>A mass grave?>A mass grave of 750 000 bodies, larger than a football field, which was closed, then dug back up, having all the bodies cremated, then perfectly covered again, localized entirely within Treblinka?Yes.>...may I see it?...No.
>A mass grave?>A mass grave of 750 000 bodies, larger than a football field, which was closed, then dug back up...
Other urls found in this thread:
>>258162559Is this the same site where geologists determined the soil has never been disturbed in all of humanity?Treblinka supposedly used a Diesel Russian tank engine to gas the Jews. An engine is designed to burn fuel to push a cylinder and turn a crankshaft. NOT to create carbon monoxide. It just sometimes creates carbon monoxide as part of it's exhaust. Surely Germans would have used a more efficient means of generating carbon monoxide that didn't involve using very valuable wartime Diesel fuel. I dunno...maybe like wood from trees that surrounded Treblinka? Wood can produce heaping amounts of carbon monoxide.
>>258163305>Surely Germans would have used a more efficient means"Surely" doesn't feel strong enough a word there. German engineering is impressive.
>>258162559PAA British forensic archaeologist has unearthed fresh evidence to prove the existence of mass graves at the Nazi death camp Treblinka.Some 800,000 Jews were killed at the site, in north east Poland, during the Second World War but a lack of physical evidence at the site has been exploited by Holocaust deniers.Forensic archaeologist Caroline Sturdy Colls has now undertaken the first co-ordinated scientific attempt to locate the graves, according to an interview in the Radio Times.As Jewish religious law forbids disturbing burial sites, she and her team from the University of Birmingham have used "ground-penetrating radar".Her work at the site, where the Nazis tried to destroy all traces of industrial-scale killing, is being followed in forthcoming Radio 4 documentary The Hidden Graves Of The Holocaust.The programme's presenter, Jonathan Charles, a former BBC foreign correspondent, wrote in the Radio Times that the ground-penetrating radar had also discovered the foundations of buildings and that two are likely to have been gas chambers.Sturdy Colls said: "All the history books state that Treblinka was destroyed by the Nazis but the survey has demonstrated that simply isn't the case."She added: "I've identified a number of buried pits using geophysical techniques. These are considerable in size, and very deep, one in particular is 26 by 17 metres."The programme's presenter wrote in the Radio Times that the pits contain the burnt remains of thousands of bodies.The forensic archaeologist, who has now presented her findings to the authorities responsible for the memorial at Treblinka, said: "I really hope this is the first stage in a long-term programme to seek out those hidden graves of the Holocaust."Survivor Kalman Taigman remembers his arrival at the camp's railway station, packed into a cattle wagon.
>>258162559>>A mass grave of 750 000 bodiesI thought it was 900,000
"I was with my mother. We were about 100 people in a wagon. They opened the doors, firing guns and hitting us, and sent us into a yard. I ran with my mother and tried to calm her."They told me to leave my mother but I didn't do it quickly and I was hit on the head. When I got up, she was gone. She went with all the rest of the women to the gas chamber."The Hidden Graves of the Holocaust is being broadcast on Monday January 23 on 8pm on BBC Radio 4.
>>258162559Bump for Uncle Hitler.
Wikipedia lists the gas chamber dimensions. Assuming the average standing person take up say 2 square feet, can someone do the math to figure out if the kill rate everyday is Ben feasible given the space?
>>258163683date of that claim? Will independent skeptics be allowed to conduct similar tests there, or will we have to just rely on her?
>>258163739>January 232021?
>>258163683>Caroline Sturdy CollsShe's the one who actually found a piece of ceramic tile and assumed it was from the jewish soap factory myth, because holocaust "archaeologists" can't even keep up with what's the official narrative.She also went to a small graveyard likely from WWI times and assumed it was from the holocaust even though it was way off the camp's area and portrayed it as "the bones the nazis didn't hide".
Went to auschwitz last year. What they try to pass off as a gas chamber was a reconstructed air raid shelter. After the war the Soviets converted it into the "gas chamber" you see today. Gas chambers in Birkenau are all just destroyed structures with a base. Only other evidence they provide is a room full of shoes, suitcases, and other valubles, which they then claim show proof of gassing. Yeah, I really wasn't convinced by the emotional appeals.
