Spread it lads, we've won


Attached: JOE.jpg (893x676, 52.44K)

Other urls found in this thread:

keepsaveit.com/help/download?url=https://imgur.com/KAXfcy9.mp4&title=The magic of the Internet.mp4&link=https://i.imgur.com/KAXfcy9.mp4

He got hair plugs? He definitely has more hair now.

>>265077400Kek. unfortunately, it wont matter. Thats the part people forget. Npcs dont have logic.

>>265077400Is this real

Attached: cat.gif (368x368, 3.34M)

>>265077791Yeah he probably said all those things for real but it gives no context

>>265077400He was quoting but still can be used. Also that wasn’t the full clip.

Attached: 78AC6132-642B-49E8-992A-0BEFE5878099.png (306x294, 125.93K)

he is reading a quote

>>265077400Fuck off, nobody is going to take the bait. Trolling belongs on Holla Forums, GTFO.

>>265077904he said nigger twiceIsn't that alone enough context for two beatdowns at macys?

>>265078161It hurt papa john when it was out of context.

Nobody's going to push this

>>265078161That's Russian troll logicBlack people don't care if you say nigger unless you mean it as an insult

Is he...Dare i say it....*snickers*>Stares through your monitorSlash....Our...Ahem..Guy? Slash

>>265078161Even if it could be spun effectively like look joe biden said nigger etc. He'll get a pass in the media. Who will shill for him hard. I mean it looks like hes reading something.

>>265078161Nah thats a slushie in the face at wetzel pretzel

>>265077400BASED AND NIG PILLEDREMEMBER ANONS:>but he was quoting someone!>there is no context in which saying that word is OK

>>265077400He was quoting someone so I don't think it's the smoking gun that you're hoping it will be.

>>265078030He read it into the official record>Sysfucking>temic

wow hes basedim voting for him


>>265078436If its ok to quote it im going to call everyone a nigger and say As said by joe biden. At the end of every nigger word as said by joe biden

>>265077791yes, as real as Belle's mouth herpes

Attached: belle.jpg (201x251, 6.97K)

>>265077570Yeah he absolutely didEspecially since his hairline is pretty strong and combed backwards to cover the large bald spot (ran out of good donor hair)

Here it is on YouTubeyoutu.be/b6ZauP45D_c


>>265077400praise kek

he could have said 'n-word' or use the soft 'r' :/ dissapointed at biden!

>>265077400Is this supposed to be pro or anti-Biden?

You had to be a bigshot, dinduYou had open up your mouth


Attached: flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg (750x1000, 81.2K)

c-span.org/video/?c4854577/user-clip-1985-hearing-joe-biden-wordThis provides more context as to what's going on.

>>265077791It's real but he's quoting someone. However notice how naturally it flows from his lips.

lel whats the context of this, sounds like he's quoting someone else.

>>265078897Theres apps for that user

>>265078656What is the context?

>>265077400For effective memetic spread, edit the words "You ain't black" and "Nigger" at the end of it. Instant gold. You're welcome.

>>265078972He wanted to look cool in front of Holla Forums

>>265078633Kek, I'd rather have a widow's peak and no giant bald spot on the back than what he has now. Good reference for the future if I ever lose my hair. Biden actually gave me something positive I can use by showing me exactly what NOT to do

>>265077400wtf I love Joe Biden now

>>265077791Sneed cat is love, sneed cat is life.

>>265078962papa johns founder was also quoting, or simply referring to the word nigger, but was still met with demands to step down as ceo.

>>265078424And what would people think of the media hipocrisy towards biden?Unrelated question, is optics an important factor in politics?These fucking shills make me laugh, i hope you anons dont fall for these blackedpilled fags

>>265078467Unfortunately, you may be correct.Context only matters for their own.What's it going to hurt to spread it around though? The Sub-90 IQ crew that inhabits much of facebook/twitter/etc. is unlikely to be able to fathom context so...it may work on some people.

>>265079012Please God someone do this

>>265078310>Russian trollyou have to go back

>>265077400>cuckservatives still playing by the left's playbook>"look! look! he said wrongthink! surely this will cost him votes because his voters are intellectually honest."You never learn.

