272316599Can you post the stuff that’s got you so convinced?

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>>272316599where are the reptillians user

>>272318888quads demand an answer

>>272318129supraconscience vibratoire ISO V Sinclair.

>>272318888Underground bases. There was this guy named Phil Schneider who talked about DUMBS (deep underground military bases) in Dulce, NM. Said he got his fingers blown off in a firefight with aliens

If you don't listen to his ideas through a lens of pure materialism, he is one of the most credible and interesting thinkers in the conspiracy world.

share with me some reading or viewing material to convince me or entertain me

>>272318692There is a very long path. Rose/Icke 1Raw 9/11 video attention to building 7Jeffery EpstinePizzagate, Clinton emails, John Podesta, Satanic RitualsCelebrity "suicides",chester bennington, Chris Cornell, Child Sex traffic documentaryBob Lazar Netflix docEG&GCouncle of Foreign RelationsBlackrock/BlackstoneBilderberg meetingwatch 9/11 Raw video againExibit A Re Jupiter ascending plotDutroux affair Brussels circa 1990s Cult of AbrasaxsAbraxsaxs wikiStargate plotName of the Jewish peopleExhibit B Elite AMA special attention to Nebuchadnezzar, triptych,TutankhamenGrand ArcanumAmun-Ra,Yahweh and Mithra, are all AbrasaxsConnection between Knights Templar and AbrasaxsKnights Templar was charged with protecting the "Holy Grail"Picture of the first headquarters of the Knights Templar "Temple mount" "Temple of Solomon" compare to Jeffery Epstine island templeThe soldiers of Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the temple of Solomon Knights Templar was said to have started the first international banking system and was the first multinational corporationNatGeo Ancient Aliens special attention to stone carvingsExhibit C MK Ultra advanced AMA youtube.com/watch?v=nat27uERHhMRose/Icke 5Exhibit D First elite AMA youtube.com/watch?v=ZDBAYBRbT-EExhibit E Second elite AMA youtube.com/watch?v=R7kuVnm4Qc8

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>>272317340sounds like gangster computer godyoutube.com/watch?v=yJLhnts9-oQ

Saved this earlier. Watch the eyes

Attached: 1597264596719.webm (1920x1080, 2.25M)

I admire the fact that he's so passionate about these topics and that he can, literally, go on for hours about them.I believe every single thing he's said, but I'd never admit that publicly.

>>272320372Jesus that's fucked. For everyone else not paying attention, ask why is he the only thing glitching. Anyone else have video of shape shifters? Also Anyone on this path should end at David Icke's wiki page. Pretty much saves you the trouble of buying all 20 of his books.

>>272317367Reptiles is the old way of saying ((()))

>>272316599I only just heard of Icke because of this new podcast I like called War Mode. They talk about him. I’m interested to listen to him, can anyone tell me where I should start? Preferably in audio I could listen to at work?

>>272320372What the fuck?

>>272316599gay and bluepilledyoutube.com/watch?v=fSGfNp___5o


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>>272320372Im high and confused user

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>>272321602London Real.tvAccount is free, use a throwaway email.

>>272316599Imagine taking almost two decades to take the ickepill

>>272321099>>272321824His eyelids don't cover the entirety of his eyes when he blinks, his iris also change color right before he does that blank stare then glitches out. Weird shit. There are similar videos including one of HRC but im phone posting and don't have them saved

>>2723203725d lizard people

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>>272321242Eh, he does the “not all Jews” dance but if you did a word loud of everything he said “Rothschild Zionist” would easily be the biggest of the bunch,

>>272321948Thanks, you’re the man.Out of curiosity, why the fake email? Is it seriously that forbidden of knowledge?

>>272320182Oh you are the fag that reads 4chan posts and uploads them to youtube?Or are you going to pretend to be someone with such severe autism they listen to people read 4chan posts?

>>272316599Never seen a Martinique flag on pol, played there in a Counter-Strike qualifier tournament in 2006, any chance we met? Really loved it there, beautiful place, friendly people.

>>272320342Based Dec-poster

>>272316599is that a quebec flag??

>>272322336Its the most censored video on the internet and the website is repeatedly hacked so yes.

>>272316599wrong about 5g coronaanother conspiracy idiot who lacks critical thinking and logicyoutube.com/watch?v=bcp8oSTh6pUhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvnBB_eU2IUSTOP FOLLOWING RETARDS

>>272322336No, just fuck them for making you give an email to spam.It has to be a legit email, but there is no verification so just send that spam to someone else using [letter][common last name]@gmail.com

>>272322532Easier to just link you in rather than upload a photo 4 times. I'm at 8 captchas per reply.

>>272316599>alienshe's a fucking lunatic retard

>>272321602youtu.be/8mns8dL-T7cAudio with no login required

>>272316599Ewww is that a quebecker flag?

>>272320182no mention of Yaldabaoth tho

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>>272322950No verification required. Just valid email.Also 5G is not about health hazards. Attention to Elite AMA 2

>>272323391Yeah but it’s the fifth installment. Should really start with the first since they often refer to earlier ones.

Guys the reptiallians are beautiful. Don't you want to inseminate this beauty and make halfling reptile babies?

Attached: SmartSelect_20200812-213739_Brave.jpg (1050x584, 236.17K)

>>272323629I just said no verification is required and didn’t mention 5g...

>>272316599I dreamed a lizard alien tried to eat my face last night .... its all true

>>272321602Icke's YouTube channel was a big loss

>>272317367This 99.7%

>>272323798sorry was responding to someone else as well and forgot their comment stamp. >>272322911was who I was referring to.Glow detected. >>272323166Now Captcha fails to connect in the middle of verification, restarting the process. 16 per reply now.