>>258162559there you go. the yellow bits. >>258163305nope. An australian holocaust denier who didn't know how to use the equipment and never published his data claimed it had not been disturbed since the ice age, adn that his equipment would show if even a single spade had been put in the ground (which is bollocks) but the wartime photos of the fucking big mechanical digger sort of show he was wrong. As do the recent published LIDAR adn GPR surveys which show the huge amount of disturbance all over the site, adn the fact that if you jsut walk the site you find bones ont eh surface. Plus the multiple archaeological surveys that determined the size adn depth of the pits, adn the contents, adn prove that hundreds of thousands of human beings remains are buried there. do not listen tot he idiots who lie abotu this stuff. also, the rumor it was a russian tank engine was debunked byt eh guys who actually maintained the berman petrol truck engine (think about it, why woudl they bring a russian tank engine hundreds of miels fromthe frnt lines, which would be ahrd to maintain, have real problems fgetting parts adn woudl not produce enough CO? They knew abotu how to do it with truck adn van petrol engines from long experience.)but the real cap on this post - the Wood Gas idea. yes it contains lots of CO. But it also contains lots of hydrogen, which is why it is used as fuel. It is highly explosive. You are suggesting filling a room with woodgas that will explode if there is a single spark, blowing the gas chamber up and showering the area with the bits of the building, killing the guards as well. What a great idea. Wonder why the nazis never used it?
>>258162559>>A mass grave?yes>>A mass grave of 750 000 bodiesno it more like 800k>>larger than a football fieldno it actually a bunch of smaller ones>>which was closed, then dug back up, having all the bodies cremated,no it does not appear so>>hen perfectly covered again, localized entirely within Treblinka?around it yes>Yes.yes>>...may I see it?sapiens.org
>>258163484what is inefficient about using a gallon of petrol to kill 500 of your enemies at a time? what is inefficient about using the same amount of petrol needed to drive a single Tiger Tank 140 miles to kill half a million of your enemies in a gas chamber filled with truck engine fumes?? what is inefficient about using slave labour to runt eh camp, so you had minimal need for guards? what is inefficient about killing your enemies instead of keeping them in Ghettos and camps taking huge amount of guards and food and other resources to keep them?
>>258164545>>258164622OP BTFO
>>258164622> Caroline Sturdy CollsShe's apparently the only person allowed investigate this. A zionist jewish woman trying to clap on nazis, what are the odds. Out of the dozens of specialists on these ground examinations, we only have some british jewish zionist who is literally paid by holocaust organizations.
>>258163899>Assuming the average standing person take up say 2 square feetthey don't.holocaust.skeptik.net
>>258162877Absolutely underrated post
>>258164079>assumed it was from the jewish soap factory myth,no she didn't. Nice try to lie, but really, pathetic. she thought it was part of the gas chamber which was described as being disguised as a shower - nothing to do with soap factories (which was actually a lie spread by the Nazis you know)also the claim about the graveyard is another lie - from a video filled with lies by a lying denier. pathetic sourcing of lies, kid.
>>258164126Krege liedpoorly
>>258164622>that link>the editor in chiefChip Colwell-Chanthaphonhcan't find personal info about himbut would bet he is a jew
>>258165250She was debunked retard
>>258162877Steames Chaims
>>258165250Be silent Shlomo. In a few more years no one will care about your S&M victim fantasies.
>>258164622>>258163683By the way, it's all bullshit.>" Sturdy Colls asked herself a nagging question: What secrets did the forested earth around her hold?"She, instead of examining the camp, which would be where the mass graves were, went to a graveyard outside of the camp and dug up bones there. That's the level of bullshit of holocaust "historians" and the JIDF shills will use. It was all done for TV by the way, you can see it on youtube.youtube.com
>>258162877Checked and kek'd
>>258163687How dare you forget the 1,000,000 bodies!
>>258164823>kill half a million of your enemies in a gas chamber filled with truck engine fumes??Diesel fumes aren't fatal, Abraham. You might know this if you have ever worked for a living.
>>258162559Google the amount of ash produced from one corpse. Calculate the amount of ash 750,000 corpses would produce and the volume of space it would take. The result: somewhere between 1 and 1.5 olympic-sized swimming pools (depending on the average height/weight of the deceased).Are you seriously arguing that one of the foremost industrial powers of the world couldn't dig the hole needed for one swimming pool?
>>258165606no, an idiot denier made up lies about what her and her team of exert archaeologists did over several uyears of careful scientific investigation. a youtube moron who never visited the site, or read her published papers, jsut made shit up.
>>258166244they used petrol engines. Do some research. (also I have worked a long time... why dont you try reading something adn learning, not jsut huffing diesel?)
>>258166360Problem with that is that the official narrative was stuck with the fact that 750 000 bodies were buried there before being cremated. So the actual disturbances sizes have to be able to fit 750 000 corpses.