>>265078626what do you think her fingers smell like?

Attached: BD.jpg (4000x2668, 1007.17K)

>>265077400>>265078161>>265078231BLM won't like this>Joe Biden Describes United Daughters Of The Confederacy As Many "Fine People" c-span.org/video/?c4836566/user-clip-joe-biden-describes-united-daughters-confederacy-fine-people >ITS FUCKING HAPPENING BIDEN GRANDFATHER OWNED SLAVES>>264569621 >It looks like Biden has been caught doing some racismarchive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/262713370

>>265079012I will immediately sacrifice my Facebook page with 500k fans if this is done

>>265079251If its ok to quote then you can call anyone a nigger indirectly and then add the persons name youre quoting who said nigger

>>265079318>Left>Intellectual OR honestAbsolutely agree with you, that is funny as shit.


>>265078897use youtube-dl

>>265079385Hot dog water from the hot dog pack

>>265077745Blacks won't forget it even out of context

>>265077400Spread that shit everywhere. He is dead by morning.

>>265079293>>265079012Fucking legend

>>265078310>being this naiveThey're looking for excuses you stupid faggot

>>265079385You'd know if you left your mom's basement every once in a while

>>265077400wtf I love biden now

>>265077400holy shit. spread this


Attached: sidin' with sneed.jpg (1125x1428, 93.1K)

>>265078970Yeah let me just use my 334 kbps to install said apps. Didnt i fucking said im phoneposting? Ive seen plenty of edits, all uncompatible with twitter wtf

if Biden weren't senile I'd fucking love him! maybe he's just that right kind of senile and doesn't forget his hatred of niggers. I think that sort of thing is immune to dementia. an innate, almost primordial instinct.Trump's been too nigger loverish for my liking, maybe Biden would be more based

>>265078030Oh suddenly context matters now?


>>265078161he could have literally said this about obama in the 2008 primary and the media would ignore it until it became useful later (when its time to purge all whites from power). When the media ignores it most democrats will just assume its a conspiracy theory or whatever

>>265077400Remember to take the booger-pill.

>>265078161>beatdowns at macysnot during an election year.


>>265077400When is Trump going to post it on his Twitter? >Is he still playing 12D chess?


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>>265078972context? in 2020?


>>265079712Videos on twitter still go viral and amount millions of views and retweets in a day. Its all about how many people are talking about it, not what the media says. Do you even into memetics?

>>265078424Did you see how comfortably he said it?? Didn't even have to read itThis is a white supremacist

>>265079616holy fuck do we need to hold your hand for everything?keepsaveit.com/help/download?url=https://imgur.com/KAXfcy9.mp4&title=The magic of the Internet.mp4&link=https://i.imgur.com/KAXfcy9.mp4

>>265078030So it's not even his own words and it wouldn't matter anyways lmao.


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>>265079385Black cock

>>265077791The cat is real, the Biden N word tape unfortunately is manipulated media.


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>>265079385Probably like 3 day old fish. I don't know why but that kind of woman always has a nasty smelling/tasting pussy.

>>265077400wtf i’m ridin with biden now. also>probably quoting someone, not actually saying italso>even if biden said i’m going to exterminate every last nigger on national tv niggers would still vote for him because they’re obedient ZOGslaves

>>265078972Marion Barry liked to smoke crack rocks

>>265079850her feet have downs syndrome

Attached: Belle_foot.jpg (8746x2562, 3.99M)


>>265078030I don't care if he was lip syncing or a goddamned puppet, the NIGGER hard R was uttered while his lips were flapping, ipso facto, he said NIGGER. Now he toes the goddamned line.

>>265077791Bro, fuck Biden. Is that cat really dancing?

>>265077400Jesse Robinette apparently owned slaves. Biden great grandpa or something.

>>265080047Bull fucking shit it wont. White people cant quote rap songs this shit is no different if this gets memed hard enough he'll get thrown to the fucking wolves.