>>272320372Stop posting this schizo bullshit digital artifacts/static is not proof of shit other than atmosperic interference. If you want the attention you seek post something real. An unedited video without artifacts. Static, and other bullshit that actually shows something worth while. If you're not claming tjis fag is a wizard i dont want to see swirling pixels as proof.You kids are fucking incapable of surviving in this world i have serious reservations about the future, you fuckers are so stupid.

They are not from spacethey are from down below

>>272324527Either post your own evidence or fuck off. Not interested in speech police.

What's the juiciest conspiracy or whatever out there? I want the absolute juiciest one that will get me thinking

>>272324527Found the lizard

ok so we went to space and the ancestors of the first people to leave the planet made themselves known. this is why we will never colonise mars because it already has an owner? am i on the right track here

>>272318888Denver, Colorado

>>272320372Its clearly a deepfake of a guy getting murdered.... The glitch shows real footage of him slooping downward eyes dead tongue out....

>>272320372why the background doesn't change? reeeee

>>272318888ayylmaoThey are hidden among us, doofus. Howard Stern and Larry King are both reptiles.

>>272316599>Dude was right about everything. Top to bottom.Unfortunatly the internet has become so saturated with the repeated stubborn events, that parody as become blunt and almost unfunny if not impossible.Its not even trying anymore.

If the narrative is death show the people disguised death to generate the frequency in those being programmed

>>272325840Noice Kiklians

>>272318888I guess you're right.

>>2723229115G is linked to coronabut not the virus, it helps facilitate reading of the verification chip in you receive when vaccinated (either implanted or in travel/work papers)

>>272326381separate issueand they can use regular cellular tech for reading rfid chipsthe internet also helps facilitate reading of chipsso you better break your router right now

>>272322911Fuck off glownigger. Stop doing your country a disservice.

david icke is a glownigger operation to discredit conspiracy theorism

>>272318692Dr Joseph P Farrell, nice.

>>272321900crazy shit hue-user.remember that crazy guy that shot a pastor and didn't kill him?

>>272324400there are no aliens you fucking retard.

>>272327261Not even close you faggot. His ideas aren't even close to be considered far-fetched. His exosome theory is absolutely spot on. Notice how MSM won't cover anything on how the RT-PCR test, Kary Mullis, or exosomes? Instead they take the poisoned well water like "conspiracy theorists believe viruses travel through EMF!!!!"We're on to you, fucking kike.

>>272327598How do you know?

>>272327519I don't really

>>272321099People who want to expose truth dont write 20 books. People who want to make money write 20 books. Righteous men who truly value truth and not monetary gain or notoriety dont invest their time into such ventures. The people who really want to expose the truth and defeat evil will never be known, they will forsake all else for the pursuit.

>>272327644depends how far in rabbit hole you are, it might seem normal for you but not for 99,9%

>>272321933On that note can I just say Canes makes some solid fuckin tendies. Fries and texas toast is pretty damn good too.

>>272318888Those quads require everyone that reads this thread go watch the 90s vhs footage of Phil Schneider.

>>272316599Here's the issue. If Icke was anywhere near the truth, he would be dead. Just ask Bill Cooper.


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david icke = edomite, esau blood line. he's a liar.

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>>272328087Glow detected. Also Capatcha locked me out for about 20 mins just then.>>272325067Check image attached to my first long reply here >>272320182

>>272316599lizard people really?

>>272320182Why are you trying to draw parallels between some sort of demonic cult and some movie? Turns out the God Abrasax has been around for a while, niche reference?

He is like a god among schizos my boy Icke

Attached: themerchantand reptile.jpg (960x399, 55.04K)

>>272331006/r/ing this but with icke on the left

>>272330420what does he gain by lying to us? I think he sprinkles bullshit in with truth.

>>272330706One post by this IDmeme flagwhen will you glowfaggots learn our ways?>>272331004The reference makes better sense if you look at the MK ultra AMA I linked

>>272330706If you dont know then you wont know. But it is true. They have 100,000 years of evolution on mammals. The dinosaurs didn't all become extinct. They evilved and built civilization where they could survive the ice ages. Their disappearance feom the surface allowed mammals to evolve to hominids but we are a younger race.

>>272330706 first day on the job and performing awfully! >>272330362thank you. what else do you have

>>272316599icke is based and r-pilled

>>272316599based lizard man

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>>272320182>There is a very long path.>Rose/Icke 1>Raw 9/11 video attention to building 7>Jeffery Epstine>Pizzagate, Clinton emails, John Podesta, Satanic Rituals>Celebrity "suicides",chester bennington, Chris Cornell, Child Sex traffic documentary>Bob Lazar Netflix doc>EG&G>Councle of Foreign Relations>Blackrock/Blackstone>Bilderberg meeting>watch 9/11 Raw video again>Exibit A Re Jupiter ascending plot>Dutroux affair Brussels circa 1990s>Cult of Abrasaxs>Abraxsaxs wiki>Stargate plot>Name of the Jewish people>Exhibit B Elite AMA special attention to Nebuchadnezzar, triptych,Tutankhamen>Grand Arcanum>Amun-Ra,Yahweh and Mithra, are all Abrasaxs>Connection between Knights Templar and Abrasaxs>Knights Templar was charged with protecting the "Holy Grail">Picture of the first headquarters of the Knights Templar "Temple mount" "Temple of Solomon" compare to Jeffery Epstine island temple>The soldiers of Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the temple of Solomon>Knights Templar was said to have started the first international banking system and was the first multinational corporation>NatGeo Ancient Aliens special attention to stone carvings>Exhibit C MK Ultra advanced AMA youtube.com/watch?v=nat27uERHhM>Rose/Icke 5>Exhibit D First elite AMA youtube.com/watch?v=ZDBAYBRbT-E>Exhibit E Second elite AMA youtube.com/watch?v=R7kuVnm4Qc8a few more:Reece Commission, Maj Jordan's diary, Red Symphony, Tragedy and Hope.

