Vancouver Holla Forums IRL

Part: 2Is it happening again?Will be there 7 pm Let's do it.

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See you there frens

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I wish I lived in Vancouver buckos

>>272304241Anons assemble!

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>>272303899>the chinks think it's a real edible orcaThe absolute state.

>>272304548Wish u did too. The more the merrier.Part 1 was a success, hope some of the guys who were planning on coming last time see this thread.

>>272304601Stop skipped leg day, bunch of faggy twinks

>>272305097Honestly wouldn't blame them for trying have you seen our in-store prices? This is the absolute cheapest value pack...

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What the fuck is happening now?

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>>272307281At least we show up. Mutts never do shit. >Loool look at blm destroying the libtards cities taking the streets and tearing down our heritage. Glad I don't live there not my problem. Also >Come and take them Oh they willIt's time to get off your ass and organize. Even if it's just to establish the foundation of a network with other based individuals.Holla Forums meetups are the way forward. Make one in your area and bring a squat rack if that's your political perogative lol.

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>>272307814Vanpol meetup part: 2Just a couple of anons getting together to shoot the shit and maybe have some drinks.Meeting at the Minecraft orca @ 7pm. Show up faggot.

is it really happening???

>>272303899CheckedI'd meet if it were a weekend

>>272309220To short notice and to far away. I'm across the river in Indiaville. Maybe next time, sounds pretty fun tho.

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>>272309223It's happening AGAIN! Got confirmation from 3 others so far. The guy who took these from last time though haven't heard from.

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>>272310089hawaii here cheking in

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>>272309584>>272309881Check back the thread in a bit, some of the guys are IP banned so I'll talk to them might set up another one this weekend if at least 3 of us are free.

>>272310376Word up man. See you there?

>meeting Holla Forumsacks in fucking cucknadaSounds like a terrible idea Fucking hard enough already keeping your power level underwraps

>>272310672AS GOD AS MY WITNESS I WILL ARRIVE SHINY AND CHROME probably show latest 7:30

>>272310819In Vancouver of all places too

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Is this a asian/hapa meetup?There are no whites left in Vanc

>>272312214Assume they do, don't show faces. God speed from the east coast.

>>272305110yea i missed it with work and ill miss it again.fuck

>>272310089basedi recognize those socks!

>>272303899Ayy this again

>>272303899I'm going again. See you there faggots.Ignore the demoralization shills.Anons meeting up makes kikes afraid.

>>272311919With all the chinks driving, you would not believe the shit we think daily.

Bumping for leafs

>>272310819>>272312214Demoralization schitzo shills. I know it's safe with the people who actually show cause I'm a schitzo as well, I've covered my bases. The only thing that's not safe is I'm still sketched about some antifa seeing this, and going to take all our pictures. What the government would do rather more likely is send a couple people to pose as allies, gain intelligence that we were not doing anything illigal and if we were not, try and deradicalize our unpalatable political positions. That's what I would do if I were the government. Or subvert the meetup to force us to join or create some controlled opposition. Theres 5 of us from the first meetup. 2 of the guys knew each other before the meetup and one of those two I recognized from highschool. So it's at least 3 who I'm 99% certain of the other two I'm also 95% sure of because a) they redpilled me about some things why would a CSIS try to radicalize me more? Unless they were trying to actually radicalize us and create a false flag attack. For propaganda purposes Also any CSIS who shows up is gonna get redpilled. They will not be able to deny the truth. Subvert the subversive.

>>272312813>>272312214Also ya, In this day and age just mask and sunglasses and u Gucci.

>>272304601KEKpurely based on clothes i know what id be dealing with.hopefully see ya on the next meetup ladsGODSPEED

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>>272309006Only organize if you arent a skinnyfat slob or incel. It's all about optics, optics, optics


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>>272303899K I'll be there for 7

>>272315399dont worry, i fuck lots of squaws and i can lift a Np208 transfer case without breaking a sweat optics are good

>>272314816Not a demoralization shill.I just have a lot of clearances that can be revoked by stupid shit like this due to the current outrage culture.

>>272313259>>272314948Its fully intentional by the way. The fact that it's unfashionable is the point.