Attached: 1588348942168.png (673x955, 579.57K)


The execute joggers for $20 of coke video finishes him. What’s the context to this one? He might be protesting at the use of the word for all you know until you’ve seen the proofs. In the crack vid we can see the context and it settles it for him. He’s done.Beware stuff has happened before at elections and we have been tricked. Like that french faggot President macron tricking us into translating a lot of worthless ‘leaked’ files just after we elected Trump last time and he was up for election vs LePennBEWAREActual politicians at work with big money now. I’m getting in bed so I don’t have time to check anything but some dreams.

>>265080346Mother of God. Her toes have the AIDS


>>265079012>>265079437HOLD THIS FAGGOT TO THIS! Sum one edit it and post the fucking "youre npt black Nigger" max kek

Attached: 1593105472614.jpg (576x1024, 124.08K)

Somebody send this to Skai Jackson she doesn't give a fuck about context

>>265079437Post page

>>265077570Probably back in the late 80s, around the time he got his first facelift.

>>265080623This. DO IT

>>265080346That's what most peoples feet look like. Feet are ugly and gross. Take note you retarded foot fags.

lul yawn this is nothing you retards. you'll help us ez>biden just asking a criminal if he say the n wordsare you this desperate? hahahaha

Remix this with the "you ain't black" sample into a catchy mash-up and intermix the video with clips of him smelling uncomfortable looking little girls.

>>265080504It doesnt fucking matter he said the fucking word. If someone edits that vid into like a placeboing song and memes him saying nigger over and over again hes fucked.

>>265079991oh i'm sure it could get views, make some funny memes etc, but the left/media uses past gotcha stuff to gain power, and ignore all cases that would hurt them (like the several black-face episodes, which is probably worse on the racist scale). and the ones who actually would get upset about him reading some quote with nigger in it think that trump is hitler and is literally telling the police to go shoot blacks in the street every day.

>>265080698Also this

>>265080451I don't see what he did wrong and honestly neither should any of you. Kek.

>>265080809>YOU AINT BLACK>NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER >YOU AINT BLACK>NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGERSomeone with some musical engineering chops throw that one onto youtube.

>>265080958What he did wrong was being a fuck face leftist faggot i want him fired. I want all my political enemies fired like the left has the ability to do. Time to go full saul alinsky on the left baby.

Attached: LargeGiganticIslandwhistler-small.gif (480x360, 126.6K)

youtu.be/3RpxJT5w7Tcsend to placeboing

Attached: 1592956700685.jpg (722x459, 45.35K)

/nbg/ - /nigger big-shot general/

It seriously won't matter, dude. You're a hypocrit for even trying to complain about it lmfao.

Sliding HARD kek at the Joe B general

>>265081543ok kike lmao saying nigger is a nono niggers don't like that remember that like all those people who got punched out and posted live on viral media this weekniggerniggernigger can't wait to have that video of your candidate saying "You ain't black nigger" with the hard R to a nice jungle beat complete with videos of him sniffing little nigger girls necks. Gonna be a motherfucking FUN day tomorrow lads

>>265078626can't unsee the herpes

Attached: ffd.jpg (165x115, 3.42K)

>>265081543>>265080958Lol look at this seething shill. Its working gents rev up those meme presses.

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>>265081696I ain't jewish, so go fuck yourself.

>>265078897phone posters go to hell

>>265077570Do you even listen to Rush?

>>265081811Ok schlomo god tomorrow will b great

Attached: 1592948324471.gif (220x220, 46.08K)

>>265079217And they replaced papa john with a magical negro giant.

>>265081811how weak an insult, go for something with gusto.try something with real digging power like kill yourself you kiked niggerfaggot pawn of the system

Attached: 8-574168954.png (500x522, 129.21K)

>>265080958the left takes a lot of things said by right wingers out of context.

>>265079385Doritos and betabux

>>265079385>im not a whore if i dont show my nipples! Daddy do you love me yet?Whores will hang, all of them.

>>265080004I dont want to download the video, i want an edited 9 second clip of him saying nigger. Either you dont care about sharing this video (so why are you in this thread), or you actually dont know how to edit videos and are currently deflecting.