This was the book where he drooped the lizard pill . A friend let me borrow it. It is about as insane as you could imagine .

Attached: bigsecret.jpg (470x470, 40.69K)

>>272316599Nah mate, the chithuhuri only want to put thumbs up your butt, do not fall for it.

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>>272331992the whole thing is great except the chapter on the way words sound. still thats over 1000 pages of awesome

>>272331669Law of One is excellent and if you haven't already, read through all 100+ sessions. Also, Montalk is one of the best sets of material on the web. He has done a fuck ton of reading and research and compiled/ condensed it all down into a very digestible format. Read the entire site. montalk.net/about/91/key-conceptshttps://montalk.net/about/303/section-intros

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>>272331141I don't know if he sprinkles bullshit so much as he doesn't know the whole story, so some of what he says lacks concrete evidence. If any of what he said is 100% provable with only solid evidence and nothing circumstantial then everyone would already know it.>>272331953Thank you, sharing knowledge is our only power.>>272331992Thank you too.

>>272331259Yeah that’s the plot from Dr Who.

>>272316599>I’m Jesus >no wait it’s all lizard aliens Imagine thinking this guy is anything but insane. It’s deception from the Devil and his minions.

>>272332263>I don't know if he sprinkles bullshit so much as he doesn't know the whole story,That’s how gatekeeping works. He is promoted to discredit the facts he reveals. A giant turd in the punch bowl of the truth seeking movement.


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Do you all know about the other Lizard king.Branton and the Omega FIles......sorry the video has that computer voice that all classic schizo videos do..youtu.be/aGCpZzH4Mb8also online text version of the Omega Filesbibliotecapleyades.net/esp_sociopol_omega.htmthis is is some high grade schiz fuel

>>272321099he's the only thing glitching because that's how video compression works retard, static backgrounds aren't repeated across frames, only stuff that moves changes from frame to frame.

>>272332407>son of godyou dipshit

>>272320372>when that nu 5G beam tech hits your cloaking device and your external appearance gets all scrambled.You guys, these aliens dont even bother with shapeshifting, they just have hologram tech that projects a desired external appearance, ie 3d hologram camouflage. So they can appear as an average human being, your next door neighbor and so on.I wonder how they get around the whole smell issue though...

youtube.com/watch?v=4dkrsSPSgoc&t=177shere's a good video explaining where David Icke got his beliefs and why he may intentionally or unintentionally be a Lucifarian pushing the new world order agenda.

Do you all know about the other Lizard king.Branton and the Omega FIles......sorry the video has that computer voice that all classic schizo videos do..youtu.be/aGCpZzH4Mb8also online text version of the Omega Filesbibliotecapleyades.net/esp_sociopol_omega.htmthis is is some high grade schizo fuel

>>272316599Icke is a maniac who declared himself the son of God loony but he is right sometimes, but his cult followers think he is the second coming


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>>272316599>>272321602David Icke bitchute channel bitchute.com/channel/weBLW8e6mgIB/

>>272316599Alan Watt is superior

Also the mysterious Thomas Costello claimed to work along side Lizards and Greys under a mesa in DUlce NM..you know the video is quality schizo if it uses a robot voice LOLyoutu.be/q7oI5iS8UYM

>>272316599dude's a nutcaselisten to his shit about saturn/satan and how the planet is actually the devil - that the earth used to be a moon of saturn

>>272325766because that's how image compression worksonly the sections of the image that need refreshing get refreshed - stuff that stays the same between frames isn't refreshedthis leads to strange phenomena, like digital interference occurring only on the portion of the image that was in motionwatch some old cartoons and you'll see a similar phenomenon where the background is painted with a slightly different kind of paint than the characters (which are inked)you can tell before a scene happens which doors open, jars move, etc. based on whether they are paint or ink

Lizard people are the jew kings.The Rockefellers are responsible for all of this.Doctors and nurses have been killing people via malpractice."Nazis", still puppets to the jew, are pulling some of the strings.Holla Forums was right all along.Gas the top kikes.Did I miss something?

The old youtube video of BUsh senior going lizard eyes..old youtube was the bestyoutube.com/watch?v=Eaaubr3nnHI

>>272323166He's talking about jews, you dumb fuck.

>>272316599>Dude was right about everything.do you think he was the son of god like he said?

>>272316599K Y L E O D O M

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>>272331141the reason for david icke and jordan maxwell and all the other is, they do the work for you and stop short of providing you with solutions. they just point out the problem, then pour salt in the wound by pointing out even more problems while offering no solution. that's exactly what a liar does and lying brings chaos. order of a new age, from chaos. get it now?

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>>272316599>>272318888>>272321099>>272321900>>272321933>>272322911>>272323166>>272324400>>272325766>>272327644>>272327877>>272328600>>272329799>>272332766>>272333266>>272333999>>272334188>>272334333>wew schizo threads are really something else

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Here's a link to Icke's most recent (5th) London Real interview. 3 hours+.freedomplatform.tv/rose-icke-v-the-answer/

>>272332868>I wonder how they get around the whole smell issue thoughfebreze and air sprays and other toxic shit people think they must buy. these things were introduced to permanently clog our nose hairs so the reptilian smell doesn't give them away. takes awhile to work, a few years at least that is why you see pics of little kids repelling in fear when in front of Obama and others.....also doesn't work on dogs as they can detect one without a soul.