>>272316002ill wear some nice clothes this time

>>272316002Well, not the total point. It's more nuanced then that. I couldn't explain it honestly without either writing a fucking book in here or sounding like a total faggot. Point is I know how it looks.

>>272303899If I still lived in that dystopia I’d be there. God speed anons

>>272314074I'm omw faggots. Better show up. Lets get fucking donairs and go plays some pool.

>>272314181This. Chink drivers send everyone over the edge.

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>>272316002you guys agreed to dress up like HAM radio operators?

>>272307612i live in southern ontario and ive never seen prices like this in store locations except maybe premium grocery stores like sobeys

>>272303899Will this be a regular thing?


>>272317435Yes. And its gonna keep working and it'll inspire all you faggots in other cities to start one and then it'll make the americans feel second class and they'll do it too and NA will be based. Now get movin.


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>>272316144I'm going the other way. Just how I was feeling today. I look like a fucking Croatian gangster. Lol >>272317066Can only speak for myself(socks guy), but ya pretty much.

>>272316544I'm down


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>>272318208socks guy we will be friends and allies very soon!

>>272303899The power of fellowship shall prevail

>>272304601Which one of u faggots smells the most like dried cummies

>>272303899Someone needs to turn that orca statue into a Moonman statue for the lulzin minecraft of course

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>>272309006You need to wash your hands more

>>272319315Buddy is a mechanic, get off his dick.

>>272319473So am I and I practice basic hygiene

>>272312433Batzoirg poster up top is unironically a Chang. He was the only one last time though. But of our crew from last time, rest is European, we got a Frogcanadian, an Eternal anglo, Kraut, and a Turkroach Rapebaby. (based Greek bro)U gonna come?

>>272318384You coming?

hawaii here, im gonna be late just text me if ur gonna move around

>>272303899Damn. I would come but I live 5 hours away. I like the idea of us organizing in real life but it is risky.

>>272320157you lost me at turkroachbut a white south african faction will join the ranks soon enough

>>272320308next meetup.working

>>272303899I will be buying 6 subway footlongs. Please give me your orders now and I will buy them. I am heading out very soon!

We're meeting at the Ivanhoe. I'm the guy with the large beard.

Will Rewcastle faked having cancer to get a date with a Stacy, and is a total incel.

>>272321147He's Greek with blue eyes. I was poking fun at him. Jesus. Lol

I think it’s really cool that you guys are doing this. Be safe and good luck to yous. Have a meme.

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>>272321245This guy again.lolAnyway I'm heading out now. Prob be a little late also 10 past 7 eta

I got here early whoops

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>>272321911im gonna b there at 730 i made the thread last time wait for me or ill rape your dog


Any of you fags in a hawaiian t shirt?

>>272303899I'm out of the loop, what are you lads up to

>>272324167Grabbing beers

>>272310089God I'd like to get my hands on those calves

>>272324167Anon meeting

>>272324272We have a mutt in our midst

>>272309006why is your finger so dirty, did you just finger the other anons butt or something

>>272310376Bolt in your rear axle ffs

Is it cool if a Lefty tags along?

>>272309006dude wtf wash your fucking hands you filthy unclean peasant

>>272324534it let go, the g80 fucked it yet again


>>272324738On behalf off all CancucksNO

>>272324899faggot thats my hand im a mechanic and i work hard

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>>272324251>>272324303Have fun boys. Go Canucks

en route pls wait

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>>272323107>rape your dogThat's his inner roach coming out pay it no mind


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>>272325400Good stuff. Tell that fucker who the boss is.

wish there was a victoria meet up

>>272304548>>I wish I lived in Vancouver buckosJust join one of the tent cities in Vancouver.

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>>272325400stop working start neetbux

>>272326141Make one nigger. Thats the point we inspiring you faggots.>>272326062We'll wait. Toast after you get here.

>>272325400i'm literally jacking off to your hand pic. #nohomo , just testing the power of my will

Imagine not getting your hands dirty. Neets disgust me.

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>>272326296thanks my NIGGER

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I'm jealous if I lived anywhere near there I'd go.

>>272325400You look like a shitskin

>>272325400How many wrenches can you fit up your ass?