>>265081808Your obvious desperation is laughable.

Attached: 1590343939374.jpg (657x527, 34.43K)

He said nigger literally make lemons into lemonade baby.

>>265082213>Daddy do you love me yet?>no dad

Attached: no_dad.jpg (1144x635, 80.72K)


>>265077979>>265078030Didn't papa johns get cancelled for reading a quote?

>>265082367Youre right im quite desperate. Im desperately trying to see some lulzy joe biden nigger memes.

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>>265079385How is this relevant to Biden saying nigger?Thanks for the bump though I guess.

Look, all I'm saying is you're wasting your time but at least the memes should be pretty funny.

>simps pay $35 a month for this

Attached: 1592677533319.jpg (5913x2668, 3.01M)

reminder that this thread is being slid

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>>265082870I think your fuckin around and your just joshin us. You wouldnt try and fuck around and josh respectable gentlemen on 4chan would you?

>>265082963Reminder to suck my wiener

lol like the democrats will care about this

>>265082219your phone doesn't support trimming videos? every modern smartphone does this, you tech illiterate. it's a standard mp4, supported by all software, and can be directly uploaded to twitter after editing. figure it out. i gave you more than enough info.

>>265082902>greek>maximus simpus>greekFuck i hate women.

>>265083147Hes a shill bro, same in other thread, when i was fucking 12 i could have figured this out on a 1.5 gb pc kek af

Attached: 1593124134418.png (630x472, 352.41K)

>>265083106>>265082870look, you clearly do care about this and I think it's going to be hilarious hearing the words "You ain't black nigger" put into a nice loop with other gaffes like 120 million dead and "My boss" hell, maybe they could get him to say "My boss Nigger" cause that'd be fucking great too. Just face it, him saying "Nigger" can now be inserted ANYWHERE anyone wants to exploit it with editing technology. That's the environment you've created and lived in for the last 5 years. You haven't even begun to see the meme engines spin up yet. We do it for the lulz

>>265083269>1.5 gb pcshut the fuck up tryhard zoomer fag

>>265083087Yeah honestly, I don't have a problem with you guys. You're all ok by me. I just wish you could all learn to love people easier. Truth is yes some people are trash and they might deserve to die. Sometimes though they can be redeemed and learn to be better and help others along with the process.

>>265078030hey you made the rules

>>265078897Get out of here filthy phonelurker

Attached: zach-braff-uses-hurricane-dorian-revive-scrubs-nostalgia.jpg (1600x1600, 305.85K)

"120 million Niggers have died from CovidniGGER"

Attached: 1580950991870.png (600x800, 315.91K)

>>265078030context doesn't matter

Attached: obamapyramid.gif (498x498, 2.83M)

>>265083687Lmfao zoomer you have no clue. Im not a fucking redditor, i only know half of these edge kiddy meme ass terms from my little brothers. To old fags yall are all gay little bitches. Bet you are a little teeny stormcuck arent you. Worried jamal is going to fuck your nonexisting bitch. KEK shits going to be funny af when it gets looped tomorrow, "youre not black if you dont vote for me nigger"

Attached: 1589941628231.png (700x1007, 801.06K)

>>265083501What do I care though? I really don't care much lol. By all means, the memes must flow. So let the memes flow.


Attached: 1592702076580.jpg (184x181, 23.94K)

>>265084178>Im not a fucking redditor, i only know half of these edge kiddy meme ass terms from my little brothers>meme flag

Attached: 1475795946667.jpg (284x337, 17.41K)

>>265084178Missed a comment after fags, lmao my bad. I got triggered because my "zoomer" little nigger ass brothers wont stop calling me boomer.. been doing this shit since you were in diapers fuck reddit spacing and format.

Attached: 1590222697286.png (1040x680, 968.6K)

>>265083269>>265083147>>265083173>>265083087>>265082470Here you go faggots>streamable.com/qa4drq

>>265077400I doubt a clip of Joe Biden reading a Donald Trump quote will be bad for him

>>265084386ok, do you want to play a game?