>>272335045Good attempt, but still an obvious poison pill. Crest-headed Martian liggers of the Kyle Odom sort and the atrocity propaganda smeared Draco (convenient, when apparently they're allies of the German breakaways whose precedents were ALSO subject to ridiculous atrocity propaganda) are not equivalents, not to the best of our knowledge. Jason Rice makes rather clear in his testimony that the German-Agarthans or Antarctic-Germans, later Mars-Germans, nuked a SHITLOAD of inhumanly nasty Martian brand reptoids to make room for their colonies. The rest is horseshit; Rockefellers on top instead of the Rothschilds or some family you almost never see named, the Payseurs for example, or someone we have never seen named at all. 'NADZIS WUZ THE REAL JEW PUPPETS.' Kekistan flag. 'Gas THE TOP KIKES' and not 'KILL ALL THE JEWS.' 200% Hasbara bullshit.

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>>272316599So, it sounds like you're saying Scientology is real to me.

Anybody here watch the mini series V?youtu.be/0fDOdzY18XE

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>>272322269youtube.com/watch?v=sIrfH6af8hM>David Mayer de Rothschild and Bertrand Piccardngo interview. saves the planet stuff. watch the rothschild character, watch his eyes.

>>272335231 /thread

>>272334188>>272332672>>272332227>>272333795>>272335657Thank you for contributing, there are many lurkers that will benefit from what we all posted.There are more glowfags in this thread than I have seen in a very long time. I have been blocked from captcha twice now.Fun fact, I tried to share this thread with a friend of mine in WA state and she said "This website is blocked in your country". Also tried to share the youtube of lizard shape shifters and it was also blocked. I got around the youtube one but for her at least, 4chan is totally blocked.

>>272335867So we're basically doomed then. We have no way of unmasking these things and even if we do we can't destroy them and trapping them is pointless since they live forever. They keep playing us like a damn fiddle until the next huge war kicks in full force and we all destroy each other.So. Instead we go for the current top string pullers. Then we watch their B-plan unfold, trace all of it and eventually find whoever is pulling THEIR strings. Inaction and eternal pondering won't lead to anything. So yes, basically, gas the kikes.

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>>272324527And yet the "artifact" is just him and him only. Glow harder, kike.


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Her Majesty

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>>272320182Interesting. I know Abraxas (alternate spelling for Abrasax) was a gnostic Archon and I remember reading about Charles Manson's girls doodling pictures of Abraxas in the courtroom. Manson also made Masonic hand signals in the courtroom, apparently thinking the judge was a Mason and would free him. One explanation of the G in masonry besides standing for geometry is that it stands for gnosticism.

>>272336779>So we're basically doomed then.No, you blackpilling retard. The Germans have an entire breakaway civilization with overall military superiority to Earth holding the Cabal under the gun, that may be being UNDERSTATED by Secret Space Program whistleblowers who seem to think they must have a manpower problem & ignore the fact that A: they can have easily exploded in population by colonizing other spheres beyond this system, and B: can just as easily have used the massive resource availability of the asteroid belt to set up closed, armored, concealed O'Neil Cylinder type colonies, Zeon style. All held back only by the necessity to prime the Earth population to the fact that Iron Sky is about to be a documentary (and its being a GOOD THING) & the balancing forces of globohomo aliens who want to keep using Earth as a miserable creation-destruction-creation-destruction petri dish for organic life & hokey 'spiritual growth' purposes, whose presence makes it more of an undertaking & less of a curb stomp to liberate Earth.. I just TOLD YOU that they engaged in bloody-handed war against the kind of reptoid shits that would be involved with the Jewry & BLEW THEM THE FUCK OUT, because high technology or no, they're a complacent failed civilization of glorified astral SEX TOURISTS. You think that isn't a victory? That the battle lines aren't drawn very clearly, that there's nobody in the corner of the good & right?So the disinformation continues up into space & the Disclosure sphere! Why would anyone be surprised? Podestas' Wikileaks emails link him to the To The Stars Academy, a grifter organization running a CIA drip-feed of disinfo disclosure. It's all the same names & faces as are getting drug to light by Pizzagate, Wayfair, Obamagate. The hydras' heads are nice & tangled here, easy to cut at once.The rest, sure, fine, rolling decapitation operations. But the rest of you is just blackpill bullshit & misinterpretation, under MEMEFLAGGOTRY. Quit your shit.

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>>272337955YES! this is why I love and live for these threads

Ive been listening to this dude since art bell.. wasnt 100% right to be fair, but its crazy listening to him from years ago and it actually habbening

>>272337955>astral SEX TOURISTSthis is why we wake up to raging hard almost uncomfortable erections.

>>272319227He also said he had no desire to commit suicide but was found strangled with medical tubing and brutally beaten in his home.

>>272338142I try.>>272338192Don't make me think that slizzards are the reason we get morning wood. Cute Kenkou Cross lizard girls, fine, but I don't want to think of the devils' cross between a pteranadon, a deranged muppet and the Jews trying to psychically gobble my knob when I sleep. That's not fucking right. Nobody deserves to have that thought or reality. NOBODY.

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>>272322183Well to be fair, alex has been right a lot as well...

>>272338294I could be wrong but as far as I know Phil never mentioned the reptilian he only talked about the greys..Maybe I will re-watch the interview it been a while.youtu.be/0DBXggcXQZQ

>>272338651I guess the juice boxes are turning the kids trans

>>272316599what is that flag?