>>258166360>ash produced from one corpseDoes cremation reduce a body entirely to ash, or do bones have to be crushed after cremation to turn them into ash?
>>258166629>several uyears of careful scientific investigationIt was a BBC special my dude.youtube.com
>>258165870>let me see the evidence of mass graves >She, instead of examining the camp she went to a mass grave outside of the camp which was the claim and found evidenceok there you go
>>258166360>>258166762By the way, can we talk about this for a second?>nazis burry 750 000 people>nazis dig up 750 000 bodies just to cremate themThink of how fishy that is. Imagine you're making a false story. You say that there's 750 000 corpses in a concentration camp. People get skeptical and might want to see it, so your lie thinks ahead, and says, actually the bodies aren't even there anymore! The nazis vanquished with them! It's a narrative that is built specifically to be unfalsifiable and unreachable.
>>258165497take meds kike
>>258167176>She, instead of examining the camp she went to a mass grave1. Not a mass grave, a graveyard which was not from the camp2. We know, and she knew, where the official graves for the alleged 750 000 corpses would be and didn't care to look thereWhy are JIDF people so disingenuous?
>>258167557the one on the camp was already exhumed 4 times?crownheights.info
Why is the Colls person seemingly the only one able to work there?Think of the power of this scenario:>skeptics commission multiple independent forensic archaeologists to use ground-penetrating radar to test the site>their activities are witnessed by people on both sides to ensure no foul-play>results are published for all to see>Holocaust denial finally unequivocally BTFOWhy not do this? What would be wrong with it?
>>258165580i'll 2nd this. did anyone else read the article?
>>258167557>a graveyard which was not from the campis there proof of such a graveyard existing before or after the war?
>>258163305>Is this the same site where geologists determined the soil has never been disturbed in all of humanity?You can't ask that question. It is literally antisemitic and a hate crime to question any Jewish person's account of The Holocaust.
>>258168211Not related to the official holocaust narrative.>An investigation of the grounds of Treblinka I revealed the mass grave under the site of the present parking lot, at a depth of only 10-15 centimetres underground. Why have a grave for multiple people 10 centimetres underground when you have a hole for 1 million corpses further into the camp? This has the same problem as the Auschwitz gasoline cremation of 50 people, why do that if you can cremate 4500 people per day? Just delay half a gas chamber.
>>258164823If you already have 500 jews in a room, why use fuel when you could just close the door and let them suffocate after breathing all the oxygen? Why not just shoot them? Or let them starve? Or just not delouse them and let them die from typhus?
>>258168596>here is a super drawing to prove my point it also dead wrong>when you have a hole for 1 million corpses further into the camp?the idea you would asks this just proves my point you have zero understanding of basic logisticsim done this is a joke and why no one takes holocausts meme for real
>>258169620First of all, your reply has no argument.Second of all, if you think my pic is not the actual location of the soccer field in Birkenau, then please, look at the birkenau aerial picture and tell me where the soccer field which at the time had official measures was. That was the only place it could have been, right next to the gas chamber. It makes sense because it's a leisure activity, so it's outside of the logistic paths of the camp, on top of being the only place with the actual room for a professional soccer field.
>>258169620do you have any objection in principle to this scenario >>258168243
>>258168929that's the thing, look at all those alleged dead jew photos, all of them are skinny down to the bones, do you really need to gas those fuckers? you leave them under the sun for two days and they'll be dead.
>>258162559> Muh 18 gorillion
>>258169899because you dont understand the logistics of the campsits not one pit with a million bones in it its one pit with ash and sand dug up from 100s of smaller pits we have found evidence of the the smaller pit and the ash pit from the radarthe didnt wack 900k ppl at once
>>258168243>Why not do this? What would be wrong with it?well, for one, it's illegal
>>258168243Because the result would be the opposite of your hopes, and you’re a bad goyim for not just believing what you’re told.
>>258169906because once again your entire claim is false its not just one jew ladie its an entire arch team from Staffordshire University with camera and more than just that has been discovered LIKE IVE ALREADY LINKED
>>258171070>its not one pit with a million bones in it its one pit with ash and sand dug upThat's not actually the treblinka narrative, they dug up a few holes and put 750 000 people in it, then dug that up again and cremated all bodies. That would still leave enormous disturbed holes. >100s of smaller pitsNo, that's not the official claims, the holes were numbered, not randomly distributed. Also worth noting that Treblinka is so small that the area of 750 000 bodies laying on the ground is a multiple of the area of the entire camp.