Attached: game theory modeling.gif (600x400, 772.51K)

>>265084525Thats it xD . This biden clip has you seething huh? It's going to be ok, there will always be work for shills. Also just incase you havent today, dilate faggot.My bad to all you fags for all my typos and shit

>>265084673Good job, we can do better though but it's a start.


Attached: a.png (603x1009, 506.21K)

>>265084930>>265084673Secondary Video:streamable.com/g8oonv

>>265084673Anon delivered, leave your dankest meme as tributeSo say we all

Attached: 12809702_1301794533180729_3236147290504836313_n.jpg (960x719, 136.88K)

>>265084178>>265084580shut the fuck up you computer illiterate retard. i'm talking about video formats and you're talking about RAM.>muh 1.5gbmy first modern computer was a Pentium II 233Mhz with 64MB of RAM.git gud zoom-zoom. learn to code. >>265084673watch these faggots be unable to download a video yet again

>>265077400>imgurFuck i hate that community its reddit on steroids.

>>265078626> sucking too much nigger dick apparently

Attached: tealc_amused.jpg (1024x576, 45.91K)

>>265077400So Biden is more based than Trump?


>>265085056Thats also really good. I would say cut out any context and just leave him saying>nigger>nigger

>>265085146Was talking about harddrive kid, looking at your posts i guess you arent a shill, just misjudging a lazy phoneposting faggot (me) yea mine was a penium 1 or 2 aswell 1.6 or 1.3 total hd and i remember helping my parents update to windows 98 gizmo kek. Someone needs to edit this clip good enough to really piss some lefties and normies off.

>>265077791How did they get the cat to do that?

>>265077400spam tucker and fox and OAN with this and his family owning slavesthe only way you win is beating the left at their own game. by their own rules it's NEVER ok to say nigger in any context

>>265085419SO SAY WE ALL

Attached: ).jpg (720x574, 31.55K)

>>265083147Oh dont worry i can do that, but i will only do it tomorrow. What im finding funny is the amount of tech savey anons on this thread who couldnt do it so it can be share on twitter. I did post one on twitter, but it was a shitty 3second sound bite that will trigger "muh out of context" responses. What i want is 6 additional seconds BEFORE those 3 seconds of him saying nigger, so lefties have to defend him on "muh its was diferent times". And yes my phone is very shitty, i cant even watch 3 webms in a row without it crashing. Fucking nigger get of this thread ill just do it myself tomorrow.


>>265078310But you are the russian troll?

>>265077979someone put it on Frankie McDonald's twitter feed

Attached: frankie.jpg (2048x1536, 369.77K)

>>265084789Hmm? Sure, what kind of game?

>>265085563No matter what you cant say nigger now or have been caught ever letting the word leave your lips unless youre black. Explain to me how this isnt the case

>>265083269Oh are you the faggot that shared it on twitter and then ignored multiple requests of anons to share the link? Also, why am i a shill? My request would have only helped this campaign.


>>265078310Stupid dumb newfag scum

>>265085777Checked, welcome to the game of life zoomer

Attached: thegame.jpg (450x360, 96.28K)

>>265084673>>265085056>>265085341>>265085419Make the "nigger" louder

>>265084178>yallSo the shill calls other people shills and is also a black woman from twitter?Every god damn time i guess


>>265077400Teenage girls are doxxed for sharing videos of them singing along to rap songs that include the word nigger.Here Biden is just straight up saying it. It doesn't matter if there's context. It doesn't matter if he's reading a quote.If the exact same footage surfaced of Trump reading a nigger quote it would be front page news.

>>265080766Lie, I sent a foot pic to several girls today and they told me my feet are beautiful

>>265078626If a girl with mouthherpes sucks your dick you can get dickherpesThe same thing happens when Rabbis suck babydicks

>>265078030How many times have the left taken things out of context? How does it feel now?

Dont forget his impression of Mr Obama when he first came to congress.

Attached: 1592592089373.png (519x308, 386.18K)

>>265077400wtf i actually want biden to win now, its a shame he's senile

>>265085488this isn't your blog, faggot

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>>265077570There's a reason Rush calls him plugs.