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>>272337955What shit? Frogs and me, we have a connection. Kek is my cute pal so I use the flag. Does it make a difference to you, at all? I don't think so. Unless Kek is a mind control monster, I suppose. But I don't think so.See, I'm going say something you might not like or believe. I'm not blackpilled. If anything I'm synchronicitypilled. I watched both Iron Sky movies the other day and they both got to me. I'd like to have more exposure to what's going on in this world of ours but I don't really need it, you know? Things and information both find me, somehow, and I'm used to it. Anything I say is a constantly shifting mess with little to no connection to anything other than my ludicrous trust for the simulation (or whatever this life is) we call existence, and it helps other people. Not on the chans but the sync also gives people around me what they seemingly need to experience a better NOW. Strange things happen ALL OF THE TIME.And my reading comprehension isn't all there.Post some more, would you?

Bump for Icke

>>272318888Reptilian and/or vampire is another name for Jew. Always has been.

>>272331257>when will you glowfaggots learn our ways?shhhhhhhh!



>>272332373Hmm imagine dripfeeding us truth through popular media.


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>>272337955Oh, and do you think that the dot has anything to do with... well, pretty much everything?Also checked.

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>>272339844In the book before the Lizard revelation david was quoiting from the protcols of the elders of zion quite often.

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>>272337955fuck I love these types of threads. but it does make me do pic related

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>>272316599I woke up after seeing Rose/Icke 3. This man isn't nearly as crazy as he's cracked up to be, and was right about EVERY SINGLE prediction about the fake virus.

>>272340115well now i am disappointed.

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Alien Species - 6 - The Draco Reptilian (HD)youtu.be/1fB3Q3mrUcY

>>272316599He's right about reptilians but I can't trust him 100% cause he's still alive. Why would they let someone like him live? I don't know what to think any more.

I see...

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Reptilian serpent naga & Dragon legendsyoutu.be/z_gSSg-KXm0

>>272338585>Don't make me think that slizzards are the reason we get morning woodalthough i cannot exactly prove that with anything too concrete i can also say that i cannot disprove it. in fact when i decided that cum vampires were responsible for the visions and rock hard cock i would wake up paralyzed with fear even more than usual. calling on the name of archangel michael helped and i now own one of his astral daggers (it is beautiful, like sting from lord of rings) that comes in handy but they are fucking sneaky. i got one and though. it was wearing a black cloak with its face hidden and was too brazen. it must have not known about my dagger like the others. i manifested the dagger and got it right into the gut. his face appeared (i do NOT want to describe it) and it screamed. pic related.

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>>272321099>Anyone else have video of shape shifters?good reptilian thread:archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/268971417/#q268971417>QRDreptilians possessing humans, riding them like puppets / shapeshifting to look like humans.. many psycic people can see that shit, shadow figures above allmost every person of power.They calcify your pineal gland so that you will not be able to see it. They ridicule all psycics so that you dont pay any attention to them. Pretty basic stuff actually.The good news: they have to rely on all thse kinds of trickery to maintain their power. they cant do it openly. so when we reveal them, they will lose all their power.

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>>272342356Mister, that is weird. The kind of weird that's a little too weird to come up with on your own. Great job. I'm now going to be praying to God that liggers not hop on my dick for sleep sex now or at any point in the future from here on in. Jesus H. Christ.

>>272331953thanks for sharing my vids mate!Be the Lighthouse:youtu.be/SospUN7zfHg

Attached: venom.webm (1280x714, 2.94M)

>>272317367>"For the LORD your God will bless you as he has promised, and you will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. You will rule over many nations but none will rule over you." - Deuteronomy 15:6You just have to understand blood sucking means high interest money lending and it all comes together.

>>272341146As he says, they aren’t predictions because he already knows the plan. It’s as much of a prediction as looking at a clock and knowing what time it will be in 30 minutes.

totally normal phenomenon... (srsly, wath to the mid/end. this is no normal glitch)

Attached: 1590265413838.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

>>272316599The lizard people shit is too much. He's on point with the Rothschild's and the global cabal though.

>>272344128>The lizard people shit is too much.

Attached: 1590264982736 (1).webm (320x240, 2.24M)

>>272316599This nigger is controlled opposition. His lizard shit is invalidating everything else he says. He also promotes new ageism wichis nothing but statanism with a facelift. He makes tons of cash though.

>>272344128>>272344039the classic glitch that only affects tv moderators and politicians...

Attached: 1590265040618.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

>>272320372seems to be related tech to this one here.

Attached: 1588046087774.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

>>272344002Yes, but to the normie they are "predictions"



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what are the odds that these are malfunctioning deep fakes?

>>272344002Most of the big names in the truther and conspiracy movements are tied into this stuff. Alex Jones has said publicly he comes from a line of Freemasons. What they say has truth sprinkled in there to keep people coming back but you should always take everything coming from them with a mammoth block of salt.

>>272319227I had a dream when I was a teenager of some dark underground compound and little green men where fighting my self and little grey men, I remember being hit by a laser and it felt like my skin was melting and it was spreading to my heart.

>>272328087Words of wisdom from this user. Have a (you).


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>>272344588Depends on news footage age and whether there's a reason for it to be deepfaked. Even considering that black miltech is such-and-such years ahead of what is publicly disclosed, the older it is- going past when deep fakes have been publicly disclosed as possible- the overall less likely.Why would malfunctioning deep fakes make them look like non-humans with reptilian skin patterning, exactly? And if we were to consider it being possible disinfo, it's REALLY SHIT, because Jews immediately leap on David Icke and make the Jew-lizard connection by saying he's just dogwhistling, and people have been conditioned to believe ridiculous things anyways. If it's a lie to make people look silly, whoops, they made a lie that skullfucks them by allowing an at the surface kosher vector for them to be fingered as NOT HUMAN BEINGS engaged in rampant manipulation and destruction of civilization.