>>272326596HERE HEREpost trucks mods are asleep

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>>272326748im half greek what do you expect

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Im too far away today, how old are the people showing up for this anyways kek?

but why do we need masks? it's much better when we can see each other's faces.

>>272326596that's pretty shortsighted of you. the more neets the sooner this kike system implodes. In a way i am sacrificing the joy of a fulfilling job for the greater good. I am dare i say extremely high IQ ,redpilled and unfathomably based

>>272325781this user makes me scared to meet up

>>272327080wearing jewelry is extremely gay and degenerate. repent. Men who wear necklaces/rings are closet faggots

>>272327208no you are just a faggot living in a basement

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>>272326141Ill go if someone makes a thread. just by the empress hotel or something?

>>272327392lmao so yer a neet and you dont like to be stylish? wow you must be a hit with the ladies

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Aw fuck I just saw this thread and I'm in Langley right now.I'd love to hang out with you guys.


>>272327516ahhh vic is such a nice place, havent been in ages, i love the surplus store

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>>272327929its a fucking iron cross second class from the great war, if you dont have one you cant call your self an imperialist

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>>272327756>>272327516>>272327080>>272326596>>272326117>>272325025>>272321129Yoo, brothas, any hot chink girls you hittin'?

>>272328172nah, i was fucking my sisters jap friend for a while but she went back to nip land

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>>272328358BasedI love this city because there's so many japanese girls

women are dumb stupid whores and only good for reproduction.You dressing up like a fag to impress them doesn't make it any less gay. I impregnated a cunt a decade ago. I did what i have to do. don't see the kid though , don't want to, she was a whore and the kid can take care of himself and if he can't he doesn't deserve to live.

>>272326832That looks familiar. Are you by chance a plumber?

>>272327208Meme flag. Once the system imposes what are you going to do you unskilled faggot?

>>272328150The cross is based, everything else is gay

>>272328604you are an angry man, i wish the best for you. but right now you are not getting anywhere cussing out a 22 year old over 4chan buddy

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>>272328677Family is fairly rich. have neck injury. enjoying neetbux. neck doesn't really bother me though. working is retarded while this kiked system is runningI am an ex journalist. worked for a shitty local newspaper. boring stories boring work. Not motivated either to be honest. My country is packed with nigggers muslims and faggots, why would i bother beingg productive ?

>>272326141>>272326296>>272327516>>272327986fugg it I made a thread>>272329029

>>272303899Aw shit. Was there last week.

>>272329127Pick up a fucking wrench, network with actual useful whites instead of being a useless piece of a shit. Your neck is a bullshit excuse you tell yourself for being a lazy leeching faggot.

>>272329002nothing like some good old back and forth shitposting.Not really an angry man. I simply don't care much and never have even when i was young. Modern society is unnatural and drains the life out of my soul. i'm just hoping something big happens during my lifetime. not on a personal level. would love to see some kikes and niggers get roped. Might grab a gun and blast some nigs if i feel like it's time to checkout

This is cool. I don't live in Vancouver but good luck frens I hope this gains momentum

>>272329583'usefull whites' , yeah ok buddy, do you mean the retarded naziboys doing coke and beer? Or the other ones who are married and have kids and thus can't afford to step out of line?nothing ever happens

I need ideas on a subtle banner to have above/printed on a shade gazebo any ideas?Feel like without at least a bit of a setup most anons wont commit

>>272328358You're all gonna be chinks in the future, but at least you can hit some nice chink pussy. Better than in Europe desu

I live near the minecraft orca but meetups are too CIA nigger for me, I already know who the 'fascists' are in my neighborhood we just naturally gravitate towards each other

>>272329809What a cope. Basement fascist thinks he can talk shit about anyone else. Pic related, its you after the system comes down

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For the baity baitWould this be a noticeable dog whistle If frens were to meet up? Public gatherings are almost banned here but a few mates getting together to talk about fishing shouldn’t be seen as an issue

>>272330307At least i am comfy and i get to coom and i don't have to work some pleb niggerjob. wou ldn't mind going out like that

who the fuck goes out on a wednesdaylets set one for friday niggers

>>272330482On second thought putting bait in the title isn’t a good idea fuck...