>>265085791Because you want the spin leftists will have to do to be as hard as possible.Saying the clip is out of context and the he was actually quoting some racist dude is a much easier spin than saying that what he did back then was acceptable compared to current times. This isn't even hard and I question your brain size

>>265086311This. They deserve this after what they did to normal people protesting the lockdowns, and when they cheered the blm protestors. They're fucking hypocrites who don't live to the standards they set for everyone. Force them to follow the rules.

>>265077400YES OH GOD YESI was getting scared like hell that we could actually lose this one but between this and #OBAMAGATE Biden is toast

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>>265085997Fuck u nigger, i made a twitter just to post this shit and atted a few famous ppl. Im just an old gamer who wants the commies and zionists to leave my country alone so my babies can have a bright future. The amount of shills proves the potency of this soundbyte, imafine if millions of leftist and normies hear him say nigger.

Attached: 15932373983511460400210838680028.jpg (4032x3024, 3.06M)

>>265086621So share the linkHave those hand ever been outside? Jeez


>>265078964awesome, so I should be able to get on the TV news and say "Joe Biden said the word nigger in 1985, twice, when he was quoting someone else"and it would be fine?


>>265077400He's obviously reading something someone else wrote or quoted. Post the whole thing so people don't make asses of themselves sending this shit to relatives without verification of context.

>>265087062Local news does this kind of stuff all the time when the local middle schooler says nigger or writes a slur somewhere or whatever, they just have disclaimers saying like "The language you are about to hear is of a graphic nature" and then they have an actual adult or school superintendent explain it more or less like you just did.


>>265078897>can only consoom media when its in the "twitter format" i keep asking god when

>>265078310>Black people don't care if you say nigger unless you mean it as an insultThey've spent the last month saying no white person can ever say it and hurling on to concrete anyone who apparently does

>>265079674is this shitty bait? we are the ones who stress the importance of context. mainstream media is the one that deliberately ignores context when it's inconvenient for them.

>>265080346she picks her toenails, maybe even bite them 8)

>>265089262>he doesn't know that political discourse is being decided on twitter

dude it's already common knowledge that biden said>i don't want my kids growing up my a racial jungle or some shit. With context it just makes that worse and here he's just quoting some dumb fuck. It's obvious at this point that no matter what biden does people aren't going to be swayed against voting for him.

>>265078808depends on who's side you're on

>HAHAH WE HAVE HIMSaid the insecure idiot for the 20th time this month aloneThis would totally negate ahem lets see:130k deaths from Covid 19 because Trump is oncompetentThe 15,x% jobless rate in the US25 trillion dollar debts the US currently hasThe riots he didnt care about and did NOTHING AT ALL

>>265077400>>265077570>>265077745>>265077791>>265077904>>265077979>>265078030>>265078129>>265078161>>265078231>>265078310>>265078321>>265078424>>265078428>>265078436>>265078467>>265078501>>265078507>>265078552>>265078600>>265078626>>265078633>>265078656>>265078713>>265078723>>265078782>>265078827>>265078897ITS NEVER OKyoutu.be/MrDdKnI3h1E

>>265079218they've covered up his sexual harassmentthey've covered up his corrupt financial movesthey're trying desperately to cover up his racism (which is surprisingly high even to me) they're losing on all fronts and people absolutely hate the media / lefty news more and morethat pushes them to internet news where they see these things left and rightthe left is having their faith in media destroyed completelynot just their trust or their obedience but their faithlet's all admit that we've been there years and years agoi'm not saying feel for them or forgive them but know that their angery outbursts eventually lead either here or death

Ridin' with Bidenfiles.catbox.moe/7lznq2.webm

>>265080958ok the kek at the end with proper capitalization and punctuation gave you awaybut to respond to your post we don't have a problem with itlefties however...

>>265077400we haven't won until all the communists are dead and all the hidden communists pretending to be liberals are tortured until they admit to being communists

>>265091517>we don't have a problem with itPump your breaks kid

Attached: 7857654.jpg (1280x720, 103.85K)

Biden is literally everything the left has accused Trump of.