>>272332227Thank you user


>>272343646My nigga! Nice to meet you VRP, you do good work keep it up. If you did a read of the highlights of this thread that'd be as sick as shit.Also this shit you posted got me fucked up. What in holy fuck is what I'm seeing... How do we disrupt their hologram??? This is so appropriate its 1AM and I'm slipping into madness looking at this shit...>>272343646>>272344039>>272344200>>272344281>>272344350>>272344575


>>272335844I have been told that Hillary Clinton smells really, really bad.

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>>272322911Go jump off the roof of the asio building shill

i wasnt going to jerk off tonight but seeing this stupid shit reminds me my seed is better off shot into a tube sock as opposed to a woman just in case the off chace i sire a child thats as stupid as the OP or 90% of the rest of humanity.... but have a nice day yall goin for a tug.

>>272335543Icke gives you everything you need to make your own choice, stopping just short of claiming he "knows what you should do" because he believes the choice is up to you.

>>272321602reptilianagenda.com/Check this out, I used to go on this site back in 2002. The site is still the same like a time capsule.

>>272345332According to AJ yesyoutu.be/KGAAhzreGWw

>>272344984I'm noticing a clicking sound every time their eyes change. >>272336373if you look at 1:36 in that video you can hear the click when his eyes change.


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>>272344200that one makes me physically ill. light in the head and growing nausea. a literal warping of the fabric of our time and space in that clip.the geometry is all wrong.

Well David Icke did call Jesse Ventura a Wanker on his show Conspiracy theory. So he’s ok with me...

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>>272329799Checked, absolutely this. Cooper fucking predicted the deep state glownigger 9/11 con job, even predicted they’d blame it on Osama. Not 3 months later he was dead. Also happened to be a devoutChristian and a true follower of His path.RIP Pale House

>>272345848reptilianagenda.com/Holy shit that sight in ancient.Holy shit I can't waste my night reading articles on it

>>272325067listen to his episodes on The Higherside Chats

>>272316599be a good journalist/researcher and you too can be right about everything. it's easy to see what's going on when you know what the overall plan has been and is. don't even have to have an admirable iq. just read. go beyond the veil of the propaganda media. read the books, reports, etc of the global cabal. cfr, trilateral commision, soros, rothschilds, rockefellers, thomas malthus, etc.

>>272346259Not even being a shill, that just looks like video artifacts. You can’t just accept the notion that she’s a reptilian shape shifter based on a video glitch

>>272316599Peace was always the option

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>>272318888youtube.com/watch?v=yKVeHhd4nK0Summoned in ((their)) basement with the sacrifices of childrens and the use of adrenochrome to interact with them.

>>272325067The GOLDEN webyoutu.be/5PgX8l9AgzEWayne Bush | The Archonic Human Farm, Culture Control & The Sun/Moon Harvesting Systemyoutu.be/rB5OYefGTHs

>>272318888they are here

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did you know that the "nazi death camps" were actually feeding grounds for out in the open reptilians?look at those supposed holocaust pics of skinny prisoners. they were being drained of blood and life force. everyother reason you heard in "history books" of the torture and jew this jew that are fantastic fabrication. a slander on one of the men and his countrys attempt to stop this and wake up the rest of the world to what was awaiting them if his plan was usurped.personally i don't think they need camps anymore i think the vacuous sinister social media lives people live are more than enough of a proxy channel for the reptlians to feast on the weakest of you. problem is they are greedy and the souls of the pure too delicious. when they implement martial law from this fake fear virus be aware of what theses fema camps are going to be actually used for.

>>272346904Specifically The Trigger, as it's the one about the death cult that's been runing everything forever. The one about Archons / True Reality is a bit more esoteric

>>272333795>first video>stop cooperating>mfw expecting him to shit all over masklet cucks and he straight goes gender is a social construct on meThe fuck, Icke?

>>272347020except no video artifacts have ever emitted this guttural reaction from me nor the few people with souls i know that i have shown it too over the years.

>>272316599Cute my Human Cyborg thinks hes a tranny dog

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>>272316599he was right about many thingshowever, there were people 60-100 years ago who predicted this shit as well

>>272328600canes is gas station tendie tier at best. literally had better at a gas station. If you don't do zaxby's or roll your own, you're garbage. take that to the fucking bank you degenerate.

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Alright gentlemen I wake up in 3 hours, I officially have 32 tabs open and approximately 40 years of research to digest. Ill be sure and check the thread tomorrow for any new info posted. I'd like to say a huge thank you to everyone here who posted links and info. You took a risk, you did it anyway, that's called doing the lords work. The more we learn about them the less power they have, this is our planet fuck these monsters. Goodnight and God Bless.

>>272346658reptilianagenda.com/exp/e102299a.shtmlat least read this white pill one. give us a chance at changing the story arc towards possible redemption.

>>272317340>>272316599>bro how many levels of schizo are you on?>I dunno about four or five>watch this

>>272327519Kyle Odom, i believe. He spoke of seeing similar beings after having some kind of out of body spiritual experience

>>272335543>they just point out the problem, then pour salt in the wound by pointing out even more problems> that's exactly what a liar does i'm not sure you know what the definition of lying is user.

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>>272348171they are deceivers. then when you call them out they accuse you of deceiving.

>>272316599He said on a TV program he was the son of God, was he right then too?