>>258171727>false its not just one jew ladieOf course I don't think it is just her on her own. She's there with her team.Why didn't you answer the question? Do you have any objection to it in principle?
But what if we were to take a world war and disguise it as our own genocide? Delightfully devilish, Chaim.
>>258172026>Why is the Colls person seemingly the only one able to work there?>Of course I don't think it is just her on her ownthe utter state
>>258171824>Treblinka is so small that the area of 750 000 bodies laying on the ground is a multiple of the area of the entire camp>yeah she had to go outside of the camp that means it false you are fucking with me right?you agree with my claim ahter you fight it what a joke lolim done
>>258165497No he didn’t he just didn’t hand it over to a kike review panelWhen a Jew can walk into a US court in a case where he wins $50,000 if he proves the hollocaust happens, and then says “I was there”, the judge rules it to be valid enough.Why the FUCK would you hand anything over to fucking lying kikes to review in a corrupt systemFurthermore am I going to believe the Germans who are in fact just lovely fucking peopleOr the people that genitally mutilate boys, suck the blood from a babies fucking penis, have a lengthy history if sacrificing white children. I mean jesus fuck the list is endlessI don’t NEED the hollocaust to be proven wrong I just need to know Jews are satanic dirty fucking liars, which they are.
>>258162559mmm, steamed heebs
>>258172273Well I thought it went without saying that she was the head of her team, and given that I'd already read your link here >>258164622where it talks about her leading her team, I assumed it was understood. But ok, I could have worded that to avoid any misunderstanding.Now can you answer the question? Why spend 3 comments avoided a yes or no question? Just seems odd.
>>258172273>the utter stateComing from someone who doesn't actually know the official narrative.Again, why have a mass grave of 100 when you are making a few holes that can bury more than the current population of Copenhagen? More than the current population of Luxemburg? You're making an operation to cremate the equivalent of the population of a city state, and then you make a little grave of 100 people for some reason, why? Like I said, it's the same with the few bodies in the open field of Auschwitz, these small burial events of less than 100 people are a complete contradiction to the holocaust narrative for logistic reasons.
>>258162559>well skinhead>you're an odd fellow>but you steam a good kike
>>258164545I mean, even if the holocaust did happen, it's not in the same league as other, much deadlier purges. And it certainly doesn't excuse the fact that judaism is literally jewish supremacy. Nor does it explain away their apparent nepotistic takeover of banking, media and other industries. These things are indisputable facts.
>>258166105Only 2,000,000? Oy vey, I can't believe you said there were only 4,000,000.
>>258162559oh great. more denial. seethe and cope, moron
>>258172426Here's the part where the JIDF cuck starts going "i'm done here, you're not worth my time, I'm totally beyond this", after making dozens of replies being objectively wrong on the official holocaust narrative.
>>258162559Treblinka was in operation from July 1942 to Oct 1943, which is 15 months or about 450 days. From 700k to 900k people died there. That means they needed to dispose of 1,556 bodies per day. But wait, Treblinka didn't have cremation ovens, they burned the bodies in pits. So they had to burn 1,556 bodies every day. Out in the open. If it was snowing or raining they couldn't burn anything so those 1,556 bodies per day piled up until the weather cooperated.It's insane.All dates and figures are from Wikipedia.
Believing the Holocaust narrative is like believing they built the pyramids in a short amount of time using manual labor of weak hungry people.
>>258162877>Czech'd>Kek'd>Fpbp>Underrated10/10 platonic form Holla Forums post.
>>258164545Hey the holocaust defending frenchman is here. What about the fact that there weren't 6 million alive jews in yurop before the war, let alone all the holocaust "survivors"
>>258162877fucking kek
>>258163305I've heard it was an engine from a Russian submarine. Who cares; the claim is a fabrication.
>>258173321They invited their friends over for the yolocaust
>>258164823>gallon of petrol to kill 500 of your enemies at a timeLMAO diesel exhaust doesn't have significant carbon monoxide you dumb nigger it's mostly nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and water you'd have a better shot at killing them by just replacing the air with bottled nitrogen or some shit
>>258164126Wait, so doesn't this alone blow the entire thing out of the water? Case closed.
>>258164545you talk like a fag and your theory is retarded.
>>258164823>>258173746but please feel free to provide a source for that gallon of petrol 500 victims" thing you dumb kike
>>258173770In fairness, they could be right that he's just some neo-nazi who didn't do the thing properly.