>>265079608Finally, a fucking punchline to that cringe shit

>>265091635nowe on pol nor anybody that's anti biden has any problem with joe biden nigger repeatedly


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Biden is gonna get a lot of the same voters that Hillary got, and prolly a few new voters (fresh out of highschool, but not many, that age bracket usually doesn't vote that much), but he's gonna lose some that only voted for Hillary because she's a woman. He's gonna lose a lot of the black vote because of his racist past.He'll still get the RINO vote like Hillary did last time. He'll prolly lose even more of the Bernie Sander voters than Hillary did (this is now the second time they've been bamboozled, and more of them are likely to just not vote at all).Plus there's been more "awakenings" in the liberal community as a whole, people who realized they've been lied to. They'll either not vote or will vote for Trump.He'll prolly not get as much of the Hispanic vote as Hillary, simply because Trump has been deporting, blocking new arrivals (illegals) and cleaning up voter registries. All in all, it's not as bad a situation as it was during Hillary. Even their corona virus gambit might backfire on them, as it's more likely that their own side will be more likely to stay home because of corona virus fears (yes, the blm riots would seem to suggest otherwise, but those people are the ULTRA RADICALS, they'll show up for anything. Not all Democrats will risk it though, meanwhile, most Trump supporters think the virus is completely bogus).

>>265077745Oh well, still going to try. Trump needs to retweet this.


>>265078030"Poor kids are just as bright as white kids" Was he also just reading a quote? Biden fags are coping hard right now that their candidate is a pedo rapist. You're not black.Still voting Trump.

>>265078310Russia hoax was proven false desu. Read the House intel docs, king nigger lied about muh Russia.

As 'based' as he sounds, it's just proof that he's sold his soul to remain in power and keep shoveling in the shekels.

>>265080958>Please stop talking about Biden's racism. Pplease, i hate Trump and am scared of the orange. Believe what i tell youThe cope is strong.

Spread this as well. Biden and soros implicated in snatching 1.5 billion from the Ukrainian tax payers. And the initial bribe from Biden was 50 million, not 6 mil. The Ukrainian press conference came out a few days ago.m.youtube.com/watch?v=UVkAiepa4kghttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UVkAiepa4kghttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UVkAiepa4kg

Biden loves saying the word nigger. It's clear as day.

>>265077400Reading off a piece of paper. Gotta have something better than this

>>265089709alinksky 101 retard

>>265077400I am absolutely appalled by the repeated use of this derogatory racial slur.

welp guess im ridin with biden nigga

>>265077904You think context matters to these people?


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>>265078030Damn can I quote some cool people and not have problems now?

>>265093653Wow! That Facebook meme really convinced me to support Zion Don!

>>265093885Who cares, Australia?

>>265077570His nickname is "Plugs" for gods sake. Yes it's well known.

>>265077400He's probably just quoting someone.

>>265093885>Zion DonWow! That Shill meme really convinced me to support Zion Biden!

Dude Trump has more cosmetic enhancements than Melania

>>265080809This. Someone should make a catchy song with Biden saying nigger and a few other dumbass things

>>265094436He's a billionaire real estate magnate and television personality, what do you expect?Biden has been a """"Public Servant"""" the last 50 years.

imgur.com/a/7pPOmT5jesus christ guys, here's the full fuckin thing. enjoy, queerbags.

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>>265092986Lol the thing is he's already said tons of racist shit before and nobody really seems to care much because he's changed his stance since then. The real cope is thinking that Trump will somehow win cause with the ways things are going he won't. It would take some really massive global events to shift the tide back into his favor again.

>>265078030Context doesn't matter, dummy. We "can't" read lyrics containing it...


>>265094884>It would take some really massive global events to shift the tide back into his favor again.Yeah, like every Democrat controlled city turning into a 3rd world shilthole where the authorities order their law enforcement to stand down and allow rabid niggers to burn the place to the ground. Too bad for Trump it won't happen.

>>265078030Doesn’t matter in 2020

>>265077400Unfortunately liberals don’t care because muh orange hitler bad.