Ignore demoralizing shills

>>272303899bc fags all goto the same glory hole but dont wear masks to stick it to antifa , just admit youre gay

>>272314816I have been to one patriot meetup and they have a weird schism glow niggers are internationalAmerican glow niggers here pretend to be vets and shit and really just observe and mildly agree with whatever you say Australian ones stand out as cops so clearly most people in the group just ignore them Then you have the people who are energetic to get something done and because of the glow nigger psyop most peoples go to attitude is to ignore them too Really just ends up being a fuse without a match... I never hung around long enough to see if it’s just a passive front for something actually useful

>>272331470You basically just do what Hitler did in the early days and organize beer hall meetings, slowly build your own SA then one of you gets elected and your beer hall SA turns into the SS

>>272312214>implying this entire Holla Forums meetup isn't just csis agents using Holla Forums to meet up for crazy weekendswhat do you think they get up to? looking up other Holla Forums users and shit talking them?

>>272331782Our church gatherings are currently banned mate (((corona virus))) doubt we could organise anything RegularI actually think that is the true intention of it... most anons were ready to start organising so they jam packed as much bullshit into 2020 to flip the table

>>272303899well snap. if i had more notice id have driven down from squampton :(welp, back to lurk biz 24/7godspeed gentlemen!

>>272328604I hate calling people incels but man you really take the cake.

>>272318208whadaya know, I AM a (50% pure) croatian gangster!

>>272326205Thought about it in the past when I was a druggie

>>272325781I had those same fucking boots went through two pairs of them. Based user

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>>272332648favela nihgher wtf r u doing on Holla Forums ? ? ?aren't you supposed to be sniffing glue from a bag and try to make your sewerpipe a cozy place to live?

>>272326205based urban campers

>>272334553You should probably just kill yourself for real at this point. The absolute state of virgins

>>272304601Nice shoes and shorts, did your mama get you those?

>>272328604Fucking based. You pay child support? I want to knock up a chick and then pce out. Don't want to pay a whore gibs though kek.

>>272309006Lmao you fucking menial labour faggot

>>272337374dude don't, you'd be making a huge mistake if you did. Plus you can't redpill your own offspring if you peace out. That's the real pearl of being a father, not some weak take on darwinian-passing-on-the-genes meme

>>272338062Yea save the cuck speech for the moralfags. My child is being born into a le 50% white country, what would redpilling him do? I just want to pass my genes on and not have to bother with the modern day woman. If I could I would run around and knock up every single woman I saw through mass rape. Thats based and redpilled senpai.

>>272329197Fuck yeah user.

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>>272303899There comes a timeWhen we heed a certain callWhen the world must come together as oneThere are people dyingOh, and it's time to lend a hand to lifeThe greatest gift of allWe can't go onPretending day-by-dayThat someone, somewhere soon make a changeWe're all a part of God's great big familyAnd the truth, you know, love is all we needWe are the worldWe are the childrenWe are the ones who make a brighter day, so let's start givingThere's a choice we're makingWe're saving our own livesIt's true we'll make a better day, just you and meOh, send them your heartSo they know that someone caresAnd their lives will be stronger and freeAs God has shown us by turning stones to breadAnd so we all must lend a helping handWe are the worldWe are the childrenWe are the ones who make a brighter day, so let's start givingOh, there's a choice we're makingWe're saving our own livesIt's true we'll make a better day, just you and me

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>>272340217mental gymnastics on your part. Moron.

>>272340784This this handshake thing what Stalin and Churchill did and Treudeu and Obama

>>272341329Kike. It went well. We are done for the night. Wednesdsy in 2 weeks we are meeting again.

>>272339125Fucking based I want to do one of these in Arizona

>>272309006Look at those hammy fucking legs, it’s like walking past the meat section of Kroger

>>272346964What's the in store price on those legs

>>272309006I kind of agree.

>>272310089>>272304601I bet at least 2 dudes there are some sort of self hating non white who happens to have less brown skin. I’m looking at you Rajeev

>>272303899Gl seems like a lot of fun

North van user reporting in.