>>272321860Meds. Ingest them. Schizo


>>272316599>After much of my own research I became convinced there is an alien being(s) that's been running our civilization for tens of thousands of years. It only just dawned on me today that David has been talking about the aliens but referring to them as reptilian race of shape shifters which sounds insane when you say it like that.He's probably talking about the same martians that Kyle Odom met

fuck this thread is like schizo crack cocaine for me ......I haven't thought about lizard people in so long Then I get that sweet schizo hit and its back down paranoid rabbit holes of saturn cubes lizards people and archons harvesting out souls.

>>2723201825-Gas well, we are all fucked.our dna at a cellular level is being assaulted and when they choose to crank this bitch up and on it won't matter if we can by some miracle the powers that be stop because it will have been too late and our grandchildrens children if we manage to have any will be sterile as can fucking be.youtube.com/watch?v=d3RtLtycLgwIf we allegedly survive the vax rapeSupreme Court Reference 800 Million Dosesyoutube.com/watch?v=w95b3xF8xck

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>>2723229112 words >Controlled opposition

Who the fuck listens to this guy and thinks he's legit?He's often guest on TV, he's on Twitter, verified, when Facebook banned him for his bullshit he called them fascist.He's just out there to present anti-semites as low IQ and embrarrases real anti-semites who do research on actually important topic.

Wrong image to go with this.>>272349102>>272322911Nope he sure isn't you aus fag. See Above videos.

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>>272316599Please take your pills everyone

>>272321099>ask why is he the only thing glitchingbecause he's the only thing moving. video only compresses things that changed between frames.that said, what were they talking about during this bit?

Attached: 1594797018585.webm (606x480, 2.94M)

Already knew this.

>>272349775red pills

>>272347767Like most esoteric figures of speech, the imagery represents both the nature of the phenomenon and the actual physical appearance it takes for youThat's because the brain works in allegories and thus the unexplainable has to be made recognizable for you to understandWhich means that while they are not actual reptiles, it's still appropriate to call them as such, and that's how you will perceive them if contacted directly

>>272316599Icke listeners, did you know that you can live forever according to the bible?Ask Jesus to save you. Pic related.

Attached: Bible way to Heaven with Prayer.png (1653x949, 133.94K)

>>272345779he wants us to be the solution, show us what to REEEE about, then go get em. that's why he's there. he offers no choice other than to become the sacrifice or the solution, he won't point out that he is from the very nation that is attacking us and he knows it too. that's called lying when you leave that detail out.>>272348171you don't know your enemy very well, user, the british are not here to play games with us, they want us dead, icke included. don't trust a redcoat.

>>272350247Fuck you. I don't want to be a reptilian slave for eternity

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I have heard stories of Lizard ALiens during the Vietnam war ..though it doesn't directly reference reptilians this video covers that both sides of the Vietnam conflict where attacked by UFOSyoutu.be/wEXDOv3Nfm0

>>272330420I remember when I was a teenager, watching live snooker on British TV in the evening. David Icke was a sports commentator back then and was presiding over the game I was watching. (Voice over only) All of a sudden, out of the blue, he started telling the watching public how he was the literal son of god. There was a brief scuffle, the rustling of papers and another man quickly took his place. Whole thing was memory holed.

>>272350247Jesus, save me from Abrahamics. just the most backward retarded mouthbreathers around

>>272350911that's awesomeI wonder if there's a recording of it somewhere in the vaults

>>272318888everyone on 4chin is a repto but we prefer to call ourselves amphibians

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>>272327519>>272327877>>272335231>>272348167Yeah, the Kyle Odom story is interesting. They never really even bothered to discuss how the accused pastor survived so many gunshot wounds.>>272328087But Icke's sports commentary gig was probably pretty profitable and way more respected/'safe' than his conspiracy stuff. If he was just in it for money, he would have stuck with that and not ostracized himself from the normal world.I think Icke has made progress recently. His views fall more in line with my own understandings now that he has started to talk about the Nephilim. Icke's 'lizard people' are the result of the fallen angels coming to Earth, breeding with human women, and having not-quite-human offspring. These 'men of renown' have been manipulating humanity, and using and interbreeding with certain human groups for all of human history. Their ancient knowledge and understanding has created the elite bloodlines and helped them rule over humanity on Earth.

>>272316599>Dude was right about everythingYes.

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>>272351593>They never really even bothered to discuss how the accused pastor survived so many gunshot wounds.Because its not humanely possible to survive getting body shot several times with .45 caliber hollowpoints AND get shot in the head with a .45 caliber hollowpoint. Like, no really, there's just no amount of mental gymnastics that normies can do to say that its possible to get riddled with boolets almost of the same level as Bonnie and Clyde but still survive. >normalfag hears about Kyle Odom and how he shot that pastor>normalfag says Kyle Odom is just crazy>even the lugenpresse admits that Tim Remington got shot several times point blank with .45 caliber hollowpoints and survived that on top of a headshot>normalfag thinks the whole thing is weird but has no honest way of telling themselves that something fucky isn't going onIf the average normalfag became aware of Kyle Odom and what he did they would realize there's some terribly demonic and extra terrestrial shit going on in this world

>>272345725a fucking leaf

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>>272350867Ufos doesn't mean non humans, if ayys wanted us dead we would be dead.