>>258165497>masturbation machines>pedal operated kike brain bashing machines >steam chambers>soviet uboat engine chamber>tree cutting execution >electric floors >"credible honest truthful side of the debate coming in good faith"yeah bro krege was a liar
>>258164823Because they weren't planning in killing them all, obviously. Why have orchestras and swimming pools for future ashheaps? Haven't you seen all the nice pools down at the pig slaughterhouse? Why simultaneously work to relocate them and kill them? Makes no sense.
>You know, these chimneys look an awful lot like the one constructed after the war>Ooh hoh ho ho nooo, old nazi reich architecture>Hmmm I see
so what's the official narrative for the alleged footie field in birkenau?
>>258164545>Plus the multiple archaeological surveys that determined the size adn depth of the pits, adn the contents, adn prove that hundreds of thousands of human beings remains are buried there.Alright, can we excavate them or is that considered racist? Who said this? Why is the word of that guy bad and the word of your guys good? The site should be fucking excavated uninterrupted fucking live somehow.Can't we use one of those Jurassic Park bone machines to get a picture of what's under the fucking ground? That's what that guy did who you said is full of shit, right?
>>258164965>She's apparently the only person allowed investigate thisWhy isn't any person who feels like it allowed to investigate????????????????????????????????????
>>258163683>Jewish religious law forbids disturbing burial sitesHow convenient.
>>258165497Its ok moshe, we'll be quick when we gas you this time around
>>258162877lovely and checked
>>258167313WHY WERE THE BODIES FUCKING DUG UP? THAT'S PART OF THE STORY? YOU'RE FUCKING WITH ME.Someone tell me the holocaust happened and just post some fucking evidence please can no liberals do this? It's all true? This is a huge globalist fabrication to pacify the masses or some shit? Is that REALLY what's going on here? Wake me up please.
>>258162877hey fuck you
>>258164545hey look, is the french jew!he is summoned by any mention on the truth about the holohoax.
>War torn Germany mid-late 1944>Enemies closing in from three directions>Industry getting bombed day and night>Logistics at breaking point>Resources running out>Using what resources and logistics there are to keep the military fed and supplied>While all the meanwhile using vital logistics and resources moving Jews to multiple camps just to kill themTell me that makes any sense at all, I fucking dare you
>>258168243They don't have to prove anything happened, goy. You fuckin anti-semite. Now, let's take a look at that foreskin.
>>258175343Apparently a simple:>Yes, that seems reasonableor>No, there are problems with thatis too much to ask for from some people. Strange.
>>258174089Fair enough, so why isn't anyone allowed to send analysists in? Only one person ever who is apparently a Nazi and some Jew with an agenda? How about some unbiased fucking civilians who know how to use ultrasound fucking ground beam equipment or whatever and figure this thing out?It's not allowed because ______________.What could that blank space possibly be? What could it possibly, possibly be?
>>258174089In all fairness. That’s a bullshit claim
>>258175543What about>lots of POWs>allies bomb supply routes>they all dieIs that what fucking happened? The allies also nuked two civilian populations as well. I'm starting to believe that the allies weren't the good guys and something is amiss. No? Or do liberals conquer with the glassing of two cities of innocents?For some reason, questioning the holocaust is considered an act of vile hatred and racism instead of a simple quest for the truth. Why? What is the big deal? Please riddle me that.
>>258166105Oi-vey the 1,750,000 bodies there were, we cant soon forget
>>258162877Beautiful post
So what is the official story of the holocaust?Any time some inconsistency appears the story changes.Isn't that alone self-evident that it's a fabrication? No?
>>258174881Because that person is not an "official historian" and could find out what really happened.
>>258164823oh and btw the reason i'm saying it's a diesel engine is because literally every single soviet tank encountered by the national socialists had a diesel engine
>>258176464I'm just getting scared boys. Liberals can you please chime in and point out all the evidence and bodies and chimneys please because if this ends up being fake, our entire culture and society will be turned upside down.We all have to change our lives TODAY if that's what's really going on. Mass-brainwashing for financial gain or whatever.Wake me up?
>>258175152Literally all there is are eyewitness accounts, reenacted photos from just after the war, and "expert" opinions on the remaining fragments of the camps. Look up David Cole's 46 questions for a comprehensive list of issues with the official narrative. He sent them to every holocaust museum and no one could disprove them.
>>258174157anti semite you forgot the cage with the bear and the eagle and everyone’s favorite the holocoaster.