>>272304601>>272304241>>272303899I live on the Blaine border and want to hang out with you guys. I can come over Add me on discord Molly Low#0827

>>272347182I was wondering about this too. There's this guy that I know in van that is very very brainwashed, but I can't blame him because he's brown. What if there's a way to get these people in, redpill them, and include them without them hating themselves? I do subscribe to race realism so it's a crapshoot, but otherwise they're mostly good people. Once a person breaks away from seeing only the narrative of racism as white = best, it's far easier to be realistic and open dialogue that's more human. Point being: subspecies exist for every species but humans, and that's wrong. Galapagos finches are different but not less than north american finches.

>>272348140ayy based washington fren

>>272346337Then do it. This was the fourth time I've met people from pol in random meetups. Every time it has been based.

>>272348687what do you guys do?

>>2723481941 chang otherwise all european

>>272304601>>272304601Holy shit you guys look like you are about to play dungeons and dragons and then watch Harold and Coomer

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>>272309006Ugly hands and he looks like he is fat and probably wearing a fedora

>>272348863That sounds rad.

>>272348712we meet up, do a toast and say fuck niggers fuck kikes fuck trannies and especially fuck the jannies, then we grab a couple beers and shoot the shit sonewhere we can rant about redpilled shit without being bothered. We exchange contact info and talk in a telegram. The idea is to make a based community of friends who can get each other jobs and help our people prosper.Rebuild the communities we wish we had

>>272348974No to both of those>>272348863I'd be down for D&D

>>272349027You have to have charisma to persuade people. You cant be a vans slip-on wearing chubby sperg with a neck beard. Hitler was a Chad and was actually captivating. If anything you will draw people away from the movement and push them to the left just by your cringe appearance,

>>272307281Based QT twinks.

>>272349027Fuck that sounds so awesome. You guys are awesome for wanting to meet up. I've been saying for years we need to organise more but it's hard, and I live in a small city in the interior so it's especially difficult. Wish I could join in.

>>272343573What gymnastics retard? You're a simp for women and think "redpilling" your children will change anything. When your kid is 20 years old Canada will be 50% or even less white. Gonna race war to genocide 30 millions people lmao? Delusional moralfags.

>>272349224This is also very true

>>272349301Fuck off faggot.

>>272303899How do I know this is now CSIS?

>>272348780Changs can be based. That HK thread from yesterday that the jannies pruned was more based than any mutt thread I've seen all week.

>>272349444*not CSIS

>>272349352Yeah and any child is really going to have a vested interest in his nation and people when his own father abandons him. Stop pretending you are white, because whites actually protect their communities and families. You on the other hand, have the spirit and mentality of a subhuman nigger. You are 100% no different than a nigger. You just bring into this world a bunch of resentful dropouts who in turn take their frustration out on the world because they never had a male role model or anyone to give them guidance. You pretend that you are concerned about the welfare of your race, but everything that you do and everything that you preach contributes to its decline. Get the fuck out of Canada nigger and go back to Africa where you belong.

>>272349352how can you actually be that stupid. Calling shill now. kys

>>272349224You certainly come across as charismatic. You didn't come out and judge the appearances of people you haven't even seen.You certainly won't be rallying the troops. I'm gonna carry on with what I'm doing, its working.

>>272349671based user. but this poster is either csis or a nigger

>>272349320we want to inspire copycats. We are proving to the rest of you anons that meetups can work and aren't scary.We are not alone, thats jewish demoralization shilling.

>>272349806Dude you can work on propaganda posters or something, but please, do not show your face at the recruitment center or you will just repel people. Also >>272328604>> " I did what i have to do. don't see the kid though">> I did what I have to doNigger confirmed

>>272350128Again you haven't seen my face or know who I am and I have yet to see you devote even 30 seconds to actually improving our lot and not just posting demoralization.

>>272349671>>272349705>muh niggers>muh shills>t. simps for whores, contributes to kike system, and breeds more slaves for jews to controlResentful dropouts sounds based, whats your plan anyways retard? Day of the cope? One day bro, its coming!!! This country is dead and pretending otherwise is a full on cope. 50% white by 2040, at that point children being born with be something like 90% non white. Your grandchildren will be the only white kids in school kek, race war soon brother! LARPing retards.

