NYT’s backdoor is open

If you go to Google or Duckduckgo and enter in site:int.nyt.com with any keyword such as “Trump” or “George Floyd”, you’ll be able to see every pdf they have on their server.All pages currently archived: archive.is/int.nyt.com

Attached: 9C1D27B1-7C5D-41C3-8E11-E3CC069EE8D1.jpg (1961x1289, 431.19K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Do Maxwell and Epstein.


Attached: 1596746256938.gif (267x320, 451.96K)

go shit going back to 1900/1899 in here int.nyt.com/data/int-shared/nytdocs/docs/200/200.pdf

Attached: 1591386839379.jpg (500x623, 77.96K)

>>272317793can anyone actually read that style of handwriting without taking 30 seconds to decipher each word? every old person (80+) Ive work with writes like this... not even those who write like this can read it fast. I'll ask what they wrote and they take 5 minutes trying to read 2 short sentences in their own handwriting.

Bump. Interesting thread with potential


>>272316595Archive anything you find

>>272319302>can anyone actually read that style of handwritingWhat the fuck... you are either black or an idiot. We learnt this at my primary school in the ‘90s, it’s not hard.

>>272316595yep it's been like this singe jewgle had to turn off their filters

Attached: 1595228524650.png (1332x749, 222.74K)

>>272319302i'm guessing you're some sort of shitskin or a zoomer brainlet, right?

>>272321861Probably just a garden variety shitskin. Keywords: epstein, maxwell, mossad, pizzagate, spygate, seth rich





>>272321861>>272321283ok type out the what the last paragraph on the first page says

20 year old here, I can’t read that cursive. I feel so retarded and it depresses me

Cmon let’s go. Find something already.

>>272317793So these are notes tracking former slaves? Crazy anything good in there worth reading?

Bump and digging as we speak. Excellent thread


bump and archivingarchive harder niggers

>>272322981One Share to be equally to be divided into Six shares and assigned to John L Patterson and his five children share and share a like Jane John Milliam Martha and Margaret Patterson Children by his Second wife of the above shares John L Patterson has secured one hundred dollars towards his part.

>>272322981dude its just some dudes obit and how his estate will be divided.I'm an early 90's baby and I can read it; if you can't you weren't educated right or are a fob

>>272316595Use search terms like "Black Lives Matter" "BLM"Bump

have a bumpiteé bumpé my nibbas

>>272316595Seems like bait to start another "muh russian hackers" but wouldn't hurt to see what's in there

>>272323865Took you long enough... do the last 2 lines on page 7 quick and ill believe you that I am just retarded.

Phone fagging at mo so have a bump OP

anything good?

>>272319302Found the Somali

Went through all the PDFs, looks like its literally nothing.I'm getting sleepy, lets all just call this a thread and let it die.


Apparently they've been studying us

Attached: 20200812_184331.jpg (1440x2960, 803.22K)

>>272319302Sure dimwit

Bump for someone with more time on their hands than me.

>>272324431>Amplify Conspiratorial NarrativesKek

>>272324099and you failed

>>272323091It’s not your fault your ignorant , the leftist educational system failed you


Attached: 1597112092735.jpg (720x720, 187.79K)

IRA means Internet Research Agency int.nyt.com/data/documenthelper/533-read-report-internet-research-agency/7871ea6d5b7bedafbf19/optimized/full.pdfIRA Tactics ....................................................................... 34Tactic: Targeting Americans ..................................................... 34Tactic: Asset Development ....................................................... 39Tactic: Cross-Platform Brand Building ............................................ 42Tactic: The Media Mirage ........................................................ 45Tactic: Memetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50Tactic: Inflecting a Common Message for Different Audiences (Syria) ................. 58Tactic: Narrative Repetition and Dispersal ......................................... 62Tactic: Repurposing and Re-Titling Pages and Brands .............................. 63Tactic: Manipulating Journalism ................................................. 66Tactic: Amplify Conspiratorial Narratives .......................................... 69Tactic: Sow Literal Division ...................................................... 71Tactic: Dismiss and Redirect ..................................................... 73

Here's a document where Leslie Wexner gave Epstein Power of Attorney over a bunch of his assets back in 1991int.nyt.com/data/documenthelper/1494-epstein-wexner-power-of-attorney/04e6cef6bfb8b25c8684/optimized/full.pdfUseful to search for Epstein associates as well.