>>272351935Icke was calling out Jimmy Saville long before all his sick shit was exposed. youtube.com/watch?v=Jn190rRZ-oU

youtube.com/watch?v=pa50XfclnYk(31:30)>"Now, I'm going to casually mention to you something that's very scary indeed, I'm going to tell you what the alien agenda is, and it's going to sound very familiar, the alien agenda is the complete takeover of this planet, the killing off of 5/6ths to 7/8ths of the worlds population by the year 2029, the U.S. military has known about this for 45 years."(33:30)>"The New World Order/ The Alien Agenda is one and the same, it's world takeover and the decimation of the population of this planet. Now, I'm going to tell you something a little bit different about the alien species, the bad news ones, there are 9 races of alien populations that look at a human being as a bag of food, they're not cannibals, they don't eat the flesh and the bones and all that kind of stuff, they use the glandular secretions of animals and human beings as a mixture of the vitamins for their food, they get high off of our adrenal gland substances called Adrenochrome, it's something like cocaine to them."

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>>272317676>sarcophagiEh, I don't know about that. I mean, yeah, it's acceptable in modern times. Several dictionaries do list sarcophagi as a plural, so it is correct, today. But it's Greek, not Latin, and we do that -i thing with Latin words, not Greek words. Sarcophaguses is the proper Greek plural.

>>272316599sa thuren(saturn) meaning many stitches/knits (stitched wounds)(stitched private parts) u can literally hear the cries if u listen. pak ish thajn(pakistan) meaning it dried a little.(also other country with istan in their name are drying.thur kijë(turkije) meaning there are stitched/knitted here.esht thajn mbull(istanbul) means it dried the withdrawal battle ground.washing away your sins/paying homage will make the grass go away.(allah akbar)

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>>272353135>they get high off of our adrenal gland substances called Adrenochrome, it's something like cocaine to themOh shit Its been a while since I watched Phil....wow he drops Adrenochromeholy shit

>>272316599>Can anyone post shit related to the moon/saturn theory he has?First time I saw Icke was years ago when he introduced Credo Mutwa to the world and also interviewed Arizona WIlder exposing the Queen and her family as reptilian shapeshifters. I've seen stuff in life I can't explain occult wise so I believe him about the Reptilians and what people say about their Antarctic under ice bases also bases on Mars and the back side of the moon. Cigar shape craft and the Nazis after WW2 got into bed with the reptilians through Vril. Good source of info on Saturn is Dr. Bill Schnoebelen suggest you track down his interview with a vampire series of DVDs and also his book Lucifer Dethroned. Saturn is supposedly where a lot of the high-level Luciferian and Satanic stuff happens like rituals and initiations once you are high up enough in the occult and Illuminati.

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>>272339605If you mouse over you'll get alt text.

>>272337743Why have alternate spelling?It is spelled right, or not.Is it because leftists are sub 80 IQ?Jesus Christ

>>272353827Certainly sounds like a lovely planet.......of terrorSaturn Soundsyoutu.be/v1_6Y6BEQKs

>>272317340All non-human lifeforms can be defeated through Sneedposting.

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>>272341397He's probably still alive because he's telling people it's lizards from space controlling everything instead of telling the truth and naming the jews

>>272344669you may have been a part of the 20 and Back program


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>>272353838I am phone fagging.....I know... I am ashamed

>>272317340based and archon pilled

>>272353425Interesting I remember saint jerome removing a thorn from a lions paw.also jesus had to wear a crown of thorns !Fuck ze jews

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>>272355118Oh, in that case it's Martinique.I think it's supposed to be their coat of arms since their "actal" flag is just the French flag.

>>272317340One of my 4d experiences had me waking up in a sarcophogus pod getting pulled into orbit on a tractor beam. The ships ascetic reminded me of all the babylonian mythological symbolism, and creatures. I think some of the mythological creatures depicted in ancient civilizations were creatures native to other worlds. I think the sumerian civilization is connected to a galactic civilization which colonized many planets in this area of the orion arm of the galaxy. That or the annunaki maybe, supposedly from nibiru which we haven't found.Sarcophogus technology seemed like a way to transfer the soul into and out of bodies so it could traverse space between star systems.That civilization now has faster than light capable clone ships, which you can jump into and wake up as a clone of yourself, but it seemed possibly sinister to essentially get soulnapped by aliens and going with them to another part of the galaxy.

>>272334333Checked, but you obviously lack research beyond Icke. I suggest you watch this if you aren't just baiting: youtube.com/watch?v=t7EAlTcZFwY

>>272344350literally a gobiln if you pause at the end of the shape shifting.

>>272355721Im on the fence with the electric universe theory but I definitely will give this a watch..Im in about 3 minutes looks good saving for latter.

>>272326381Time to get a flip phone?

>>272353827>Saturn is supposedly where a lot of the high-level Luciferian and Satanic stuff happensBrainlet here that read this as you saying initiations to satanic cults happen on saturn? They astral project there?

>>272319227Isn't it more likely that the Dulce base conspiracy theory was really a cover story for genetic engineering black projects to cover up the horrible shit they were splicing together from who knows what DNA in the nightmare hall, rather than actual aliens?

>>272318888At your local bank.

>>272318888It's a (((mystery)))>>272326067>>272325840Oyy veyy lmao

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>>272328087Based americanoGive this man a (you)

>>272357224No.Aliens supervise and commandHumans work.

>>272317367>google.ca/amp/s/newspunch.com/billy-corgan-shapeshifting-reptilians/amp/Billy Corgan is redpilled as fuck on the JQ and he talks about shapeshifting reptilians too. He says, “Demons exist. They are real. They are reptilian. That’s why the Bible says Eve was seduced by a snake. Substitute reptile for snake.” Then he continues to say, “In every civilization on Earth, all throughout the ancient world the snake men are mentioned. Although I can understand why someone wouldn’t believe what I’m saying. It’s hard to talk about. I didn’t believe either until I was standing face to face with one of them.” Just imagine all the insane Jewish backstabbing and manipulation he experienced in the music business.

>cult of AbraxasSend links then