>>265095899Exactly, that already happened and he will still most likely lose at this rate.>>265094698Whoops, actually turns out that the context is he is against discrimination here lol. Oh well, go ahead and make your memes anyways.

>>265077745Biden could be a racist child rapist and the NPCs wouldn't care at all. The only thing they are aware of is seething hatred towards Trump, and usually their own dads.

>>265096216>Exactly, that already happened and he will still most likely lose at this rate.based on what?

>>265090889imagine complaining about WHITE "fragility" when kikes, liberals and niggers complain 24/7 about anything that even slightly hurts their feelings

Doin my partNot ridin with Biden

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>>265096573Based on being able to change the minds of swing voters. The poll numbers are double digit losses and the media optics are abyssmal for him. In order to win Trump will have to actually fix things.

>>265079217Day of reckoning WHEN

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>>265096904>The poll numbers>media opticsAhh so you're retarded. I see.

>>265096904>Poll numbersFuck off with your meme politics, faggot. Don't forget, I'm still voting Trump.

>>265093885YOu have other choises


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>>265097528And Trump is still going to lose unless he proves himself worth a shit lol.

>>265080206lmao i made this gif like 2 years ago

>>265080766This, footfags all need to be marched to the chopping block along with marxists.

>>265094698So he totally said it, wow what at racist, he was just itching for a reason to say that word.

>>265097963>unless he proves himself worth a shitSo when he wins you're gonna be here saying Trump proved that he is worth it? Nah, you're gonna be spewing whatever retard shill talking point is popular at the time.

>>265098605You mean if he wins. Also, yeah if he could do enough to prove to me that he isn't just another zionist shill fueling the worst characteristics of humanity then maybe I would even vote for him myself. I'm not a mindless sheep blindly supporting someone out of spite. Why does an aussie care about this anyways?


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>>265078310Um, no.... I witnessed a white woman damn near get her ass beat and have to go through “sensitivity training” after she complained to her black female co-workers how her boyfriend’s white adopted daughter got mad and called him a nigger. That was about ten years ago. I’m sure she would have been immediately fired today. (Yes, a white woman dating a black guy with a white adopted daughter. Apparently the situation was “complicated.”)

>>265077400is there a statue of biden somewhere that we can take down?

>>265077400the fuck

>>265086621nice coke nail

>>265077400>i.imgur.com/KAXfcy9.mp4the killing has just begun. The "I got ya" memes mean nothing. I already have years long friends disappearing on me. Off to the woods. It is happening.

>>265084673play it at 2x speed

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>>265078030That is not important for average basketball american. Truth is more important than facts.

>>265077400We don't need anymore nigger bigshots!

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>>265077400>i.imgur.com/KAXfcy9.mp4KEKLORD PEPE

>>265078030Doesn't matter, he didn't use the "n-word".

>>265077745Spread it anyway. Let them tear themselves apart for a moment.

>>265096800gods work

>>265080958IT'S AFRAID

>>265097825he's not wrong tho

>>265077904Let them find and play a longer clip and try explaining context. Either way, Joe still says it and it be funny watching the Dems make an excuse for the hard R. Win win

>>265078030Plot twist: He's quoting himself from the day before.

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>>265078904Joe seemed awfully comfortable with that hard R. Did he mention if they’re clean and articulate? Not that it matters, they ain’t black if they don’t vote for Joe anyway.

>>265102801Afraid of your country's economic ruin spreading to the U.S.?.....Actually, no.

"Dems are the real racists" never works FYIThey literally wont care and will still vote for him anyway


Paula deen got crucified for less than this.

did any normalfags react to this yet? still kinda waiting for this to blow up it has potential.

>>265077400I'd say do it any ways, if Nigger twitter freaks the fuck out we win.

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>>265104875Lol you need to make your coping less obvious. It will work on some. The less votes for the dems the better

>>265077400Blew your load too soon. Should've waited until October.


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>>265077400BOOMPING >BUMPBUMPSPREAD IT MANY SLIDE SHILLS IN THE THREAD>>265077570>>265077791>>265078626>>265079385

>>265105828why? takes time for shit like this to get traction