Attached: Epstein.jpg (750x445, 39.37K)

>>272323865>>272324506whats the last 2 lines on page 8 say?

>>272324377Leftist shill

>>272316595This is not a fucking backdoor, it's easy as fuck to configure a web server to not allow caching by google via it's robots.txt and not to allow listing it's files in an open directory in a htfile on the webserver itself.What you're seeing is Google Indexing NYT and being an alternative search engine because NYT does not have a place to just google for PDF's.This is called boolean operators.You can even do filetype:PDF to just do PDF. God damn user, you're not a fucking hacker. site:int.nyt.com filetype:PDF "trump" "trump" for exact matches. "president+trump" for the following word to be 1+2. "president+trump" -bankruptcy to search for president trump in the same sentence with the "context" or "cached file" also containing somewhere "bankruptcy."The more you know, faggot.

>>272324377is this "im sleepy lets all go to sleep pol bros" a joke or are u ppl actually this retarded

>>272324927>reddit spacingno shit.

>>272324799Last line is his nigger boy Carter Yom, which is funny. Apparently a good nigger was valued at 1300$.

>>272324927well then use your fucking skills and find us something cool

>>272323091Don't feel bad, cursive is just retarded

>>272319302The hand is very similar to modern cursive, but it looks different because they're using a fountain pen instead of a ballpoint.

>>272316595anyone looked up covington kid?

Attached: covington.jpg (1200x630, 85.77K)

>>272325285I just fucking told you how to do it yourself. The usages are endless. site:cia.gov "mkultra"site:cia.gov "jews did 9/11"Do it yourself faggot.

>>272324330>>272321861>>272321283>>272324668You guys want a medal or something?

>>272325169Apparently Negro Boy Paul was the most valuable negro at 1466$ this estate is cool, dude had 10 niggers

>>272325471For you being stupid No that’s ok

>>272316595What do they have on this guy?

Attached: aweiner.jpg (675x825, 248.29K)

>>272324099>>272324600>Wtf sit here constantly refreshing this thread and read basic handwriting to me or ur the idiot not me lmaoI genuinely don't think I could embarrass you any more than you have already embarrassed yourself.

Attached: [STOP]_1.jpg (137x234, 8.7K)

>>272325677Why would I even need to learn cursive? We're not living in 1922 sending letters to each other.

>>272325169ok fair enough, I'm retarded. Takes me like 30 seconds to read a sentence until I get used to that persons handwriting then I can read it faster but still slower than text. I need to keep refrencing other words to make sure Im reading it right, then once I got it I can read it fast, but every persons slight differences throws me off.

Bump Expose those Jews What am I looking for anons? I want to help

Attached: B74F9785-A9AA-4B4A-80A4-84F30D6FE6DD.jpg (320x320, 74.66K)

>>272317320What it say?

>>272319302You're right. I learned cursive in school but this is scribbles. Most of the letters are indistinguishable.

>>272326083Mutts still learn cursive in school, for whatevet reason that it is. It's why they're all acting so smug

Jill DandoJimmy SavilleDavid BrockDavid GeffenDutrouxFranklin ScandalJames AlefantisPizzaPizzagateSeth RichImran AwanAnthony WeinerHuma Abedin

>>272326083It definitely is a type of decoding, but you get the hang of it. Cursive is all about practice, both reading and writing. We are also trying to read shitty photocopies of an old document which doesn't help.

Fake and gay

>>272325743>spend 10 minutes trying to decipher it and finally get it>go back to thread and realize it took you 10 fucking minutes>pretend you never tried at all

Attention fellow Whites - the enemy cannot read cursive. I repeat, the enemy cannot read cursive. Good ideas should NOT be written in cursive, as the redpills are the truth that must be swallowed, even by their unwitting golems. Other ideas SHOULD be written in cursive.

>>272319302I think back then they often mistook "illegible" for "fancy cursive".

I have to go to sleep anons but keep fightin the good fight

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archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/268755785/#268766220Just so you fags know.This is from 3 weeks ago.