>>258175713>How about some unbiased fucking civilians who know how to use ultrasound fucking ground beam equipment or whatever and figure this thing out?Yeah I don't see why that should be a problem. Frankly it makes me wonder how many other sites or claims can only be investigated by a select few.>>258175898The point is they could be right about him. I don't know. All the more reason to have a scenario like the one I outline here: >>258168243
>>258162877fpbp, based and checked.
>>258165250>nothing to do with soap factories (which was actually a lie spread by the Nazis you know)lmao what a blunt lie. The soap factory myth was already used by the British in WW1 against the Germans and even leftist historians agree it was all bullshit. But now that the jews are saying it it has to be true. What a joke. Also you saying the soap factories are lies is holocaust denial since the official Auschwitz website is still saying it's true :^)auschwitz.org
>>258165870>Goes into the woods>Digs a small hole>Finds a few bones>Performs no analysis dating them to the war, finding a cause of death, or even determining the age or gender>Immediately puts them back in the hole>Hypothesis confirmedHow the fuck could anyone take this Archeologist seriously? Isn't there some kind of standard they have to meet before making any kind of conclusion, or do they all just make shit up as they go along?
>>258175543Well, they spent all that time and energy building the camps and gas chambers and crematoria, gotta use em sometime, or it's just all for nothing. Adolf, if I can call you Adolf, bitte, you zee, vee built all diese gass chambers, und wir haben nossing to fill zem vit. Now, hear me out, vat if vee vere to fill dem vit die juden und gass zem und burn zem to ashes, hmmm? Ja oder nein?
>>258177031French kike btfoDanke schon Hans
Keep worshipping psychopaths and you'll win a stupid prize
>>258177031Yad Vashem denies the human soap urban legend.
>>258177784Basically, Jews can't keep their story straight and have to retcon shit to counter the fact checking
>>258177031 My great uncle Moshe survived being turned into soap 5 times.
>>258165870>even though those were marked graves that aren't from the area of the campthis is the bit I'm curious about. Is there a source on them being marked graves that are unrelated to the camp?
>>258162559problems with the story:1) models of treblinka don't show space enough for burial pits that size2) 750,000 bodies won't fit in a pit the size described, you would need 25 such pits3) dug back up? very implausible to say the least. Bodies would be in a state of putrefaction. These are massive pits the size of a football field, all the liquified bodies would have to be hauled out and set on outdoor fires, not plausible at all. Although I guess it is physically possible, is that really our benchmark?4) According to witness statements, the outdoor fires were stacked with wood and bodies layed on top on grills. They say the bodies are stacked 4 or 5 high on the grill. Any person with experience with fires knows this would absolutely not work, and is fucking retarded nonsensical shit. Bodies on the top would not even get the slightest bit warm, you would need massive amounts of wood to burn even a single body in this manner, and most of the energy is wasted. most wood-burning cremations have the bodies lying directly on the logs for this reason, and it takes a very long time.
>>258163687Thought it was 9 gorillaiam
>>258170772>Aerolíneas Argentinaslol. Friendly reminder that Hitler died in the Führerbunker. Only an idiot would think otherwise.
>>258162877My sides user, have mercy!
>>258178293There's a holocaust skeptic video about this documentary specifically but unfortunately it was erased from youtube and I can't find it on bitchute. It points out how that place where they dug up the 2 skeletons was a small graveyard and they knew exactly where they were digging that's why they found the skulls right at the upper center of the hole and the arm bones at the sides.
>>258163683For a moment there I thought we might get to see some evidence...>Radio 4 documentaryWe just get to hear it instead.
>>258172724>hey i admit my question was false and a contradiction >hey can you still answer itlol
>>258162877got em
>>258162877Checked and keked
>>258172768>Again, why have a mass grave of 100 when you are making a few holes that can bury more than the current population of Copenhagenagain if you can only bake 100 cookies a day why not pack 10,000 in one dayi guessing you are not a stem grad
>>258165497Take your meds schizo
>>258162559Now in shitty Vocaroo form!vocaroo.com
>>258184594Your argument doesn't even make the slightest amount of sense. I don't even know what argument you're trying to make. I'll reiterate. Why would they just make a little grave for 100 people when they are running an operation to vanquish almost a million corpses? They're trying to vanquish a small country, but they made small mass graves for a few dozen people, why? Like I said, the logistics don't add up. If you're really planning on dealing with that many bodies at a designated area then there's no reason to just shove less than one hundred on the other side of the camp.How much is 100? That's like delaying half a gas chamber to keep the operation running smoothly. It's nothing. It's a 1% efficiency setback if it's a setback at all. And the actual mass graves in these camps are even smaller than 100.