>>272350128just stop replying to him. notice how he changed his flag? they're a nigger>>272350093I want to be friends with you

>>272303899Vancouverites of Holla Forums (and everyone else), Do you know for sure that you'd go to heaven and have eternal life if you died tonight?If not, here's how. Ask Jesus to save you from your heart.

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>>272304601noice socks

>>272350344>>272350344I know who you are. I am the eyes and ears of the establishment. Most cooks are not beautiful, the front of house is. Most tech support workers are not beautiful, but salesman and those who work in advertising are. Hey, sometimes someone who isn't necessarily the most attractive can compensate for it by being dominant socially. But if you lack either of these essential qualities for garnering support, then you need to assume a useful position where you will be able to provide some value. People are usually fit for one thing or another. People are not equal and you cannot just shuffle individuals around in random positions that do not correspond to their abilities and expect the same results.

>>272350616>this post was made by that one old chink with the sign hanging off him saying "REPENT"Fucking hell you're here too?

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mandatory masks at walmart now. wtf bros?

>>272349839Why not both? It is Canada after all.

>>272350616Get the fuck off of this thread you Christ cuck faggot. Christianity was the Communism of antiquity. "HUR HUR HUR BUT MUH SYNOGOGUE OF SATAN"Yeah, and Karl Marx wrote an entire book on the Jewish question. Are you going to worship Marx now too, faggot? >>b-b-b-but, Jesus whipped out the Jewish capitalists from the temple! BASED!

>>272350790another csis or did you just change your ip?

>>272350712Nice larp. I have above average charisma and form the central nexus of my social circles. Thats why the people like myself are meeting up while you are sitting in the peanut gallery talking shit.>>272350518Anon we can be frens.

>>272350915>>272350712>>272350128>when the LARPer actually believes his own LARPKek

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>>272351114we ought to start a Signal chat or something. More secure than telegram

>>272351265I recommended signal initially cause I already had it. No idea which is better.Game for both.

>>272351630we could hop to maintain anonymity to a degree. start with discord, then move to telegram or signal


>>272352243We have 2 out of the 3 mentioned.But user maintaining anonymity is not a long term goal. I expect to be doxed as a result of this. We are moving to IRL, the people I have met know my face and name. Of the 7 of us that've met up I know 3 of them from other places, which was a happy fluke that helped facilitate trust but this is still us throwing in our hand and publically standing for what we believe.How much more open can you be than posting to randoms online, meeting up with said randoms in a public space, using real names, giving them your phone number, talking about family and IRL events, and self doxing your posts in the thread to these randoms. We crossed the anonymity line already.

>>272353684yeah, I see what you mean. Unfortunately I'm not willing to dox myself before any meeting even happens and I think there's no reason why we can't find a way around that because it's going to drive away a lot of potential supporters

is there a window before this door closes?

>>272353684so what was the point? Just to doxx eachother?

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>>272354839You don't reveal yourself before a meeting. You show up we see you, you use a fake name or not but if you want to help set up the next meeting its recommended you give your phonenumber to someone so you get on telegram.The process doxes you as a natural process of meeting everyone but you don't arrive predoxed. There's not really a system, we've been meeting up in a circle next to the orca and talking until we feel no one else will come then leaving.

>>272312214Not if hockey is on.

>>272318780nope.Canadians honour orcas, our based sea come here and fuck with an orca, minecraftt or otherwise, and it'll be a sorry day for you, fren

Op here, just got back home. Good shit guys. Cya in 2 weeks. Surprised this is still up desu.

>>27232716720-35 most I would estimate seem late 20s. we would try to welcome u though even if your far outside of the demographic.

>>272330194Good for you but honestly just show up once. U can wear a mask and sunglasses and use a fake name. We'll give you a bit of shit but just come and see. Noone does anything on Wednesdays. Just walk down there at least.

>>272330553That's exactly the reason why we meeting on Wednesday. Nothing ever happens on Wednesday so most people are free. People always already have plans Friday/weekend.

>>272332538Two weeks from now same deal. Be there.