>>272325081It's hard to say if it's retarded boomer glow niggers or just shit posters making fun of them by spamming their retarded boomer shit ironically, similar to the Gary phenomenon seen in corona threads


>>272316772Look for Twitter, Facebook, Google. Look for explicit connections between them, the media, and antifa

Project Rome and Internet Research Agency are very interesting reads


>>272316595How far back do those records go? Any articles on Nikola Tesla from the 1890's ? If so, there may be some vewy interdasting time traveling bread crumbs.>schizoposting intensifiesYip Harburg was born on april 8 1896 in manhattan. He wrote "over the rainbow" for Judy Garland in the wizard of oz. The next eclipse is on april 8 2024. John G Trump's birthday was aug 21, the same day as the eclipse in 2017. And we all know about ingersoll lockwood, baron trump, and even the philadelphia experiment (project rainbow). All i'm saying is that the most effective way to demonsteate that this reality on earth is actually a 4D hologram projected by higher dimensions into this realm, the place to start would be to identify mathematically impossible coincidences surrounding Tesla's experiments in the 1890's.


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>>272325081>>272327265i hate saying this but "fuck you cunts are new"

>>272329640I know it's early there user, but this is a nothingburger. You should probably take a nice relaxing nap.

>>272324927>"president+trump" -bankruptcy>to search for president trump in the same sentence with the "context" or "cached file" also containing somewhere "bankruptcy."The -bankruptcy will exclude results with 'bankruptcy' in them, not show them, retard.

I've searched a lot of things and this server seems cleaned and probably never used to host things that would be detrimental to the left wing

Anything on Pizzagate?

Attached: Akari Dog Stare.jpg (643x720, 154.3K)

>>272316595Find all references to 6 million Jews as far back as they go

>>272316595Bump, what’s everyone’s favorite card game?

Attached: F775165C-16E3-4B80-BF03-FE405AB3C1C8.jpg (1220x933, 174.41K)

>>272328511Is there any logical explanation as to why would it take over a hundred years and counting for someone to repeat Tesla's experiments and throw them on YouTube or something? I realize Tesla was a genius but he's not the only genius.

>>272330119Kek... i am sleepy.. I have pointed out that anons were using this link 3 weeks ago >>272327066

>>272319302having a hard time deciphering whypipo hieroglyphics?

>>272326091Look for how many times 6 million were massacred

>>272330476Is there any logical explanation why you assume without searching?

>>272325081Found the newfag. Lurk most user.

>>272324431Fuck me, memetics was supposed to be an ironic mocking joke, they actually made it an actual field to study. Fucking fascinating times we are living. I never thought I would see the day that what are essentially image macros have such an enormous impact on society. IRL people are taking this too literal and now the genie is out of the bottle. I am a boomer, I grew up with life separate from the internet. Normies have ruined everything to the point that a fucking cartoon frog is enough to help a president get elected.

Attached: Band of Honkers.gif (300x222, 1.9M)

>>272324377Yawn. Us leaf bros work hard. Nighty night. Let’s wrap this up and pack it in.

Attached: yougotafriendintrump.png (828x816, 137.78K)

>>272319302I can only read about half of it. Don't worry friendo whoever wrote it has really bad handwriting.

>>272324725That looks like something out of Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. NYT actively interfering in politics and elections.

>>272332106Dude. Wait until you see the rest. Can't believe the shit that was in the thread that just capped

>>272332261Previous bread for other anons amusement

>>272316595Hey guys, we're all getting sleepy, right? There isn't even anything "juicy" in here. It's all stuff that has been seen already and common knowledge. Grow herbs in the the options field.

Someone posted a MEGA of the PDFs in the last threadmega.nz/file/LZZClKqa#CYOH2OLnDNwltg-hSIUDQCyTeJ45L8QmiA-PNFUr7AA

>>272333093Nice work user

I know this info was already out but damn why was George Floyd on so much shit?[One of the PDFs was the autopsy]

Attached: file.png (639x278, 41.11K)

>>272324799Dump your savings into link

>>272324927ThisOP has "discovered" manual searching of internal files.

>>272324231Looks like publicly available documents for the most part.

>>272316595Could someone please post link to last thread to shut these shills the fuck up

Previous thread>>272293725

>>272316595Link to last thread >>272293725

>>272325873I'm sure you speak mostly in nigger runes or as your generation calls them emojis.


>>272319302I can read shit like that if I have the actual document, but reading a scanned version is damn near impossible. Anybody who says they can easily read it is lying.

>>272325873Indeed. That user is a dumbass.

Attached: file.png (375x88, 1.87K)

>>272323973>dude its just some dudes obitIt's a holographic will, you dumb Canadian fuck.