>>258184405>>hey i admit my question was false and a contradictionHow so? My question (I'll repeat it here) is this: Think of the power of this scenario:>skeptics commission multiple independent forensic archaeologists to use ground-penetrating radar to test the site>their activities are witnessed by people on both sides to ensure no foul-play>results are published for all to see>Holocaust denial finally unequivocally BTFOWhy not do this? What would be wrong with it?^Is it really so hard to give a straight answer to that?>yes, that seems reasonable>no, there are problems with that
>>258185242>Why would they just make a little grave for 100 people when they are running an operation to vanquish almost a million corpses?lets say your bakery makes 100 cookies in a day how many do you pack?do i A. Pack what i did for a day?or?B. Leave the cookies out to rot and pack all 700 at the end of the week?
>>258186384> Leave the cookies out to rot and pack all 700 at the end of the week?Einstein, they were digging mass graves for a million people and the bodies were already rotting there and they dug up 750 000 decomposing bodies to cremate.
>>258186774Why were the bodies buried, exhumed and then cremated? The fuck?
>>258185655Facts are antisemitic
>>258185655>the only stufy was done by a jewok man so an entire arch team from from uni that is from respected school went and found radar scans that go along with the main story of the holocaust the brought tv cameras too. also a mass grave by a polish team was found and tons and tons of intense testimony from guards too>>i want super meme study done with a bunch of white nationalist digging up jews in front of the rabbis and we can finally put away the most well documented atrocity of the 20 century this way i can keep Memling nonsense cause it will never happened once again the teams ARE multiple independent forensic archaeologists the burden of proof has been MEET AND EXCEEDED
For the low estimates of the holocaust to be true 1 jew needed to be killed carried upstairs, and cremated entirely every 15 minutes, 24/7 with no time for cleaning out said ovens
>>258187219yes and then spread with sand OVER 5 acres The Germans became aware of the political danger associated with the mass burial of corpses in April 1943, when they discovered the graves of Polish victims of the 1940 Katyn massacre carried out by the Soviets near Smolensk. The bodies of the 10,000 Polish officers executed by the NKVD were well preserved despite their long burial.[121] The Germans formed the Katyn Commission to prove that the Soviets were solely responsible, and used radio broadcast and newsfilm to alert the Allies to this war crime.[122To incinerate bodies, there were large cremation pits constructed at Camp 3 within Treblinka II.[m] The burning pyres were used to cremate the new corpses along with the old ones, which had to be dug up as they had been buried during the first six months of the camp's operation. Built under the instructions of Herbert Floß, the camp's cremation expert, the pits consisted of railroad rails laid as grates on blocks of concrete. The bodies were placed on rails over wood, splashed with petrol, and burned. It was a harrowing sight, according to Jankiel Wiernik, with the bellies of pregnant women exploding from boiling amniotic fluid.[125][126] He wrote that "the heat radiating from the pits was maddening."[126] The bodies burned for five hours, without the ashing of bones. The pyres operated 24 hours a day. Once the system had been perfected, 10,000–12,000 bodies at a time could be incinerated.[5][125]The open air burn pits were located east of the new gas chambers and refuelled from 4 a.m.[127] (or after 5 a.m. depending on work-load) to 6 p.m. in roughly 5-hour intervals.[128] The current camp memorial includes a flat grave marker resembling one of them. It is constructed from melted basalt and has a concrete foundation. It is a symbolic grave,[129] as the Nazis spread the actual human ashes, mixed with sand, over an area of 2.2 ha (5.4 acres).[14]
>>258186774can you answer the question?its very easy question
>>258162559Fuck Obama and fuck likes.
>>258174961Very nice convenience isn’t it
>>258188079>you find a couple bone fragments doesn't mean it's a mass graveits 5 acres? along with other sites
>>258187770>The Germans became aware of the political danger associated with the mass burial of corpses in April 1943>be balls deep in WWII agaisnt multiple countries world wide including the US.>"Oh no, what if the people who are already at war against us find our mass grave which is already 100% covered up in bulwarked territory that we'll only lose if we lose the war?"Such a bullshit fucking excuse. And of course, it's jews we're talking here, so, no-evidence = we gotta trust them.
>>258162877Top kek
>>258188431>Such a bullshit fucking excuse.not an argumentwhy were the camp there in the first place? this by itself takes away from the war?sorry you have too make arguments
>>258188214woah. now I know the holocaust wasn't real, but this surely is?