>>272324377>>272324818>>272325081>>272327265>>272327567>>272330633>>272331023>>272332738Shills use the "getting sleepy" meme to dogwhistle to anons which topics are over the target, aka important and likely soon 404d.

>>272333437long term glow op to get him on drugs to make sure he dies in an incident that starts the race warim talking out of my asswho knows, he probably was just a junkie low life which matches with robbery, probably for drug money and using counterfeit bills

>>272335302Tuck yer, igsorant niggoz?What the fuck does this mean?

>>272333733The various OPs of the threads have discovered Web 1.0

You're about to be bluepilled

>>272324431Makes sense, someone graduated with a thesis on meme energy and its influence in the elections back in 2016

>>272335216This, but but cannot deny it is disciplined penmanship.

only 1 hit for 4chan

Attached: file.png (816x305, 43.96K)

>>272333437He probably was carrying drugs when he was pulled over and consumed them all to try to hide the evidence.

int.nyt.com/data/documenthelper/165-kavanaugh-pickering-burck-08-1/0434826a0654ce40c55c/optimized/full.pdfLots of Kavanaugh emails from 2003, found when searching 'podesta.'



>>272336418more nsa related web.archive.org/web/20200426003600/https://int.nyt.com/data/documenthelper/6889-ruling-rejecting-challenge-to/dac41ce7f4450885c084/optimized/full.pdf

Attached: contributions.png (1070x573, 328.16K)

>>272316595Gas Alice Hines and Dean Baquet


>>272324729That's not news though. We already know this. He even got Epstein's money. Anything important that didn't get reported?

>>272324725did anyone dload this? does it have nyt letterhead?

Recent Violence in Portland Emblematic of Historic Clashes in the Regionweb.archive.org/web/20200803065049/https://int.nyt.com/data/documenttools/portland-intelligence-assessment/65e0a41de45b7abc/full.pdf

>>272316595From last bread

Attached: 1597276023427m.jpg (473x1024, 92.2K)

Software dev fag here.Fuck, why does shit like this happen after a 16 hour work marathon?But at the same time, it's better like this because I don't want to get v&.

>site:int.nyt.com covidint.nyt.com/data/documenthelper/6825-coronavirus-app-proposal-UK/76650ed3f249bf888f1e/optimized/full.pdf>Isolation and contact tracing as currently practiced is unlikely to prevent an epidemic.

>>272338680>implying anyone would get vanned for looking at theseThe Crimson Contagion draft paper has been used as a source on Wikipedia since June 29th en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Crimson_Contagion&oldid=965101486

>>272338680>software dev>looking at pdfs will get you v&where do you work so i can tell them they hired a retard

>>272337726>crimson contagionMasque of the Red Death

int.nyt.com/data/documenthelper/7018-state-dept-china-twitter-cambridge-coronavirus/73b1fd6791f23763b00d/optimized/full.pdf>Chink propaganda methodsHas anyone found the Xinjiang Papers yet?

>>272338680Sorry bud. You already had access to the hidden info. You're getting v& because you only used 6 proxies

>>272316595anything on the Carter Page FISA application?

>>272325873>Why would I want to be able to read what my ancestors wrote? You should really pic related.

Attached: 29043582903582904.png (523x174, 13.61K)


>>272316595site:int.nyt.com "confidential"


>>272323091It’s a 100 year old document, with poor scan quality and the writing itself doesn’t seem as clear as it could be. I can only make out bits here and there myself

int.nyt.com/data/documenthelper/6713-epsteinusvifiles/c69d45f8ff2d3bcd50d6/optimized/full.pdfSome Epstein Banking files based on the path

int.nyt.com/data/documenttools/zoom-link-judgement/5946aa837ff81503/full.pdf is this anything?


dated august 3, 2020


>>272317793>int.nyt.com/data/int-shared/nytdocs/docs/200/200.pdf63 year old here. It takes a minute to process a writer's individual style. This example takes a bit longer because of the blurry text. Go far enough back, like to the Constitution of the United States it even takes me a while.

>>272330989its been a field for decades you low IQ retard

>>272324927I want to see Russian peepee tape

>>272316595i found this gem, pic related.int.nyt.com/data/documenthelper/6541-mehlenbacher-harris-resignation-letter/f0475e62906e5d2056f8/optimized/full.pdf

Attached: kamalageneris.png (789x931, 481.48K)

Is this thread being slid?

>>272335422hey fuckwit retard how about you read my post. yeah nah another new fuckwit trying to fit in. fuck you illiterate cunts ruined this place

>>272331422When you are used to it it's very easy to read.Remember all these dumb text with mashed up words where your brain just recognizes letter and think of the word.It's the same here, once you've read enough of it, you'll read fast.It's just training. And he writes really well.

>>272316595int.nyt.com/data/documenthelper/7070-exhibit-final07072020/4b81216735f2203a08cb/optimized/full.pdffull george floyd transcripts

>>272345015int.nyt.com/data/documenthelper/6992-george-floyd-full-autopsy/4c5bdf52fbbd775ce156/optimized/full.pdfthere's this too, not sure if it's any more full than the one available from the hennepin county website

int.nyt.com/data/documenthelper/6879-2020-covid-19-red-dawn-rising/66f590d5cd41e11bea0f/optimized/full.pdfthis is a chain of covid emails from february onward

site:int.nyt.com "*" gives a few hits

bump i guess

>>272319302You can't read cursive?

>>272325873You don't need to desu. The other anons are just trying to pretend they are smarter because they can read cursive while niggers can't. If that is the one marker of intelligence they have, you can be sure they aren't intelligent

>>272326293As someone said earlier it was probably done with a fountain pen, so the bleed ended up making all the distinguishing features on most short letters kinda feather away. Maybe if it was stretched vertically to compensate it would be easier.

>>272330476They had more time to devote purely to these sort of things, user. Like if you asked people to rediscover shit that Euler did with mathematics, he was proving shit in days that took others years to just get approximations. Some people just view the world in ways others will never comprehend.

>>272337726This "experiment" is on wikipedia:en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crimson_Contagion

>>272319302You are fucking retardedKYS you black pilled debbie downer faggot

>>272316595>>272322189>keyworddid you know that EMBARGO means a temporary restriction on publication

>>272324725They're studying Holla Forums

>>272330989You are actually retarded. Go read a book.

>>272316595Did they discuss how the +600 unemployment REALLY worked?We were told it was going to people who lost their jobs from covid but it really went to people who had never worked or hadn't worked in years. I should have never gotten my shit together. I was working like a sucker while people were rioting and looting and the government was paying them. The whole thing has depressed the fuck out of me when I was just starting to feel good about myself.

>>272317793>>272319302Something about negroes.

>>272324038Enough with this bait shit. They're going to say all the same shit no matter what anyone does and half of the country will believe it no matter what anyone does.People have been openly burning down cities and attacking people in the streets for months all while receiving 600 a week while we work like assholes. There is no rule of law anymore.


>>272324431bitch, where's the link at?

>>272351079read the thread nigger>here:>>272324725

>>272324927But trust da plan!!! I'm Qoooooming!!

>>272330184Fuck you, I messed up the + and - operator.I did the same thing earlier today and fucked up but caught it, on a fucking 200 line powershell script. So thanks user. Fuck you.

>>272316595Yall bitches better download thisI'm going to sleep

This GLOWS. Fuvking newfags, should do yourselves a solid and spend maybe 5 to 10 minutes looking into the Sarah Palin incident.

Attached: !im-not-clicking-on-that.jpg (1080x1080, 509.76K)

>>272316595>1 post by IDOf course. Unfortunately, many of you fell for the bait.


Attached: Screen-Shot-2020-08-06-at-1.21.47-PM.png (1006x568, 1.05M)


"NOT FOR PUBLIC RELEASE" ahahhahahahah

Attached: notpublicrelease.png (733x138, 16.42K)


Attached: tenor (3).gif (316x236, 577.34K)

>>272355050read then report why it wont be released.It is about the disabled in mexico. this has been accesible for weeks. multiple forums reported it. Nyt hasn't closed it.nothing or ip farming. waste your time.


>>272324668>>272325323>>272341420I literally didn't learn cursive, they don't teach it in mostly black schools. By the time I had transferred to a better school in the 5th grade they'd already been done teaching it. I don't think a lot of people know what they teach in mostly black schools, it's a lot of fucking worthless garbage. They start teaching slavery and wypipo evil by the 3rd grade to black kids so it's no wonder why niggers are so resentful. All white teachers btw, blame your own race for literally putting this shit into prepubescent heads.

>>272319302Mate, you're showing us all up

>>272317793News flash, it's not talking about the time period you think. "Upon my execution"? Who are they talking about? This shit is fabricated and it looks as if someone may be "suicided". Fuck these people.