>>258187770This is correct. Nuremburg shows all of this. The nazis used mobile bonecrushing machines to eradicate the bones after burning the bodies. That's why it's hard to find physical evidence of the mass graves.#prove at nuremburg bitchute.com
>>258162877You call non existent dead jews, steamed kikes?
>>258188595>Oh no, what if the people who are already at war against us find our mass grave which is already 100% covered up in bulwarked territory that we'll only lose if we lose the warSeems to me this lapse in logic is the argument here. The story doesn't add up and the evidence isn't there, or is illegal to investigate.Defend this without insulting me, please.
>>258164461Snuff porn theme park
>>258188686>>258188888double-86 followed up by quints, boystake it all in
>>258188595>why were the camp there in the first place?To get labor done, to be a stop for traveling trains.>sorry you have too make argumentsThat's a classic "no-u" fallacy. The pro-holocaust people here are making a claim with no argument, that basically all evidence was vanquished and that you should just trust the affidavits. So now you're accusing me of having no argument for rejecting that. You shouldn't need anything other than common sense to reject that the population of Luxemburg was vanquished in a monotonous transit camp in Germany, where the corpses wouldn't even fit in the area of the camp.How's this for an argument: the actual "proof" of these mass graves at treblinka was presented on the same level of evidence as the jewish soap factories, electric chambers for mass killings, atomic weapons used on jews, and much more.
Bump for ABSOLUTELY SEETHING kike rats.
>>258189325What about the recreational areas at the "death camps"? And also this: >>258188791Attempting to have a civil discussion.
>>258188595Learn to communicate properly.
>>258180295Did he? Where's the body?
>>258187544>i want super meme study done with a bunch of white nationalist digging up jews in front of the rabbisThat's not what I said at all, and you know it. Skeptics could commission reputable independent forensic archeologists who could go in and use ground-penetrating radar to test the site to test the claims of the Sturdy Colls team. This would remove any doubt that Sturdy Colls could be wrong, mistaken, or dishonest about the radar claims at the very least. Similar independent verification could be done of anything else she and her team find there (by digging or other means)What would be wrong with that? I don't see how any reasonable person could object to that, and given that it would deal a virtually fatal-blow to Holocaust denial, it seems like something people would WANT to do. RE: The team from her University. I've had a look at all the links you've provided about them. I've watched the video. They don't show what you claim they do. But they do show that she went into the operation believing the official story, and apparently not displaying any skepticism. She claims to have found some things, and believes she knows what they prove. Great. But I want to see her proof. See these criticisms here >>258165870>>258177144
>>258187544>>the only stufy was done by a jewIs Sturdy Colls Jewish? I didn't claim she is.
>>258162877did i stumble into a YLYL thread?
>>258170536>you leave them under the sun for two days and they'll be dead.I never thought about it like that. Why didn't they just cut the water too?
>>258188888Here we go
>>258190623Colls didn't even do a "radar" study, they looked at lidar data, which shows topographic relief. It's generated from a laser scam of the topography from an airplane, and can parse out trees and such. There was no major subsidence that matched with any of the alleged mass graves, from what I could tell from the BBC doc. This is absurd given the scale required of the excavation and alleged materials used in the backfill (ashes and sand).I used to review lidar data and historic industrial sites for my career. What Colls did was absurd as presented. She could have easily done a proper GPR study but didn't. The fact that her team found a shark tooth indicates that they had undisturbed soil as you find relict marine fossils in many soils.
>>258187544You see this here is what I mean: >>258192667Doubts like this could be put to bed by doing what I suggested in my question to you.
>>258162559the nazis had plenty of time to remove evidence from treblenka, and they had heavy equpment and limitless slave labor.but still, the site of treblinka was very suspicious and loaded with pieces of human bones and artifacts, the nazis are so fucking evil, my god.
>>258162559They were steamed, then canned.
>>258193126>there's no evidence>those fiends!...nice conclusion...
>>258162877checked and keked
>>258162877The kikes did in fact claim to have been steamed to death at Treblinka during the Nuremberg trials.>At the main Nuremberg trial of 1945-1946, two conflicting stories were given: steaming and gassing.> American prosecutors at the main Nuremberg trial supported the steam story. As proof, a Polish government report dated December 5, 1945, was submitted as prosecution exhibit USA-293. It charged that Jews were killed at the camp "by suffocating them in steam-filled chambers." This report, which says nothing about poison gas killings, was published in the official Nuremberg trial record as document PS-3311. An American prosecutor quoted from this report during his address to the Tribunal on December 14, 1945. whale.to